
This is the Biggest Issue with Low Mythic+ Pug Keys... 

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@walrusdojo 6 месяцев назад
You know its a Metro video when his face is in the thumbnail
@Neo_wow 6 месяцев назад
Thats just his USP 😂
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Would certainly be weird if other influencers were using my face in the thumbnail.
@zamb0di 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro would be even more weird if you started using other peoples faces in your thumbnail
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@zamb0di I am considering it. Any recommendation for faces?
@zamb0di 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro depends what kind of results ur after
@Nomihc 6 месяцев назад
When I came back to the game during s3 of DF as a healer, I hopped right into m+ after leveling. My strategy was to start at +2 with every dungeon, then do +3 across the board, then 4, then 5 etc. I did this for all dungeons all the way up to the 24-25 range where I left my main. It was time consuming obviously especially once I got into the 20+ range. It helped get me into a broad spectrum of pug groups where I slowly learned most of the mechanics in the dungeons. Side bonus was it also helped gear me naturally, where I didn't have to go back and farm crests from a previous bracket. Once I made an alt, I was comfortable enough to jump straight into 18s-20's at a relatively low iLvl b/c of my endeavors on my main. Like I said, it's a significant time investment, but slowly raising the bar really helps drive in some of those crucial/dangerous mechanics.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Do you feel like you actually learned stuff in that low key range? I am assuming the problem is that people aren't learning anything from it otherwise they wouldn't be in this situation.
@Nomihc 6 месяцев назад
Yes I did, but it was only broad strokes so to speak. I didn't learn the nuance of said mechanics until the 18-20 and above range. I got dbm/dungeons wa immediately and they came with sound queues for dangerous mechanics which were reinforced by the repetition as I climbed. Also playing a healer probably helped cause I saw what abilities/mechanics really hurt the party and learned to interrupt/avoid them.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@Nomihc Interesting mix there actually. Healer + addons made for higher keys = lower keys may actually be a good primer to learn in. Good points!
@kfactor99 6 месяцев назад
I think the dungeon journal could be updated to be an actual tool for learning. as it stands, nobody reads that shit. and in m+ it has no info about how much damage anything does at different key levels so it's just useless. it could have gifs and clips of what mechanics look like and a basic, "run away", "soak with the group", "soak", "this gives you a buff", etc.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
It would be a great first start. It would be a ton of work though so I don't see it happening. The other thing though, is it's not only just mechanics people don't learn. They aren't learning skips or other ways to optimize mechanics like you can do on those last two bosses.
@kkajoinkk 6 месяцев назад
I think this is an issue that is endemic across the entirety of the m+ scaling spectrum, not just low keys. As someone who's just recently reinstalled wow after a 2 year hiatus, and jumping back in to learn all the dungeons from the ground up with a preset group of 5, this is a constantly recurring theme even into the 27-28 level range. We're continuously having to learn about mechanics that did zero damage and were completely inconsequential just 1-2 key levels ago, to now one-shotting us. I even made the remark to them that playing through bolstering week was the best decision for the learning process because it helped to expedite the scaling and forced us to learn every mechanic of every trash mob before we got to the level where it would suddenly and unforeseeably be hugely problematic. This is one reason I've been opposed to the infinitely scaling dungeon paradigm - things always inevitably devolve into trying to deal with a 6 minute boss fight that is just trying to instakill with the same 3 repeating mechanics. (See: Yazma, Soulbound Goliath, Oakheart/Shade of Xavius, Lady Naz'jar, even Hyrja as far back as Legion, having everyone to swap to Prydaz just to live 1shots at higher key levels). My hope is that the system gets some sort of retooling in TWW because for how good the m+ system is, it's problems having become absolutely glaring even to the mid level player where most of the development consideration is expected to be given.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya absolutely agreed. It proliferates all the way up the chain.
@unhingedcrouton 6 месяцев назад
These people might not even know there is something called mechanics. Just the process of learning how to learn in wow is huge. Took me years and some massive breaks before I got into end game content as a solo/self learner. Even now its massive pain to find out what is the meta in some cases.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
I agree the game is totally out of control in terms of depth and systems.
@mitchellkraemer9099 6 месяцев назад
I had a tank in weekly 20 rise that was pulling 1 pack at a time. When the tank messed up the battleground boss the mage left. The tank then whispered me after the other dps left, he said that our damage was bad. He was so unaware why our dps was low and then got defensive when i told him 1 pack at a time = low dps.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Haha like at the start too? Love seeing the dungeon start with just two mobs. Always cracks me up.
@mitchellkraemer9099 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro I think that we got them to half health then pulled up the ramp. It was very strange.
@evelynnsimp6444 6 месяцев назад
I think a lot of tank players that only tank don't really understand what good or bad damage looks like. And the fact that there can be a very wide disparity in skill on DPS only exacerbates this. Blood DKs tend to be the worst for this in my experience. But all of the tanks currently have very high self sustain which can lead to some insulation from the rest of the party. Especially when the tanks are actually the worst players in the group and they may not even know it, they may only be good enough to get carried by high-performing DPS, and consequently they believe it's the DPS's fault when they meet resistance in their keys.
@lilyx77 6 месяцев назад
I had this on a 18 Rezan where two dps would just run around the center of the room, get feared every single time and bring us an army of raptors. Needless to say it was a disband but the guys really didn't know the mechanic they were like "why can't we just go back and forth in the middle?" apparently having never asked themselves what are the purple puddles on the ground or why they were the only ones getting feared
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
18 too that's even worse. Ya some big issues here it seems.
@lilyx77 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro I truly think the problem comes from having to do +11 to +16 for gear. That’s how a lot of ppl end up having their key carried by players who know what they’re doing and out damage every single mechanics so they become incredibly surprised when they arrive in a 17 or 18 and suddenly kicks are needed and the rest of the group are doing normal damage/healing for that level of key so everyone needs to participate
@evelynnsimp6444 6 месяцев назад
@@lilyx77 I'd have to agree with this take. People's keys are getting pushed by gear farming.
@zomgpeoplestolemname 6 месяцев назад
There are people in 20s that still don't know how to kite Rezan a boss that is 3 expansions old at this point. There is no fixing people that do not self reflect on their gameplay and ask where could I improve and do better. Also even if these people were learning by playing, they're obviously not learning and that is 100% on them. It takes a prog mindset to do that, and if you've never blind prog'd anything, you're probably not going to be successful at learning by playing. Learning by playing is a lot of experimentation and if you don't experiment you're not learning.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
We are just talking about the game allowing them to do the mechanics wrong and still not be punished for it. So for your example, kiting rezan wrong and no issue occurring for doing so.
@doug4974 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro What's worse about Rezan is some people might actually think they did a good job BECAUSE they didn't get gobbled up regardless of which direction they fled in. It's a false reward.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@doug4974 yes exactly. Stuff like that really makes the game harder.
@lampshades5436 6 месяцев назад
As someone who pugs about 95% of keys I agree that the main issue is def players not knowing the mechanics of the dungeon. Also really not knowing how to play their class as well. I have started doing +8s this season to doing +20s. I will agree these players are low item level, low score, they get carried and progress from doing a +2..to a 5..to a 9 and upwards to the point where they are doing +15s and above, when it reality their skill level is more on pace of a very low key level. I have been in runs working my way up where they are running the dungeon for the very first time on a +15. But something to keep in mind is, a lot of players don't read guides, don't sim or theory craft, don't farm their BIS. A lot of these players don't even know you can put 3 sockets on your neck piece or enchant their gear. They legit just log in and play the game. Nothing wrong with that for solo content but in group content it will cause a ton of issues. I am not sure what the solution is though. These new follower dungeons could be a step in the right direction for blizzard to teach mechanics to players, possibly expanding the feature to current M+ season dungeons as well.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya, at the end of the day, the only way any of those things get done is by necessity. So that's all I'm advocating for here. Make it necessary for players to maximize their characters and learn things EARLY, so they can progress evenly and not get flamed down the line.
@sp1nandroll 6 месяцев назад
I actually encountered the same situation yesterday, farming crests on an alt: +16 fall, a lot of mistakes, threat issues, 3 mc's on the tank during blight of galakrond(we 1shot it), and then we arrived to the last boss. First wipe I didnt see what was happening, just 3 people died before the first soak. 2nd wipe the tank is not in his spot to soak it and we die. On the run back I explain that the tank needs to get in the small circle before chromie to soak. They say "ok", and I think we good now. But shortly after I understood what was the problem on the first pull. It seems our mage was also lacking the mechanics knowledge so he just ran out with the big circle, clipping the healer on the way. And the tank still didn't come to soak. That's when I said "gl guys, we can't do this" and left. Both tank and mage had like 1.8k rating and 477'ish ilvl so they are not that "new" to the game. And to your point about blizzard's fault and people not learning. This, I hope, was their learning moment. There wasn't a lot of toxicity in the chat, but people in the group let those guys know that we failed the key due to their mistakes so it might push them to read up the dungeon journal or something to figure out what were they suppose to do on the boss. I think, generally, blizzard does a decent enough job introducing mechanics: the soaks always have the same ground effect and I pretty sure chromie does a voice line like "go the shield" or something like that. And if you get a couple of wipes on the boss I think it's time to learn some mechanics on your own. So I wouldn't put all the blame on blizzard. As far as getting the key range condensed, I feel like that's not gonna help much. I'm pretty certain that if you're wanna go to higher keys then eventually you're gonna have to learn the mechanics. And the higher you go, you'll need to understand more interactions, stops and interrupts. But big portion of the playerbase are just like those 2 in my key: they wanna go to a low dungeon, bumble around with friends and get some gear. They don't want to learn mechanics and are happy just brute forcing their way through, which is fine. When they are faced with wipes they are either gonna learn and read up on stuff, or just go back to the level of difficulty they are comfortable with(which now is like +2-14 or something). With the new system you're suggesting - where every key level is gonna be a significant step up in difficulty - they might in fact start learning real early, or get discouraged real early and just give up on m+. Because it's kinda fine when you can do a +14 but fail a +16, you still feel like you've done something meaningful and got some decent gear. But when you fail a +4 and are forced go back to +3 it might feel like "what am I even doing this for". Also this might be a huge problem for the highish keys. Even know going 1 key level in 25+ is a challenge, but you can still make progress, with optimization and routes, so even if you're not doing world first keys you can progress from 25 to 26 to 27 and further. With the proposed system, where every level is significant step up, most players are gonna face a brick wall pretty early and also be discouraged, because they're unable to make any progress.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
That's unfortunate that you gave up so quickly instead of giving them more opportunity to learn and practice.
