
The STATE of Overwatch 2! Ranked, Battle Pass & The Roadhog Meta - Plat Chat Episode 155 

Plat Chat
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15 сен 2024




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@PlatChat Год назад
Hey all, we recorded this Monday 12th, needless to say we recorded it before Jon Spector and the Overwatch team announced an upcoming hotfix patch. We're all super stoked they've decided to patch the game this soon, but you'll hear some out-dated takes before that information was public! Next week we'll chat some esports!
@Gxblaster Год назад
@quaiou964 Год назад
@Archivist Год назад
Suzu's callout should be "Bell," since Kiriko says "Hear my bell" when she uses it.
@ZW8man001 Год назад
And it makes a bell sound when it goes off
@kanashisa0 Год назад
and suzu means bell
@ReedoTV Год назад
The callout for the suzu effect expiring could be "bell end" lol
@nathanloon3124 Год назад
@@ReedoTV I think that might've gone over a lot of 'heads'
@seanosh689 Год назад
1:09:00 I hard disagree with jaws and custa here. Developers should understand how the heroes they make work. With nearly every hero that blizzard’s made they have made they have misunderstood how they work. Brig, Sigma, Sojourn, Junker Queen, Kirito, Ramattra, all of these characters they haven’t understood how they would play and has led to problems. Just saying maybe devs should know how their creations will be played.
@neonnight5228 Год назад
Agree completely you can’t expect a new hero to not break a game when u misunderstand what it’s even doing. How can a team balance something they can’t even understand conceptually
@tatepierson8221 Год назад
Custa had awful takes this episode
@thechknnuggetgod1709 Год назад
I love Jaws idea with lower skill heroes being good but not good in high elo, but the problem in practice is, a low skill hero can just be played by a really good player and pound
@kylepackard7499 Год назад
You have a point but I think it is very dependent on a lot of variables. For example torb and sym can be strong in ranks where people aren't as comfortable playing against her. And at higher ranks both sym and torn can get a lot of value, but why not just play sojourn who can dumpster both consistently. Edit: Apologies, i made this comment preemptively. Didn't realize the comment was about mercy who has an infinitely low skill floor and infinitely high skill ceiling.
@madnessman1520 Год назад
I literally just got to that part of the video as I read that wtf
@esuna2121 Год назад
Make AVRL permanent on the platchat roster. Don't let him escape.
@duckdudette Год назад
He's also on tactical crouch but he fully deserves to run all the OW podcasts.
@donnyboy7067 Год назад
No one complains about Splatoon being the same game because 1. They didn't delete Splatoon 2 to put it out. 2. They added good things and people generally agree it's a better thing. See the difference from overwatch
@donnyboy7067 Год назад
Every podcast I've seen AVRL in he is like the smartest guy in the room. Every take of his seems perfect to fix the game. Well maybe not perfect but at least reasonable to test out.
@lucas411_ Год назад
facts i fckin love the guy, you can tell he's so passionate about the game and what he does, plus he's extremely intelligent and always has great takes. such a gem in the overwatch community
@BuildingHP Год назад
Had a whole comment written about how Jaws’ Mercy take was a big big L but it’s just not worth discussing lol we’re too far into this game’s life cycle to still be having the “a b c character shouldn’t be viable at high elo” conversation
@daviddiett2168 Год назад
You'd think a TANK like Rammatra would have more Armor or something, also I think his shield needs a lower CD in Omnic form to help protect his team and help them push up while Nemesis forms punches should be more long range while damage varying on proximity. Also Hog and Doom are near unkillable in low ranks, I like the idea of Hog losing his defence buff while taking a breather or even a potential full rework to give him team benefits, and Doom needs some scaling down without becoming useless again.
@CriticalxMiss Год назад
For mercy- I think they need to tie some sort of benefit to her Guardian angel. So that she heals more (or something) if she GA to a different target (doesn't have to switch healing target, just needs to GA to a different target). So say her base healing is 30 healing per second, and you get up to 80 healing per second for 5 seconds after using GA to build a full meter (similar to how the meter builds currently). Healing decays over the 5 seconds to go back to 30. Damage amp can follow a similar curve Think this would solve alot of issues
@KingOfNebbishes Год назад
Typical t500 takes "It exists, and I think it's cheap, therefore remove it." Get rid of every hero they hate or consider low skill, and the next thing they'll be crying that there's a hard meta of a few heroes. They really need to find a new game to play with none of these options they hate.
