
Dunkey Sony Direct | February 25, 2021 

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Very excited for the new Ape Escape.
donkey twitter / vgdunkey
donkey twitch / dunkstream
donkey wife / leahbee​​
donkey store dunkeyscastle.com/




27 апр 2024




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@L2H2L2 3 года назад
Only reason Knackman studios was shut down is because if they released Knack 3 they woulda made so much money they would buy and take over the entirety of Sony, and you know Reggie would never let that happen
@LiamM272 3 года назад
🤫 watch your back. You’ve said too much. Reggie might shut off your internet at 3:27 am.
@bluehunt3436 3 года назад
@TimeBomb014X 3 года назад
Nah it's cause Knack 3 wasn't Knack 2 2
@inolongerusethisaccount4004 3 года назад
@@LiamM272 too late he's gone "missing" by now
@ChantzRisse 3 года назад
Why would Reggie play any part in this? He was the president of Nintendo NA, not Sony.
@kooldadnetwork5607 3 года назад
My man actually predicted the ff7 battle royale live on stream. Now imagine what he would predict if he wasn’t wearing a blindfold.
Just remember that Square Enix is the company that put a Cup Noodles DLC into Final Fantasy 15. They will do anything for money at this point.
@nicke.8688 3 года назад
@@LBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLB Ah yes, the Ultimate Flavor Experience...
@kuroibail2498 3 года назад
@@LBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLB That's true, but by wearing the cup noodle hat, you had some insane hp regeneration tho
@crystalwolf 3 года назад
Come on man. Is the FF7BR real?
@moustachecashstash9006 3 года назад
Just imagine if his brother wasn't predicting things either
@ChrisNinjaEagle 3 года назад
For Death Loop the final boss should be Count Dracula and he duel wields miniguns and he can jump 30 feet in the air and can run at 25 mph and he jumps off walls and when he turns into a bat he has a pocket flamethrower attached to his back and moves super fast. It's gotta happen.
@_ikako_ 3 года назад
Thanks Pepsi
@northpenguins 3 года назад
Pepsi is very gamer 😎😎😎😎😎😎😳😳😳🥵🥵🥵🥵
@vedaryan334 3 года назад
It's just criminal that this masterpiece comment is so heavily underliked. Let's sign a petition like Twitter so the dishonor guy makes this story.
@juankgonzalez6230 3 года назад
The only good comment
@siskaanggipratiwi378 3 года назад
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️ livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1618762570
@VechsDavion 3 года назад
Sony. Get the boulder.
@BierBart12 3 года назад
Oh shiii, it's Vechs
@ash_1419 2 года назад
@@BierBart12 who???
@maxbrown8109 3 года назад
Dunkey: "I'm thinking there's gonna be some big news here" This is when you know there is going to be no big news
@JoshuaOwens 3 года назад
I'm thinking there's gonna be some disappointment
@_ikako_ 3 года назад
I think big gamer companies forgot what "Good reveal" means
@AdityaSingh-gv8yu 3 года назад
Ahh yes. So goes the story of Armand White
@redblaster9566 3 года назад
Y’all not gonna talk about fnaf
@Roflcrabs 3 года назад
So like, what did we get from that? Anything?
@2good4name 3 года назад
Dunkey - "Remember dishonored?" Me - "Fuck yeah I do it was gr-" Dunkey- "No" Me - "Oh ok yeah I dont"
@the_cheerwine1762 3 года назад
That made me sad heh
@Senayoshy 3 года назад
Well I had my fun with it, definitely not a bad game
@TruWill99 3 года назад
Well, I barely remember the story. Still a really fun game
@PastTimer 3 года назад
Same. Literally replayed the first one three times. My favourite.
@megusta9616 3 года назад
Anthony Fantano of video games
@wilsonson_of_will2041 3 года назад
"Ladies and gentlemen Welcome to the new kingdom hearts." That scared me.
@therorschachimperative1605 3 года назад
It made me HANGY!
@coolyeh1017 3 года назад
Funny enough the Compilation of FFVII was pretty much the Kingdom Hearts before Kingdom Hearts got its notoriety (around 2013 with KH:DDD). I think they put a pause on the Compliaton in around 2008 but by then you had two prequel games, Before Crisis for mobile and Crisis Core for PSP. You had an anime adaptation of Nebelihem incident, Last Order, you have the main game, FFVII, then a sequel movie, Advent Children (and its blu ray remaster, Advent Children Complete), and a sequel, Dirge of Cerberus. There is some motorbike game in 2014 but FFVII took a pause outside of cameos or crossover games (like Monster Hunter rip off, FF:T, Smash, Dissidia, etc.) until the Remakes.
@IsaacWolfOfficial 3 года назад
Oh no. He wasn't joking. There is actually a FF7 Battle Royale in the works.... *Look how they massacred my boy*
@ManOfParody 3 года назад
hooorrrryyyy sssheeeettt How the mighty have fallen.
@XenonG 3 года назад
I was thinking that, but then I remembered it's Sqeeeeeeeeniiiiiiiixxxxxx
@Ali009Ahmed 3 года назад
I was like 102% sure he was joking. The Naughty Dog Dinosaur project sounded more real.
@druidboy25 2 года назад
@Michael Lochlann I mean, were 14 and 15 not good to you? is 16 not exciting to you?
@billjeans9593 2 года назад
you’re really acting like Final Fantasy hasn’t literally been a parody of itself for the last like 4 years
@ChengTeoh 3 года назад
I'm beginning to think that the PS5 in the wild is just an urban legend at this point.
