
Waluigi's Balloon World 

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Happy Mar10 Day everybody.
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10 мар 2021




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Комментарии : 6 тыс.   
@willyhoo2946 3 года назад
"This is the one." - 9359 coins. "I have a special feeling about this one." - 5455 coins left.
@ceribralboy4468 3 года назад
Some time magic was definitely involved
@Gorbgorbenson 3 года назад
@@ceribralboy4468 well it's actually not that many tries, roughly 26. It cost him 150 to trie each time, not 10.
@aug3842 3 года назад
@@AxxLAfriku あんたバカ?
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
'This is a good comment section" : 100% brain cells *Sees Axxl comment* : 1% brain cells left
@MenaceMeister 3 года назад
Ahoy there matey! Prepare to be boarded! 🏴‍☠️ 🏴‍☠️ I be on a quest of legendary proportion in search of ancient treasures of old! How do the seas fare on this side of the sea?
@RyanGeorge 3 года назад
Utilizing the power of seven different frogs is always a good move
@zpinn8242 3 года назад
Frogs are tight!
@dreadlist1711 3 года назад
@joi9483 3 года назад
@anthonylastname8771 3 года назад
aye it’s Ryan!
@carlosruiz374 3 года назад
Hey what are you doing here lmao
@MichaelBylehn 3 года назад
Deep inside, we all know he gets it on his first try, every time. All the "failed" attempts are just on purpose for dramatic effect.
@rg2359 3 года назад
Actually, it's just when he lets his little brother play blindfolded
@barneya1965 3 года назад
He films the failures afterward.
@Umbojug 3 года назад
This was streamed on twitch
@eyedherup2318 2 года назад
He is just too good it would be boring
@m00n30 2 года назад
so true
@iivvrryy 3 года назад
Just imagine what Dunkey could do if he wasn't using the PlayStation 2 Eye Toy camera.
@C4rrots 3 года назад
And if he wasn't letting his little brother play.
@DimIsHigh 3 года назад
Of all the "imagine if Dunkey.." this is probably my favourite
@sweepyu5806 2 года назад
And if he wasn’t wearing a blindfold.
@PastaObesity 2 года назад
@@sweepyu5806 And the controller was unplugged?
@S.A.700 2 года назад
@@PastaObesity And he wasn't even born yet.
@RenoMay 3 года назад
Dunkey has let himself go. I used to look up to the man who formerly held the record on bowsers big bean burrito
@chillinjesus1013 3 года назад
i know, i hope he doesn't speedrun Mario paint.
@Broockle 3 года назад
@@chillinjesus1013 u make it sound gangstah xD
@shuggieferrazles6757 3 года назад
If he doesn’t have the record how does he have the hat
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
Dunkey still technically has the record as the person with the new record was born and exists, so their score doesn't count
@ryangarza8477 3 года назад
But he’s waiting to get it back wearing a blindfold
@pandamon34 3 года назад
This was pretty much just Dunkey flexing his Odyssey skills.
@mynameisgeoff2025 3 года назад
And doesn't he have great skills
@dinodoestuff 3 года назад
@@mynameisgeoff2025 he does
@Kaltsukka 3 года назад
@@dinodoestuff indeed he do
@genji2soew680 3 года назад
he really dunks on the competition
@drudan8957 3 года назад
he started out with 9999 coins, and ended with 200, plus the 500 from just getting the baloon.
@BajheeraWoW 3 года назад
Do these balloons not know who they're dealing with?!
@Scartay2 3 года назад
A Bajheera comment under a dunkey video? :o
@nerdebrief149 3 года назад
I can’t believe these balloons don’t know the Winslow Technique like Uncle Dunkey
@mcyeet2902 3 года назад
dunkey was a made man and there was nothing the balloons could do about it
@crash_sans 3 года назад
He has the world record on Bowsers Big Bean Burrito
@oscarphillips1041 3 года назад
Actually NO
@headspill 3 года назад
Dunkey knows The Metro Kingdom like the back of his hand, holy shit.
@dantealbarelli9338 2 года назад
Well, he was actually born there.
@biggrocc19 2 года назад
New Dunk City
@dachking6657 3 года назад
To anyone who thinks that he’s a day late: He’s perfectly on time. I mean, come one, you expect Dunkey, THE Mr. Mario, to be editing videos on Mar10? No no no, he’s playing Mario on Mar10. Editing videos is for Mar11.
