
What is the Gospel? | Paul Washer 

HeartCry Missionary Society
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The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a call to a changed life - have you been truly changed from above?
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4 янв 2012




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@notafeminist7642 3 года назад
Paul Washer exposed me as the false Christian I was. God bless this man!
@louierivera7512 3 года назад
“My sentiments exactly Miss Paws! Praise the Lord God is so merciful”
@johnspartan98 3 года назад
Paul Washer teaches God died for your sins. Don't you see any problem with that teaching? The Bible says God procreated a Son in the womb of Mary for the purpose of anointing him as the Messiah who died for our sins. God cannot die and a dead God cannot resurrect anyone including himself because death is the absence of life. Jesus died for our sins as God's anointed Son and Messiah and God raised him from the dead. John 3:16. Jesus is NOT GOD. Jesus always points us to the Father who is the only true God. John 17:3. People like Paul Washer have minds that are templated by the many false claims of "Churchianity." Bless him by asking God to wake him up.
@vanessap7209 3 года назад
Yes Sister, me too! All the glory to God for leading me to this man's ministry and sermons. #uncompromised
@joshwhallon7441 3 года назад
@@johnspartan98 Jesus claims multiple times to be God. God is three persons in perfect fellowship with each other: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Philippians 2:5-11 Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, that every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Jesus Christ is God. He lived a perfect life and laid it down to conquer death for us sinners. Scripture also warns us many times about false teachers. 2 Peter 2:1 But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. My prayer for you is that you don't deny the Lord, that you would repent, believe in him and have life.
@childofgod1840 3 года назад
It was truth to me as well. I'm so thankful for TRUTH. Lord please forgive me for my sins. Continue the work you've started in me. In Jesus name amen
@pardone8932 2 года назад
Great preacher… He doesn’t care about how you feel , he cares about getting your soul to heaven !! Period…
@defundhollywood3259 2 года назад
@dougdaniel9196 2 года назад
Only cares if apparently you are chosen for salvation. Washer is a clever liar!
@ernestdaigle9319 2 года назад
Amen without holiness no one will see GOD.
@dougdaniel9196 2 года назад
@@ernestdaigle9319 Without "repentance" and being "born again" no man will see the Kingdom of God. Jesus said, "Unless a man be born again he cannot see the Kingdom of God."
@mahanaimshines4540 2 года назад
That is who Jesus is, He offended many, out of His unconditional love bc He doesn't want us to perish and be in the lake of fire.
@4GodLoves Год назад
This teaching is from 10 years ago but it is as new as an hour ago. God does not change. He Is the same as yesterday, today and forever. 🙏🙌♥️
@thoughtsfromnh364 Год назад
Truth is always truth. Lol
@Christislord7100 9 месяцев назад
@user-lg5yp2zl6w 8 месяцев назад
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
@stevenmclaurin3367 7 месяцев назад
@thisistheway7529 6 месяцев назад
Amen ❤❤❤
@lanamoknii6059 Год назад
I love Paul Washer's sermons. I claimed being a Christian for more than 40 years while living an evil life. But God started converting me causing me to repent and turn away from my sin and turn toward Him. He showed me my sin and rebellion and helped me start to change from the inside out. And it never ends. Everyday He shows me new things I need to repent of. I never want Him to stop. God is so good. He has helped me so much and has never left me. Praise God!
@ReligiouslyIncorrect Год назад
Did you believe the gospel? Did you trust Christ alone? Don’t base your assurance on your changed life. Instead, base it on the objective promises of God. He says that if you believe on Christ that you will be saved.
@nbknrcr 10 месяцев назад
Praise God!
@dougdaniel9196 10 месяцев назад
Do you believe you are saved?
@dougdaniel9196 10 месяцев назад
This is the "Gospel" 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures
@Americanwoman74 10 месяцев назад
​@@ReligiouslyIncorrect would you stop? Please? Bombarding him with those questions like a Pharisee!!! Even your username is judgemental. You're the one who done messed up. There's ways you could have communicated to him your "concern" for him in a more Christ-like manner. R U manic? Angry? Maybe a bit self righteous? Geesh😒
@Gbutler777 Год назад
Paul Washer serving the gospel raw, straight up, with zero apologies. I thank God for his life.
@johnspartan98 Год назад
Paul Washer has no clue. He's all over the place. The apostle Paul's message of salvation abrogates the message given to the twelve and it all begins to change in Acts 13:1. Sorry that you and Mr. Washer missed that. Neither of you know anything about rightly dividing the word of truth. Romans to Philemon applies to people living in this present Age of Grace. The Gospel is the MILK of the word for the unsaved, and the rest of Paul's doctrines are for the Body of Christ in this present Age. It's that simple. Study and commit to memory Romans to Philemon, and understand that the 12 never took part in Paul's ministry. Galatians 2:6-9....read it for yourself.
@Gbutler777 Год назад
@@johnspartan98 your comment is full of ridiculous disrespect and is basically asserting an argument with ZERO support. Are you a preacher?
@johnspartan98 Год назад
@@Gbutler777 I am a man who has told you the truth I heard from YHWH. Paul washer is a trinitarian and he thinks "the man Christ Jesus" is God. Here is why he is wrong: If Jesus is God, then are we to believe God was begotten and born? Bible says Jesus is born of Mary, so God is must be born of Mary? Bible says Jesus was beaten by men, so God was beaten by men? Bible says Jesus died for our sins, so God died for our sins? Bible says Jesus did not speak his own words, so God doesn't speak his own words? Bible says Jesus grew in stature and wisdom, so God grew in stature and wisdom? Clearly the above examples prove Jesus is not YHWH (God), he is the Son of YHWH. *_For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous._* Romans 5:19 Jesus said: "I am a man who has told you the truth I heard from God." John 8:40 Moses writes: "God is not man, that he should lie, or a 'son of man', that he should change his mind..." Numbers 23:19 67 Bible verses that prove Jesus is not God (YHWH). Jesus said: “Do not touch me, for I have not yet gone up to the Father. But go to my brothers and say to them, ‘I am going up to my Father and your Father, and my God and your God.’”John 20:17 Jesus said his Father is the only true God. John 17:3 Jesus said his Father is greater than all. John 10:29 Jesus said his Father is greater than I. John 14:28 Jesus said "I can do nothing on my own." John 5:30 Jesus said he speaks his Father's words. John 7:14; John 14:10; John 14:24; John 12:49-50; John 17:17 Jesus said his teaching is from his Father. John 7:16; John 12:49-50 Jesus said his Father told him what to speak. John 12:49-50 Jesus said the Father living in him does his works. John 14:10 Jesus said believe I am the messiah or die in your sins. John 8:24 Jesus said his Father is in Heaven. Matthew 16:17 Jesus said he did not know everything. Mark 13:32 Jesus said: "I am a man who has told you the truth I heard from God." John 8:40 Jesus said: I am the Messiah. John 4:25:26; Jn 8:58; Jesus said "I am God's Son." John 10:36 Jesus said he did his Father's will, not his own will. Luke 22:42 Jesus said the Father gave him life in himself. John 5:26. Jesus was not given the authority to decide who sits on his right or left. That authority was the Father's alone. Matthew 20:23 Jesus said he has a God 4 times in Revelation 3:12 Jesus cried out, “Whoever believes in Me does not believe in Me only, but in the One who sent Me." John 12:44 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him ONLY.'" Luke 4:8 Jesus said: "the Father who sent me testifies about me.” John 8:18 Jesus spent a whole night praying TO God. (not to himself) Luke 6:12 Jesus said; "Why do you call me good? No one is good, except God alone." Mark 10:18 Jesus said: "Let not your heart be troubled, believe in God, believe also in me." John 14:1 Jesus said: "Look at my hands and my feet, and see that it is I myself. Handle me, and