
Things I Hate About Youtube Miniature Painting 

Mish Mash!
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Lemme know what yall think. I doubt I'll do this often but this has been something I've been thinkin' about making for a while. I love the hobby a lot and I wanna talk about the things I think are harmful to it.
I do however wish to keep the positive vibe of the channel so this is kind of a weird catalyst video wheheh
• 'RU-vid' Painting Sty...
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23 май 2024




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@Flow764 Месяц назад
Cool video and I agree on a lot of points but unfortunately you seem to be using an avatar in your videos and an anthropomorphic animal avatar at that so I have no choice but to dislike and set to not interested.
@LonelyGamer4 Месяц назад
The Mr Beastification of minipainting YT is a travesty. Same thing happened with Lego YT.
@DanielRisberg Месяц назад
Yeah, it feels more than a little bit detached to see influencers make "hobby projects" that take up entire rooms and using thousands of dollars worth of materials.
@Ava-uq5dh 18 дней назад
Yeah it's really sad this shit's so cool being able to make... "Your guys"! It's so heavily built on personal belief, willpower, skill, knowledge, and so much more, and not as much the pure equipment and money thrown at it nor agendas and whatever else. So as put, the Mr Beastification, the almost... Sterilisation and crowding out of opinions served on a plate, "here's why you should love/hate/be confused by GW and do/don't paint their minis that I get for free!" Really changes the feeling of the community spaces around such a personal hobby that's such a passion driven one at its core!
@Mowogjones 2 дня назад
R.R. Slugger keeping it real
@eallaterza 11 дней назад
Dang, I love EonsOfBattle and I never noticed how often they do that. To be fair, Jay really puts a lot of effort into personalizing miniature: it may not be "fixing", but he sure does it because he loves it, you can tell by how many changes he does: I mean, have you seen his centurion squad modification?? He's really creative, which is exactly why I love their videos.
@soffren 3 дня назад
I agree! Love Eons of Battle
@midorixiv Месяц назад
The worst is the whole "you're painting the WRONG way!" stuff from some channels that is basically just putting you down if you do stuff the standard GW way of basecoat > wash > highlight instead of spending 10 hours wet blending and glazing
@sturmhalo Месяц назад
"Stop painting like this!" and "Stop painting like a noob!" get an instant GFY from me.
@Haddedam 22 дня назад
There are definetly wrong ways to paint eg super thick paints or painting over your already done paintjobs or not using primer so handling the model ruins the paints. But none of the channels cover it in those videos and at the end of the day its just painting plastic toys. Its not like car hobby where doing dumb stuff or poor design could kill someone
@gregorycafiero9688 19 дней назад
Oh it gets so much worse. It doesn't matter what style you do, it's bad. And your tools? Bad. And it always takes just a little over 10 minutes for them to explain why it's bad, ad read included, and don't forget to use the Amazon affiliate links instead of supporting your local hobby stores.
@BrandonGiordano 18 дней назад
Agreed. I use a very simple style, mostly copying gw methods and using contrasts and washes when I want to, and I'm pretty satisfied with 95% of my minis. All the crazy advanced painting tutorials just feel so inaccessible to me
@Chackravartin 18 дней назад
@@BrandonGiordano And thats all that matters too, are YOU satisfied with YOUR minis? Yes? Fantastic! I love the odd amazing painting tutorial here and there but Im happy with how I paint, Im slow and not the best but its fun and thats all I care about. I paint to relax, not to "not be a noob" or I "copy GW and its bad".
@soffren Месяц назад
EonsOfBattle has used this meme for their "painting every chapter" series. I like it in because there's a level of sarcasm and jovial, bright eyed optimism to the entire video that really hammers home no ill intent. Ninjon is someone who, despite making high effort content, I can't stand to watch. Particularly because of the thumbnails but also the attitude being satarised in most kf his sketches
@michaelmacey5097 Месяц назад
Agree with Jay's approach to these thumbnails
@Illersvansen Месяц назад
Just because EonsOfBattle is self-aware doesn't make him less obnoxious.
@soffren Месяц назад
@@Illersvansen in my humble opinion, it absolutely does. There is a difference between sarcastically saying "I'm gonna 'fix' Space Marines lmao" and saying "this is why you SUCK at painting". That difference is the level of obnoxiousness.
@Lanessar8008 Месяц назад
My biggest problem with both are that they are, to use a WAY overused term, "shills". But this is the proper use, someone paid by a corporation or other interest to seem like they are just "normal people" who love a product and are talking about it. Anything with Artis Opus is where I notice it glaringly badly. Literally EVERY video they make, they are selling you brushes, paints, some material or some 3D print, whatever it is, they are just salespeople sponsored by companies to sling certain products and make you think you NEED them, no absolutely HAVE TO HAVE that paint, that print, that brush, to pull off whatever it is that they are doing a video about. ...and rapidly proceed to cut out any content that shows them actually painting these things, just the first three seconds showing a brush hitting plastic, and then the "WOW" finished result 25 minutes later. The YT algo can be blamed somewhat - however, they are definitely "selling out" for views, corporate sponsorship, and whatever "status" they get.
@soffren 23 дня назад
@@Lanessar8008 I've never seen Artist Opus, but truth be told, being a sellout is just par for the course. Only people who are independently wealthy/retired don't have to worry about making money in exchange for the time they spend on making videos. This is actually why I love Eons of Battle specifically. They have a few sponsors, but it's always for products they actually use regardless (Magnet Barron and Factor). They also do full live streams where Jay and Nick will paint full models live, and offer critiques of viewer submitted photos. I just hate to see them lumped together with low effort shills.
@Nicholas-dg9gj Месяц назад
Another thing about those "fixing" videos: those are also very discouraging for new people. Imagine seeing a paint job that you think looks better than what you could do, having someone call it trash and make a 20 minute video where they talk about how garbage it is. If I had a nickel of every comment I saw on that type of video that went something along the lines of "the original already looked better than what I could do", I would be depressingly rich.
