
What is the Orthodox Stance on Reincarnation & Karma? | Greek Orthodoxy 101 

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Rochester NY
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What is the Eastern Orthodox Christian view on reincarnation and the concept of karma? Are there any similarities between Christianity and Buddhist philosophy?
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23 мар 2021




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@Mika-El- 10 месяцев назад
I would love to be part of the orthodox church, but they would never accept me because of the reincarnation topic. I have studied it deeply and have prayed and seen so much evidence for it so I cannot deny what I know. So this means anathema.
@annunciationorthodox 10 месяцев назад
We will be looking a bit further into this topic in tonight's Q/A show!
@Mika-El- 10 месяцев назад
@@annunciationorthodox Will look into it. Appreciate the response.
@Mika-El- 10 месяцев назад
Now I've watched the video. Thank you for taking up my comment. I agree it was more of a statement than a question. However, as you understood, there is a deep quest for truth behind it. Yes, I will continue to explore this topic as sincerly as I can. I have done so for 20 years by now. Still I haven't found one single priest, deacon, bishop or teacher from any established church who honestly can say they have done deep research on their part. It always ends up with blind belief and pre-programmed low integrity answers - and if I insist of going deeper the demonic card comes up. End of discussion. To me, this isn't Christ like. What can true christianity possibly lose by people doing independent research of theological and metaphysical topics? I see it can only gain influence of the Holy Spirit. But it is surely painful to admit that one doesn't know if one's beliefs is true. Christ stated that back then he couldn't teach us everything. Then why would we expect the "elders" or "church fathers" to be some sort of know all? Again, this is written in good spirit and I thank you for your time.
@ronnyhampel8178 8 месяцев назад
Hey Mika, I feel the same way too and started my research more than 30yrs ago. Reinkarnation and Karma are core concepts, the soul is eternal and there was never a time, where we did not exist. We are fallen into space and time to reestablish our eternal relationship with god. We are not the physical body, but the most christians think they are there body. On death they will wake up and come out of this illusion.
@moontyk 4 месяца назад
​@@Mika-El- it is very easy and covenient to believe in reincarnation, remember it's just a belief, there is no proof for it. Ask God honestly to guide you to the Truth and so He will (seek and you shall find).
@moniquevamado Год назад
I don't believe in reincarnation, but Scripture does say that before He formed me, He knew me, so I don't see how it's unorthodox to believe that we existed in the mind of God before we were given form.
@HomoEucharistica 8 месяцев назад
That goes too deeply into ontology and the ways how we define existence (and I've always been bad at philosophy; I prefer philokalia). Surely it is that God has eternally had the idea (or "logioi") of us since He is Omniscient. But does knowing someone mean that one exist? Is it to say we have eternally existed before we are given our existence? In other words, did we exist before we were created? If we did exist before creation, only conclusion we can make is that we all are parts of God, "sparks of God" like New Age folk and other people like to say - and this is not just an obvious heresy and non-Orthodox, but even anti-Christian too... Beside, we tend too easily to forget that there's no time for God but He is in all times and places simultaneously, yet timeless and omnipresent God interacts with us in time and space. Thus, when the Scriptures say _"before He formed me, He knew me"_ (in the book of Psalms, probably) it is told from our humane perspective, "phenomenologically", because you cannot apply temporal terms to timeless Being.
@kevinclass2010 Месяц назад
Prescience (foreknowledge) is not existence.
@Noone-rt6pw 3 года назад
Dealing with suffering, Ezekiel 34 addresses it very well. God's people hungry, handicapped, etc. pushed to the side, while others live well. It's something to consider.
@jfrancis 3 года назад
I’ve been thinking about this. Thank you for doing this video. It brought clarity.
@allenmorgan4309 3 года назад
We find Grace in the midst of our suffering. We must take on the sufferings of Christ by denying self and in that process we become aware of God in us and us in Him. Suffering is the path to acquiring the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
@susansuewwilliams Год назад
Thank you Father, as always you bring the truth to us so simply. Glory to Jesus Christ!!
