
What Happened to Jedi if they FAILED to Become Padawans 

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@twalls792 3 года назад
They get sent to a space farm where everyone frolic around
@geetslys 3 года назад
It's up-galaxy!
@jango4289 3 года назад
@michaelandreipalon359 3 года назад
@@geetslys So, Geetsly's, why did you pick footage from The Force Unleashed for the PS2/Wii rather than the PS3/Wii U?
@michaelandreipalon359 3 года назад
@@geetslys Also, are you going to do a video about 7:27 eventually?
@michaelandreipalon359 3 года назад
@David Jackson Great, another "grandma farm" conundrum...
@rangerleaf1505 3 года назад
Jedi be like: Step 1: take the child Step 2: train child Step 3: make child jedi Step 4: Repeat And of they fail Fuck em
@Methyll 3 года назад
Then Sith comes Step 1: Take the Drop out Step 2: encourage the emo feelings Step 3: give partial training Step 4: Make them think they are sith Step 5: repeat And when they Fail They ain't really sith double the rejection!!
@thatdude1435 3 года назад
@@Methyll double the 'fuck em'
@jasperreyes5174 3 года назад
That's how you get the Night Sisters, Jensaarai and the Fel Empire Knights...
@steve8610 3 года назад
@@jasperreyes5174 It's worth keeping in mind; Allya was either (in Legends) a Jedi Knight who, for whatever reasons, was sent to a Republic prison colony on Dathomir, or (in Canon) a semi-mythological figure in Dathomirian history (there is debate over whether she was real or a fabricated Arthurian-esque character). She wasn't set loose, she was jailed. Although she did evidently convert the other female prisoners (proto-Dathomiri), it wasn't like the Jedi just set her loose on the galaxy. _____ Jensaarai weren't Jedi exiles, they were the result of one wackjob Jedi named Tyrus stealing a bunch of Jedi and Sith manuscripts, running off to parts unknown, and threw together a new order from the Frankenstein Jedi/Sith teachings he'd hobbled together. It is worth keeping in mind that he went looney from those mixed teachings. _____ The Imperial Knights were an institution created from scratch by the Fel Empire, a successor state (one of many, but by far the most successful and longevous) to the Galactic Empire. They had absolutely no connection to the Jedi Order, aside from the first empress almost certainly being Jaina Solo (a very-much *not* fallen Jedi Knight), had significantly different teachings, obligations, creeds and purposes.
@schizophreniagaming1187 3 года назад
awww yeah, a free meal!
@daniel-zh9nj6yn6y 3 года назад
I'm the type of guy who would fail on purpose, just to be sent to the Librarian Corps. Spending all day in a building full of knowledge, that's not punishment, that's a dream come true.
@Bird_Dog00 3 года назад
I don't think you'd have to fail on purpose. Just tell the Jedi that's what you think your calling is, and they will probably let you transfer voluntarily.
@ismata3274 3 года назад
other cores are very good too. much much more preferable than bodyguarding the politicians. not saying that work is bad. its a very honorable duty. but education, agriculture (basically being able to eat and feed), frontier patrol/research, medical work are definitely not!!! punishments. to me, listening tax disputes is. can turn me straight to the dark side asap. however, archeology, thats life.
@generalyido 3 года назад
I would copy the artifacts' texts and sell them on black market
@daniel-zh9nj6yn6y 3 года назад
@@generalyido that's not very light side of you :)
@generalyido 3 года назад
@@daniel-zh9nj6yn6y I'm holding the light of information and intelligence to others and get money out of it. That's good enough I guess.
@The_Moe_Szyslak_Exp_feat_Homer 3 года назад
In, my head-canon, I like to believe that the Council of Reassisgnment Tower has literally become a dark side nexus in itself. All the sorrow, pain, loneliness and anger would literally linger around its walls... and any youngling that walks into the room would instantly be exposed to the dark side of the force, creating a negative feedback loop. It's the place where tens of thousands of kids go to have their dreams broken, be told that they are worthless and unloved. Failing the trials would be the moment your reality as a Jedi changes from "family" to "meat droid". They go in on conveyor belts to be reasigned for spare parts by a Council of Droids, who give you the same rehearsed speech they've given to hundreds before, while all you are allowed to do is stand and repeat "yes master". You don't even get a say in which corp to go to, or any hope to become a respectable Jedi through any path besides the "knight". The room itself would be a powerful nexus of the dark side. The fact that the Jedi would allow this to exist would show the complete perversion and corruption of the entire Jedi Order before their fall. They would ignore the presence of the dark side around them and blame it on the younglings, ignoring the fact that they are putting them through an immense danger and trial when they are already in a vulnerable state. So stuck in their ways that they ignore that they are sitting in a shady room where you can barely see through the dark side fog. All they really needed to do was show that there are other paths to being a great Jedi besides a Knight. And not just with bogus empty words, what they should have done was give corps members representation on the High Council. All younglings should have been given the hope that "ok, so I don't actually have to be a knight. I can still be a Scholar or Healer and even end up on the High Council if I'm good!" Problem solved. But nah, if you're not good at killing and shit, no soup for you! And just the idea of a tournament deciding if you're a good Jedi sounds extremly Sith to me honestly. Shouldn't they be trying to determine the will of the force by something more spiritual and individual? A combat tournament is literally the most barbaric basic shit you could think of.