@jasonrobertson1800 Год назад
Yeah, I find this take from top players and commentators to be really baffling. Like...these skills, like them are not, have been part of Overwatch's identity for six years. You have evidently gotten gud in spite of (or because of) them, so like...let us have some variability in our utility here.
@anthonym8602 Год назад
AVRL speaking the truth about the Infinite Warfare campaign, that one was soooooooo good!!!
@MichiCree Год назад
I watched the entirety on YT then soon after played it myself because it was that damn good. Before I gave it a chance my MW:R copy costed me $80. Afterwards, even though I never played the MP, Infinite Warfare was worth.
@Shy3k Год назад
I play competitive Splatoon, the tickrate in Splatoon 3 is 16hz. It is disgustingly laggy, and it does the absolute bare minimum to function as an online game. It is insane that a 16hz game won multiplayer game of the year lol
@JBJuggenaut Год назад
I like to call Kiriko's Suzu "Soap". Gets you squeaky clean
@cggoaly Год назад
The problem I have with ranked isn't the waiting 7 games for an update. It's the fact that my rank and the matchmaker are completely out of whack. If you reset my rank from diamond to gold that's cool whatever, put me in gold and plat lobbies and let me rank back up. But the matchmaking will put me in diamond lobbies. If we reset rank we should reset MMR and if we don't reset MMR then we shouldn't reset rank. Because the way it works rank has basically no purpose and some stat that we never get to see is the only thing that matters for competitive. It's really hard to see where you actually should be as blizzard don't tell you and everyone has private profiles so you can't even check other people in your lobby to see where they're at. That's what is not making me want to play ranked this season most tbh. It feels like my rank doesn't matter anymore so why even try to raise it?
@sohkya27 Год назад
Suzu is OP on Kiriko because her base healing output is extraordinarily high for healing ofuda range AND her mobility. Nerfing her base healing to AT MOST 20/ofuda would force a kiriko player to commit suzu more often outside of saving for big ults. Suzu and Kitsune are spoken about alot as far as Kiriko is discussed but the real crime of her design is the fact that she can dispense inordinate amounts of healing FROM RANGE for nearly 0 peel from her team needed.
@Filiral Год назад
Pretty ironic that Custa accuses people of just being haters unnecessarily while refusing to call it "milk"
@Willow-uv9ms Год назад
Key difference there being the word "unnecessarily"...
@no4h153 Год назад
for ramattra he should have titanfall 2 style titan dash when in nemesis form
@squeegie Год назад
So I was playin Mystery Hero mode and our team had Symetra, Kiriko and Ramatra... Ramatra ulted, took teleporter straight into the enemy, kiriko teleported to ramatra and ulted and made him invincible... it was ridiculous, but than again this is just arcade mode... and sometimes one team just gets some dumb advantages.
@gene9597 Год назад
Since nobody really said something about it: Even if I get +3 skill tiers for 7 wins, it takes me 14, if I am lucky, or rather 21 wins, to see this! And because you play at the same rank like before, you have a winrate of about 50%, so it actually takes about 42(!!!!!!) games to see your actual skill tier. That is about the amount of games a casual player gets in ranked (, considering they play quickplay as well) in whole season! And then there are two more roles that you might want to see your ACTUAL rank! So you play, considering you need 3 rank updates to see your actual rank displayed, 120 games, JUST TO SEE YOUR ACTUAL SKILL LEVEL! WTH???? And only at that point, the grind really starts! And for me, for example, I played about 400 ranked games in the last season of OW1, I quick half way through OW2 season 1 and I honestly dont really want to play comp now either, because it takes so much time, to see ANY change in my skill level. Now I am in the 5% of players, but still, I think a lot of people think the same as me.
@CriticalxMiss Год назад
The support section of this video just really makes it seem like you don't want supports lmao No rez, damage amp, cleanse or stopping death... But oh yeah, tanks are also a problem because they are just big dps... Well, if you take all that shit away from supports- you have to make then dps characters in the end.