@sp1nandroll 6 месяцев назад
​@@heythereguysitsMetro Somewhat true, I guess. I probably could spend some time helping out random people in a key. They might've learnt something and become better players. Or they might've gotten lucky on 1 pull and avoided all the mechanics by accident while nodding as if they understood. And what happens in the next key? Do they need another group of good and patient people to hold their hand through another +16? When can we put some responsibility on them? The drive to improve should come from the inside, not outside. If those guys feel like they are lacking or have people leave they key due to their lack of knowledge, they are gonna do something about it, and at least ask questions to not make the same mistakes again. If they don't want to do that, and would rather keep wiping in hopes that some1 would guide them through all of the mechanics, then expecting people to willingly donate their time to educate people who did nothing to educate themselves is kinda silly.
@jheyda 6 месяцев назад
In FF14 when you mess up a mechanic you get a debuff called "Vulnerability Up" which increases the damage you take for x minutes, or until the fight ends, this means that even in FF14 LFR level difficulty if you mess up two or three mechanics you can die, in a way it passively tells you 'hey, you did something wrong, figure out what you did wrong, at higher difficulties this will one shot you'. This wouldn't help with the dragon skip but a half wipe is also a 'hey, figure out what you did wrong'. I agree about the squish also, keys below 7 are legit too easy to even see half the mechanics from most mobs or bosses.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Interesting system there. But ya it's more than just taking damage here obviously. I think the squish is the only way to solve it.
@SmokerFace12 6 месяцев назад
Currently im on a 3 day old lvl 70, few crafted items and flight stone box gear you can buy at 441 ilvl. The character is ready to do +9 to 11s at 448 ilvl without getting hard carried. Yet to upgrade most of my current gear the game wants me to farm +2 to 5 keys. It makes no sense.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya gear and how it works is a total mess in regards to mythic plus.
@Thrasherbear 6 месяцев назад
i had a key like this the other day while gearing my new VDH for fun. healer didnt know the mechanic, and a couple dps died from not putting the rock on chromie to do the soak mechanic. I just gave them a rundown of all the 3 mechanics and said "in" at the burn phase and we did it. +2 the key even after wiping twice. I agree the game doesn't teach them how to do mechanics or give feedback when the do mechanics wrong. But, having the patience help them in the lower keys tends result in them learning the mechanics rather quickly.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Right ya. Secondary issue here is that few are willing to help others. Big issue there too.
@madtrade 6 месяцев назад
there should be a mini video guide IN GAME that explain the boss and frankly same for the packs like a 'm+' school that explain in 1-2minutes everything you need to know the dungeon guide is way too pathetic
@Laptican 6 месяцев назад
I support this 100%. I don't have this problem myself but i do see alot of people not knowing mechanics, even on +20-25's. For example yesterday when i was on my DH we had a hunter who didn't know he shouldn't turn the shockwave on the Battlefiend boss away from the mobs. But to be fair there is a handle little Dungeon Journal but it's not like Blizzard actually wants us to use it. I didn't even know about it before Mythic+ came.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya, it would really help but obviously would be a massive amount of work from Blizzard so that's not likely to happen. Websites have tried, but as you guys said, it really needs to be in game to help those stuck in low keys.
@dess3597 6 месяцев назад
Not even a video. If I had something like League with every minion in the dungeon, descriptions, and an 3-4 second ability gif. Make it chat linkable and I bet you wouldn't have this much pain.
@zamb0di 6 месяцев назад
@@Laptican Bait mechanics are so stupid. Should be removed from the game completely.
@unhingedcrouton 6 месяцев назад
No other game does this tho. The point is you get a game and you are supposed to figure it out.
@pazzoaf 6 месяцев назад
Can only imagine any “fix” for this issue is going to be extremely difficult to implement. Because even groups that know the mechs are going to mess up/run into unfortunate situations so how do you differentiate between the two situations? I think until/if ever this is addressed, we as the community need to keep promoting cooler heads and do like the tank towards the end here and try to explain it to folks who don’t know in low keys. Isn’t convenient and may not be our “job” as players, but a quick two line explanation can save future groups and make the run smoother.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
I think the ONLY way to fix this is simply make the content harder sooner. Its only happening because players are able to play for hours before they find any real challenge happening.
@johnlinks 6 месяцев назад
​@@heythereguysitsMetroluckily I think season 4 dungeons may be terrible for some groups
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@johnlinks how so? We don't even know what the dungeons will be yet.
@billjohnson2307 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro they dont need to make it harder in the early keys i mean a +10 can be challenging if u have a group of toons that arent as geared. the issue is most people who are like 470+ ilvl will sometimes hop in these low dungeon groups and just blow through it like nothing upping a key a new player who wants to learn now just got freely cuz of a more geared player.
@quintit 6 месяцев назад
Problem is with that is sometimes youll get entitled players who dont think they need to listen and just get mad at you for patronizing them. On the other hand you feel like you might be patronizing someone for explaining mechanics everyone should know.
@ludekcortex 6 месяцев назад
So how other MMO games handle this - in both there isn't anything close to WoW M+ in terms of dungeon complexity but they at least give you some feedback about failiing the mechanics. In Elder Scrolls Online if you die to a boss mechanic in a dungeon, your death log will actually give you a written tip on how to handle the mechanic which killed you. In Final Fantasy XIV if you fail a boss mechanic, you are getting damage taken increase debuff for ~30 seconds, which stacks. So you actually have a visual notification when you fail something, and if you just ignore the mechanics too much, you will die no matter your gear. Also FF14 allows you to practice the dungeons with AI companions (feature implemented also for Dragonflight dungeons in latest patch), where NPC-s tend to explain the mechanics via dialogue, or you can just try mimic them doing the mechanics - if you die in the AI assisted dungeon, it's a wipe, the bots will not carry you or even res - if you want to clear the fight, you have to be alive for the whole duration of it.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Oh wow those are solid honestly. Surprised blizzard doesn't consider something like that. Maybe now with the follower dungeons they will.
@stevedaltonbest 6 месяцев назад
It feels somehow worse at the moment as, at least on EU servers, there's an influx of completely new players (would be interested to know the reason for that!) and the game just straight up isn't teaching them anything at all. Not dungeons, not rotations, not interrupts, not affixes. You're totally right that they can probably get hard carried, other than the DOTI dungeons with personal responsibility mechanics, til about the mid-teens. Maybe the last boss in TOTT too. I think it's a bit of a stretch to expect a completely new, often solo, player to know where they are supposed to get all this information. I've started just flat asking on my alts if people don't know the dungeon when we start.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya it does seem to be getting worse here too. I think it's just that the experienced players are taking breaks so the inexperienced players are being a higher percentage of the population.
@nickallen6938 6 месяцев назад
Honestly, I took a break from season 2 so the DAWN dungeon mechanics were the most difficult to get the hang of.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Me too for sure.
@edwardmiller9062 6 месяцев назад
I think another issue is the random key upgrade. You can easily push 2k+ rating avoiding or not even getting the key to run certain dungeons. Then you get individuals getting to 15+ only have ran the dungeon once or not at all
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Yup you are 100 percent right about that for sure. You can easily avoid certain dungeons, making the problem worse.
@carbon6111 6 месяцев назад
I think issue is there is no safe way to practice the dungeon. M0, even at the start of an expansion, patch, is way too easy, to the point where you ignore everything and burn through it. By the time you get to the point where you are punished for mistakes, you might not know what is killing you. Or you might know what to do but because things die so quickly, but you are not used to how to deal with it because you don't get to practice. I'm not talking about things like standing in a swirly. I'd wager 9/10 times people do that by accident, either too tunnel visioned and not notice it, or they get too greedy and don't move in time, or want to use movement skill but it's on cooldown or something like that. It's safe to say most people can see swirly=bad, even if they don't always do a good job at avoiding it (that's me). However, some things are just not clear at a glance and until you get 1-shot it, you might think that something was unavoidable, or you had someone who interrupted a key cast which you didn't know existed until you died to it. Like that mage didn't know they had to stand in that bubble. Maybe other times they did it, nobody told them and things went fine, so there was no failure for it and as such they just didn't think anything of it. This might have been the first time they were punished for it but didn't know what happened, because every other time, there was no problems so they don't know what went wrong this time. I don't know what a good solution to it is other than making M0 way more punishing so that people get to learn without being under time pressure.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Yup that's my exact observation too. The practice thing is something to think about no doubt but I do think there is enough keys being ran by most players that no additional practice would be needed. The problem is, the keys being ran in that way are far too easy, like you said. If they were more appropriately difficult people would leave and be practicing sooner, before they start building bad habits.