@encyclogeekia1865 2 года назад
That’s a brilliantly articulated thought. It’s genuinely fascinating how corrupt the Order became while still firm in their belief that they were the ‘good guys.’ Honestly that’s a Shakespearean tragedy waiting to happen. A child, taken from their home and raised in a cultish environment, told their whole life that their whole purpose is to reach greatness by becoming a Knight, only to be unceremoniously abandoned when they prove to be imperfect. With no way to become a hero, they decide to fulfill their purpose by becoming a villain. After it doesn’t matter what you do, as long as people call you ‘great’.
@lampoilropebombs0640 2 года назад
This is the state which Jedi served in which they have an order 66 before Palpatine was born, was easily taken advantage of by him, was ran by filthy capitalists who can even invade planets, and generally forgot how to politics. If they hired better people you would think that Palpatine would be arrested, or never have emerged as a dark lord.
@lampoilropebombs0640 2 года назад
But yeah, even George Lucas believed at first that ANH will be a flop, and it turns out it didn’t, so they have to build up a logical system upon a base that didn’t even try to be logical.
@maltt8715 2 года назад
I usually hate "head-canons" but I really like this,the council went out of its way to "prop up" the re-assignment core but it had to be an unspoken rule that those who weren't Knights were seen as inferior by the knights and the padawans who were sent there. In the Jedi book each core has a note about how the cores should take pride and try to be humble.
@user-nm1lx8qb3u 2 года назад
How come when I went into this it says, "4 replies" but when I actually LOOK it only shows me 3? Also, PERFECT headcanon by the way!
@cyborg_ninja2595 3 года назад
Imagine getting kidnapped by an order of space wizards, taken from your parents, only to be booted out with no idea what to do next, let alone the rest of your life. You’d think the least they could do if they’re gonna kick you out of the order is to point you in the direction of your parents/relatives, that way if you had people in your life you might not be as tempted to join the dark side, (I have been informed that the Jedi didn’t always take the children against parents wishes, I’m just too lazy to rewrite the paragraph doods.)
@ramarblood7697 3 года назад
Well, you atleast got taught cool force powers, and they do give you compensation.
@cyborg_ninja2595 3 года назад
Yeah, at least they have that. I sorta forgot about that bit. :P
@jimmyjohn6504 3 года назад
@@cyborg_ninja2595 maybe that's what you failed at.
@harrambou9468 3 года назад
I mean they didn’t kidnap them but who’s counting
@cyborg_ninja2595 3 года назад
@@harrambou9468 They did often take the force sensitive when they were an infant regardless of what the parent(s) wanted.
@Mgauge 3 года назад
I want to see some stories about these washouts that stayed with the order. Especially the exploration corps.
@SonicSanctuary 3 года назад
I'm with this guy.
@ENCHANTMEN_ 3 года назад
imagine sending specialists to find your artifacts instead of sending your acolytes into deadly tombs to see who comes back alive this post brought to you by the sith empire
@mas2487 3 года назад
While watching this video it got me thinking what if Cal found one of these washouts in fallen order 2? Like a 14yr old that failed the initiate trials
@daniel-zh9nj6yn6y 3 года назад
Not from Disney.
@raijyn2452 3 года назад
Coming this fall: Star Wars Jedi Washouts
@questionmark05 3 года назад
Lyra erso has a Khyber crystal, dresses like a Jedi, believes in the force, met galen on an expedition and ends up as a farmer. Was lyra a failed padawan?
@fissilepear7805 3 года назад
It would make for some great storytelling if that’s looked into. My only doubt is that because she was in the system as a Jedi, the republic and thus the empire would’ve known of her existence and would’ve identified her seeing her around Galen.
@Hummingbirdzah 3 года назад
A good question for another time🤓🤓😉😉
@Jack-Hands 3 года назад
I read somewhere that she was initially conceived as an order 66 survivor. But this was dropped somewhere along the line. Probably to make the Jedi less important in the story of rogue one. Seeing how much was still retained, it was dropped quite lately in development.
@brynstarkiller7419 3 года назад
She was supposed to be an order 66 survivor but it was left unsaid in the movie and book . Cool if it turns out to be true
@generalyido 3 года назад
@inquisitorgarza312 3 года назад
Most fail Jedi padawans just become support for actual Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters. There both the agricultural core, medical care, and the exploration core. All these non-combat aspects for Jedi Padawans are absolutely vital for all of the Order.
@TheViolinMan19 3 года назад
Probably a Brothel core too. They could have had a breeding program
@willhyde5026 3 года назад
@@TheViolinMan19 No, just no. Jedi might take children practically at bird, but they didn't make underage kids mess around with each other to produce offspring. Brothel core sounds like a Sith thing
@ikrIkarus 3 года назад
One didn't have to be a Knight to become a Master, one example being Jocasta Nu who even had a seat on the High Council.
