
Whatever You Bind and Loose 

Catholic Productions
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What does Jesus intend when he gives his disciples the authority to bind and loose? How is this connected two his statement regarding two or three gathered in his name?
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Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio [Public domain]
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@commscompany1502 4 года назад
Wow I never interpreted this passage as a defense of one Church ! Brilliant ! Thank God for inspiring you on this.
@simeonogbonna568 4 года назад
Never regreted listening to you. Thank you so much
@katieli8849 4 года назад
Thanks Dr Pitre. Excellent 👍
@trishlozano8335 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Pitre for clarifying this scripture! I have been searching for so long on its true meaning to teach my children and the RCIA recipients. God’s blessings on your gift of knowledge and teaching. Please continue this good work our Lord has placed you to do.
@eileen1820 4 года назад
Dr. Pitre is a Saint and Scholar
@angelicapearlderecho1280 4 года назад
Thank you Dr. Pitre 😊 God bless you and the Catholic Production crew 😊
@tesschavit3009 4 года назад
Proud of being catholic, thank you God!
@marcihf217 2 года назад
Thank you Dr. Pitre for all these videos. I am learning so much about our Catholic Faith.
@raymondatasker5383 4 года назад
Love this site. I so needed this today. Having difficulty with members believe in things like purgatory & confession. God bless this site and it’s members. Keep praying 🙏🏻
@lauraanderson7358 4 года назад
Christ came to establish ONE. HOLY. CATHOLIC. APOSTOLIC. CHURCH. so difficult for so many to accept. S M H . . .
@QuisutDeusmpc 4 года назад
Please forgive me, what does "S M H..." stand for? Full disclosure: Catholic convert and over the age of fifty, so likely unfamiliar with recent expressions.
@henrybarr7307 4 года назад
QuisutDeus. mpc SMH = shake my head
@josephjude1290 4 года назад
@@tony1685 The Church came before the Bible.
@teejah7785 4 года назад
Thank you, Dr Pitre!
@benmo45 4 года назад
Thank you!
@arnoldmaglalang5522 4 года назад
Matthew 16 18 build a Church keys to heaven and authority to bind and loose.
@paulmiller3469 4 года назад
The keys to the kingdom are reference to Old Covenant times. The king had his ministers (governmental), but when the king was away, one was designated as the prime minister with the keys to bind and loose (authority to speak for the king). This was common knowledge at the time (at least from the time of Isaiah, but probably before), through the time of Jesus. When Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom, He was basically designating Peter as the prime minister with authority to speak for the King (Jesus) after the Ascension. And like we see in Isaiah, those keys and the authority they represent could pass from one individual to another (the papal part of apostolic succession).
@JordonHill 4 года назад
Paul Miller beautiful. It also seems logical that if you have been given the King’s authority then it follows that you will necessarily develop papal succession (if the king’s absence endured long enough for it to be required). It’s implied within the authority and responsibility it carries.
@CARS63 4 года назад
Interesting. Thank you, Dr. Pitre. 🙏
@reemsuekar8112 4 года назад
Amen, thank you.
@felipeaugustoribeiro187 4 года назад
@christophermalli9983 4 года назад
Wow, very powerful
@1907jdee 4 года назад
The church doesn't excommunicate enough people who openly break God's commandments. Do not kill - abortion!
@arnoldmaglalang5522 4 года назад
Peter Primacy. It is called PROTOS PETROS. Peter is First. Peter was first apostle to be called to be fishers of men. Peter was first apostle to preach In public and converted 3000 that day. Parallel of the net and fish Peter caught. And net did not break. And the Church and 3000 Peter converted the Church would not break. Apostles also respected the leadership of Peter. Apostles waited for Peter to enter the tomb of Jesus. Peter also carried the bread and wine. Paul calling Peter Cephas
@SaintCharbelMiracleworker 4 года назад
Andrew his brother was called first. The first thing Andrew did was tell his brother Simon, later called Peter.
