
This Video DESTROYS the Gap Theory | Ken Ham 

Ken Ham
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This video DESTROYS the gap theory, which is the idea of millions of years fitting into the Bible. In this video, Ken Ham explains numerous major inconsistencies and issues with this popular worldview.
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@bonnielucas3244 4 месяца назад
I realize the Bible seems to make astonishing statements. But Creation IS astonishing. Life IS astonishing. The things Jesus said and did are astonishing . The wonderful words of life are astonishing. And I am helped by these things in a way nothing else ever has
@Faust2Dr 4 месяца назад
Evolution is astonishing too - the wonder of nature developing over billions of years. It also has the advantage of being true!
@aprilmcgeown2253 4 месяца назад
@@Faust2Dr Thats like taking all the pieces of a watch and shaking up in a bag and waiting for time to put it together and make it into watch! A watch needs a watch maker. God spoke the world into existence by his almighty power and took the dust of the earth and formed man then he breathed life into him. Check what science says about the chemical composition of our bodies and see it is the same as the dirt! And he made everything in 6 days and rested on the 7th to give us our week as he doesn't operated in time, he made it for us. He is eternal and decides how everything would be and his science does not show this earth as being more than 6000 years old or that man has evolved for he keeps repeating the same old mistakes over and over again through civilization until he destroys it. We are at that point again where only a Red Sea miracle will save the planet and change culture to put us back on the right track. Man without God is hopeless, just wicked and greedy. We were made to worship God and if we don't we worship ourselves or money, or fame and power or every other vise that satin leads you to believe will make you happy and successful. If you come to the end of that and loose your own soul what have you gained? You will be separated from God forever in torment, just as the devil wants for you... to be with him forever and that won't be pleasant. So ask God to make himself and the truth known to you and you will be surprised at how he does it! Jesus is the light of the world and if you follow him you won't walk in darkness but have the light of life in you to guide you to eternity with him in a new kingdom the way God designed it before the fall of man. Blessings to you.
@mrtadreamer 4 месяца назад
@Dr Considering it aledgedly takes place over billions of years, plus the relative short lifespans of humans, eyewinesses are by necesity, few and far between, making the aledged requirment of direct observationrequired by scientic endeavor impssible.
@Faust2Dr 4 месяца назад
@@mrtadreamer - are you saying something can only be true or real if it can be observed by humans? Some things take time, but are still real.
@someguy5438 4 месяца назад
@mrtadreamer direct observation is in no way a requirement of science. Most science doesn't involve a direct observation.
@rickwarner516 4 месяца назад
Thank you Ken for keeping us informed and encouraging us to stand on the word of God.
@abelcainsbrother 4 месяца назад
If he was truly after truth he would honestly and without bias compare truthfully both Young Earth Creationism and The Gap Theory in a truthful way investigating which one is correct,but he distorts the truth about the Gap Theory.He is too biased toward YEC because he has invested so many years to it.
@MineABear 4 месяца назад
@@lionzion1879 what has he said that makes him a con artist, or are you just making a Boogie man out of him?
@MineABear 4 месяца назад
@@lionzion1879 it's hard to understand because you're not explaining it you're too vague what specify did he claim that makes him a con artist give at least one thing please
@friedvegetables3455 4 месяца назад
@@lionzion1879 Apparently, science is filled with conmen and scams but that's the thing. You don't like to talk about it. Ken Ham in the context of this video discussed the gap theory in this video and how it doesn't work with the bible. He doesn't need to show any evidence of that to you.
@lionzion1879 4 месяца назад
@@MineABear saying with confidence that the oldest evidence we have is from trees dating back 4000 years. Claiming the earth is 6000 years old. This guy is ignoring the evidence that typically surpassed that time frame.
@NumberSixAtTheVillage 4 месяца назад
No sin and death. No entropy.
@JRRodriguez-nu7po 4 месяца назад
Incorrect, wo entropy you can have no chemical or physical processes. No breathing, no digestion, no movement of any sort..
@tedhansen3846 4 месяца назад
No atrophy🙌
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
It wasn't about no entropy, it was about that God evidently miraculously preserved anything that didn't need to exhibit entropy (prevented any injuries or disease, etc. and may have preserved manmade objects if we had stayed unfallen long enough to make any, like the sandals in the 40 years wandering), and removed that effect at the Fall (thus allowing for natural evils, etc.).
@JesusRodriguez-zy3wj 4 месяца назад
@@logicianbones That's a MUCH better way to state it. All 4 laws of classical thermodynamics were in effect in the garden (0,1,2 and 3); otherwise life is impossible. That God continually sustained and supernaturally fixed the errors, now we're in full agreement. Unfortunately, what was said was sloppy and to someone who has actually worked with the equations of thermodynamics, absurd.
@PBAdventures146 4 месяца назад
The only millions of years that exists in the Bible is God has always existed as the Ancient of Days. That's it.
@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 4 месяца назад
Yes, but time doesn’t exist in the spirit realm where YHVH incarnate in Christ and the holy angels dwell, and the other spirit beings that dwell there. YHVH created time, matter and space for this physical world alone. Spirit beings are not bound to the physical laws of this world, only the creatures YHVH made to live on Earth are bound to the physical laws of this physical realm. We don’t understand how God can reveal Himself to us as Father, Son, and Spirit, and yet also say that He is only one God, because we have no experience with beings from the spiritual realm, as we are bound to this physical world as long as we’re in these flesh bodies, and this is where some believers in Christ become conflicted with the triune nature of YHVH, because His nature, as an eternal spirit being, is beyond anything we’ve experienced on earth. We are made in God’s image, triune beings who are body, sòuI, and spirit in one person, but we can’t separate our body from our sòuI, from our spirit. Since we can’t separate the parts that we consist of, body, sòuI, and spirit, and we don’t have the power of omnipresence, being multiple places at once, like YHVH can, then we have a hard time rationalizing how YHVH can be in the spirit realm, and on the earth at the same time, like He was in Genesis 19, and like He was when He was incarnate in Christ, and other times in scripture, because it’s beyond our finite understanding. It’s like people who have had supernatural experiences with ghosts, or other paranormal experiences, and people who have never experienced those things, nor have they known anyone who has had paranormal experiences, they often have a difficult time believing the stories those who have had paranormal experiences share with others. However, the people who have had supernatural, or paranormal, experiences will never forget it, and they don’t need anyone to believe them, because they know what they saw. If you look at how scripture describes our physical world, you understand that the spirit world is much larger and all around us, but YHVH has hidden it from our eyes for the most part. According to scripture, those invisible spirits that are all around us, they also watch us. Sometimes they try to engage with humans, but God’s Word says we are not to try to communicate with the spirits beyond the veil, because there’s malevolent spirits who deceive humans into thinking they are “angels of light”. This is why we run from the occuIt, because it’s wicked in God’s eyes. The beings across the veil also know who belongs to YHVH through Christ, and who doesn’t.
@Desert-edDave 4 месяца назад
God exists outside of time, there is no 'millions of years' anywhere in existence.
@user-ky2xo2ls4m 4 месяца назад
@Redeemed at YHVH….No we have to understand the difference between the millions of years that are being touted versus the Bible and the literal thousands of years when man has been on earth. We don’t have to know about time in another realm. Just that God created the earth in 6 literal 24 hour days with humans, animals, birds etc. That is the argument…creation or evolution. It can only be creation and a young earth.
@davidpiot8098 4 месяца назад
@@Desert-edDavehe just "poofed" into existance :-)
@derekardito2032 4 месяца назад
@@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ the same could've claimed by schizophrenics. Have you any idea where YHWH originated, that supposed god was one of near hundred sons of El, theSun god, and Ashera the moon goddess, the brother Of Yam and Baal among others all.worshipped as gods before the Hebrews became monotheist, YHWH was also called "Lord" he was polytheistic Hebrews god of storms and war, he was morphed into El be moving Elohim plural of El, it's claimed he had an affair with Ashera his mother to do so, your early as atheist as I am, there are thousands of gods worshipped today by millions, that you deny exists, and with no more evidence that they don't exist than you have of the one you claim exist, I just refuse to.accept because you have no evidence to show your believed god exists one more god than you do.