@7thhokage87 3 года назад
My roommate got one somehow
@armanpamma9454 3 года назад
Hello animes
@Soosss 3 года назад
you have a better chance of winning the lottery at this point
@alexB30741 3 года назад
@@7thhokage87 my friends little 8 year old brother got one im in freaking shock
@jesty6454 3 года назад
Damn from dark viper to dunkey huh?
@SquirrellyOtter 3 года назад
I'm just glad dunkey survived the groundhog's day hitsquad after his last video with the whistleblow
@Weeblerjake 3 года назад
It would be too obvious if they got him so soon after that video, my bet is that dunkey’s gonna have an “””accident””” one of these days
@PETRIXXXX 3 года назад
idk, those hitmen are pretty good
@PSVitaat2am 3 года назад
That was a close one
@renewagain6956 3 года назад
What makes you think he survived? Has the REAL Donkey even shown his face since then? There are many talented impersonators out there ya know.
@92brunod 3 года назад
did he? I bet they already killed him and probably replaced him with a white guy
@ProtoMario 3 года назад
Imagine losing to a game called Project Rectangle.
@umangkansakar1826 3 года назад
Dang so little likes for a verified creator
@golddigginboi2187 3 года назад
Dead channel 😢👌
@FB3Network 3 года назад
People who don't get the joke: BuT iT iS cAlLeD PrOjEcT TrIaNgLe, NoT PrOjEcT rEcTaNgLe
@altagent3472 2 года назад
@@FB3Network nobody said that but alright
@Narad39 3 года назад
Gamers in 2005: I would sell my soul to make the Final Fantasy 7 tech demo a real full game. Gamers in 2045, playing Final Fantasy 7 Remake The Movie The Remake part 7: I fucked up.
@josephneyland7604 3 года назад
Looking forward to Final Fantasy 7 Redux: Rebirth by Threebirth - The Shinra Files X Cloud Chronicles
@Narad39 3 года назад
@@josephneyland7604 is that the one that comes before or after Final Fantasy 7 ReVerse/InVerse Codex 576/3 days?
@josephneyland7604 3 года назад
@@Narad39 It’s a web browser game right after inverse reverse codex but right before Final Fantasy 7 MOBA Hexagonal Default Tactics
@Narad39 3 года назад
@@josephneyland7604 Right right. Thats the one that includes ReSet, ReVive, and RePeat as well as the full Aerith side story DundoBundo where she goes back in time to prevent her own death...starring Mickey Mouse.
@wizardo9226 3 года назад
wait but was a mobile game really announced in a playstation direct?
@Heebie-Deebies 3 года назад
Why am I more excited for Dunkey Directs than the actual directs lmao
@brndnreys8822 3 года назад
he makes them 10x better
@geniusn8343 3 года назад
Because dunkey's directs are actually funny and entertaining to watch compared to the pinnacle of boredom game companies shit out in the same of "direct"
@bb-kc9be 3 года назад
@mr.snaplles5964 3 года назад
Turns out naming sequels instead of making them is actually easy
@GOD-nx1yo 3 года назад
Gta 5 remaster ff7 remake remaster man the ps5 future is shit
@Patterrz 3 года назад
I can't believe Sony announced a Pokemon game for the PS2
@aoitamashii 3 года назад
I would like to say there's no way that game is ready for a Q1 2022 release, but this is Pokemon we're talking about: They'll release it anyways. Just look at how half-baked SwSh was and it still sold better than all their previous games and for +$20.
@pabloc4204 3 года назад
@@aoitamashii that game looked like a 1 month in unity project made by 2 people
@pessiescobar4707 3 года назад
Can't believe they charge that game 70 bucks
@zye.... 3 года назад
@@aoitamashii i couldn't believe how well it sold out... Those people would literally eat shit from nintendo. It's the first generation I skipped because I didn't wanna support the those poor ass graphics and ridiculous pkmn designs but oh well, guess 20 million others didn't care
@gregoriolupercio5535 3 года назад
Pokemon has always been about the kids, most of them don't know any better. That's where the money's at for them. The pokemon games aren't for us our time with them is over.
@starforcenetwork 3 года назад
"Final Fantasy 7 Remake is gonna be the next Kingdom Hearts." I warned people with this exact thought a year ago and they called me a madman.
@whodis715 3 года назад
Ive been warning everyone with how the company is just a money hungry shit show now Kh on pc. Screw an all in one collection Let’s sell them almost entirely individually (compilation wise) again. For the 3rd time
@mytyhekiller4 3 года назад
How? They are literally releasing a single free to play game available to everyone with everything you need to know in terms of story. It's like the opposite of KH where you needed to play 100 games on 12 different devices. Looks like they learnt from it actually
@bengopalmi80 3 года назад
@@mytyhekiller4 Dude... FF7 remake came out less than a year ago and they're re releasing it on new consoles and charging full price even if you own the original with extra content... you tell me if it itsn't a scummy move
@Stachebro12 3 года назад
@@bengopalmi80 wait, no, if you own the game already you can get it on ps5 for free. You just have to pay for the bonus content.
@abghen2323 3 года назад
@@bengopalmi80 It's just a graphics upgrade for the Remake PS5 (and it's a free upgrade if you have the PS4 version), the only story/cost difference is some DLC, which also is just straight up free if you buy the game for the first time on PS5 (if you upgrade though, it's just pay for DLC if you want). The mobile game is just a free version of the original FF7 games (of which there already were multiple since like 20 years ago), along with a Battle Royale that doesn't even have story we don't know. It's just using preexisting lore to justify a Battle Royale, and if it's good then I couldn't be happier.
@HiddenInTheReeds 3 года назад
Dunky’s commentary is so funny and engaging that upon completing a video I’m both laughing and disappointed that it’s already over. Dunky is currently the only RU-vidr that I actively wait for the next upload as opposed to being reminded by my subscriptions.