@TheViolinMan19 3 года назад
@@willhyde5026 Jedi kidnapped infants. I’m not saying they made underage kids mess around with each other. Just that there was an 18+ core for stress relief for master Yoda
@Allronix 3 года назад
@@TheViolinMan19 Nah. But it looks like Agricorps were encouraged to marry to populate the planets they were stationed at (Kreia's line about "failed apprentices seeding Telos with farmers"). Given Sensitivity runs in families? This would be a softer way to keep track of Sensitive bloodlines and get breeding stock
@superomegaprimemk2 3 года назад
I'm beginning to see why the Jedi order had to fall, it appears that the order had lost sight of the difference between right and wrong and a fundamental truth is that they were creating their own worse enemies by kicking them out of the order instead of encouraging them to keep trying to prove themselves worthy of becoming Knights!
@codename1176 3 года назад
Yeah the sentinel core should have been were the washouts were sent to become craftsmen
@kingnamor7777 2 года назад
@@codename1176 I agree the Jedi Corps should be a career choice. Chosen by the individuals desired goals. Not by someone forcing their destiny upon another. Without any say on the matter. Another reason why the Jedi order is flawed on how they manage their organization.
@RedXlV Год назад
I mean sure, some people would just clearly not have what it takes to be a Knight. But "you have to be chosen as a Padawan while still a teenager or else you get sent to be a farmer" is stupid.
@daniel-zh9nj6yn6y 3 года назад
The Jedi AgriCorps: ''It's not much, but it's honest work.''
@donkeyhobo34 3 года назад
Why are you gay
@acreativeeccentric.9312 3 года назад
@@donkeyhobo34 why are you closeted?
@donkeyhobo34 3 года назад
@@acreativeeccentric.9312 I'm super straight. It's a orientation now. Don't be heterophobe
@acreativeeccentric.9312 3 года назад
@@donkeyhobo34 “super straight” ok brub.
@samuelbishop3316 3 года назад
@@acreativeeccentric.9312 Apprently its a thing now after people began trying to ostracize people for not being attracted to people identifying themselves as Trans.
@Hinokassaudifan1 3 года назад
Like a disappointed dad, they'll disown them and leave them to fend for themselves.
@wizard_of_poz4413 3 года назад
Daddy issues ftw
@paperexplain9342 3 года назад
what FTW mean
@CoolMyron 3 года назад
@@paperexplain9342 for the win
@paperexplain9342 3 года назад
@@CoolMyron thanks
@lolstalgic9602 3 года назад
@@paperexplain9342 It means Fuck the World
@flippyj3608 3 года назад
They were Sent to the Chilean gold mines
@geetslys 3 года назад
@jango4289 3 года назад
@piercepayumo4212 3 года назад
They kicked out and soon they became darksiders. Then the jedi would kill them eventually.
@geetslys 3 года назад
Good leadership.
@Pearg0ld 3 года назад
Gotta beat 'em while they're young, Anakin knew what to do
@jango4289 3 года назад
kinda sad
@iaf010 3 года назад
So they got kidnapped / taken from their parents, trained to be Jedis when they didnt ask for it and then told that they weren't "good enough" and discarded? The Sith couldn't have done any better...
@marisolflor5608 3 года назад
@MCMonsterbuilder 3 года назад
The service corps seem like a much better place to me than actually being a jedi knight, especially the explorers. Ngl I'd rather be an explorer or in the edu corps than a jedi knight.
@slimetank394 3 года назад
Yeah, if you think about it, these corps sounds like way better options. You can choose an exciting adventurous life, enjoying a peaceful life as a magic farmer, actively being a magical healer and help thousands of people, or just shut yourself in, enjoying knowledge from millions of books and records gathered for million of years. You don't even need to go through a job interview for these jobs, the Order gonna set up almost everything for you then train you for the task as well. All you get from becoming actual Jedi is being trained to throw your life away for a better cause (no love, no attachment, no emotions), and some cool laser swords techniques i guess. (Well, you learn about the force too but I'm not too fond of religious studies so meh)
@saphiriathebluedragonknight375 2 года назад
@@slimetank394 Being a Knight during peace time would be so boring. Exploration Corp for me.
@badgamemaster 3 года назад
Really sad that we didn't see the corps in the clone wars series
@emperorpawpateen.9992 3 года назад
My corps, your corps, our corps, the moron corps.
@manuelbello5806 5 месяцев назад
The med corps appear, Rig Nema in the halls of healing
@manuelbello5806 5 месяцев назад
Jedi med corps appears, watch the video
@rhx8902 3 года назад
Imagine getting "adopted" by some space wizard cult and then getting kicked out from the only place you can home without any practical skill or knowledge to live in the normal society. No wonder most turn to the dark side to fend for them self.
@oni64fierce73 2 года назад
I wonder what would have happened if someone excelled in combat and force, but failed in the test of spirit. What would happen to them, because they are not harmless. Could they become a Exar Kun knockoffs.