@BAM-jc7uy 4 месяца назад
was at First Bpt Ch "conference" on the corner of Broadway and Central, albuquerque...when you were here as a young whippersnapper with CRI.... also, my grandson was a rmmate at pbc, FL with a beloved of urs....continue to be well and mighty in the Word and Even so, come Lord Jesus.
@dabass438 Месяц назад
Orthodox Christians have always taught that we are currently living in the 8th Day of Creation; it dawned when Christ our God rose from the dead. The 7th Day of Creation therefore began at the end of Genesis chapter 1, and continued through the entire Old Testament, ending with the original Paschal narratives in the Gospels. So we have no idea how many thousands or millions of years are condensed into the beautiful poem in Genesis chapter 1.
@jelly7310 4 месяца назад
Our God spoke it all into existence. What a powerful God we serve.
@derekardito2032 4 месяца назад
Do what no one has ever done, PROVE IT
@derekardito2032 4 месяца назад
@Tuokool nothing would convince you against what you ARE indoctrinated to believe, not even evidence, I'm well aware of that, you say your not indoctrinated, yet who told you gods existed in the first instance, and how come out of all the supposed gods to believe in you accept the one of your culture. You accuse me of saying your indoctrinated while with usual evangelical fundamentalist hypocrisy and double standards you claim to know I'm angry, and lack faith in everything,. If any god was proven to exist I would not need to be forced to accept it, I would accept that irrefutable evidence, that's all.any believer has ever asked you claimants for, and it's something you have never delivered. How many millions have you Christians killed in attempting to force all to believe in your supposed god. Again you claiming and other atheist assert something came from nothing, I have never made such a claim and no of no other atheist that has, the only ones I know of that make such a stupid claim are you theist nutters, "everything had an origin but my believed in god, special pleading " and never an iota of evidence to back your ridiculous claim. If any god was proven to exist it would be common global knowledge. If you were really interested in gaining knowledge of where every thing came from how about asking cosmologist, astrophysicist, botanist, biologist, bio chemist and other experts in that field, instead of swallowing what your uneducated charlatan teachers like your pastors and pseudo scientific nutters like Ham feed you with and which you readily like the gullible until you are swallow up. Atheism is a simple answer to a simple question, it's not an ideology, a religion, a belief system, it's merely a statement that one does not accept theist claims of their gods existing, theist claim,allege, assert , " MyGod exist" an atheist is merely one that responds " Ido not believe you" ,nothing else can be attributed to any atheist.
@davidpiot8098 4 месяца назад
@lstill you can give no demonstrable evidence for this god. you can only speak of a personal experience
@davidpiot8098 4 месяца назад
@TuokoolYou do not knwow what you are talking about. 1. the analogy you are talking about (watchmaker analogy) was debunked years ago. It does not explain the existance of our universe. 2. that "nothing can become something" is a strawman argument. 3. and for god to be true we need demonstrable evidence that there is evidence for such a thing to exist And to this day, there is 0.0 evidence. And if you can find any, congratualtions you can become a Nobel price winner (Not)
@JSkeleton 4 месяца назад
Great video! I'll add another thing that I originally heard presented from Dr Bill Barrick's Hebrew Grammar lectures: In Genesis 1:2 it uses the word "hayah" which is in the QAL Perfect Static Stative meaning it is a state of being (is/was), and the only way it could be an Imperfect Dynamic Stative (state of becoming) is if the following word started with a Lamed prefix, but in Genesis 1:2 it does not, making it a Static Stative "to BE" (in this case "was") and to "EXIST." To put it simply: The Hebrew text really does NOT in any possible way, shape, or form, allow for any hint of a possibility of a gap theory of the world "becoming" over "millions of years", and is emphatic in that it "was."
@kennethgoin628 4 месяца назад
Wanna have fun with evolutionists? Have them explain the existence of sheep! It is a studied, proven fact that without protection and care, sheep cannot survive. So, how did they come to be without us being at a level of intelligence to understand their benefit to us, causing us to farm them? Seriously, have them research and explain how sheep evolved. It's impossible without a Creator and direct placement under a pre-established knowledge.
@barbaraedgley2634 4 месяца назад
Speaks of evening & morning & day one, day 2, each differentiated from the other. Plain enough
@abelcainsbrother 4 месяца назад
Really? Lot's wife BECAME(hayah) a pillar of salt. And the earth BECAME(hayah) without form and void.
@mobiletech8826 4 месяца назад
Thank you for this info. I believe in our Lord's Word - not man's word. Excellent Video
@mitchstaff8281 4 месяца назад
The Bible doesn't really say what went on before the universe's creation. So we really only can account for the time starting with In the beginning.
Or you can believe the lies that nasa told you
@InGodsTime24 4 месяца назад
God bless you Ken for your years of defending Christianity and the Bible and putting the truth out there for all to have access too it. 🙏
@glendagaskin151 4 месяца назад
Mr Ham you came to my church many years ago in Athens Georgia Athens Georgia. I have followed your teachings probably 40 years. I have also followed a Bible teacher Les Feldick (Through the Bible). He was the finest Bible teacher I have ever known. He did have a theory about the gap theory. He was very adamant that it was possible. He also taught creationism and you might think about that. By the way my church is Prince avenue Baptist church in Athens Georgia. I know how busy you are but please follow up. We can ask Jesus when we meet in heaven. You are a blessing to so many.
@lupeguadalupe9311 4 месяца назад
Thank you for that explanation. I have heard of this theory before and had many questions on how they came up with this conclusion.
@RustyGunn7 4 месяца назад
Thank you. May the Lord bless you.
@williamhoodtn 4 месяца назад
Very well stated and communicated sir. Thank you!
@josephreigens3090 4 месяца назад
Thank You!!!!
@oldtimerlee8820 4 месяца назад
Thank you. I was once indoctrinated into believing there were millions of years crammed between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2.
@jannaswanson271 4 месяца назад
Everyone has been indoctrinated into believing the Earth is a ball that moves and spins. It is not what the scriptures teach.
@darinb.3273 4 месяца назад
For reference in your future discussions, when reading Genesis chapter 1 read the 1st 5 verses all together and the 5th verse ties the 1st 4 verses together. The real nail in the coffin for that is the verses in Exodus 20:8-11. The oldest man only lived to be 969 years old. That eliminates the possibility other scripture some folks often reference a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like a day to God. If that is read in context these reference the level of patience God has for His creation of human beings and some in their defiance of Him.
@ancataut7891 4 месяца назад
@oldtimerlee8820 Now you are manipulated by this individual...
@bonniemoerdyk9809 4 месяца назад
I was shocked to find out that my father believed in the Gap Theory, when I was 50 I found out!
@Desert-edDave 4 месяца назад
@@ancataut7891 The word 'manipulation' doesn't mean what you think it does. Grab a dictionary and learn the words before trying to use them.
@lionzion1879 4 месяца назад
Explain how your creation story has the trees and plants created before the sun and moon? How do you account for a 6000 year old earth when you should know, as an Aussie, that aboriginal people have been there alot longer than that? How do you avoid such evidence?
@nickf.2306 2 месяца назад
Very good point! The aboriginal people have been a functioning and coherent group for tens of thousands of years. Are they lying Ken? Or are you just full of it?!!! (PS. We know the answer!)
@stephencummins7589 4 месяца назад
Ken Ham is a hilarious comedian, he even says that he has the birth certificate of the universe, gees he is the best😅.
@bonnielucas3244 4 месяца назад
How grateful I am to be able to benefit from the work of today's Bible- believing men and women of science.. and to have good resources and organizations to recommend for others
@markduell2468 4 месяца назад
This isn't science. This is people twisting facts to promote their agenda.
@Flintlock1776 4 месяца назад
You have got to be kidding.
@Desert-edDave 4 месяца назад
@@Flintlock1776 Exemplifying what a trite response is.
@lyngruen8607 4 месяца назад
TRUTH WILL PREVAIL ☝️💖 Thank you Ken.