@TheSkoneczny117 3 года назад
Ah yes, the Marii day
@GIOtotheVANNI 3 года назад
Marll Day is my favorite holiday
@lukeskywalker987 3 года назад
Please. It was his little brother Waluigi playing with the Wii steering wheel. Get your damn facts straight.
@pennylenny598 3 года назад
There is no charater called "marellewenth"
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
And then on Mar13, he gets mar13d again
@Maysey9241 3 года назад
It’s always cool to see Dunkey playing these smaller, indie games, that many people wouldn’t know about.
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
Yeah this series was so small that konami forget it exists. Yeah they claim to have made the first strand type game, when in fact super mario bros was the first.
@JamesV1 3 года назад
@@glendarjj3991 what about super mario sisters?
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
@@JamesV1 I believe that was the first first person shooter. Doom forgot about that game too
@mboz_2108 3 года назад
Mario was first released on the MSX computer in the 1980's, actually. Not many people know this, but the creator of Mario, Reggie, actually worked on popular game franchise "Police-Nuts" as well as lesser-known title "Penguin Adventures" before moving on to a job with Gronami Gaming, where he first made Mario. Due to various development issues, the highly-anticipated sequel to the original MSX Mario game, Mario 127 was cancelled, and was then replaced by Super Mario 35, a battle royale which ripped off another battle royale, of which Reggie had nothing to do with.
@LyaksandraB 3 года назад
I know you're joking and don't care about minorities or serious answers, but I truly didn't know this game existed, had heard no news of its release until the memes started popping up, nor do I ever care about anything nintendo does. So, yeah, depending on your definition of many, since all of my acquaintances are on my same boat, and plenty more randoms, especially older people, your comment is actually true.
@ENCHANTMEN_ 3 года назад
that's why they call him "resetti", he makes you reset a lot
@bobmcguffin5706 2 года назад
He became the very thing he swore to destroy
@Dead_channel35 2 года назад
@@bobmcguffin5706 underrated
@hybridged 3 года назад
"This is like crying while listening to Blonde at John Madden's House" -Gex
@boop53 2 года назад
“This is like the Nights beat switch while playing Madden 08 at Mr Resetti’s house”
@shreddershades1198 3 года назад
That coin counter tells its own story.
@Dead_channel35 2 года назад
I was thinking the same thing
@Krystalmyth 2 года назад
D e t e r m i n a t i o n
@BranditoSmooths 2 года назад
Especially on the first balloon
@priyanshumaurya007 Год назад
Even on the last balloon
@Cain102 5 месяцев назад
Seeing the coin count go back to 9000, it fills you with determination
@Zorua3 3 года назад
It’s really easy to laugh at Dunkey’s jokes and forget that he is legitimately good at games, in particular Mario games. That movement was CLEAN.
@McCreepeh 3 года назад
@xavierperez4160 3 года назад
Lmao fr
@djs3566 3 года назад
I actually think about this a lot, dunk is an underrated esports madden player
@foxtp 3 года назад
I forgot how amazing he was with Luigi's Balloon world, used to watch people try and beat his balloon placements years ago.
@rickf6375 3 года назад
He had Madden to help him tho :
@bromad9029 3 года назад
"Relax." "You relax, bastard"" - Dumbley
@KY-no1rm 3 года назад
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️ livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1618751947
@DanielGutierrez-ru5ve 3 года назад
So we just gonna ignore the fact that he barked at 1:20 lmao
@reifenrir 3 года назад
U must be new here u goddamn jabroni
@VHSo_o 3 года назад
He said "this is the one" but as a doggie
@richenrd 3 года назад
Dunky=furry confirmed
@stevenuniverse7370 3 года назад
Omg 😂😂
@mide8845 2 года назад
Yes because who gives a shit
@michaelchetrit6289 3 года назад
“They literally copied Mario- 9.3/10-“-IGN
@MrShiromax 3 года назад
it has a little something for everyone
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
'But I am bad at platformers and there is no assist mode' ign 7/10
@KyndaKold 3 года назад
@@glendarjj3991 Now cyberpunk 2077 on the other hand...