@austinjoseph2881 2 года назад
Same here. He's hilarious yet smart satire
@frigginmanatees8616 3 года назад
It's been 22 years since release and I am honestly starting to get worried that Lego Rock Raiders 2 is getting delayed.
@Raustlin 3 года назад
The game cannot live up to the hype. It will be another Cyberpunk - I guarantee it!
@stevenreyes7152 3 года назад
A landslide has occured
@OQIF87NREU 3 года назад
I've heard promising rumors about Bionicle Heroes 2
@siddhantbanerjee3328 3 года назад
Ive been trying to find the original game for a while, al the versions ive found dont run on windows 10 wtf.
@GammaWALLE 3 года назад
they’re refusing to release it until they fix every bug. no seriously, there’s a level with like a bajillion cockroaches you have to fight, and they’re sterilizing each and every single cockroach individually.
@gavinbrechbill5635 3 года назад
Believe it or not, DinoGUNther is actually the second dino+gun strand type game
@Dr.Faustus. 3 года назад
Spaghetti and meatballs
@panthbucketing5187 3 года назад
The first is fossil fighters
@manuxx3543 3 года назад
Does Turok fit ?
@guitarwi3rdo 3 года назад
Playstation: show me Turok 3
@LUCKYRiCK 3 года назад
Dino D Day on steam xD
@camel96ful 3 года назад
I laughed so hard when he said “final fantasy battle Royale mobile game” then I realised...
@spacewizard9092 3 года назад
My brain couldn’t process that the Final Fantasy BR was actually real
@sonidophore9100 3 года назад
How did they fit so much anime grunting in such a short span of time.
@dalgusmaximus4557 3 года назад
@TheJellyfish800 3 года назад
6 grunts in less than 6 seconds
@cartmanofsp 3 года назад
Its so annoying
@pronounjow 3 года назад
How about some anime MOANING for once...
@Legotrademark 3 года назад
i feel like anime is from an alternate universe where people act like that
@rycalamo2684 3 года назад
“Sony lost to Project Rectangle” I lost it lol
@Nineball757 3 года назад
Same here lol
@positv333 3 года назад
did you know square is rectangle
@PSVitaat2am 3 года назад
Its insane
@irgendwas2251 3 года назад
what was that game at the end when he said that ?
@TroyVsTheWorld 3 года назад
I stopped watching there
@southerntenacityfilms2051 3 года назад
FromSoft going “Berserk” , very specific choice of words there hehehe
@fluffynijimura8085 3 года назад
Fromsoft Berserk game being worked on by Miyazaki??????????!?!??? who knows?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!??!
@Ismael-kc3ry 3 года назад
Richaaaaard!!!!! Roberrrrrt!!!!! Griffiiiiiiiiiith!!!!!!!
@elwoodchambers8284 2 года назад
RIP Kentaro Miura
@Ismael-kc3ry 2 года назад
@@elwoodchambers8284 :(
@collt0916 2 года назад
Rip miura:(
@TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 3 года назад
I'd pay to play Jak 4 and The Golden Crab
@ismael8391 3 года назад
How are you my 4th comment with just 9 likes? Do you really have so much power?
@golddigginboi2187 3 года назад
I'd pay to play TAK: the power of juju in 4k
@BillClinton228 3 года назад
Dunkey has never acknowledge in any of his videos that women with penises exist... is he a trans phobe?
@samf.s.7731 3 года назад
Weird question, but what is "the golden crab"? It's a reference that I am not getting ...
@kyanwang8957 3 года назад
Good. Don't pirate.
@CesarDaSalad 3 года назад
I just wish Naughty Dog went back to its roots of making games starring naughty dogs
@ci7210 3 года назад
And dudes spinning to fight enemies
@noampresnete8677 3 года назад
is the bonk joke unoriginal here or a correct use?
@CesarDaSalad 3 года назад
@@noampresnete8677 I would argue it very much applies here. *BONK*
@Pihutihutihutijay 3 года назад
remaking ring's of power would be something. I tried to play that game... its very jank.
@cush4445 3 года назад
@pilotpandashot3286 3 года назад
They didn’t shut down. The studio who made knack is going in to hiding to make sure no leaks get out for knack III
@welcomematt6874 3 года назад
It’s like Nick Fury faking his death in Winter Soldier for the greater good
@zaidlacksalastname4905 3 года назад
I'm ice nak and I confirm this
@maarin1863 3 года назад
I can confirm this i am sony's nephew
@OnyDeus 3 года назад
Wishful thinking. Sony had to squash the studio in fear. They knew how much power they had couldn't be used responsibly.
@dcsomething6460 3 года назад
Yeah, but since you already know about it they have to start all over.
@fabiofabiobio 7 месяцев назад
"Jak IV and the Golden Crab" is such a genius title because it engages the viewer's curiosity. Before you've even picked up a controller, your mind is already racing with so many unanswered questions such as "who is the Golden Crab?" and "what's the Golden Crab's deal anyway?". It rewards a curious mind.
@NatsumiGWarrior 3 года назад
I can't help but appreciate Dunkey using Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus OST as background music at 4:15. Golden video as always!! Can't wait for Knack III to win the console wars
@birbo5603 3 года назад
You know it's bad when developers start remaking remakes.
@SomberYeti 3 года назад
At least they haven't remastered remasters... yet
@Casanuda 3 года назад
If people didn't buy them in droves this practice would end quickly. Gamers are the dumbest consumers.
@yuujiendless7719 3 года назад
Well actually it is not remake of remake. More like remaster for ps5 which is free if u bought ps4 version....meybe not rven remaster. Just unlocking few features.
