
US Army Colonel (Ret.) REVEALS: Ukraine Used U.S. ATACMS Missiles to Hit Russia 

The Strategist
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In this video, Lawrence Wilkerson, retired US Army colonel, discusses JFK's vision for peace, US missile attack on Sevastopol in Russia, the current status of the Ukraine conflict, Zelenskyy's future, Israel’s intentions in Gaza, Saudi Arabia plans, Hezbollah capabilities, and Middle East dynamics.
Dans cette vidéo, le colonel Lawrence Wilkerson discute de la vision de JFK pour la paix, de l'attaque de missiles américains sur Sébastopol en Russie, de la situation actuelle du conflit en Ukraine, de l'avenir de Zelensky, des intentions d'Israël à Gaza, des plans de l'Arabie Saoudite, des capacités du Hezbollah et de la dynamique au Moyen-Orient.
در این ویدیو، سرهنگ لارنس ویلکرسون درباره دیدگاه جان اف کندی برای صلح، حمله موشکی آمریکا به سواستوپل در روسیه، وضعیت فعلی درگیری اوکراین، آینده زلنسکی، نیت‌های اسرائیل در غزه، برنامه‌های عربستان سعودی، توانایی‌های حزب‌الله و دینامیک خاورمیانه صحبت می‌کند.
في هذا الفيديو، يناقش العقيد لورانس ويلكرسون رؤية جون كينيدي للسلام، الهجوم الصاروخي الأمريكي على سيفاستوبول في روسيا، الوضع الحالي للصراع في أوكرانيا، مستقبل زيلينسكي، نوايا إسرائيل في غزة، خطط السعودية، قدرات حزب الله، والديناميكيات في الشرق الأوسط.
En este video, el coronel Lawrence Wilkerson discute la visión de JFK para la paz, el ataque con misiles de EE.UU. en Sebastopol, Rusia, el estado actual del conflicto en Ucrania, el futuro de Zelensky, las intenciones de Israel en Gaza, los planes de Arabia Saudita, las capacidades de Hezbolá y la dinámica en el Medio Oriente.
Neste vídeo, o coronel Lawrence Wilkerson discute a visão de JFK para a paz, o ataque de mísseis dos EUA em Sevastopol, na Rússia, o estado atual do conflito na Ucrânia, o futuro de Zelensky, as intenções de Israel em Gaza, os planos da Arábia Saudita, as capacidades do Hezbollah e a dinâmica no Oriente Médio.
اس ویڈیو میں، کرنل لارنس ولکر سن جے ایف کے کے امن کے وژن، روس میں سواستوپول پر امریکی میزائل حملے، یوکرین کے تنازعے کی موجودہ صورتحال، زیلنسکی کا مستقبل، غزہ میں اسرائیل کے ارادے، سعودی عرب کے منصوبے، حزب اللہ کی صلاحیتیں، اور مشرق وسطیٰ کی حرکیات پر بات کرتے ہیں۔
В этом видео полковник Лоуренс Уилкерсон обсуждает видение мира Джоном Кеннеди, ракетный удар США по Севастополю в России, текущее состояние конфликта в Украине, будущее Зеленского, намерения Израиля в Газе, планы Саудовской Аравии, возможности Хезболлы и динамику на Ближнем Востоке.
Dalam video ini, Kolonel Lawrence Wilkerson membahas visi JFK untuk perdamaian, serangan rudal AS di Sevastopol, Rusia, status terkini konflik Ukraina, masa depan Zelensky, niat Israel di Gaza, rencana Arab Saudi, kapabilitas Hezbollah, dan dinamika Timur Tengah.
In questo video, il colonnello Lawrence Wilkerson discute della visione di JFK per la pace, dell'attacco missilistico degli Stati Uniti su Sebastopoli in Russia, della situazione attuale del conflitto in Ucraina, del futuro di Zelensky, delle intenzioni di Israele a Gaza, dei piani dell'Arabia Saudita, delle capacità di Hezbollah e della dinamica del Medio Oriente.
इस वीडियो में, कर्नल लॉरेंस विल्करसन जेएफके के शांति के दृष्टिकोण, रूस के सेवस्तोपोल पर अमेरिकी मिसाइल हमले, यूक्रेन संघर्ष की वर्तमान स्थिति, ज़ेलेंस्की का भविष्य, गाजा में इज़राइल के इरादे, सऊदी अरब की योजनाएं, हिज़्बुल्लाह की क्षमताओं और मध्य पूर्व की गतिशीलता पर चर्चा करते हैं।
In diesem Video spricht Oberst Lawrence Wilkerson über JFKs Vision für den Frieden, den US-Raketenangriff auf Sewastopol in Russland, den aktuellen Stand des Ukraine-Konflikts, die Zukunft von Selenskyj, die Absichten Israels im Gazastreifen, die Pläne Saudi-Arabiens, die Fähigkeiten der Hisbollah und die Dynamik im Nahen Osten.
In hierdie video bespreek kolonel Lawrence Wilkerson JFK se visie vir vrede, die VSA se missielaanval op Sewastopol in Rusland, die huidige status van die konflik in Oekraïne, Zelensky se toekoms, Israel se bedoelings in Gaza, Saoedi-Arabië se planne, Hezbollah se vermoëns en die dinamika in die Midde-Ooste.
Bu videoda Albay Lawrence Wilkerson, JFK'nin barış vizyonunu, ABD'nin Rusya'daki Sivastopol'a düzenlediği füze saldırısını, Ukrayna'daki çatışmanın mevcut durumunu, Zelensky'nin geleceğini, İsrail'in Gazze'deki niyetlerini, Suudi Arabistan'ın planlarını, Hizbullah'ın yeteneklerini ve Orta Doğu'daki dinamikleri tartışıyor.
Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
#usa #russia #ukraine #nato #israel #gaza #palestine #europe #military #politics #political #geopolitics #analysis