see, because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you can see that I have.” Luke 24:39 Compare with John stating God is a spirit (John 4:24). Jesus said: I am the true vine, and my Father is the vine keeper. John 15:1 Jesus said: from the beginning of creation He (YHWH) made them male and female. Mark 10:6. Peter said Jesus is a man. Acts 2:22 Peter said God did many signs and wonders THROUGH Jesus. Acts 2:22 Peter said Jesus was crucified according to God's plan and foreknowledge. Acts 2:23; also see Revelation 13:8. Peter said "God raised Jesus from the dead." Acts 2:24; Acts 2:32; Acts 10:40; Paul states it in Romans 10:9. Peter said God made Jesus both Lord and Christ [savior]. Acts 2:36 Peter said to Jesus: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matthew 16:16 Peter says: "God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy spirit and with power." Acts 10:38. If Jesus is God did God anoint himself? Luke states: Stephen saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. Acts 7:55 God wasn't standing beside himself. Luke states Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52 Luke tells us Christ means savior. Luke 2:11 Luke writes in Acts 13:30 that Paul said: "God raised Jesus from the dead." John states: Jesus is the Savior of the world. 1 John 4:14 John states: The Samaritans declare Jesus is Savior of the world. John 4:42 John states: “these are written so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name.” John 20.31. John states: "Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God." John 4:15 John states: “Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God” (1 John 5.1). John states: the Father (YHWH) gave the Son (Jesus) to be savior of the world. 1 John 4:14; John states that God (YHWH) gave His ONLY BEGOTTEN Son (Jesus) that whosoever believes in him will not perish. John 3:16 John also states that those who do not believe in God's one and only Son are condemned already. John 3:18 You cannot claim Jesus is God without denying he is the Son of God. A Son cannot be his own Father. Paul tells us God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus. Acts 13:23 Paul states: There is One God and Father of all. Ephesians 4: 4-6 Paul states: the head of Christ is God. 1 Corinthians 11:3 Paul states: God raised Jesus from the dead. (Romans 10.9). Paul states: salvation is the gift of God (YHWH) Ephesians 2:8-9 Paul states: For there is one God, and one mediator between God and mankind, a man, Christ Jesus, ...1 Timothy 2:5 Paul states: For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son, much more surely, having been reconciled, we will be saved by his life. (Romans 5:10). REV Bible Paul states: through the obedience of the one MAN (Jesus) the many will be made righteous. Romans 5:19 Paul states: Christ was raised out from among the dead through the glory of the Father Romans 6:4; Paul states: "Moreover, if the spirit of him who raised Jesus out from among the dead lives in you, He (YHWH) who raised Christ Jesus out from among the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His (YHWH's) spirit that dwells in you. Romans 8:11 Paul states: "Paul, an apostle (not sent from any group of people, nor through any person, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him out from among the dead),..." Galatians 1:1 Paul states there is only one God the Father. 1 Corinthians 8:6 Paul states God (YHWH) alone is immortal. 1 Timothy 6:16. Paul states: "...when all things have been subjected to him [Jesus], then the Son will subject himself to Him[YHWH] who subjected all things to him, so that God [YHWH] is all in all. The Book of Hebrews states to a Jewish congregation: Jesus is our Apostle and high priest; faithful to the God who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful. Hebrews 3:1-2 Matthew writes: "and Look!, a voice came out of heaven, saying, “This is my Son, the beloved, in whom I am well pleased.” Matthew 3:17 The voice that came out of heaven is the Father's voice. The beloved Son is Jesus. God was not talking about himself. Matthew writes: Jesus was tempted by the Devil. (Matthew 4:1). Mark states: "...and a voice came out of the heavens, “You are my Son, the beloved, in you I am well pleased.” Mark 1:11 God wasn't talking to himself. James states God cannot be tempted by evil. James 1:13 Revelation: God gave Jesus a revelation which Jesus gave to an Angel, and which the Angel gave to John. Did God give a message to himself? Revelation 1:1. CONCLUSION: Jesus has a God that anointed him, empowered him, told him what to speak, and who he is subject to, therefore Jesus is not God. If Paul or any of the Apostles thought Jesus was God, they would not have said God raised him or referred to him as a MAN. God’s Son died. God cannot die. Jesus is NOT God. The above scriptures are simple straight forward and self evident in their meaning. You don't have to be a scholar to understand their plain meaning. James refers to Jesus as the Lord of Glory in James 2:1 Paul refers to the God of Jesus as the Father of Glory. Ephesians 1:17 It took philosophers 350 years to pervert the Christian faith with pagan philosophy and hoodwink the church fathers. Philo started this "Jesus is God" nonsense with his logos theory and trinity doctrine.
@greggblakesley4506 Год назад
@@johnspartan98 so what part of John 1:1-5 didn't take? Was Jesus Christ, Immanuel or was He not?
@randilund2558 Год назад
@@johnspartan98 Read the BIBLE, and ASK Jesus Christ for WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE!! DO NOT BE WISE IN YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING, or reading what someone for hundreds years ago, have said or wrote, about the scriptures!!! May you find wisdom when you READ THE BIBLE AND REALLY STUDY THE BIBLE!!! THE WHOLE BIBLE!!!! Jesus Christ is God in the flesh!! ISAIAH 9 verse 6: For unto us a child is born, Unto us a son is given: And the government shall be upon his shoulder: And his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. (This is referring to Jesus Christ.) READ THE WHOLE BIBLE!!!
@TheHonorofKings 3 года назад
I was born again 5 years ago after listening to a sermon by Brother Paul all alone in my living room. After living as a “Christian” for 4+ years, I was finally truly redeemed! I’ve never looked back and never been the same! PRAISE THE SAVIOR!!!
@TheHonorofKings 3 года назад
I did nothing but cry out to God for the truth. I remember for several years I was going to church and living a “Christian” life. But there was no power in it. I knew from basic Bible reading that the God of the Bible was much more powerful than anything I was seeing in the church. People weren’t transformed- they were moved by emotions when the lights were dim and worship music was thumping, but no real transformation. So I cried out to God asking, “what am I missing???” Moments later I found a Paul Washer sermon. I was pierced through the heart by the teaching. That night The Holy Spirit fell upon me and I repented with a genuine heart and asked The Lord to save me. My eyes were finally opened. I saw my sin and I saw the beautiful Savior on the cross for me. The lights came on and I was born again. I didn’t do anything- God did it all.
@1Creator937 3 года назад
La ilaha illallah muhammadur rasulullah. Holy Quran has been revealed through angel jibreel to prophet Muhammed (PBUH) 1400 years ago as a guidence to all mankind. All the words of the holy Quran are from the Creator.I urge all you buy the holy Quran with translation and read the entire holy Quran with patience to know about creator and to know why he created us.Pls watch video "The meaning of life muslim spoken word".Also watch doctor Zakir Naik lecture "Quran and modern science compatible or incompatible". I urge all non-Muslims and Muslims to wake up before it is too late.May Allah guide all of you on right path.Ameen
@tedprice5828 3 года назад
Holy Quran A head kicker god
@1Creator937 3 года назад
@@tedprice5828 Dont be blind at first read the entire Holy Quran. I can guaranty you that you will change your mind.Also watch the story of Yusuf Estes
@TexasBoxer13 2 года назад
@@1Creator937 the quaran tells you to belive the gospel of Jesus. 600 years after Jesus lived, Muhammad lived. And was a false prophet.
@patriciamccool5243 2 года назад
Every time I hear this man preach I literally shake in my shoes. Praise God for this man. His preaching exposes my sinfulness and calls me to repentance.
@wongsikiongwongsikiong4296 2 года назад
Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.