@Moist._Robot 4 месяца назад
And so it does with the bible continually proven wrong and believers becoming more and more disassociated with reality.
@mrtadreamer 4 месяца назад
@_Robot Considering that although truth can be suprressed, but cannot be destroyed, all one needs to do, and wait the truch to ptove unself, because it will. No need for aguments. Debates or chalenging one another.
@Moist._Robot 4 месяца назад
@@mrtadreamer Good luck with that. How long you thinking of growing your beard?
@oreally8605 4 месяца назад
Remember the atheist formula: insult God insult Christians insult Christianity = they win the argument. Makes zero sense. Moist Robot is a regular atheist.
@Flintlock1776 4 месяца назад
It does prevail but you won't find it here.
@wms72 4 месяца назад
Deuteronomy 4:2"You shall not add to the Word of the Lord ... nor take away from it."
@abelcainsbrother 4 месяца назад
Ken Ham and others are going to be in trouble.
@SenhorTudo 3 месяца назад
@@abelcainsbrother BIG trouble!
@abelcainsbrother 3 месяца назад
@@SenhorTudo The bible warns about adding or taking away from the word of God.My conscience is clear as a Christian that believes the Gap Theory is the true and only correct biblical interpretation when it comes to creationism. Day Age old earth creationism and Theistic Evolution are wrong too.
@mashah1085 4 месяца назад
So if the Universe is only 6000 years old...how can we see the Andromeda Galaxy which is 2.5 million light years from Earth? There wouldn't have been enough time for the light to reach us?
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
We don't know yet. We do know several possible models of distant starlight have not been disproven, like Dr. Russel Humphreys' time dilation model, which enjoys a lot of support. It also uses Earth reference frame language so even without time dilation there's a "time zones" model also mentioned in their Answers book IIRC that would have more distant galaxies made earlier in their own reference frame but Earth's frame wouldn't consider them "now" until their light reaches Earth, so basically God hadn't yet created closer in yet.
@dontaylor1701 4 месяца назад
God stretched out the heavens after he created the light.
@mashah1085 4 месяца назад
@@dontaylor1701 Are you being sarcastic? Or do you think the Andromeda Galaxy was only a few 1000 light-years away when it was created?
@dontaylor1701 4 месяца назад
@@mashah1085 Your question is for God, not me. I am no authority and neither are you. Right? Man likes to be their own authority and it leads them to error.
@mashah1085 4 месяца назад
@@dontaylor1701 Then why did you post a response then when questioned on it, decide to dodge?
@Desert-edDave 4 месяца назад
The sheer fact that God created life at all in a universe which is so adept at preventing and destroying life is a testament to intelligent creation and is nothing short of amazing.
@johnhoffman8203 4 месяца назад
The gap theory doesnt belittle God nor make Him less God. He is Eternal and taking 13.2 billion years to create/restore Earth is just like Him and gives us bread crumbs for a trail leading back to His event. I believe in a 6 day (24 hrs) restoration of the Earth just like He had to restore me when I was destroyed by sin.
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
Problem is there's no evidence for any of that. Creating miraculously is also just like him (water to wine, feeding of the thousands, etc.). How do you know which "like him" to apply? Well, we do -- the one he SAID.
@johnhoffman8203 4 месяца назад
The light from distant stars is billions of years old. The Bible refers to ancient civilizations. It took millions of years for the elements to make life to be available for the creation of man. It wasnt until 10 to the minus 42 seconds that it was cool enough for sub atomic particles to bond to begin to form elements following the Event of God's beginning of time. God took every subatomic particle that He created and compressed them into a sphere the size of a period and created the events that was so controlled by Him that the elements could form over time. It's easy to say He blinked and everything was here, but then no trace of Himself for man to discover and give Him the glory. His eternal nature is displayed in His creation.
@lwm20 Месяц назад
@@logicianbones Look up the term "without form and void" in the Bible. It is used in Gen 1:2 and Jer 4:23. God chose to use that term in Jer 4:23 as a cross reference verse to Gen 1:2. Jer 4:23 the earth is "without form and void" following a divine judgement from God. God did not create the earth without form and void, that is ridiculous. I do not believe that there is a gap between Gen 1:1 and 1:2 to support the "science falsely so-called" camps claims of millions and billions of years. The gap between Gen 1:1 and 1:2 could have been 5 minutes or an extremely long time but the fact remains that the term "without form and void" is a Bible term used following judgement. He learn more about creation from the book of Job and Psalms than we do in Genesis. For example in Job 38 the angels where there shouting for joy when Jesus Christ was creating the universe.
@TicManFlorida 6 дней назад
​@lwm20 if something is created, that means if is fully functional, and done, right? So yes, between God's original creation of earth and it becoming formless and void, something happened to change that fully functioning state. Satan was cast down to earth and given dominion of earth and all that was upon it. Also says that Satan ruled over the kingdoms on earth. All that happened befoee verse 2 and before God introduced man as we know it
@billbrenne5475 4 месяца назад
What REALLY matters in life is not lying to ourselves and others. There is no time for anything else.
@melvinhunt6976 2 месяца назад
On a video over the weekend, an actor who has gotten saved recently, had a dog on with him and he said that dogs, man’s best friend, had been here for 75000 years? He needs to start reading the Word of God!’
@avishevin1976 2 месяца назад
Why are you bothered by a person believing in reality?
@melvinhunt6976 2 месяца назад
@@avishevin1976 Nothing has been here for 75 thousand years! I know about reality!
@avishevin1976 2 месяца назад
@@melvinhunt6976 You are contradicting yourself. The Earth alone is a few billion years old at this point.
@melvinhunt6976 2 месяца назад
@@avishevin1976 the earth is somewhere around 8000 years old! Possibly 10,000 !
@avishevin1976 2 месяца назад
@@melvinhunt6976 Why are you bothered by the notion that the Earth is older than a number that is never mentioned by your Bible?
@bonniemoerdyk9809 4 месяца назад
Amen! I can't see why people want to put all that time in between v1 & v2. It's apparent to me, even when I was 6th or 7th grade that v2 is just re-iterating what v1 just said. Lots of narratives speak this way!
@randalllamb1115 19 дней назад
Nowhere in the Bible does it say the Earth or Universe is only 5000 years old. And we dont know the time between the Creation and the Fall.
@TicManFlorida 6 дней назад
We Do know between gen 1:1 and verse 2, the world went from a fully created complete planet to one tha5 was in disarray . Why? Satan was there and destroyed the earth as he'd been cast down and given dominion over the earth and all that was there. This also is when the pyramids and other structures were built By Satan, his angels, and the kingdoms on the earth.
@randalllamb1115 5 дней назад
@@TicManFlorida Your putting your own thoughts in the Bible based on nothing.
@Rickkari7 4 месяца назад
This man must have sat in my junior church class when I taught creation. Practically sounds like me explaining this exactly to the kids, minus the Aussie accent😂
@rubiks6 4 месяца назад
I was 14 and in juvenile detention when I was introduced to Jesus Christ on a home visit. Prior to that, I had already put some thought into my worldview and declared myself an atheist. My life sucked and I thought, if there is a God, I didn't like Him. An erudite Christian man sat down with me and, beginning at Genesis 1, explained God's plan for creation and Man. My life and our world are a mess because of what Adam had done. The Holy Spirit opened my eyes and heart and I bought the whole package with delight. Jesus Christ is God and the solution we need. The gentleman left me with a brand-new, large-print, 1917 edition of the Scofield Reference Bible. For the next two years I had no contact with other Christians. I was still in detention and only got home visits a couple of times a year and they were short in duration. I spent those two years studying that Scofield Bible from cover to cover, never skipping any notes and following chain references all over the Bible. It was just me, the Holy Spirit, and my Bible. What a blessing! What really shocked me many years later was when I learned that Rev. Scofield believed in a version of the gap theory and somehow the Holy Spirit protected my eyes, mind, and heart from receiving that when I studied. I began my studies on page 1, which only has the first 3 verses and the rest of the page is filled with notes. When I learned of Rev. Scofield's position I went back to my old Scofield Bible and looked it up and, sure enough, there it was in page after page of notes. Today and since my day of salvation I believe that Genesis is true exactly as written. God created in 6 days and the genealogies reveal our history is, so far, 6000 years long. There are no gaps in Genesis. There are no long ages.
