
What if Anakin Reached His Full Potential? 

Fantasy Folklore
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Hey guys, welcome back to the channel. Today's video discusses What if Anakin Reached His Full Potential? I hope you all enjoy and may the force be with you!
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17 апр 2023




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@FantasyFolklore Год назад
What do you think will happen???
@Tudor1903 Год назад
I think he will become a demigod😁😁
@bryanprime3438 Год назад
The reason Anakin lost his arm in the first place was because he was too arrogant. If he had trained as he did after he lost his arm to Dooku then he wouldn't have lost his arm in the first place. He thought he already rivaled Yoda as a swordsman yet was clearly too inexperienced
@MegaWubba_89 Год назад
What if… Bo-Katan Kryze raises/trained Rey as a Mandalorian Foundling/Nite Owl?
@MegaWubba_89 Год назад
What if… Hera Syndulla raises Finn with her son Jacen?
@MegaWubba_89 Год назад
What if… Han & Leia raises Poe Dameron with their son Ben Solo?
@trevorhogen7761 Год назад
I would love an alternate reality trilogy where Anakin doesn't turn. Bringing back Hayden, Ewan and Nataly for it. That would be epic!
@tmad9129 Год назад
It would be! Sadly it’ll never happen.
@rafaelcuenca9091 11 месяцев назад
They’re all to old
@holeeshi9959 11 месяцев назад
I prefer an alternate reality trilogy where Anakin turned fully to the dark side, became more powerful than Palpatine, sit as the Sith emperor, with Luke and Leia as his enforcers. and a plucky band of jedi trying to take on that empire.
@MattGilmourMusic 11 месяцев назад
@@holeeshi9959 sounds amazing lol
@xXS4mCr091Xx 11 месяцев назад
Yes Please!!
@DayvidGaming 11 месяцев назад
George Lucas said that Anakin’s full potential was *twice* the power of Sidious, meaning in this “what if” Anakin should have destroyed him faster.
@DALLama360 11 месяцев назад
@zacqueeentertainment7336 7 месяцев назад
@zackcross7190 Год назад
What if Anakin was creeped out by Palpatine?
@abstraction6212 11 месяцев назад
He already was.
@CheeseInTheOven 11 месяцев назад
What if anakin filed out a complaint report on palpatine
@zackcross7190 11 месяцев назад
@@CheeseInTheOven Mace reads report: If what you told me is true, you will have gained my trust.
@Elyseon 11 месяцев назад
"Why don't you take a seat over there? I have some questions for you."
@trugear5766 11 месяцев назад
​@@Elyseon I'm Chris Hanson
@padmeSkywalker Год назад
What if the Jedi cared about Anakin and helped him with his emotions
@danxuelu5574 11 месяцев назад
How ya alive
@padmeSkywalker 11 месяцев назад
@@danxuelu5574 I was resurrected The force have many abilities some considered to be unnatural
@TheTaco1727 11 месяцев назад
@@padmeSkywalker Lol, you are from the sequels right…. 😂
@padmeSkywalker 11 месяцев назад
@@TheTaco1727 negative How do you know if I’m really here And not just a force ghost 👀
@capitanaless1o493 11 месяцев назад
​@@padmeSkywalker only people strong with the force can become force ghosts once they die
@definiteg4909 11 месяцев назад
If Anakin finally caved and focused on his understanding of the force in the same fervor as his lightsaber training he would have power that rivals The Father (in my opinion)
@jamesteegardner2273 11 месяцев назад
I mean... he kind of does already have power on par with the father. He humbled both his children, and they're living avatars of the light and dark sides of the force.
@calebstephan2083 11 месяцев назад
​@@jamesteegardner2273 he only did so after having his potential temporarily unlocked. That scene only showed what Anakin would've been capable of if he reached his full potential. The planet they were on temporarily gave him access to his full power. If he reached his potential he would've literally become a force god.
@skyscrapermadness_0904 Год назад
What if Maul didn’t betray Ahsoka and Kanan on Malachor in Rebels and Joined the Rebellion?
@skorpion3993 Год назад
That’s a very good idea
@poppapalpatine7659 Год назад
He would have just tried to become leader or take Palpatines place
@okok-gj1hd 11 месяцев назад
@@poppapalpatine7659 that's the whole purpose of the what if? if he didnt wanna betray them and truly joined the rebellion then he'd be a great and most powerful ally as at that point only him and ahsoka were able to even come close to the power of Vader
@redace4821 11 месяцев назад
@@okok-gj1hd Imagine Maul and Ahsoka team up to fight Vader.