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
@@KyndaKold 9/10 has a little something for everyone. Makes you *feel* like a waste of money.
@adammasterx5854 3 года назад
@@MrShiromax bruh i was gonna say this
@Hiruban 3 года назад
_"His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy..._ _An hour passed already : _*_f*ck Resetti_*_ "_ - *Dunkeyminem - Win Yourself*
@alanovasquez6755 3 года назад
That was actually good lmao
@sadstormtrooper 3 года назад
@Goodly 3 года назад
Thats an awfully hot coffee pot
@h.s6352 2 года назад
RIP John Madden you were a legend at Luigi's Baloon World
@DBelt494 6 месяцев назад
"'Relax.' You relax, bastard." is an all-time dunkey quote
@Cyranek 3 года назад
dunkey has been banned from every party city due to his controversial balloon pop training methods
@Higgs_Stranded 3 года назад
Doesn’t matter because he hates Mario,Avengers,Star wars,...Don’t remember what else he said to them but...
@ysnsmth 3 года назад
nah they its because they can't handle the sheer power of vidoe game dokney
@jkterjters 3 года назад
@Logan Roof cool, take this report real quick.
@Higgs_Stranded 3 года назад
@Logan Roof Mans I might actually give you a report. Your building them up really good man.
@noob1n8or 3 года назад
No, Party City was banned from Dunkey.
@reginaldsafety6090 3 года назад
I believe that he is Mr. Resetti from Luigi's Balloon World.
@utopes 3 года назад
I agree with your comment Reginald Safety.
@beni6533 3 года назад
Thank you Reginald.
@musk856 3 года назад
Thank you for your insight Reginald, it's greatly appreciated.
@ReidicusPRIME 3 года назад
Hey aren’t you the pigeon from don’t let the pigeon drive the bus?
@roundabout468 3 года назад
Nice Nedroid pfp.
@PlyrMava. 3 года назад
It's just mesmerizing seeing how good Dunkey is at a game like Odyssey.
@bbbbbbb51 Год назад
I understand why he loves good platformers.
@huntergrifeen6850 10 месяцев назад
He's ok
@mt2r-music 3 года назад
7:45 I’ve just beaten bloodborne. It's the Cleric Beast/Vicar Amelia OST so no worries guys I got your back
@ihaztehSNIPAH 2 года назад
lmao thank u so much
@JBHUTT09 2 года назад
Knew it was Bloodborne but couldn't pin down the track. Thanks!
@mt2r-music 2 года назад
@Aerial SR should be the mario kart 8 menu screen ost
@BonsaiPop 3 года назад
Imagine if he was playing this with a simple controller instead of alpha testing experimental 3D nav VR tech?
@AAAAA_BRAD 3 года назад
he CLEARLY played on a nintendo labo
@miichika 3 года назад
oh i know this guy. you make cool videos.
@arbiter- 3 года назад
No, he was playing with a Wii fit balance board and a Power glove
@Kitchwamon 3 года назад
lol I was just watching one of your videos before coming to this video. Love your take on Afro Samurai
@devinsmith1357 3 года назад
you actually believe that? that's easy mode! He gives his controller to his brother, puts on his blindfold and turns around. also the controller is turned off
@AVGNROCKS1996 3 года назад
Seeing how his coin count went from 10,000 to 5,000, it seems the only thing “resetti” reset was his bank account and will to live.
@cire0596 3 года назад
More like Mr. Upsetti.
@mboz_2108 3 года назад
Who sent you to this comment section, eh? You a wiseguy or something? You with the Vercetti gang?
@rinkashikachi 3 года назад
Next map and he had only 1000
@hamboomar5661 3 года назад
rossetti the rat
@fabanano6158 3 года назад
@@mboz_2108 hey, hey, hey and where did ya come from now? Ya' want some trouble or something?
@ciaransmith9270 2 года назад
6:47 hits different now 🥲
@BIGMONEY629 2 года назад
4:24 it is now canon that dunkey is a frank ocean fan
@MrDodgerdodson 3 года назад
Imagine if this was actually Dunkey playing and not his little brother.
@YanosProductions 3 года назад
God forbid the thought
@Dew2Much 3 года назад
Could never
@rolandfrank6035 3 года назад
imagine if the screen was turned on and his controller wasn't unplugged
@Tropicalsnowfall 3 года назад
And without a blindfold to add
@joepacheco7885 3 года назад
Imagine if he never said that and that was a clever funny comment.