@QuisutDeusmpc 4 года назад
@@SaintCharbelMiracleworker Chronological first isn't necessarily first by God's election. Cain came first, but Abel, who was biologically and chronologically born second, had his sacrifice approved. Same thing with Esau and Jacob [cf. Genesis 25: 20-23: "the older shall serve the younger"]. Second thing is, whenever God entered into a unique covenant relationship with someone in Tanakh / the Old Testament, he CHANGED THEIR NAME. Think of Abram / Abraham and Sarai / Sarah when God established him as Patriarch of the People of God of ancient Israel [cf. Genesis 17: 1-5 and Genesis 17: 15]. The same thing when God extended his covenant with Abraham and Isaac to their progeny Jacob. Upon wrestling with the messenger of God, the angel, Jacob's name is changed to Israel [cf. Genesis 32: 23-33, particularly vs. 29]. Fast forward to first century AD Palestine and the advent of the public ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ. Notice that Andrew does NOT have his name changed by Jesus Christ the way Abram / Abraham did, the way Sarai / Sarah did [cf. Genesis 17: 1-5 and 15] and like Jacob / Israel did [cf. Genesis 32: 23-33, particularly vs. 29], but his brother Simon does / Cephas [cf. John 1: 40-42]. John 1: 29-42 is clear there is ANOTHER disciple [who expositors identify as the Apostle St. John - because this habit in his writing of only obliquely referring to himself by expressions such as "the disciple who Jesus loved" and "it is that disciple who is writing to you", etc], who is with Andrew following St. John the Baptist. So an argument can be made that St. John is the "first" chronologically, because that disciple AND Andrew leave off following St. John the Baptist after he refers to Jesus as "the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world" at John 1: 35, 37 and 40. HOWEVER, again, it is ONLY St. Peter among the Twelve who has his name uniquely changed by Jesus Christ Himself, in the same manner that YHWH / the LORD God changed Abram's, Sarai's, and Jacob's name to designate them as His covenant representatives as Patriarchs for the People of God of ancient Israel, "Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John and followed Jesus. He first found his own brother Simon and told him, 'We have found the Messiah' (which is translated Anointed). Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, 'You are Simon the son of John; YOU WILL BE CALLED CEPHAS' (which is translated Peter)." cf. John 1: 40-42 This is the language of YHWH with Abram at Genesis 17: 1-5, and with Sarai at Genesis 17: 15. This is the language of YHWH with Jacob at Genesis 32: 29. Jesus is marking St. Peter out as His prime minister, as the first [in PRIORITY] among the Twelve. Whenever "the Twelve" are listed in the synoptic Gospels St. Peter is ALWAYS listed FIRST, and that WITH the unique name Jesus gave him [cf. Matthew 10: 1-4; Mark 3: 13-19; and Luke 6: 12-16]. You yourself showed Andrew came first CHRONOLOGICALLY, at least between he and his brother Simon, so Simon Cephas's / Simon Peter's being listed FIRST among the Twelve is NOT CHRONOLOGICAL, it is a matter of PRIORITY or IMPORTANCE - his unique role among the Twelve as the FIRST of the Apostles.
@SaintCharbelMiracleworker 4 года назад
@@tony1685 You again? You're on here 24/7. You sound lonely. Get a life and ask yourself why you are attracted to Catholic channels.
@QuisutDeusmpc 4 года назад
@@tony1685On whose authority are we to accept this alleged clarity? Yours? Based on what? Your having, said so? And who are you, and upon what evidence are you making these bigoted judgements?
@donnimal8784 4 года назад
@@QuisutDeusmpc ķ
@andiv3387 2 года назад
This means, Pope Francis has the authority to abolish the traditional mass and promote novus ordo
@lidiamichael3582 3 года назад
How do we know that "the Disciples" spoken of in Matt 18 are only the 12 apostles and not the larger group of disciples?
@andrewsutherland1554 4 года назад
Wow wow wow .Enough said !