@ryanflanagan9624 Год назад
God bless you! have you been born again? born of The Spirit and of water (different from baptism)
@ryanflanagan9624 Год назад
God bless you! praise The Lord Jesus Christ in Jesus Name we pray amen! may The Holy Spirit guide you always in Jesus Name we pray amen! great videos of encouragement and hope God bless in Jesus Name we pray amen ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-soLhahpZMgI.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ESsvMxUQmPU.html www.youtube.com/watch?vBdHogVWU9p0 ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-bGB9U7vRcuw.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-uZdv-TtiMkg.html great book called, ultimate proof of creation by lisle, show how unless The Bible is true, which It is, we cannot justifiably know anything. i encourage you to read it, God bless you in Jesus Name amen
@davidgilde6296 Год назад
I agree
@zodwangbn Год назад
@ElizabethReyes-np1kq 2 года назад
I grew up going to church since I was a little girl, and going to church;?got baptized at 25 yrs old but I continued living like the world and practicing sin without remords; I continued walking in sin. Ide suffer throughout my life with toxic relationships, I divorced my husband and continued living a sinful life trying to find some sort of peace by partying and drinking, dating different people till one day ... December 26 of December in a cold bitter night. I cried out to God to save me from the bondage of sin and I was born again! I walked away from sin and God started to change my heart, my mind and my actions , he put a new love in me till today. I’m not perfect but I cry out to God to continue sanctification in me . I want to be like Jesus. Praise God for our salvation.🥰🥰🥰
@youtubewatcher6953 2 года назад
Why did you divorce your husband??
@ElizabethReyes-np1kq 2 года назад
Because of my nature sin. I live wanting something better according to me. But I found nothing but destructive relationships. God had to bring me down to the pit so he can show his power by raising me from the dead.🙏🙏🙏🙏
@youtubewatcher6953 2 года назад
@@ElizabethReyes-np1kq well at least your honest and show accountability that says alot about yourself. Hypergamy is in y'alls nature
@ElizabethReyes-np1kq 2 года назад
@@youtubewatcher6953 I’m a living testimony that Jesus Christ is real, anything good in me it’s only because his grace and mercy. I will never stop telling people what he did with me, I will proclaim his love till my last breath! Only God could have done what he did with me and for me. I’m nothing without Jesus chirst.😊
@ebyphilip1715 Год назад
God bless you dear sister. Be firm on your decision.
@ChrisHolman 2 года назад
I took a break from working on Sunday's sermon to eat and decided to listen to a RU-vid video while I cooked. Auto play started this video just as I sat down to eat. This is the message the Lord had laid upon my heart to preach, the very sermon I was working on. I'm in awe at the power of the Holy Spirit to guide me to hear this, to further prepare me to preach this message. Praise God for pastors like Paul Washer!
@comowibibliawhatthebiblesa6562 2 года назад
John 6:37-38 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.
@rosstemple7617 2 года назад
Me too. I wasn’t working on a sermon but just meditating on God’s word and Ezekiel 36 was part of my daily devotional. Holy Spirit given, then this message. I’ve been very concerned with preachers teaching grace, grace, grace but to the extent to cheapening God’s righteous requirements.
@pstnelsonrutambwe8831 2 года назад
Amen God bless you man of God am blessed by your teaching how can I get your contact
@revelation1189 2 года назад
Me too, not the sermon but I was preparing food for myself and auto play put it on!
@sharplikecheddar2 2 года назад
Do you have a link or recording of your sermon? Would love to hear it.
@westonmeckes Год назад
This is the greatest sermon I’ve ever heard in my entire life thus far.
@thisistheway7529 6 месяцев назад
Truly yes
@Psalmist6693 4 месяца назад
This is sanctification. Not the gospel. Where does he actually share the gospel?? I didn't see anywhere he did share it 😮
@robying5785 3 месяца назад
I thought the same thing. This is #1 on my list !!
@aaronmay6425 Год назад
My heart has been hungry for unashamed preaching like this. It convicts me and encourages me at the same time. I want more of Jesus and want to be more like Jesus every day. I am forever indebted to Christ for his redeeming power.
@JayVU12 Год назад
May God bless you brother.. Keep that first love that you have for Him and dont compromise for ANYTHING!
@Psalmist6693 4 месяца назад
This is sanctification. Not the gospel. Where does he actually share the gospel?? I didn't see anywhere he did share it 😮
@laniaish2418 3 года назад
"Holiness is not only ceasing to do what is evil, but holiness is PRIMARILY running to God"
@rogue Год назад
Holiness was bought for us by Jesus on the cross.
@CyrusStratton Год назад
@@rogue He is our only hope on Judgement Day! The quote the OP used is more talking about the desire that naturally comes with being saved; that our lives are transformed, instantly and slowly, so that we better reflect our Savior. This SHOULD NOT be done out of legalistic or perfectionist desire, but out of love for Him.
@sonyalum1027 4 года назад
We need more pastors to preach this sermon.
@kentpaulguadalquiver1177 4 года назад
@paulgross1931 3 года назад
Use discernment now I want you to go and research Paul Washer and what he truly believes this man is not who you believe he is do not have faith in man
@messengerofgod89 2 года назад
If you are interested in freedom from sin and how do we receive the Holy Spirit? read below. After God gave me the Holy Spirit, I found proof that TV, movies, novels, music, video games and computer games are all sins, except Christian stuff that don’t have sins like sermons and Christian music words that gives messages. I found out that in them there is lying, stealing, adultery (Matthew 5:28 looking at someone with lust is adultery), fornication which is sex before marriage, revenge, murder, jealousy, pride=self-pity, hypocrisy, using God’s name in vain as a curse word, they are all idols (breaks 2nd Commandment) because most people can’t live without them and they love them more than God and more. Just read the 10 commandments for a list. 1 John 2:15 King James Version (KJV) 15 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 New King James Version 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. Now I will be preaching about how to receive the Holy Spirit and be 100% going to Heaven. First, it’s only by the grace of God that he gives you faith in Jesus Christ in order to give up your sins. It’s only by the grace of God that he leads you to pray to him to destroy all your evil desires of watching TV or any sinful desires. When you pray to God to destroy all your evil desires of watching TV or sinful desires (Romans 6:6-7 and Galatians 5:24), Satan will intervene and extremely tempt you in watching the TV. But if it’s God’s will and if you are one of God’s elects, you will overcome it and God will destroy all your evil desires of watching TV. After God has destroyed all your evil desires of watching TV and if you are one of God’s elects, you receive the joy of the Holy Spirit for about 40 minutes. After the joy wears off, all existence of boredom no longer exists and you no longer burn out (psychology) anymore. That is when you have received the Holy Spirit. Then it’s by the grace of God that he forgives you of your sins, as you confess and repent of your sins throughout your life which is called sanctification. But you can watch Christian stuff that don’t have sins (Like sermons) because that helps you grow more mature as a Christian spiritually and for more information about this sermon, go to spreadthegospel59.wordpress.com God's elect or nonelect? www.gotquestions.org/calvinism.html
@markwilliams3085 2 года назад
Jesus began to speak to me first in Oct 1991..and when Jesus spoke I was changed immediately.. the things I loved before I heard Jesus I now despise and all the things I despised before hearing Jesus..I now love...the things Paul is preaching is exactly right..Jesus has done and is doing in me exactly what Paul said..Paul is just a man..but a man that knows Jesus and Jesus knows him.
@broranjeetkumar5531 2 года назад
@darrensimonson1982 2 года назад
Wake up people stop working Christ said it is finished taking his last breath it is not about you and your righteousness it is his gift to you
@zebfriudenberg889 5 месяцев назад
I also was a false Christian, but God was merciful to me by using Paul Washer through His providential care on RU-vid to proclaim the Law and the Gospel, and now I rejoice when I here this message because He has changed me, but yet there’s brokenness over sin. Oh how I long for that day to come when I will be delivered from the body of this death to love the Lord the way I outta love Him. Owe wretched man that I am, but thank God for the perfect finished work of Christ Jesus our Lord. For apart from Christ I have no hope. The joy of the Lord is my strength.
@ChiomaChinedu714 2 года назад
No diluted message. God please keep strengthening Brother Paul.