@alikimcdonold4403 Год назад
I always thought re-incarnation was one soul and many different physical forms until you reach the state of Nirvana perfection. The Orthodox Christians believe as I understand it, one soul, one body that will be re-united at the time of resurrection. That's what happened to Jesus.
@eftixismeni2010 Год назад
The kingdom of heaven is within each and everyone of us.
@adriana76753 4 месяца назад
Jesus already explained everything in the revelation given through Maria Valtorta, "The gospel as revealed to me". He explains how the soul is created, and why the reincarnation doesn't exist. You can also find how it was possible that the conception of Virgin Mary be Immaculate, a truth that the Orthodox Church doesn't accept yet, and you can find many many other explanations for so many subjects....
@adim00lah Год назад
Job 1:21: "Naked I left my mother's womb and naked I shall return there." How exactly does a man return to his mother's womb naked without reincarnation?
@agricolaregs 2 месяца назад
Oh. Interesting interpretation. A return to the womb as to start over.
@theTavis01 Год назад
Jeremiah 1:5 "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you"
@jesus_is_kingforever5909 10 месяцев назад
Because God can see the future. Not because we existed prior to being created.
@Chrisoula17 4 месяца назад
I don’t think this verse is about the future.
@roccocarlino067 Месяц назад
The greatest crime of Christianity was the systematic removal of the teachings in REINCARNATION by Pope Vigilius on the orders of Emperor Justinian I approximately in year 540. Credit to Saint Catherine of Siena for revisiting this natural spiritual law, the Dialogue she spoke in trance.
@jesusloveyou3976 3 года назад
Jewish kabbalah tradition says Noah was reincarnated to Moses because when God said he was going to destroy the people he did not fight for his own generation. So they believe he reincarnated to Moses, and when God wanted to destroy the people of Israel for builting the golden calf, Moses said “erase me from your books” which form the words "waters of Noah" in Hebrew
@ienjoyapples Год назад
Pew research poll: Are you a Christian? Yes Do you go to church? No Do you repent of your sins? No Do you read the Bible? No Do you believe in reincarnation? Yes
@theTavis01 Год назад
"You reap what you sow" is a straightforward expression of the law of karma. Denying this is divisive and will not help to bring those of other faiths to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, who paid our karmic debt through His work on the cross.
@abhmmh8892 Месяц назад
Original sin is karma, if we are all descended from only two people then that is essentially reincarnation as we are just incarnations of Adam and Eve, in my opinion. We all share the same blood.
@johnjelinek3983 5 месяцев назад
Why is theosis and the exchange of energy in creation and repose not considered as parallels? From God, to God, the person must ascend. Is this parallel overlooked because of missing details that render God impersonal?
@annunciationorthodox 5 месяцев назад
Father Angelo will be addressing your question in tonight's Orthodoxy Questions Answered livestream!
@juanitagartley937 Год назад
Give me a pizza with pepperoni, green peppers, mushrooms, but hold the cheese.
@grogweedwalker 8 месяцев назад
Always, when I hear the concepts behind other religions from those who are dedicated to a different religion there is always a shallow understanding of the foreign religion. The same is true here. Although I appreciate the attempt at explaining the beliefs of others in comparison to define your particular interpretation of writings, it isn't accurate. I truly believe there is not a way to understand this until you try on the belief system by living it. THEN and only then can you understand from the heart and soul.
@ram_bam 7 месяцев назад
Christians tend to be the most guilty of being willfully ignorant of other religions. The Hindus study Christianity and revere Christ. Christians could learn a lot from the humility of Hindus. There is an absolutely wonderful book called The Sermon on the Mount according to Vedanta. It’s an incredible read and exemplifies Hindu humility.