@dadcomeback1470 Месяц назад
I think it massively depends on the attitude the fixer has about the model one of my personal favourites is ebay rescues he's incredibly respectful and will talk to the seller of the model and see what their inspiration was or what the theme was and will use that same theme to create a better model and he even pays them fairly for their models as well
@inray__ Месяц назад
thinking about that one video from squidmar where they called a professional tattoo artist a "newbie painter"
@insultinsultan705 Месяц назад
Yeah imma b real, and look i already am iffy on painting im a fairly ill motivated person, but the videos sure don't help, I cant recall a painting video where it made me wanna pick up a brush, everytime its just soul crushing, all you see is 20 mins of look how easy this is, with all this fancy expensive stuff, none of the hours of suck, so it just hits you like well ill never be able to do this why bother even beginning. Duncan however, bless him, got me to paint my metal sisters, without his soothing tutorials I would have melted the whole lot of metal sisters
@luketfer 23 дня назад
@@dadcomeback1470 Quite often Ebay rescue is also literally 'fixing' the model, as in he's replacing lost parts, trimming off mould lines, moving them to current base size etc. As you said he never disparages the person he bought the mini off of.
@BrushQuill Месяц назад
I dont mind the "fixed" if it brings it more lore-inline but what get my goat is when "fixed" means "bought a 3D Print". Same with kitbashes that are just 3D prints.
@Hallow_the_fur Месяц назад
Understandable, I personally like kit bashing my Adeptus Mechanicus to be more inline with the forge world Metallica lore and even adding more tech to them to stand out more like extra arms or lights, makes my army look way different than the next person's especially with there silver and red paint job.
@KossolaxtheForesworn Месяц назад
"the first thing you need is to buy this 500 dollar 3D printer to print out the bits you need for this project" yeah Im gonna click on something else.
@Ava-uq5dh 18 дней назад
​@@KossolaxtheForeswornthis is so good damn true. I even have a 3D printer after a handy sale yet... All my fun has come from trying to make kirbashes out of GW parts, styrene, plastic scrap and whatever to fill what I can. Feels so much more homely, real and fun even if it hurts my arthritic hands and fucks me up physically sometimes. 3D printing can be a great addition - oh, I broke that part? I'll design and print the replacement to save the eBay hunt. Oh I can make an adapter to switch from tracks to wheels! But the satisfaction of physical bits beats it out, especially when on a RU-vid tutorial or model time lapse and they show EXACTLY how they did all those little parts and turned it into a masterpiece ❤🎉
@TheLichsLaboratory Месяц назад
I hate clickbait thumbnails so much it's unreal. It's the biggest reason I don't watch Miniac and Ninjon anymore and the "I DID THING HERES WHAT HAPPENED" schtick people like Squidmar do is just as annoying. I get that it's their job and you do it to make money but man, have some fuckin self respect lmao If I ever do a clickbait thumbnail for one of my vids, I'm trusting you to come to my house and just kill me. Absolutely slaughter me, chief. You can make a thumbnail that says "I FIXED HIS LIFE," that one's a freebie
@terminator572 Месяц назад
I found your channel through /wip/, and I'm glad I did, keep it real man. Also FUCKING FINISH THE MONSTER HUNTER EXODITES
@derpstick5467 Месяц назад
Yeah fucking soyjacking in the thumbnail will forever be cringe.
@TheLichsLaboratory Месяц назад
@@terminator572 I'M WORKING ON IT 😭😭
@MishMashPainting Месяц назад
@Kepora1 Месяц назад
And the soyface. **ALWAYS** the fucking Soyface.
@chair448 Месяц назад
The one instance ive seen of getting the same idea across eithout being malicious is the guy who "rescues" minis on eBay (cant remember his channel name rn). Whenever he gets the minis he'll make sure to look at them from the original owners perspective and talk about what he likes and thinks they were going for, and where they may have fallen short, then keeps that original inspiration in mind when repainting or kitbashing the model.
@ZanaTheBatPony 26 дней назад
The channel's name is eBay Miniature Rescues 👍
@kraiZor 24 дня назад
He does an amazing job walking a line of having an inherently critical concept and being really kind to his subjects.
@robbynito Месяц назад
Honestly, you, Heresy for Heretics, Another Day Minatures and Darcy Bono really keep this hobby alive for me. I recently got into the hobby and after watching so many tutorials from other creators I almost quit I felt that I was a bad painter when I'm really not. And any small mistakes I had were super upsetting. I feel like, all of these painting tutorials almost act like you're supposed to be a good painter right from the get go and it's super frustrating. But creators like you make me feel a lot more comfortable making mistakes and just going with it and trying to make it work. Thank you! Also the fact that so many require an airbrush sucks!
@Pankkeli 26 дней назад
I suggest Goobertown Hobbies! He’s such a chill and positive guy that got me back into the hobby after a long hiatus.
@Chackravartin 18 дней назад
Wow yeah I never really thought about just HOW many of them use airbrushes. Yeah they are great and Id LOVE to have one but I just cant jusify that ammount of money and learning a whole new painting style. I also used to get really frustrated when I made any mistake because "the guy in the vid never makes a mistake, his looks perfect". Luckily Ive moved away from that mentality now but I can totally see it putting newer painters off the hobby.
@Goblinhandler 16 дней назад
Heresy for heretics is the worst lmao His paint jobs are almost insultingly simple, just highlighting black using bright colors or using three colors through the airbrush and calling it “vaporwave” Seriously, that doesn’t require a tutorial, anyone can do it
@robbynito 16 дней назад
@Goblinhandler Hey man, I think this is kind of unwarranted. Not everyone has the capability of doing more complex techniques For me, I have nerve damage in my dominant hand that makes it much more difficult to paint. Things that may be simple to you can be much more complicated for others. A creator having a more simple style doesn't make them 'the worst' but it makes them more accessible to others. If you like something different to me that's great, but being judgemental about someone's painting style being simple or trying to "fix it" is kind of the point Mish Mash is making here. I personally really love Heretic's style, I think it’s really refreshing in a sea of grimdark. What style do you like?
@Goblinhandler 13 дней назад
@@robbynito any style that isn’t just spraying on three colors or highlighting a pitch black mini with bright colors It’s barely even a style or technique, and they look awful outside of the darkbox he uses It’s the same problem ninjon has, the darkbox is a crutch, they look much worse in person
@DragonsHoardOfPlastic Месяц назад
4:04 This image gives off an indescribable energy. I can't stop looking at it.