@Willow-uv9ms Год назад
As someone with Mercy and Ana as two of my three most played heroes. I agree with almost everything Plat Chat said about supports. Kiriko's Bell is fun to use as a brief invulnerability tool--there are some really fun moments when you perfectly time one to stop a tire or a dragon blade or something like that--but I don't find the cleanse component fun to use or fun to play against. If I cleanse an anti nade or a Junker Queen carnage, I'm not going, "wow, what a great moment!" I'm thinking, "wow, I pressed E." Meanwhile, for the Ana or Junker Queen who just got a nice play, it gets negated by Kiriko pressing one button. It would be fine as just an invulnerability ability. As for Mercy, there are occasional times when I manage to pull off a well timed, sneaky revive that's really satisfying, but more often than not it's just a free redo on someone's mistake. It isn't a fun ability to use, and if someone on the enemy team uses a revive, it just feels like everything you did to kill the enemy in the first place was meaningless. Honestly, I think damage boost would be fine if they just added a damage clamp to certain abilities (for instance, clamp Kiriko's damage boosted damage to 195 so she still can't one-tap) Saying that adjusting two or three abilities to improve the health of the game equates to turning supports into DPSs is an incredibly bold assertion. Supports still have plenty of irreplaceable tools and are literally the only way to get consistent healing; saying that they are a nerf away from being DPSs is an argument fueled by the "slippery slope fallacy." I want supports to be strong and impactful, but that doesn't mean they need to be annoying.
@CriticalxMiss Год назад
@@Willow-uv9ms they already made supports more dps reliant in OW2 though- if you take away these abilities, you have to replace it with something else. They are already complaining about survivability, so I don't think they want the amount of healing you would need to put in to offset these abilities. IMO, the issue is in the dps and tank who are on the edge of having overpowered abilities. Except widow (maybe rein pin), things shouldn't 1-combo 200hp targets. Hog doing it is his big issue. You could also solve soj+mercy by making rail not scale with amps. That being said, I would love to see a scalable beam for mercy, that scales up from lower to higher amounts based on GA to different targets (similar to how super jump works now). This would solve the solo pocket issue with Mercy, give her more play making, and increase the skill ceiling.
@Willow-uv9ms Год назад
@@CriticalxMiss fair enough. I stand by the opinion that Cleanse and Revive aren't fun to play with or against and that I would rather they be tweaked/removed. I also don't think those characters would need more healing to remain viable. I don't feel like you fully addressed my point my point that the alteration of these abilities by no means suddenly turns them into DPS heroes, even if the removal of a tank makes supports need to fend for themselves more than in the olden days. But, regardless, I do agree that having too many one-hit / one-combo kills is a much bigger problem. I realize I typed that Mercy's damage boost should have a maximum damage clamp on Kiriko's damage when I meant Sojourn's hahaha, but yeah, it seems like we agree that how damage boost interests with certain abilities is far more problematic than the ability itself. The damage beam change idea is interesting; maybe it could work like the overheating on Orisa's gun, except that it would apply individually to each teammate so you would need to keep switching targets to continue boosting or else it would go on cool down (or maybe just have diminishing returns)? And straight up rework Roadhog; that wretched character should never have existed.
@floofflez1134 Год назад
AVRL is just so lovable in every podcast he's in
@brandongoodwin756 Год назад
I played OW2 the day the 1st beta came out and haven't played OW/OW2 since. I was an OW player consistently since season 2 of comp, not a fan of where we've been or where we are now. Glad to have gotten out lol
@duckdudette Год назад
Jaws is a living run-on sentence. God daymmm
@danevetts681 Год назад
i think the statement that hogs heal giving damage reduction is the problem is the wrong way round, his damage reduction should be stronger but it shouldn't also be effectively a full heal
@Rhino1400 Год назад
What if Mercy was changed by increasing her healing and damage boost, but both decrease overtime if she stays on the same target. So it’s a buff to mercy, but a nerf to pocketing? It could probably be exploited, but maybe they can fine tune it?
@chadwickcannon6768 Год назад
Valorant skins costs 45% less than overwatch's FYI and Valorant's skins are for guns, you can use it on any agent. Valorant have a regional pricing, the battlepass is much cheaper.
