
The Worst Designed Hero in Dota 2 

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With over 120 heroes in the game, there's bound to be a few stinkers. For me, that's Mirana. Yep. Definitely not trying to get her buffed or anything. Totally not the endgoal of this video.




3 июл 2024




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@thevampire100 2 дня назад
Remember when Leap gave everyone in range attack speed and move speed and not just Mirana? It clearly shows how Valve perceived Mirana and how she should be played. Everyone played Mirana as that Pos 4 roaming support that would throw out arrows from cover and then leap into battle, with everyone gaining more attack speed and movement speed to follow up. Her Ult also gave great ganking value, which is essentially how she was designed from the beginning. But at some point someone at Valve thought "Fuck it, Mirana is hard carry!" and changed her Leap to three charges and it now only benefits her. Which gives her overall more mobility and damage potential but she lost her identity this way.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Old Leap made a lot of sense on a support, but it really feels like they're pushing her to be a core, or at least a scaling support, with her recent changes (recent, relative to her lifespan at least). Becoming Uni but also gutting her stat gain, giving her crit on leap then getting rid of it, it's like Valve don't know if they want to commit to Mirana as a carry or as a support, so she's doomed to be an inbetweener who doesn't particularly excel at either.
@Chasodey 2 дня назад
​@@Acex2ronMirana's innate can give her extra stats per lotus eaten. I don't know which values or what stats can even be good but imagine her getting health and mana or even +all attributes with lotus eaten. A bit strange passive and not the best but it's something more interesting than just a bonus on consuming which you can even leave untouched. Maybe every allied hero can gain extra stats when they eat a lotus and Mirana getting just a portion on it
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
@@Chasodey A lot of Facets and Innates in the game aren't "good" but they are interesting, which can be fix with numbers tweaks, so I think it's a good idea. Time Zone isn't a straight upgrade to Chrono, for example, but it changes Void's gameplay in a meaningful way. Same with Magnus and Reverse Reverse Polarity. If Icefrog is committing to the idea of more craziness in Dota, I'm all for it--but at least spread that craziness around lmao
@Chasodey 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ron Time(cum) zone is an amazing tool for pos 4 void, rn it's kinda low-key good. Ofc you're not the strongest melee lane bully but you can do some stuff and with cube you can turn fights
@user-qv1gc1vn7o 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ron she was core back then, what is wrong with mirana core except you got 4 report and 5 likes from enemies
@putrangos 2 дня назад
Mirana feels like the worst of DOTA ideology: "You can make of any hero whatever you want to be" but then give her not enough to barely do anything. And then get balanced on her ultimate which barely do anything to achieve any of that goal.
@kazukimisaki2312 2 дня назад
Yeah that title of "you can do anything with it" hero is currently held by wr imo. Oh you want her to hard carry? Pick her first facet, build crit item and aghs, and you're good. U want him to be the utility offlaner? Pick her first facet (it gives move speed to all allies), max windrun and stun first, build glepnir and shard and some other utility like lotus and you're done. You want roaming support? Pick her first facet, max powershot and stun, take 1 level of windrun, and skip ultimate, there yoy go, a roaming support. You want a hero that can deal with an army of PL? Take her second facet, but mjonir, and aghs. There you go! PL be gone 😂
@Melorific 2 дня назад
Mirana's identity always felt to me like she's supposed to be this huntress that lands her first debilitating strike from the shadows before jumping in to finish her target off. I think her "intended ideal combo" is arrowing from ~1000-1200 range, hit, leap forward to get your target into attack range, then starstorm and follow up with quicker attacks to finish them off. Your original ult is meant to integrate allies into this strategy and get into positions to strike that normally risk you getting seen. It kinda feels like a clockwerk or a reverse pudge, who also like to roam and initiate from range with a skillshot. The difference obviously that they have their gap closer built into that skill shot whereas you have this other mobility skill. The issue is that these other heroes kinda do their job in a way that fits that role better. Pudge and clockwerk both have more reliable ways to lock targets down as a follow-up to their initiation. Meanwhile, your lockdown is your initiation and you have to get into range first. These other heroes can also buy a blink dagger to get targets that are in nonideal places (in a creep wave) and skip their skillshot entirely, which pudge often does. Meanwhile, Mirana's lockdown is so bad at close range that such a strategy is inherently not good. Their skill shots have much faster projectile speeds, and thus have an easier time landing this as an opening move. And of course, these are naturally tanky melee heroes that naturally want to be close to targets. And of course, Mirana's design isn't even really ideal for that. Since starstorm still wants you to get as close as possible. So you kinda get doubly screwed when there's creeps around in the sense that you have more difficult to hit arrows, and just their presence makes your damage worse. So what I'm saying: There seems to be an intended identity... it's just pretty badly executed in her kit.
@blackroberts6290 2 дня назад
dota 1 Mirana used to be like dat lmao
@hakimmacpat1225 2 дня назад
Mirana's design is pretty old though. She came from warcraft Dota Allstars era and you'd be surprised how popular of a hero she is despite the mishmash of her abilities . I guess her design is pretty old now tbh. To be fair, her kit barely changed since Dota Allstars aside from additional kit with aghs and talents. So in short, they need to update her to fit modern Dota 2 more but then again isn't her lack of identity what makes the hero as well? Either way if they rework some of her abilities I wouldn't really care 😅
@IOverlord День назад
Mirana e-blade dagon combo lol
@testingreadaboutit 2 дня назад
I dont think the _design_ is the issue, but the _current state_ of that design is not good. Mirana/POTM has been in and out of the top-tier of competitive options over the past 12 years. Most of that included a very similar design to the current one, and it gave a large amount of options. She's meant to be an all-rounder, with versatility built into the core of the design process; a character that CAN build a little damage (AGI-based), CAN build full support, or CAN build as a nuker. I'd say the issue is that for POTM to be viable, at least 2, but ideally 3 of those options need to be competitively viable. Why? Because the usefulness of heroes like POTM in competitive drafting is that they can be drafted early, and the opposing team still has no idea what the hero's position is. Once POTM has two or three legitimate options (or 1 OP one, I guess), then she will find her way back into competitive matches, and her design is meant to be used this way. She's exciting to watch - hitting early game arrows is FUN and fun to watch. Jumping right on someone who's arrowed and then Starfalling for the double hit is a clearly designed direction for new players.
@rkeykey 18 часов назад
Heroes like Clockwerk or Tusk got new shiny toys or new skills to stay relevant, but Mirana stayed pretty much the same as she was in Dota 1. Imo they should put her ult at innate slot somehow to make room to a new ult, and make her able to shoot backwards parthian style
@johnvalentino2521 2 дня назад
I'm also suprised you didn't mentioned her aesthetic design, look at how derpy it is
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Her base model is indeed garbage, and it's pretty scummy that Valve locked her "redesign" behind a paywall and timegate
@ZackZsp 2 дня назад
​@@Acex2rontimegate yeah, you can get it free on 10th anniversary
@lkcdarzadix6216 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ron that's an anime redesign also valve gave it away it for free in the 10 year anniversary. you want scummy behavior look at arcana lina now
@user_ghdq3 23 часа назад
She literally looks better in dota 1
@iftheresawill_theresaway3425 2 дня назад
Sneyking won TI spamming this hero on Tundra when she was in this "clunky" state. Mirana's niche is in being a lane bully with the trading damage she can output early on and either threatens a kill or denies one with a value point in leap. Post laning stage she is a swiss army knife that can itemize to cover any weakness of the draft because she already has all the basic needs of a hero covered. I cant think of any other heroes off the top of my head that have damage, disable, mobility and vision utility in the base kit, espically from the support role. She is a fantastic +1 when looking for pickoffs, a playstyle thats greatly enabled by moonlight shadow. Other heroes can do what mirana does but better. I am not arguing against that. Itemization is so much more important than it has ever been and mirana can reasonably build anything if its the right game for it be that damage (magic OR physical), lockdown or going full Mirambulance. Mirana is undertuned due to getting dogged on in the facets update but fine overall.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Yeah, but Sneyking also plays at a level of Dota that the vast majority of the playerbase will never be able to reach. And it's interesting you say that she's a lane bully though, because I've found that a lot of people say she's a shit laner, and better ganker (probably depends on elo). I actually think she's pretty decent in lane as a support because of branchspam universal and being able to isolate the enemy 5 as we trade sentries. But right now, it seems that IceFrog is pushing her to be a carry, and a lot of parts of her kit signify that, like Solar Flare, Crit Talent, Leap Self-Buff, etc. I could be entirely wrong on my take, and maybe she's an actual innate away and a few numbers tweaks from being good, but I really can't agree with her current iteration. Perhaps the direction should've been like "Mirana is actually so garbage right now" or something.