@MishMashPainting Месяц назад
Ery' hobby group got da cleric, socko, mishmash and homer
@Lord_Aba Месяц назад
Miniature painting (and news) channels have an annoying clickbait thumbnail / title problem to the point that I actively avoid them now.
@Matt-md5yt Месяц назад
Clickbaits are common, my friend. I'm glad you talked about this topic
@sHinobu2969 24 дня назад
There's a reason the only painting people I watch consistently are 'BillionDollarClownFarm' and 'Eric's Hobby Workshop' since the content is about their skill, creativity and sense of humor instead of garbage clickbait. Very good video
@jakeg-shep Месяц назад
I feel the pain, for me I just shoot for the best looking speedy methods where i don't have to spend hours painting details.
@alias-yv2ro Месяц назад
Hey man, I really needed to hear the message at the end…I realise I always go a little hard on myself when painting my models, and only when I heard your little message did I realise like, even my LGS community has said stuff like “your models look real cool and pretty”. I just never really registered it and kept comparing myself to the pro painters. So thanks man And yeah I defo feel like a lot of the bigger content creators have just become so weirdly commercial nowadays. Esp Miniac, I can’t remember the last time he actually sat down to paint something in an accessible manner
@Illersvansen Месяц назад
For me, Vince Venturella is the gold standard of mini painting youtubers. No clickbait thumbnails with red arrows, no overly flashy editing, just a knowledgeable dude showing you how he paints minis.
@basstedson 22 дня назад
All the way on this one. Vince is for learning, most of the others are for entertainment.
@luketfer Месяц назад
Yeah I've noticed that the color cube has become the new "how I improved slapchop" for these channels.
@Direwolf1771 Месяц назад
Color cube? What’d I miss?
@PopeJrod Месяц назад
While I can't fault the creators who have made their channels their livelihood for doing things that cater to the algorithms, I agree with your points. Well said!
@Canaureus 22 дня назад
This is definitely the crux of it. People are trying to make their money and clickbait is a platform issue rather than a creator one. I have a really hard time getting upset over clickbait titles and thumbnails in the same way I have a hard time getting upset about (reasonable) sponsorships. They're trying to make a living and should be judged by the strength of their content rather than the sacrifice to the algorithm that the thumbnails are. The rest of the points were pretty valid though.
@CryoPanda Месяц назад
I can relate a lot to what was said in this video. When I first started this hobby, I was definitely watching anything and everything I could in order to absorb as much information as possible. And being used to the RU-vid formula of content creation, I understood why people labeled their videos the way they did, and I recognized trends that appeared in the painting space. It is a tricky situation for sure, but I definitely found myself gravitating towards videos that are more hobby diary focused rather than painting tutorial. I appreciate your thoughts and your work, awesome job once again.
@Wylte Месяц назад
Hitting that point myself. I feel like I've got the basics absorbed (at least in the short term) and now it's time to sit back and practice and start pruning the "Mr. Beast"-y channels
@jingokhan 28 дней назад
I genuinely hate what miniature painting content on RU-vid has turned into. When my subscription feed got flooded with "SLAP CHOP!" I purged my subscriptions. Back to fucking Blogspot I go. This video was pretty cool though.
@warp-smith Месяц назад
The video the war gaming community needed to hear as a whole, for better or worse. I tip my hat to you for stepping out and speaking up
@g.rodriguez7445 Месяц назад
I think that is quite funny... People bad mouthing GW and buying & selling tons of products from them...
@WilhelmScreamer Месяц назад
I do think the decline in the type of tutorial you talk about at the start is also a result of these kinds of series having a shelf life. You can only cover foundational skillsets and the basic recipies for so long before you have said all that there is to say. I also see this same cycle in cooking centric spaces.
@MishMashPainting Месяц назад
Very true. I think that living through the 2014 mini painting boom had a good amount of foundational knowledge but still a ton of ground to cover. Nowadays mini painting is EVERYWHERE.
@wernerfuhry Месяц назад
Agree to a lot of your points in this video. It's kinda sad because if you want to be successful you kinda have to play by the rules of RU-vid and what works right now. But there is a line. I recently nearly lost it when someone made a video about how he won a certain competition because of the paints he used. Not because of years of practice and skill, no no, it's the paints... WHICH ARE A FREAKING KICKSTARTER PROJECT... Therefore only available through Kickstarter and this is a big red flag. I can't put it in words how infuriated I still am.
@radiationcow Месяц назад
If you're talking about the Marco Frisoni one, yeah, that was a bit out of left field. To be fair, I don't get the impression he says he won exclusively because of the paints, just that they revitalised his interest in his project... I don't even think he was sponsored for that, but nowadays, who can tell.
@wernerfuhry Месяц назад
@@radiationcow yeah exactly. I'm not sure honestly, the title is pretty stupid and clickbait, and it takes him a long time to get to the point about revitalising. And as you said, who know if he was sponsored. Problem here is (as someone working in the field of Marketing), even if he got the paints as a present, the video and the fact that he won, are a pretty big plus in reputation for the brand and undeniably a super good advertising for the brand.
@mahern3538 Месяц назад
This is kinda like a breath of fresh air.
@fenrirsrage4609 Месяц назад
I will admit I don't really laint or buy minis but I do find myself gravitating towards miniature makers who go all out in making awesome creations and kitbashes. Like Pete the Wargamer, Midwinter Minis or Maverick and etc.
@christopherswindells1237 Месяц назад
THIS!!!!! I love wating more...wholesome...channels if that's not too cheesy to say? It's not about algorithms or whatnot. Just making cool minis or sharing some good tips or pointers to improve. I just started following this channel. I love kitbash/conversion-work and building a story for each model. I'm by no means an 'eavy metal painter, but I still do it. I like the hobby and burnout isn't a thing because I don't do it to chase game meta or get paid. I like that MishMash supports that, and the sign off is a kick ass message. Of all the channels I watch right now (Pete the Wargamer, Warhipster, Midwinter Minis, Goobertown Hobbies, Dana Howl) MishMash is the one I am excited to see what's up next, because it feels most like where I myself am at in the hobby. So thanks.... keep it up!