@rhx8902 2 года назад
@@oni64fierce73 they probably kick them out from the Order, wait for 3 year or until they fall into the dark side, and send a Jedi Master to dispose of them. Or atleast that's my impression from some of the extended universe materials on the prequel era.
@oni64fierce73 2 года назад
@@rhx8902 Seems right if I got kicked out I would go searching for the lost tribe of the sith or the sorcerer's of tund and join them.
@Trollo_Swaggins 3 года назад
I’d actually find being part of the Exploration Corp more interesting than being a knights
@MeganBennettBurks 3 года назад
Me too, I think as soon as I heard about them I would have lost all interest in the Knights and tried to join them instead. Sounds like Starfleet meets Indiana Jones but with space wizards.
@BillRoyMcBill 2 года назад
Somebody's got to clean the toilets and wash the dishes for the Jedi commander and officers in charge...a 'failed' student should consider themselves fortunate to be allowed to continue to serve.
@saphiriathebluedragonknight375 2 года назад
I'd be like "Where do I sign up?" I love exploring!
@michadmochowski1246 3 года назад
I cannot think about worse humiliation for a jedi than to be forced to become a farmer
@geetslys 3 года назад
"Farming? Really? A man of your talents?"
@theguybehindyou4762 3 года назад
Ironically, they might become some of the most valued members of the Rebellion if they joined.
@Methyll 3 года назад
no wonder we don't hear much about them, to bitter to show their face, And if they became sith wannabee and still fail but somehow survive, too embarrass to show their face in public ever again
@donovanberserk4993 3 года назад
Kinda like a stem major working for minimum wage
@Rhouges81 3 года назад
Lol, if I become a padawan. I'll jump to become a farmer. Nothing beats watching your crop grows, with matching epic environment while sipping on your coffee. Good life.
@donnchamcdonnell7429 3 года назад
they aren't granted the rank of master
@brynstarkiller7419 3 года назад
It’s not fair
@toddkurzbard 3 года назад
"You want a side of fries or hash browns with that blue milk?"
@kyrusdrax2664 3 года назад
Dude the EduCorps is awesome. They probably could help disabled people learn easier too, especially if combined with a MedCorps healer that could figure out how their brain chemistry worked while learning.
@reiteration6273 3 года назад
TBH, all the service corps sound pretty cool in their own ways.
@scottshadbolt902 2 года назад
I think it'd be great to see stories of "washouts" who, like Ahsoka, went on to do good things. Mostly from older times, not necessarily clone wars era
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Год назад
I don't consider Ahsoka a washout. The Jedi Order failed her, not the other way round. She was offered a chance to return, the ordeal she went through even considered a final trial to being knighted, but she chose to walk away.
@scottshadbolt902 Год назад
@@berniethekiwidragon4382 I didn't mean Ashoka was a washout. I meant that I'd like to see washouts, who went on to do good things like she did.
@berniethekiwidragon4382 Год назад
@@scottshadbolt902 It would be interesting to see what they get up to.
@arielortiz5643 3 года назад
For a religion that preaches empathy for living beings, the way they treat the ones that fail the trials is so cruel. This is the kind of thing that the prequels should have shown more so Anakin's turn to the darkside felt more real and justified.
@nikolo-cn7ee 3 года назад
“I seen through the lies of the Jedi” Probably Anakin
@2Based23 3 года назад
Lol the sith outright killed them it seems right for those who failed to have the chance to either help the Jedi Order in a smaller role or just make their own way in the galaxay, it's actually really humane.
@shorewall 3 года назад
@@2Based23 Yeah, what else can you do with them?
@comradekenobi6908 3 года назад
@@2Based23 but they'll probably hold a grudge on the Jedi, afterall a group who took random children at a very young age far away from their parents, is kinda a dick move,
@2Based23 3 года назад
@@comradekenobi6908 No it isn't the jedi didn't steal the children they only take them if their parents agree and most parents in the star wars galaxy consider it a great honor to have one of their own in the jedi order.
@Methyll 3 года назад
lol kicking them out is a stupid resolution most of these have no families to go back since many were taken at a super young age, with very few even remember their own parents, what the F are they suppose to go back to? its like getting disown by your parents because you are a disappointment
@steve8610 3 года назад
Just because they're inducted while children doesn't mean they don't have families to go back to. When Dooku left the Order, he basically had a throne waiting for him back home.
@thirdplanet4471 3 года назад
@@steve8610 That's Dooku though but not all jedi had the same luck as him
@slimetank394 2 года назад
@@steve8610 the thing is Dooku didn't leave the Order as a failure. He left as a formal Master. Imagine all the backlash and/or bullying a young initiate have to face if they have to return home because they were a failure according to the Order
@BillRoyMcBill 2 года назад
@@steve8610 That only works out if you're a young space prince or princess from a wealthy and high ranking family.