@hervedavidh4117 4 года назад
Mike Drop !
@peaceandjoy2568 4 года назад
Thank you for this clear explanation, Dr. Pitre, as always you give a brilliant in depth study of the subject. I know what you say is true and I believe that Our Lord founded the Church on Peter and gave authority to the apostles and their successors. My only question is, Dr Pitre, what happens when there is a Pope who says things that are contrary to the teachings of Our Lord? What do we do then? I still believe that Jesus is in charge and the gates of hell shall not prevail against His Church. I simply would like to know what the faithful are supposed to do when a Pope says something that sounds contradictory to the Catholic Faith. May God bless Holy Mother Church, bless the Pope and the Bishops and bless the faithful.
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
Keep praying and don't allow yourself to get distracted by what's happening in the Catholic Church. That's why you have the Catechism teachings. God is still in control. Just focus on being a good, devout Catholic and focusing on your salvation. Hopefully you will also be a beacon of light for others. Good luck😊
@rebelsguide9770 4 года назад
The rcc (and you) use Matthew 16:17-19 as “proof text” to assert that Jesus made Peter “pope and head of the church”. (Even though just 4 verses later Jesus says to Peter; “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a hindrance to Me”) Then, just 10 chapters later, Peter, as “pope and head of the catholic church” DENIES Jesus 3 times... WHY???? HOW DO YOU RECONCILE THAT??????????!!!!!!!!!!! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter was put to death by Nero around 68 AD. So, 1 & 2 Peter were written between 65-68 AD. In his epistles, BOTH of which were written AFTER the ascension of Christ, he IDENTIFIES himself CLEARLY: “Simeon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ” (Not as: pope, numero uno, man in charge or catholic boss) Furthermore, in 1 Peter 5:1 he is VERY EXPLICIT!!! “I exhort the elders among you, as a FELLOW ELDER” (Not as: pope, top guy, head of the church or vicardude) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Peter was NEVER “pope” or bishop of Rome. NEVER! Not “officially” until the fifth century, that’s when succession from Peter became a political advantage to Pope Leo I. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Luke wrote “Acts” around 85 AD. Peter is mentioned more than 50 times in that book. But, ALWAYS the same “Simon who is called Peter”, and NOT “Simon the pope” In Galatians 2:7-11, he is mentioned by Paul as well, BUT NOT AS pope! Why? Because he NEVER WAS! The ONLY “Leader” or “Head” of the church is in heaven... at the right hand of God and has NEVER been in Rome!
@alldoneup 4 года назад
The Catholic Church is the church that has been here since the time of Christ so if the Catholic Church is not the one true church than you're really implying is that Jesus was a liar and that He didn't know what He was talking about or doing. Nah, I'd rather believe Jesus and Dr Brant than your "interpretation" of scripture. You might also want to think about the fact that the Bible was compiled and the New Testament was written by Catholics. So if you don't believe in the authority of the Catholic Church, why believe in their Bible?