@Enzar17 Месяц назад
Man, a lot of this is so, so true. I'm new to the hobby. I've been a casual Warhammer lore fan for years, but finally took the full mini dive last year, and started painting this year. The first minis are taking many hours to paint, but it's incredibly fulfilling. I surprised myself with what I could accomplish with some patience and self-love, and a few good tutorials from channels like Goobertown. But then I started getting algorithm recommendations for Squidmar, and Zumikito, and others. And I INSTANTLY hated what I saw. Elitism, a massive focus on speed and nothing else, constant product shilling, EVERYBODY using expensive airbrushes and $40 detail brushes. I was particularly miffed by a Squidmar video about cleaning brushes, but it was actually just about cleaning THEIR expensive brushes, and basically just amounted to "don't you dare ever use washes or contrast paints on this brush." These channels are publishing content that hurts the hobby and drives away new artists. I tuned out, and now paint without help. All I want to do is make my next mini better than my last one.
@nodrogkram 6 дней назад
Superb video. I remember reading Dr. Faust’s Painting Clinic blogs in the days before RU-vid. Those were the days!
@supremechungus4288 Месяц назад
Man that ending, I'm new to the hobby and have been batch painting guardsmen for about six hours today, and just looking over my little pile of dumb tiny plastic dudes with that kind of inspiration darn near brings a tear to my eye. Love your stuff dude, keep it up.
@sinisterpuddle6655 26 дней назад
Can't agree more about the "I fixed X" type videos. It's always annoying, but earlier this year there was one that genuinely made me upset. A creatorr I followed made a video a few years ago about painting an army and had some advice about getting it done, like ignoring spots you can't see and mistakes that are fairly minor, etc. I liked the video and it was part of what inspired me to get over my fears of screwing up and actually paint a good chunk of my army. Earlier this year, that same creator revisited that speed painted army of theirs in a video where they said they were going to "fix their worst painted army" and basically shit talked how bad the paint job was the whole video. That feels really bad as someone who followed their advice to get my painting done, and now makes me feel a little self conscious where I was proud before
@crysis4561 16 дней назад
Returning to projects made in past is good. Maybe the creator saw how much he got better over time and so will you one day. It's simply a self-critique and improvement. On the other hand, I think that doing new projects is the best way to get better. It's that little joy of experimentation, since that new model is not tied to any army that you already own. And thus you try new style and get new interesting projects. Afterwards comes self-critique and improvement.
@muffinlord3168 11 дней назад
This is about Ninjon's Night Lords right?
@WWquar Месяц назад
I don't really have an opinion on the whole "I fixed" thing I enjoy the videos but if I would be forced to make one of those types of videos I would use something like: "my version of [blank] and how I painted them" or something more suggestive and not as narrow and disappointing, this is a lovely video tackling a great topic!
@bagel_guy9495 Месяц назад
I think that the only person who actually does positive "I Fixed" videos is Jay from Eons of Battle. Usually its him helping make something easier to do or making a mini less plain or better proportioned
@thebloodymummer5502 19 дней назад
You can "speed paint" and get a good looking mini, but if you want it to look great it really takes time and experience. Contrast paints really helped me in my hobby journey, but ive moved away from 90% of them, just because there are better ways to paint.
@guerolondon Месяц назад
good vid! as someone about to start making painting vids these genres of mini painting videos really get on my nerves. as you mentioned they send the wrong message to newcomers, and every video with titles like "STOP PAINTING LIKE A NOOB" or "I WISH I'D KNOWN THIS BEFORE I STARTED" is another newcomer who holds off on getting into the hobby out of fear of fucking up. these youtubers are stewards of the hobby and i think have a responsibility to do better. glad i saw this vid and will subscribe! also killer7 end credits theme at the end, i see you 🤝
@jakobi-wan6500 Месяц назад
Really glad someone has said this in a proper format where hopefully a lot of people will see it, it always sucks to have your work discouraged by other people. I’d still consider myself a newer painter, and I want to improve towards some of the amazing results people have gotten, but you do just have to sit back and admire your own work sometimes to not get discouraged. I’m genuinely proud of the models I’ve done and the progress I’ve made so far, and you should too if you paint models and do this hobby. If anyone wants to call you trash and insult your progress, fight them on it. It’s your hobby too, after all.
@crysis4561 16 дней назад
What I don't like about these Pro's is that they don't show their mistakes a lot. Like testing color schemes for new army is usually "I picked and smothered all expensive paints into one model, (but I kinda knew what I was doing, so not really) and voilá - Best paintjob in a world, you may go screw yourself, you don't have it". I'm beginner and you can't even imagine how much I stress about the-right-color-I-need-to-pick, because I may accidentally ruin it right at the start or just finish with clown-esque paintjob. Later I started watching thes Pro's do similar minis and I was intimidated by how good they look. I'm slowly getting there. Funny thing is, in the end it doesn't even matter, if it doesn't look like a PRO EXAMPLE, because when I finish a mini, I tell to myself: "It's nice, because I did it and I learned something new". That's what matters to me.
@MishMashPainting 16 дней назад
Don't ever let that change. They are your dudes and nobody else's. They are special because YOU made them c:
@cirno9349 27 дней назад
Slap chop was the breaking point for me with a lot of channels the only channel I watch for painting now is cult of paint. There’s something so aggravating about the keyword of the month and regurgitated information being thrown at you with a story about how the creator didn’t trust the process. The worsts parts are when we have to take a 2 minute break from the video for a channel awesome bit because the creator couldn’t think of a way to hit mid roll ads. There’s a couple of channels I watched 1 video of though the creator came off as bellend and just avoided ever since. I don’t know if there’s a moral to my experience but it’s nice to know other people experienced it
@Jigsaw765 26 дней назад
My fucking favorite is “HOW I FIXED SLAP CHOP” or “WAYS TO ELEVATE YOUR SLAP CHOP” and they just paint normally?? God I fucking HATE RU-vidrs
@squintsyadams8463 Месяц назад
I hope if Goobertown sees this, they know they're safe and loved.
@ChaseDaOrk3767 Месяц назад
I really like his video about mini painting for beginners, I think it's a good video for newbies to get into Atleast I think so
@GoobertownHobbies Месяц назад
@Jigsaw765 26 дней назад
I liked the video where he shit on people who use washes, then used washes in his next video
@GoobertownHobbies 26 дней назад
@@Jigsaw765 It's helpful to actually watch videos rather than just kinda guessing at the contents ;-)
@ChaseDaOrk3767 25 дней назад
@@Jigsaw765 Ayo, what?