@movementii 4 месяца назад
The Bible doesn't mention the existence of RU-vid either
@Cata-Holic_Doode Год назад
I hear Christ and Peter used Greek mythological terms like hades and tartorus. Is it improper to use the term "karma" in our time? Because it's hard to work around that word with secular people but yeah I've been trying to ditch that word mid sentence and with my background and seldom potential listeners, it seems impossible to refrain from that word. Secular people around me are so illiterate they won't hear 'reap what what you sow' they'll retort "wait wait up, you raped and it's like so?" 🤦🏻‍♂️
@matthewevans5758 8 месяцев назад
Yeah karma and you reaped what you sew are pretty similar concepts.
@JonathanAllen0379 Год назад
I don't know why you only deal with a comparison of Buddhism, which is just a negating, ultimately nihilistic worldview. I wish you would specifically compare and contrast Orthodox Christianity and Sanāthana Dharma instead, specifically Vedanta.
@agricolaregs 2 месяца назад
Interesting. I believe in reincarnation.
@xusmico187 2 года назад
please keep it simple...
@causalityismygod2983 Год назад
Till when will you deal with the suffering....till eternity
@atmantipheret456 8 месяцев назад
Father, you handled the teaching on reincarnation well. You also nobly handled the intersection of Buddhist and Orthodox Christian (also applies to other branches of Christianity) with love. However, you did not address karma at all. Karma is a Sanskrit word, a noun, deriving from the Sanskrit verb which translates into English as "to act". The Christian teaching: "Do not be deceived. G-d cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows" (Galatians 6: 7-8), is a clear articulation of karma. Isaac Newton's Third Law of Physics: "For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction," is another clear articulation of the Law of Karma, for the Law of Karma is that there is necessarily a consequence to our actions, for each and every action this is necessarily so. Indeed, karma is a universal law applicable on various levels of existence. In this video, I observe that you did not point out this convergence of Buddhist and Christian doctrines. Or would you demonstrate otherwise or alternately? In other words, that this is not true, that we do not "reap what we sow". Finally, "reincarnation", or metempsychosis, the Greek word, "the transmigration of souls", actually does NOT apply to Buddhism. There is no reincarnation in Buddhist teaching at all. The teaching in Buddhism is rebirth, not reincarnation, which are quite separate as well as different teachings. Reincarnation does apply to Hinduism, Jainism, and Sikhism. I invite you to reply and will look very much forward to hearing back from you.
@rosalynmadeley2176 Год назад
I think it’s true.
@chadkline4268 Год назад
I could say a lot, but will just say this, and if you contemplate it, you will see that it is solid knowledge: the spirit is zero dimensional, outside of spacetime, it is our presence, the sense of 'am here', and all creatures with a nervous system have one. Consciousness is a bidirectional field of the nervous system. It must capture a spirit at birth or it dies, stillbirth. The spirit is comprised of 1) awareness, which reads consciousness, 2) conscience, which signals OK, not-OK, and 3) a power of intent which optionally writes consciousness to initiate thought or muscle movement. The spirit reads sensory consciousness by day, and dream consciousness by night. It never ages, gets ill, decays, rests, sleeps or dies. Since it is zero dimensional, it cannot be broken into smaller pieces. It cannot be located anywhere in material, body, or mind. It binds to consciousness due to sensual desires, desire for body+mind. It only separates from consciousness at the death of consciousness, or by the termination of sensual desire. All teachings of all saints are toward the ending of sensual desires/intents. They are the cause of rebirth and suffering. How do I know? I can disconnect my spirit from body+mind, and watch it unbind+rebind to consciousness. If you understand that matter is created from nothing, that there are 6 fundamental particles that equate to nothing (tau, muon, electron, and their anti particles), then you can say that it is true that God created the universe, and man is created in his image. Because the greatest is emptiness, zero dimensionality, and so are we. Now, I don't know more than that, and I am troubled by that. When the spirit disconnects from consciousness, there is only emptiness, and our presence. I theorize that promised grandeur of eternity may be found in negative dimensions.