@johnnaulu9640 Год назад
All good ✝️ it’s all about Salvation receiving Christ your Lord and Saviour that is what the gospels is all about ✝️💜🌎
@fredarroyo7429 Год назад
False Gospel Says you can be justified before crucifying the flesh and it passions and desires
@johnnaulu9640 Год назад
@@fredarroyo7429 we saved through Grace by faith . [ ] Jesus showed us that the life we want to live is all found in Him and His work on the cross. When you have Jesus, you are godly. When you have Him, you are made righteous. When you have Him, good character will manifest. When you have Him, you are made holy! - [ ] We walk by faith. We fight the good fight of faith. We are saved by faith, healed by faith, and made righteous by faith! The Christian life is a life of faith in God’s grace. The more of His grace we receive, the more faith springs forth.
@fredarroyo7429 Год назад
@@johnnaulu9640 Yes saved by Grace, the grace that teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust that we should live soberly righteously and Godly in the present age, God's grace sent Jesus into the world to destroy the works of the devil, consecrating a new and living way, that the Gentiles might come to the obedience that is by faith, Him being obedient even until death as an example that we should be in this world as He was in the world, being made like us in every way and tempted at all pointed yet without sin, Him having suffered while be tempted, He can help those who are being tempted, and free those who through fear of death were subject to bondage all their life, giving them a new and living hope, through the resurrection from the dead, redeeming them from every lawless deed, freeing them from the corrupting influence of sin ,by His blood purging their conscience from sins that lead to death, by the great and precious promises of the resurrection of eternal life to those who patiently continue in doing good as He did, that they may partake of the divine nature, having escape the corruption that is in the world through lust, that they belong to Christ because they have crucified the flesh and its passions and desires, dying to sin and living to righteousness, forsaking their wicked ways and their unrighteous thought that they might find mercy and forgiveness of sins being sanctified by faith in Christ. What you are trying to say is you can be positionally righteous yet unrighteous in practice because of some fake transfer of virtue. Christ didn't die to forensically declare you righteous while you are still wicked , He died to make you a new creature who can be forgiven and enter the Kingdom of God.
@johnnaulu9640 Год назад
@@fredarroyo7429 share your statement with those beginning to grow in knowledge of Our God and in Jesus Christ who has given to us all things that pertain to life and Godliness. Thank You again ✝️💜🇮🇱✡️🕎
@gilbertgotora4803 8 лет назад
May the Lord continue to give you brother Paul the boldness to preach the true Gospel of His Son
@paulgross1931 3 года назад
First of all Paul Washer likes to twist scripture and I'm not sure why you people can't see the twisting it says without Holiness no man shall see God that is not talkin about what he thinks it's talking about your personal conduct that no man will see God through you this Paul Washer doesn't even understand the word of God and the twist scriptures because when the Bible says you shall know them by their works in the context in which that was written it is talking about false teachers that you will know them by their fruits fruit of their lips
@tedprice5828 3 года назад
P You do not know grace in your life.
@svetlanikolova2108 3 года назад
Amen. We need a Paul washer in every country
@TexasBoxer13 2 года назад
@@paulgross1931 what are Paul Washers actions that lead him away from the gospels? I am legitimately curious. I have watched many of his sermons. He gives one of the most powerful lessons on what exactly salvation means. He uses scriptures to support his teachings.
@AvaNoe 2 года назад
May GOD give you & me the boldness to do HIS work. Paul Washer has the same SPIRIT-right? #TGBTG
@mr.t.8809 Год назад
God changed my life forever and truly made me new. I was one way but now I’m different and my life is fully submitted to Him. Praise God for this message. It’s the truth.
@Psalmist6693 4 месяца назад
This is sanctification. Not the gospel. Where does he actually share the gospel?? I didn't see anywhere he did share it 😮
@richardlincourt2519 2 года назад
The amount of love in this message is nothing short of divine. YAHWEH blesses
@edithbannerman4 Год назад
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
@rmvicary4215 3 года назад
This is one teaching that should never be removed from the church and the world. Everyone needs to hear this.
@deitert07 2 года назад
Paul teaches if you do no works then you’re not saved? So therefore you need works? That’s double speak correct? No one needs to hear this! LORD JESUS paid for all of my sins every single one. Don’t sin for the sake of salvation sin not because you love god
@avel2718 2 года назад
@@deitert07 You completely misunderstood the message. He doesn't teach that you need works to be saved. He teaches that true repentance leads to good works which is evidence of true repentance. If a person repents truly, God will work in them and they will change, hating worldly things and loving godly things. He calls us to question ourselves if we're truly Christians, especially those who continue to live in sin.
@deitert07 2 года назад
@@avel2718 lol. If I’m a Christian and I still live a sinful lifestyle am I still saved?
@avel2718 2 года назад
@@deitert07 ... that's his point. There are many people in the church who believe they repented and are saved but show no evidence of it because they keep living in sin.
@deitert07 2 года назад
@@avel2718 so in order to be saved you have to show works? That’s the definition of works salvation. That’s the subtle lie that Paul washer teaches? I’m gonna say this again. If a Christian BELIEVES ON THE CROSS but has no works is he still saved? Is it faith alone? Or is it faith but that faith has to have works if not then they are not saved?
@leenakim9775 5 лет назад
His teachings and sermons are so addictive. I can't stop listening ever since he was found on RU-vid. Can anyone explain why he is not recognized by the world the way Billy Graham was. Thank you, Paul Washer. Your grandmother, mother and grandfather must be so proud and happy to see what you are doing for the kingdom of our Lord. Hope to meet you in person one day.
@jimijames7703 4 года назад
Because if you are loved by the world you are not teaching the Gospel
@roberttrevino62800 3 года назад
@@jimijames7703 Exactly
@nicholeschlegel8750 3 года назад
He’s not looking for fame . He is walking in obedience and will be rewarded by His father in Heaven ❤️🙌
@isaiahstillmanlpn6245 3 года назад
@@roberttrevino62800 Amen
@Irene77545 3 года назад
Exactly! amen.
@mikekjan4898 Год назад
"All kinds of things that glitter, but are not gold." That's profound.
@matimbamasangu7916 Месяц назад
Never have I been more convicted of my worldliness than today as I listen to Paul Washer preaching the undiluted and true Word of God.
@charlesfish4195 2 года назад
Lord. Forgive me for hardening my heart. Lord soften my heart. I am at your mercy God. Have pitty on me lord
@johnnymarine554 2 года назад
@jj2067_ 2 года назад
@johnnaulu9640 2 года назад
You are in a pity party 🎉 His Abundance of Grace has qualifies us to believe.
@nampalaflorence7671 2 года назад
@nampalaflorence7671 2 года назад
@filhosdoreino8660 2 года назад
I'm from Brazil. I love it this man in Christ. Everything I've learned with him is helping me to get close to God and stay away from my sins. God bless you brothers and sister.
@lauraowen8142 Год назад
Bless you too ❣️🙏
@elijahsande8961 Год назад
Praise the Lord for His mercies
@brucexiong219 Год назад
@josephinekock 10 месяцев назад
Praise God... He is so good all the time..
@Amilton5solas Год назад
this was Gospel preached powerfully
@Psalmist6693 4 месяца назад
This is sanctification. Not the gospel. Where does he actually share the gospel?? I didn't see anywhere he did share it 😮
@irishapao5572 7 месяцев назад
I'm lost but I'm back because God did it. Ex Catholic, in relationship with same sex, mourning because someone died close to me without God I won't overcome all of those thing, now I want to do right from God.
@tricko321 2 года назад
Please pray for my daughter Carli she needs deliverance and to come back home!
@__JESUS_IS_KING__ Год назад
@edithbannerman4 Год назад
@Hello there, how are you doing this blessed day?
@drjoshuakolawole 11 месяцев назад
And as you have spoken Power is released to make it happen in Jesus Christ name Amen. Jesus ❤you and Carli and the Holy Spirit will do a perfect job.
@sundaypaul9041 11 месяцев назад
God will make it happen
@tricko321 11 месяцев назад
@@sundaypaul9041 God brought her back it was miracle after miracle! Thank you.