@TheCraftyMini 24 дня назад
Agree with alot of this I'm a very small channel just coming up to a year old, but been painting for 20 plus years and it's a struggle as you said it's a bloated space here on RU-vid! The thumbnails is a massive thing I have to back you 100% and I get it's the algorithm being played for but still annoying same with titles that mention GW or 40k but doesn't have a link to it. It's hard to break the algorithm I guess but like you said these channels were not for a job but because they wanted to paint in the start. I could rant for a while I did a painting style vid few weeks ago and while not as eloquent as yourself I'm in agreement with you! We have to help people out and not criticise or be negative in the videos or again as you say talking down to as it's a hobby people have fun and do what you want it's your hard earned cash buying the stuff! Great video and a new subscribe from me! Keep up the positivity bud 😊
@burroc5536 18 дней назад
I feel this is a fleeting time period in the hobby of wargaming, painting, and all that goes with it. If you love the art and the gaming and camaraderie you’ll stay. I think it will wane a bit in popularity but with the right attitude will continue on, strong.
@temporary_error_3264 Месяц назад
I remember seeing a specific channel doing this and it just hurt to watch. They were openly talking trash on the previous owners work and “fixed” it by removing what had made it special.
@wyatt864 Месяц назад
I think that the speed painting boom has some logical causes: 1 - Big releases. 10E 40k and 4E AoS releasing in back back years as well as Old World in the middle means some of the largest model count 2000 point lists ever are getting range refreshes and new rules all at once. Many people enjoy painting but they hate doing 150 near-identical infantry. 2 - People have become privy to how good painters paint. I'm sure some of the best painters in the world occasionally attempt to do a specific highlight over and over before immediately wiping it away out of frustration, but for new an inexperienced painters these laps and going in circles suck and the "get the paint down and clean up the edges" strategies to get decent results fast are very appealing.
@AshleyBlackwater Месяц назад
I like EOB, alot, its probably one of my favorte hobby channels, but fuck if I don't cringe at the "fixed" titles. But I get that its partly because the algorithm encourages it and accept its a necessary evil. It sucks but its understandable atleast :/
@JM-83 Месяц назад
Damn I love this video and it’s the first one I watch from this channel. I really hope this got to who it needed to get to cause I literally just started this hobby last week and there’s some much fix it content rather than beginner tips. Keep up the great content bro.
@vurrunna 23 дня назад
As annoying as tyise click-baity, overbearing videos can be, I honestly get it. Like you said, all of these people started out doing RU-vid videos as a passion. When they soon realize they can turn that passion into a reliable income, they jump at the offer, often discovering far too late just how much you have to sacrifice for RU-vid to be viable. Once folks go full time on this stuff, it's not just a matter of creating good art anymore-it's a matter of whether or not they can pay their bills this month. I have a deep respect for RU-vidrs who can manage to go full time while maintaining their identity, but for the vast majority of RU-vidrs, that's simply not an option anymore. I do wish the hobby space was less negative. Folks like Goobertown Hobbies show that it's doable, but again, how much of that is down to luck? For now, I just stick to the small corner of mostly part-time RU-vidrs that manage to keep the positivity up, and try and have some grace on the folks fighting against the algorithm to scrape by a living. As the saying goes, ya gotta respect the hussle.
@greenrain66 Месяц назад
YES! I absolutely hate it when people do ‘miniature rescues’ as though the person who painted it originally was the lowest of scum in terms of painting skill and the ‘rescuer’ is SO much better than the original painter. Fucking angering.
@svengro5019 22 дня назад
Don't worry, the whole MrBeatification of thumbnails will eventually go away and will be replaced with something you will hate even more.
@ChaseDaOrk3767 Месяц назад
On a somewhat unrelated note Will you be tackling a Dornian Heresy themed conversion/kitbash? There isn't a whole lot of Dornian Heresy conversion stuff on RU-vid (besides Pete the Wargamer and a few others), so it woulf be cool to see some models inspired by that alternate universe, just a suggestion
@virgilromero3252 Месяц назад
That’s a really good video, I totally understand what you’re saying. Right now there are 2 channels I really like: Not Just Mecha and EBay Rescue. Both have some wholesome vibes and very chill videos. Marco from NJM does teach a lot about speed painting with quality and taught me work with different mediums.
@swaggaming2564 22 дня назад
nice oneyplays reference with the iconic 49%InterestingGamer
@Mrnobody-mo2pe Месяц назад
Awesome video Mishmash! Was a really honest outlook on the state of mini painting channels on youtube, your passion for what you do really came through!
@Drezrale Месяц назад
I've been working closely with fine artists, coatings industry regulatory boards, and paint companies for over a decade now and I've met a lot of lovely and highly knowledgeable and talented mini painters in my almost 30 years of doing this hobby. I agree with a lot of what you're saying. The ego in the hobby has got extreme in recent years to the point that a lot of people have quit painting because they either fell into the toxic negativity side or the toxic positivity side where both can do a lot of damage to someones mental health. Most of these tutorials are awful with some even teach very dangerous and stupid practices with some even promoting very hazardous like airbrushing without a respirator because they have "good ventilation" but in my decade working with regulatory boards within the coatings industry i can confirm this is not true at all when it comes to paints and its only partially true when it comes to vocs and putting acrylics over oils which you can't do at all as they will delaminate directly off the surface and the gas release can cause them to flake off. I personally also dont like this expert mentality a lot seem to have too where they as you said "fix" a nonissue or they talk about this new fangled technique that has existed for 600 years like slapchop in the art world its called scumbling and was very prominent in italian renaissance painting and still is today. Also remember if anyone gives you flakk for using this technique many famous artist have used it, Claude Monte is one of them and he is considered one of the greatest artists of all time. There is also a thing where a lot of them claim to be an expert in color theory when they only know the basics and not the actual basics but a system we were taught in school from someone who spent years trying to correct it but it was too ingrained in society for it to work. Not only is it one of the most complicated color systems in the world but its also only taught on one axis which makes it not actually work as its in reality a 100ISH year old 3d system. I come to youtube to see people showing their passion for the hobby and not this whole trend of the new greatest technique, some challenge they've done multiple times or paint when they dont even use it a month later because of either sponsors or some other thing.