@CriticalxMiss Год назад
Hey- wouldn't go after mercy as the problem in this meta lmao That being said- wouldn't mind some heavy changes to the character
@kylepackard7499 Год назад
I saw Custa's vid about milk and immediately started using it :).
@johnlaujensen5022 Год назад
you keep forgetting the most competative Contenders League right now - EU - where we have the finals in the Run it Back tournament on Thursday and Friday.
@FlorianIrsigler Год назад
There is a difference between camping a rank like GM and camping T500. Camping a rank should be possible and it is Blizzard's fault they don't update your rank after every game. But you were never able to "camp" a T500 placement. Let's say you are rank 500 and stopped playing in OW1. It was always possible that somebody overtook you in SR and took your spot without you doing anything. That is also why the T500 placements have to be updated after every game.
@ReasonableRadio Год назад
800 Million liters is a lot, you know those like giant oil silos? Those are a little less than 10M which means there's about 80-100 oil silos of milk per year full of milk in their potentially single storage facility
@InsOmnicBox Год назад
The "but they aren't strong in low elos" doesn't work when high elo players Smurf, SMS protection for comp would have been a useful system. If Blizzard wasn't constantly all or nothing maybe comp could be cleaner.
@graceblub Год назад
Jonny thinking New Zealand is closer to Australia than its actually is, that’s so European from him. "Our" feel for distances is so off sometimes XD
@levifink Год назад
Suzu callout is called bell
@shanks3535 Год назад
I usually don’t agree with avrl’s takes but I think he’s completely right about the use of tempo-tank being a bad thing because it not only shows the developers pure lack of understanding how a hero will work and it is very harmful because it gives players the wrong impression of how a hero should be played they did the same thing with kiriko too where she was advertised as a dps healer but she does an insane amount of healing which is more impactful than her damage
@duckdudette Год назад
I don't think the impact on players is the problem. The problem is that these are the same people making balance patches and they still don't understand the game or listen to people who do. I think they've tried to listen and learn, Geoff Goodman seemed good for it, but it's hard to ignore stuff like that.
@shanks3535 Год назад
@@duckdudette I think it’s just making a huge misconception about the heroes and people that only saw the trailer and don’t watch content creators are going to think that a “tempo-tank” is actually a thing
@sorryshiina6264 Год назад
I enjoy playing Overwatch maybe twice a week. But i have to be actively ignoring a lot of aspects in the game because the more i engage with them, the less i want to play. The meta feels terrible? Well good thing open queue exists! The shop is disgusting? Good thing i have a few thousand OWL tokens so i can taste even a crumb of new cosmetic content! Can't play the new hero? Good thing i hate tank!
@kahnxo Год назад
The Legends Battle Tournament is gonna be amazing. I think what gets me the most is that it'll probably be the last time we see Void compete in professional Overwatch, at least for a while.
@jasonrobertson1800 Год назад
My problem is less with the display of ranks (although I honestly think it's kind of silly anyway), but more with matchmaking in general. Whether in QP or ladder, I've found that you often wind up with massive skill gaps between players and teams for the sake of quicker matchups and it makes the game just...not fun. I would rather wait an extra three minutes for a better game than just keep getting rolled on fucking New Queen Street over and over again.
@CrazeeAdam Год назад
So there have been good mass reworks even if it's taken awhile. Sym has gotten a MASSIVE change several times. Sombra also has had HUGE shifts in how she plays. So Roadhog can and hopefully will be reworked
@apollogamingow Год назад
I wonder how it would play if blue beam was on a cooldown for mercy. Like it only last for a few seconds at a time so you have to pick and choose where that value potential can come from
@CriticalxMiss Год назад
I think if they tie the effectiveness of her beams to GA between different characters it will fix pretty much every issue with Mercy. So her normal beam amps 30- so you set amp at 10. Then if you GA to a different target, it scales in power to, say 35 for 3 seconds and then decays back to 10 (similarly to how her super jump charges now). Healing would work similarly. This would increase the skill management and target selection of mercy, let her still be very effective at times, but stop the solo pocketing of hits can and pharah.
