
This MP Lied to Parliament to Pass Oppressive Law (Dartmoor Camping Ban) 

Kerr Rawden
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Dartmoor National Park Wild Camping Ban: Conservative MP for Totnes, Anthony Mangnall, lied to parliament in an attempt to pass a bill that would benefit his corporate donor, landowner Alexander Darwall, against the wishes of his constituents, putting at risk our Right to Roam and Wild Camp in Dartmoor National Park.
#dartmoor #wildcamping



27 май 2023




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@Yanto260272 Год назад
He should be stripped of his political privileges and removed from parliament!
@carlarthur4442 Год назад
I wish they'd remove most of them , corruption runs deep .
@johnwilson5637 Год назад
By whom? If MPs were to be removed for lying, there'd be very few left in Parliament.
@weediestbroom Год назад
🤣🤣🤣 if bozo Johnson can get away with half of it, you think anything at all will happen to this little guy? The knee jerk reaction and lack of knowledge is funny tho
@Demun1649 Год назад
And maybe go the way of the 30th January 1649?? Say no more.
@mrmando69 Год назад
​@John Wilson that's why the people celebrate guy faukes. Could do with more good people like Guy.
@darriendastar3941 Год назад
Sublimely good citizen journalism.
@1951woodygeo Год назад
Have you noticed all the Camp sights opening up around Dartmoor charging extortionate prices to go there, this is why they are trying to ban wild camping.
@nbandpinportugal Год назад
And, as Britain's population soars to unsustainable levels due to mass immigration, landowners will be milking it for all they can get.
@1951woodygeo Год назад
@@nbandpinportugal You bet they will Neil it’s just greed, there was site who were charging a fortune but were not providing facilities like water or a toilet block with showering facilities, they should not be allowed to operate.
@PoppaWoody6969 Год назад
all these scumbags in parliament need removing
@stevenbowman7766 Год назад
What a lying politician ? Who would have thought ? Just add him to the list of must kick out of office eh ?
@Alex-cw3rz Год назад
Don't treat them all the same that is what the worst l iars want for you to just act like they are like the rest
@sarahb2652 Год назад
It's so disgusting but not at all surprising, makes my blood boil the shit these people get away with. Thanks for keeping a light shining on these corrupt a-holes.
@Error2username Год назад
See new Tommy robinson doc, and you will burst into flames...
@robanderson473 Год назад
They're all corrupt lying scumbags.
@garriejackson9551 Год назад
Yet another Tory scumbag, they have a never ending supply of them
@bob23301 Год назад
Lying while being a elected MP should be a 1 year min prison sentence for each lie, for such a abuse of a elected position, and in no way should they just be allowed to walk away scot free.
@susanparkauntiesuze5447 Год назад
It’s about control more than anything else.
@carlworrall Год назад
Well done you mate for saying something that others are trying to hide 👏👏👏
@dianemelia7286 Год назад
He should not have taken the donation, because now he is branded as a liar and taking bribes. How on earth do these people get to be so arrogant and full of self entitlement.
@Coelacanth1 Год назад
Listening to how he speaks I would venture he was taught about his entitlement from the school he attended
@bugsy742 Год назад
Because as we see here they do what ever they want and get away with it 😡
@celt456 Год назад
Thanks for this informative report. As a wild-camper, walker, star-gazer, megalith-visitor, ex-inhabitant of Dartmoor, I wish the appeal every success.
@stevebrooks9119 Год назад
We need a "mass camping trespass" to raise the issue with the public's consciousness in the same way that we had the Kinder Scout mass trespass in 1932 to raise the issue of access to the Pennine Moorlands. The injustice of this eventually lead to the formation of the first National Park in 1947. A couple of nights with a few hundred people under canvas on Dartmoor should be enough to get the ball rolling...
@BRIZVIZ Год назад
Wouldn't get any Media attention to prevent people form knowing unless they can call you some sort of ist to turn public opinion against it
@hatfullofsky2470 Год назад
Owners of land in a national park is an oxymoron Inn my opinion
@stevegreen5552 Год назад
I am losing count of the number of Conservative MPs who are (seemingly for a price) pushing for taxpayer money to be steered into private hands in exchange for restrictions on our rights and freedoms. This is yet another example, ignored by mainstream media, of asset stripping public resources. It is sickening.
@Alex-cw3rz Год назад
@Marstepolovsky Год назад
When are people going to get fed up of electing politicians who get on their knees for your vote but have no intention of doing anything for anyone except their 'donors'?
@Coelacanth1 Год назад
When they realise their vote is the only say they have in their future
@Marstepolovsky Год назад
@@Coelacanth1 Even if you vote you don't have a say. They get themselves elected on manifestos that they have no intention of honoring. So why vote for them?