@iftheresawill_theresaway3425 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ron Mirana's auto attacks feel really bad in a vacuum but when playing the lane, the overwhelming majority of the time you are attacking, the backswing gets canceled by movement or attack inputs. Her abysmal projectile speed fucks her over when trying to get cs in lane but doesn't matter if all you are attacking are the enemy heroes. Mirana has always been split in her talents on whether you specialize more for damage or team utility and the facets she got really solidifies that. I think solar flare is garbage and needs more changes to justify it as a facet choice. The other option being moonlight shadow with no other changes is also shit as almost every other hero got new toys to play with and most of the time choosing the facet is a meaningful decision. My real hot take is that core Mirana feels shit to play because you don't specialize in anything and I think that's OK. She has the flexibility to pick up the slack if needed but she is designed around being a support first and foremost. If players find a way to consistently make her feel good as a core, good for them. I agree that her innate is awful too, feels like how when talents were first introduced, heaps of heroes had boring talents like the gpm, xpm and respawn reduction ones. Several of the innates feel like placeholders until ice frog thinks of something better.
@viltautasYT 2 дня назад
vengeful spirit: damage- she has(not as much, but its not negligible), disable- she has (Q), mobility- she has (Ult), vision- she has (W) so there you go, also has an aura that helps allies
@iftheresawill_theresaway3425 2 дня назад
@@viltautasYT calling swap a mobility spell is a massive stretch. Vision utility akin to that of moonlight shadow also extends much past a thin line/small circle of flying vision to make dewarding easier
@cblrtopas 2 дня назад
Very brave of you to second-guess IceFrog, our lord and savior. I heard another RU-vidr (I think it was Vars) make the case that Dota heroes are designed to combine with other heroes and items instead of being self-synergistic. There are some combo heroes like the four spirt brothers, but sometimes dota heroes are just kind of disjointed or incomplete. Like how Doom is a walking ultimate, especially before infernal blade replaced his LVL? Death spell. Ancient Apparition used to be a walking ultimate too before they slowly power crept a lot of damage onto his other spells. Bloodseeker kind of doesn't fit neatly into any archetype and never has. Is that bad design or is that intentional and a mark of a higher awareness. Mayber you're just a philistine looking at a Jackson Pollock.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
There's a reason I go after Mirana instead of those heroes you've listed though. I'm not saying that she has to be self-synergistic, in fact I think she has a very complete and well-rounded kit, but she just has anti-synergy in her kit, and I feel like we've all just decided to accept it because she's a classic hero. Doom is very clearly designed to go in and frontline, AA is also clearly a backliner, Bloodseeker is also meant to go in. But why is Mirana's being forced to position in front to maximize her damage when she's more brittle than a Bronze League Player's mental?
@Absolute_Zero7 2 дня назад
Do you know what Vars video you're referring to? Or are you maybe thinking of Tzar Potato?
@distritochristianangeloa.157 2 дня назад
Since when Vars makes dota videos??? I know he makes league but I really known him for his bad Gacha takes
@cblrtopas 2 дня назад
I completely agree with you about Mirana's lack of identity. And yes, starstorm being an AoE centered around Mirana herself is a hold-over from a by-gone era (WC3 PoTM Starfall, considered a bad spell even then). But startstorm gets most of its value as a farming spell (her trash int notwithstanding) and is only used offensively very sparingly. Its kind of like Dark Seer's Ion Shell --- you're not really using it to deal damage to other heroes but mostly to farm and shove out waves. I would rework it to be kind of like a mini Sunstrike: It has the cast range equal to Sacred Arrow but has a 1.5 second activation delay and deals ~800 magic damage at max level to everything in a ground targeted AoE. Lean into her being a skill-shot queen. We lover our skill-shot heroes: Kunkka, Pudge, Mirana, Clockwerk, Windranger, hell I even count Timbersaw too. The point is, its not convenient but it doesn't matter because starstorm is not a big factor in what Mirana does which is whiff arrows and make her team invisible for a bit. Also, worst designed hero is clearly Troll Warlord: the melee/ranged switching design has never been equally viable even though I believe that was the intent (Lone Druid I'm lookin' at you too) also his ulty is just the worst.
@glimmerkepu День назад
@@cblrtopas Was thinking about this, back when Dota was played with trilanes, Starstorm's main utility was farming the wave as a suicide offlaner, with Leap being your escape (and later on engange). But since that role vanished Mirana had to fully transition into a weird support that wants to roam but now can't because of having to babysit a carry, wants to scale with dps items but then you don't have as much impact as say a Windrunner or Lina.
@troglodyte3850 2 дня назад
I've always viewed Mirana as a jack of all trades master of none support. Her right clicks are just high enough to be a threat in lane (and she has 630 range on top). Her nuke's full potential isn't reliable but with the right partner/lineup you can land it consistently, or just use leap. Her arrow isn't a reliable stun, but it's a great followup after a slow or stun. It's also great for scouting or for just getting vision. Her leap isn't an amazing initiation/escape tool, but the range is just enough that you can leap on a low enemy to finish the kill with Starstorm, or leap away from an enemy to buy a few seconds. Also the charges and cooldown is just enough that you can use it freely in a fight. Her ulti is either a free gank/global teamfight disruption, or a dps steroid for the whole team. Her kit lets her push waves relatively safely which is great for a support to have. And also she can use her ulti globally in case you were split pushing or warding or doing something else. If enemy team wants to fight, she can be a support and use her damage and stuns to fight. If enemy team wants to farm, she can push waves and farm jungle farms quickly and safely enough. If Mirana is allowed to farm, she can build basically any item that the team needs. Mirana can go the typical support items, and even if an hectic teamfight with slows/fissures/enemies in the way, Mirana's leap guarantees that her items get used. If the game calls for an orchid/nullifier, Mirana can get it and benefit from the stats. If Mirana needs to split push hard, she can get Aghs which also provides some dps in a teamfight. The only issue is that Mirana doesn't really get the big powerspikes like a Lion blink would. It's for those reasons that I can't agree that Mirana is the worst designed hero. If her identity is the comfort support semi-carry pick, then I believe Mirana fits that role perfectly. It's just that, like you said, why pick Mirana who has a bit of everything when you can pick a support that actually does the thing you want but reliably. I don't know where to buff Mirana as anything can probably work, but personally I would just buff her numbers, her kit is already perfect enough for me.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
This is a very reasonable argument. Mirana is indeed a very complete hero and can work with the right lineup (as with any hero), but the real issues with her still remain. How come to maximize my damage, I have to go in despite my great attack range and horrible durability? It's kinda like Techies but that hero is somewhat designed to go in as well, with Taser, Aghs, and Mines. How come I have to utilize one of my escape tool charges to get my attack speed buff? It's just clunky to me, and everyone has an idea of who the "Worst Designed" hero is, and Mirana just happens to be mine
@32Singder 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ronwell, that's why you have 3 leap charges - you arrow, leap in, starstorm, attack, leap out :)
@SadFace201 2 дня назад
I'd agree with this. Mirana has always been that flex pick that doesn't give away what your actual draft it. Because she's a jack-of-all-trades, it's what her team's lineup and how they combo with her that really emphasizes the nuances of her kit. I think the biggest issue in this video is that there's an inherent belief that certain roles should be designed in certain ways, which is what made League of Legends horrendously homogenous and boring. I think Dota having heroes like Mirana is what actually adds a lot of flavor to the game because you look at the kit and you think of multiple ways to make it work rather than just going "yep, she's another ADC" or "just another support".
@troglodyte3850 2 дня назад
@Acex2ron Mirana has to go in, losing her strengths and becoming quite vulnerable, because in return she gets to do a 525 dmg nuke + attack speed + movement speed + the leap is fixed movement so slows don't affect her + she's in range for her items + she has the chance to escape afterward all on a 12 sec cooldown. Lion does 600 damage with his ulti and its much more reliable to land, but it's 140 sec cd. Oracle can do 880ish total damage with 2 flames + fortune ends combo, but it's a 2.5 sec combo and Oracle has no initiation/escape tool to get the kill and/or run away. Snapfire full bore facit and grimstroke ink brush facit can deal fat damage safely at a distance, but it's only damage and a brief slow (And grim loses the other good facit). Weaver/clinkz/windrunner can run to the backline to finish the kill with right clicks, but then your pos 4 doesn't have disables or much utility (except Windrunner's stun but then she has to use her windrun, her initiation/escape tool, to get in with no follow up to get out). The point I'm trying to make her is that Mirana's starfall + leap combo has a lot of merit to warrant the weakness of exposing her to death. Or at the least a different set of merits. Now I can agree with the idea that it's unintuitive for Mirana to full send her fragile body on an enemy to get the full benefit of her Q and E, but there should be heroes in Dota that have to sacrifice their comfort zone to get the most out of their kit for flavour or balance reasons. It literally wasn't long ago where Dark Willow's wisp could be placed on any ally unit and she become meta for a long time until they removed it. Turns out that letting an ability that's been balanced around the Dark Willow putting herself in danger become an ability you can place on the tanky initiator or aggressive diver is a bit too strong.