@realsanmer 3 года назад
All jokes aside, Dunkey is god-like at this game, props to him.
@alphapunks144 3 года назад
It's not even him playing its his little brother
@ortherner 3 года назад
@Random_dud31 3 года назад
@@alphapunks144 with a blindfolded usb steering wheel
@christianfilmssstm8933 3 года назад
He wouldn’t have made it this far without the advice of John Madden.
@urbplay 3 года назад
He is so good, he beat knack with the drum controls from that famous game Donkey Kong: a Willie Nelson story
@askthepizzaguy 2 года назад
I'm just happy they named a whole city after Dunkey.
@Subpar1O1 2 года назад
my favourite Mario world, New Dunk City
@Juz10gameguy 3 года назад
Wow, watching this I never realised how terrible I am at Mario Odyssey...
@xavior1352 Год назад
no your not. hes just really good
@coffeecoffee8 3 года назад
Just imagine what he could do if he wasn't using a playstation steering wheel controller
@theBoonarmies 3 года назад
The bongo controller is the truest way to play odyssey
@Leviathane 3 года назад
I thought he was using facial expressions on Xbox One Kinect now?
@peterkragger4824 3 года назад
You mean, you can plug a steering wheel to the Switch? HOW???? I NEED TO KNOW!!!!!!
@knowledgeanddefense1054 3 года назад
Is that a Move extension?
@giantclaw138 3 года назад
And not wearing a blindfold
@Coolmark123 3 года назад
this is the one
@lokbdasmf7866 3 года назад
Oh hey checkmark
@memehero1361 3 года назад
this is the one
@nobody9279 3 года назад
I think that was the one
@samr9457 3 года назад
This is really the one
@amphibeingmcshpongletron5026 3 года назад
@restinginn9906 2 года назад
"I'm thinking, 9 or 10 more years, then come and face me" LMAO
@michaelharrison5725 2 года назад
RIP Madden, your Dunkey advice was invaluable
@samesu766white7 3 года назад
For those of you saying "oh it's not mar10 day anymore", Waluigi is in this video, not mario. He uploaded this in time for walu1g1 day.
@tootsie_ 3 года назад
as all of us Super Mario loremasters know, Waluigi were born on March 11th. Happy Walu1g1 Day everyone!
@andymcclurg9916 3 года назад
@prestonlim2237 3 года назад
"I summon the power of seven different frogs" *sephiroth noises
@jasonstephenson4378 3 года назад
Ladies and gentleman we have now entered what is known as the frog lock
@cameronw3233 3 года назад
Videos like these make me really appreciate Dunkey’s top tier gaming skills
@sammyttheg412 2 года назад
Rip John Madden whose gonna give dunkey instructions now?
@joelmeeks5054 3 года назад
Mr. Resetti about to be Mr. Upsetti when he finds out all his balloons got popped
@MrMonsterAddict 3 года назад
@lilcocopuff5138 3 года назад
1.5/3 (Dunkey was clearly thinking about this joke but refrained from using it due to his comedy being above childish humor such as this)
@christopherdeverman5622 3 года назад
9.5/10 It's got a little something for everyone
@JUMPpablo 3 года назад
Never Forgetti
@CamSteady 3 года назад
Actually, passing to Farve would be a solid move. This implies that you would be running a flee flicker or another similar play where the running back collects the hand off from Farve at quarterback, fakes a running play and then passes back to the QB down field. The other team won’t see it coming, good call Coach Madden.
@theresaplatypuscontrolling5464 3 года назад
Does that help them get the balloon though?
@jamestonbellajo 3 года назад
@@theresaplatypuscontrolling5464 it gets all the balloons.
@khalilli6613 3 года назад
its called the philly special.... GET THIS GUY OUTTA HEA
@alejandropineda8834 3 года назад
@TomorrowNobody 3 года назад
Flea* Also, the wildcat formation exists, and has brought plays like the philly special to light.
@michaelmartin5201 2 года назад
Rip John madden
@gLOLdos 2 года назад
“Smoking bones on the Polar Express” is such a powerful concept that I’m honestly afraid of the idea’s very existence.