@rebelsguide9770 4 года назад
@alldoneup You and your church “tradition” INSIST that the “catholic” church has always been the “only” church, am I correct? -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you PLEASE EXPLAIN WHY, in Revelation, Jesus DOES NOT send JUST ONE message to His “ONE AND ONLY catholic church” OR, WHY HE DOESN’T JUST send ONE message to His representative on earth “the pope”... BUT, INSTEAD, sends SEVEN DIFFERENT MESSAGES to SEVEN DIFFERENT CHURCHES... WHY???????!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Write what you see in a book and send it to the SEVEN churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.” Revelation 1:11 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ask that you NOT just lash out or IGNORE this question. I RESPECTFULLY ASK FOR AN ANSWER, PLEASE EXPLAIN
@rebelsguide9770 4 года назад
@alldoneup You say: “The cc is the church that has been here since the time of Christ” That is a “FALSE” statement. An ERROR. WRONG! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We learn FROM SCRIPTURE that from the beginning The “church” (the body of believers that BELONG to CHRIST JESUS) began in Jerusalem with Peter's Sermon at Pentecost, (Acts 2:14) followed by theministry of the Apostle Paul. (Acts 9-28) There is ONE BODY, the church body that is “IN CHRIST”, with MANY members in MANY locations including (AT THAT TIME) the Churches of: Antioch, Corinth, Judea, Caesarea Philippi, Troas, Miletus, Rhodes, Tyre, Galatia, Phrygia, Ephesus, Tarsus, Derbe, Lystra, Smyrna, Pergamum, Rome, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, Laodicea, Cyprus, Samaria, Lydda, Sharon, Joppa, Cilicia, Pamphylia, Thessalonica, Berea, and on, and on, and on... We ALSO learn FROM SCRIPTURE that EVEN BEFORE the Church Body was called “Christian”... They were called: THE WAY... Acts 9:2, Acts 19:9, Acts 19:23, Acts 24:14, Acts 24:22!!!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NEVER IN THE BIBLE, NOT ONCE, was His Church “BODY” called catholic! NEVER!!!
@rebelsguide9770 4 года назад
@alldoneup You say: “the New Testament was written by catholics” WHAT AN ABSURD STATEMENT. IT’S LUDICROUS! The New Testament contains 27 books written by nine different authors. Every author of the New Testament was JEWISH, except for Luke, he was GREEK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FURTHERMORE! Jesus promised His disciples that the Holy Spirit would bring all things to remembrance of what Jesus said and did. NOT the roman catholic church!
@ferrywijaya2557 3 года назад
Well, well, well... The Pope was never the head of the Church. It was always Jesus. No one else. Pope is a nickname for Bishop of Rome and he is the one with they key of heaven. Pope is not the head of the Church, but the church. One is Heavenly and mystical, one is earthly and administrative. One needs a steward when away from your kingdom anyway. The term Catholic is just one name out of four full name of the Church anyway. To separate it from other heresies that claim they are 'church' as well. We're not talking about solely Peter in here, but Church Fathers. Bible is not enough.
@mikepoulin3020 4 года назад
Dr Pitre fails to take into account that false teachers will arise within the Church itself, as shown by history and Scripture: 2 Peter 2 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive opinions. They will even deny the Master who bought them-bringing swift destruction on themselves. Even so, many will follow their licentious ways, and because of these teachers the way of truth will be maligned. And in their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. Their condemnation, pronounced against them long ago, has not been idle, and their destruction is not asleep. ... So the next question is how and when to discern false teachers, who have no authority...
@shepherdson6189 4 года назад
Nope Dr. Pitre did not missed out on his explanation. It's you who missed and did not add 2 Peter 2:7-10 (RSVCE): "7 and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the licentiousness of the wicked 8 (for by what that righteous man saw and heard as he lived among them, he was vexed in his righteous soul day after day with their lawless deeds), 9 then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trial, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, 10 and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority." The false teachers are those who gives a different gospel and who separated from the authority of the Church that Christ built on Peter.
@shepherdson6189 4 года назад
To further show the context of that false teacher. Here is 2 Peter 3:14-18 (RSVCE): "14 Therefore, beloved, since you wait for these, be zealous to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace. 15 And count the forbearance of our Lord as salvation. So also our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given him, 16 speaking of this as he does in all his letters. There are some things in them hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist to their own destruction, as they do the other scriptures. 17 You therefore, beloved, knowing this beforehand, beware lest you be carried away with the error of lawless men and lose your own stability. 18 But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen." This false teachers has no authority as they separated themselves from the authority of Christ Church which is the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church. They despise the Church and twist the gospels.