@reillymcwriting 3 года назад
@@yuujiendless7719 yeah it just includes a couple of games in the ff7 series
@aguy4887 3 года назад
@@yuujiendless7719 By that logic ff7 remake Is just a remaster for the original ff7
@Keezawea 3 года назад
Starting today, I'll always call George R.R. Martin as "Throne Man". Thanks, dunkey
@zaidlacksalastname4905 3 года назад
Throne man need somewhere to put that juicy thing
@RickSolid1 3 года назад
Spoon man.
@soapyguy6483 3 года назад
oh hey
@echodelta2172 3 года назад
more catchy than old, fat pervert
@jaceyking5015 3 года назад
Tolkien is now "Ring Man." Rowling is "Wizard Lady." Lewis is "Jesus is a Lion Man."
@undeadraptor1370 3 года назад
Final fantasy: the second to last fantasy: part two: the sequel: chapter 1: act two: scene 5: page 74: line 5
@mr._zone 3 года назад
I remember Dishonored because it nailed stealth, atmosphere, and immersive gameplay. It was the lack of expression from the characters rather than the plot that made the story fall flat.
@therorschachimperative1605 3 года назад
Characters are gay, shoulda made it gangsta like a MUFFkin JO JO reference!
@AR19167 3 года назад
Now this makes more sense to me now I think about it, heck with Corvo as a silent protagonist, we don't get to see how he feels in some moments that I feel is needed like in getting Emily. Still overall, Dishonored 1 and 2 (haven't played Death of the Outsider yet) are my personal favorites and even if Dunkey feels iffy about 'em, I really liked the gameplay and creativity it encourages when getting from level to level, or really just messing around with powers and stuff.
@tetermc 2 года назад
@@irarelyupload6930 meh, fuck the story, give me a little context and an awesome toybox of gadgets and powers and pathways and I'm good.
@cornonthekobi 2 года назад
@@irarelyupload6930 op literally said the plot wasnt the forgettable bit. the characters were. when the admiral dude (forgot his name, havelock?) betrays you, I just shrugged. all the characters felt like they just pushed the story along without being characters
@nicholasyoung7798 Год назад
@@AR19167 I kind of like how the silent protagonist mechanic works in Dishonored, as a video game. It makes me feel encouraged to simply indulge my own feelings and accept them as Corvo's. Not all games are receptive to this, but I think this is a fun mindset to carry when playing Dishonored. I think Dishonored 2 lacked this ability, and I didn't enjoy it as much because I was already preconceiving a different mindset and was disappointed when it didn't work, lol. I think it does a good job of making you care about Emily and the health of the city/humanity, since these are relatively easy things to already relate to- the game doesn't have to do much lifting here. After that major discrepancy, I don't think many events could separate your own experiences (In terms of how you think ethically) too far from Corvo's, so it's effortless to ask yourself not "What would I do next?" but "What 'should' I do next? What's the right thing to do next? What do I want to do next?" All things that we ask ourselves constantly, everyday already. I found Dishonored's story to be excellent due to immersion. Thanks for taking the time to read this, whoever does :)
@redviper20 3 года назад
The entire internet on RE8: ohhhh The tall lady ohhhh! Dunkey on RE8: There's this big guy that comes out of a thing and he's like what are you buying?!
@nir5389 3 года назад
@DOOM Dragon Goblin Slayer Trinity a gun with a Dinosaur
@SeventeenGhost 3 года назад
I predict that "The big guy that comes out of a thing and he's like 'what are you buying?'" is gonna be a possible character for the next Smash. Players have been asking for years and if you look closely, he is quite round. You know what else is round? Smash logo thing. BOOM. Big guy confirmed,
@youtubeneedstochange4414 Год назад
Dunkey ain't no degenerate simp, he actually has a wife.
@lostprophet8888 3 года назад
As someone who hasn't seen Sony's State of Play event, I was absolutely sure the Final Fantasy Battle Royale Mobile game was an elaborate joke! We're truly living in the strangest of times!
@TS-678 3 года назад
It wasn't in the event. Its a mobile game that was announced by square after the event.
@Squishito 3 года назад
I was hoping that it was an out of season April Fools joke.
@Aeronor2001 3 года назад
Wait that was real?
@edwinkrasnokutsky3903 3 года назад
@@Aeronor2001 yep, it’s real
@golddigginboi2187 3 года назад
As long as they give sephiroth a sniper.
@daisukematsui357 3 года назад
I love you Sony. Don't ever stop making Dunkey videos!
@vinamraparashar7590 3 года назад
"How tf is this the top selling video game franchise?" The answer is, as with most things involving the most money, kids.
@janogabor7697 3 года назад
Also nerds with too much nostalgia.
@Smeik2901 3 года назад
Blind hardcore fans
@ALostSkullKid 3 года назад
I think his question is more along the lines of "how does something that makes so much money still not have the budget to make something that looks better than a PS2 game?"
@gobbygooby 3 года назад
Epstein intensifies
@vinamraparashar7590 3 года назад
@@ALostSkullKid yeah and kids wouldn't know what a quality game is if their first experience is the new pokemon games. They are more likely to buy those every time they come out.
@CanuckyFriedYT 3 года назад
Dream Engine was used for every game, it's actually far superior to Unreal engine. My mom works at Sony.
@nathanpixelkid 3 года назад
That is 3 different statements in one comment.