8 сен 2024




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@james-pierre7634 2 месяца назад
Thank goodness for another right thinking person.
@PerceivedREALITY999 2 месяца назад
"Not merely peace for Americans, but peace for all men and women. Not merely peace in our time, but peace for all time." ~ JFK 🕊🙏
@carinalundstrom7684 2 месяца назад
Fantastically spoken! I love Wilkerson's honest words.
@waynesmith3318 2 месяца назад
This guy is a welcome addition of sanity.
@PerceivedREALITY999 2 месяца назад
Zelensky didn't try to prevent the conflict through diplomacy because he lacks honor and integrity. In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic tensions. For 8 years the Ukrainian military was indiscriminately shelling civilians living in Donbas. If Zelensky honored the Minsk agreement and pledged neutrality, none of this would have happened. The 8 year civil war would have ended and Donbas would have remained part of Ukraine. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy. Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements. Who didn't want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time Russia's national security was compromised once NATO began to expand eastwards. Russia clearly stated that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line (November 2021) and unfortunately this concern was never taken seriously. The Russians openly stated: if nothing changes, we will be forced to act in order to defend our national security. Enhancing the national security of one country at the expense of another is unacceptable. The Russians have legitimate security concerns. 20th September, 2021. Ukraine launched military drills with US and NATO. NATO is not a defensive alliance. NATO illegally bombed Yugoslavia (a direct violation of the U.N. Charter). We should never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc. Who blew up the pipeline causing an environmental disaster? Zelensky banned all opposition and arrested a leading priest. Zelensky tried to invoke article 5 under false pretenses. Remember the incident in Poland. Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. Poroshenko said, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens-theirs will hide in the basements”. Russians will never forget the 2014 Odessa massacre. The whole world needs to know about it. Why was Denis Kireev eliminated? He was a member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations. He wanted to help his country. Ukraine has a hit list. They target artists, journalists and ordinary citizens. Hundreds of children are on this list. 13 year old Faina Savenkova was placed on this list. Pink Floyd's Roger Waters is on this list. Jimmy Dore (American stand-up comedian, podcaster) and Aaron Maté (Canadian writer and journalist) are on this list. There is evidence that Ukrainian troops have been indiscriminately shelling civilians in Donbas (they used petal mines and targeted areas where there was no military presence). The azov troops trapped in the azovstal steelworks in Mariupol used human shields. They refused to allow civilians to leave despite of humanitarian corridors being present. Russia held a proposed cease fire in order for the civilians to leave, but azov would not allow the civilians to leave. Ukraine has committed many acts of terrorism (car bombs and other forms of assassination). Darya Dugina (journalist) R.I.P. The first terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed the truck driver and the individuals in the adjacent car (innocent civilian victims). The second terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed two parents and severely injured their young daughter. I have done a lot of research and it took me a long time to write this comment. I have stated a lot of facts and I have given my honest opinion. I have provided a brief summary of events that took place. In order to explain this whole situation in great detail, a book would need to be written. Hopefully someone will write an UNBIASED book, stating facts and allowing the readers to form their own judgments. Everything I said can be fact checked and verified.
@recalcitrantrecidivist5927 2 месяца назад
Yep. 100% correct.
@betterplanet8632 2 месяца назад
Brilliant assessment . Thank you ,just wish your leaders had ears to listen
@PerceivedREALITY999 2 месяца назад
Instead of arming Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan; US tax payer money should be spent on infrastructure, healthcare, education, homelessness etc.
@samuelwilliams5105 2 месяца назад
When you say the United States is owing tens of trillions of dollars. Who exactly is it owing?
@nothingtoseehere5760 2 месяца назад
The US borrows from future productivity. Every dollar borrowed is a dollar you will have to work harder for in the future because it will be deflated by the interest owed by spending it now
@user-ok4ed3pg4r 2 месяца назад
@philg4116 2 месяца назад
I believe there has to be a negotiated way out, but if you always single out events involving innocent civilians on one side and not the other, you undermine those who argue for negotiation.
@alfred-vz8ti 2 месяца назад
making money, at no personal risk? that would be 'affirmative,' colonel. that's the whole purpoe of the nation.
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