@Firelord_Trolldemort 6 месяцев назад
Mage can blink out of the necrofrost but it’s required to have icy floes talented not double blink because the double blink talent removes the part of the ability that allows you to break the cc.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Strange time for mages. No longer have blink or ice block lol
@Kwansgamng 6 месяцев назад
There are people who can't learn from videos and text (me included was an issue in school :) ), I learn by doing, however it takes me one time to fail and learn from it, which unfortunately seems to not be very common in the wider population. I only go to 18's personally just for vault so not really that high of a key level, but still somewhere people will get punished for messing these things up. I've healed, tanked, and dps'd at this key level over the past 3 seasons (though tanking gives me anxiety that i want to get over) and i've seen a ton of funny stuff. When a dungeon becomes a shitshow i don't even get mad i just laugh my ass off.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya I mean most people learn from doing more than otherwise tbh. The problem is the "doing" is not producing feedback you can learn from in the low keys.
@Kwansgamng 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro I'm not sure making it harder in lower keys would help the vast majority learn, I've seen people die to the same thing over and over even after people have tried to help, but even then i'd still personally like the low keys to be harder because it's boring af gearing up alts unless something funny happens. Which is honestly half the reason I even make alts now.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@Kwansgamng obviously some people just are unable to improve. But on average most players do learn and improve. So making the keys harder quicker will just save them time in that process.
@nucleartickz 6 месяцев назад
this is something that has bothered me since the end of bfa: back then a jump from a 15 to a 16 was high. 16s started to get spicy and you could see the filter started from there. you would encounter more experienced players and quality in general improved. the thing today tho, is PORTALS ! everyone needs to get portals today ! for blizzard. it was shadowlands who introduced the portal system and i found it rewarding. it was for us who really wanted to put the effort and climb up the hill of m+. Today, portals need to be even for the best friends grandma and the neighbors. even for the toddler cousin, so the filter must have been lowered. average player needed to be allowed to run 20s which brought havoc to the world: fresh alt, get some blues and good to go, bam! first +20 key timed, carried by crazy dhs, and ret paladins, never had the time to learn mechanics. to me, at least, we should go back to those days in order to fix this. the fact that they want to give loot and portals to everyone is what's causing this. having quick access to the rewards before going through the actual road to ninja. Not to mention adding old dungeons to the rotation xD !!! more stuff to learn, hidden mechanics that only my ancestors know.... and since its loot what's driving the masses who don't care about challenge, get back to max loot t 16 so they can finish their business and no one need to suffer. this way also they can make dungeons harder as you mentioned :P
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya honestly you are right about all that.
@TheLastPoulpe 6 месяцев назад
They attracted a casual community with an endgame for tryharders so when the two side encounter that's what happen. I blame blizzard for not knowing what there doing and for who
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
I do agree with that statement honestly. But I think its actually more nuanced than that. The endgame may be for "tryharders" but because they keep trying to make it more and more accessible, the "casual community" is getting pushed into that content, and not taking it serious or protecting themselves along the way.
@dess3597 6 месяцев назад
I think games like Eden ring and other boss fighters are so different (perhaps slightly better) and the skill levels are more understood because at all points of the game YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO TAKE ANY DAMAGE. You can but like all damage you take should be avoided. WOW is the opposite of that. Blizzard has to give you damage to check the healer's skill and ultimately there is very little indication what avoidable most of the time verse what can be facechecked. The healer is a crutch in most cases until the gear can no longer support mistakes.
@zamb0di 6 месяцев назад
You could always make your healers life easier by not taking avoidable damage. That way he has less to deal with and can contribute more dps, everybody wins.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
The healing role, and team element obviously totally deviates from the principles of a game like Elden Ring. I was just hoping to compare the way you are FORCED to learn how to "not take any damage" immediately in that game. Where as in wow, you can go hours and hours just flopping around and you will never learn a thing until you run into a wall.
@unhingedcrouton 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro souls games are incomparable. They are single player experience with no timer and no loot rewards you "need". You can just smash your head against a wall there as long as you like until you figure it out.
@ThatTypicalLlama 6 месяцев назад
The biggest issue is gear. It's a blessing and a curse to be able to upgrade it. On 1 hand it's great because you can catch up and gear alts, but the big problem esp. in low keys is people, like you said can brute force the key by just simply out gearing it. This is the first season i've pushed into 20s and i've learned a lot along the way. IMO people shouldn't push their own keys when they are new. All that does is encourages folks to only take people who will just carry them, they learn nothing. you can push your key from a 2 to a 16 EASILY if you have a carry or even moderately good player join your key, and in doing so get the false sense of 'that went well I can def do 16s". You want to actually get better? Only join keys and take the gamble that it goes to shit and work your way up on your own. You will have to do more keys to get invited to more etc, but this game is all about 'trigger time' just go and do it A LOT.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
You are right to an extent. But either way even if they did their own key and didn't skip any gearing processes. The game just doesn't reinforce failure at this low level. You have to be many hours in before mistakes start mattering.
@ThatTypicalLlama 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro %100 its a bit of a double edged sword, because if the low content is too hard then entry for new people isnt appealing. I do agree though that it's too easy to get to even at 16 without really knowing anything
@Mooseplatoon 6 месяцев назад
This is, imo, the single biggest problem with World of Warcraft as a whole. The game makes virtually no effort to teach players how to play it. Even the lore is best consumed externally. Because the game fails to adequately teach players its systems and how to succeed, it falls to players to pick up the slack, and most people are rightfully unwilling to spend their time teaching people every single time they want to PuG something. This is what leads to the culture of gatekeeping, hostility and exclusion that we find ourselves in. I straight up dont understand how new players get into this game, or why they'd want to stay. I don't think Blizzard is taking this problem seriously enough, and I really hope they do. I want this game to grow and welcome new players, I want them to have fun. Dragonflight is a good step in the right direction, but there needs to be more active effort into this. If 2-3 devs can whip up season 4 from scraps I have no doubt the devs could do great work on this if given the opportunity.
@Mooseplatoon 6 месяцев назад
Specific ideas for M+ would include expanding the follower dungeon system to create tutorials for dungeons. A scripted run that talks a player through the timer, roles, mechanics, and concepts like interrupting, stops, affixes, and personals would eliminate most issues in lower keys. Lead players to run a general tutorial and trial runs of the current M+ map pool before heading into group finder, give them some Veteran and high Explorer gear for completion, and off they go. If you coupled this with expanded UI options or at least officially endorsing a pack of weak auras that are borderline mandatory I think most of the problems in low keys could be reduced significantly.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya I totally agree. The community is so backwards it must be impossible to penetrate it as a new player. Blizzard really needs to do something about this otherwise the game grows slower and slower as these players become more and more the majority.
@Atoet11 6 месяцев назад
I agree that WoW desperately lacks tools to help new/inexperienced players get a better understanding of dungeons (and raids) and how to approach them. I find it difficult to come up with a system to punish/reward players in order to teach them the mechanics, but a less gameplay intrusive method could be something akin to giving the adventure journal a much more crucial role and making sure that players are notified by ingame messages/quests that they should look there. An example of this could be adding in much more comprehensive ways to examine the dungeon within the journal itself. When choosing a specific dungeon, there would be a short rundown like there is now, but also a tab with something like the MDT map of the dungeon but obviously simplified to not be completely overwhelming with information. Then you could click on a boss or mob-group, and much like now it would list the names of mechanics/highlight the important ones, but allow you to click on specific abilities and have a small side-window open with a simple animation/video of what that mechanic looks like and a hint on how to deal with it. I suppose you can think of it like the ability previews in games like LoL fx. Having visual aid i find is usually incredibly helpful in WoW especially. Obviously there will always be people that are unwilling to learn, regardless of how helpful of a system is implemented, but something like this, that allows the people who want to improve easier and less "immersion-breaking" access to the information needed to succeed in their runs would be really nice imo. Having something like a small video/animation to look at for a specific mechanic while running back after a wipe, especially if it could be linked in chat for people to open easily, could probably help avoid having situations like in this video as often
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
The dungeon journal is not functioned very well for sure. But sadly a lot of the things people aren't learning are things like that dragon skip or how to break themselves out of the ice block. Stuff like that would never really be in the dungeon journal.
@Atoet11 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Yeah explicit tactics that become the “accepted” way through Dungeons would never really be able to be included, that’s true. But for skips like these specifically, it is 100% on the tank/group Leader to inform people about it before key start and make sure they know how it works. Doubt there will ever be a good way to do that inside the game sadly
@IDK3736 6 месяцев назад
Why not use something like follower dungeons as a tool to help players learn the mechanics as they go through the dungeon they can opt in to have an Npc explain the mechanics and shout when certain mechanics are happening on fights.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Apparently that's what other games do. Big issue ATM is these dungeons do not have level appropriate versions to do this on. So they would have to make new heroic or mythic zero for each 8 dungeons every season as well as mythic plus. And obviously all the scripting for the teaching stuff. Had a good chance of that happening when they didn't rotate dungeons. Now, zero chance id say.
@Killtacboy 6 месяцев назад
I haven’t played any M+ since BoA and I was complete garbage at that, but I agree with what everyone is saying. A difficulty spike that gives the gentle (but firm) slap to the face that “oh, this will kill me” sooner than later. Dark Souls is a perfect example of how to do the difficulty with punishment. The hardest part is, as you said, community culture can be difficult. The flaming from the community is one of my biggest fears in ever trying to go back to M+ WoW.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya sadly the community has gotten totally out of control. I do think the souls games are the perfect example of things being very hard but healthy. People constantly talk about their inability to beat bosses etc in the elden ring communities and no one is flaming them for it. But it's also because it's a single player game so that does make a big difference.
@DeadSlugg 6 месяцев назад
I have been thinking about this for a long time and I think I've come up with a solution. The current key scaling is very much on an exponential scale. The only way is to scale it linearly and to make M0 twice as hard and go from there. At the moment M0 is hardly more difficult than a heroic. The other issue is that what happens is people just invite high iLvl players who trivialise the content and essentially carry all the learning players. And they think they're doing them a favour but they are actively harming their growth and learning phase
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Compressing the scaling is 100 percent what they need to do, and I agree starting with M0. That "difficulty" gets brought up so often but with no affixes, and such low health pools, you really wont learn anything in there unless you like 3 man it or something.