@okok-gj1hd 11 месяцев назад
@@redace4821 they get slammed but still they are the only 2 even close
@tysonlittlefield3200 7 месяцев назад
I always wanted to see a full potential Anakin mop the floor with Palpatine
@benjaminparker671 Год назад
What If Mace Windu went to Mandalore with Ahsoka
Oh man maul is dead man
@Tyler-fx7lq Год назад
this the best fan fic I've ever watched im cryin cause of how good it was.keep up the great work
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
I appreciate you watching :)
@epicz885 11 месяцев назад
well you're going to be disappointed
@Skui570 Год назад
man this story is so heart warming
@abekeddie Год назад
What if yoda killed palpatine
@claygundamzilla1312 Год назад
Already done by starwars theory.6YEARS AGO
@mrleaf18 Год назад
​@@claygundamzilla1312 but guess what? Not done by fantasy folklore.
@Ownavenger Год назад
@@mrleaf18 yea but he props doesn't want to see it
@Suppernotsuper Год назад
Palpatine would die and anakin would be left for dead
@DrClint-mn4uk Год назад
Hey I firmly believe that this could be a series or movie like how marvel has done with the alternate universes and now DC….I would absolutely watch and geek out
@cjhampton8470 11 месяцев назад
For Anakin’s to reach full potential Qui-Gon would have to live. I mean that’s the point of the Duel of the Fates.
@leershot3997 10 месяцев назад
Not necessarily. The potential that Anakin has is more based on the power of the force and the books that yoda gave him in this video give him that knowledge he needs to understand the force. Qui Gon would’ve only tought him the force
@luisandrade5500 Год назад
Yeah like I have always said Anakin should have been taught by all the high council members and trained as a Jedi sentinel in mixture of Jedi guardian for the physical and Jedi counselor mental all with the dark side teaching and Anakin would have been a true force to be reckoned with and true balance in the force
@Tudor1903 Год назад
Omg! Just finished! Def my fav "what if" you did a great job!
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
Yay! Thank you!
@Tudor1903 Год назад
@@FantasyFolklore I can def tell that you put a lot of work😁😁
@AncestorEmpireGaming Год назад
If Anakin reached his full potential: GM Luke Skywalker in the expanded universe.
@elfather2045 11 месяцев назад
Na Grand Master Luke could not match the ones, Anakin in Mortis using is full potential was capable of subdue both the avatar of the Light and Dark Side .
@AncestorEmpireGaming 11 месяцев назад
@@elfather2045 Disney canon version of GM Luke? Yes Expanded universe version of GM Luke Skywalker? Luke was Superman and a mix of a blue lantern. He wouldn’t make the ones bend the knee, he would chat them up. Plus Luke went toe to toe Abeloth and was able to either defeat her avatars as well as contend with her final form.
@SirBungaminJames 4 месяца назад
Full potential Anakin would be completely unmatched by anyone else.
@oodal_ Месяц назад
What about prime starkiller even tho he’s not canon
@SirBungaminJames Месяц назад
@@oodal_ still wouldn’t be close
@oodal_ Месяц назад
@@SirBungaminJames really? That’s great then cause I like Anakin more
@YoriichiTsugikuni161 19 дней назад
@@oodal_the only people who would even be able to come close to matching full potential anakin is full potential luke and leia along with the ones and force priestess and abeloth
@EmperorDarthOP Год назад
Fantasy Folklore, could you please do a video about What if Darth Vader Reached His Full Potential? (Un-Burnt with All 4 Limbs still on him, so no mechanical stuff on him).
@some_random_dude580 Год назад
He did Darth Vader upgrading his suit, but I don’t know if even that helped him reach his full, 100% potential.
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
So like a darkside version of this?
@Legoman69698 Год назад
@@FantasyFolklore yes
@2ChainZsensai Год назад
Ohhhh this gonna be good Emperor Vader....😮
@EmperorDarthOP Год назад
@@FantasyFolklore Yes! Full darkside version of this picture, like Anakin never fell in love with Padme so that he becomes the very singularity of the Darkside when he overthrows Emperor Darth Sidious & becomes Emperor Darth Vader.