@chadkline4268 Год назад
Questions I have: how could something zero dimensional (spirit) interact with something arising from the dimensional (consciousness)? 2) negative dimensions are not conceivable by the mind. I'd guess that they would be some kind of manifestation arising within a spirit itself, a spirit no longer bound to dimensionality. Although a spirit would not mind emptiness, because it has no mind, I dislike the idea that a final state of eternity is just the peace of emptiness. It is an end to suffering of course, but it's an end of everything, except presence, and I just don't like that idea. I wish monks would strive harder 🙂 I don't think they practice as arduously as they should. Kamma is conscience. It can develop for better or worse, and being the foundation of our intents, it decides the consciousness of any rebinding. I appreciate Orthodoxy, Buddhism, and Taoism. Orthodoxy strikes nearer the heart of matters than any other form of Christianity. I am not against the church. It is humans. I love Orthodoxy. And truth is not heretical. Being reborn means reborn without sensual desire/intents. You know, I say again, the monks+nuns are simply not diligent+arduous enough in their striving, else they would already be telling the church what I have said. I have not said anything that cannot be known by any monk or nun that is laying down their life for the truth. Jesus wasn't watching TV and playing video games from 12-30. I am certain. They need to strive until they die trying. That is the secret. To experience death before biological death.
@earthscience4381 Год назад
Jesus said that Elijah had already come again (the second time) before he (Jesus) came, and that the people did not recognize him. Is this not the concept of reincarnation that Jesus mentioned ? Since this idea is expressed by Jesus in both Matthew and Mark. Then in John, we read that that John the Baptist denies being the Prophet Elijah. Now who is lying ? What's the truth ?
@moontyk 4 месяца назад
No, the Lord Jesus Christ did not say St John the Baptist is the reincarnation of Elijah. St John Chrysostom explains this passage that St John the Baptist came with the same strength in spirit as Elijah. Also, it would make no sense Elijah to be reincarnated because he didn't die. He was taken to heaven in a chariot of fire, the Bible tells us.
@MariaMyself 4 месяца назад
1.Buddhism is about no violence or compassion, love is not tacken for the ultimate. 2.Buddhism is not about elimination of stuffing but about transcending the limitations of the ignorance and understanding that suffering it’s an consequence of that, must not be understood suffer by pain. 3. Must also be told that the Tibetan Buddhism is not the same as the spiritual path that Siddharta transmitted through his teachings. 4. Also is not an atheist religion but a non theistic one. It’s just not the religion that wants to enter in my God is The God, a non violence path based must be as such. 5.It’s an inward path to the Divine and that is the same as in orthodox religion, that the mundane intellect can not grasp the infinite that must be experienced by one and also it’s specifically said that without Grace can not be!
@rauldavidmaldonadoleary8104 9 месяцев назад
En el cristianismo se distingue la persona de Elías y la de Juan el Bautista, Jesús hizo esta distinción en Mateo 17,1-13 y Marcos 9. 2-13. Con la llegada de Jesús se inicia lo que conocemos como el Reino de Dios, pero aun no vemos que todo se haya restaurado, sin embargo, con la proclamación del evangelio ya ha iniciado. Los discípulos como Jesús reconocieron a Elías y no lo confundieron con Juan el Bautista, sin embargo, el hecho que Jesús estuviera presente ya calificaba a Juan el Bautista como un precursor del Cristo, (y en este sentido cumplió con los profetas) pues el anuncio de Juan el Bautista, se asemejaba al que realizaría Elías según la profecía del profeta Malaquías, 3, 2. El retorno de Cristo que espera todo creyente, aclarará todas las cosas, . aun no se ha manifestado todo lo hemos de ser, pero sabemos que cuando el se manifieste seremos semejantes a el. 1 epístola del Apóstol Juan 3.2
@indigenous31617 Год назад
Berean Literal Bible And inasmuch as it is apportioned to men to die once, and after this, judgment,
@iamhudsdent2759 2 года назад
Father, you have a faulty understanding of Eastern philosophy and Buddhism.