@Acex2ron День назад
@@troglodyte3850the issue is the tradeoff would be more worth if Mirana had some sort of survivability buff. Techies and Huskar are ranged heroes but they have magic resistance and disarms. Mirana has another leap charge, but she dies in a single stun
@Weigazod 2 дня назад
I think Mirana and Legion can swap their abilities and then everything will click. Legion's AOE is now around her while Mirana's AOE is an area of her choosing, the closest enemy to the center will take another starfall.
@John.Cambrian 2 дня назад
True a point and click smaller aoe starfall would be so much better.
@SadFace201 2 дня назад
This is actually a really good idea for a change that still keeps her original identity but also reworking her tools to better fit her squishiness. It leaves her Arrow > Leap > Starfall combo untouched but also makes her safer in every other scenario.
@atonief8936 2 дня назад
A BILLION views in 10 mins? Bro blew up
@rmac02 2 дня назад
Finally something different
@user-db9wr6ho9f 2 дня назад
There is exactly 747 views at the time of me watching. Bro really did blow up :|
@palava8500 2 дня назад
Starstarm should be reworked. To work loke the old legion q. So you could aim that shit. Would make more sense with the arrow
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
This is a pretty good suggestion
@illiil9052 2 дня назад
Mirana was solid pick in pro matches for so long time that it got nerfed so much that it is borderline grief pick in pub game now. I don't think its design is garbage, just its stats become garbage after dozens of nerfs. BTW mirana was one of the few heroes that was used in every single role in dota pro matches(Carry, Mid, Offlane, Hard and Soft Support).
@nyithuta2695 2 дня назад
Old mirana was a beast in mid lane back in 2016-17 with aghs starfall magic build, it was so op that Icefrog had to nerf her to oblivion now the hero is kinda ded.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
I ‘member Sumail Mirana in that epic TI match of EG vs EHome. And it kinda adds to my point, if a hero is only ever extremely busted or extremely useless, is it not badly designed?
@FoggyInc 2 дня назад
The flex seal shard comment was great. Idk I used to play a lot of Mirana and would wipe 7/10 lanes i was in due to her laning kit being potentially great. And I guess I see her as a jack of all trades hero. Like a swiss army knife, sure you dont feel confident with that little knife in your hand if you're being mugged but if you're being mugged, need to unscrew something small nearby and do some light facial grooming with the tiny scissors, its a good tool to have
@Herio7 2 дня назад
When her split arrow talent came out my thought was it would be 3 parallel in pointy cone shape. When I tested it I was so shocked how spread they were. That basically sums her kit to me. Spread so much it rarely works at all
@wigmanmania259 2 дня назад
The way to fix Mirana is to combine her with her mount and turn her into an anthropomorphic Tigress Huntress
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Hey anything to move on from her atrocious base model lmao
@John.Cambrian 2 дня назад
I coudnt care less if they made mirana a furry, anything to remove that ugly ass base model.
@sortileges5474 2 дня назад
i want anime mirana where she just never misses her arrows
@mrgamewatch4169 2 дня назад
Keep up with these videos about game design, really what dota ytb was missing
@IoFoxdale 2 дня назад
As a Hoodwink main: Mirana's my back up pick because her kit feels like Hoodwink but more old school dota.
@Wiz00445 2 дня назад
Mirana was so oppressive in the support meta for such a long time that they decided to gut her numbers and give her an identity crisis like 3-4 years ago. Stuff like nerfing arrow stun duration (especially for level 1) was not enough to get her out of the meta so they kept nerfing her to the point where she is now
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Maybe she's just a victim of the nerf bat, but her kit rn just feels so bad to use
@TheKingOfApples100 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ron often times it's the proscene that causes nerfs to a "already bad hero" like the recent example of tinker people freaked out over the recent patch and his pub win rate but in pro dota he was farming the whole enemy jungle and being immune to most disables, which let him be broken with optional farm and denial of enemies economy by farming their camps without much to stop him without sacrificing more resources like ganking with 3 at a time which let their team get further ahead.
@kyies8528 2 дня назад
whatever they do to my hero, I will always make it work. mirana is good utility
@eryalmario5299 2 дня назад
Would giving mirana's e cd reduction on her spells after using her e fix her? Or is it gonna break her?
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
The game is already so fundamentally broken on so many levels that I think we're past the point of worrying about whether one change would make a hero busted lmao But I think it would help
@megawl2086 День назад
What's your opinion on Elder Titan? He's almost never talked about, even though he's not the least picked hero in the game although he's pretty close to that title
@pavelnesterov1046 2 дня назад
rod of atos>arrow>leap>starfall
@MrDeflador 2 дня назад
Mirana and Windranger are the two hereos who had the most identity crisis. Both hereos saw play in every role for a time and often people did not really knew what role they were supposed to play with them. They are not the only hereos who changed their role, Tide went from a pos 4 to pos 3 for example. But these two are all over the place. And even to this, no matter where you pick either of them on any role, you will find someone, who will flame you for it.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
WR used to be worse when Focus Fire was horrible ability, but I think she's pretty comfortable now. She's falls off late game, but she does have a single target "delete" button now.
@MrDeflador 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ron Yeah WR now is fine, while she is still a flex pick who can go pos 3 or 4, she is now mainly a mid hero.
@shapeshifter7676 День назад
I once saw a very interesting video comparing Dota hero designs vs LoL. It basically explained how Lol champions are more "complete" in a way that they don't have to rely on anyone, but themselves to pull of the entire combo, while in Dota, heroes are more "incomplete" which forces you to play combos with your teammates. I think Mirana is the perfect example of that. How her Arrow is an insane stun, but very hard to hit, so you need someone else to set you up for it. In Lol every champion has a complete kit to do what they're supposed to, which makes them simpler and easier. in Dota it's a bit more random and incomplete which makes the game more creative. And that's kinda why we love this game.
@mr.t5785 2 дня назад
If you look at mirana for a purely combo perspective she's bad. But i feel like that's leauge's mentality, where every hero has a complete kit. The way i look at mirana is, she's a support, that can farm needed counter items quickly. Due to arrow insta kill creeps. starstorm for wave clear.. the attack speed on the leap helps too. She's also a good plus 1 to any hero with stun since the follow up arrow is one of the longest stun in the game. Having long attack range to lane bully and easy camp pull is a plus. Hence in the midgame where 3-4 man gank/rotation is the meta. while the other 1-2 core is farming. You could expect mirana to outshine a lot of support. with moonlight shadow, to set up a successful gank. having a long follow up stun to make sure you can burst even the tankiest enemy. and for sure your mirana have a vessell, euls, glimmer, mech, or other needed utility items already.. the way i look at heroes on dota is not about how to use them. but what boxes they check when you play them. and mirana check a lot of boxes.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Yeah I won't really refute any of that, but I'm really making the point that her numbers are just conflicting with her design. Like why does she have to get in close to deal damage when she's so clearly a backliner? Like if you were a new player, you wouldn't really understand how she's supposed to be played.
@AgapitoHampaslupa12 2 дня назад
​@@Acex2ronbecause you have the option of a high risk and high reward play. Why does sf need to be close to deal damage when he has atk damage from souls, passive armor reduction, skill that give him atk speed, and raze? Sf is arguably worse because he is as squishy as mirana yet lacks the mobility from leap
@henrikswanstrom9218 День назад
To be honest, I think her kit kinda makes sense with how Icefrog designed her. She's supposed to use her ulti to sneak around on the map, land Arrows from fog and then engage with Leap + Starstorm. Her kit is designed around sneaking up and chasing people, not around manfighting like traditional carries. I think her basic abilities are deisgned well for most parts, but I think her ultimate feels really off in her kit. From a lore and character perspective it makes sense, but from a gameplay perspective I think her ult is both a frustrating spell to play against but also to play with in pubs. I do agree that her Starstorm feels kinda anti-synergistic with the rest of her kit. My suggestion would be to make it so Starstorm activates around Sacred Arrow if cast while an Arrow is traveling and for ~1 sec after hitting a target.