@Coelacanth1 Год назад
@@Marstepolovsky Indeed hence why on my own part I am not yet decided as to whether I will vote, but if the fancy takes me I might send them all a rude message to demonstrate I can attend a polling station and will be willing to vote for what is presented if only they offered anything worthwhile.
@Marstepolovsky Год назад
@@Coelacanth1 Aaah yes, I shall be doing the same then! lol I feel the same way. After what this parliament has done to us this past three years, I don't understand how anyone can elect any of them ever again, but they will, and we will ALL suffer the consequences. I have to sit back and wait for people to have enough I guess, but I realise that moment may never even happen in my lifetime. There is a dense crowd of equally dense people who will still elect these ridiculous people into power...
@bugsy742 Год назад
@@Coelacanth1 it’s not though buddy is it, turns out it never has been ☹️
@kennethbowry1521 Год назад
A Tory and a crook what a shock, time for the Police to look into this.
@wiggylwiggly Год назад
Well done exposing the truth
@tappers50 Год назад
Excellent reporting. The greed of these people is something else.
@rachelrichards8312 Год назад
I'm not suggesting that any of the politicians you mention have any integrity towards the actual people they represent or love of the land they own... but rotationally grazing animals on the land in an established permaculture principle. THIS is exactly why decent, clear thinking people must engage with what is going on in their area, throughout the UK.
@lawrencekelly1898 Год назад
Excellent work, thank you for so diligently detailing this tawdry corruption.
@davidpalin1790 Год назад
Hmmmm political corruption 😅😅😅😅😅 Who would have guessed that 😅😅😅😅
@possum9562 Год назад
There is only 1 way to fix these kinda things...............
@numpty7750 Год назад
More than how corrupt they are, it bothers me more just how cheap MPs are to buy.
@nigelhaywood9753 Год назад
Well done! This is the kind of journalism that we need and no longer get from the television and press. Keep up the the good work!
@Kerr.Rawden 11 месяцев назад
Thanks nigel!
@Coelacanth1 Год назад
Well it does have to be said one would be wiser to never trust a Tory.
@kubhlaikhan2015 Год назад
You should meet more Starmerites. Not a party political problem, it's a constitutional crisis. Our MPs are corrupt and there is no adequate legal oversight to expose and prosecute them.
@darreno9874 Год назад
Any one with a brain would consider camping as an outdoor activity. This MP should consider his constituents over campaign contributions as the constituents are the ones who keep him in his seat. Vote him out
@ruralsavior7218 Год назад
Has the MP been reported to the standards for misleading parliament?
@douglasjones2955 Год назад
Donation = bribe
@SarahAston Год назад
You're doing God's work Kerr
@dartskipper3170 Год назад
Magnall is my MP and he lost any chance of my vote when he endorsed Jeremy Hunt's attempt to be leader of the Conservative Party and by default Prime Minister.
@chrisclark4112 Год назад
Be careful when Telling the truth about these people
@1951woodygeo Год назад
If he was my MP I would be in his doorstep, he’s corrupt to the core and should be deselected at the next election.
@angr3819 Год назад
But it has to be told.
@skeptical.bricks7098 Год назад
I’m from totnes and Magnall once came in for a debate before a local election. Came into the room later than most and so was sat at the front, less than a meter away from the man. Apart from his utter lack of social skills he had when making small talk with me, the most dramatic impression he made was the intense smell of burnt rubber that wafted from his direction. Genuinely so bloody confused about it until this day, absolutely baffled by why he smelt like that. Wasn’t just me as well. One of my mates went to ironically shake his hand at the end and he said the exact same thing!
@hectorlimon3123 Год назад
Anthony 'Burnt Rubber' Mangnall
@angr3819 Год назад
Burnt rubber or sulphur? I was once involved with a man for a while who seemed really nice for a while. Then suddenly changed. One evening he smelled of sulphur. The next day he became much worse. Like psychopathic and violent. I actually suspected he was spiritually possessed when I smelled it. It was very difficult to get him out of my life. Obsessed and possessed man. There is a video about Boris Johnson being possessed. I am not a bible basher but I had to pray after hearing it. Scared stuff.
@helenswan705 Год назад
I'm from Totnes too. But this guy is a mega Boris-imitating creep. he had a short time when he almost looked OK . . . not now. Come back Sarah Wollaston, all is forgiven!
@notallowd Год назад
Probably wearing an all in one latex rubber suite,and was going to a gay sex orgie afterwards like all good politicians like to do (just to add for legal reasons this may not be true) there are no good politicians
@sheilaroddick5853 Год назад
Just another Tory charlatan.......am I surprised.... Hell no.
@bridiesmith5110 Год назад
Then his constituents need to deselect him.