@barbaraedgley2634 4 месяца назад
I agree. God bless you
@davidpiot8098 4 месяца назад
Do not worry the gap is closing. And then god is out of a job, in fact he did never own that job in the first place. Keep the humor coming Ken.
@41srn 4 месяца назад
There are some people who say that mans sin only brought human death not animal death. Thats how they try to get around the death before sin issue. So they say that the animals were already dying before adam sinned
@feliciavale4279 4 месяца назад
Praise the Lord
@Saunders7 4 месяца назад
@vtffinanzconsulting3336 4 месяца назад
The problem is always, that we men try to explain what our Heveanly Father has created as if we had been there and we know it all. Wether the Erath is young or old, wether the Universe is young or old, we can only guess. We have not THE Truth. GOD has writen the Bible and the Book of Nature. And there is no contracdiction between them. But with our simple minds we cannot get it all. So let`s glorify the Lord and let`s exalt Him for his glourios Creation.
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
Why can we only guess, when God told us and science supports YE? Also people should stop calling nature a "book". Humans interpret nature, it doesn't literally speak. That's reification fallacy. It "declares" (poetically) the glory of God, but it doesn't tell you how old it is (but logic does strongly suggest it's young based on many scientific evidences).
@deannagallagher2895 4 месяца назад
Ken, I found a podcast of yours recently and since have inundated my days with listening to your podcasts. I am soooo grateful to you for weeding out false doctrine brought about by scientists over the ages. It all makes sense now. God’s calling on you to correct “the science indoctrination” is amazing. A while back, God called me to put together and publicize “Operation yaats (counselor).” I am a retired LMFT of 25 years (retired in 2019 because the American Psychological Association forced therapists to affirm LGBTQ and social justice. I chose NOT to renew my license because God’s counsel comes first in my life not “man’s crafty counsel.” God took me back to the Hebrew of the scriptures, especially Genesis. He wants a teaching specifically about His nature as Counselor through the eyes of Hebrew scriptures in Genesis and accounts of Jesus pointing out logic-only reasoning resulting in faulty conclusions (dialogizomai) v. Full-orbed reasoning using both sides of the brain, including temporal lobes where insight/revelation is activated to result in correct God-authored conclusions (dianoia). God is certainly on the move to rebuilt His ekklesia. God bless you, Sir.
@baryntn41 4 месяца назад
Top man !
@Flintlock1776 4 месяца назад
Accusations of indoctrination by someone who believes that the earth was created in 6 days, 6,000 years ago, and that serpents talk. That's cute.
@aprilmcgeown2253 4 месяца назад
@@Flintlock1776 ask God to show you the truth yourself and see what happens!
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
@@Flintlock1776 Accusations of indoctrination by someone who believes that the earth's life evolved while the moon got chaotically captured close resulting in massive deadly tides and only gradually moved out to its current location, and thinks he is a talking ape, and believes in talking parrots he imitates. That's cute.
@Flintlock1776 4 месяца назад
@@aprilmcgeown2253 It's going to take more than an incantation and a Bronze Age deity to convince me that something demonstrably false is actually true because a 2000 year old myth and a youtube preacher says it is.
@gittehansen4397 4 месяца назад
Love it 🙏🏽 Thank you Ken
@TheGbeecher 4 месяца назад
Thank you for speaking the Truth...( also for the wonderful Creation Museum 😊) God bless you!...
@ancataut7891 4 месяца назад
Do you know the meaning of the word truth?! What about manipulation and its components?
@thatmrdevil 4 месяца назад
Summary: Filling the gaps with magic.
@LeonSemiPro 4 месяца назад
Ken forgets that the 20,000 fossil sites show that life was wholly different between layers. Physics, chemistry, and geology age the rocks. The existence of layers themselves is not the rationale for millions of years.
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
Not "forgets", knows it's debunked. They cover all of that on their site. This is just one short video about one topic.
@LeonSemiPro 4 месяца назад
@@logicianbones No. It's not debunked at all.
@ancataut7891 4 месяца назад
@@logicianbones The reality can't be debunked... All he does is pure manipulation and lies, wake up to reality! Read any book about manipulation and see for yourself!
@JamesStewartarmwrestling 4 месяца назад
Keep posting, I get roasted all the time for believing the bible
@elmfork52 4 месяца назад
Somehow people who claim to find a gap between Gen. 1: 1 and Gen. 1: 2 ignore Exodus 20:11.
@davidt51 4 месяца назад
However, we are still in the seventh day
@marcj3682 4 месяца назад
"Somehow they ignore Exodus 20:11." What do you mean?
@TenMinuteTrips 4 месяца назад
@@marcj3682I would be more impressed by Exodus 19: 11: “And by the third day let them be ready; for on the third day, the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai, before the eyes of all the people.” Yeah. That didn’t happen. Conveniently, the Lord didn’t come down, but instructed that only Moses and Aaron, should come up to make their way to the Lord, but not the priests and the people, lest the Lord come upon them “suddenly.” Whatever that means. Sounds ominous. Anyway, Moses went down and told them some stuff. As, the Church Lady used to say, “HOW CONVENIENT!!!”
@dontaylor1701 4 месяца назад
⁠ Exodus 19:16-20 clearly states that he did. It caused them to tremble.
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
​@@davidt51 That's debunked. 7th day was a Sabbath, God rested from work, but Jesus says he's working and has been until now. The argument is made by twisting a passage in Hebrews and the fact that Genesis doesn't say the seventh day ended, but that's a crazy standard as if it did, then you would think we're in the 8th day. Do you really want the Bible littered with "Oh by the way, that day ended, and then so did the next day" for every 24-hour period over 4000 years? Think it through...
@martinblack2450 4 месяца назад
Thank you for these thoughts. While I can see your faith based logic. I think that the material of our universe was already there, created perhaps eons ago by God, but in Genesis He gave it form AND purpose and created new life .
@geezz99 Месяц назад
i wounder how Mr. Ham responds to galaxies formation . are all things in the universe only 6000 light years away ??
@Terrylb285 29 дней назад
He teaches that light was created in transit , and and the physics of the universe changed after the fall , and the flood . He only uses science when it supports his position, but when it doesn’t it’s man’s fallible ideas.
@ralo1001z 4 месяца назад
Isiah 45:18 - For thus saith the LORD that created the heavens; God himself that formed the earth and made it; he hath established it, he created it not in vain, he formed it to be inhabited: I am the LORD; and there is none else.
@reedlumber7720 4 месяца назад
what about the herb yielding seed already being in the ground?
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
What about it?
@reedlumber7720 4 месяца назад
Why was the herb yielding seed in the ground if it wasn't there before the first major deluge? This is not an argument, just an honest question. I am a believer and do not think the gap theory discredits anything in the Bible.
@kevincrawford7943 4 месяца назад
Nobody took a yard stick and measured the distance to the sun, yet it is accepted as 93 million miles away, control, control, control
@robertfleischmann4119 4 месяца назад
Planetary distances were originally calculated using AU (astronomical Units). This was the distance from sun to Earth. Although no one know exactly how far this distance was, they were able to use it as a standard reference distance. Saturn, for example, is 9.5 AU - 9 and a half times further from the sun than Earth. You can now calculate the distance from Earth to the sun pretty easily using Newton's gravity equation (F=Gm1*m2/d^2). The only missing piece was the gravitational constant (G). This was discovered by Cavendish in 1797. There's no "control" here. It's all very well documented.
@ancataut7891 4 месяца назад
@@robertfleischmann4119 Control is in his head...