@randomguy9084 2 дня назад
I fully agree that Mirana's kit is clunky and antisynergestic I am glad someone made a video about this because I have always though Mirana's design was strange. The only ability that really fits her for me is her W and the rest feels like it was made in ability draft. But I still play Mirana because I find her a really relaxing hero to play I usually chill at the back launching arrows occasionally leaping in for a kill with startstorm usually followed by death but she doesn't feel very sweaty like some heroes do. Feels like pudge just casually firing out skill shots and not needing to try too hard I think that's why people really like pudge and mirana they feel casual and also very rewarding to play. I also really like her persona skin and 10th anniversary items for it, it is a factor for me to play a hero that isn't horrifying to look at. Like when I play broodmother it can be fun but sometimes I wish I wasn't a giant disgusting spider (I hate spiders). But I agree I think she needs rework of her q e and ult. I also think it's dumb they locked her HD model behind a paywall while the old one has 2 pixels. I think she should have a long range nuke for her q, and her E should be an escape tool thats less janky. And then I think her ult should lock down an enemy somehow and combo with her arrow. I propose this for the ult because I think if she had lockdown that comboed with her arrow on a short cooldown it would be a little too powerful being able to gurantee long arrows regularly. Also one last thing a numbers buff can always make a hero good no matter how janky their kit is. If her q's damage was doubled She'd be broken. It wouldn't fix her anti-synergy of course but it would increase her winrate. I say this only because I think looking at winrate is a poor indicator of how well designed a hero's kit is. Like next patch she could have a high winrate if she gets a lot of buffs but that doesn't mean the inherent flaws in her kit were fixed. This is also why I think instead of adding new heroes they should continue to redesign and fix old heroes. Why do we add new heroes when we already have so many and many of the old ones have issues.
@kimmy620 2 дня назад
Hm I think that would be Lion
@rainbowskin3379 2 дня назад
I am blessed to have made it into the video :)
@KitsuneFaroe 2 дня назад
Lets be honest, You don't actually think Mirana design is the problem. Her current iteration and stats is. I was scared you would ditch on one of the most classic heroes of Dota until I watched the video and see her design is not actually the problem. I remember how everyone back in the day strongly identified her due to how iconic her leaps and arrows were. I feel like her identity is really strong of being the ganking-from-shadows guiding-allies moon princess, and I love it, like kind of a jack of all tardes, even though sometimes her iteration feels off. This is something I love from Dota over other similar Games: even the most janky, frankestian, old Warcraft 3-like hero of the Game has a very STRONG identity on its kit. And Valve almost always knew how to make this identity shine even more as Dota evolved without doing controversial redesigns to heroes. This also shows how GOOD the DotA 1 hero designers where. Also anyone who thought the other heroes you mentioned are/were badly designed doesn't have a say on the topic lol.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Pretty much! I still think that a hero's iteration and stats are still part of their design though. But with how often Dota changes, this video could be irrelevant in a major patch or two. But it's worth being said that her current iteration is just so awkwardly placed together. Why do I have to get close with Starstorm when I have the durability of a wet paper bag? Why am I a support with an attack speed steroid that only benefits myself? Leap made a lot more sense when it was a team-wide buff rather than a selfish get out of jail + self buff tool. Leap and Starstorm just really need a rework, and maybe then she can get a real shard. Perhaps make Leap the way it was before and make it a teamwide buff, or how another comment made Starstorm a targeted AoE like LC's old Overwhelming Odds. And the only time I can remember this hero being good was when she had her old aghs, and that was just a nightmare to balance so I can see why they removed it. This hero's power fantasy is definitely there, shoot arrow, hit arrow is just so much fun, but her current execution is just all over the place atm
@imfinishedgrinding638 2 дня назад
Yeah my boy CK doesn't deserve the flak being compared to PL. He just finally became a real Illusion hero. Like the other 3, Naga, TB and PL except he's strength.
@kjmt7760 День назад
I think mirana's gameplay design is actually well rounded. She feels like a huntress, targeting unsuspecting enemies, great for picking enemies of one by one. Her ult allow her allies to roam around unseen and scout enemies, and when they find an enemy, she shoots her 2nd skill from a far to maximize damage and when she hits it, all of his allies jump on the enemy, she uses her 3rd to close the gap and lands 1st skill to maximize damage, then when the job is finished she can leap out again to escape the scene and depending how quickly they killed the enemy, the invisibility from her ult can help her team escape without being traced by the enemy team. Her main purpose is to help her team gank unsuspecting enemies as fast as possible which is why most people build her as this damage support like common items such as Gleipnir
@krzysztofputerko1943 15 часов назад
As a pos 4 player who locks in Mirana quite often I think that she isn't completely poorly desgined, it's just that people don't really understand what's the best build for her. In original dota wc3 mode she was mainly played as a right clicker on mid, and even tho she moved to pos 4 since those time, the idea of playing her as right clicker kinda sticked in people's minds for some reason. However from my experience, I would say that her best build is around full utility. So no magic dmg with e-blade and kaya. no right click with maelstrom etc. utility, with solar crest, Guardian greaves, pipe, rod of atos etc. etc. Her new ult is hot garbo so I would recommend sticking to old invisibility ult which already is huge utility tool because it's basically free smoke every 1.5 minute which also doesn't reveal you when you get close to your opponent. Some could say that if she is supposed to be build into full utility, then why would she have so long attack range lvl 20 crit talent and most importantly attack speed on her leap. And that's where I would like to make a comparison to another support hero, Undying. Undying is extremely powerfull lane bully played as pos 5 who can stomp majority of the lane matchups even tho most pos 1 carries are really weak early game. He is extremely hard to kill early game thanks to his low cooldown Q which thanks to strenght steal heals him for 88 HP per every single hero hit. His ult also gives him massive strenght booster which makes him close to unkillable early game once he hits 6. Because of that, he will often just face tank entire teamfights in early and midgame and dish out tons of dmg with ult empowered auto attacks and tombstone. However, he just as Mirana, prioritizes to build full utility items instead of tank or dmg items. why? Because once midgame ends and pos 1 and 2 already have their powerspikes, He no longer can tank basically anything. He has the lowest strenght gain/lvl among all of the strenght heroes, and as a support he will never have enough money to make up for it with items. Because of that his late game playstyle revolves around sitting on backline and spamming his W/solar crest/glimmer cape/pipe/greaves etc. on his allies to heal/shield them. He no longer really can attempt to use his Q to weaken his enemis or place a tombstone in a middle of a teamfight for bonus dmg and slow because those spells range is so low that he would ge oneshot instantly after he attempts to go near frontlines. So in late game he saves his ult, Q and tombstone to use in case some cocky enemy PA or Ember spirit etc. tries to dive Dirge's backline in order to killhis ranged carry or second support etc. Does that mean he is poorly designed? no, it just means he needs to end the match really fast in order to not lose simply via getting outscaled by other supports. It's a drawback he has for being probably the strongest early game hero in the entire game who has his powerspike at lvl 1. And similar thing applies to Mirana. Her bonus attack speed or double hit on her Q are mostly used in early game when nobody has oneshot potential yet and she can freely poke and dive her opponents with her offlaner. in late game she is just a sacred arrow+solar crest+pipe etc. spammer because she, just like Dirge has one of the most powerfull early games among all heroes. And yes, if your team lacks CC Mirana shouldn't be the go to picks because her arrow is a skillshot. But that argument is really stupid imo. You also won't pick Pudge in the exact same scenario because before he gets blink he also is 100% reliant on a skillshot. Same thing applies to other heroes. If your team lacks frontline, you won't pick Viper offlane even tho he has bonus 25% magic resistance, simply because Viper isn't about tanking but dealing dmg and lane bullying. Same with Mirana, she isn't supposed to be your main CC provider, she is supposed to be a strong lane bully with a powerfull ganking potential thanks to her ulti. last but no least. You don't necessarily have to be as far as possible for the maximized sacred arroe effects because the spell gets it's max bonus and stun values at around 2/3 of the ability range, not the end of it. And that distance is short enough that you can use a single leap to get your Q on the target.
@argovergara94 2 дня назад
Leap synergize well with Arrow because if you hit arrow at long range you want to attack the enemy quickly before he wakes up from the stun
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
The issue is though you’re not gonna be landing long range arrows 100% of the time. Most arrows hits aren’t all that long, and at that point you’re diving into danger
@Username-cs1bi 2 дня назад
​@@Acex2ron yes, but that's what we call high skill expression. I'm not mirana player but I do know mirana player who can land a lot of long range arrow from fog/tree. dota used to have series called headshot coz there are some people who can make her works. I still won't mind for QoL for her though, make starstorm target aoe like firestorm would be great, i have no idea why she needs to be so close to proc 2 starfall when she's a ranged hero. They let dark willow cast her ult on ally now, why not her?
@baldystick3327 2 дня назад
​@@Acex2ron Pudge not gonna land hook 100% of the time, so rot and dismember not synergize with hook? Pudge brought enemy from danger to him, so technically he should be squishy instead because he does not dive himself into danger?