@Mika-El- 2 года назад
@Daren Fliflet And so is christianity, even from the very beginning. All else is taylormade fairytales.
@Mika-El- 2 года назад
@Daren Fliflet Sorry, mate. There is little to no evidence to back that up. But lots of dogma for sure. Original christianity was very diverse. Parts if it may still be waiting to be rediscovered, healed and put at work openly.
@Concerned_one 2 года назад
@Меѳодїи do keep in mind that the institution now known as the “Eastern Orthodox Church” only came into existence in 1054 AD. I don’t believe Christianity practiced during the schism is the same as the original Christianity. Many changes to the doctrine have been introduced during the centuries by the rulers of the “holy” Roman Empire. You need to dig a lot deeper to find the evidence.
@Concerned_one 2 года назад
@Меѳодїи I don’t think you get my point. I am not talking about whether Catholicism is right or wrong or whether Eastern Orthodoxy is right or wrong. The dogma and mystical theology of Eastern Orthodoxy that exists today is identical or pretty much the same as practiced in 1054 AD. However there is no guarantee that the version of Christianity practiced in 1054 AD is the same at the practiced in first century.
@Concerned_one 2 года назад
@Меѳодїи moreover there were major changes to the theology introduced by emperor Justinian in the 6th century. And likewise many changes were instituted by the church before the schism
@indigenous31617 Год назад
Transmigration of a soul... familiar spirit afflicting later generations with its fondness for its former victims.
@happyandblessed5640 Год назад
@fabioparra2711 2 года назад
There is a church father that holds it ! It’s name is Origen
@can_do_nz2272 2 года назад
Yes, unfortunately there does not appear to exist his possible writings on the subject. Most likely they were burned along with other writings that did not follow the new narrative that was laid down by the roman emperor Justinian.
@xAzureXHazex 2 года назад
@Daren Fliflet agreed
@susansuewwilliams Год назад
He was a heretic, declared so by the Second Ecumenical Council.
@Ghayme-changer 3 месяца назад
Yeah, reincarnation is real, for some people. The spirit reincarnates, but not the soul. Some people are a spirit attached to a soul. Those people, after death, go through purgatory, where most of the soul is stripped away. Their spirit continues on, upwards, and incorporates the portion of the soul which was "saved" or purified, during earthly life. Later, after about a thousand years, the spirit will go back down and reincarnate with a new soul. It forms it's new soul on the way down, in accordance with its karma. Some people only have a soul, no spirit. They are "NPCs" in modern parlance. Those souls dissolve after death and are reabsorbed into the "soul" of God. Call it the world-soul. They are a one time deal.
@ocellaris1 3 месяца назад
True, great comment
@danielgaley9676 2 месяца назад
@theTavis01 Год назад
The soul of Adam was a single soul for all of humanity, being both the singular and the plural as in the image of Elohim. When humanity ate of the fruit of knowledge, that single soul was splintered into individual souls which were trapped in individual fleshly bodies which then faced the inevitable suffering and death that came from being separate individuals. These splinters of Adam continue to incarnate, which is why we are said to have inherited Adam's sin - because we ARE Adam. The Jewish wisdom traditions contend that Adam will be made whole again and the curse of the Fall reversed when all of the splinters finish their work. We know as Christians that Jesus is the fulfillment of that redemption and that Christ is the reunification of souls into a singular spirit.
@Mika-El- 4 месяца назад
Right there 🤍🕊
@jpJP-lq8eo Месяц назад
Wrong Elijah reincarnated as John the Baptist
@annunciationorthodox 10 дней назад
Father Maggos will be answering your question during one of our upcoming Orthodoxy Questions Answered Summer Specials. Keep an eye out for those episodes Thursdays nights in July!