@hixsy 6 месяцев назад
Good video Valid points metro .. A player could spend all day learning the dungeons and mechanics and then when get in and play make a mistake or 2 entirely not their fault and get reprimanded by anyone. It's not a good feeling but every1 expects it to be an easy complete. I think this is why people actually don't do thier homework because your can still get trolled if it's goes south. Why take the time when you can wing it and hope for the same results. I always used to watch run thru of dungeons when playing and I'd still make mistakes only to get flamed. No one has the patience and with a timer in mind it will always be the same. I remember in wotlk when we would run none myhics and people would explain the bosses and mechanics cause they had the time too in the dungeon. Now.. And I do agree you should and are expected to know it before. Some people can't pick up stuff as quick as others aswell every1 plays a different way. I just think the true problem is lack of patience caused by the stakes of a timer because in time out of time is the be all and end all to m+
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
I agree in general. It's easier to just wing and learn that way. But realistically this is a totally different thing than that. These guys aren't even aware they are winging it.
@madDjakni 6 месяцев назад
I don't think it's entirely on the game to teach its players how to play (specifically when it comes to skip strats and how exactly to counter certain mechanics) however they do need to make some sort of tool to practice certain bosses and their mechanics (something like a training grounds where you can pick a boss fight from a dungeon/raid this season to practice against and you could scale the difficulty up based on your progress in raid/m+ score) one of the bigger issues for blizz to "naturally" teach the game to new players is that we have 8 different dungeons with 3-5 different bosses per dungeon per season and 8-10 raid bosses depending on tiers and sure it's easier to learn a raid because it's always semi linear and there's no added timer pressure (sure theres enrage timers on a lot of bosses but regardless of if you took 4 hours or 4 days to finish the raid that week you're getting the same chance of loot and get the same credit as anyone else). Add on the fact that most players who do keys aren't pushing the dungeon they're pushing the key level (most aren't playing the same dungeon back to back just on higher difficulties to specifically improve in that dungeon they play the highest key they can get into as long as it's also a score upgrade) leaving enough time between each run of any specific dungeon for any old mistakes to be forgotten and makes it less efficient to try and figure out how to beat the mechanics :/
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
You are right about all this for sure. But I was talking more about the other side of the coin, as it were. Its not on Blizzard, etc, like you said. But it IS on Blizzard to punish failure, and right now you can go over a dozen keystone levels and still not be properly punished for most types of failure. And that is a huge issue in my eyes.
@madDjakni 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro the mechanics to have punishments for failure, those punishments aren't always very impactful to the player or the key but at the same time is it really fair to punish a key because one person didn't know what they were doing? We don't really want there to be someone who starts explaining every dungeon before every key just in case someone in the group doesn't know (and vice versa can't expect someone who doesn't know to pipe up and ask cause they might get kicked instead of answered) and it's a timed activity so you can't really stop and explain every boss (unless you're way over geared/skilled for the key at which point it's quicker to just do the key and not explain anyway). You can't force people to read the dungeon journal either so even if you give info there it's probably not going to fix the problem entirely. I like your key squish idea (not as a fix for this cause honestly I don't think it will do anything except move the "gate" from the 10-15 key range down by however much the squish factor would be). I think two things need to happen for this problem to be mitigated well, firstly Blizz needs to make mechanics a bit less vague (fx Volkaal totems) I think they do a fairly good job at it for the most part but still expecting people to research or read the dungeon journal for every boss to learn the mechanics in a regular mythic 0 is a bit much, this is supposed to be a video game not a job. Secondly I think we as a community need to have more patience for new players and guide them in the right direction instead of just getting angry at them and flaming them for failing. Anyway good luck in your keys and have fun in your adventures on Azeroth (or don't I'm not your boss :P )
@DevesTechnet 6 месяцев назад
Quazii has a whole series (by dungeon) on how each mechanic works. I dont go into an M+ without watching them, but still have difficulty when doing it. I am a veteran player (since BC) and didnt know what an interrupt was until Dragonflight! I totally agree that the Wow team needs to explain the mechanics in some training scenario or something. The number of keyboard keys for combat is bloated as well. I have actually seen a 285 ilvl trying to get into M+ keys. There is no reason people cant get 415 from the outside world and make the starting M+ limited to that. Lots wrong with the system they could fix alright.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya, and even if you somehow did remember every single thing you learned from a youtube video perfectly, you'd still have to learn all the nascent strategies that develop over time from the community. Its a mess, and the only way anyone gets better is by doing keys where it MATTERs that its a mess.
@Aegea291 6 месяцев назад
It’s the same, if not worse in ff14 - the game continually adds skills as you level up - and worse, has different rotations for different milestone levels (60, 70, 80, etc) and never teaches you a rotation at any point. Plus 99% of the content is face roll that once players start hitting savage raids, they hit a massive wall, because they have to learn mechanics and know their rotation in order to pump out the dps
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya it does sound worse in that game. At least mythic plus is more of a gradient.
@highgrade9 6 месяцев назад
I was playing my fury war alt ( i normally tank on pally) a 14 tide, i had to pilot the tank through the second boss ( he wasnt moving at all) and i had to teach half the group ozumat.... we didn't time, but i stayed and tried to teach. I honestly didn't think 14s were not timable. I personally ensure i am up to speed before the season starts and send my friends a playlist of "homework" before the season. Most dont watch and i have to explain the mechs in disc anyway. People just dont take the 40 mins or so per season to watch a vid 5 mins each to see mechs.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Most won't learn everything they need to learn in that time realistically. The video only being five minutes doesn't mean anything. Because they would then have to retain every single thing in that five minutes for the rest of the season.
@Rygertyger 6 месяцев назад
I dont know why the dragon skip is a thing in pugs, the risk of miscomm or messing it up isn't worth the time gain. Just kill it lol.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Agreed especially in this situation. Causing more problems than it's worth to skip.
@grimfandango229 6 месяцев назад
They essentially added Raider IO to the game, so why not incorperate DBM or Bigwigs? People would likely complain that they are making the game too easy then, telling you what you need to do at all times, but most people do have these addons installed, and the ones that don`t are likely the ones that are not learning.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
I'm not sure that would change anything about this situation here honestly.
@Seabiskit 6 месяцев назад
First scenario literally happend in a key for me this morning. Tank went thru portal out of combat and the rest of us died, half them released before RP finished so were all spread out. Best part was warlock who didnt want to gate skip past the dragon. Fun times.
@Seabiskit 6 месяцев назад
also getting flamed by another player by calling out the mistake and how to fix it, they always reply "its just an 8 bro" like how tf are you ever gonna learn then??!?!?!? Its a mindset issue not a blizzard issue.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@Seabiskit well you basically explained why I think it indeed is a blizzard issue. They are able to have that mindset because an 8 is so easy they think they don't need to care about things in it, right?
@Seabiskit 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetroI'm not sure how its a blizzard issue still tbh, are you suggesting key levels start at a difficult point like +18 where mechanics are required or you just wipe? People refusing to learn mechs just because they think they will never do high keys is not blizzards fault lmao. I'm over the handholding people expect in keys at all levels. Learn your shit or go play roblox.
@TheRockinDonkey 6 месяцев назад
@@Seabiskit It seems pretty clear that is the solution. As a player who doesn't do Mythic dungeons, I assumed that mechanics would be important from Mythic 0. I'm actually surprised to learn that they're not. No wonder people are hitting a wall at 18
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@Seabiskit people aren't refusing to learn anything. They are failing and still succeeding. They don't know they are failing at all because blizzard has not made the game punish them until many hours into their progression.
@BANGERSLLC 6 месяцев назад
To make these mechanics simple enough that these types of people would (maybe) understand the fights would end up way too easy.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya we want to do the opposite. Make it harder from the start so they have to learn immediately. Not go many days and weeks without ever learning crucial stuff.
@marklar26 6 месяцев назад
whats the max key cleared as of this expansion now?
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
I believe 32. You can check raiderio for that information in the future though.
@nathanw4897 6 месяцев назад
2 thoughts 1. Make it so failing mechanics doesn’t JUST do damage, debuff then to do less damage or something 2. Failing the mechanic should have visual cues or something in game at lower keys. To teach.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Those ideas make sense in a vacuum but without changes to the key levels it would still likely just be burned through and ignored. Obviously you can't do this at the high key level, so you need to cap it at say 14. And as we see a 14 is still too easy to teach much.
@kingtut8367 6 месяцев назад
These low keys are terrible right now. Did a 15 eb on one of my alts and nobody kicked, nobody cc’d, nobody even tried to stop casts. And the council boss was the end. I couldnt take it anymore
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Record them and send them in!
@williamo9878 6 месяцев назад
This is my example as a heals There’s are spells in the trash for the 2nd boss of falls in a 15 you don’t even know there was a spell but that same spell in a 16 and it kills all ur dps if it’s not interrupted . This also happens in the 2 group of trash in rise . Blizzard expects you to learn as you fail . That works in games like Dark souls but in a mmo nah . I recently found a fixed group to do m+ . When I do a 19 with them it feels like a 14 in difficulty and if a do a 14 with pugs I just want to quit . And I’ve been pugging since Bfa it shows what a masochistic I am
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya the problem in the scenario you laid out is that it takes until a 16 to notice the lack of kicks. That needs to change so people aren't doing dungeons multiple times and thinking they did everything well enough.