@TheFreakWolf 2 дня назад
I play her sometimes as a pos 4 and try to dominate lane by playing like a clock/gyro 4 (is the enemy near me he takes a ton of damage - is he away then i try to match his movement and deal the damage) after that i rushed vlads everygame and to be honest - it feels nice. You survive fights when u use ur leap defensively so the aura lingers for a longer time and you try to hit your stuns and sometimes a star storm if theres an opening for it. But to be honest - i play this only in koop so we can communicate und i never asked myself if another support would suit this playstyle more
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Yeah, right now I do believe Utility is her best build (always has been tbh). Greaves, Vlads, etc, but the issue is that Utility build is something anyone can do, with the most synergy coming from her ult/s
@OrdoMallius 2 дня назад
Old heroes are basically get a bunch of other people skills and something from Wc3 campaign mash it together and voila! But Mirana is cool to me and last time I played she was always a good pick. Could do hard lane with her. Maybe they nerfed her recently I didn't play
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
She's pretty dogshit atm, and Valve doesn't really know what to do with her. She's only been changed once in the recent letter patches
@rutvikrs 2 дня назад
PoTM>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>PoTS. That stupeed anime was the death of this hero.
@j3llyzz 2 дня назад
Mirana is not a core, she is a support. I think the dota devs know heroes like mirana, dazzle, and silencer are supports, but they give them things to make them play other roles. These heroes core identities, including Mirana, are (imo) meant to be played a certain way, and I think this is a big reason why Mirana as a core doesnt feel right.
@Dlxxx159 2 дня назад
Originally she was a core mid but felt better as a support when pros started playing her that way
@glimmerkepu День назад
Imo Mirana's kit is good but it was good for a game that doesn't exist anymore. She used to be a quintessential 'no gold' hero, a suicide offlaner or roaming support since her spells provided the perfect utility for these roles but in modern dota with tons of resources and everyone expected to scale she doesn't fit the mold, similar thing happened to Lion, almost all of his spells lost the impact they once had.
@Magicwaterz 2 дня назад
I dunno if making Leap a vector target spell rather than making her move towards the direction she faces because she could just leap at an angle where she can get close but not too close. But if people want Leap to make her jump in the direction she faces, it will be a self-cast instead.
@norsehorse84 2 дня назад
They just need to make it so Leap is point targeted by default, rather than a set distance.
@lamMeTV 2 дня назад
Whats the problem with using arrow and star storm to farm and throw an error and then jumping in to hit both star storms and using the second charge to jump back out? Seems like a solid game plan. But yea how auto attacks are whack. Your changes would certainly make her more fun so sure why not. But I dont like the gimmick innate. Marci's innate is also depressing. P.S. just cause you have a game design paper doesnt mean you are competant.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
The things surrounding the combo are what make it clunky. Assuming you hit the arrow, and let's say there's a creepwave, to guarantee the 2nd star to fall, you gotta be right next to them. This is already a problem because you're literally one of the squishiest heroes in the game, so you really shouldn't wanna be anywhere near the danger. Not to mention you don't fully utilize your attack range because you're right next to someone. Then you expend both of your leap charges, one to get in, then another to get back out. Using it this way means you don't get to max the attack speed buff because you're using them in quick succession. You're also using your only escape to get into danger, then get out of the same danger you put yourself in. Then if someone jumps you, you're out of charges assuming you don't have Shard. Not to mention turning around also feels clunky on her because of her below-average turn rate. On an isolated target, this is perfectly fine. But in Dota, a target is only very rarely isolated because of things like TP scrolls, global abilities, etc.
@Blackmantis159 День назад
The design is to arrow from off screen, where you can't already attack them... leap, then Q. In lane or from fog it works somewhat. I'd like if she also got the steroid from her leap for landing the arrow on a hero, and make her starstorm radius be equal to her attack range. The arrows and her ultimates are great for many teams. She's not someone you pick for reliable cc - if every support required reliable cc to play their role only a small portion of supports would be viable. She's just part of the group that can't be picked unless your other support/team has sufficient cc and benefits from her followup. I'm actually surprised there isn't a shard/aghs to make her arrow (if it connects) do aoe stun on impact or something like that. She scales great late game, too bad hoodwink is too and just more damage, more consistent, and safer. Mirana ults both win games though.
@Absolute_Zero7 2 дня назад
I was going to write a comment arguing why I think venge is the worst designed hero in Dota, however this video does make a pretty convincing argument. That being said, I'll throw out my arguments regardless. Something that Valve has done a good job doing since like 2016 is giving heroes abilities that try to make them fit some core thematic identity, to immerse you into whatever thematic elements the character represents. This is especially noteworthy in older Dota 1 heroes which were often hodge podges of random wc3 spells slopped together with little to no cohesion. Prime examples of this would be old drow, void, and centaur. Starting from 2013 or so, Valve would spend a lot of time reworking these heroes abilities not only to be more unique and interesting, but also fit better into whatever thematic framework they want the hero to represent. Void is actually a really good example of this. Faceless Void is meant to be this 4th dimensional traveler who can see the future and manipulate time to his whim, and whilst you could argue this was represented in his old kit, it was very abstract. Like sure, you can argue that time walk is him traversing the time vortex, backtrack is him seeing the future, and reversing time to stop it, and time lock is him freezing time in place, these are still very abstract representations of these abilities, and require a lot of imagination to make sense of. His reworks from 2015-2017 took those abilities, and made them truly feel like abilities which involved actual time manipulation, with the health reversal, cooldown freezing, and calling in other dimensional fvs to attack the target, rather than just reskins of generic ability concepts. All of this is to say that Venge to this day feels like the last remnant of this old school hero design. For starters, what is her theme even supposed to be? Obviously in terms of gameplay, you could argue that she is supposed to make these sacrificial plays with lifeswap, and come back with a vengeance, but there's nothing about her basic abilities that in any way reinforces this idea besides her aghs upgrade, and her brand new innate (which hey, its something I guess). All of her regular abilities are just generic wc3 spells that are just jumbled together, and have no unique flavour whatsover. I mean christ, magic missile is such a generic spell, its literally the default name used to categorize all "targeted projectile spells that deal damage and stun". It has no defining or unique qualities attached to it, unlike every other magic missile based spells, other than maybe that new damage scaling facet. Her other basic abilities don't fare much better: a line attack that deals damage and reduces armour? An passive aura damage boost? There is absolutely nothing interesting here. And to be clear, I'm not saying there is something wrong with simple or straight forward heroes, but these days most simple heroes are designed around a simple gameplay loop or concept that at least makes them fun to play or feel powerful. Bristleback is one of the easiest heroes to play, yet his abilities have a strong focus around spamming these big low cooldown/AOE spells, and his kit just runs with the concept making him feel fun to play. Wraith King is literally the 1 button king, yet his gameplay loop of running it and just smashing everyone while they struggle to keep you dead whilst also fighting a horde of skeletons feels exactly like what being a Zombie/Skeleton general would feel like. Venge I'd argue is the only hero in the game that doesn't have an easily identifiable hero fantasy that the playstyle tries to warp itself around, and overall she just feels aimless and sluggish. She feels like she belongs right next to 2011 Drow Ranger the Ranged Creep with Items.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
One complaint that I do have about Venge is that her Aghanim's is just so frustrating to play against. It almost completely removes the whole idea of "let's kill this hero to get her out of the fight." But it's not like WK where you have time to prep for it. It just instantly spawns an illusion on death with all of her CDs refreshed with the drawback of being slightly weaker, and it can't use items. You have to commit so much time to killing a support hero twice. It's just so dumb.
@John.Cambrian 2 дня назад
Completely agree. Every time i play this hero it feels so awkward & clunky because of what you said , "her abilities are just a hodge podge of wc3 abilities" and the only thing unique about her kit is Nether Swap. Her kit is just ancient. Spam your 1 good ability, become a ranged creep when its on cooldown and maybe sacrifice yourself once in a while with ult. Also, the awful cashpoints that all of her abilities have that makes her feel even more clunky to play.
@wyvernsimpermanence 2 дня назад
5500-6000 player here, i have played 200+ matches with mirana with overall 58-60% win rate, (winrate gone up to 64% in new patch when i switched to solar) and i gotta say Mirana is not bad at my rating, its probably worse higher up since people will be faster to react to leaps/ arrows, but still. Here are things that are actively going for mirana: she is a universal hero, that means you can adapt a LOT in terms of itembuild in game. The biggest flaw is NOT the arrow, the biggest issue is her tiny hp pool, against metaheroes like tiny/ck she dies in a millisecond unless you are really carefull. You do want to build gleipnir and sometimes eul, but not as 1st pick. With leap atk spd/new ult option diffusal is an incredible pick. Again because you are universal hero you might have to build a heart, hex, skadi or even linken and they'll all be good on you, but you NEED early game survivability so naked fluffy hat for future forcestaff, maybe bracer just get something otherwise you are dead when someoen even looks at you. Again arrow is not your bread and butter, arrow is a pickoff/jackpot tool, start with arrow/leap depending on how rune snatching goes, lvl the other one at level 2 because you need both. Then max starstorm, ult on 6 (solar is better you get incredible buff for yourself(80 dmg/atk spd at 6????!!!!!) and half for the team thats an insane powerspike that will let you kill people w/o even landing arrow) continue to max starstorm, then all in leap. IF you are incredibly confident in your arrows max leap and arrows skipping starstorm and just jump in to finish the stunned enemy. All that said there ARE better heroes for any position mirana might be in, so she is not the best pick and honestly when i dont want to 'have fun' but rather 'win' i just go for hoodwink for position 4, which is the most ive played mirana as. The one time i went mid i won the lane but lost the game because i just couldnt get enough of an impact. Same went when i tried her as carry, just not good enough. Reliably cc is king as 5, so mirana was also not so good as 5. In conclusion she is a suboptimal pos3-4 pick (better 4), but very fun and feels great to play. P.S. Pro tip: Arrow is slow. Very slow. And pretty visible especially in daytime, so TRY to obscure the arrow path with as many trees as you can so the enemy has the least ammount of time to react.