@lunbabuichiru6320 7 лет назад
I have been mightily blessed by the preaching of Paul Washer. I thank God for bringing up a preacher like him. I love him
@tombayford6129 4 года назад
me too iam stronger in outreach so so blessed
@tombayford6129 4 года назад
A True man of God
@SOZMikhael 3 года назад
@gerrydean7696 3 года назад
Here is a man who lives and dies by the Word of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
@paulgross1931 3 года назад
Warning Paul Washer is a false teacher look it up on RU-vid this man is going somewheres else
@zebfriudenberg889 5 месяцев назад
Praise be to God also for carrying brother Paul Washer through his recent heart surgery successfully! May our brothers in the mission field and those who are involved with HeartCry along with brother Paul Washer have a blessed and very merry Christmas this year December of 2023.
@sarajohnson805 2 года назад
Wow powerful! Time to bring that reverence back in the church.
@mondegobololo8958 3 года назад
When I had lost all hope of ever hearing the life changing Gospel.Having supposedly converted in 2001.Growin up in Wof,prosperity gospel churches.Having been ordained as a pastor in 2010 and 2019(Don't ask me why).All these years I lived like a devil until 2021 I came across sermons of Paul Washer,Justin Peters,John MacArthur,Voddie Baucham,Conrad Mbewe and others that preach the true Gospel of Christ ....the scales are falling off my eyes.I want nothing,no titles but to start all over again and be regenerated.Blessed be the God of Mercy🙌🙌🙌
@cheriesingh9808 2 года назад
God bless you
@lornaharris4912 2 года назад
The Word of God changes you be Full of His Word
@geness9676 2 года назад
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏
@mortalagentone3279 2 года назад
Praise the Lord
@BigLazyMexican 2 года назад
Its weird but this year I also found a hard calling to seek God. So did a few brothers of mine. I wonder if Christ is doing a last call for all of his children.
@dawnchattin5935 3 года назад
He is preaching a message that must be heard in the United States, because of the corruption of the gospel that has been ruined by nearly 100 years of social gospel and liberal theology. Thank you, sir, you are a leader and an answer to prayer.
@ronaldbarnum5158 2 года назад
Calvinism is wrong and shouldn't be preached anywhere.
@curtispletcher4723 2 года назад
@@ronaldbarnum5158 Yes, but it should also be preached against o that the truth can be known.
@ronaldbarnum5158 2 года назад
@@curtispletcher4723 A friend invited me to Dr Johnny Hunt, a celebrity pastor, the other evening and I was blown away!!! 41 years of preaching and bragging and HIS GOSPEL IS SO WRONG!! Roman's 10: 9-10 is for Jews. So many people know what the Bible says, but they don't know what it means. I'm pretty new to the Bible but I feel like I may be zealous for God. We have to AGRESSIVELY tell people the truth. They won't listen, otherwise. Almost ALL pastors teach a false Gospel. I'm afraid for them. Paul Washer should put that passion for God into the truth about salvation and ditch the lie of Calvinism. I cant believe how many people praise these phony preachers for teaching truth. There are very few people who won't agree with KING JAMES ONLY, that know the truth! HOW DARE WE CHANGE THE WORDS OF GOD!!! There is nothing more pure on this planet than God's words, and we are SO STUPID that we think we can make them better!!
@angelserrano1990as Год назад
Preacher Paul washer made me realize everything I was doing wrong, amazing man of God
@davidgilde6296 Год назад
He has made many realize it.
@sivemtshakazana 2 года назад
God is so wonderful and merciful. Truth hurts sometimes but it shall set you free.
@John-ju2of 3 года назад
Amen my husband is missionary in Philippines no one help him but thank God he pursue to continue to preach the gospel because God is with him
@evhynesantos7086 2 года назад
Where is he located? We may be able to help, we live in the Philippines and are looking for a reformed church.
@tanmaran4913 2 года назад
we are christian here in Philippines, We are willing to help your husband.
@John-ju2of 2 года назад
Butuan agusan del Norte
@evhynesantos7086 2 года назад
@@John-ju2of Too far from where I reside, I live in Manila, the capital of Luzon
@John-ju2of 2 года назад
Yesterday just go home stranded sya SA bacuag nadaanan Ng bagyu Wala na mga bahay sa bukid po may maliit na church duun
@jackkeyhoe7072 2 года назад
@dougdaniel9196 10 месяцев назад
Washer is a devilish liar! Here's the Gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 King James Version 15 Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; 2 By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. 3 For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures
@wgterry73ify Год назад
This needs to be heard by all.... Get on your knees and pray now... Don't wait for it now . I pray dear Lord not my will but yours.
@DonMoenBestChristian 8 месяцев назад
God has helped me through the last 3 years since I lost my husband! Miss him every day, but I am getting by with prayers and family's lov \
@samcaudill3160 9 лет назад
A lot of people are saying he's just telling us to live by works. It's not true! He says that if you're only doing things that you hate and bore you to obtain your salvation you're not saved. He also says if all you have is religion and not salvation cry out to Jesus. He agrees that's you're saved by grace, but he's saying once we feel the love of Christ and are faithful to him the fruits will show and there will be a visible change in our lives. And if we're not bearing the fruits to be concerned. He's saying the love of Jesus changes hearts. Not the law.
@ServantSoundProductions777 7 лет назад
Sam Caudill EXACTLY!!! Dont know why some can't see or hear this... they only hear one thing, and then they attack that thing...smh
@Goldtaker23 5 лет назад
I want Jesus and to experience His love I want to love what He does and hate what He does and to a degree I do but I feel like its not a true change because I aill desire wrong things but at the same time I desire Him but I always lose to the wrong things I keep asking God for help but still a mess after 2 years
@Urimsuploads 5 лет назад
Hey Mike, it's really encouraging to hear that you're continuously examining yourself, and seeking the holy, righteous and good nature of God within you! As for your frustrations on always giving in to worldly desires, I think that's what all Christians, as they grow in their faith, experience. I certainly did aye 😂 The apostle Paul in 'Romans', lamented on the fact that even HE couldn't separate himself fully from sin itself (Romans 7:14-25), BUT as he believed he was born again, it was not HIM, that was committing the sin, but it was his sinful nature- his old nature that he had, before he was born again. In the same way, if you've truly put your faith and trust in Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you've received a new nature (like how Pastor Washer said). So even though your new nature wants to seek after God's holiness, righteousness and goodness, your old nature continuously wants you to desire the things of this world. It's a continuous battle between your new nature, and your flesh. But the beautiful thing is, in 2 Corinthians 3:18, it says that the Holy Spirit continuously molds and transforms you into the image of God, from one level of glory to the next. So if you earnestly (and consistently) pray to God- who is also the Holy Spirit- to work in your life, and continuously shape you to hate sin, and love holiness, then I truly believe that as time passes, you'll see the Spirit change you into someone who increasingly hates sin (and sins less), but feel worse every time you do sin. Sorry if this didn't make much sense to you bro. I'd encourage you so so much to read through Romans, and listen to the sermons of John MacArthur (at www.gty.org/library/resources/sermons-library/scripture/1?book=45&chapter=0 ). That's how I learned about all of this aye- Pastor MacArthur really dives into the book of Romans, doing sermons for every chapter in that book. I don't know who you are brother, but I just wanna let you know that you're not the only one whose struggling with their faith. I've been there, and I totally get your frustration. Stay strong aye, somewhere else in the internet, another brother in Christ loves ya 😊
@Goldtaker23 5 лет назад
@@Urimsuploads Thank you brother thats really helpful an encouraging I really want to be Holy and walk with Christ but as you say the old nature wants the things of this life too ive only been saved 2 years but im finally comimg to the Lord more now and rejecting sin He is working or I wouldnt be this way thank you for the sermon I shall watch that later brother thank you :)
@kiluahborbon1790 4 года назад
Mike Hill struggling to be holy is a part of the sanctification. The Apostle Paul himself experienced that. Romans 7: 15-20. God gives us His grace to pursue holiness. God bless bro.
@hanzartango2918 3 года назад
I hope Pastor Paul can come here in the Philippines and speak.
@RyuujinReyes 3 года назад
Agree to this.
