

Unraveling the Scriptures
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You know about the history of the Hebrew people's liberation, but the 430 years of lowly slavery in Egypt are seldom discussed. However, in this video, I will address this topic.



29 июл 2024




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@WillianScheibner 3 месяца назад
I can’t stop praising God every day of my life because he has been so merciful to me. My family and I have found daily motivation in the spoken words of this channel, and I am appreciative of the chance to achieve financial independence. God is amazing; adding $90k a month to my portfolio is not a little change. I want to share this incredible testimony to help brethren in this trying time when the world is experiencing inflation.
@JosephRoy_ 3 месяца назад
Our God is able and more than enough for us and His mercies endure forever. Hallelujah! ❤️
@_DanielleYoung 3 месяца назад
Isaiah 45:3 speaks of a transference of riches from the heathen to the righteous... I will give you the treasures of darkness and the riches hidden in secret... I receive this for my household in Jesus' name. Amen!
@WillianScheibner 3 месяца назад
All thanks to *Ms. Maria Abrams* and also to God for his kindness in my life
@officialScottLehmann 3 месяца назад
Do Christians invest in stock? Well, I do and I am a Christian. Most of y’all see this as ungodly and one is just being greedy or trying to accumulate earthly riches, but that ain't true. It is just a way of earning more and Carter for your needs than accumulating debts I used to think that way before my first trade.
@WillianScheibner 3 месяца назад
She's active on Whats Apps✅!!!!👍
@SecretsOfScripture 3 месяца назад
"Heavenly Father, grant me the patience to endure trials with grace, to wait for your perfect timing, and to trust in your plan for my life. Help me to cultivate a spirit of patience in my interactions with others and in facing life's challenges. Amen."
@FaithAndMystery 3 месяца назад
🌟🙌 Through the storms of life, Jesus stood as my anchor of hope. His love became the steady compass guiding me towards restoration and renewal. Today, I walk in the assurance of His presence, forever grateful for His boundless compassion and faithfulness.
@Sowat47 3 месяца назад
The Children of Israel were not afflicted for 400 years before Moses lead them out of Egypt as Exodus 12:40 says 430 was there total duration(sojourn) if you subtract that from the 400 you are left with only 30 years and Joseph himself ruled Egypt for about 80 years. During this time his brethren were not slaves until after his death. And Jacob was living there for 17 years before he died.
@kodwobenyi9615 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for the effort you put into digging up the truth. Your channel is one of my favourite. God bless your team
@UnravelingtheScriptures 3 месяца назад
God bless, thank you for always being here supporting our studies and leaving your comments and suggestions
@saiffarish4821 3 месяца назад
@scottenosh4548 3 месяца назад
The Bible tells us a new Pharaoh rose that knew not Joseph....this can only be the result of a new Dynasty. Scripture also tells us that this Dynasty started it's rule by stirring the members of Egypt's court into a fear frenzy against the Jews....kinda like how America stirred her people against Arabs after 9-11. The Pharaoh that started this cant be the same Pharaoh that was around during Moses's time, even though they were of the same, post-Joseph Dynasty. The Hebrews had been slaves for over 100 (maybe more) by the time God judged Pharaoh through Moses and Aaron. The real question is How did the previous Dynasty know how to recognize Joseph and his family as God's chosen??? Genesis 14 is where that story begins...along with the pyramids....if you read it very closely.
@stephenmillertime 3 месяца назад
Ahmose 1 was the pharoah that did not know Joseph. He was the founder of the new kingdom, expelling the canaanite hyksos, and reestablishing egyptians as leaders. He was known to have a hatred to non native egyptians.
@scottenosh4548 3 месяца назад
@@stephenmillertime ...and yet we see what that brought him and his 'people' (who wanted nothing to do with the trouble he was bringing down upon them...as evidenced by the people loaning the Israelites their family heirlooms...which will be paid back in the future....see Isaiah 19). As, hopefully you can see, Deep State is recorded in the Bible.