@bonjolor8298 3 года назад
hes a busy man who has no time for small talk. After all his mom does work at sony
@taxevader674 3 года назад
Dream Engine cheated on minecraft speedrun big mode
@justingonzales5155 3 года назад
Ask her why my ps4 is broken then
@CanuckyFriedYT 3 года назад
@@justingonzales5155 She says they are phasing out PS4s with an update so that PS5 can use its full capabilities. I told her that was bullshit but she said peasants with PS4s don't deserve high quality gameplay :'( F's in the chat
@dylanh.3793 3 года назад
Dunkey is the Armond White of these Direct’s. Every time he says there’s gonna be big news nothing good happens but when he doesn’t pay attention every major announcement happens.
@KooblayKhan 3 года назад
Dunk: "Remembered Dishonored?" Me: "Oh yeah, I love that game! The story was fun too!" Dunk: "No one remembers that story." Me: ".......I think you are taking out your Knack sadness in an unhealthy way"
@lopamurble4056 3 года назад
Dishonored is one of my favorite games of all time, but yeah the story is pretty barebones. The atmosphere, setting, and gameplay are all fucking brilliant though.
@cvxgaming6855 3 года назад
Dishonored's story is pretty boring tbh. Skipped the story for Dishonored 2 and was somehow still able to enjoy the game (finished it over 5 times)
@petersavrides4664 Год назад
March 1st 2023 and Elden Ring just came out today. Dunkey was spot on.
@nightcalltake7835 3 года назад
Five nights at freddys security breach sure is a weird name for Dino Gunther
@zedobar1551 3 года назад
Its the nickname of the alpha
@Ethan_Winters_ 3 года назад
@@zedobar1551 More like beta! Up top ✋
@zedobar1551 3 года назад
@@Ethan_Winters_ 👍
@Michaeldragon800 3 года назад
I Imagine Dunkey would look at that the laser tag part with that Picture of Monty Gator weilding Laser guns and then be like "LOOK THERE IT IS ITS DINO GUNTHER! HE'S IN THE GAME I WAS RIGHT I KNEW IT!"
@realkingofantarctica 3 года назад
I'm gonna be honest, I actually nearly forgot there was a PlayStation 5.
@AmonGus-ml1fh 3 года назад
Me too. But since i have a PC and a switch i dont really care about this console at all
@luma8769 3 года назад
It's not hard to forget a console that almost nobody has
@likkyball8736 3 года назад
Thats because theres only 5 in existence
@Th0tSlAyErIII 3 года назад
@@AmonGus-ml1fh I'm the same as you tbh.
@Rustyhound-Cartoons 3 года назад
Remind me of it when they're actually in stores
@fermentedpear2704 Год назад
over a year later watching this back and I just realized he uses sly cooper music in the background of the deathloop segment. This mans a gamer.
@cameronc530 3 года назад
The Sly Cooper music made me extremely happy.
@notarmani4804 2 года назад
It made me want to dance. That music is good.
@597das 2 года назад
do you know what the song name is?
@cameronc530 2 года назад
@@597das the Sly Cooper music that starts at 4:15 is from the first game and the track is called "The Gunboat Graveyard"
@timothyhicks1365 3 года назад
I hope Sony calls Dunkey and is like "here's the rights for Knack, u can have it"
@GeeGe. 3 года назад
I mean, jacksfilms made the Emoji Movie into such a big meme that he got invited to the red carpet premiere. I'd say the Dunk has earned some sort of similar status for Knack haha
@dustinjones7458 3 года назад
He'll have to make it in Dreams. We're almost in the Endgame.
@emlyndewar 3 года назад
"Sony, bring out the big guns. God of war 2" - it’s like Dunkey forgot about the playstation’s biggest franchise, tearaway.
@ShadowMKII 3 года назад
It's also like Dunkey forgot how to count. (At the fault of marketing and stupid titles, however.)
@kcmichaelm 3 года назад
Oh god i had forgotten tearaway. How dare u
@Hassan06675 3 года назад
How dare you Disrespect The actual biggest Sony franchise KNACK BABY
@__________5311 3 года назад
gow 2 already exists
@tbrown5836 3 года назад
its actually go of war 5 cause its technically a sequel and reboot
@NyanCatMatt 3 года назад
Okay, but for real, your idea for Gunther is actually really good. The multiple perspectives and contrasting art styles would be a really cool foundation for an original game.
@MattBOrange 3 года назад
Dunkey is a Mario stan, him saying dishonored is a great game with a weak story is basically the highest compliment he can give
@MrHostile12 2 года назад
@Elton John Elton John thank you Elton John very good
@Rusty_Spy 3 года назад
"Fromsoft are going berserk" Fromsoft have been going everywhere EXCEPT Berserk
@galactic1555 3 года назад
I would sacrifice a friend or two for a Fromsoft Berserk game
@bablo82 3 года назад
@@galactic1555 honestly that would be fucking wild
@obscure.reference 3 года назад
Ga lactic maybe a legion of my comrades, who knows
@GoldberryVideos 3 года назад
Came down here looking for this comment! 😉
@imstupid880 3 года назад
@pokemnfan1 3 года назад
He's not even trying to hide how thirsty he is for a new 3D platformer. Respect
@mssunshine8971 3 года назад
New Donkey Kong please
@Daniel-yz3zf 3 года назад
Balan Wonderworld will be out soon, that'll scratch his itch
@aaronl22 3 года назад
@jonathanodude6660 3 года назад
@@mssunshine8971 isnt donkey kong 2d?
@Floflo81 3 года назад
@@Daniel-yz3zf Have you tried the demo? I'm not convinced to say the least 😅
@StNick119 3 года назад
That fanart or whatever at 1:34 is SO. GORGEOUS. JESUS DUNKEY CHRIST.
@user__214 2 года назад
3:28 "It's like the Pokemon people actually made a new video game!" Dunkey has been consistent on this theme.