@DavidGlendaleArdenaso 2 дня назад
I feel Mirana's sacred arrow is just so outdated nowadays now that everyone and their mothers have dashes/movespeed or other gap closers/escapes, and the fact that even the lowest rank support knows to buy force staff
@eliaspalacios3481 День назад
Bro was cooking this whole video. I’m preety sure my chances to win a gam with support mirana on my team goes down by 20%
@kurosujiomake 2 дня назад
I feel like if they changed her Q to be an area cast castable up to 450 units away with a second star hitting the unit closest to center of the cast it would solve most of ur issues with mirana, at the cost of potentially making castrana one of the most annoying long range lane bullies
@tokyoreforged7851 2 дня назад
Say that to a filipino dota 1 enjoyer 😂
@xGenierationGTx 2 дня назад
K, I agreed, but why you wanna make a carry from 4pos controler and helper?
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Not me, but Valve. Leap with the attack speed buff, crit talent, and solar flare encourage the player to play this hero as a core, or a scaling 4. The text that Mirana gets double the bonus of Solar Flare that her teammates get also tells players to build this hero carry. One of my issues is that this hero is just so conflicting in terms of what Valve wants her to accomplish
@xGenierationGTx 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ron sorry, rep+ meh, I just sleepy now :D Also, no one time won with carry/mid mirana. 5/5 tries.
@michaelmata6966 2 дня назад
I just want to point out that the way Mirana casts her Elune's Arrow is weird. She throws it like a spear when she should shoot it with her bow. I wish Valve would notice and change it someday.
@gengibrekookie6022 2 дня назад
Nah bro i don't respect your oppinion after seeing that dead by puck's ball.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
@RustledBurritos 2 дня назад
My take Have the secondary shot of her Q prioritise heroes over creeps and scale with attack range (Only the second part) that way it's still usable in team-fights in creep waves without needing to get in too close, if only hitting once because it's outside initial Q range it does full damage. boost her W speed and make it a thinner hitbox, this makes it less of a clearing tool and more of a direct engage/disengage tool, increase it's damage a little to make up for the hitbox being smaller. Make her Leap's stat boosts apply to 2 allies who are closest to her, at half values give her leap an alt option which allows her to leap directly backwards that uses 2 stacks instead of 1, but boosts her movement speed and attack speed by an additional 25% this applies to allies at half value (call it backs against the wall or some such nonsense) heals her for 5% of her max hp for every ally affected (max 20% max hp heal) now she has a way to actually kite in a teamfight Ultimates remain the same
@pedropimenta896 12 часов назад
Play her as an assassin, picking off low hp enemies with your high mobility and spell range.
@GiantBUThead День назад
I've never been a mirana player, in fact I've always felt like she's super clunky. You can play her as both core and support but there's way better heroes in both roles. Also the one thing I really hate about her isn't her Q being underwhelming and her W being hard to use, it's her attack animation and attack projectiles. For some reason they really bother me, on the level of razor's attack animations and I just can't last hit with her and feel awkward when fighting as an auto attacker mirana. Her leap is extremely good though, it's one of the most annoying abilities in the game to play against and is how you're supposed to use her Q, if you think it's necessary to use it outside of it's farming use and just pressing it in a teamfight. Her arrow is also insanely good if you're good at landing it, it's one of the best stuns in the game, gives your really good farming early game by executing big creeps like a pudge hook and even if you're bad at landing it there's always atos leap away or other people setting up your arrow for a long stun chain. Her ultimate is also absolutely busted on a coordinated team, as it''s basically a smoke (although yeah sentries will spot you) but it's not on a 10 minute cooldown like smoke and is effective in teamfights for hit and run and wasting the enemy's cooldowns and re-engaging. So despite me always feeling she's clunky, she's really solid in the hands of someone who is skilled with her and is well coordinated with their team. As a carry she can hit pretty hard late game but she doesn't really utilize her kit well and isn't what i'd go for, although the new ultimate might be good enough to make her viable, although by the fact that i've never seen anyone pick it in the last month since they released it in my games, I doubt it. Oh and also for the steroid on mirana's E, you're not supposed to leap onto your target, you're supposed to leap to the side and also mirana has a strong cc in her kit and her main item is atos/glepnir so your target is not supposed to be able to hit you back easily. Of course this is harder in a teamfight but in 1v1s or in small skirmishes it's really strong.
@maryannmeals2900 2 дня назад
Good video
@destruction392 День назад
Having played a ton with Mirana (lvl 28 if it matters), I agree with a lot of things in this video, and to some extent disagree on some - 1. Starstorm - the damage this thing deals is high, really high. On lvl 7, if you are roaming with even one teammate, an arrow into starstorm is pretty much insta death. And if there is a team fight, you straight up deal 300 dmg to everyone (which is a lot in early game). But, the fact that you have to be closest to your target to hit them 2 times is really bad. As the video suggests, I think it should prioritize heroes for the 2nd star. 2. Arrow - Personally, I feel you should communicate to your team that you wanna play Mirana, so they can pick some setter for you. Bane, SD, OD are perfect examples. If they don't pick anything, yes you are kinda forced into making a RoA/Euls, since arrow is really easy to dodge. 3. Leap - I somewhat disagree with the video's take on this. For Mirana supp in laning stage, leap helps you stay on target, and hit them with increased speed. And if you wanna abuse the AS in later stages, you have to leap so that the enemy is just in your attack range, not be literally right next to them. This is because, if you really want to use that AS increase, you should really not think much about hitting them with a second star storm. SF has three razes but a right clicking SF would not be going in melee range to land the first raze (especially in the later stages if the game). Her lvl 15 talent gives her some crazy AS. Even its for 4s, she can dish out some serious right click damage (if built as a hitter, which you would be if you take that talent). Combine this with Solar flare, and you hit really hard at that point in the game. Innate - This really sucks. Yes it helps during laning stage, when even a single lotus can save your life, or is just a big regen boost. But later on, its just useless. Compare that to Willow's innate (if you use Shadow realm and use an Urn on yourself, you are pretty much back to full health). Shard - I am not sure if I am in the minority here, but I have always seen her shard as just an additional leap charge. The slow is alright, and sure vector targetting is good if you don't wanna get too close (to land your 2nd star storm), but I would still say it is not a good one. Scepter - What in the hell is even this item for ?? I haven't seen a worse scepter in this game. So for 4200 gold, I get a star storm proc on the enemy if my arrow hits ?? Thats such a waste. Guys, save all that gold, spend a bit more and just buy Hex instead. I have bought this item like 2-3 times in my life because of how trash it is. Finishing thoughts - Mirana has some glaring issues in her. She has good attack range, but slow attack animation, very low base damage, very bad stats gain for a universal hero. She has no scaling as a right clicker if you are a support. If you are a core, you have to commit to that. As a pos 5, I usually just go supp items like Greaves/Pipe/Glimmer/Solar/Force staff. But then, any other pos 5 can make them too, so why her. As a pos 4, I tend to go for RoA/Euls/Vessel, but once again, there are other heroes that can do that as well. I guess at this point its just preference, I have played with her a lot, so I still wanna play with her. Landing a 5s arrow is the greatest feeling in the world. If you have a decent setter in your team, you will have fun. Otherwise, just focus on buying support items (if you play as support), or hitting/stats items (if you are playing as core) and be happy with the occasional arrow connection.
@hanshysher6266 2 дня назад
I like people doing this kind of videos for league, now i get to see someone doing it for dota 2, thats pretty dope i really love league and im starting to like dota 2
@shadowcurtain 2 дня назад
Thank god someone made a video about her my and a friend have talked about how terrible she is as a carry her talents barely support it (it has gotten slighty better now compared to when we talked about it) and her dogshit stat gain as a Uni hero and we compared her to WR which has a click stun, skillshot dmg and AoE and a escape on E but with evasion and ofc the ult and she just feels like a better POTM.