@leroyjenkins4811 3 года назад
Do initiates and Padawan who wash outs still use lightsabers if they don’t become full Knight? A Padawan or an initiate may have ended up in the various service corps, but I imagine a lot of them still had powerful combat abilities and skill with a blade. Some of them probably had strong force abilities and telekinesis powers. For some , it wouldn’t have been an issue of abilities with the force, but maybe becoming a Knight was incompatible with their personality and psychological states. For example, an initiate who had a very passive nature might not make a good front line Jedi. They still had Jedi training after all and were Knights in all but official name only.
@justicedunham4088 3 года назад
Also the fact that they could be completely competent and smiled, but there wasn’t enough knights or masters looking for an apprentice that year. Like with Luminara Unduli, members of her species could only be trained by another of their species.
@markuhler2664 3 года назад
You could probably justify any of the service corps to need combat/light saber training - explorer is easy, the unkown; meds in wartime when they are on the frontlines; even agri if an area/planet has dangerous beasties. Not sure on the limits of what the Force is allowed to do, but the last 2, if they learned enough could be potent warriors in the right conditions. If a med could "lay hands on you" & mess your organs up, or an agri causing wild animals to attack you after vines & bushes restrain you. [Edit - forgot about the Educorps. I have a couple of brothers to teach. They might need the best combat skills of all 😁]
@DeathIsLethal 3 года назад
idk, but in SWTOR, one of the questgivers on Tython is a failed jedi who's in one of the service corpses (I don't remember which one) and he carries a lightsaber at his side (in SWTOR, they use practice blades instead of practice lightsabers so it's probably not that). Obviously this could've just been an oversight by the devs, but maybe they do have lightsabers. Although, it could also just be dependent on if they passed that one trial where they collect a kyber crystal to make a lightsaber. If a jedi washout has already made their own lightsaber, they can keep it, otherwise they're probs given a practice lightsaber instead.
@ikrIkarus 3 года назад
Well yes, once they build their first lightsaber they get to keep it, and that happens somewhere during the youngling stage. I don't know if the same applies for dropouts, probably not for outcasts. Like they are all techincally Jedi and a Lightsaber is an integral part of that. One example would be Jocasta Nu, the chief librarian of the Jedi archive.
@elahdivad3433 3 года назад
Jocasta Nu was a master though.
@Typhoonfloyd 3 года назад
Tbh exploring the galaxy instead of playing good and evil with some sickos is actually sounds more fun. I dunno maybe i should try to join Star trek rather than star wars lol
@erikrungemadsen2081 3 года назад
Eff that, take your prescience to the stock exchange, "I feel a tremor in the force, like billions of credits crying out my name in joy, Kuat Space yards are going up 34 % this week."
@Typhoonfloyd 3 года назад
@@erikrungemadsen2081 im thinking of investing in sithcoin, they say it's gonna keep growing.
@erikrungemadsen2081 3 года назад
@@Typhoonfloyd I heard they are inflation proof since there is allways two.
@Typhoonfloyd 3 года назад
@@erikrungemadsen2081 then it is not gonna be a moon, rather a battlestation. Which is nice.
@violetlight1548 3 года назад
"Welcome aboard the Enterprise. Counselor Troi has already booked you in for an appointment to deal with that Jedi rejection. Here in Starfleet, we actually work with our crewmembers to help them face their problems. On a completely unrelated note, the Holodeck's down the hall, to the left."
@CheshireShade 2 года назад
As someone who is passionate about Medicine and Healthcare, doesn't it seem odd that The Health Corp is grossly overlooked by the Star Wars Lore? Seems very strange considering that Jedi Knights are supposed to be ambassadors of peace and justice?
@rtms 3 года назад
I can’t believe they don’t have a technology or engineering core! How many would have benefited from the innovations of a gifted Jedi?
@kinocorner976 3 года назад
Jedi AgriCorps *Using the force to help and not hurt anyone* Jedi: “We don’t do that here.”
@TheTruthIsGonnaHurt 2 года назад
That awkward moment when your failed Padawan approaches your table and asks you your order at Dexter’s Diner.
@slicerneons3300 3 года назад
A Zoological division of the Exploration Corps appeals to me. Xenobiology is an awesome field of science.
@michaelandreipalon359 3 года назад
A Mass Effect-esque Star Wars game with them as the main group could be a nice idea.
@starwarsandmore7327 3 года назад
They didn’t meet master skywalker
@geetslys 3 года назад
Well, those were younglings and not padawans.
@starwarsandmore7327 3 года назад
@@geetslys are you threatening me. I would have you know that I am the senate and I am never wrong you Jedi fool
@floricel_112 3 года назад
@@starwarsandmore7327 not. Yet!
@starwarsandmore7327 3 года назад
@@floricel_112 It’s treason then. ‘Ignites lightsaber’
@tHeWasTeDYouTh 3 года назад
3:12 that is actually GREAT. You can use the force and can literally use it for your benefit in the civilian world. You can become rich through the force or even get girls. I would want to be politely told to leave the order with the knowledge of the force.