@thinkcivil1627 4 месяца назад
Going back to the original language often helps if there is a dispute over what a verse in the Bible means. The Hebrew word for "day" in the Old Testament is the word "Yom", and like our English version of the word day it can be used in a different context, such as "it certainly is a hot day outside". But, in the Old Testament, whenever the word Yom is used with either the words evening and morning, or with a number, it always means a literal 24 hour day. The place we see most of the versions of a Gap is between verse 1 and 2 in Genesis. Verse 1 is a statement that says that there was a beginning and the heavens and the earth were created by God. So, how much time is between verse 1 and 2? If there had been creation over hundreds of millions of years within a gap between vs. 1 and 2 then that doesn't fit with how the account of creation, and what happened that allowed death and sin into the world after God first created a perfect world. Death and destruction doesn't occur until Adam sinned, and that brings us to the most important point. Before Christ became flesh and dwelt amongst us (John 1 vs. 1 to 14), the Jewish people lived by the law and there were over 600 laws they had to obey. Jesus (also referred to as the 2nd Adam) came to fulfill the law and not do away with it when He died for our sins as the perfect sacrifice on the cross. It was the main reason why he came and His purpose was also to proclaim the Kingdom of God and how He was the way to access that Kingdom. If we are a Christian it doesn't mean that we will live a life without problems. In fact we are told that "in this world we will have many problems, but to be of good cheer for I have overcome the world". We still are living in an imperfect world where bones will still break and hearts will still break. The Apostle Paul, in the book of Romans, states that he is glad that we have the law, otherwise how would we know what sin is, but that sin can now be forgiven. Accepting Christ into your life and beginning a relationship with Him is all that is required to begin that journey, and there are other videos that discuss how to best do that and grow in the faith. But, Ephesians 2: 8 - 9, explains that we are saved by grace (undeserved favor) through faith (the evidence of things not seen) and not by works (being a good person, even going to church, etc.), it is a gift from God. There is nothing we can do to "earn" our way to heaven. The reward of that walk with Jesus, amongst other things while we are on this planet, is the assurance we shall have in the Kingdom of Heaven for eternity. I try not to judge others, because I've had my share of very public face plants and I'm far from perfect, which has given me a better appreciation for the grace and love of Christ. I wish you well in your journey and it took me over 25 years of going back and forth before I finally came to the point where I had seen too much not to believe (as the song says). Please be civil because I do not argue and hitting people over the head with the bible or stating other facts from ancient historians, etc. will not help if the person is not in a position where they are ready to accept Christ. Those things help when answering honest questions, but you must come to the point where you are ready to believe. Blessings in your journey.
@rhovey1059 2 месяца назад
I have never heard anyone who believes in six 24 hour days of creation address the fact that the sun, which is the basis of measuring days and years, was not created until “day” four.
@Terrylb285 29 дней назад
And it wasn’t created on day it was there on day 1. Plants and vegetation released oxygen in the atmosphere and now on day 4 the sun moon and stars are now visible distinct objects, and are for animals and humans to use as time markers to use as days seasons and years.
@Terrylb285 29 дней назад
The Hebrew word create(bara) is only used three times. Day 1 ALL physical matter. Day 5 soulish (nephesh) creatures,and day 6 Humans (spiritual beings).
@rhovey1059 28 дней назад
@@Terrylb285 i do not think that is what it says
@Terrylb285 28 дней назад
@@rhovey1059 the word create is not used , but the phrase (let there be). The frame of reference in genesis is from the viewpoint of an observer on the surface of the planet looking to the heavens. And the phrase ( God made ) two great lights is used in the Hebrew form past tense.
@rhovey1059 28 дней назад
@@Terrylb285 the phrase , “God made” would always would always be past tense being that make is past tense of “to make.” If the phrase were intended to refer something previously made before it was referenced, then the pluperfect tense (God had made) would have been used.
@anthonycrumb5753 17 дней назад
Hey Ken do you drive a car because the whole of the FOSSIL Fuel industry works on an old earth because if they didn't you would be walking everywhere or riding a horse if you were lucky. Here is another on ever hear of the HEAT PROBLEM of energy released by an old vs a young earth and how this planet would have been incinerated many times over if it were 6,000yrs old- please explain that.
@shamrockdirtwork7945 4 месяца назад
Why does it have to be millions of years? Could any length of time exist between those two verses?
@JoshuaK537 4 месяца назад
Thank you Dr. Ham for the clarification, it was very much needed; I had the Gap theory misinterpreted. :)
@barbaraedgley2634 4 месяца назад
Love this man & others like him i thank God for them God is great, God is good.
@derekardito2032 4 месяца назад
Where did he get his doctorate from, a joke shop, it's certainly not from any universally acreditted educational establishment.
@Charlie94781 6 дней назад
@@derekardito2032 Ken Ham obviously cut his doctorate from a cereal box
@gbwhatswotb2068 2 месяца назад
An argument founded upon a false premise no matter how logical will result in a false conclusion .
@s.c.i.7506 3 месяца назад
Without faith it is impossible to please God. Faith begin in Genesis 1.
@tm5aw357 4 месяца назад
@benboyle3602 4 месяца назад
You make perfect sense Ken. We need to believe the Bible.
@Moist._Robot 4 месяца назад
Ken Ham convinced me bible believers are deluded.
@joshuakohlmann9731 4 месяца назад
Millions of Christians do believe the Bible without ignoring scientific realities.
@randomCHELdad 4 месяца назад
Go buy another Nasa shirt though
@philhart4849 4 месяца назад
Why should I *believe* the Bible when I can have a world view that is based entirely on falsifiable evidence?
@abelcainsbrother 4 месяца назад
Gap theorists believe the bible and they are Christians too.
@sdnlawrence5640 4 месяца назад
A rabbi told me once that 'the earth BECAME formless and a void' is a better translation. The Bible contains some history but was never intended as a history of the world and shouldn't be used as such. It's purpose is to serve as a revelation of God, His Works, His Plan, His Son, the Trinity, etc. You know what else isn't in the Bible? A calendar. Especially the modern, western versions that have changed often. It also doesn't have a table of contents, chapters or verses. Those are crutches added for illiterate or semi-literate nobility.
@RagnarWarteeth 4 месяца назад
I’d love to hear your opinion on the timeline of angels being created.
@davidpiot8098 4 месяца назад
@RagnarWarteeth very simple there is no such timeline.
@RagnarWarteeth 4 месяца назад
I agree. I lean towards god created them before day 1. As said in job when god laid the foundations of the earth the angels sang. But answers in genesis says they were created between day 1-3. Which directly contradicts the verse in job.
@davidpiot8098 4 месяца назад
@@RagnarWarteethi also ment that there are no such things as "angels". It is all a fantasy (god, heaven and hell)
@friedvegetables3455 4 месяца назад
@@davidpiot8098 Did anyone ask you?
@davidpiot8098 4 месяца назад
@@friedvegetables3455 Well the original post asked for an opinion. So i gave my opinion.
@THEJ0KER8888 2 месяца назад
I love you Ken Ham because you are the greatest Apologist I've Ever heard and you have a huge heart for God and Truth. Thank you and God bless you and your family. 🙌🙌🙌❤❤❤
@lynntalafuse9935 4 месяца назад
Moses did not write verses, he wrote an account lineally. The verse and chapter breakdown is less than 500 years old. So saying God split the first two sentences is nuts.
@raymunchieftain4170 10 дней назад
How long was a day in the creation ?
@debbiewareing1178 4 месяца назад
Thank you Ken I totally believe there is no gap and genesis is the true account, however, believing it and understanding it enough to teach it are two separate issues. As they say you can’t teach it unless you know it. Any slights gaps in understanding leads to evolutionists and Christian’s believe the gap theory to present a point one isn’t always able to explain well enough! So I am truly grateful for your lessons in this area. God bless you truly are being used by the Lord! X
@Moist._Robot 4 месяца назад
As a biblical literalist, do you believe the earth is flat with a dome above it?
@debbiewareing1178 4 месяца назад
@@Moist._Robot No I do not!
@Moist._Robot 4 месяца назад
@@debbiewareing1178 But the bible says it is. How do you decide which bits to take seriously?
@debbiewareing1178 4 месяца назад
@@Moist._Robot The bible is full of allegorical statements, poetic language, hyperbole, symbolism etc! In the same way a person studies literature one can grasp the difference quite easy, even with just a GCSE! Take in the context and read connecting passages, it really isn’t difficult, but time consuming due to the quantity of text.