@haikuheroism6495 Месяц назад
this is actually why I like Tabletop Time so much, they seem really genuine in the stuff they do and have long running series.
@skitariiposting Месяц назад
As both an editor and a mini painter I've told friends of mine who are getting into the hobby time and time again to never be afraid of a project taking long or making mistakes. With RU-vid and Tik Tok painting videos it's incredibly easy to hide retakes, mistakes and errors with editing - in fact, it's almost required nowadays to "prove" you're a "good painter" since "good painters don't make mistakes" - so trying to base your experience off of theirs is setting yourself up for failure before you even get a chance to start. People forget nowadays that it's a hobby first and foremost. There is no 'correct formula' 'fixed' or 'best way' to do something. The end result is what's most important and the only end result that matters is having fun and having a not grey plastic miniature. Anything that starts claiming that's not the case is falling to the same corporatism and commercializing that's turned the gaming, animation and art drawing tutorial communities into the hellscapes they are now. Only through trying to actively fight that will this community hold together and continue making content that's fun for the creators, helpful to the newcomers and still interesting to the dedicated viewers. We don't get that by making content that doesn't make us happy too.
@TheKsalad Месяц назад
Mediocre Hobbies does classic painting videos, besides talking about basic painting he also talks about the history of whatever he's painting.
@maxkordon 18 дней назад
god seeing dr fausts painting clinic and buypainted made me feel fucking ancient
@MishMashPainting 18 дней назад
Dr.faust may be my hobby idol. Not really even an idol guy, but he is my biggest inspiration.
@pikmyman Месяц назад
this is a very valid point, but i feel like a lot of these creators( like eonsofbattle) do this because they want to change what they don't like about a certain faction or model. this was a great video as always
@ApolloStratis 19 дней назад
"The49%interestinggamer" love the oneyplays reference. also spotted the thumbnails early in the vid
@DERADI30 Месяц назад
Its hard to pin down the actual message of the video since you don't name anyone (and i might just not know the channels you are referring to) and make some points only to immediately walk them back; but i think a lot of this is you applying your perspective to people who do not share it. If someone is looking for a speed painting tutorial it stands to reason that they might actually be looking for a way to paint miniatures quickly. Painting a miniature well can take forever, much less an entire army, and if people want help getting to "good enough" quickly I see nothing wrong with that. The way I've seen the term "fixing" applied to model painting mostly refers to the original design of the miniature or the paint job used on packaging and promotional material, not as a way to say "your painting sucks and needs to be fixed". Especially for space marines the actual depictions of individual chapters in artwork and lore have a huge amount of detail and personality that needs to be stripped away by GW in order to produce a kit that is generic enough to be used by everyone. Calling the process of adding this detail back to the miniature "fixing" seems totally reasonable in my book. The EoB guy is kind of a bad example because a) his face just naturally looks that obnoxious and b) i believe that hes actually the kinda guy that genuinely gets excited about all these things. The people who do marketing are often also the ones that are the most susceptible to it and for this guy i believe that his style is more so based on personal preference than on a calculated attempt to game the algorithms.
@xS1D3SW1P3x Месяц назад
Being new to the hobby thats kinda how i saw the "Fixed" titles, any videos about GW news and doomposting are the ones i roll my eyes about, but those are mainly offtopic from the *painting* part of the hobby. I dunno, maybe i just dont apply to this video because im new and these are all just standard videos on youtube fighting for the algorithm.
@MishMashPainting Месяц назад
To be a little more clear, I dont find eons of battle's content to be pure slop. There is care and love put into the projects, but the keywords are most definitely perpetuated by the content. As for speedpainting, my point isnt that people shouldnt do it for their minis, its that it takes time and effort to do so regardless of the "speedpaint" keyword. The point I was trying to make with the models looking good on camera is that they are being marketed as FINISHED models. Like I eluded to, podger went into greater detail on that point. That is my bad, I should have been more clear c:
@bogatyr2473 17 дней назад
This is just the reality if RU-vid now. The stupid thumbnails, the clickbait, rhe challenges, its what the algorithm rewards. Linus on LTT tested it, the stupid faces in thumbnails are an instant 25 to 30% bump in viewership. When people take that jump they have to start stroking that algorithm if they want a prayer of making it. Which mashes everything into the same gray sludge.
@MishMashPainting Месяц назад
Also I don't "hate" these creators. They are trying to survive and I get why these practices of clickbait exist. Do NOT harass them. Edit: I want to make it clear I do not hate these creators as people. I will not condone any disrespect to their models, art, all that. My greatest point is that the transparency of the drive to appeal to algorithm has driven me and many people away. I understand this is a symptom primarily driven by RU-vid, but that doesn’t make critiquing the usage of these practices invalid. I care about the hobby a lot and I do not think the hobbyists I critique are “bad” and certainly not bad people. They have families to feed and employees… but this hobby is something I think is as a place for positivity and a lot of the practices I’m criticizing are things I think are detrimental to that. Even if it is just perpetuating certain keywords and titles. I wish to push for a greater welcoming to newcomers, and that isn’t to say the hobby is an utter cesspit of negativity. There are most definitely major beacons of positivity and I strive to be just that. And I want to make something very clear that I regret not saying in the video, I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination. I wish to be held to the same standards as well. For this reason, I more than likely will never do a video like this again, because I do NOT want to perpetuate a negative vibe on the channel and I don’t think there is anything else I can really blabber in a negative light that I truly believe in. All in all, erybody has an artist within them. Respect yo’self. Mishmash, kitbash, and paint some fantastic miniatures 🤙
@Kitbash.Carnage Месяц назад
Another amazing video bro , just had to delete and start a new channel unfortunately... been waiting for this to calm my nerves ❤🔥
@masalps Месяц назад
It's only okay to have a grudge against a creator if they outbid you on a Swedish auction site 2 years ago and their name rhymes with Sigmar
@TheDarkOne508 Месяц назад
I stopped watching black magic craft because he turned into selling products for sponsorships. It was "this week i am doing this" and then no surprise the thing he's working on was given to him by his sponsor.