@snowballs2023 6 месяцев назад
did today +9 Fall 4-5 wipes and disband and last boss tank was clueless what do. we all telling him how do it but he just couldn't figure it out. again i think blizzard fault for allowing players skip to higher keys without going thru each level 2 3 4 5 6 and up per dungeon. its a pug life thats all.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya, I think you are right but I don't think skipping really means anything in this situation. The low keys are just so easy they don't learn anything from them even if they do them.
@theoriginalzinng 6 месяцев назад
I honestly don't know of a solution besides for just being better people. I did some low keys recently and wiped a bunch in a fall for the same reason of a couple people just not knowing what to do. So I gave up on getting my 12 wyrm crests and just asked "ok what don't you understand about the fight and how can i help you understand what to do?" spent the time to teach the players that didn't know how to get past the 5th wipe to the same boss that depleted an 11, and got out of there and logged off the game lol. At some point it's about self- sanity to get yourself out of the key and hope that the person retains what you taught them vs expecting everybody to know what you know. People that play this game are assholes and it's annoying. You can be 3.5k and not be a dick, its not difficult but it is a choice.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Very well said. The problem exists at all because people don't look at the content as actual team based content. They only care about themselves so when some one else is clearly needing help, they laugh at them. Imagine if that's how real teams worked? Your first baseman is slumping and the rest of the team is telling him how shit his swing is...
@theoriginalzinng 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro exactly, like as somebody who's experienced... you know exactly what is going on, they don't know the fight... at that very moment you have a choice: A. be a douchenozzle and flame them B. teach them so hopefully they don't make somebody else go through the same fate lol C. type ... which we've all done lets not kid ourselves
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@theoriginalzinng haha certainly seen plenty of triple dots!
@tonihetter7797 6 месяцев назад
it has been so long since i watched these low key videos. at this point blizzard should make dungeons into straight corridor with no skip and no invis mechanic. so you kill everything on your way then kill the bosses each room . (i am joking) . i dont know if i should cry or laugh after seeing these low keys but yeah my favorite kind of video series , low keys. thank you for sharing with us.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Glad you enjoyed it.
@enzoshink7597 6 месяцев назад
I dont think its a game problem since u can press shift+j and read all the mechanics, you can search videos, you can ask in chat etc etc... People just want to smash their head against their keyboard, see some numbers go up and enjoy the dopamine leves rising... maybe wow is the wrong game for that.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
You don't think its a problem though if you fail the mechanic and aren't punished at all for it in the lower keys? I think the reason they want to "smash their head against the keyboard" is because the game actually allows it. Like I brought up, you can not play other games that way at all.
@zamb0di 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro a oneshot in a 20 should also be a oneshot in any key then? I'm all for it. would pluck the weeds pretty quick.
@enzoshink7597 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro i dont think making it a oneshot would work too, maybe a score system per run like "u got 80 points on this run cause u recieved avoidable damage on x boss, next time move to bubble to reduce the damge" actually it would be more like a feedback system, kinda like warcraftlogs but inside the game and easiet to understand.
@enzoshink7597 6 месяцев назад
​@@heythereguysitsMetro some time ago, I was discussing with my friends a topic that intrigued me: the abundance of difficulty options in games. Is it beneficial? For instance, I thoroughly enjoyed playing Baldur's Gate on the highest difficulty setting; the challenge made it truly exhilarating. However, when I observed a friend playing on medium difficulty, it seemed lackluster. The absence of danger made it too easy, resulting in vastly different experiences for each of us. In World of Warcraft, the distinction between normal dungeons, heroic dungeons, and mythic plus dungeons with no affixes is minimal. Although I understand that some mechanics are exclusive to mythic dungeons, the core gameplay remains largely unchanged until all three affixes are introduced. Even then, the differences are primarily numerical and often go unnoticed by average players. Therefore, I believe that implementing a feedback system could help solving this issue, as I mentioned in my previous comment.
@cortneyhonan9190 6 месяцев назад
I think there is an element for how far into the season you are as well. Beginning of the season everyone is willing to work together and learn the mechanics. But the further and further you get into the season the more geared more frequent players get there less they are willing to work together with others and help. I have an Alt of every class. My main i can push 20s on but everyone else is in the 15-16 range. In the 2-14 range is very very common to have geared players apply to run the key. So i can have a 351 fury warrior be carried by 470+ players in a 5 and sometimes not even SEE all they mechanics of a boss.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
yup, 100 percent agreed there.
@slingerland3g 6 месяцев назад
The straight up cruelty, wow! Granted the players need to research before doing higher than a +7 IMHO. Once you know all the mechs for that dungeon, work on perfecting your rotation. For me whether I tank or DPS, I tend to work the same dungeon for a full week, perhaps get 10 to 15+ runs in way before I start pushing much higher key ranges over a +7.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Problem is you don't know what you need to know until it's too late in mythic plus.
@AmoeBa-y6t 6 месяцев назад
The keys are so inflated a 25+ key should be a 10, and they should be hard it’s meant to be challenging learning mechanics is part of it, but when you first have to start learning mechanics at +15 there’s huge scaling issues.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya that's totally my thoughts on it too.
@iamme625 6 месяцев назад
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. Sometimes people just don't care about improving and there's no amount of guides or help or videos you can give them that will change that.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
The situation here would be that the horse got led to water and was rewarded for standing next to the water but no one ever told him if he doesn't drink he is going to die of thirst until he is in dehydration.
@DontUseHack 6 месяцев назад
Think the real issue, is how keys are a joke till 20, and 20 is the required for weeklies. In legion when it was a 10, keys where hard. because you had only a handful of levels to work with. But me doing my weekly 18s on my 450 alts for fun, would stomp a plus 3. Like you can get free 447 crafted gear, and start doing 14s for upgrades. WHAT IS THE POINT of the first 13 levels?
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
That is exactly my point in the video haha. And those 13 levels still consume hours of gameplay for low key players. They are basically just wasting their time but are building habits along the way.
@saenct 6 месяцев назад
doesnt league have a system where you can kind of send messages to players after a match? like "good lead" or "well played" or something like that? i mean its just positive stuff...but if that is tracked you could "see the absent of positive feedback" and maybe that could be a hint to learn your stuff?
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
No clue but I don't think that would solve any problems here either way. The community is not eager to help each other, even by accident.
@twobootsmcgee6961 6 месяцев назад
I think the main issue is a lot of mechanics scale by just simply doing more damage to players, but the scaling changes when people are over geared. The best change they could make is to tie mechanics to doing an action correctly instead of "Just heal through it".
@Sebastian_Ulamog 6 месяцев назад
good point - make it deal percentage of your health instead of being overgeared and you just live through it. Tons of people in m+ don't use defensives because they literally don't have to, making healer's life hell (he'll heal through it, I don't have to press the key). There was even a website somewhere where you could check how much dmg would an ability deal in a given key level so that you know if it would one shot you lmao
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@Sebastian_Ulamog ya a percentage of your health would make more sense but sadly does not work as you get into the highest keys. It's a better answer than what we have at least though.
@dess3597 6 месяцев назад
"Are you blind?" "I'm gay" It means yes, yes he is because love is blind. 😘 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Oh wow that's poetic!
@nukins 6 месяцев назад
with the whole frontal on the 1st boss of NL, it took me longer than id like to admit to realize i can step out of it as a tank. but to be perfectly fair, theres trash mobs that have the exact same mechanic as that boss where they do a huge frontal, but those mobs follow you and you have to tank that frontal. its just a huge consistency issue within the same dungeon
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Oh sorry I was talking about Narraxes. The third boss, and the mechanic in question was the one that eats you lol
@nukins 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro oh i missed u saying "eaten" that should have been my clue there lol, my bad
@Wand422 6 месяцев назад
Dude it took me like 2 months to realize I could get out of that 1st bosses frontal.
@Nightstalker314 6 месяцев назад
The mage profile you went over has problems with the 3 dungeons that stand out the most this season: 2x DOTI and Throne. Both are overtuned and just have those one too many abilities or quick succession of those. DOTI Rise until week 12 of this season was particularly terribly tuned.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
The timer for sure was an issue, but obviously not present in a discussion about this difficulty level.
@Nightstalker314 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Looking at data of all keylvls week by week the timer being a problem is more of an outcome of anything in the instance being not that simple. Trash packs are clearly more complex than in many other dungeons from my experience. There are a lot more volleys/AoEs being cast in these 2 instances (DOTI) than in any other one I would say. And not kicking those has a way different outcome than not kicking a single target spell. And the movement abilities of encounters are way more advanced than in older dungeons as you showed.
@ZolidSnake 6 месяцев назад
Imo. You can't blame Blizzard for people beating a dungeon without knowing mechanics (at low levels). Sure that works when the dungeons is on a low level key and at least 1 people know how to do things but when the key is gettin bigger the things that never hurt will start to. For example the druid tank sure he beat the dungeon in a low level key but he never questioned himself or other if he need to do something different this time. I mean, apart from obvious guides from different websites, there is literally a description of every boss skill in the Adventure guide but even asking for help instead of being a "signal of people trying to learn", it becomes a reason to mock the player and leave the key. We as a comunity have a problem of ego, if you ask for help 3/5 will call you noob. Specially on an important role like Healer/Tank If you said you didn't know some dungeons mechanic some people preffer just to leave and wait 10 minutes in q instead of explain something for 5 minutes.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Well you are right that the community is causing a bigger issue than anything. But that wont change. Its up to Blizzard now at this point, and they are letting these guys down significantly. These keys are just way too easy and no one is learning anything despite doing them a ton.
@Archimatic-mexaa 6 месяцев назад
But brother i normally play 20-23s and even in 20s you see people who dont know what they are doing its kind of crazy.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Right that's exactly why this is such an issue. The lack of learning proliferates up the chain the whole way.