@YikYik-bv1bi Год назад
This is one of the best vids u've done, keep on the good work!!:)
@AyeItsProphet 11 месяцев назад
Anakin was never meant to use just the light. He was always meant to use a mixture of both the light and the dark
@Tudor1903 Год назад
I love your vids! Big fan and subbed
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
Thanks so much!
@Tudor1903 Год назад
@@FantasyFolklore no problem!
@lordmasonchase7696 11 месяцев назад
You had me all the way up to the part where Obi Wan gets killed by Grevious… he killed Grevious on his own already , why would he die even with the help of the most powerful Jedi ever besides Anakin?
@lordmasonchase7696 11 месяцев назад
Great video nonetheless. I like how you gave Anakin the force heal ability. Because if REY could do it, why wouldn’t Anakin the chosen one not be able to do it at his full potential? I think this is accurate!
@dannyboyhero 11 месяцев назад
I love how detailed this theory is.
@imember7375 Год назад
what if maul killed obi wan on tatooine and then trained luke
@djlawler9925 11 месяцев назад
This is an awesome alternate story. Every time I watch ROTS, part of me still hopes he won’t turn to the dark side and to palpatine. But then I realize we would have never gotten one of the best and most iconic villains in all of story writing… Darth Vader.
@Darth-Tyranus66 Год назад
Everyone Gives Recommendations But No One Just Say. Thank You.... Thanks For Your Hard Work Man your A Legend
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
I appreciate that! Legend
@Darth-Tyranus66 Год назад
@@FantasyFolklore You Deserve More
@Devious_Dingle 3 месяца назад
Luke at 23 = starts training from obi wan Anakin at 23 = Darth Vader
@VanAnon51 17 дней назад
This is one of the best what if stories ever. 👍🏻
@insanejustin 11 месяцев назад
Great video!
@thetheorizermoore7476 11 месяцев назад
Great alternative timeline
@tigerlily6606 6 месяцев назад
As much I like the story, I find this more interesting! Good job.
@thedaranesianconfederation7221 7 месяцев назад
The Balance in the force is a pathway to many abilities, some considered to be.... unstoppable
@some_random_dude580 Год назад
Great fan-fic!
@some_random_dude580 Год назад
Wait, where’s Qui-Gon? Jk, but it would have been cool to see Qui-Gon. 🙂
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
his body goneee, he ain't coming back
@some_random_dude580 Год назад
I meant as a force ghost.
@georgegoodwin4308 Год назад
He is so powerful!!
@ianmatthews7385 11 месяцев назад
Sick animation with the grevious fight 😂😂😂😂
@josephsfilms755 Год назад
Great video best star wars youtuber 👌 👍 👏 😀
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
Appreciate it ❤️
@Klaheto88 11 месяцев назад
@dhruvgehlot7533 7 месяцев назад
Absolutely Legendary Star Wars Fan-Fiction! 🤩👍
@ethansealey9364 2 месяца назад
Absolutely love this. It's a shame Anakin never reached this level of power. And this is definitely the happy ending he deserved
@claygundamzilla1312 Год назад
Not losing a arm,it has many abilities
@anthonyweaver148 Год назад
What if Anakin faked his allegiance to Palpatine using force veil and helped the Jedi escape oder 66
@freerunnering 11 месяцев назад
I've love a StarWars "What If" series!
@grandmasterduck2737 Год назад
What piano background sound do you use cause it’s soothing and calm and puts me in a good mood
@asingh4025 Год назад
fantastic video
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
Thank you! 😃
@TheTaco1727 11 месяцев назад
I know they won’t, but Disney should make a what if series like they did for marvel but go deeper than they did for marvel for different Star Wars episodes. Like 3 episodes per episode. Idk
@mkb4560 Год назад
Great story thanks
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@jonathanraven5939 4 месяца назад
Fantastic. This would make a great movie.
@59spadesofalife52 7 месяцев назад
A balance of light and dark and an acknowledgment and understanding of both leads to his profound godhood into a deity of the force.