@leonardokakepakakeshell8087 11 месяцев назад
Tenho compreedido o evangelho de Cristo atravez deste Homem. Deus te abençõe irmão
@lornadoone2009 5 часов назад
A pastor with the heart of a teacher. Bless 🕊️
@kinggeorgewion 3 года назад
One of the most powerful messages I’ve ever heard!!!
@deitert07 2 года назад
Paul teaches if you do no works then you’re not saved? So therefore you need works? That’s double speak correct? No one needs to hear this! LORD JESUS paid for all of my sins every single one. Don’t sin for the sake of salvation sin not because you love god
@jonschaefer3817 2 года назад
@@deitert07 no he doesn't say it's a means of salvation. Salvation is by grace alone through faith in Christ. But faith without works is dead. A person who isn't bearing fruit will wither and drift away. As Christians were suppose to be bearing fruit and doing good things. It won't lead us to salvation but it's what we're called to do and it's how we serve God.
@jonschaefer3817 2 года назад
@@deitert07 Paul is a reformed Christian with calvanistic theology. He believes salvation is by grace alone through faith in christ. The catholics are the ones who believe your works and belief is what gets you to heaven
@deitert07 2 года назад
@@jonschaefer3817 let me ask you something. If I completely have faith on the cross. And live a completely sinful lifestyle am I still saved “a true convert”?
@jonschaefer3817 2 года назад
@@deitert07 If you had faith on the cross, you wouldn't be living a sinful lifestyle. If you have true determined faith, then you would put effort into changing to become more like Christ. That means conforming from you're old sinful nature and putting on the new self. If you have COMPLETE sure faith then you would take you're faith SERIOUSLY. That means changing you're lifestyle. If you're faith is lukewarm, then of course you are susceptible to falling into living a sinful lifestyle. Lukewarm faith is no better than not believing at all. Either you believe, or you don't. If you don't take you're faith seriously, then its possible you either go to hell depending on the circumstances regarding you're belief, or you experience the consequences that follow you're sin. Sin comes with consequences. God will judge you for EVERY sin you commit on judgement day. That's why as christians we are suppose to change. Avoid sin, and pursue righteousness and obedience.
@criswealth1 8 лет назад
His words are true. Jesus said the new law is in our hearts. so if your heart is pure and not guilty of sin through God spirit in you. You will be save. Any moment i sin, i feel guilty immediately and asked forgiveness and grace to be strong from my weakness
@michealcollymore2640 2 года назад
@deitert07 2 года назад
Paul teaches if you do no works then you’re not saved? So therefore you need works? That’s double speak correct? No one needs to hear this! LORD JESUS paid for all of my sins every single one. Don’t sin for the sake of salvation sin not because you love god
@chris-ub1vw 2 года назад
@@deitert07 Agreed, there is no need to perpetually hang the fear of hell over a believers head. How many sins does it take to lose your salvation? How many works must you perform to keep your salvation? There is no answer. The murderer doesn't deserve hell any more than the avid blood donor. When you examine yourself, the conclusion you should reach is that you're a sinner and should serve as a reminder as to why you believed in Jesus in the first place. The work of salvation was done by no man other than Jesus himself. The only requirement is faith alone in Jesus. No subtractions or additions. "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. " John 3:16
@deitert07 2 года назад
@@chris-ub1vw agreed!!
@modakriba3957 2 года назад
Wonderful preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation to those who believe in His word.
@missdmeanor1 2 года назад
Terrific teaching that everyone NEEDS to hear before the great day!
@Tactical_Shenanigans 2 года назад
He needs no introduction, Paul Washer truely loves the Lord.
@trulyhuman6227 3 года назад
I prayed for for someone who truly believes in the commands of Jesus, and I found Paul, who speaks the truth. Love to anyone who reads or doesn't read this.
@FlawedmanServingajustGod 2 года назад
Don't stop there stay in your Scriptures and there are more❤
@rogeriosantosdasilva5056 4 года назад
This Pastor help me very very much! God bless you. I am a Brazilian
@joeygibbs4775 3 года назад
bless you in Jesus name
@hermanem19 2 года назад
@DustMan77 Год назад
God set me on fire after I discovered Paul Washer’s message about truly following the Lord. So many are Luke warm, including myself. It’s a scary thing to learn but also more important and glorious than anything one could learn. Holy Spirit bless more preachers with this combination of authority + love for your children. Amen
@garyswalley7381 Год назад
If I would’ve heard this sermon a couple of months ago before I turned back to the Lord, this sermon surely would have brought me to my knees. I wished everyone in the world could hear this and understand it.
@JitiAnn 2 года назад
😇I still remember the exact day when God changed my heart of stone with the heart of flesh, until then I was spiritually dead, only then I started understanding God's word. With the old hard heart I couldn't understand even your sermon brother Paul. It is a blessing that I could now relate so much to all that you said ❤️ which wasn't the same a year back 😢 Praise God😇🙏
@lisawrite3470 Год назад
Yes indeed! Praise God 🙏
@siennapaxton934 2 года назад
This sermon has made me reassured of my salvation; thank you ✞♡︎
@vanessaconnor9122 Год назад
Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you for the ministers who observe your ordinances and make us aware of the state of our lives. Thank you brother Paul!
@KillaRobz Год назад
As a man who was lost in his sin and blind and a fool so many years I want to testify this mans words are truth and discernment I though still unworthy am now truly blessed for as a I am growing and living in Christ I am living these words. Praise God the Father and thank you John this message makes me rejoice that he is with memaking me holy for I growing in him in all these ways 😅😅
@redzramajo 3 года назад
"We live in a land full of all kinds of things that glitter but they're not gold.."
@flicewatter 2 года назад
That is the truth right there...I needed to hear it..Jesus please forgive me.
@santacollins5325 2 года назад
Hello friend have you seen Pastor Gino Jennings 📖 another amazing person that God has for us so we can learn the truth Bible thank you 💛
@santacollins5325 2 года назад
@sophialeith7973 9 месяцев назад
1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
@believer7733 Месяц назад
My God, my God, my God! I listen to this sermon every two weeks!
@soukignacio3935 2 года назад
God is Glorified in such persons like brother Paul Washer, may the Grace of the Lord be with you all.
@ruzinninarciso4901 3 года назад
What a sermon! This is soo beautiful!! May God bless Paul Washer and may God raise more men and women who will be faithful in His Word and will be willing to be ridiculed for His name's sake.
@jaysamwatt5744 2 года назад
@deitert07 2 года назад
Paul teaches if you do no works then you’re not saved? So therefore you need works? That’s double speak correct? No one needs to hear this! LORD JESUS paid for all of my sins every single one. Don’t sin for the sake of salvation sin not because you love god
@now9611 2 года назад
Also read The Quran. it's the only book where yhwh himself speaks directly ! Prophet Muhammad was the prophet of deut18 :18 John1:21 john 16:13
@steadfastunmoveable9751 Год назад
THEY NEVER HEARD OF THE TRINITY? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-3wFOkizFox0.html
@truehopeministriesofameric3737 2 года назад
This is the most truthful message I have heard in my nearly 45 years in Christ.
@ephbeeaj4183 2 года назад
Brother Paul, may the Lord mightily bless you, your children and wife. May He make your voice be heard by our generation. Thank you for this sermon. I looked at the face of the audience - serious, as it should be. No gimmicks, no rejoicing in sin or laughing at holy things. No trampling of the gospel under foot and exalting self, the flesh and the world!
@fredkabenge7280 Год назад
This is a powerful Christ-centered, and God honoring message. May the Lord continue to use it and impact all its viewers and listeners!
@farmkimkhongsai9869 2 года назад
This sermon has shown me that I am not a true believer. Please pray for me that I truly come to know Christ
@daniels.5139 2 года назад
I will do that.. From Germany..bless you
@athonyhiggins3117 2 года назад
Hi just repent and trust the lord and he will save you god bless you.let me know,send me a text
@MrEvangelist777 3 года назад
This was a superb message from Paul Washer, 100% spot -on. The dislikes are from people who are obviously not born again, for if they were, they would be convicted. Peace.