@jleyyi 6 месяцев назад
i completely disagree with something that ive seen a few times here in the comments and many times on forums and other discussions etc, and that is that you should be required to put time looking up dungeons etc outside of the game that is an expectation you have to right to set for another person if you respect them as a person, at least in my opinion .the game should be teaching you better and since its currently not doing that, you go in and learn by making mistakes.... the only thing is that pugging is the problem, especially when youre on the more casual side finding players and communities like you that might also provide some tipps is the best way but expecting someone to put hours into learning all the different dungeons before going into keys is absurd because a lot of wow players, especially in the lower key ranges, have a job, family, etc and not much time to play. so, if you have lets say 1 or 2 hours a day to dedicate to the game, do you expect that person to look up guides on youtube or wowhead or whatever? no, absolutely not and its also not necessary at all. now i personally have had a lot of time for wow in the recent years, im currently at 3.4k score on my main and have a bunch of other alts above or around 3k. in season 2 of dragonflight, i was for the most time in the top 200 prot paladins worldwide and i didnt look up routes or anything online, i went into the keys and did them over and over again until i figured stuff out for myself. because even i, with a lot of free time available prefer to play the game instead of looking at websites about the game and frankly i see what is in the video as mostly a community problem, its an mmo. the community is the driving force behind it and if as we can see in this case the group laughs at people and insults them instead of trying to explain the mechanics thats the failure of the community, ive succeeded in many lower runs on alts or with people from discord who were new to the game after just explaining it like a normal human would
@jleyyi 6 месяцев назад
one thing i do have to say is that most boss mechanics are explained in the adventure guide and its explained rather well in most cases i see it more as an issue thüat you cant look up trash mechanics easily or look where certain packs are etc or what spells they use what dispells you need for adds etc, that is information you cant find in the adv guide but bosses are at least in there
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya I agree with you. A lot of people just don't have the time for it. The hours it would take them to "learn" would just mean they need actually get to play.
@noxyoshi 6 месяцев назад
As much as we would want that to happen. I don't think blizz will allow it. It's not profitable for them if casuals has to learn a little to get the rewards. Also blizzard does try to provide help. They have the in game guide. But the old saying goes. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
No it's the other way around. "casuals" are getting farmed by stuff they aren't learning and getting flamed for it so they are quitting instead of digging in and improving. Blizzard NEEDS to start designing around this community. It's the biggest issue the game faces right now.
@shellydkitty 6 месяцев назад
I haven't read all the comments so I may be repeating others here, but I think the issue is complex. Blizzard seemed to decide to make end game content more accessible this season by making the timers super lax so it's very easy to 3 chest a low key brute forcing through mechanics and not learning them. This guy in a 14 fall -- IDK who's key it was but he easily could have gotten that key without stepping foot in the dungeon on a lower level. 3 chest a 2, 5, 8, 11, and your 5th key of the season is a 14 and you have no idea what you're doing. Having some slightly higher geared players farming for crests because of the upgrade system in place (you're at wyrm level, but still need drakes to upgrade gear, etc.) makes brute forcing through even easier. In my case, when I was learning the dungeons, I always lowered my key or joined others at a lower level until I knew the mechanics and was confident going higher, but blizzard doesn't force you to do that, and there's no system in place to even highly encourage you to do that. When I first started m+ in SL, I remember being nervous going higher than like a 5, and the group I was with said "blizzard gives you a key it thinks you're qualified for" but that is not strictly true, really -- and it's even less so now. I don't know what the answer is. Making lower keys harder to succeed without properly executing mechanics is one way for sure, but I have a hard time believing Blizzard would do that with their current ethos of making end game content more accessible (at least that's what it seems like!) but maybe being unable to 2 and 3 chest keys could be an answer? You could keep extra rewards in for doing it fast (io score, extra gear drops?, extra upgrade currency, etc.) but not actually upgrade the key 3 levels higher at the same time. But that also punishes players who have the skill to jump up those levels and not need to do each dungeon at each key level to learn. I do like what kop suggests in giving some kind of direct feedback in game as to what you did wrong but... I doubt that's going to happen, especially when Blizzard likes to point you to wowhead everytime you open a support ticket lol. I'm a pretty average player. I've definitely gotten better since I first started in SL, but I ran close to 100 keys this season before I even stepped foot in a 20. (In SL the highest I timed was a 17 for reference, and my average was probably 13-15 tbh) But blizzard didn't force me to do that, and I might have been a bit too cautious about it, but I wanted to make sure I could contribute to the team's success and not drag the team down. I don't know what kind of mechanism could be put into place (and that Blizzard would actually do!) to encourage that perspective in the game though.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya only solution I see is the difficulty curve being compressed so these guys get into the hard keys way quicker.
@Garbage315 5 месяцев назад
1:55 yes that mage certainly can get out of it, freaking BLINK man!!!
@heythereguysitsMetro 5 месяцев назад
Ya I just don't know how it works with the different blink options now.
@Garbage315 5 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetroMage blink is beautiful now, it gets you out of every movement inhibiting spell, even the thorns from the 2nd boss in WCM.
@DietcokeHD1 6 месяцев назад
I would add a performance bonus to mythic+. For every mech you do right by dodge , or stunning , or rupting it adds to the bonus. At the end of the key you get some extra gold based on how well you did. Nothing major , but enough to cover repair and mat costs atleast.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
That won't be considered simply because it's meant to be a team based thing. People would be way too selfish with something like that. And of course your explanation directly encourages people to spend more time in the key than less. Good thinking but needs to be something that doesn't disrupt how keys currently work.
@quintit 6 месяцев назад
It's actually been interesting while pushing keys on my alts. Surprisingly, even in the 18-23 range people do not know all the mechanics, pull random trash and do not have things like invis/flask. Maybe condensing the key levels so people arent getting an easy +3 on every sub 17 key then getting into 20s right after. Ok lmao I didnt realize you said this at the end of the video, typed this halfway through lol.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya you see it at every level for sure. It's way too easy to get carried right now.
@TheJorndel 6 месяцев назад
Would be kinda nice to have the mentor system a bit more expanded. Allow them to 'join' the key (up to x level) and just be a spectator. Help explain mechanics etc, then earn a small reward based on time spent and so on.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Spectator keys would change the game an insane amount and I'd love it. But sadly I don't think Blizzard would consider it.
@icswack6015 6 месяцев назад
Its a complex problem to solve. Some people want to learn the mechanics while doing the key, some watch guides before doing keys, some don’t even want to learn them at all. If you ask me people should know mechanics even if its m0 you should just know the mechanics in general. I watch guides of every dungeon at least 3 times in the season start before entering the key. But some would call that elitism or whatever, they prefer griefing keys like in this video cuz thats a good way to learn i guess lol
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
This isn't really any of those situations in my eyes. I legit think they just don't know they don't know something. Because the game didn't alert them to the fact that they are making a critical error.
@JamesMCrutchley 6 месяцев назад
I just returned to the game about 2 1/2 weeks ago. I have been doing m+ on and off for years. Anything under 20 feels too easy. I'm an ok player. By no means good. I can play my class well enough as a DPS and do enoughdamage. But I have a lot of room for improvement when it comes to class utility. My guild has a class where we learn skills for m+ and raid. These are skills like communication and awareness. These are basic life skills everyone needs in game and IRL. It has helped me be a better player. I can easily do 16 to 18s but feel that blizzard has just took the 15s from a few years ago and made them easy and placed 20's as the new 15s.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya that's pretty much exactly what happened and it has caused a lot of problems for those doing lower keys.
@chinox_l5314 6 месяцев назад
Maybe updating the dungeon manual, what are your guys thoughts?
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Would be a good start, but the dungeon journal isn't going to teach you advanced stuff like skipping the dragon or blinking out of the necrofrost. The problem is a psychological one in my eyes, not purely an informational one.
@egoralikin4888 6 месяцев назад
A mage in fact can easily clear necrofrost himself, using either a blink, or a dragonsbreath
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya I figured.
@christopherdaffron8115 6 месяцев назад
Yeah, it's a different conversation in chat when a group member(s) messes up on a Dungeon boss mechanic compared to when a group member(s) simply does NOT know the mechanic at all. Even knowing the mechanics, mistakes can be made and should be tolerated to some extent.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya obviously people make mistakes all the time. This is more about the fact that this guy can be succeeding as a player and still not know things that are happening in dungeons he is succeeding at.
@Happydrumstick93 6 месяцев назад
So as someone who ran +10s a lot, I logged every m+ I did. Anytime there was a wipe I would make a note to view the log after and figure out what went wrong. I guess the only way you can solve this is force everyone to log *everything* or get blizzard to pop up a failure summary with how you died, to what mechanics, and what you should have done.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Well that just wont happen obviously, but its respectable that you have that level of work ethic to improve. I think the problem is more about psychology than determination honestly though.
@ThomasBachler01 6 месяцев назад
Wow, I didn't expect this to be a thing - sorry that you have to put so much effort into that. I guess the game really needs to do a better job on that.
@Happydrumstick93 6 месяцев назад
One of the more frustrating things is because others don't do this, and sometimes don't understand mechanics we end up with situations similar to the one in the video happening. Fall is hell, trying to explain to people how it works, mix in some language barriers (I'm in the EU) then things just get much worse. It's one of the reasons I'm afraid to go much higher.
@xXRaver84Xx 6 месяцев назад
I dont share your point, i mean, its clear that people what is not doing mechanics are getting rewarding but the game have more than enough tools in order to succed, there is the adventure guide in game, most dungeons have normal and heroic difficult that have their own reduced mechanics, the game is made to be social so people can ask to a partner for tips (i also do it quite often if i see people struggling or if they ask to me) and there are guides from the community (wowhead, icyveins, forums, youtube, etc), i know my last point is not blizzard content but there is plenty of tools in game actually and we are not playing some sort of dark souls, with a couple of runs most mechanics are intuitive and for those who arent you can go back to any what i mentioned before, whoever is not catching on this is probably too lazy to play correctly, not even in this game, just every single game that comes in their hands and in fact there is nothing what blizzard can do againts an actitude issue
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
No you just misunderstood it. Do you believe its okay to fail a mechanic and not be punished for that failure at all? That is what we are discussing here. That people are doing keys, failing things, and having no idea they actually failed it, because the game is still giving them success and progression. I think the NL example is really the best one you can find honestly.