@lazarushernandez5827 2 месяца назад
It definitely was not 430 years in Egypt. Older translations (like the Septuagint) mentioned 430 years in Egypt and Canaan. Genesis 50:23 -25 And Joseph saw Ephraim's children of the third generation: the children also of Machir the son of Manasseh were brought up upon Joseph's knees. Machir is recorded as leaving Egypt in the Exodus and settling in the region called Gilead which is named after his son, Numbers 32:40, 'And Moses gave Gilead to Machir the son of Manasseh, and he settled in it.' People were not living longer than 120-130 years by this time. So if Machir was alive to see Joseph as well as Moses and settle in Gilead, the Israelites stay in Egypt could not have been anywhere near 430, even 100 years seems much considering they spend 40 years in the desert/wilderness.
@AnnC.... 3 месяца назад
Enjoyed your videos, Thank you
@KingMike-un5vz 3 месяца назад
You can't link Joseph's story with moses
@MSLILLY4533 3 месяца назад
Wonderful content
@jerryfranklin6282 2 месяца назад
Need to read Jasher. The enslavement was 210 years. That 430 years starts with the covenant with Abraham and ends with the Exodus. NOT 430
@user-ht3bo1us4j 3 месяца назад
I often wonder what Potiphar reaction was when Joseph was made Prime Minister just lower than the pharaoh
@aggabus 3 месяца назад
3:42 Supposed?
@user-ij8sk3zz3c 3 месяца назад
Actually, the 430 is not referring to the years of slavery. The word used is "sojourning." And this sojourning was in "a land not their own." From Abraham's call at 75 to the time of the Exodus is the 430 years. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all his sons had a cumalative time of sojourning in Canaan AND Egypt. In fact, this is how it is referred to in the Septuagint, Samaritan Pentateuch, and in the writings of Josephus. Call to Isaac's birth -----------‐-‐25 His DOB to Jacob's DOB------60 Jacob's age entering Egypt 130 Levi's Sons to the Exodus from entering Egypt‐‐‐---------‐---‐---215 TOTAL----‐------‐‐‐------------430 and you can get this from the Masoretic text. Even there, you CANNOT get 430 years of slavery. This, of course, matches with Paul's statement in Galatians of 430 years from the promise to giving of the Law.
@TabernacleofTruth 3 месяца назад
40 years was wondering in the wilderness.... 30 years Joseph was 2nd in command... Then it said there arose a pharaoh who knew not Joseph... Let's say one generation 25 years that's 95 years eating into 430... This is not accurate...
@7cFamilyClintThomasPaul 2 месяца назад
@Sowat47 3 месяца назад
430 year after the promise was the law given Galatians 3:17 [17]And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. if the covenant was give after Abraham was going to offer Isaac at age 37 let's do the maths Genesis 17:17 say Abraham was an hundred and Sarah 90 genesis 23 say Sarah was 127 when she died Genesis 21:5 say Abraham was 100 years old So if you subtract 127-90= 37 you get Isaac age at the time of her death Ishmael would have been about 14 Gensis 16:16 say Abraham was 86 years old when he was born. genesis 21:5 say Abraham was 100 when Issac was born which would make him 51 years old at the time when Issac was offered. Genesis 25:17 say Ishmael was 137 years old at his death Abraham was then around 137 he lived 175 =38 after the covenant was made (ATCM) genesis 25:7 Isaac 37 lived 180 genesis 35:28=143 after Abraham's death=143+38=181 (ATCM) Isaac was 60 when he had Esau and Jacob genesis 25:36 they both were 147 at death 180-147=33+181=214 (ATCM) Jacob loved in Egypt 17 before he died gensis 47:28 Jacob was 130 when he saw pharaoh and Joseph 39 which means he was 91 when he had Joseph Joseph lived 17 years in Canaan and then at age 17 taken to Egypt before pharaoh at 30 lived a total of 93 in Egypt died at 110 ruled for 80. During this time his brethren were not slaves until after his death. At the time of his father death he was 56 From Jacob death to Joseph death 214+54=268 (ATCM) If you Take 268-430=162 left before Moses was given the law Now Moses was 80 years old when they came out so 430-80=350 years after the covenant was given he would have been born. Now Josephus has another take on what to do with the 430 years in book 2 chapter 15 that they left Egypt in the month Xanthacus on the 15th of the lunar month, 430 years after forefather Abraham came into Canaan but 215 year only after Jacob removed into Egypt and that Moses was 80 years old and Aaron was 83 years old. Genesis 25:7 [7]And these are the days of the years of Abraham's life which he lived, an hundred threescore and fifteen years. Genesis 25:17 [17]And these are the years of the life of Ishmael, an hundred and thirty and seven years: and he gave up the ghost and died; and was gathered unto his people. Genesis 16:16 [16]And Abram was fourscore and six years old, when Hagar bare Ishmael to Abram. Genesis 21:5 [5]And Abraham was an hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born unto him.