@luisjosetrompeterogodoy5720 2 месяца назад
I'll always find hilarious that any debate about Anakin reaching his full potential basically starts with "If the Jedi Order just didn't neglected the freaking Chosen One"
@LarsErikRobinson1971 Год назад
I really love this and wish it would have happened this way! I really liked anikin and felt soo bad for his choices
@holeeshi9959 11 месяцев назад
He's there to bring "balance to the force", that means every action he does will trigger a reaction from the force itself. he can become the most powerful Jedi or the most powerful sith lord to ever exist, and bring a golden age to the Jedi or the Sith, but what would ultimately happen is after that, the force will react and basically do the opposite and destroy everything he created and more, ultimately, the galaxy will have only a few scattered Jedi and siths since the balance of the force would require both orders to go near extinct
@atesh5020 11 месяцев назад
but anakin has achieved balance here. he doesnt use only the light side, he uses the dark side too. and he was the grandmaster so he probably teached all the other jedi to do the same.
@unigaming9921 11 месяцев назад
Then why did the force gain balance with the destruction of the sith and restoration of the jedi?
@JohnYourMama 11 месяцев назад
@@unigaming9921 because yo mama dont ask man its just a cool everything goes right story
@unigaming9921 11 месяцев назад
@@JohnYourMama I wouldn't expect someone with such a childish response to actually think about things.
@JohnYourMama 11 месяцев назад
@@unigaming9921 And you expect a random youtuber to be at the same level of writing as George Lucas
@user-xm5ft4fp2q 6 месяцев назад
Now that's how the story should have been,it really makes better sense instead of nobody felt who was the sith they were looking for rven when they were standing next to him many times.Anakin would have known snd it would have went a lit like this, awesome job
@jacobcoderre7054 Год назад
"He had become the living embodiment of a god." Yeah, Revan stands no chance against THIS Anakin.
@Elyseon 11 месяцев назад
Revan would have no reason to fight this Anakin.
@jacobcoderre7054 11 месяцев назад
@@Elyseon What do you mean?
@Elyseon 11 месяцев назад
@@jacobcoderre7054 I mean he ultimately accomplished what Revan truly wanted. A strong Republic free from the Sith and from internal corruption. A Jedi order not blinded by dogma and politics.
@jacobcoderre7054 11 месяцев назад
@@Elyseon Does this mean he's like Qui-Gon?
@Elyseon 11 месяцев назад
@@jacobcoderre7054 A more warlike Qui-Gon, but you can blame the Mandalorians for that.
@realhiphopjunkie9999 7 месяцев назад
He finally brought Peace, freedom and security to the republic
@infinitezeros8072 11 месяцев назад
I like this version!
@Ownavenger Год назад
It Was Really good. and next vid. What If Darth Maul Killed Qui Gon Jinn And Obi Wan Kenobi???
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
I'll add it to the list!
@michaelhutchinson2854 11 месяцев назад
“Show me on the doll anakin where Palpatine touched you”
@Hi-fm1xg 10 месяцев назад
He basically meditates and reads, achieves god like power
@Rika-sensei 11 месяцев назад
9:25 if I Palpatine and saw this gang pull up…. I AM ON MY KNEES
@danielharman572 11 месяцев назад
Cool story,Keep it up, Your good dude real good. Kind regards from Daniel Harman.
@davidspurgeon9973 7 месяцев назад
What if through sadness and emotion anakin discovered how to force heal saving Qui gon jin on naboo ? That'd be interesting
@Wtvifeellike 17 дней назад
i like the grevious respect, he does solo entire waves of jedi but episode three portrays him as a weak ahh droid
@annamesser6880 8 месяцев назад
I so wish this was canon. I know we would miss out on the absolute best duel of all time ( Ani vs Obi) But honestly, it would be worth it
@jamesonharrington 11 месяцев назад
This should be a movie
@MarcBossYT Год назад
@michaelladarkangelsparkle9908 11 месяцев назад
Id do anything to see a positive ending like this in love action! Almost a live action what if with ewan hayden nat ian Samuel etc... its possible! 🤩💖
@dex2592 7 месяцев назад
They realy should figure out how to bring uns Anakin in full potential, even its just a vision or something like that.
@7scrolls321 11 месяцев назад
"The Greatest Jedi to ever live" Don't ever dog on Reven or the Exile like that again lmao
@user-rd8vp6nq8b 11 месяцев назад
What if my grandmother had balls she'd be my grandfather, what if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his ass every time it jumped
@bensherlock1328 Год назад
What if Satine didn’t die?
@ch62013 Год назад
what if Palpatine never deformed his face in revenge of the sith?