@EazyE_ 3 года назад
Don’t waste breath about the negative use that same breath to pray for each individual. It’s easier to pray for someone then to call them out on sins they committed.
@joshuabrown9609 3 года назад
Born again...or just "pre-conceived"
@rd5324 2 года назад
@@EazyE_ yeah, sure, you betcha, had Jesus or the apostles just prayed for each individual then where would we be?
@deitert07 2 года назад
Paul teaches if you do no works then you’re not saved? So therefore you need works? That’s double speak correct? No one needs to hear this! LORD JESUS paid for all of my sins every single one. Don’t sin for the sake of salvation sin not because you love god
@rd5324 2 года назад
@@deitert07 study & read more my friend
@kimberlylowry2353 2 года назад
A Brother in Christ told me about you. I first want to Thank my Lord and Savior. Also, I Thank you Pastor Washer. I sent this to all my daughters and husband. Praying that each of them will be saved. God started His Amazing work in me 10 months ago, Amen. I can’t stop watching your sermons. God as spoken to me through you in a difficult storm at this moment. All Glory to God 🙌🙌♥️🤗🙏🙏
@marcelol.folgar7443 2 года назад
No man can be the same after his convertion in Christ Jesus, if the life of a man does not show signs of life, it is because it has not yet dawned on him, and he is still dead in his crimes and sins. God Bless you always pastor Paul Washer. 🙏
@nosmoke247 2 года назад
Thankfully I passed lukewarm years ago. The world has no hold on me. But this once was me. Hallelujah 🙌🙏🙏🏼👏
@elmasandiford4232 2 года назад
What a Word Good Word. The Churches did Preachers like you Paul Washer, thank God for you, keep standing Firm for God.
@aphetmwape3224 2 года назад
"I THOUGHT I WAS A TRUE BELIEVER"😥 thank you father for all your blessing.
@lisaclements70 2 года назад
I thank Pastor Paul for preaching truth and righteousness, repentance and salvation. 🙏📖✝️❤
@maxtari2378 3 года назад
That introduction floored me. He speaks the truth as it is, to me above all.
@lindajackson2059 2 года назад
This is the first time I understand the difference between GOD’s feelings toward for Esau and Jacob. How it is shown. Love is correction and hate allows you to do whatever you want. Thank you
@DavidKing-qd3sp 2 года назад
God preferred Jacob over Esau...he preferred Jacobs decendants to preach the gospel to the world...he was not talking about Esaua and Jacob personally for salvation...hate is another word for preference as God hates no one.
@earbjr4715 9 месяцев назад
A sermon that should be heard by all those with doubts about their relationship with Yeshua, HaShem Adonai, & Ruach HaKodesh in our world today to be ready tomorrow. God Bless
@MonarchAZ 9 месяцев назад
Paul delivers the true gospel. Not the easy gospel that's been used to build mega churches. Glory to God!
@Captaiesqueleto 7 месяцев назад
Funny tho that many believe that their works will get them to heaven even atheist believe if they are good they deserve to be in heaven yet none truly believe in the true Gospel that anyone that believes in Jesus Christ have everlasting life
@happyday2765 Месяц назад
Paul Washer is a Pharisee. Not even he can live up to his version of the gospel and he's arrogant enough to believe he can. He's works based buddy. It's not the true gospel.
@Hello-nk5zp 4 года назад
Hallelujah!🙌 Hallelujah!🙌 Hallelujah!🙌 Speak Brother Paul, SPEAK!! 🔥🔥🔥 Thank You Lord Jesus for Your mercy and grace. Powerful message of hope and salvation through Jesus Christ. 🔥🙏
@pbv4932 4 года назад
Paul Washer truly cares for the soul of the young people. I may not be in that age group, but still blessed by his preachings. I praise God for the life Pastor Paul! (From the Philippines)
@ruthannegray5766 2 года назад
We all need to hear the Truth preached in this message! Love it! Fills my heart with joy! Praise the Lord!
@michellehosteter1713 2 года назад
Truly a disciple of Christ. May we have ears to hear!
@GhostMonkey772 3 года назад
I started drinking when I was 16. I would drink at parties, but I also started drinking alone because I was unhappy, and I was in a lot of emotional pain all the time. My mom was very aggressive when I was younger, and my brother hated her and so did I. He started hanging out with shady people, he started failing all his classes, he was never home, and my parents fought all the time. I also ran away several times. I was always trying to figure out a reason as to why I was here or what the purpose of life was. So, I started looking at different philosophies, religions, and beliefs. When I was 18 after I was hungover, I got on my knees and I prayed for the first time. I asked if God was real that he would show me he was real because I couldn’t take it anymore. I was crying when I prayed for this. At that moment I felt a presence come over me like a wind. It was barely noticeable, but it was unlike anything in my life I had experienced up until that point. I was surprised when I felt it and I remember saying “what was that?” after that experience I pretty much forgot what happened and kept partying, until my senior year when I got arrested. After my arrest, my parents lost all their trust in me and I was expelled from high school. I was told never to come back. At that time, I felt afraid and hopeless. That’s when I started looking for God, and I prayed that he would reveal himself in my life and that he would give me signs. My prayers began getting answered so consistently that I couldn’t deny that God was doing something. It was mysterious and compelling. I ended up in Church and started reading the bible hours a day. I stopped hanging out with all my other friends because they were continually getting arrested. I was able to forgive my family and myself and to ask to be forgiven. I noticed how at Church people were judgmental and how they formed cliques but were afraid to be around anyone else different from them. It increased my faith because I realized Jesus was not like that and ever since I was young, I saw people as people regardless of who they were. After a while, it’s like I could see God's presence was in my life and then it felt like he wasn’t, and then he was, and then he wasn’t. One day I woke up and felt more depressed than I ever have in my entire life. I felt like I was dying on the inside. That night I prayed, and I said, God, I don’t see my life five years from now I'm going to die Jesus save me Lord, please save me. I was weeping when I said it and when I asked him to save me, I felt a presence inside of me like a heartbeat, and I felt it once like a pulse, and I said Lord please save me and I felt it again even stronger. It was like radiance. When I woke up the next morning, I had transformed everything felt brand new like I was a kid again. All my fears and all my racing thoughts everything was gone. I looked at my hands, and I said this can’t be real it’s impossible. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I saw a different person. I started praying, and the holy spirit became entirely real to me it was washing over me and inside of me. It was total love and peace, and I heard a voice but not an audible one, it was an inner voice. It said I am with you; I love you, I will never leave you, it’s done it’s finished. That was May 3rd, 2009, and ever since then I’ve followed God, I have seen many things change and many things I know wouldn’t have changed without faith and belief. I know what it’s like to be lost to feel you have no hope. Don’t ever think you’re stuck, or life can’t change because it can. My mom is a Christian now, Its night and day. Some of the things that went away during that period were severe anxiety and my addiction to alcohol. I’ve seen and experienced so many things that are miraculous and seen how God has worked in my life. When we ask God to forgive us for what we’ve done and turn away from our sins and wrongdoings and we believe in Christ's sacrifice everything changes. His word says if we confess with our mouths that Jesus is Lord and believe in our hearts that he died and rose again we will have eternal life but not just life after death but abundant life in the present. Our sins are erased not only past, present, and future but our burdens and fears are lifted also. Our thoughts, our minds, our hearts, our souls are transformed and united with God and we know his spirit lives in us. If you seek, pray, and knock you will know JESUS IS KING!!! HE LIVES!
@okn3297 3 года назад
Excellent, it’s great that your journey has bought you God and his son Jesus Christ. It’s pretty encouraging too.
@dayzy8945 Год назад
thank you for sharing this awesome and inspiring testimony of the reality of Jesus, Holy Spirit's touch upon your life and God's loving forgiveness! Hallelujah, I rejoice with you!