@swifttech3602 3 года назад
Despite the jokes, we gotta admit, Dunkey is actually significantly skilled at this game, he has learned actually speed run strats including skips, and the cappy jump. respect.
@connor9568 3 года назад
He’s even better when you consider that he’s using a GCN Racing Wheel setup
@aeroson3889 3 года назад
And he's blind
@MichaelRigoni 3 года назад
@Fab2cent 3 года назад
And it’s not even him playing it’s his little brother
@inferno7892 3 года назад
And his little brother has no arms
@oceanlmao 3 года назад
“Mar10 Everybody!” Wait was I late? It’s Mar11.
@PepperThePupper 3 года назад
@swaglord4666 3 года назад
@@evankorn4860 reddit moment
@armanpamma9454 3 года назад
Each 1 represents the number of i in walu(i)g(i)
@user-wv9kf2nb2x 3 года назад
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
@baritonemonke4273 3 года назад
05:56 his impression is just....priceless.
@spicyboi2223 3 года назад
“Pass the ball to Brett Favre” - John Madden
@dracomet2097 3 года назад
Mario Odyssey has the most satisfying movement ever in a Mario game.
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
Well, they have had years of practice at this point
@kubakubicki4014 3 года назад
*any game
@rycalamo2684 3 года назад
@xCakeDispensaryRoom 3 года назад
It really makes you feel like Mario.
@Connor2406 3 года назад
Sunshine and 64 feel better :)
@Bryan-ce6bo 3 года назад
That transition into “more dunkio” was too slick what the hell
@2noodles525 3 года назад
damn i just realized that. more unappreciated effort from dunk
@jacobaries3594 2 года назад
@brikhead 3 года назад
Bro I swear to god, it’s so hard to make after gameplay commentary actually funny, but dunkey does it so phenomenally that it just keeps a damn smile on my face the entire video. Keep making the great content dude
@tboltgames 3 года назад
He's pretty good at Super Mario Odyssey.
@boakes7142 3 года назад
He's pretty good at Videogame Dunkey too
@peterwolfe2328 3 года назад
Nope, it's his little brother playing.
@sandgaijin 3 года назад
And he plays with a steering wheel controller, too.
@peterwolfe2328 3 года назад
@@sandgaijin with a blindfold.
@ice_exia9789 3 года назад
He’s literally THE videogameDonkey
@Ash-lf6to 3 года назад
“They don’t call me Mr. Mario for nothing” It’s true, I am they
@BobbinRobbin777 3 года назад
ok d.
@sobek6735 3 года назад
Prove it
@supermarker253 3 года назад
I can confirm this, i am nothing
@tylero354 3 года назад
you’re not they, you’re dragonballfan 25 - ur not fooling anybody mr
@mboz_2108 3 года назад
@@tylero354 mr. mario
@peachstars219 3 года назад
1:27 It was a sinking feeling
@maxwellsmith9988 3 года назад
wow i watched this after Balan wonderland and the difference is astounding holy shit
@yourehereforthatarentyou 2 года назад
@lrgogo1517 3 года назад
Not enough people are talking about how great Dunkey's storytelling is here. We bear witness to a man once at the top of the balloon game, who we expect to wipe the floor once again, only for him to be completely humiliated by a relative newcomer, setting up a journey where he has to find a new path back to the top. Remember when everyone was mad after Ash's Pikachu lost to the new rival's Snivy? I was reminded of this by the introduction of the enigmatic xみきはx, a balloonist who sucks a hefty amount of Dunkio's coins and makes him have to pass on their challenge. However, this failure here is justified as (1) the Dunkmeister had soft-retired for a long time, and (2) he was using a Wii Balance Board, allowing his cockiness to get the best of him. This makes it so riveting to watch the following trials and see Donsly gradually not only re-reach but surpass his former greatness, before finally facing "Mr. Resetti" one last time. It's insane how a youtuber is doing a better job of extending their series' story than most of the manga and anime industry*. If I had one complaint, I would judge that the "Ask Madden / Frank" subplot wrapped up too hastily, I was really interested in seeing how the new events were shaking up Durgo's longstanding relationship with John Madden, and then some guy just says "u h OHHH, the climax is approaching, time to set that back to the status quo". *this is the most [YT comments section] thing I've ever written, please do not make that my epitaph
@ben.shields 3 года назад
This should be the closed captioning for the video, thanks for the laughs!