@Moist._Robot 4 месяца назад
@@debbiewareing1178 But how do you know which is which? It leaves it open to misinterpretation doesn’t it?
@Abi-rk5ce 4 месяца назад
How do we know a biblical year was the same as what we know a year to be today? And when did God create hell ?
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
If years had been significantly different, the Earth would need a faster or slower rotation speed, so either it would gradually fly away from the sun, fall into the sun, or would need to be orbiting further out (colder) or further in (warmer). There's zero evidence of any of that, obviously. It doesn't say when hell was made, possibly as late as the first death of someone unsaved or a demon imprisoned possibly. Though God foreknew the need for it.
@Samcomply 4 месяца назад
There’s this book called the Book of Enoch. It’s in the Ethiopian Bible. In the second part of that book, it talks all about the science of God. It says that a year is 364 days. There’s available versions online, you can google it if you want to (I think you would be interested).It’s super insightful into understanding the more technical questions, like about the sun and its positions, and other sciences; where people go when they die (before we all stand before God) and understanding the events of Genesis with much greater detail.
@gregorygant4242 4 месяца назад
God didn't create Hell Satan did . And God doesn't send anyone to Hell Satan takes them there after they have rejected God . God tries to prevent that happening by persuading us to be closer to Him. If He fails then we go to Hell !
@ts6020 4 месяца назад
This video destroys Ken Ham
@ArchibaldRoon 4 месяца назад
It’s hard to imagine how one can be so deluded as Ken is.
@The-F.R.E.E.-J. 4 месяца назад
Very useful video. It's helpful to understand that, because God had said many things, many many times, over thousands of years, He would say them later in an abbreviated form. For instance, when Scripture says the Lord Jesus made the heavens & the Earth & all that in them is, this was a paraphrase of the six days of His work. To the reader, who is aware of this fact, it would have been redundantly unnecessary to mention the six days. Just as, on the Cross, God quotes part of Psalm 22. That was not so we could focus on that one part rather, it was so we could think about Psalm 22. In John 10 He identified Himself as the One true & living God by quoting from Psalm 82. He wasn't trying to get us to focus on that one verse rather, again, He wanted us to think about the entire Psalm in context.
@Calatriste54 4 месяца назад
Millions of years is an affront to all that GOD has said.
@scienceandbibleresearch 4 месяца назад
And where exactly did God say the earth is only thousands of years old?
@markduell2468 4 месяца назад
It may be an affront to the Bible, but the facts tell a different story.
@timtherrien7843 4 месяца назад
​@@scienceandbibleresearchIt is there by implication, if you use the chronology of of Genesis up to Abraham and then determine when various kingdoms and empires existed. You come up with a general timeframe of 6,000 to 10,000 years. Just because the Bible doesn't explicitly state it doesn't mean it's not there
@scienceandbibleresearch 4 месяца назад
@@timtherrien7843: It’s not there by implication either. And they’re called genealogies not chronologies; completely different purpose. Stop adding to God’s word.
@markduell2468 4 месяца назад
@@scienceandbibleresearch In the 17th century, Ireland's Archbishop James Ussher reconstructed the genealogy of biblical figures and declared that Earth was created in 4004 B.C. Yes, it does imply it.
@all_bets_on_Ganesh 4 месяца назад
Ken is right. The bible didnt mean a million years. If it meant a million years it would have said a million years. But the people who wrote the bible didnt have the foggiest idea how old the Earth is. It would have been impressive if they did, but instead, just wrong again.
@stacyw607 4 месяца назад
What about in Gen 1:28 where God them to replenish the earth? I have had supporters of the gap theory that is the verse that helps prove the theory
@latanyacarr411 4 месяца назад
And God blessed them. And God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth." (Genesis 1:28, ESV) It doesn’t say “replenish”, it says “fill the earth”.
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
Replenish = KJV old English for fill. Yes, it's confusing but the "re" suffix for them didn't mean "fill again." Old translations need to be understood in the ways language worked at the time. It doesn't take on the new "refill" meaning of the word; that developed later.
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
KJV translators could hardly have known the word would change meaning and confuse moderns. And gap "theorists" using that are committing the anachronism fallacy.
@abelcainsbrother 4 месяца назад
@anbones You're wrong! Gap theorists are correct. They can prove the KJV translaters knew the difference between fill and refill and they used refill just like after Noah's flood.
@dogboymalone11 4 месяца назад
Thanks Ken. If we were living after the 1000 years of Christ, in "satans small season", would we know it do you think?
@dogboymalone11 4 месяца назад
...because there is a chap on RU-vid called "Jon Levi". He shows massive amounts of evidence of the 1000 years of Christ, mate. Delete this comment if you will. Most christians do.
@dontaylor1701 4 месяца назад
No. That 1,000 years is the first resurrection and that little season is the resurrection of the unjust of everyone who has ever lived and died. This comes after Rev ch 19 where all mortal life is destroyed from the face of the earth by the army of God. So I can be certain that this hasn’t occurred yet.
@MarkCarter1111 2 месяца назад
I worked in the coalminers for years, seen many many plant fossils in the roof of the mines, Beautiful ferns trees laying they were press in a book, not curled up or rotten, I have seen trees that came up though the floor of the mine though the coal and on through the roof of the mine, these tress was not old trees. shows me that it happen very fast and sudden. seen to many that underground that prove that it was not millions of years in the making
@Charlie94781 6 дней назад
The plants were indeed buried by floods, which happened on occasion, but that lends zero credibility to the mythological deluge
@MarkCarter1111 6 дней назад
@@Charlie94781 the Bible is about one thing, Jesus Christ, from the very first letter to the very last letter. when you take the first letter and the last letter and put them together it spells SON, which is Jesus Christ, the only son of God. when you try to read in-between the lines or verses you only start give glory to some one other. But I don't argue about things that does not even matter. I am here and now, I gave my life to Jesus Christ to be in service to my fellow man,
@felipekennedy3135 4 месяца назад
There are many who presently lives upon this earth, that just loves to play being gOD, even writing scriptures.
@larrywilliams5490 4 месяца назад
Thank you for pointing out Exodus.They would have said millions if it was millions. Unless they didn’t know what a day was.😏😉
@kjata77 4 месяца назад
The same application is true in regard to the form of the Earth. We live in an enclosed, pressurized "flat Earth" system. Just like with the theory of Evolution, you need millions of years (even billions of years... you can make it trillions if you wish to) to make it work. Likewise, you only need universal gravity (a disproven theory) in the Heliocentric Model of Creation.
@catpocalypsenow8090 4 месяца назад
Gen 1.1 is the introduction.
@adelinomorte7421 4 месяца назад
*** you never can destroy what God has made, but if you learn how to read the bible, you can help God in the creation.***
@JungleJargon 4 месяца назад
Yep! Lightspeed 186,000 miles per second is how we observe it with a constant rate of time and a fixed measure of distance. Another observer in another part of the universe in another very fixed frame of reference will see light speed 186,000 miles per second too except another frame of reference is not the same since it is a different size of 186,000 miles and a different rate of time which alters the speed of light from our reference frame. If you have a different size cubit you will change the size of the house that you build with it. The significance of this is that when we observe other galaxies in outer space we are not looking at a fixed measure of distance or a single rate of time because time speeds up and distance is stretched the farther away from the center of the galaxy that it is. If we look at something traveling near the event horizon of a black hole, it will look stopped to us because of how slow it is traveling. If we look at something traveling the opposite direction from us away from the black hole, the opposite will be true, it will be moving much faster and increasing with speed away from the galaxy because the rate of time keeps getting faster and the measure of distance keeps stretching more. This is the reason for superluminal motion and the faster than expected speeds of the outer spiral arms of the galaxies. Things appear to be going faster in outer space because they are going faster without breaking the speed of light because of the changes in the rates of time and the measures of distance in general relativity depending on how much gravity there is in the vicinity. The truth is that thirteen billion years passes by faster between galaxies where there is no matter or mass to slow down time or contract distance. Light only slows down when it encounters the gravity of a galaxy. To be clear, light never breaks the speed of light. It's just that time passes by faster and distance is stretched where there is no matter or mass to slow down time or shorten distance. This means that the distance is not as far and the universe is not as old from our perspective where time is slower and distance is contracted. Redshift happens because of gravity and the accumulation of gravity over large distances so there is no need for a universe expanding into oblivion for no reason. Since things are moving faster away from the centers of galaxies there is also no need for dark matter. Gravity and general relativity explain everything.