@User-vbhhnvgjmt 3 месяца назад
The "Old Snake" in Prophecy
@User-vbhhnvgjmt 3 месяца назад
Must be Hindutva the Facist, the Antichrist, the Satan work
@TappioLopullinen-us8dx 3 месяца назад
The ėarth ıs flaṭ plane, not a spinning ball. There is no "outer space". "For the pillars of the earth are the Lord's; He has set the circle of the earth upon them." - 1. Book of Samuel 2:8 - Bible 1933/1938
@lisacorio5668 3 месяца назад
Isn't it Hebrew Shemetic and not Semetic?
@ALIONFORYAHSWORD 3 месяца назад
This is where sematic is derived I believe.
@brettrose738 3 месяца назад
The count of 430 years began with Abraham. They were in Egypt 280 years. Cursed be Canaan. Canaan was Egyptian, not Esau. Esau went the way of the Ishmaelites
@johnmann8659 3 месяца назад
@brettrose738 Canaan is Lebanon. Jubilees 10:29 Matthew 15:21-22 Judges 3:3 Obadiah 1:20-21
@SherryAzaniyah 3 месяца назад
Pharoah Seti Ramses father
@kodwobenyi9615 3 месяца назад
Xenophobia has deep roots
@mayreign77xperience74 3 месяца назад
@KingMike-un5vz 3 месяца назад
They weren't slaves for 400 hundreds years yet. But we have been in our captivity in America for 400 years plus.
@shelleyscloud3651 3 месяца назад
Get a grip, grab a history book.
@KingMike-un5vz 3 месяца назад
@@shelleyscloud3651 oh I know what I'm talkin you're the ones who want 😏 to ignore 😏 and exclude the fact of the African Hebrews. And you saw what Putin revealed
@shelleyscloud3651 3 месяца назад
@@KingMike-un5vz you’re*
@KingMike-un5vz 3 месяца назад
@@shelleyscloud3651 and?
@shelleyscloud3651 3 месяца назад
@@KingMike-un5vz uneducated people form uneducated opinions QED
@terrellepps345 3 месяца назад
We gotta stop saying BCE. If you believe in Christ, it is BC
@Bev-qs4wl 3 месяца назад
Canaanites not keynites
@SamStGeorge 3 месяца назад
Regretfully, I do not trust your narrative due to two fatal errors 1. The term “BCE” is not a Christian term rather used atheist one fir they deny Lord Jesus who split the history. So you use “before common era” instead of “BC” i.e., before Christ 2. You refer to Arabs ad if they were a nation. Arab is s geographic area snd not a nation. And today thd term is a living prove of this fallacy. The term Arab is driven from the Aramaic teem Arobta which means west. Today in Hebrew, Assyrian and Aramaic it still means the same as west In short, there were NO Arabs at the time of Israel’s children selling Joseph yo the Ishmaelite/ Canaanite’s. Even the Edomites were never Arabs for they were the descendants of Esau thd don of Isaac who was a Hebrew not Arab. Unless mean that the descendants of Greeks are called hispanics
@mrdavid239 3 месяца назад
Shemite not Semite
@StarEssences 3 месяца назад
Much of humanity got their INSIGHT in building their version of a kingdom? The '200' who were once upon a time, in heaven.