@wardoorpandafly 3 года назад
This doesn’t have enough likes
@HMMadsen 3 года назад
@alexthegreat5223 3 года назад
I'm giving this comment a like. Just out of respect for the time it must have taken to write.
@lilfindawg2853 3 года назад
was waiting on destiny to update, was at 12 minutes left when i started reading this, a few minutes later ive read the whole thing and destiny has 11 minutes left for the update now. on that note, this was pretty funny to read. got a few laughs. however, no bone-saw, no big-wheel, gotta give it a 0. shit comment.
@lucasdewitt1062 3 года назад
I can't believe C-Rex is back guys.
@ma144 3 года назад
Man, who would have thought he’d still be here.
@Angelo_Dimarc0 3 года назад
I do not fear a man who holds a speedrun record, but I do fear a man who attempts to break a speedrun record. - Tommy Resetti
@davidmcdevitt5593 Год назад
Happy Mar10 day everybody!
@gamerman6172 3 года назад
"This is like making the same joke over and over at Dunkey's house" - Gex
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
'This is like making the same joke over and over at dunkeys house' -gex -gex
@Mr_Spaghetti 3 года назад
then stop doing it
@mboz_2108 3 года назад
You know how many comments I've seen using the Gex template to insult the Gex template? You sure you're not the unoriginal one, Gamer Man? Or should I say... TOMMY VERCETTI, PETHAPS?
@Troll_main 3 года назад
"This is like making the same joke over and over at Dunkey's house" - Gex - Gex - Gex
@gamerman6172 3 года назад
@@mboz_2108 The answer is clear then, I must make fun of those making fun of the gex format with the gex format with the gex format
@IanZWhite00 3 года назад
Dunkey getting 95% of the way there on his first attempt only to not even get halfway there for the next 50 attempts is actually so accurate
@MenaceMeister 3 года назад
Ahoy there matey! Prepare to be boarded! 🏴‍☠️ 🏴‍☠️ I be on a quest of legendary proportion in search of ancient treasures of old! How do the seas fare on this side of the sea?
@lamywater 9 месяцев назад
This game really makes you FEEL like a balloon
@liamkendall2971 3 года назад
Dunkey: “It’s Mario day, March 10th” England: *March 11th*
@CanuckyFriedYT 3 года назад
WOAH! Guys, March 10, when spelt like Mar 10, looks like MARIO! Wtf, how much influence does Nintnendo have guys.
@alexsilva28 3 года назад
That's what I've been telling y'all. Wake up sheeple
@HanBeans 3 года назад
@milky243 3 года назад
AND if you flip the M upside down it spells WARIO, a character from Super Mario series. nintendo are so creative.
@92brunod 3 года назад
and it's exactly the day Alex Jones was arrested. We have to do something about this people!
@pheonixnova4383 3 года назад
@ryanmoffo5665 3 года назад
I don’t think the you guys realize this, but that’s just a Mario in a purple outfit. Unsubscribed
@thepapayanation7003 3 года назад
Nah man we don’t need that false news here
@al_x2138 3 года назад
@@thepapayanation7003 yeah, fake news. We all know it's really _Luigi_ in Waluigi's cloths, not Mario
@SolidPain6624 3 года назад
Nah looks like wario dropped a few pounds and dressed up as purple Luigi to me. Something ain’t right here
@Mayu-fs3hx 3 года назад
Guys cmon that’s bowser
@zee_terminator2850 3 года назад
Its clearly dschingis from legend of zelda, wind of the poopy
@FirEBeast 3 года назад
I’m so happy you made another one of these. The balloon world videos easily rank among my favorites of yours!
@__8120 11 месяцев назад
5:22 that "how the fuck" was so genuine
@Lucians_Sword 3 года назад
Dunkey: Not only intelligent reviews, but superb game skill
@brownguy367 3 года назад
I was shocked when I saw this
@marksimon2085 3 года назад
Unless it's Ghost 'n Goblins
@alexsilva28 3 года назад
For real. He is insane at this game
@KaimArgonarEyyyy 3 года назад
Unfortunately it do be the complete opposite when it comes to JRPG's.