@Jigsaw765 26 дней назад
@@masalpsalso love it when shit RU-vidrs drive up the cost of second hand minis
@MagnusHarrison-so1xj Месяц назад
As someone who paints commission I find that almost all of the speed painting techniques really don't help all that much also why speed through something your supposed to enjoy the process of anyway
@MishMashPainting Месяц назад
I do understand wanting to get stuff done for the tabletop of course, I just strongly dislike the tricks of camera work.
@sceneryboy Месяц назад
It is also so hard to tell what a painting video is going to be without clicking on it now. I get they want you to have to click and watch to figure out what the #1 tip you should know is but F that imma just not look at your stuff.
@journeyinpaint Месяц назад
that's a really damn positive message here. voices a fair number of my issues, especially when trying to find a neiche
@astrozombiac3535 Месяц назад
I like the little bat mascot...I like the message more.
@SirFingleton 23 дня назад
first thing i saw after this vid was a EOB vid with, fixed in the thumbnail
@HardCoil Месяц назад
Thank you. You summed up the diffuse thoughts I was having really well. At at least some of the channels are a little self aware and acknowledge that they do the stupid thumbnails because it's slowly becoming mandatory for success
@Chackravartin 18 дней назад
Ive never understood the whole "being to slow at mini painting". Its a hobby, it can take you as long as you like. I dont think Ive ever recorded how long it takes me to paint a mini and I dont think I ever will. The only thing that matters to me is "am I enjoying it?" With art I dont believe theres such a thing as being "too slow"... unless youre getting paid for it and have deadlines but thats a different thing all together.
@theandf 4 часа назад
Agreed, but I can clarify: those of us with little hobby time and who want to get painted minis to the table cannot waste a lot of time doing glazes and highlights and grime effects for hours on end for a single mini. Maybe some extra time for a special mini, but if we want to play a good game of Frostgrave or Kill Team or whatnot within this lifetime, we want to take shortcuts. And still have the minis look half-decent. This is where all those speed painting techniques come in. The problem, I think, is that they took RU-vid by storm, to the point it was all everyone was talking about. But like someone else said, there's so many things you can say about painting before you run out of things to say, and that's where most RU-vidrs hit a roadblock.
@BenChmark1_ 26 дней назад
Hey, just curious which model is being built at 7:58 - 9:00? Does anyone know? EDIT: i think its the exaction squad killteam
@Skritz-mt9zb Месяц назад
I miss the old days of the hobby, back when people liked to convert. It seems conversions, outside of more niche channels like this, are done purely to showcase some cool shit on a channel or go 'I fixed this model' like you mentionned. Too many times I've ran into people at the game store where I am naively happy to showcase how every single one of my chaos marines is a kitbash or conversion, only to be ask "What's the point?". When I show I built my own custom Chaos Lord to lead my army, i get this glazed consoomer gaze and dumb retort asking why I didn't just buy the stock model because it exist. There's a dozen more things I can complain about but I think this one + your video illustrate the point. Everything is boring, soul sucking, mainstream and commodified.
@Uguguabbabaa Месяц назад
I really feel the hobby into job thing and the bit about creators just doing random videos. I used to watch goobertown a lot but once he quit his chemist job and went full youtuber he started uploading both very seldom and all his videos were just random, kinda pointless stuff compared to his more interesting stuff from earlier
@XShadoWPaws Месяц назад
I didn't realise how much of a problem the Fixed videos were until someone I know sold off an old model that had a lot of memories attached to it on ebay then a month later saw it on RU-vid where some dude claimed he fixed it.
@simonbirch5726 Месяц назад
Your genuineness is what makes your channel so refreshing compared to the channels you’re talking about. Keep up the great content 👍
@mostcomplicatedman8115 Месяц назад
i love this channel . the videos feel genuine and natural . the channel character design is likable too
@MadassSoerensen Месяц назад
Thanks for this video, i honestly started "skipping" watching the videos from most of the creators i used to adore when they painted something they loved! I was actually starting to wonder if it was me moving away from the hobby or what was going on and then bam the algorithm throw you in my direction! Thanks I really needed this 😊
@Start3rPack 12 дней назад
I think EoB is pretty much the only channel I will tolerate the sponsors and shitty thumbnails. Most of the sponsors he has actually helped with me with the hobby or just given me other avenues to go to for some materials. That and his creativity has inspired me a lot, has a lot of nice tips and tricks that I've taken on and made the hobby easier for me in some ways.
@MishMashPainting 12 дней назад
I dislike the thumbnails and buzzwords, but I truly don't have any beef with jay personally. I don't think there is malice involved. Plus I've noticed the channel phasing out those thumbnails in recent weeks. I've been watching eob since my early hobby days, biggest reason I included them as an example is because I don't wanna see them become like the rest of the slop content. (plus jay likes and promoted Quar which is objectively a good opinion)
@Start3rPack 12 дней назад
@@MishMashPainting Oh yeah definitely. I didn't think ya did. Just examples of that trend of serving an algorithm, how I took it. And yeah, they seem to be straying away from that a bit. (Also I never heard of Quar until I saw his video on it, now I wanna paint lil wormy goobers)
@invalidbegactivity4424 Месяц назад
Vince Vinturella is still my favourite. Drawn out and calm and focused on showcasing the techniques themselves. But a whole lot of annoying clickbait thumbnails neither.
@niculescualex3515 Месяц назад
These are all great points, great video Mish. For me, the worst offender is Squidmar, with his "$10,000" dollar diorama. It really feels like a Mr. Beast copy kinda thing. I also believe that the hobby is at its best when the content creator is more personable and does things that are somewhat achievable for most of us, like kitbashing a kill team, not a 2-titan diorama.
@Uguguabbabaa Месяц назад
I blocked Squidmar from my feed looooong ago for stuff like that, he is by far the worst, 0 redeeming qualities
@newtybot Месяц назад
You put into words, exactly why I hate fixing videos. That said there are some videos where it is a genuine improvement- like that CVS receipt holder Stompa LMAO
@LittleIAO 20 дней назад
I legitimately think if most of these hobbyists you are aiming at were doing what truly made them happy there wouldn't be that much 40k content by them at all. To a large degree they are captured by what's most popular. This also includes video titles and thumbnails because the algorithm cares about that too. The whole topic requires more nuanced conversation.