@laughingnotlooking Год назад
Why does Jaws dislike Avrl? Be nice to Avrl he loves you.
@leetebbens8858 Год назад
Why tf does a dev care if you only ever actually buy 1 battlepass? That model is essentially just selling a full retail game for 20 bucks. If you dont like skin prices, dont buy em. You arent owed affordable skins, that you like, in the free game. Its absurd.
@squeegie Год назад
Ramatra's kit is terrible, only because he seems like he was designed for tank duo, not as a solo tank for some reason. He kinda gets out shined by every other tanks. Other tanks do similar things, but better... and things he can only do, isn't exactly that amazing.
@afyyy9086 Год назад
We as old Ow players Bought this game and was So happy with how they gave away these coins that we could buy skins and earn lootboxes and all the Awesome Events there were to get new skins if you had currency in ow 1 WE WERE USED TO that .. we Loved the system we would get almost all the skins every event and i was telling my friends that Ow does it the best with giving us what we want unlike other games and WE WERE happy and were USED TO IT and THEN INSTANTLY DELETED OW 1 and now ow 2 everything is fked you have to PAY so much for Each skin and people like me maybe don't exist that I USED someone's Credit Card in the past like a Relative to buy Ow and then i payed with our money for how much the game was and NOW people like us that maybe exist that can't get anything because it needs Real money for everything it really Pains me that they are Happy with that and don't care what players thing WE came to this point that we want lootboxes for A WAY to get skins what has this game become...and 1 euro is SO Expensive where we live so its SOOO MUCH to get even one skin in fkin Thousands we have to have to get a skin and the battlepass wow soo Bad random sprays and icons that people will NEVER use and they filled the Battlepass with is so Scummy and now every good skin cost 20$ or 15$ DUDE you Get a whole another game with this or maybe a Really good game when its on sale like What the hell and i completed every weekly from when ow 2 came out no reward!
@Michael-pn4xu Год назад
It's amazing how out of touch some streamers are
@squeegie Год назад
Jaws and Custa: Tanks are unkillable. wah wah wah. blah blah blah. Reinforce: Yeah.... that's terrible... cough... yeah...
@catgrrlz Год назад
Mercy isn't busted. Complaining about mercy totally misses the reason why she is 3rd for win rate at high ranks and that is because Sojourn is completely busted. You nerf sojourn and mercy goes away or because a more niche pick. Rez is not broken, it's cast time is long and OW2 is much faster pace and she can be punished. Get gud.
@Br0nze. Год назад
It's amazing how hog was so shit before kiriko now everyone wants him gone. But the issue is kiriko she will always determine the tank meta.
@mareksicinski449 Год назад
2:05:57 they used to only at the beginning
@TheNerd Год назад
Custa you REALLY should play Persona 5 Royal. The Story will change your opinnion about stories in Video Games.
@junkerpug Год назад
put credits with the titles after teir 80 then u can still get the next bp but u have to grind to get it
@anthonycipriano8823 Год назад
That was an intro of all time
@GoodMenstruationAttitude Год назад
Awesome chat. 30 mins of Ausatralia jokes and an outro of "content creators should stay in their lane"... Cool. so subbed lol
@8R3ND0clips Год назад
Awesome comment. 3 lines of sarcastic nit picking and a totally out of context “quote”… Cool. so funny lol
@roric6769 Год назад
@Brendo_OW I don't think they are being sarcastic. It was an easy to listen to episode. And it's rare to see content creators call out others behavior with out naming. They said they subbed. Welcome QQ. Now go watch tactical crouch.
@SpicyPenny Год назад
I’n sorry does Reinforce think this is WINrar this episode? I’ll pay the fucking money that’s the difference
@blightedspectere3288 Год назад
I missed the end of the battle pass because my Xbox stopped working and I missed the genji skin I can relate with johnny here wish I could've gotten it.
@liamrice8944 Год назад
I’d like to add to Custa’s story at the beginning pretty much everyone who lives in the right places I’m Australia has a beach house
@DummyUrD Год назад
we usually call it bell in scrimms
@Bropane12 Год назад
Wanting to avoid the milk only brings it to fruition
@EmeraldCavaliers Год назад
oh custa back! he didnt get eaten by a snake or a random spider in his house
@whatisthisIcanteven Год назад
I totally disagree with the take that Ramattra is not going to be good. Contenders scrims are almost all Ramattra, word is. The gameplay you had in the background even shows him diffing the Doom. The only times he was dying was when he was out of position or trying to 1v1.