@ProtomanBlues 3 года назад
@@KaimArgonarEyyyy except JRPGS suck
@Rossilaz58 3 года назад
Whenever you're losing in chess, try summoning the power of a mystic beaver.
@dsmvfl363 3 года назад
i love mystic beaver
@jasong6501 3 года назад
honestly the best move when you are behind
@cgillis3989 3 года назад
I've always found that the magic penguin was the more reliable choice in all honesty
@andymcclurg9916 3 года назад
You beavers can't trick me
@Nat_the_Chicken 3 года назад
Just tried this, can confirm that it works
@LegoEngineer003 2 года назад
What makes this more impressive is that the people who had to place these balloons did it several seconds faster (or got more coins along the way)
@the_blue_chicken 2 года назад
RIP John Madden
@rebrand7802 3 года назад
Everyone: *laughing at dunkey’s jokes* Me: *genuinely considering if this guy can beat this entire game in under an hour*
@ceribralboy4468 3 года назад
Yes, laughing Interpretations left to you
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
Dunkey: makes a crowd both laugh and be in awe of his skill in a platformer.
@aaa34953 3 года назад
You have to know the route very well to do that, and dunkey doesn't speedrun this game
@croww6257 3 года назад
@@aaa34953 yes but dunkey wasn’t even playing on this one, it was his little brother, Reginald, if he actually tried he could get sub 45 min
@aaa34953 3 года назад
@@croww6257 forgot about that, sorry dunkey for suggesting you couldn't do it :(
@christopherdwyer7678 3 года назад
They're funny, they're irreverent, they're insightful, but whatever they are, at the end of the day, Dunkey's videos simply manage to make me genuinely happy, every single time. Cheers to another good day.
@rdev3720 3 года назад
cant believe dunkeys so good when hes bling folded and playing with a usb
@Pe0ads 3 года назад
this, this is why he's so successful
@rabnabombshell 3 года назад
@@rdev3720 that’s why i love dunkey. his videos always make me smile :)
@ambiguous8661 7 месяцев назад
@petefein 3 года назад
As some one from Miami, We thought Resetti was locked up too, But he just dug his own grave now that we know he is out! Thank you DUNKEY!
@The1andownlyMatthew 2 года назад
Rip Madden. How will Dunkey play Mario now
@SwissSauce 3 года назад
dunkey has mastered the ability of saying the most quotable things every 2.4 seconds exactly in his video
@danielgreen9417 3 года назад
Dis is da
@troyhilliard5390 3 года назад
@@danielgreen9417 one
@spark9_ 3 года назад
Dunko is genuinely insane at this game, and I don't even play this.
@llortaton2834 3 года назад
Then how do you know he's good?
@Cobbi_1610 3 года назад
@@llortaton2834 you don’t need to play a game to know someone is good at it. Take smash brothers for example.
@marek7269 3 года назад
​@@Cobbi_1610 actually many of my friends (who don't play smash) have no idea how bad someone is at smash when they're just spamming one move. Usually some context is needed.
@jamesmackes4531 3 года назад
@@marek7269 If you're not numb in the brain you can clearly see that this requires skill at the game. I find more often than not people can figure it out for themselves.
@marek7269 3 года назад
@@jamesmackes4531 don’t get me wrong Dunkeys great at odyssey I was just saying smash bros wasn’t a good example from my personal experience
@coleratliff7381 2 года назад
Happy Mar10 Day can't wait for Bubsy Odyssey
@CL3V3Rtrevor Год назад
Am I the only one who's stomach clenches tight when you watch a hard part in a mario level? like you feel the pressure of the game.
@Aualixander 3 года назад
“ Frank ocean, he said to do this “ made me laugh way harder than it should’ve
@ImagineBaggins 3 года назад
I just relistened to Blonde while delivering food right before watching this... I was so confused it was like real life hopped into the Dunkey video lol
@kaustubhxdd 3 года назад
Hey man, if Frank Ocean, the guy who appears twice in a year photographed eating burrito on some street corner asks you to do something, you gotta.
@hhgreg2969 3 года назад
Coach Frank Ocean taught me everything I know about skateboarding and mustaches.
@Substantial-hf1rm 3 года назад
Frank Ocean taught me how to ride a bike with Jay-Z
@waveskrub1326 3 года назад
Frank Ocean taught me to get out the showers and keep watch of my window
@sploinkbob 3 года назад
frank ocean taught me how to run away from my indian dad
@deadpatronus 3 года назад
We going Frank Ocean?