@jannaswanson271 4 месяца назад
The Bible does not support any of that.
@JungleJargon 4 месяца назад
@@jannaswanson271 The Bible is the best source of evidence for a young earth.
@robertfleischmann4119 4 месяца назад
@@jannaswanson271 - Of course there is no reference to black holes and red-shift in the Bible. I think the point here is that "science" took a left-turn in the early 1900's with red-shift discoveries and subsequent interpretations of "expanding universe" theories. Ever since the creation of Big-Bang cosmology, we've drifted further away from biblical accounts in favor of a naturalistic explanation of creation. The Big-Bang Theory topples like a house of cards if red-shift is NOT caused by Doppler effect. It might simply be gravitational distortions as @Jungle Jargon mentioned. Although we may never fully understand how, when the universe was created, I am much more inclined to believe the Bible than some pieced-together theory by atheist scientists manufacturing math equations to fit their narrative. It just so happens that science is starting to confirm the Bible more and more. :)
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
​@@jannaswanson271 Your statement is at strong risk of black swan fallacy. The fact that it appears to teach stars created from Earth reference frame during Earth's Day 4 supports it, in combination with "day is as a thousand years" already showing they understood time rates might not be constant for God, possibly not everywhere in the universe either, which is now confirmed. (So many Old-Earthers think that passage is a secret decoder allowing Genesis days to mean long ages, when ironically it could suggest time dilation; why can't they think of that? More likely it is simply teaching God's timelessness, but time dilation is a natural related concept, just a lesser version of the same idea, so isn't surprising that God made a universe that has it in its physics. In any event, you would need to absolutely prove that that verse carries no such connotation. Good luck.)
@JungleJargon 4 месяца назад
@@logicianbones The universe is both older and younger than the earth which can be 6,000 years old because of general relativity. *If you have a different size cubit you will change the size of the house that you build with it.* Lightspeed 186,000 miles per second is how we observe it with a constant rate of time and a fixed measure of distance. Another observer in another place in the universe also with a fixed frame of reference will see light speed 186,000 miles per second too except the frame of reference is not the same since it is a different size of 186,000 miles and a different rate of time which alters the speed of light from our reference frame. The significance of this is that when we observe other galaxies in outer space we are not looking at a fixed measure of distance or a single rate of time because time speeds up and distance is stretched the farther away from the center of the galaxy that it is. If we look at something traveling near the event horizon of a black hole, it will look stopped to us because of how slow it is traveling. If we look at something traveling the opposite direction from us away from the black hole, it will be moving much faster and increasing with speed because the rate of time keeps getting faster and the measure of distance keeps stretching more. This is the reason for superluminal motion and the faster than expected speeds of the outer spiral arms of the galaxies. Things appear to be going faster in outer space because they are going faster without breaking the speed of light because of the changes in the rates of time and the measures of distance in general relativity depending on how much gravity there is in the vicinity. The truth is that thirteen billion years passes by faster between galaxies where there is no matter or mass to slow down time or contract distance. Light only slows down when it encounters the gravity of a galaxy. To be clear, light never breaks the speed of light. It's just that time passes by faster and distance is stretched where there is no matter or mass to slow down time or shorten distance. This means that the distance is not as far and the universe is not as old from our perspective where time is slower and distance is contracted. Redshift happens because of gravity and the accumulation of gravity over large distances so there is no need for a universe expanding into oblivion for no reason. Since things are moving faster away from the centers of galaxies there is also no need for dark matter. Gravity and general relativity explain everything. The universe is both older and younger than the earth at the same time. So many imaginary problems from not understanding the observations. It’s the observations that are real and it’s gravity that is not being understood. We don’t need another law of gravity. Gravity is constant locally the same as the earth is flat locally. On a larger scale gravity is not constant and the earth is not flat. Gravity drops off considerably outside of the galaxy which changes considerably the measures of time and and distance which together make everything to appear to move faster including light. Things appear to be moving faster because they are moving faster as seen by us in our slower rate of time and our shorter measure of distance. This eliminates entirely the need for dark matter. The changes in time and distance compound the changes in the speed of light as observed from our frame of reference. Do a thought experiment. Hold your hands a foot apart representing 186,000 miles saying “one thousand and one” representing one second while pretending to see an imaginary photon going from one hand to the other. Now expand the distance saying “one thousand and one” as fast as you can. You should notice that the speed of the imaginary photon increases the more distance expands and the more time speeds up just same as the farther away from the center of the galaxy it is. The opposite is also true. Someone moving in the direction of a black hole will seem to us to be stopped. If you change the size of a cubit you will change the size of the house that you build with it. The energy source of the vacuum energy is all of the supermassive black holes that are growing by drawing in spacetime. This explains the vacuum energy and it means that the universe is not expanding into oblivion for no reason. It means there is no need for imaginary inflatons. Redshift occurs when light leaves the gravity of a galaxy and then the light is blue shifted when it enters another galaxy. Obviously galaxies aren’t all equal that way and distant galaxies are much more redshifted because of all of the mass of the surrounding galaxies that distance light has to pass by.
@N2freedom 4 месяца назад
If anyone who like a good refutation of the early earth doctrine, I would like to suggest a good book on the subject: “The GAP a is not a theory!” By Jack W. Langford
@StudentDad-mc3pu 4 месяца назад
Oh dear.
@Firedrake-SP 4 месяца назад
Thank You Ken.
@user-ye3qs9le8w 4 месяца назад
God simply doesn't have to explain everything to us. How old the earth is is irrelevant to the story. He can frame it anyway he wants.
@baryntn41 4 месяца назад
Lucifer'S flood? That's a new one!
@markduell2468 4 месяца назад
They want to clean up the narrative and make God not look like the monster the Bible says he is.
@thatmrdevil 4 месяца назад
Yes! Finally some sense around here!
@abelcainsbrother 4 месяца назад
It is why there are WATERS in Genesis 1:2.
@jt5747 4 месяца назад
If Adam stepped on a bug before he sinned, wouldn't death be present before sin?
@dkilian3609 4 месяца назад
You cannot use an example from an imperfect world and apply it to a perfect world. The conditions would not allow death. You may aswell ask what would happen if a polar bear attack you in your home, whilst residing in a desert.
@jt5747 4 месяца назад
@@dkilian3609 is that from the Bible, or did you just come up with that on your own?
@dkilian3609 4 месяца назад
@@jt5747 It is just my interpretation. Death did not exist before Adam sinned. Isaiah 11:6 describes the 1000 year rule of Christ. Death will not exist either during His rule hence why the lion will eat grass like an ox, plus the other examples given.
@trudymarsh7138 4 месяца назад
Biggest problem we have is that yes man has been on thecearh 6000 yrs adam was created in 4026 bc However the creative process of the earth was not created in 6 literal days a day is a period of time Possably thousands of yrs A small example of this is if eve was created on the samev24 hr day why would adam declare at last flesh of my flesh....yes adam had many assignments in naming animals etc before eve came along weeks months or years later but no way on the same 24 hr day
@marcj3682 4 месяца назад
"Possably thousands of yrs" [stet] Symbiotic relationships rule that out.