@derektoews5586 2 года назад
From what I heard, many of the Agricorps members joined Sidious after Order 66. Some were rumoured to have become the Imperial Shadow Guards, while one by the name of Sarcev Quest become an Emperor's Hand posing as his advisor. Still others were Inquisitors in Legends.
@KossolaxtheForesworn 2 года назад
is it any surprise they would carry animosity towards the jedi order. they were kidnapped from their families and then forced to learn the ways of the jedi, only for reason or another either fail in their eyes or not be chosen as padawans. and they then send them to some backwater agriworld to be a farmer for the whole galaxy. to be bitter and resentful would be an understatement, and Im sure the jedi really rubbed in how big of a fuck up these failed ones were. they know how to do that.
@derektoews5586 2 года назад
@@KossolaxtheForesworn Yeah, seriously.
@noahleonard2481 3 года назад
“There were a lot of Jedi padawans that never got the chance to become knights.” Laughs in Operation Nightfall
@WalrusWinking 3 года назад
Imagine being taken against your will as a child, brainwashed, and then promptly thrown out because you "weren't good enough" just to become a farmer for the very order that threw you out in the first place.
@BillRoyMcBill 2 года назад
A life of forced labor, and indentured servitude as a farm slave.
@williamblazkowicz5587 2 года назад
@@BillRoyMcBill fuck that, DS time.
@toresanderify 3 года назад
A book about a Jedi washout joining the explanation core would be soo cool!
@latitude87 3 года назад
I remember reading the story about obi-wan wasn't initially selected as qui gons padawan and was shipped off to the agricore, ended up in escapades against qui gons fallen apprentice and then eventually becoming a padawan. Good books
@Straswa 3 года назад
Great vid, I remember reading the Jedi Apprentice books. Obi-wan nearly became part of the AgriCorp until Qui-Gon finally took him under his wing. Good of you to mention Xanatos, Qui-Gon was lamenting Xantatos' fall to the dark side, that's the reason he initially refused to train Obi-wan. Then we can't forget time when Obi-wan temporarily gave up his Jedi studies to help the Young on Melida/Daan. Of course Obi-Wan did later come to his senses and return to Qui-Gon's side.
@EdaugEthanbYT 3 года назад
I know! I know! They become Darth Maul
@geetslys 3 года назад
Maul was raised a Sith.
@EdaugEthanbYT 3 года назад
@@geetslys I know but like Maul they become weak tools or simply toys of Palpatine
@jango4289 3 года назад
@eddieb5452 3 года назад
@wizard_of_poz4413 3 года назад
Maul was a bastard baby that was fostered to palpatine while he was an apprentice
@ahmedshaharyarejaz9886 3 года назад
If any Jedi survived Order 66 then they were probably members of the Exploration Corps I think. I hope we see some in the future.
@demonkingbadger6689 3 года назад
Me: so, i am a washout, because i suck at building things and put my lightsaber together with duct tape. Also me: hey, sith, give me a lightsaber and i will join up.
@ramarblood7697 3 года назад
Also you: *Gets killed or/and brutally tortured for being to weak during training.*
@troybishop174 3 года назад
Cheers for mentioning Xanatos, he seemed to have disappeared over the years
@Chris-mm9br 3 года назад
Dude, you make these videos so often it is incredible. How do you do it? You must have so much Star Wars knowledge in your brain.
@samchris3793 2 года назад
But Rian , a Jedi never gives up. He always finds a way round things.
@bencrispe9562 3 года назад
I suppose it would seem like a punishment to most Jedi washouts to be sent to Agri-corps. Most would be at the age where they lack the perspective to understand that they make more change and get more done than most trained Jedi Knights. Also, they might not realize the implications of using the force to promote plants to grow better is a power that the Dark Side of the Force could never hope to offer to even its most fanatical followers.
@MrTrubbol 3 года назад
I've noticed there has not really been any videos about Xanatos, and I think that'd be juicy, considering his close relation go Quigon and Obi wan
@falcodante1114 3 года назад
So, if you dont fuck up competeley, worst that can happen is that you don't become a warrior. That seems okay
@willhyde5026 3 года назад
Dude, send me to the librarian core, I'd happily work there during the day and better my skills in the evenings privately with the knowledge I'd acquire
@tetraxis3011 Год назад
Who could have thought that releasing frustrated kids with magic powers into the galaxy with 0 guidance could have been dangerous.
@wickerbotterthewizard707 3 года назад
It might be a bit to leaning on prescience when thinking about what kind of Jedi you would like to be (but then again, what is a Jedi if not a minor prophet) I would likely want to be in the education corp if I was a force sensitive recruit in the Jedi order. This is good for a few reasons being, you would likely know how the Jedi records work and if you recognized the threat of Order 66 you might be able to evade the Empire's search for force sensitives, and if you become a prominent part of an education community there's a decent chance that using your connections could grant some asylum or new identity. Additionally if you're busy being a teacher or a student you're not hanging around lots of clones while Order 66 is active and if there was a big clone presence they're probably busy hunting the actual Jedi Knights and Padawans. It would probably be best to find somewhere secluded since the Inquisition would have a good chance of finding rogue jedi on Imperial worlds. And if I had to be expelled from the academy, it would be because I called out the council about how the terrible practices of the Jedi are unethical and that they shouldn't recruit actual children to become child soldiers in a war.