@PaleCentaur 2 года назад
Happy Mar10 Day, everyone!
@johnpotter6787 3 года назад
hearing dunky just say the words “frank ocean” felt weird
@luek1353 3 года назад
can't believe he's pushed the usb steering wheel this far..
@genjorah 3 года назад
The sequel we've all been waiting for
@frisbeeguru8993 3 года назад
Truly a historical day
@kve5520 3 года назад
Trilogy actually
@genjorah 3 года назад
@@kve5520 still a sequel...
@bradykruse1693 2 года назад
So happy to see this video. I’ve rewatched the balloon videos 100 times each, didn’t even notice this was a new video until I realized I didn’t recognize it haha
@quesadeeowl7845 3 года назад
That transition from gameplay to end screen was awesome
@RubenGeez 3 года назад
When Dunkey kept saying "this is the one", I could help but hear: this is a chicken wing.
@Ismael-kc3ry 3 года назад
This is a bumblebee
@acoolduckinabanana7274 3 года назад
This is a Mario
@MDGuima 3 года назад
This is an eskimo
@O1OO1O1 3 года назад
Crack is a terrible drug.
@mazda9624 3 года назад
Tommy Resetti? Shit, didn't think they'd ever let him out.
@andymcclurg9916 2 года назад
5:00 He's actually not wrong. He ran to the coin machine in four seconds and then started running again at nine seconds. 4+9= 13, checkmate atheists
@bait5257 2 года назад
@MastVane Год назад
He absolutely is wrong. He begins the attempt with 7 seconds, then reaches the coin machine 4 seconds later. He uses the machine for 4 seconds and accumulates 10 seconds worth of coins. Since it takes 4 seconds to get 10 seconds worth of coins, you only get 6 seconds added to your time (see how at 4:58 his timer is at 3 and at 5:02 his timer is at 9 (Initial (3)) + (added(6)) = total). He then uses all of the remaining 9 seconds (he reaches the balloon when the timer is at 0). The total amount of time he spent in the attempt is 18 seconds. The mistake dunkey made is not accounting for the time it took to use the coin machine (4 seconds) and the extra time added by the clock itself. (The timer in-game doesn't stop exactly at 0). If you want to you could even time it yourself. The timer starts at 4:53 and he pops the balloon at 5:11 , 18 seconds. Looks like christians lose again. *Edit: grammar
@secretjazz93 3 года назад
I will never get tired of watching Dunkey's Balloon World or Mario Maker videos. Thank you very much Dunkster
@coleisinthewoods620 3 года назад
We have waited so long and it's finally arrived. The day of reckoning.
@shyecity916 3 года назад
25 . . . . . . . . . . . . CENTS IS ALL IT TAKES!?
@swaglord4666 3 года назад
Literally 1984
@acronscawlernc6697 3 года назад
"I thought you switched over to Bubsy Odyssey" Damn, that hurts.
@bloodrayne2645 3 года назад
"Relax" "You relax bastard" Quote of the decade
@razlemon6717 3 года назад
It's always so satisfying to see you pop these balloons, you got all the mad skillz, dunkey.
@qwis 3 года назад
It's been two years but I still always quote "Bowser!? What are you doing playing Mario?" What an end to this long awaited trilogy.
@IAmNotASandwich453 3 года назад
Isnt warios balloon world still missing? 🤔
@hashslingingslasher3083 3 года назад
I say that to myself randomly all the time
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
Only 2 years? That's truly pathetic!True dunkey fans quote dunkey lines from 5 years or longer
@mattbeard9723 3 года назад
we goin' ocean?
@toddsnap405 3 года назад
Still waiting for Wario’s Balloon World.
@finn1708 3 года назад
Don’t worry guys he’s got a feeling about this one
@thorexthedemigod5928 2 года назад
0:28 am i the only one who sees how satisfying it is for Dunkey to not only make it up the castle so fast with skill but also in a very smooth sailing way?
@Breakfastenjoyer103 3 года назад
Oh dunks. I’m always glad to see your Chanel is doing well. Though I hardly watch your stuff any longer. you’ll always be the first content creator I truly enjoyed. Cheers mate!
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