@anderajohn133 Год назад
So who is going to challenge him on this in the next parliamentary session? Will he be asked to correct his statement? This needs to be brought to the attention of someone opposing him and looking to take his seat in local elections
@rtk3543 Год назад
Another corrupt politician, drain the swamp.
@traida111 Год назад
Damn son, you savaged them, excellent research. I hope his opposition see this and rip him apart in the commons.
@SarahAston Год назад
Your research & how you lay out info is ace! Thank you so much
@kimblecheat Год назад
A Tory, lying for personal gain!! Well I never. 🙄
@ArielleViking Год назад
Well done for highlighting this, my friend. We all know that all politicians are "rather economic with the truth". 👍
@paulstarr6316 Год назад
Who can doubt that the time is well passed to either scrap Parliament or seriously change it.Its finished surely
@Alex-cw3rz Год назад
This is obvious corruption
@themanythingspodcast8173 Год назад
another great video!
@grilnam9945 11 месяцев назад
Case overturned today
@spottydogscocks Год назад
This is brilliant and something we can all try to replicate. Hold these idiots to account.
@garry843 Год назад
Landowners, who gave them the right to own the land that we stand on. Sleaze at the highest level.
@njpringle Год назад
I'm busy making a short vide about the Luddites, who in the early 1800s, smashed up new machines, that threatened their jobs in the mills and factories. The Tory government at the time made an emergency law and made it a capital offence or if you were lucky you would be sent to Australia to a penal colony. This strange funny handshake organisation have always treat ordinary people with contempt. Them removing wild camping is just typical of their behaviour over the last 200 years. Considering they only really represent a small % with the most money, it's quite crazy that in a democracy they have managed to convince so many people, over many decades, to vote for them, and win elections. Snobbery has been their most effective weapon, as it's clearly enabled them to get people voting for them, that behind closed doors they call them peasants.
@angr3819 Год назад
Voting left wing or right wing it's the same vulture bankers and their royal relatives and politician family members etc in the middle flapping both wings. Freemasons.
@kristiblack4789 Год назад
Satanic Scumbags to be sure! Your country is saturated with their symbology and traditions. RICO Racketeering Rat Bastards of Pharmakea, Propaganda and Profit-Seas!
@helenswan705 Год назад
well said, I shall be sharing this!
@Demun1649 Год назад
Conservative MP for Totnes, Mangnall, is a Freemason, as are the people who are attempting to close down Dartmoor to the public. Since 2010, the Freemasons have been clawing back the influence they lost under the Labour government, and are now well represented in both the Tory cabinet, and the Tory benches. A complete return to pre-1700 days, when only the land-owners had any rights. This is Reet Smugg's fingerprints all through it.
@hovishill2779 Год назад
Why is The council paying a “undisclosed amount of money” to the land owner ? And the right to roam and wild camping can now be withdrawn at anytime ! Scotland and Norway have the right to wild camp.
@colinbrigham8253 Год назад
Thank you 😊 wild camping is a society right
@timh132 Год назад
It because the mp didn't like camping so stopping every one else doing it
@rjones6219 Год назад
A lying politician? Oooh, naye, not never!
@Alex-cw3rz Год назад
Don't paint with a broad brush as that is what the worst l iars want. They want you to treat them as the rest, so they can get away with awful things.
@jwornell2114 Год назад
Love your journalism👍
@yetidodger6650 Год назад
He's a tory M.P he's gonna be a liar.
@trevoror8668 Год назад
DO WHAT YOUR TOLD not what we lie about
@rubblestacker Год назад
every single politician lies
@Alex-cw3rz Год назад
No they don't and this flippant attitude allows the worst l iars to get away with their appalling conduct.
@davidbarnard1126 Год назад
If somebody gives you £5,000 then you are going to have some sort of reaction. That reaction could be positive or negative - BUT IT WILL DEFINITELY NOT BE "NO IMPACT". As per normal . . . MP talking bollux.
@louiseburnett5795 Год назад
M A N G N A L L S H O U L D S T E P D O W N T A K I N G B R O W N E N V E L O P E S & I T S P R O B A B L Y N O T T H E F I R S T :
@robanderson473 Год назад
Nor the last.
@elainepitkin3561 Год назад
He probably thinks we believe everything he's saying. No chance.