@robertyang4365 3 года назад
Is no one talking about how the PS5 isn’t even backwards compatible for Joe’s Diner?
@jordansnipez123 3 года назад
It's a fucking crime
@Wifixsmasher448 3 года назад
That a make or break deal for me in terms of buying ps5
@maxman3318 3 года назад
I hope Joe's Breakfest, the sequel will arrive on PS5 Pro 👍
@nucleor7268 3 года назад
They actually updated it and it’s compatible now. Now buying a PS5 is finally worth it.
@metallicfingers 3 года назад
@@nucleor7268 at first i was skeptical of the ps5, but now that they have joe’s diner i HAVE to get it
@thomasregis9748 3 года назад
“Remember dishonored?” Glances at my steam library, 300+ hours across dishonored, dishonored 2, and death of the outsider. My favorite game series. “Of course not.” 😢
@brysonbarkley3064 3 года назад
Arkane only puts out masterpieces, but are still always overlooked and under appreciated by a majority of the gaming community. Prey and its mooncrash dlc show no matter what they make, its gunna be gold, can't wait for Deathloop.
@JayCross454 3 года назад
Sorry for your loss. I had two hours in the first dishonored and couldn't uninstall it fast enough. Lol
@Tiger74147 3 года назад
@@brysonbarkley3064 Personally, I have greatly disliked their games and think they're OVER-hyped. :( To each their own!
@GW196 3 года назад
At this point I didn't know if he was joking or not xD, dishonored is by far one of the most beloved franchises to me.
@joeschianodicola1810 3 года назад
i feel you, i always loved the Dishonored series, even if the story was a little bland the gameplay was unreal
@RSevenEightSeven 3 года назад
Good use of the Gran Turismo "Failure" theme at the end there.
@jhanno3771 3 года назад
I've heard that theme so many times...
@MusicoftheDamned 3 года назад
The _FF7_ remakes devolving into _Kingdom Hearts_ levels of fragmented convolution was obvious to me once I saw that Mr. Nomura was in control of it and that _FF7 Remake_ was only the first 10% of the game. It's still unfortunate to see this slow-moving trainwreck happen to the people who actually like _FF7_ though.
@tiduswalker 3 года назад
"From Software" going "Berserk" now that'd be game of the year
@scoott8605 3 года назад
Try game of the decade
@JaydevRaol 3 года назад
@rishuuu5562 3 года назад
I think capcom would be a better choice for a berserk game and combat should be a mix between dmc and monster hunter
@kimikenji95 3 года назад
@@rishuuu5562 Nope they already made Dragon's Dogma with Literally the main character being "branded" and smol witches that had a grandmother, living in a shrouded forest with golems.
@joshmay2944 3 года назад
they did that already... its called Dark Souls!
@awpticphoenix5856 3 года назад
This is like Nintendo direct at Richard gere’s house
@colton.421 3 года назад
This is my favourite quote from Abraham Lincoln also known as Gex
@glendarjj3991 3 года назад
@randomenvelope 3 года назад
Reminds me of that wedding at joe pesci's house
@jacksonkingsley5154 3 года назад
More like the Richard Gere museum
@Pointman11111 3 года назад
Metal Gere?
@njitram2000 3 года назад
What a great time to be into gaming. I finally get to dive into my backlog!
@difup 3 года назад
Gunther Dinosaur Open World Burrito Breaker looks like a very good franchise.
@therorschachimperative1605 3 года назад
yes it do
@RingTeam 3 года назад
"Welcome to the new Kingdom Hearts" People hated dunkey becuase he told them the truth.
@socialcockroach3307 3 года назад
@@ATXnomad698 Eh, I played both as a kid... And I honestly don't give a damn about ff7 remake or the end of kingdom hearts. As far as kingdom hearts goes, I already knew the conclusion would be a mess well before it was even announced.
@Reach2Portals2 3 года назад
@@ATXnomad698 I played KH3 as a long time fan of the series. I got about 1/4 through the game before I finally gave up on the series. I finished it, but it really hurt to see how much they had downgraded the games. So many fans are still blind to the bullshit that is in that game now.
@manuelsputnik 3 года назад
@@devastatheseeker9967 Lol. The story became bullshit as soon as they introduced time travelling baddies in DDD and _dragged_ the story out to crazy lengths. The constant retconning of its own lore and (somehow) worse dialogue than 10 years ago. The worse part is that the entire thing becomes a cash grab because they keep rereleasing this shit in collections multiple times after having the previous games all in different systems. And now, you have to play a mobile game (that keeps getting relaunched which we're now at... version/part 4?) and a bloody rhythm game that's also apparently integral with the story. KH is a clusterfuck of bullshit, mate.
@Yoshi278 3 года назад
@@devastatheseeker9967 Bro stfu KH3 story was hot garbage haha. Like objectively just bad. They should have just made a 2-3 year production game after BBS for the finale and call it a day but instead they take 10+ years and make it still rushed, full of plot holds, and just shitty.
@MajorSquiggles 3 года назад
I fucking love Kingdom Hearts where do I sign up?
@miniminion8866 3 года назад
Haha what a funny joke, dunkey overlaid some text on an unrelated game to pretend that a FF Battle royale game is coming out....wait *frantically googles* oh no
@foghammer9767 3 года назад
It's all Square Enix knows how to do. Recycle the same shit over and over, like they've been playing with the same three jars of Play Doh for decades mixing them and trying to pull them apart to mix with another one, and it's all just the same shit now. From the moment I started talking shit about the FF7 remake footage years ago, my friends called me a hater. But look what they are doing to it. Intergrade? Trash. Next will be some game where you play as Cait Sith in a trenchcoat doing an endless series of fetch quests disguised as a noir detective story.