@richardbarrett4488 Год назад
@TheSkyrimps3 11 месяцев назад
His face was actually deformed the whole time from living under the dark side influence almost his entire life… he was altering himself to look normal.
@Nick-bk7es 11 месяцев назад
Achievement Unlocked: Good Ending
@yogtsb 11 месяцев назад
supreme maker: go my creation
@emugeek_yt Год назад
What if Padmé kept Anakin's lightsaber
@jaredekelman4229 11 месяцев назад
If Only it had turned out this way!
@gabrielguedes8576 3 месяца назад
Anakin's full potential= Space Jesus that actually makes sense considering he is space Jesus
@MichSciFi10 5 месяцев назад
I was with this until the murder of Padme, I don't think this would happen. Would have been a funny time to introduce Force healing....which you did do XD
@funnature8679 11 месяцев назад
Anakin would realize that the lightside is from the emotions yet the force isn't a Duallity nature, and Anakin realizes the truth of the force, and it's not most fan interpertation, He realize the consciousness that brought him in the galaxy.
@Grayson-Winchester 9 месяцев назад
Anakin Skywalker was supposed to be a equivalent to Gojo Saturo. The premise of these characters was to change their system from the inside.
@geekwarts 11 месяцев назад
Adequately equipped bot eloquently equipped
@Sepanta_Kh_ Год назад
Can you plz make What if Rule of 2 never existed i think it would be interesting!
@DarthCrow Год назад
Cute idea, but for there to be true balance, darkness would need to rise again.
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
someone will always turn dark
@deathsquad8891 Год назад
Great video, but Maul and Dooku are still out there. Are we just chalking it up to them getting killed by the God tier Anakin at some other point in the future? I think you can try a sequel to this video, going by the fact those two are still going around...
@eidoneverchoosen1171 Год назад
No doubt I imagine the jedi order will search for them and be ready for their eventual return. The clone wars may end yet fight against the sith and defense of the galaxy gose on after all.
@FantasyFolklore Год назад
in timeline continuity, Dooku is already dead and Maul would have been captured on Mandalore
@gerardocovarrubias3058 Год назад
And fantasy folklore was I right Anakin can reach full potential with or without his right arm and his force potential was not diminished when he lost his right arm to Dooku
@calebstephan2083 11 месяцев назад
His full potential would've literally made him a god as seen in the clone wars series where he subdued the son and daughter after temporarily accessing his full potential.
@DeNiroLegacy 7 месяцев назад
i think he would become like starkiller.
@arielvillalobos6637 Год назад
What If Tarkin Didn't Blow Up Alderaan
@dlwk1988 11 месяцев назад
i mean. his role is to bring balance. but granting him the power to revive people is exactly whats tipping the balance
@ultimatealienx8193 4 месяца назад
What if obi Wan was with anakin during the moment with Mace and Palpatine? (A suggestion for it I think Palpatine would realize that he can't take the chance that anakin wouldn't turn so he would kill him in front of obi Wan, which would allow for his arrest and obi Wan along with the 501st would demand Palpatine be killed as punishment for killing their friend/brother
@erdemustunel7405 11 месяцев назад
I like real anakin , this character little angry 😂
@davidholdsworth2681 7 месяцев назад
what if Anakin just did what a choen one guided by the force would do that first movie was just a dichotomy full of hollywood glamour.
@force_editz 11 месяцев назад
What if Qui-Gon Jinn survived?
@jasonward9983 9 месяцев назад
I like this version better than the original
@skyscrapermadness_0904 Год назад
What if Maul killed Obi Wan on Tatooine?
@FullGuns Год назад
What if Obi Wan cut off Maul’s head instead of his legs ?
@jacobcoderre7054 10 месяцев назад
Then Satine would be alive and the guy with the dark saber would also be alive
@stephenstretton336 11 месяцев назад
The movies really don't do the Jedi and anakin justice they liked eachother far more than what the movies say it felt so rushed in the movies compared to comics and clone wars
@alessandrospalice5593 11 месяцев назад
i need a star wars what if series like the marvel one
@maxamillionnyy 6 месяцев назад
What if the Jedi had therapist
@jeffd5113 Год назад
what about what if none of the clones followed order 66
@LeelosAdventure 11 месяцев назад
In 2015 canon comics timeline Darth Vader is honestly pretty close to full power anakin. That’s one of the only things I love about the Disney timeline
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