@trudymarsh7138 4 месяца назад
@@marcj3682 you havnt addressed thecwuestion adam saying at last you have given me eve Gen 2v23 king james version amoung many others
@marcj3682 4 месяца назад
@@trudymarsh7138 "you havnt addressed thecwuestion adam saying at last you have given me eve Gen 2v23 king james version amoung many " You are confusing too many ideas with scripture. Firstly, re read Genesis 1. It clearly tells you that everything was made in "days." You have said "Possably thousands of yrs" to which that can't be the case, because of the symbiotic nature of things. Let's look at that first. Plants need carbon dioxide given out by mammals, and mammals need oxygen given plants. One can't exist without the other. But let's suppose the eco system was slightly different pre flood. This idea would still defy the symbiotic relationship model, and here's why. Certain flowers need bees to pollinate, and the bee needs certain flowers to survive. So that's why the Bible clearly states that the plant "Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so." Genesis 1:12, and then day and night followed in creation, and eventually, Genesis 1:24 "Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so." A bee would be classed as a creepeth thing." We know that bees existed pre flood, as there are giant bee fossils. Plants (flowers) can't wait around for thousands of years to survive - hence the "day" account makes more sense. Secondly, "you havnt addressed thecwuestion adam saying at last you have given me eve Gen 2v23 king james version amoung many " I'm not sure what you are asking here. Genesis 2:23 says, "And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man." It doesn't mention anything about "at last" - why would Adam say "at last?????" everything was created in the six days. The next part of Genesis, may interest you. Genesis 2: 3 and 4 - "And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. 4 These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens," Note the word: GENERATIONS - everything created in 6 days, then generations passed.
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
@@marcj3682 Trudy is repeating the "Adam had too many animals to name" debunked argument. That's what she meant by "at last" and I think some translations do say that, but no reason a few hours couldn't make him say that.
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
​@@trudymarsh7138 It doesn't say all animal kinds. Even if he did, there were a lot less of those than Old-Earthers tell you (they generally conflate modern species with kinds/baramin). It says only "every beast of the field and every bird of the sky". So things like cattle, possibly other land vertebrates, and birds, no whales, bugs, etc.
@shanelouie6085 4 месяца назад
Will believers loose rewards in heaven for believing its too hard for God to create everything in six days? Six days creation is where we start when teaching anyone especially children. Jesus said if anyone stumbles a child they will have a millstone around their neck. Does Jesus talk about the six days anywhere?
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
He does in saying humans were created "from the beginning." Nobody in mainstream creationism like AiG thinks it destroys your salvation, but it makes an Old-Earth Christian inconsistent, and it's foolish to disbelieve our own Lord. Also the entire Bible is inspired and Jesus affirmed the OT countless times as Scripture. Understandable to wonder but Old-Eartherism is debunked so many ways we can't count them.
@jacobahmed2852 3 месяца назад
From where cannibals come from, even some humans almost animals in some Islands. After the Noah human beings were quite fine. Nothing like without cover body and without any form of complete human beings.
@joshuakohlmann9731 4 месяца назад
30 seconds in and a bare faced lie. The age of the earth comes from _research,_ not atheism. Why do you knowingly lie, Ken?
@robertfleischmann4119 4 месяца назад
"Research" has been speculated many times over - filled with inconsistencies and numerous guesses. The biggest accumulation of errors is found in fossil "radio-carbon dating". Sure, the math equations are irrefutable, but the data entered into those equations are hypothetical and speculation at best. Variable are often loosely thrown into the equations with a per-determined outcome. If a scientist wants to convince the public that the earth is millions of years old, he'll find some evidence (often wrapped in a complicated math equation) that "proves it. However, when you unwrap the evidence, you'll find that most of the "proof" was speculation about conditions they claim are millions of years old. It's circular logic. You have to HAVE millions of years to PROVE millions of years.
@allanmichel1041 4 месяца назад
Six (6) calendar days make a lot of sense. Only God can do such a marvel! Trying to insert millions of years in between the six days is denying God of his glory and might. That's why little children can hear and read the story of creation and understand and believe it. But many grown men have difficulty accepting this truth. Jesus was on the money when he said this in Matthew 18:3, "Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." (KJV)
@richardgregory3684 4 месяца назад
_That's why little children can hear and read the story of creation and understand and believe it. But many grown men have difficulty accepting this truth_ The same way little kids believe stories about the tooth fairy, easter bunny and Santa, but grown-ups don;t. Well, except religious grownups.
@dontaylor1701 4 месяца назад
@@richardgregory3684 Which is why libraries are filled with children’s books about dinosaurs ‘millions of years ago’. My children know that tooth-fairies, easter bunnies and santa claus is just a story that adults tell children. They also know that dinosaur stories and caveman movies are marketing a false narrative to them. And they roll their eyes at the little tub with animals stuffed into it as if it accurately depicts the real ark. They also think that the multi-verse story is the most absurd fairytale of them all. Why we entertain such ignorance is beyond me. We need to do better teaching truth to our children, or we will get more of the madness we are dealing with in today’s society. We aren’t doing so well with that right now.
@danparks8290 2 месяца назад
Heavens and Earth and all that is in them, or "skies and land"?
@Goldies86 4 месяца назад
Wow. Well said! The Gap theory is an example of humans desperately trying to use a human way of thinking to make the bible "work". 🤦🏻‍♀️ We don't need to fix the bible!! Some things we cannot completely comprehend or explain because we are not God. And that's okay! This is where faith comes in.
@greggmacklin4222 4 месяца назад
God's Laws of Physics prove it creation is billions of years old.
@Terrylb285 29 дней назад
Jeremiah 33 , The laws of physics are fixed. We can accurately get a date of the age of the earth and universe, it is billions of years old
@user-cl9dy6fc6o 2 месяца назад
Creationists who insist on six twenty-four hour days put a limit on creation that is not found in scripture. No stated length is given to the six days of creation. You cannot even definitively claim they are all the same length.
@azranger8408 2 месяца назад
Thanks for this video Ken. I'm not sure weather I believe this or not but I was taught differently about the gap theory in that the earth was created before where the angels all were in existence. Michael Pearl has several videos on this explanation/teaching. When Satan rebelled God sent him into hell (no death because there was no death until Adam) and because of this God destroyed that earth leaving it without form but the watery base which starts out in Gen 1;1. There is no time included as the millions of years, just no time.
@Terrylb285 29 дней назад
Job 38:4-7, the sons of God (spiritual beings ( angels were present when God laid the foundations of the earth.
@mashah1085 4 месяца назад
If human life is only 6000 years old....what are the Cromagnon skeletons that are 56,000 years old? Or the Neanderthals from 150,000 years ago?
@logicianbones 4 месяца назад
Circular reasoning. Old-Earther assumptions go into the logic used to interpret things as "dating" that old. Look it up on their site.
@vshah1010 4 месяца назад
There are trees that are 8000-9000 years old. A tree forms a ring every year. The oldest living tree is about 4000 years old. It could not happen if there was a global flood.
@abelcainsbrother 4 месяца назад
@@vshah1010 Gap Theorists don't deny a global flood as a matter of fact they make a much better case for one than young earth creationists do.
@dginx 4 месяца назад
Most likely the word day means a span of time and not a literal day. Bible has a lot of figurative language.
@friedvegetables3455 4 месяца назад
Yom is literal for 24 hour day.
@dginx 4 месяца назад
@@friedvegetables3455A quick search showed me that not everyone agrees with that. Either way there probably was a planning period.
@tco13v 3 месяца назад
@@friedvegetables3455 Sure, but does that mean day one was 24 hours? 24 hour cycle is established on day 4- Gen 1.6-19
@Terrylb285 29 дней назад
4 different time spans for the Hebrew word day, it’s not until day 4 that God designates the sun moon and stars to now serve as time markers for days seasons and years for animals biological clocks on day 5 and day 6 for humans to use as time markers.
@christopherdunn8343 4 месяца назад
But if we reject the fairy story called the Bible, we do not need to distort history to understand the evolution of the earth.
@billh4285 3 месяца назад
People should be very careful making things up and adding them to scripture just to make scripture "fit" with man's opinions/theories.
@stevekerp1 4 месяца назад
People don't believe because they don't WANT to believe. Like Richard Dawkins honestly says, "the evidence does not matter."
@Alien1375 4 месяца назад
Men's Word destroyed by Man's Word claiming to be God's Word. 😂
@RicoMusap-te3om 4 месяца назад
Jesus said in the beginning God created them male and female No room for gap
@StudentDad-mc3pu 4 месяца назад
Yes, but the fact is that is not what happened.
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