@PapaQuackers 3 года назад
@@foghammer9767 I'll take 10.
@atsunymphae2723 3 года назад
@@PapaQuackers 😂🙏
@LoomDoom 3 года назад
@@foghammer9767 Huh? What looks bad about intergrade? The gameplay and visuals look great.
@DesTr069 3 года назад
@@LoomDoom it’s not that it looks bad, but Square is just reselling an upgraded version of the first part to a remake of a PS1 game. Yeah. But at least we get a free upgrade if we own the PS4 version, so I guess it’s worth revisiting
@maxspecs 3 года назад
Dunkey manages to take big jokes made by studios and constantly make bigger jokes of them with a mastery of comedic timing honed by years of RU-vid industry.
@JMAN_ 2 года назад
6:02 pun intended
@rainer9931 3 года назад
When he said that you would have to play the Final Fantasy 7 Battle Royale Mobile Game to understand the story I laughed but then I remembered there is a Final Fantasy 7 Battle Royale Mobile Game Edit: bruh this is the fastest growing reply ever damn
@d_rock1535 3 года назад
@marcgebbylauron 3 года назад
OMG it's real. I thought that was edited. Lmao
@aguy4887 3 года назад
@@d_rock1535 God is dead, he lost the ff7 battle royal
@PSVitaat2am 3 года назад
The plot twist of 2021
@shellshockedant2356 3 года назад
@@d_rock1535 no, it’s fucking real
@Go_Kart_Man 3 года назад
This direct could’ve used more DC Superhero Girls: Teen Power
@EdgieAlias 3 года назад
I'm batgirl. Aka, MattGirl. From SuperMega.
@jamisdono 3 года назад
you know it broski, DC Superhero Girls: Teen Power is the best game to ever exist
@irislatifolia5084 3 года назад
The way he said "-intergraaaade", lol he sounds so done XD.
@notarmani4804 2 года назад
Can’t wait for Super Mario Galaxy- *Intergrade*
@jhomathon Год назад
Dino Gunther still sounds like a genuinely good video game
@jonathanwilson7949 Год назад
Right? I’d play it
@yhs098 3 года назад
This isn't dunky, dunky isn't nitpicking and biased, this is clearly punxsutawney phil
@northpenguins 3 года назад
Hahahahaha, that joke was so funny, meet me outside and tell me what you know
@synphony5159 3 года назад
I love how Dunkey went from "I'm exclusively making good videos" to "I'm done making good videos" to "I'm back to good videos" and now he's literally just shit posting
@JoNarDLoLz 3 года назад
His shitposting are his good videos. So basically, he never made one bad video. Dunkey is a fucking liar.
@Wynaro 3 года назад
"Wait, it's all shitposts?" "Always has been."
@jamishmcquo7590 3 года назад
1:36 the stutter got me hahaha you know hes about to say some bullshit
@Sludgedump 3 года назад
I remember a long time ago someone from square saying something along the lines of " If we remake FF7, that means we are out of ideas"
@manstuckinabox3679 2 года назад
But they be releasing FFXVI, looks kinda cool ngl.
@Cyranek 3 года назад
itsa me mario on the playstation 5
@iberis361 3 года назад
Woaaaa is that Mario in Playstation 5 from the game Bugsnax?
@Helicopter7 3 года назад
Woaaaa is that Mario in Playstation5 from the game Bugsnax?
@hmmyes8401 3 года назад
Woaaaa is that Mario in Playstation 5 from the game Bugsnax?
@this.is.shashwat 3 года назад
@thealaskanforever 3 года назад
@randallman491 3 года назад
*Sees Knack is gone* “Earth just lost its best defender”
@insomina-yw7sj 3 года назад
sony lost its best defender
@Spandex415 3 года назад
Another one .. Dunkey is the best man. Always gold 💛
@kinghashbrown7998 Год назад
i never thought there would be a day where dunkey would mention the launch of the ps4 and not mention knack
@cian9393 3 года назад
"This is like taking black tar heroine at Reggies house" -Gex
@lProN00bl 3 года назад
@ReekieRoo2 3 года назад
Best. Comment. Ever.
@spiritofmodernity9679 3 года назад
@WastedPotential17 3 года назад
@@spiritofmodernity9679 Unless he really hates Storm from the X-Men.
@VictoriaPatricia 3 года назад
Gex gettin geeked out.
@med7021 3 года назад
"Sony is shutting down knack developer Japan Studio" dunkey: Oh no! dunkey: anyw-ELDEN RING GAMERS
@PSVitaat2am 3 года назад
@skoomawizard 3 года назад
Elden Ring is made by “From Software” (located in Japan) which is not “Japan Studio” 2 different teams
@ThomasMBlank 3 года назад
@@skoomawizard however, japan studio was involved in the development of bloodborne if I I remember correctly.
@skoomawizard 3 года назад
@@ThomasMBlank who cares. Knack Is gone and we are heartbroken. Please wear black out of respect
@conwuzere 3 года назад
@@skoomawizard who asked
@Lucancro_ 3 года назад
I love P5 ost in background
@drabin7759 3 года назад
The reason Knack Entertainment Studio got shut down is because Knack III would be some serious competition for Jak and the legend of golden crab
@caninacan5874 3 года назад
My friend talked about someone’s gonna get addicted to the ff7 battle Royal game. I thought he was joking when he said that, like seriously what the fuck square
@MomoYukimori 3 года назад
I honestly cannot even believe that is real.. utterly ridiculous on their end.