@user-ep5en1ot8d 2 дня назад
Finally, someone said... and in turbo she is fuckin useless yet people pick them
@rkeykey 19 часов назад
I would argue Lycan is the worst designed hero because he and in lesser extent Chen and Beastmaster were the reason Necronomycon was removed, as only these 3 ever build that item, same with helm of dominanator. Items that are used only by couple of heroes like HoD or Bloodstone are useless for other 115 heroes, with some of them may had considered bying said items if they were a bit stronger, but alas we can't have a big mean wolf kill ur side lane at 15 min mark
@Kapo44 2 дня назад
IMO a rework is necessary. Maybe make her Q an AOE point target spell similiar to underlords firestorm. Instead of prioritising the extra hit based off of proximity, do lowest HP Hero instead. Change dmg number and AOE/range for balance. For extra fun make her arrow a vector target so u can slightly curve it to dodge creep waves and maybe lower stun duration/dmg to compensate could be a faucet like for grim or some shit. I feel like Mirana more than badly designed is just outdated for how much dota has evolved. And the changes to her kit have made her lose sense of that initial idea of this roaming ganker that relied on landing arrows to blow enemies up and swiftly escape any counter rotations. Anyway just an idea :)
@soultakersys 2 дня назад
I think arrow should have break mechanic, I would also give her half damage startorm at lvl 4 arrow when hitting max range
@hi-i-am-atan 2 дня назад
there's a major misunderstanding about dota mechanics in the tail end of this, and that's that attack backswing is an important part of a unit's attack capabilities. it is not. the only thing it even factors into is how long it takes a unit to start chasing their attack target if it moves out of their attack range, and that only matters for units that can't be directly controlled, like undying zombies, and units that you a-click onto something and then afk on them. which, y'know, _hopefully_ the closest thing to your hero you do that with are some throwaway illusions. either way, as soon as you right click the ground after an attack, the backswing completely ceases to exist and you can go about your day chasing or kiting whatever you just attacked with no consequence to your dps. hell, even if you _don't_ cancel the backswing, it can't impact your attack rate at all - if you ever find yourself in a situation where your hero has a lower bat than their total attack animation time, they'll automatically cancel the backswing themselves once it's time for their next attack that goes for the entire attack animation, even. if you somehow get a unit's bat lower than their attack point, then they'll get partway through their windup before the attack suddenly comes out and the unit already starts winding up their next. i don't know if that's actually possible to set up in a normal game, but all you need to do to see the effect in a custom game mode is change the dragon ancient's bat to lower than 0.9 and it'll be immediately obvious how janky it looks
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
I did choose to not put a mention of backswing canceling so thanks for mentioning it here, but the issue is that it's only a useful mechanic against a moving target like you said, and that's not true that the backswing doesn't exist if you cancel it. You can move during the backswing time to cancel the animation, but the game still has to treat you as if the animation completed, you can't actually attack unless you complete the "backswing period" so to say. Thus, stutter-stepping is only useful when chasing people down. Which is thematic for Mirana, but in terms of DPS, you'd still want to have a lower backswing time, which is the point I'm trying to make.
@hi-i-am-atan 2 дня назад
@@Acex2ron you're talking about her bat. canceling her backswing doesn't let you attack faster, sure, but that's because, like i said, backswing does not have any impact on whether or not a unit can attack. this goes for both a unit autocanceling it to not be slowed by it _and_ for manual cancels having absolutely no influence on the attack rate. the fact that mirana's attack animation takes over a second to complete does not change the fact that, given the exact same attack speed and amount of time, she'll get off the exact same number of attacks against a stationary target as nearly the entire rest of the cast hell, just to put it in perspective, the length of mirana's attack animation _isn't_ exceptionally long; dark willow, grimstroke, snapfire, skywrath, lion, viper, puck, enigma, lina, medusa, terrorblade, kotl, rubick, and invoker all have longer attack animations, and that's _just_ heroes that are ranged ( or, well, have a ranged mode in tb's case ) and have a 1.7 or lower bat ( and snapfire ). because, like, hoodwink's attack animation is nearly _two seconds_ long, but her bat is approximately five seasons long so she doesn't really compare to any other hero really, mirana's attack animation is actually above-average, all things considered. it's just that attack animation mostly matters for last hitting ( outside of cases where a unit's attack point is just _so_ awful that you can legitimately kite it by walking in the opposite direction and watch in amazement as you escape the range of every attack before it can connect ), and the benefits of said above-average attack animation are hamstrung by her laughable attack damage and the fact that she delivers her attacks via snail mail
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
@@hi-i-am-atan Fair enough, probably should have focused more on her dogshit base damage and proj speed then. Valve is trying to push Mirana to be a core, and with her laughable base damage and arrow speed, you need a support that can apply heavy lane pressure to get any CS against any half-decent enemy
@CheztaAhmad 2 дня назад
her laning is ass and in regards to her 1st skill, maybe a buff that makes it toggle-able for the 2nd star only hit heroes would be nice.
@MilkJugA_ Час назад
venge is 100% the worst designed hero, and she always has been. random stun, random minus armor/attack damage reduction, random damage aura, random positioning swap, random free respawn with aghanims. Mirana's whole idea has always been arrow from range (often after someone sets up), leap in and starstorm. Leap and moonlight shadow helps with positioning to get that idea to happen. Leap enables a more right-click centric build, often to deal damage after an arrow hits. Her core design is intuitive
@HeavensBane53 2 дня назад
After you brought up anti-synergies in the community post I had a feeling this video would be around Mirana. While I wouldn't disagree with anything you said, and think giving her the vector targeting on leap by default would especially be nice, I don't mind her weird, counterintuitive, kit. Hell, I like when heroes have weird anti-synergies that force you to play work around them by playing in strange ways, since it makes for interesting specialist heroes. I think a lot of mirana's problem stems from just how many ways to play her have been meta. She's been a meta pick in pro play in every role at some point in the game's history, often rocking completely different playstyles and builds in each, and valve kinda responded by just sanding down the edges until she didn't really have a role anymore. Her unique, and somewhat iconic, design means she's unlikely to get reworked, and I don't think she needs it, but personally I liked her best in the times she was a roaming pos 4 with scaling potential. I think part of the problem with that, though, is that she has a lot more competition in that regard, especially with talents letting casters scale just as well (if not better) than right clickers in some cases. My hope is that her facets, which are clearly meant to divide her core and support playstyles, will help smooth things out, but only time will tell. Also, I don't know if I'm just misunderstanding here, but you made it sound like attack animation has an effect on your dps, which it does not. The only direct interaction between attack speed and attack animation is that your animation speeds up with more attack speed, and there is no change to dps no matter how good or bad your attack animation is. You could make a case for it affecting your damage in chase downs, but that has much more to do with front-swing than back-swing. Bad animation does make last hitting a bitch, though. Also I do think a small BAT decrease would fit her well; I mean if Lina can have a better than normal BAT then why can't Mirana?
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Yeah I probably could’ve said it feels like Valve are pushing Mirana into the direction of being a core with the recent changes. Selfish Leap buff, Solar Flare, and yet you can easily beat her in lane if you got half a brain because of her garbage stats
@aqtauu 2 дня назад
What do you mean her magic resistance ass with low int? Didnt they ditched this mechanic like three years ago?
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
I forgot which patch, but int gives Magic Res (idk if it's as much as it used to give). A part of the first script that didn't make the final cut: "To put into perspective how low her int gain is, she has a lower int gain than Huskar--and HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE MANA ANYMORE"
@hi-i-am-atan 2 дня назад
used to be the int perk ( remember those? ) for like six months back in late 2017, then got mulched alongside the other perks 'til it came back in 2023 as just a regular int-derived stat
@CrCrown Час назад
Counterargument: Mirana's design is fine, she has perfectly fine synergy with her spells (which not all heroes have or even need in the first place), she is a very strong support hero and is played on almost all roles in pubs, and she historically always did somewhat well in pro matches. Sure, she feels weird to play when you are on the less expirienced side and don't know what you're doing, but that is no fault of the design. Dota doesn't always have intuitive designs, and that's what makes and keeps learning and discovering heroes so interesting, even after dozens of thousands of hours.
@AgapitoHampaslupa12 2 дня назад
Mirana is a high risk high reward hero. You either stay back and launch arrows, or leap -> arrow -> starfall and do a lot of damage. I think her kit synergizes well and makes a lot of sense, except for the fact that valve changes leap and shard every patch, but that's beside my point. Her ult is also really good when used by coordinated teams, and the arrow instant creep kill can counter heroes like chen and enchantress. You compare her to lion and shaman but they're just different. Mirana still has a niche that neither of those heroes fulfill
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
The anti-synergy isn't from her combo, it's from everything else. Why is this hero being forced to go into the fight when she has a single survivability tool built into her kit, and she uses one charge of said tool to enter said fight? And if she's supposed to be this high-risk, high-reward character, then she needs a LOT more than just Starstorm and Leap Attack Speed to be good. Techies and Huskar are two ranged heroes that are high-risk, high-reward and dive into the middle of the fight, but they have survivability built into their kits. Huskar has a disarm and boosted magic res, while Techies also has a disarm, and his initiation tool has a stun, and he has a magic res talent. By comparison, Mirana is high risk, low reward because your starstorm is just a typical nuke and extra damage onto one guy, and then you get attack speed which isn't all that amazing unless you build for it. And I'm comparing Mirana's Arrow to Lion and Shaman's respective combos, which are a lot more consistent. I'm saying the entire reason a lot of people play Mirana is completely outclassed.