@Mistheart101 Месяц назад
4:18 "Tumyumma Baby food for Babies" is a very good visual gag
@masalps Месяц назад
It's perfectly safe for a baby to eat Tamiya quick-setting extra thin cement
@Ducknuck84 Месяц назад
I also feel that because a lot of the tutorials now seem to be done as shorts of 5min vids they have because the "draw the owl meme" I.e. step 1 draw some circles. step 2 draw the rest of the owl! with no explanation of the why or the how in them. Double points if its just an ad vid to funnel you to their patreon. Other pet peeve is when there is a video that is like today we are using glazing, see my other video for what glazing is and you watch it and it basically is like glazing is glazing and its a good technique to have thanks for watching. Also don't even get me started on videos that are Slap Chop v.5.3234.562 update 2 the true master way to do it! Edit: just thought of another one that gets me. When the vid title is like "how to do an easy basic thing" and step 1 is them being like so first you need to break out your $200 airbrush
@Headpool98 Месяц назад
All of that is exactly why I hate Squidmar. For some reason, he is the one creator that genuinely triggers a fight or flight response in me.
@waddledeep Месяц назад
I have yet to see a video of his where he doesn't shill his airbrush
@henry7696 20 дней назад
its his smugness that does it for me. the expression is just solidified on his face.
@samuelmcl.9474 Месяц назад
Im 2ish years into this hobby and I also have mixed feelings on certain creators and trends in the mini painting space. When every video put out bu certain channels either seems like a sponsorship or a speedpainting “hack”, it just tires me out. Painting isnt quick or easy and there’s really no simple shortcuts. Even drybrushing and contrast paints take skill and patience to do effectively. Ive definitely seen my attention divert towards creators who do their own thing and dont lean into the Mr. Beast style of content. I will say that EoB isnt as egregious as the thumbnails might lead you to believe, and he has a generally positive attitude towards the hobby (though still does fall into the camp of “criticizing GW while buying and covering nearly every new release,” i guess).
@miniature_heart Месяц назад
I have a stupid idea to make a painting youtube channel, thank you to confirm to me that it is a stupid idea
@MishMashPainting Месяц назад
Aint stupid by any stretch of the imagination. I love what I do c:
@monsterdenminis8219 Месяц назад
First video of yours that has ever hit my feed. Very insightful and good food for thought. As a streamer, I'm trying to contrast and compare to what I do. Streaming isn't nearly as far reaching and potentially glamorous as RU-vid, but allows me to do what I want to do.
@armymenaroundthehouse Месяц назад
Great video. I've been working starting my own sculpting/painting channel and this is a pretty good rundown of things that I don't want to do. Another thing I can't stand in some videos I've seen is projects advertised as "the biggest" or "the most epic." It just comes across as bragging about doing something that most people never will even try, when in theory tutorials should be about making things accessible.
@kamilgrygoruk3612 Месяц назад
I just wanted to say that you seem to be very nice guy, and I wish I could know you in real life. Sadly I've collected alredy small pile of shame, but I didnt paint nor assembly any miniature fully. Amount of time needed to finish the project is kinda overwhelming. But thank you for your work, you are very inspiring
@ThatTarkur Месяц назад
I find it interesting you used EOB as an example, sure he uses fixed alot in his video thumbnails but he sure have taught me a thing or two about painting. His presentation is also in my opinion kind of fun. He's just being creative and that's fun to watch.
@thegrahamsullivanshow566 Месяц назад
I have been painting miniatures for almost a decade, mainly 28mm historics. I am by no means a great painter, but I am happy with what I can produce. My advice to new painters is to block in colours then ink wash and highlight, the rest they can figure out themselves I think it is gratifying to teach yourself new things, and to find techniques that work for you. Whereas on youtube, miniature painters promote a very liniar approach to painting, a "use these products and you"ll be good eventually". When reality is different, I dont use a wet pallet, I tried and I disliked it. So I use a plastic pallet and it is great. I keep my paint hydrated in the Australian summer with water manually which has given me a great understanding of my paints and what they're capable of. This hobby is not a mathematical equation, find what works for you from your own exploring
@jackdumke9571 Месяц назад
“Babe wake up, Mish Mash just posted.”
@slopoke5228 Месяц назад
What paintbrushes do you use? I’m new to the hobby and those brushes you used in the clips look mighty precise.
@MishMashPainting 22 дня назад
mostly golden maple detail brushes! really cheap on amazon. There is something to be said about more expensive, higher end brushes but I prefer goin' the cheapie route c:
@Goblinhandler 16 дней назад
The main sponsors that always end up disappearing is stuff like army painter or some weirdly expensive brush brand Army painter always gets a video dedicated to their box sets, and you end up seeing like 4 of the good paints on the channel Mainly because army painter paints are god awful
@colonelsanders82 Месяц назад
I hate clickbait headlines and thumbnails for painting videos that act as though they have reinvented the wheel.
@christianmadcow3018 Месяц назад
Well sums up the past few years quite nicely :)
@KossolaxtheForesworn Месяц назад
I remember when I started to paint stuff around 2017 and there wasnt that much warhammer stuff on youtube yet, neither with painting or scenery making. and then it exploded.
@amightymongoose5493 19 дней назад
I decided to "Leave" the painting aspect of the Hobby after completing painting my first mini. I'd previously particularly painted the free Intro Space Marine at a GW Storein August of last year, didn't really enjoy it so suck with collecting licensed products (Pins, Keychains, Coins ect) In February this year I decided to build a Tyranid Army for my Battle Honours as I'd heard they were simple to paint (I have a Hive Tyrant, Screamer, Killer, 10x Termagants and 10x Hormagaunts) painted a random Hormagaunt from a MoTM in the scheme of Hive Fleet Behemoth, I'll be honest it wasn't as painful as I thought but since February I haven't even touched my others because I frankly cba to paint the rest 😔 so I've just stuck to licensed products instead, yes I feel like a black sheep in the community (not invited to local meetups ect) but it's a part of the fandom I've found to enjoy
@gamersparadise743 Месяц назад
the problem with doing a project they are proud of every time is that they can't make a video here and there about a project they really wanted to take to the next level, show quality painting level. because if every project is the best they can possibly do then what's more impressive than that for a video idea?
@figureartout 12 дней назад
I'm a very small channel and hearing what you think, will defiantly help me in my future videos :D
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