@Stephen.in.Virginia Год назад
@Kerr.Rawden Год назад
Thanks Stephen 🙏
@tomdiggines742 Год назад
@Kerr.Rawden Год назад
Thanks Tom 🙏
@aliengrey6052 Год назад
@Kerr.Rawden Год назад
What are your thoughts on the situation? Let me know in the comments! 👇
@charlesyeo8252 Год назад
Other than the two lies you made and some misinformation probably correct on the MPs collusion. The lies first no carcinogenic chemicals that are banned in the EU are allowed to be used on British farmland and no untreated sewage can be spread on British agricultural land. The members of the Dartmoor National park live inside the park because it is huge (160,000 acres) but non of the members actually own land that has been banned from wild camping, the right to roam is on the common land 37% of the Dartmoor National park. Suggestion that the members of Dartmoor National park own a large area of it when I can only make out one full time farmer on the list come on! Farmers on Dartmoor have been reducing stocking rates for over 20 years on higher level stewardship schemes, they have been asked to reduce the numbers even more and want Natural England to prove that it is improving the diversity of plants it wants on the moors.
@stevejefferies2122 Год назад
MY GUT SAYS his eyes are lying
@domgould5113 Год назад
When i was a kid,in the late 70's early 80's,we camped anywhere we wanted.We learned so much and had so much fun.I loved it so much,i spent decades buskin round europe and sleepin rough.Its so important for folk to be able to get in touch with nature,naturaly,not in a 4star camping or expensive hotels.We need to be able to sleep outside when we want to.
@hectorlimon3123 Год назад
@cakehead1 Год назад
I think we've entered an era of completely disingenuous political representation. If their lips move... they're lying . Darwel really needs more money.... Greed!
@LabRat6619 Год назад
Politicians are always corrupt, don't expect much else. Its systemic.
@outsidethebox2037 Год назад
Shock Horror a corrupt MP.... who'd have thought...🤔
@Candles333 Год назад
I'm of an age where I distrust all councillors and Politicians whatever their allegiance ( and Police) This has come from 50 years of being lied to and seeing the Police do nothing when crimes are committed . Thank you for your in-depth research, I would vote for you pal.
@misterfischer2177 Год назад
A slippery slimy MP if ever I've seen one.
@angr3819 Год назад
Thank you
@lindsaymcilveen6790 Год назад
All power to you lad!! Keep it up. The greedy selfish bastards!!
@syncrosimon Год назад
They hang the man and flog the woman who stole the goose from off the common, but let the lords and ladies free who took the common from you and me! 17C poem! There is always someone who wants more.
@junglie Год назад
I'm as surprised at a tory lying as if you'd told me a fish breathes water. Time we voted these thieves out!
@gamevidz6319 Год назад
Anthony Mangnell is cheap.
@martinmitchell8408 Год назад
Just the bent officials doing as they please camp wherever you like I do
@mrmando69 Год назад
Since the ban , wild camping has massively increased and a big well done to these lovely people. Laws are only for slaves and fools.
@johnorson5117 Год назад
Time to full expose and bring the law down on them rally all walkers
@jp-mf7bd Год назад
Great video
@jasperlawrence5361 Год назад
That MP sold out for just 5K£?! At least in places like Nigeria politicians get a decent price for their, ahem, integrity.
@edeledeledel5490 Год назад
If it has no impact GIVE IT BACK!
@martintremethick8370 Год назад
Who would have guessed? A Tory mp being two faced and possibly corrupt!
@jonathanbrown1177 Год назад
Nice facts and truth, please keep going
@Kerr.Rawden 11 месяцев назад
Will do matey
@harrythehobbit3772 Год назад
Robin Hood journalism at its best ❤
@martinmitchell8408 Год назад
Corporate interest haven't we just gone through that with COVID another bent toff
@elpeltys Год назад
That money was just resting in my account 😂
@sandydobbie1255 Год назад
Just another corrupt Tory in action !!! He has lied to Parliament and should be held accountable for his breech of ethics !!!
@johnnyboppy9782 Год назад
We need to give him ten grand and he might do what we ask
@mikeyoung7660 Год назад
A fantastic video exposing this reptile
Money going to money 🤬
@jp-mf7bd Год назад
Anthony 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
@matthewrushmer238 Год назад
I wonder if we made a GoFundMe for Anthony Mangnall, we could outbid Darwall for his soul. Better yet, remove him and put someone in who would serve the will of the people.
@johngregson9827 Год назад
The face of corruption
@truthjunkie2325 Год назад
I call on 50,000 campers to take to Dartmoor...simple...
@howarddavies3744 Год назад
Thanks for doing the job of journalists in national papers, they seem to just repeat what the government/corporations tell them.
@brianfarman2747 Год назад
Lying through his back teeth
@williambarnes3868 Год назад
The right to roam was only allowed after the mass trespass on KInder Scout. Maybe the same thing on Dartmoor would achieve the same objective and force them to allow so-called 'willd' camping,
@martinmitchell8408 Год назад
Permission permission stopped asking for that at 18 do what u like
@andycoombes161 10 месяцев назад
Great bit of investigative journalism. MP's are the dreggs of society and Anthony Magnal is obviously no different
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