@timbombadil4046 Год назад
Give premium currency for *winning* when playing underfilled roles. Literally uses a reward to fix other players experiences by addressing queues.
@tonycampbell2279 Год назад
we cant build ranked systems around baddies with ranked anxiety. thats going to kill comp play. if u dont think you can pull your weight in comp dont play it. everyone suffers from it.
@hlepme7861 Год назад
Ramattra is trash because the game isn't black and white in 'now I'm gonna go defensive' vs 'for the next 6 seconds I'm going to run at you'. Fight tempo is dependent on map control health bars resources etc and is changing all the time. So a tempo tank should be a tank that can change forms to go aggressive when ur team has the advantage. Remove the block from nemesis form and add it to the normal form and make the nemesis form much shorter, increasing the damage and give a speed boost so it is used as a burst damage ability to punish enemy mistakes that u forced out while poking and gaining space in his normal form
@wyattevancheck2150 Год назад
Can anyone else agree with mercy getting a small rework and switching her ult and rez
@Ugluk42 Год назад
I still feel like a lot of us are just over PvP set ups and want to see the PvE release. Love the lore and skills, but so beyond tired of PvP toxicity and balancing.
@chaz1165 Год назад
Can we get some transparency on Custa's bank account? There's no way anyone would come to the defense of OW2 time and time again without getting their pockets stuffed. Now we know how he's taking international vacations to he's beach house.
@leetebbens8858 Год назад
Ay real quick dbd isnt f2p. Makes sense why they have a good free currency.
@Kakkisable Год назад
Solid Fucking Torbjörn 🤣😂 I can't..
@kevinbauer2187 Год назад
If they delete any hero it should obviously be the Rat
@Simboes Год назад
When did custa get an american accent, he goes between australian and american now. Come back to us Custa.
@CriticalxMiss Год назад
Sorry- but the current rank system is so much worse than before. You can't see your own rank in game, you can barely see it in menu its so small. You have no idea what level of games you are playing in- and then it turns out they are not matching you by your rank... but by your hidden MMR... And then new seasons they derank you... but you are still playing at your MMR?! How are you ever supposed to get back up to your rank if they are putting you in games that should be going 50/50 if the MMR is any good... and you will never know what your MMR rank is... The entire system being shrouded in mystery is such complete garbage for a Ranked game. They call it competitive 2.0, but it is really quick play 1.5
@CriticalxMiss Год назад
The decay thing for Ranked is fine if they don't use your MMR for matchmaking- which they said they do... how can you climb back up 3 tiers if you are playing at your MMR? And the fact that it's hidden is such BS. Annnd you have to trust that they are actually doing your Rank correctly based on logic- which, I don't know about anyone else... but I have my doubts...
@bandit6969 Год назад
just call it cleanse or suzu
@acecider2559 Год назад
Move Hog to DPS. There I said it
@platoscave4854 Год назад
AVRL always based ❤
@brian21282 Год назад
Good point! You should never criticize; just stop playing the game! People are so lame! Maybe we should be condescending assholes?
@mauskeleemans Год назад
Well the problem with overwatch is that OW1 was a brilliant puzzle with many pieces but with OW2 the game went 5v5 and the development team is completing a jigsaw puzzle with scissors to make that work. So we end up with a broken messed up puzzle in the end and blizzard goes tadaa we completed another puzzle 🎉
@GoodMenstruationAttitude Год назад
What if Hog's chain actually just pulled everyone in LOS on the enemy team closer, and did nothing else? Strictly a way to keep the game moving when you feel confident, good for breaking up bunkery comps but not a kill in its own right? Just take his gun away.
@mareksicinski449 Год назад
1:55:40 the imaging of the brand> maybe
@ClintEllis Год назад
80% of Japan is mountains.