@erikrungemadsen2081 3 года назад
"How did you survive the Jedi purge?" "I tought interplanetary tax law and accounting for 25 years!" "Ohh by the force you might as well had died." "Palpatine said the the same thing when he discovered i allready had tenure, he could not find anyone that wanted my job."
@sammiegirl883 2 года назад
Doesn’t look like there’s anything to be ashamed of for being a “washout”. Seems like they have fulfilling lives. I would love to use the force to grow plants, care for animals or heal others.
@Thomas-oe4io 3 года назад
This is the fastest ive ever gotten to one of your vids. 👍👍👍👍 commenting for the algorithm and great vids!!
@geetslys 3 года назад
@rlswiss7518 3 года назад
Ahsoka was appointed to Skywalker, not chosen. Now I wonder if she failed the test or if just none ofe Jedi there chose her.
@saphiriathebluedragonknight375 2 года назад
It was Yoda and Obi-wan's idea to give Anakin a Padawan. They probably just thought Ahsoka would be a good fit. If Anakin hadn't gotten her Plo-koon likely would have taken her.
@ixiahj 3 года назад
Looks like failing can still be fulfilling. Imagine some recruit deliberately failing because they wanted to be an explorer or a doctor instead of a knight. Some punishment.
@ahel4523 3 года назад
People make it seem like the support cores didn't see combat at all though. Even the Agricore had some gifted combatants in it that just didn't really stand out on the selection trials. I believe one of the inquisitors came from the agricore because he managed to get past Vader's physical defences and shut of Vader's respirator.
@andrewdbeach 3 года назад
More content on the Jedi sentinels would be really nice.
@BEANSNOHELPME 3 года назад
Great video, may the force be with you!
@willflint5014 3 года назад
Could you cover the daily life of the initiate/padawan? The latter covering when not in combat, etc. Things like temple life, recreational activities, life outside the temple, etc.
@Murgoh 3 года назад
Yes, one would think simply kicking out the failed ones would be extremely dangerous as they would still probably be very force-sensitive having been selected for the training in the first place and would hold a grudge against the jedi for being taken in by the order as babies, raised believing they would be jedi some day and then simply told they were inadequte and left on their own when the only life they really knew was that of the jedi. They would indeed be prime material for the sith to recruit or to become super villains on their own as I'd assume there were other reasons to fail the tests than simply not being strong enough in the force and many of those reasons might be ones that, while unfit for a jedi, wouldn't prevent one from becoming a powerful sith. So it would be much wiser to give them some honorable job within the order where they could be kept an eye on.
@lebaguette3354 2 года назад
How’d the purge affect the other corps of the order? I assume they were also killed but I don’t know for sure
@maltt8715 2 года назад
Imagine youre a jedi without any combat training on a farm surrounded by about 20 clones. Thats how it went.
@TheGoodLuc Год назад
@@maltt8715 Or converted into dark side adepts.
@silverchairsg 7 месяцев назад
I imagine during the Clone Wars, some smart apprentices deliberately failed their tests so they would get sent to the four corps instead of being promoted and sent to fight in the war.
@MaliciousMallard 3 года назад
What about a video on the life story of Aayla Secura?
@wedgeantillies66 3 месяца назад
Have to say that out of the various Jedi service corps branches available, best one to be a part of by time of order 66. Would be the exploration corps as by searching out new routes and undiscovered planets and hyperspace lanes they be away from the main action and more able to react to the massacre without getting caught out by surprise.
@simonkatz3779 3 года назад
I'm pretty sure the answer to this is yes, but when order 66 dropped were the members of these corps also targeted?
@minisarge2619 3 года назад
Just asked this myself, that seems to be the general consensus. The wookiepedia article only mentions the knights, though
@simonkatz3779 3 года назад
@@minisarge2619 it would make sense, especially for those in the temple or operating near the clones such as the librarians or the healers, but others like the grow ops perhaps had a different story. Would be interesting to explore although it's pretty easy to assume they were also killed.
@CoolMyron 3 года назад
They were Jedi so yeah i would say so. Plus the Empire wanted all force users dead
@simonkatz3779 3 года назад
@@CoolMyron I mean the inquisitors are proof to the contrary that the empire wanted *all* force users dead but still: how shitty it must've been to be shot in the back by someone you thought was you did do anything besides grow some dank ass crop your entire life.
@CoolMyron 3 года назад
@@simonkatz3779 XD I would assume they did more than that. But yeah, pretty sad
@TheDaltonius 3 года назад
Me: oh no I failed The council: go play farming simulator, eternally.
@warcraftdude13 2 года назад
*Jedi Agri corps:* Located in sector 420 Priority: EXTREMELY HIGH
@nicholasgoodfellow5774 3 года назад
If there is a dark force nexus under the jedi temple corrupting it, then why doesn't the force nexus itself suffer corruption from the light side activities?