@frankers757 3 года назад
@@MomoYukimori yeah what an absolute cash grab square has become
@justinzboyovski8191 3 года назад
@@frankers757 Sadly when the competition is EA games, Ubisoft, and Konami they can afford to just do cash grabs and lose nothing.
@MEBlueHatGuy 3 года назад
Looks at First Soldier: Sleeps Realizes you can fight monsters and VII has the Monster Mimicry Materia: Wakes up to sounds of Blue Mage PvP.
@jonathanodude6660 3 года назад
wait that was real? i thought it was a meme game/mod he found for a bit.
@dizzyhq5100 3 года назад
No man should ever have to experience the amount of pain Dunkey has suffered with
@MtnDew4828 3 года назад
Mtn Deww
@dustind7128 3 года назад
@@MtnDew4828 thats a good point
@xx_annoying_baby_zombie_xx834 3 года назад
@@MtnDew4828 agreed
@angrykirby961 3 года назад
@@MtnDew4828 couldn't have said it better myself
@jeffersonorellana4080 3 года назад
@@MtnDew4828 but what if no?
@Aymannnnnnnn 2 года назад
Dunkey predicted elden ring being a masterpiece.
@davidpulido7920 3 года назад
RIP Japan Studio, they put out a lot of quality art and also Knack RIP Gravity Rush
@myhlanoelsalsa8690 3 года назад
"Sony lost to project rectangle" Me, a PS1 rpg guy: *Of course*
@ilhamulah 3 года назад
What game the footage is showing there? its an ongoing project isn't it? I forgot the name
@myhlanoelsalsa8690 3 года назад
@@ilhamulah Project Triangle strategy. Man, whata demo nintendo released, only square can beat square
@ilhamulah 3 года назад
@@myhlanoelsalsa8690 Ah yes thanks. Yeah, can't wait for this one. I hope they won't axed it.
@peter0071000 3 года назад
You: idiot Me: Awesome
@sparkyboi4387 3 года назад
@@peter0071000 its the other way around tho
@dillkommen 3 года назад
The only reason I'm getting a PS5 is the addition of Rupert from Gran Turismo 7.
@Gatorade69 3 года назад
Well I don't want to spoil it but Rupert isn't in the game very long. His rival pit maneuvers him and his car blows up with him inside. GT7 is actually a revenge story.
@marisa4792 3 года назад
@@Gatorade69 NOOOOOOOOOO
@attentionlabel 3 года назад
This is my favourite Dundo video.
@yoface377 3 года назад
the sly cooper background music did wonders to my soul, thank you dunkey
@RaisinBagelz 3 года назад
*"There's a big guy that comes outta the thing, and says "wHaT aRe Ya BuYiNg??"* - Bunkey, 2021 Colorized
@M.A.R.S. 3 года назад
His name is clearly dundo
@nobleradical2158 3 года назад
Dunkey, looking at the direct: "What are ya sellin'?"
@RaisinBagelz 3 года назад
@@M.A.R.S. shut up planet with dots between the letters.
@kucingtigers 3 года назад
Bunkey is best gamer
@PSVitaat2am 3 года назад
I salute you
@blublurbagenmcgriddle8281 3 года назад
Wow, I can't believe Reggie just awarded Dinogunther the game of the year award without it even existing!! Such a great game, congrats to Naughty Dog!
@BraveMoji 3 года назад
But it doesn’t Evan compare to knack, exclusively on the Xbox 360
@rachel14081408 3 года назад
That sly cooper soundtrack takes me back to the glory days
@hestia3307 3 года назад
B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X-..❤️⤵️ livegirls19. com !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,.💖🖤 在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。.說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味食物煮的時候 1618744873
@ralphdanieljacob7155 3 года назад
I lost count how many asthma attacks dunkey caused me from too much laughing
@carsonrusyniak8275 3 года назад
In Dino Gunther you play as hunther and hunt down the possibility’s of having good games at state of plays
@chaoshua9793 3 года назад
FromSoft: "These guys are going berserk" 👀
@andreisova3271 3 года назад
Dunkey berserk fan??
@ChryI 3 года назад
imagine a Berserk game by them
@codybulluss1987 3 года назад
@@ChryI Honestly, I think Fromsoft's story telling and gameplay is a bit too weird to give the players a visceral, adrenaline-fueled Berserk game.
@blicleak1101 3 года назад
@@codybulluss1987 blasphem
@KABLAMMATS 3 года назад
Miyazaki loves berserk and feet.jpg
@JigolOwO 3 года назад
the sly cooper and jak & daxter tracks in this vid really just hit different
@WhateverIwannaupload 3 года назад
This makes so much sense to adapt all the new techniques and technology to go back to the old games. Reboots are where it’s at with maybe more added things for the story plot line.
@JesusMcPleasus 3 года назад
I haven't played Gran Turismo for years and the "License Test Failed" song at the end still made me rage.
@galliman123 3 года назад
@JuanJimenez. 3 года назад
No for real though, i spent so many hours on that when i was still in elementary school that i rage quitted doing licenses and played NFS instead.
@mintyeye1203 3 года назад
I’m still waiting on the Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze direct. You should review that game instead.
@asomedu1385 3 года назад
You guys have donkey Kong frozen ape??
@Mutantvine 3 года назад
Ever the persistent one I see
@charlieheath943 3 года назад
Don't worry, it's 50$. Incredible
@SouperSharked9000 3 года назад
@@asomedu1385 We do, and we’re selling it for $60 plus tax
@nicholassimonelli2075 3 года назад
@@SouperSharked9000 50 DOLLARS?!
@MacGolfball 2 года назад
I really unironically want to play dino gunther
@therorschachimperative1605 3 года назад
Glad Dunkey is finally giving project rectangle the respect it deserves
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