@seimeianri 6 месяцев назад
people think damage overcomes mechanics, or they think someone will carry them
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Right and my thought is that they think that because blizzard allows that to happen.
@chidy9699 6 месяцев назад
When i do lower level keys, say under 16, i usually just assume someone doesnt know tthe dungeon. I regularly ask at the start, and expect there are going to be some problems.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
It would be nice if that didn't have to be the case anymore right?
@chidy9699 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro I'm with you on that point. I understand they want things to be more forgiving at lower difficulty, but the game really lacks explanation, like you're saying. Even dbm doesn't really explain things, just alerts you to mechanics you're expected to already know. I'm wondering if maybe npcs in dungeons could explain things, for example, during galakrond chromie could yell run to me for protection,or things along those lines. Another option that I think could help is when you die in a dungeon it would tell you on screen what you died to and how to avoid that mechanic. Currently that takes checking the death recap then the dungeon journal. If that information was presented more readily would be nice. One last thought i had would be when you're about to fight a boss your dungeon guide would flash, clicking it would open to the relevant boss and highlight the summary according to role.
@carbon6111 6 месяцев назад
Quite often people also don't know, that they don't know what to do. If they've done 13,14,15 and it went fine, they think they know the dungeon. However, they could have been carried without knowing it. So then they do a 16, the same dungeon, and for some reason things go to shit and that person doesn't know what's wrong. Because last time things were fine. So now that person is in a situation where they don't know what to do because they didn't need to do anything before. And that could be the case for multiple people in that group.
@jambothenerd8263 6 месяцев назад
I think the m+ community would be better off if blizzard introduced some 1 shot mechanics for failing a mechanic. Something drastic very early on I think would weed out the players who are like "it's just an 8 bro". I remember when I first started m+ back in bfa I would actually read dungeon journal before each boss, if the team was fine with it ( i was tank ) but now as years have went on I have learned the best way to learn m+ is to watch title range players play the game and ask questions in their chat. I'm a bit split on who should have the responsibility of teaching noobs, the way it is currently it kind of helps the community of m+ streamers have viewers come ask them questions but if blizzard took on the responsibility that may lower viewer count numbers for said streamers, ultimately I think blizzard should bear the responsibility since theyre making the video game. But, had it not been the way it is now I would have not known of all the different types of people that are out there gaming and approach dungeons differently.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Yup totally agree with the one-shot thing. The difficulty needs to matter far sooner than it does. Glad to see you Jambo!
@jambothenerd8263 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro yeah im still around! just the time zone difference hard for me to catch the streams lol. but yeah, even if the community gets smaller as a result of one shotting early i think that would ultimately lead to more quality players and in my opinion quality > quantity
@doug4974 6 месяцев назад
I think the 1-10 range of keys fails to prepare players because you almost don't need to have ANY knowledge of the mechanics and will still progress. The scaling is poorly done.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Totally agreed. It does nothing to prepare you at all.
@Kaaosification 6 месяцев назад
I'm actually not convinced that this is a problem. One of the central benefits of having scaling difficulty content like m+ or raid difficulties is that people can get introduced to the content without being massively penalized by not knowing everything at the start. You can't have interesting and varying mechanics and simultaneously having everyone learn how all of it works within couple runs of the dungeon.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
You don't think it's an issue that two people who are 2k score are doing a 14 and don't seem to know the mechanics and thus are getting flamed for it? Maybe it's just because of how active I am in this whole scene but I hear CONSTANTLY people say "I quit, the community is just too toxic." I legit think all of those cases are just this, what we see here.
@Kaaosification 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro I don't think that people not knowing mechanics or players flaming each other are positive things, I just can't imagine a design that I would be happy with and that would alleviate these issues. If you are going to have mechanically complex dungeons you will inevitably have players that don't know mechanics. You as an individual will mostly get to play without these players by progressing to a certain key level where such issues are rooted out out of pure necessity. If you are going to have challenging group content where players can affect each other's rewards and success in the content you will get flaming. I would actually say that I think wow m+ is relatively positive community if you compare to say LoL or CS.. When I say that I'm not convinced that this is a problem what I mean is that I don't think it's something that the developer can solve while maintaining aspects of the content I find fulfilling and valuable (mechanical complexity & challenging group content)
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@Kaaosification Okay, I can understand that perspective then. You would say it IS a problem, but just one that is inevitable, and therefore not worth brainstorming on. Is that correct? If so, I can respect that. You are probably right. Even with my suggestions, there will still be people stuck.
@stagedivegames 6 месяцев назад
Didn’t this get implemented in follower dungeons? I thought it did but I haven’t tried.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Didn't what get implemented?
@stagedivegames 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro I was replying to a comment and I think YT bugged and posted this as its own comment.
@gxxkc8074 6 месяцев назад
12:00 you can actually easily 3 chest 20's as 4 ppl sadly now.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Oh ya? I'd love to try or see it tried some day honestly. I fell in love with Challenge Mode Dungeons in MoP when I saw three guys getting 9/9 Gold. Every since then, challenges like that always stick in my mind.
@rodneyadler9118 6 месяцев назад
I tried doing a 12 AD earlier this week on my warlock. Went straight to Rezan as normal. We did kill the little dinos before jumping down. Doing rezan, incorps spawn, I realize that I don't have banish, after that boss, I tell the pug that I'm zoning out to get banish. Ask the others in the group, priest has dominate mind, shaman has hex, so we should be good, right? how about nope - neither of them casted a single cc. We clear the trash to the priestess boss, pull her, druid tank tanks her in narnia, nowhere near the platform, the add spawns, eats blood puddle, I'm the only one on the add, the only one CCing incorps. I ran away, back down the steps, "bubble hearthed" mid fight, left the group.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Record that kinda stuff and send it in! But don't leave :(
@WritesFantasy 6 месяцев назад
I mean. I had a 13 BRH on my Disc priest where the WW would sometimes help with the Incorps. I was MCing one each time, but sometimes I couldn't see them in the pack or click on them due to all the nameplates stacking over them. So we had many times at least one would free cast. The warlock didn't do any dps or cc. And the Evoker didn't cc either. Got pissed, and left after the first boss. Monk got tilted on the stairs where he died to bat's and the felreavers going uninterrupted, so the bat's were buffed at least four times and sicked him.
@kfactor99 6 месяцев назад
I stopped running keys on reset day when it was incorp/afflicted because people wouldn't even know if those were the affixes until we failed the first spawning of them. every... time...
@LeoSpaceman2012 6 месяцев назад
Mythic 0 should literally be a tutorial. Make it a follower dungeon . Stop before each encounter and give a short video or slide show that shows and explains each encounter. THAT is the answer. Dont make the keys harder. Thats not a good solution.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
I don't think blizzard is going to choose your idea over mine. But I do like it. If they did that, it could work. The problem though you aren't considering is that it's not always just knowing a mechanic exists but also that it is numerically challenging after a certain level, but not before. That's the actual issue and why they need to squish the difficulty. Because on low keys you can just ignore this stuff and never need to learn about it.
@unsettled1821 6 месяцев назад
They changed iridikron that you can only have 3 people soak at the back and tank at the front. in terms of people learning the fight. Honestly I dont really have a solution for it. The problem is 1. People get carried all the time in low key and alot of people dont learn 2. Alot of mechanics are just too forgiving at those level that when you hit levels that mechanics matter people just dont know unless you research it
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Yup. All signs point to a squish being needed to address all the issues here at once.
@wiskeeamazingdancer4964 6 месяцев назад
The oh so good holy priest missed the life grip
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Holy priest super strong atm
@aspenture1087 6 месяцев назад
the holy priest might not have the talent, especially if it was this week its nice having dominate mind and shackle undead for incorp incase people miss 1 or its too close to another pack and dominate mind will pull. I also usually take void tendrils instead of dominate mind and life grip when I don't need to mind control things so I have 1 extra talent point on my priest
@CJ-js9dq 6 месяцев назад
Love the vids man keep it up such a great attitude and fun videos , no bs fake personality
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Thanks. For better or worse I am who I am. Too stubborn to be something I'm not.
@desudesu8695 6 месяцев назад
Actually incredible how oblivious the dh / mage are lol
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Right I mean that's why it's a video. It is incredible and it's harming the experience of others.
@billjohnson2307 6 месяцев назад
So I think the Tank and priest are in the wrong for slapping down some toxicity instead of explaining what they did wrong. While i agree its unfair how easy it is to upgrade ur key tho from like a +2 to a +15 and not really have to learn a thing that isnt from the keys itself tho more of these people are probably carried through the low keys by someone who is much more geared making the key 20X easier. Would be kind of unfair to make a +2 easy then all the sudden this player goes into a +3 and just dies 200 times that would just be unfun. Imo i think the best we can do is to just help explain to players who may have had help getting there key so high and there rating basically boosted. Its funny tho how alot of people say like "Oh wows dying its so hard to find groups for high keys and all" but then are the same people who treat a player trying to learn or grind out keys to do higher ones and would rather be toxic and make them feel bad and quit rather then help them so we have more players for M+ but nope lets just make everyone feel bad cause they didnt know something they never done before....that is best logic right there. Another thing that could be happening is 14s and 15s are around the keys u can time and get ur ksm mount which with some people in wow is something that person wants and then will just drop doing keys in general afterwards. All in all the best way to fix it is stop with the toxicity when someone goofs explain to them the mistake and move on. there is no sense in ruining someone elses time spewing bullcrap everywhere calling someone dumb or bad in a video game they dont play 24/7 like you may. The System is fine the player base is what will kill it.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
The player base is what makes it a problem for sure. But that won't be changing sadly. So blizzard needs to step in.