@smoothshredder 2 года назад
How messed up is that. Taken from your parents at a very young age and then asked to leave.
@adamwelcher4686 Месяц назад
That is how the Jedi order turns innocent children into their slaves before killing them at the end of their service.
@michaelandreipalon359 3 года назад
Man, that's a lot of callbacks from the MedStar duology, The Courtship of Princess Leia, and a lot of young adult novels. Still, hope Luke's New Jedi Order gives these poor sods more equality and parity.
@Cure-Skywalker 2 года назад
Jedi Order: We preach peace and harmony with the force. Also the Jedi Order: Ew this child can't even kill things. Dump them in the farm or something.
@azers8298 11 месяцев назад
If you don’t study seriously, you’ll become a doctor, a druid, an explorer or you’ll chill in a library If you study hard you’ll be a monk and sometime a cop.
@eltipobigotudo2162 3 года назад
0:35 The....the nostalgia!!!
@Ujuani68 3 года назад
5:15: The Jedi DEFINITELY need more SOUL in their medical facilities! Plants, holos of the most beautiful worlds of the Galaxy, etc...
@googesowders2758 2 года назад
In one novel Kenobi almost failed. And would have been sent to a farm division of the Order. So one of the all time greats almost fell through the cracks. I'm pretty sure if I had been a Padawan, I'd been down on the farm pickin beans .lol
@iceman5882 3 года назад
Being medi co would be much more advantegous than being knight and cooler power
@nicocatalano5807 3 года назад
Thank you for always putting out awesome content my guy
@fyreborneblu6706 3 года назад
My fellow degenerates will only understand this They become egg incubation stock for the geonosian queen
@Lankycaptain 3 года назад
For a moment I thought the Title was what if the Younglings Fought back lol
@cesargonzalez4146 3 года назад
The Service Corps looks like a much better place than the front line militant corp.
@liamwalton3469 2 года назад
We need a Star Wars game where you can create a Jedi academy and search the galaxy for force sensitives and train padawans in the force.
@admiralfishchipsman573 3 года назад
you ever wonder how the Jedi got their food it's a 8 letter word that starts with a p and ends with an s
@geetslys 3 года назад
"Padawans" is only 8 letters.
@soluslupus8383 3 года назад
I had to sit down and spell out padawans several times lol .
@admiralfishchipsman573 3 года назад
I was expecting something funny but no no no no no I can't have that it's just how I missed one thing in the word Padawan
@mistersandwich0034 Год назад
so to conclude jedi knights: gryfindor agricorp and medical corp: hufflepuffs explorations: ravenclaw jedi washouts: slytherin
@josephkim9944 3 года назад
Video idea: what happened to everyone in the other corps (not knights) following order 66?
@akihikosakurai4013 2 года назад
Every time a Jedi gets booted from the order must be a field day for sith recruiters
@benvalle8253 3 года назад
Love to hear more about the trials.
@jdogdarkness 3 года назад
very interesting. I am certainly interested in other jedi policy type things
@gabriellaburke6915 2 года назад
I think Dathomire (or however it is spelled) is especially fascinating. Does this channel have any videos regarding the planet and topics relating to it?
@GrimgoreIronhide 2 года назад
Whipped half to death, then fed to dogs.
@Forsworcen Год назад
I wonder if you were allowed to refuse full Jedi knight status if say, becoming a researcher in the explorers corp appealed to you more
@Chill6063 2 года назад
Fuck that, if I failed I'd just become a bounty hunter. With the force skills I'd have I'd be a good shot I guess.
@reyvillegasjr166 10 месяцев назад
Luke would've hated the agricorp 😂😆 "com on younglings we're gonna farm with the force" 😱😵🤯🧐🤔😵‍💫😵😳
@Alias_Anybody 2 года назад
I think people here really make the corps sound magnitudes worse than they'd most likely be. As prestigious as the Knights? No, but let's say members of the the Agri corps most likely talked with locals in the morning, spend half of the day in nature, had coffee at 5 and banged exotic space babes in the evening, while the "real" Jedi were out protecting some 150yo senator or crawling through sewer pipes for an undercover operation. Less critical doesn't mean less pleasant.
@stabothegremlin 3 года назад
@stevenbaumann5911 2 года назад
I honestly wouldn't blame those who were forcefully kicked out for turning to the dark side. If any Jedi were kicked out prior to the Clone Wars, I think they might have been grateful.
@neilstone4529 2 года назад
I figured if a Padawan never became a knight then just stayed a Padawan forever
@evilcartmensolo7198 2 года назад
Even if they passed the trials just imagine you are about to be too old to join master but there are just no masters around cause training padawans was about 10 to 15 years so you get booted to raising crops after you ripped from your home and family with the promise of becoming a jedi
@SVKTed 3 года назад
Jedi washouts becoming teachers. And now we know where was the main issue with the Jedi Order.
@kevingluys3063 2 года назад
They get sent to a farm upstate ... I mean they join the "Agricultural corps"
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