@ritabass7783 3 месяца назад
Moses was black not Middle Eastern liar. King Pharaoh was not dark skin he was white skin.All the truth biblical people were black.The gentle nations were All white skin people which included the middle eastern people thank you 😅
@lawrencecarter9847 3 месяца назад
This dude’s a liar
@johnrathbun2943 3 месяца назад
Now you should remember this when you hear a discussion about slavery. The Isrealies were inslaved by the Egyptians. Egypt is in Africa. Maybe if the Africans didn't inslaved the Isrealites they wouldn't have ended up in America as slaves. Just maybe! 😮 Don't want none, don't start none, and there won't be none. Words of the wise!😊
@jeanmmcdermott62963 3 месяца назад
And the mixed blacks & blacks were NOT slaves in the United States. The "slavery" laws protected mixed-blacks & blacks from being indentured servants. The "slavery" laws were premeditated with nefariously strategically planned segregation & Jim Crow & 2 Unnecessary U.S. Civil Wars 1860s & 1960s & 3 Unnecessary World Wars WW1 1914 & 25 years later WW2 1939 & 25 years later their nefarious genocidal attempts to commence with WW3 1964. Daniel Ellsberg is one person that was key to STOPPING 1960s Unnecessary genocidal Wars. That's why there were numerous cryptic similarities with 1800s & 1860s Pres Lincoln & 1900s & 1960s Pres JFK - premeditated. And 25 is cryptic symbolism for the 25th Dynasty black Pharoahs BC era Egypt Cataracts of the Nile. The expendable accomplices are the population that for example the former US House of Representatives Dennis Hastert was imprisoned for & the words Jim Crow are their rhyming cryptic symbolism for that nefarious segment of the population. The US Government is an Organized Crime that for example perpetrates identity theft. For the record I NEVER gave anyone permission to steal MY identity & I do NOT give anyone permission to steal MY identity Jean M McDermott d.o.b. June 29th 1963 p.o.b. Dorchester Boston Massachusetts. I Jean McDermott am Howard Robard Hughes Jr's heir!
@treybanks1068 3 месяца назад
That’s the dumbest comment I think I’ve heard. Congratulations 👏🏾
@johnrathbun2943 3 месяца назад
@treybanks1068 some religions call it karma. You know nuclear war wouldn't happen if no one created nuclear bombs! So do you get my point now that you think is idiotic?
@richcrude2674 3 месяца назад
Would you care to explain how the Israelites were able to blend in with the Egyptians so much so that Moses successfully masqueraded as the son of pharaoh’s daughter for years, how young Christ hid from Herod in Egypt, and how Paul was mistaken for an Egyptian? They were extremely similar phenotypically to the point you couldn’t differentiate them from each other by sight alone, is how. This means the Israelites look just like the “Africans”. Now, please study Biblical prophecy concerning the future captivity of Israel for 400 years and then understand the truth of who the “Africans” that were enslaved in the Americas really were and who their descendants truly are.
@andrearemy3425 3 месяца назад
the person running this channel is clearly not giving the whole truth. Israelites (Yashar'al) are BLACK people, not middle eastern, and Yashar'al was enslaved because of disobedience to Yah. Those ending up being shipped to America in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade were from West Africa.....BANTU PEOPLE.....BLACK PEOPLE. We have been through enough with folks trying to white wash our history and steal what rightfully belongs to us. Your comment sadly shows a lack of critical thinking and a willingness to just accept what is shown on a poorly researched video.
@mamabigguns 3 месяца назад
Could you make a video about the Druids?
@UnravelingtheScriptures 3 месяца назад
thanks for the suggestion we will
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