@MrkraZzz 6 месяцев назад
I think low keys are hard enough at the start of the season. But now you have so many people gearing alts or grinding crests you could get to 2k without knowing most mechanics.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Hmm idk, literally first key I did we triple upgraded a 14 and then double upgraded the 17, and that was it. Never went back.
@Firelord_Trolldemort 6 месяцев назад
The difficulty is a bell curve it’s like super easy then it Becomes hard then it becomes impossible
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Yup, it needs to become more linear.
@CaledonianCraft 6 месяцев назад
I do love the funny low key videos but I don't think we can blame Blizzard for people failing mechanics in low keys. Low keys are meant to be easy so people can learn from these mistakes. You should by +14 know the mechanics but people are too impatient and want to get into the highest keys they can for better gear etc. I get the idea for your fix but if you make low keys difficult then you make mid keys really difficult, then you make higher keys basically impossible. People who progressed to +28 - +30 range are now only able to do +22s and it will just go pear shaped from there. Maybe I am wrong though, who knows.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
That's how it was for years. The maximum level number is still just a number. But compressing the levels will dramatically help those with limited time and skill. You absolutely have to blame blizzard for this, as they are basically telling you you succeeded even when making tons of basic mistakes like this. The keys are simply not living up to their end of the deal in terms of challenge.
@blaise4120 6 месяцев назад
A possible way to make the community learn the dungeons would is to like you said squish them, or would be to do x amount of dungeons at a certain lv to be able to queue for the next tier, as in once you hit lv 7, 14, your key cannot deplete but you have to do a random set of the dungeons on there to then unlock the next affix, so youd have to 3 dungeons at 7 to progress but it would choose them like a quest. Also there its the option to remove the 3 chest since youll be gated more and force people to play them at a lower level then the current where you bulldozer over the lower lvs not learning the fights till it gets to the point of pass or fail with no learning curve.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
That's an interesting idea actually. I like that, but honestly it would be a lot of work to approach fixing it like that.
@ThomasBachler01 6 месяцев назад
Doesn't really change anything. People still get carried through the gates until they reach a key level where their inability to play/do mechanics becomes an issue for the success of the key. Don't get me wrong, I like the idea personally, but I don't think it does anything for this type of player. It is a decent idea though in general.
@neckbeardsteve 6 месяцев назад
I agree the game doesn't teach them much and it could be much better at it. Unfortunately from what I've seen a lot of the lower skilled players don't care to improve. It's not because of lack of time or anything else, they are content to be awful. A lot simply cannot get any better. I know some and see it too much. Years of playing at trash tier and not from lack of trying to help. They are forever stuck overpowering keys with their health which is fine if they have fun. For the ones that do I think the game requires so much time already that it's hard to make time to even try to teach someone. I have my own long list of things I want do to every week. Why potentially die with these guys for 2 hours every key when I can't even get that done? That may be the true problem. As for the difficulty low keys are too easy for what they are and the reward. Making the keys get harder faster would probably help. A few babies would cry about it but that's a price I'm willing to pay.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya at the end of the day you will have people who just can't get better but obviously a vast majority of the population of the world does learn and improve in their lives daily. It's just about stimulating that learning properly and not wasting people's time in super easy keys.
@Jekacah 6 месяцев назад
Always assume they are boosted, if they dont know the mechanic after multiple runs
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
"Boosted" is just a buzzword with no real meaning or relevance. The problem is that its possible to be "boosted" at all, and that is what we are discussing here. Low keys are just not teaching people anything, regardless of what circumstances they are being done under. And its a huge problem, proliferating all the way up stream.
@Jekacah 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro still, boosting is a problem in the game since its very openly advertised and even indirectly being promoted by Blizzard itself.
@dess3597 6 месяцев назад
Real talk though, it shouldn't be our problem to brainstorm it because at any point Blizzard could have made a better game.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
I think that suggests you believe blizzard makes a bad game on purpose? Obviously they think their game is working well. We brainstorm because we think it can be improved. This is pretty much how development has gone for decades now. The community drives a LOT of change in this game.
@joeltorres2255 6 месяцев назад
Damn this is awesome but educational because please know the boss fights atleast
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
ya, the problem is how they haven't learned them at this point
@mikedimarco1889 6 месяцев назад
The game pushes you to engage with M0's, always has. Basically the 'end game' of a leveling zone is to complete that zone's dungeon and once you complete your first M0 you get a +2. This is Blizzard baby stepping you into this content. (Side note: Veteran players know not to do this on a toon they want to power gear; we'd rather do something like a 12 on a new toon, easily get yourself carried, then have an 11 key to level up later.) They limit the maximum amount you can level a key to 3 levels per completion. So AT BEST you'd level you key from a 2 to a 5 to an 8 to an 11 to a 14, etc. Even for a new player, they will realize at some point that they need to stop and take a breather. Either focus on different content for a while or go actually look up a youtube guide on a dungeons basics, etc. A player that has completed 8 dungeons ever should not feel comfortable doing a 17 key, at least I wouldn't think so. At some point they need to take it upon themselves to not 'potentially' sabotage someone else's key cause they don't know the dungeon. Rather, stay at the 12-14 range for a while, learn the dungeons then push when you feel comfortable. As for solutions, your idea about Squishing the key levels is a good one and may serve 2 purposes. This season has been so incredibly easy that my friends are all clammering for an 'in-between' achievement that bridges the KSH with the top 1% achievement. You could make, essentially, 10's the new KSM, 15's the new portals and essentially 20's the new 'Keystone Legend' or something. If you were to commit to this 'squish' I'd also ease up the on the timer a bit and limit the key to a +2 upgrade. Right now its either +3, +2, +1 or -1. There is no 'no gain'. Perhaps loosen the timer up by 10% to start, so a 30 minute key is now 33 minutes. Make the +1 actually +0. You time the key, it shows timed on websites and addon trackers and on in-game UI, but DOES NOT level up your key. The old + 2 would essentially be a nerfed +2 that only upgrades the key by 1 and the old +3 is a nerfed +3 but only upgrades the key by 2. This would force newer players to experience lower keys for longer and lowers the chance of your key depleting overall.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Sadly doing a 0 wont teach you anything, and only 2 of the 8 dungeons even have that as an option this season.
@mikedimarco1889 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro True but the point still stands that this is blizzard's 'way' of baby stepping you into the content. Like you said, squishing the content would help but I think limiting a key rank up to 2, rather than 3, would force you to stay at lower key levels longer.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@mikedimarco1889 that would do that for sure. I don't think it would be enough though personally. People skip levels even without their own key.
@mikedimarco1889 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Looks like they addressed the issue for you. 10's are the new 20's
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
@@mikedimarco1889 Yup, literally exactly what I wanted too. Really pleased!
@Smartiezs 6 месяцев назад
im sorry to say, but if you have the exp and you notice people failing, explain the crucial mechanics in groupchat after a wipe or it's on you too calling people clowns is for sure not the play
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Ya it just makes everyone worse. That guy did nothing but ensure their failure.
@mothypants1879 6 месяцев назад
I think one of the problems is that the barrier to entry for the beginning keys is so much lower these days. Back in BFA and even in legion and shadowlands the amount of affixes at low level keys was still very influential to your success in completing a key. The first affix came at a very early level of the key and by the time you hit +15 you had like 5 affixes including the seasonal affix at +10. Now people can run keys all the way up to lvl 6 before starting to see any difference in them.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
That's actually a great point I had forgot about. You can go 13 levels without even seeing all the affixes.
@mothypants1879 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro yea at first I really liked it cause it was easier to get alts through the '+key door' but now I'm running 14's 15's and the group is dying, disbanding and people talking badly about each other basically almost every attempt. Was wondering why but this explains a lot. Great video...now what's the solution? ;)
@Ajaxforce-q4q 6 месяцев назад
he did that on purpose, many times in keys have found players that have done higher versions of the keys yet still will fail the mechanic. Its not always that they just dont know it, its just they are being trolls because its a lower key and they want to mess around to troll a key, maybe still time it but they just want to make it hard and run the time down just to pretend to be stupid or even put blame on someone else like a tank. Or even a healer for not keeping them alive while they ignore mechanics and flop dead. Maybe not in this video footage, but just saying oops and all that is insane for how long this dungeon has been out even before it was on current rotation for keys. 3rd Season of Dragonflight and people will act dumb and not follow mechanics because they like the reaction they get from making people frustrated or even pissed at the fact that this person who could have done higher keys like you said with Neltharions Lair Worm boss tank buster.
@heythereguysitsMetro 6 месяцев назад
Zero chance in my mind that this guy knows the mechanics perfectly and is failing them on purpose.
@Ajaxforce-q4q 6 месяцев назад
@@heythereguysitsMetro Not saying he knows them perfectly but these dungeons have been out for awhile and when they show higher keys on that specific dungeon, yet still fail the mechanic, makes you wonder, why are they doing higher versions but yet playing like that in a lower one. I que every season in m+ and I see this countless times, which is why my input is the way it is. Also the "oops" or "lag" is overused to imply ignorance so they cant be punished. Or even "lol" a lot of pugs ive come across are not there to push at all but to join someone elses key, make the run frustrating by lack of interupts/stuns, then follow that with messing even the simplest of mechanics to get reactions, its weird man, I dont know whats wrong with people but holy shit. Ive even had people come in and intentionally down my key on the first pull because ive denied their alts. So they hop on their main to come down my key for denying them, its like wtf is wrong with you.
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