@msriccio6830 11 месяцев назад
Orthodoxy like Catholicism is based mainly in Plato (heaven and hell and reincarnation) but in Aristotle too, i.e., our souls are created in the womb, therefore there is no pre-existence. Aristotle is the only Greek that claims reincarnation is a lie! Christianity is in fact the bible cleansed by Aristotle! Basically the early church borrowed freely from the Greeks because their bible books had no hell to punish people who misbehaved. After they borrowed hell from the Greeks, the church (Augustine, Jerome, even Calvin ) said 99% of confessed Christians are going to hell . around the merry go bush. Now, no one is going to hell according to the Churches. Well, what is it fellas? Pastors then say that only God knows who is going to hell. How did we go from 99% to zero? I think I will trust God and the common sense of reincarnation, than rely on these silly "Fathers" who flounder about in Greek philosophy of a lack of true biblical knowledge. I have yet to meet a priest who is not a drunk, except at Mount Athos.
@truthseeker3404 Год назад
Before Christianity we were all Hindus !! Reincarnation and karma has been part of our soul even today. Man made religions cannot understand what gods left us with so they used what was forced on them as right by the constant foreign invaders looking to control population and religion was the best tool. Ever since I read hindu scriptures my eyes opened up and everything made more sense and gave clarity.
@can_do_nz2272 3 года назад
Reincarnation was in fact part of the early Christian belief up until a roman emperor made it otherwise. Emperor Justinian in AD 545 had the following anathema decreed. If anyone asserts the fabulous pre-existence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema. (The Anathemas against Origen), attached to the decrees of the Fifth Ecumenical Council, A.D. 553, in Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, 2d ser., 14: 318). The then pope of the day Pope Vigilius actually did a ‘runner’ and was not present at that council. He was later arrested and imprisoned. There would have followed from such a decree a great book burning as the ‘church’ reorganized itself in obedience. You did not oppose a anathema. Consequences were death or exclusion.
@priestofslaanesh9000 3 года назад
No, early Christians that lived outside of majority Christian nations (like the Assyrians and the Saint Thomas Christians) did not believe in reincarnation either, the ones that had it as an official belief were small breakaway groups from the Roman Empire.
@Orcneas23 2 года назад
Lumping in early heretical sects who call themselves “Christians”, with historical Christianity is neither honest nor historically valid.
@can_do_nz2272 2 года назад
@@Orcneas23 Given the fact that it was a roman emperor who instigated a change in the belief structure would make the anathema very questionable in the direction and influence it has had on Christianity from that point. As to honesty it would validate that what is currently held as a general narrative is in itself dishonest.
@Orcneas23 2 года назад
@@can_do_nz2272: Wrong. You’ve bought into pseudo-historical bullshit worthy of a Dan Brown novel. Go read the Early Church Fathers, the ones persecuted by the Roman Empire, and the inheritors of the original Twelve Apostles Of Jesus Of Nazareth; there is no reincarnation present. In fact, St. Irenaeus Of Lyon wrote against reincarnation explicitly... “We may undermine the Hellenists’ doctrine as to transmigration from body to body by this fact-that souls remember nothing whatever of the events which took place in their previous states of existence. For if they were sent forth with this object, that they should have experience of every kind of action, they must of necessity retain a remembrance of those things which have been previously accomplished, that they might fill up those in which they were still deficient, and not by always hovering, without intermission, through the same pursuits, spend their labor wretchedly in vain. With reference to these objections, Plato attempted no kind of proof, but simply replied dogmatically that when souls enter into this life they are caused to drink of oblivion by that demon who watches their entrance, before they effect an entrance into the bodies. It escaped him that he fell into another, greater perplexity. For if the cup of oblivion, after it has been drunk, can obliterate the memory of all the deeds that have been done, how, O Plato, do you obtain the knowledge of this fact ?” (Against Heresies 2:33:1-2 [A.D. 189]).
@filipradosa6062 2 года назад
No it was not part of early christianity.
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