@phillipchilds1344 Год назад
Mercy fix idea: put a cool down on power boost or somehow limit the link time on a character. For example the power boost can only apply to a character 5 seconds before it can't be reattached to that character for another 5 seconds
@danevetts681 Год назад
why is catering to casual players even a topic of conversation when talking about the "competitive" game mode? improve the casual game so its not just a half game in quick play so the casual fans have a complete mode dont just make comp a casual mode
@maasikasgt Год назад
make mercy rez her ult again but you can only rez 1 person
@JaziB Год назад
@CriticalxMiss Год назад
Hog could still be a tank, but he cannot be able to one-shot. It's broken, and stupid to have any character- let alone a tank. IMO, shorten hooks length and smaller hitbox, reduce cool down by a bunch, and reduce his dps to junker queen levels. Value will be in displacement and tanking damage
@3therspark63 Год назад
Milk all the way
@b23beatz Год назад
Avrl is tripping mercy meta in 1st season of overwatch was arguably the best meta ever lol I never got tired of mercy zen dive even with immo double rez
@leetebbens8858 Год назад
Custa no one deserves a battlepass. You play a free game as a hobby. No one despite, skill level, time commitment, my dad works at blizzard, or any other reason deserves a skin for no money.
@user-fm8jj4bo9l Год назад
As a valorant player I'll say this with their high cost skins and why i refuse to buy ow but not valorant, with valorant the skins u buy are skins u can use no matter what character you pick, but with ow, if I were to buy the witch kiriko skin and I play dps or tank there is no way I can see/use the skin because I am locked in the role that I am currently playing
@yoshirox4eva Год назад
@jonathanrogers8648 Год назад
custa might be the most based overwatch content creator / public figure in the scene.
@cousinit1686 Год назад
Can't wait to see all the OWL players playing mercy with their Sojourn! Oh wait, probably the usual 5% play rate :)
@waffen98 Год назад
''I don't want to see my number go up and down'' don't play competitive then, if you can't take seeing your number go up and down you aren't a competitive person and that's fine, quickplay exist, though I personally believe quickplay should be changed to just normal games. Overwatch has the most anti competitive ranked system I've ever seen, how am I supposed to take the competitive scene seriously with stuff like Contendies and OWL when Blizzard doesn't take the competitive side of their game seriously, what's the point of their esport scene then?
@lukeduplessis6341 Год назад
The problem with mercy blue beam is that it is an ability that scales with elo. The better the sojourn, ashe, echo, pharah (whatever), means that the mercy gets more value, and it scales with the ability of the pocket instead of the pocketer. Imagine if mercy had to perform quick time events to hold a blue beam on someone that gets harder and faster the longer she holds it on the person. Just an idea, but in my eyes you should put a bit of skill in the blue beam
@elpeterson Год назад
AVRL is such a gatekeeper and wet blanket. Jaws / Custa / Johnny: Here is this positive thing that refreshed the state of the game finally Avrl: This fucking sucks, everyone hates it, the game sucks, cry about it. I'm shocked Avrl wants supports in the game since they can alter the way other heroes play and add complexity and that just seems to complex for him. Low skill hero like Mercy? Can't have that. Everything must be simple and paired with high mechanical ability for the games pUrItY.
@TheNerd Год назад
01:14:00 Stylosa is the King of "Shouting things you know are untrue for the sake of clicks" I do not understand why Blizzard is still working with him, considering the amount of times he stabbed them in their backs. If I was the head of Marketing at Blizzard, he would be blacklisted for sure. He is the Overwatch version of the darkest placest of reddit. He is literally never going to say "No community, sorry you are wrong: it works like this" His take will be: "OMG the TRUTH ABOUT XYZ" while beeing fully aware that he is lying and decieving the community with "facts" that are a straight up lie for the sake of earning more money. Example Video title 13th of Dec 2022: "Overwatch 2 is the BIGGEST gaming disappointment of 2022" With this title he states a personal opinnion as a fact, which is even illegal in some countries. He is literally the reason for A LOT of negative press against Overwatch / Blizzard and he will use that negativity he created and use it EVEN MORE to create a even bigger "Anti Blizzard movement" to make even more money. I don't understand how this man is even able to sleep.
@FDE4L Год назад
Lol stylosa is the doomer who’s had hands on
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