@trraucer День назад
Mirana also feels like a range creep on lane. Most of the INT heroes have better attack speed and dmg
@Yuuni_Shiroza 2 дня назад
Poorly design Facet would be Medusa. I spam her nonstop but this patch made her worse. her Mana Pact would go up to around 40-50% of your Attack Speed. That is if you want to prime it up for 10 seconds with 30% of your mana. but then you only have 5 seconds of max attack speed for I dunno.. Farming?.. you cant even use it in teamfight because you will enter Clash with -30% mana on you. and you cant really dish damage because of medusa's Puny range. Note that Mana pact is base on your Attack speed. On the Other hand. her other Facet is designed poorly on how she should be played. As Safelane, you're mostly up against tanky hero with little mana but a lot of health. and what's her other facet you might ask? Damage base on enemies' mana gathered when using snake. Early game you're dealing with.. 5-10 pts of damage. OH and not to mention this is not 3-5 seconds of damage.. Noo.. it's 3 shots.. with additional damage base on mana gathered divide by 3. that means.. you're dealing atleast... 6-15 damage for 3 shots (early game) So why is it poorly design?. it contradicts the way Medusa is built. Mana pact, you need mana to counteract the mana loss.. but this gives you less Attack Speed than building full Agi. but if you built full agi then you're completely f-ed because you're always at 30% less mana in teamfights. Engorged is not good. 1 damage per 6 mana gathered for 3 shots?.. it's so little. when medusa is already suffering from low damage, needing a lot of farm. and being easily countered.
@mrsnail8664 День назад
I played mirana a lot before the map expansion, it was busted, i went whrait band first item and i would stomp the lane, singsing onece said that mirana + any hero that can stuns was a insta win lane because how easy is to hit the arrow and how much stun and damage it had, the hero is good in desing but the map changes makes her arrow less reliable and she does way less damage overall, if you bought only stats at the start you could trash the enemy suport and even the carry, now she tickles the enemies, in general the problem is the damage, her desing is decent but she needs more and thats is
@viltautasYT 2 дня назад
but shes in the anime :0
@tacogodboomdogg 2 дня назад
I thought her design was pretty intuitive, you stay at range with arrow and if you hit an arrow, you leap and starstorm to follow up. Otherwise you use leap and moonlight to roam.
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
It's just a weird that this hero who is designed to be a squishy backliner has to leap into the fray to maximize her damage. As good as Mirana is from distance and as squishy as she is, doesn't she want to be as far away from danger as possible? It would make more sense if she had some survivability tools in her kit, but it's just counter-intuitive atm
@toseno8978 2 дня назад
I think Mirana have two play style during a game. Early game, she plays like Selena from Mobile Legends. Selena throws long range sperm cell skill shot that stuns target (Just like arrow) then she dives to burst enemy down (Star fall) then if the enemy is still alive, dash out (Leap). Pretty much an hit-and-run assassin and due to Dota 2's naturally high skill damage, it still works. But when Mid to Late game. She now transistion to a basic ADC or continue to support magic burst damage build through talent tree. Maybe that's the reason why she plays so clunky. Because she have multiple good assets but it's so spread out that it it required to be nerfed so she can't become a G.O.A.T hero.
@AgapitoHampaslupa12 2 дня назад
Mirana does not play like selena. Selena is literally a mirana copy. Saying a dota2 hero is similar to a mobile legends hero is cringe. Ewww
@toseno8978 2 дня назад
@@AgapitoHampaslupa12 I said "Similar" instead of "Copied". What's wrong with that?
@toseno8978 2 дня назад
@@AgapitoHampaslupa12 If I said "mIrAnA iS jUsT a CoPy oF SeLeNa" now that's a fucking problem.
@daghetto101 13 часов назад
I wonder what Wehsing Yuen thinks about Mirana lol
@LinhNguyen-zf9ww 2 дня назад
But she had the most fucking support pick rate of herald rank beside pudge
@raflyarafat4882 День назад
3 types of players reflected by comment section. 1. Oldschoolers who witnessed mirana reign in competitive dota years ago, understood how good was she back then in the hands of good pro team. 2. Solo players that feel mirana combo is clunky, instead of playing mirana with functioning teammate. 3. Gigachads who won lane by bullying the enemy by right click alone, misses arrows, buys daedalus, and lose the game anyway because she can't put dps comparable normal carries. Jokes aside, mirana's kit hasn't changed much compared to some other heroes (OD, bloodseeker, etc) yet she declined in winrate and preference in pro scene. This may be a sign that current (old) mirana design is outdated compared to today's meta, where other supports have so much more to offer, cores farms much better and have more impact.
@VanguardZen 2 дня назад
"Mirana is a walking contradiction? She's perfect for a Netflix """""anime"""""!"
@trym197 День назад
Give mirana a shotgun, hero fixed! really though jumping in and blasting people would be fun. you could also tie starstorm to her auto attacks, kinda like AA with his E.
@LinhNguyen-zf9ww 2 дня назад
If you play mirana hitter, then don't necessary use 1st that the points just like the sniper
@tacogodboomdogg 2 дня назад
Underlord and Elder Titan is also really confusing. You're melee. But you got these massive cast ranges. You look tanky but you shouldn't be tanking. You got these huge right click bonuses but you shouldn't build right click.
@raflyarafat4882 День назад
Underlord *IS* tanky while ET is just pseudo tank. Both do win their lane by right clicking (UL winning lasthits, ET win sup trade hit). Both have aura debuffs that either make the enemy have to throw spells at them or avoid them
@coldmercy3968 15 часов назад
sona mains love mirana ^^
@demoniachan7507 День назад
Mirana still my go too this days 😤
@Acex2ron День назад
Hope she gets buffed soon then!
@flynndota1179 2 дня назад
Her aghs scepter also sucks
@davidschuster5670 2 дня назад
unnecessary complex, thats dota in a nutshell xD
@tacogodboomdogg 2 дня назад
The worst design is Nyx Assassin. They just threw 4 random shit together. Let me make Nyx assassin 2 Powershot, Hoof Stomp, Scurry, Reaper's Scythe.
@chimadang1573 2 дня назад
i don't see how. impale, mind flare and vendetta all synergise with his high burst damage playstyle while spiked carapace is a good defensive spell that any hero could make use of
@glimmerkepu День назад
Personally I kinda love those old heroes were they just have random spells from the WC3 units, it does give them a certain sandbox-y charm where the kit is what it is and players are expected to figure out what to do with it. The complete opposite being LoL champs with locked-in role, 4 spells that follow a rigid combo line of stack charges, dash, stun, nuke and a textbook for a passive.
@martynasrazmas9284 День назад
there is no such thing as bad desing in dota, imagine bane mirana can 100-0 any hero
@solidpython4964 День назад
Mirana is a good hero
@nickfuries6380 2 дня назад
@xioniyxz 2 дня назад
But Mirana is so fun to play
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
In my experience it's more like "Arrow is a fun spell to use." It's just the rest of her kit feels really weird
@Jerry-x3o 17 часов назад
how to be famouse like you
@flynndota1179 2 дня назад
U right
@pantsuslayer8631 День назад
i like al heros
@johndiddilyjoe6258 2 дня назад
I thought this was gonna be about the heroes like actual design look. She looks like a terrible Paladins character.
@7heTexanRebel 2 дня назад
Annoying to play against because you need to spam sentry and dust, annoying to play with because useless. Truly the worst hero.
@joking5193 2 дня назад
A choice to Alt cast arrow to make you arrive at its hit location would at least make sense for the star storm follow up with your Q
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
Would be nice if they gave her a bit of durability on top of that, maybe even swap trade some attack range for a bit of extra stats
@darkterrorvoid3260 2 дня назад
bro got killed by rubick spell omg, but yeah, if i were u, i will got hit by taht shit still 🤣🤣🤣
@Acex2ron 2 дня назад
I'm still mad about it when I rewatch that clip
@rakanovan9 День назад
I lost focus on your commentary when I see that PA Build, what the fuck am I seeing
@Acex2ron День назад
Methodical supremacy
@wanderingbufoon 2 дня назад
sorry but mirana at least gets picked. Lycan on the other hand
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