@redfootfamilyhomestead2433 2 года назад
Im having my kids and my whole family watch this. Thank you Pastor! PRAISE JESUS
@verabooysen3762 2 года назад
Brilliant teaching! 👏👏👏People NEED to hear such sermons. They NEED to hear the TRUTH.
@WeAreRoyalty7 2 года назад
This my first time hearing him preach, God bless him ❤️
@craigwheeler4760 Год назад
One of his mentor's was a preacher by the name of Leonard Ravenhill. "Why revival tarries" 1959. One of the best works in the Christian world. As always from RavenHill, it is very short and to the point.
@chesterpanda 2 года назад
God keeps playing this sermon for me. I have heard it @ 5 times in the past 6 months and I enjoy it. Paul Washer really knows how to humble you and pull your head out of the gutter when he preaches the Gospel.
@salvadordy8992 3 года назад
his preaching is like the Apostle Paul
@louierivera7512 3 года назад
Well said, Salvador!
@Ditshwanelo-np3pi Месяц назад
Thank you heavenly father for saving me from self distraction but calling myself a Christian by coming across Pastor Paul Washer. His messages exposes every one alike. Pastors Preachers and most born again Christians. 19:30 South African. Amen
@sisclaluis12son 11 месяцев назад
AMEN.. If we are not preaching what the Holy scripture gives us we are a major part of the problem. June 25, 2023
@23JustinBlake 5 лет назад
The Lord Jesus Christ is working in my life and transforming me from the inside through the preaching of Brother Paul Washer. Its one thing to claim we are Christian, its another thing all together to be a Real True Christian serving The Lord Jesus Christ of The Bible, continuing to grow in Faith, growing closer to our Lord and being transformed EVERYDAY that goes by. If we are not continually growing on a daily basis, we are dead. Thank You Jesus for speaking to me and changing me into the man You created me to be through Brother Paul Washer. I ask You Oh Lord, please continue to work in my life, transforming me daily, helping me draw closer in my relationship with You Jesus. Help me to grow in my Faith so that You will continue to use me im the furtherance of Your Kingdom Lord Jesus, making disciples through me as I share my faith with the lost.
@jimijames7703 4 года назад
God Bless you Brother
@76ronaldrodrigues 4 года назад
@topcattai Год назад
I'm not sure why people hear this man and think of guilt. I'm just happy it's truth.
@eternalardour Год назад
they're scared of the truth and powerful doctrine
@jagone5672 Год назад
i pray Conversion and Blessings over everyone hearing this message! In THE MIGHTY NAME OF YESHUA HAMASHIACH!
@sidanthonymalhabour275 6 лет назад
The point of Paul Washer is, If you really a believer of our Lord Jesus Christ . they must see in our lifestyle. God bless bro. Paul
@Candy-py4pf 4 года назад
@jeffallanday 2 года назад
Not really. Don't listen to this person but read the Bible instead.
@ayubb.k565 2 года назад
@@jeffallanday 🤣🤣 Really?? Bible teacheS the same thing.
@jeffallanday 2 года назад
@@ayubb.k565 Actually it does not teach the same thing. Paul Washer teaches a backend works gospel. In other words he teaches you need to examine to see if you are saved. If you life doesn't have evidence he would say that you are not saved. When I come across people like Paul Washer I always ask the same question. Say I have believed in the gospel and received Christ as it talks about in John 1:12-13 and John Chapter 3 and John Chapter 4. Then lets say I fall away into the world and follow the world not following Christ. Paul Washer would say that person was never saved. Right? My question is what then can that person do to be saved after they already thought they believed and were saved. Ephesians 2:8-9. The other question I have for them is "Where is Solomon today? In Heaven or Hell?" If they say Hell then I say how is it possible Solomon write 3 books of the Bible since it is required to have been inspired by the Holy Spirit. If they say Heaven I ask what evidence did Solomon have at the end of his life that leads you to the conclusion that he was saved and is in Heaven. In my view Solomon's faith ended up wrecked really really badly.
@ayubb.k565 2 года назад
@@jeffallanday Related to gospel: its always about forgiveness that is only through grace alone, faith alone and Christ Jesus alone. We cant be saved by our deeds. But What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. We who died to sin, how shall we any longer live therein? Romans 6:1‭-‬2 His preaching is so Bible based that people who love God shall repent and those who hate God shall reject it. Everyone doesnt love God. They love their sin and dont want to repent. If you are that, the choice is yours. Now concerning to Solomon, God knows it. We dont have to decide where he is or not. if you want to decide his place, i would pray for your foolishness😌😌 If you want to know my opinion, listen: If Solomon is in hell, praise God If Solomon is in heaven, praise God. Location of Solomon doesnt impact on your destination. Remember till end!!
@jeffallanday 2 года назад
​ @Ayub B.k 1. The three word phrase "Repent of sin" is found no where in the New Testament. 2. In truth Repent isn't even found in the New Testament. The inspired word was a Greek word Metanoia that was translated to Repent. Metanoia in the Greek means change of mind. 3. Understanding Metanoia and how it is used in relation to saving faith is very important in understanding the gospel and the saving message. 4. You are correct Solomon does not impact your destination. I made no claim that it did. It does however impact your theology. If you believe that Solomon went to Hell then you have no way to explain how he had a close relationship with God. A relationship that was close enough that God granted him his prayer and gave him amazing wisdom. Guided by the Holy Spirit he wrote the wisdom down and it is now in the Bible. God also granted Solomon (over David) the privilege to build the Temple. Jesus mentions Solomon in Matthew 6:29 "That even Solomon in all his Glory was not arrayed like one of these". Because of all this I am certain that he is in Heaven right now. The failures at the end of us life should serve as a caution for us who are believers. We need to seek God always and his word and flee from the things that would lead us away so that we don't end up in failures. 1st Corinthians 3 is a wonderful chapter that is also warning that if we are not carful that our work could be burned and we would suffer loss but will be saved as one who is escaping through the flames. 5. I am glad you brought up Romans 6. Romans 6 is one of my favorite chapters in all of Romans. The three chapters before Romans 6 explain how we are justified before a Holy God. You started in verse 1 of Chapter 6 but I encourage you to read the verses leading up to Chapter 6 because it makes it clear why Paul starts Romans 6 with "But What shall we say then". When people struggle with sin Chapter 6 is where I take them. Chapter 6 has some of the most powerful words of hope for the struggling believer. Not everyone who is in sin hates God. There are many different reasons for sin. Many of the Old Testament saints lied and deceived people even their own family. I mean look at Abraham and Jacob. When I look at why Abraham kept lying and telling people his wife was his sister it is because he was not completely trusting God to take care of him. Many believers find themselves in this very same situation and what I try to do is help them to put into practice things that would build up their trust in Christ. I want to build them up and not point them to self doubt in their salvation. Sometimes believers fall into some really bad sin. Usually it is because something got in the way of their daily fellowship with God, his word and fellowship with other believers. Praying for them and encouraging them to get back into fellowship seems to be the best way to help them. I fellowship with other believers all throughout the week. I also have a one on one fellowship with a Christian brother ever week that has been amazing in keeping me encouraged. We pray for one another and others in our church. Thank you for your opinion. I do want to know your opinion. Thank you for also reading mine.
@trevorstalwart3160 9 месяцев назад
I wish this message could be herold throughout the four corners of America
@nehemiahbrook5505 2 года назад
This is the true Gospel!!!
@GlocKGanG 6 лет назад
Any of you that goes against his preaching. You need to examine yourself cause he is preaching the word of. God,maybe you have not the spirit of. God to understand what brother Paul is preaching
@nikewarrior24 12 лет назад
Amen! Paul Washer always keeps it 100. Praise God indeed.
@comowibibliawhatthebiblesa6562 2 года назад
1 Peter 3:10-11 For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it.
@kelvinlaw3477 3 месяца назад
2024. This sermon is the great sermon I’ve ever heard in my life so far.
@lisfong 2 месяца назад
God saved me after a lifetime of false conversion and I praise Him for faithful preaching of the gospel like this! 9 years after Christ started this good work in me, I'm still hungry to hear the gospel preached!
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