@mikepoulin3020 4 года назад
@@shepherdson6189 Exactly..and it is Francis the Lawless who shovels heresy out of his pagan communist mouth every day..therefore he has no authority..get it? When he denies Christ's miracles, as he denies the multiplication of the loaves and fishes for example, he denies Christ is God, a heresy, therefore by that act he is automatically excommunicated in fact, even if not legally declared so, as are all the coward bishops who remain silent, by their silence they are guilty of the same sin and the same loss of "authority"...This is the same Francis who allows the worship of a pagan idol in the Vatican, and the same Francis that promotes the sodomite James Martin to spread his sin all over...when he makes up new "ecological sins", he is creating a false gospel, when Francis declares God wills a plurality of religions, he is creating a false gospel....and Catholics like yourself who provide these men with apologies and cover fire are just as guilty... Jesus told us exactly how to identify a false shepherd: by their rotten fruit....and I say the trail of young men and boys raped by homo clergy, and covered up by the "bishop" mafiosa is about as rotten as it gets...but effete conformist guys like you and Pitre are fine with that....Pitre , as I said, never addresses false teachers in this video, and of course he won't ever because he is not going to rock his ecclesial boat because then he won't have his professorships, his speaking tours and his books...
@shepherdson6189 4 года назад
@@mikepoulin3020 your narrative and judgement are so encompassing that you sound even more than a pope.
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
Catholics need to get educated on the Catholic faith. And, I would also recommend saying the rosary as a weapon against heresy. Quality Catholic education (not alot of the junk and misinformation on RU-vid). Father Chris Alar and teachings via the Augustine Institute (Dr Tim Gray) are fantastic resources.
@Miguel-yc7qp 4 года назад
A great scholar like Dr Pitre missing points... No question there is stuff about the authority of the church in the New Testament. But in this passage there is something that Dr Pitre, does usually, he does not in here that's to look at second temple judaism. You have plenty of literature in second temple judaism and even if you go to the very words in greek you can see that this specific section on the scripture is not about absolving sins but about EXORCISM! (Also it was surpising to me that he takes the view that the sons of God in genesis 6 were humans). Despite this stuff I have nothing but respect for Dr Pitre. I wont be answering if you want to look at some of the scholarship here I let you a link to an article of Journal of Biblical Literature. "Binding" and "Loosing": The Matthean Authorizations Richard H. Hiers Journal of Biblical Literature Vol. 104, No. 2 (Jun., 1985), pp. 233-250 www.jstor.org/stable/3260965?seq=1
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
Sorry Miguel...your Biblical and scholarly qualifications? I just find it amusing when people try to disqualify or incorrectly add to the lecture.
@KingdomIsNow 4 года назад
Bind the chaff (666), loose the pure Word or doctrines. The earth (soil or heart), heaven (the Divine mindsets). The only true church is the one built on the Rock (Christ) of Divine revelations, the initial teachings of Jesus-Christ and the apostolic foundation of the New Testament church. The true church continues to build up this, not on new trendy beliefs or another gospel.
@kvas2142 4 года назад
The mind is a fertile soil. But the fallen Adam lost his mind in his fall. In Adam, everyone became unreasonable. Therefore, the heroes of the Old Testament acquire the earth (mind - the earth of the heart) anew.
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
Your thoughts are questionable! I think you're a Protestant or part of some evangelical church.
@marcmorgan7796 Год назад
the interpretation of this scripture is incorrect What Christ was referring to is forgiveness when an elect or true believer of God holds someone bound they will not be able to cross over into the Kingdom of God when held loost that person is forgiven and can cross over. the offense however must be great in order for a true believer to hold someone bound. the Catholic Church interpretation of the scripture makes no sense whatsoever I know this to be the truth because I held someone bound that truly offended me And I had a vision one night and that person came to me and asked me for forgiveness he hugged me I felt it I turned around and when I looked back he was gone And a voice behind me said who are you looking for And I said the person's name and the voice said and I quote he has moved on that is the first time I understood the true meaning of that scripture
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
Hi Marc. Show some respect please. I think Dr Pitre is more qualified and better educated to provide the correct interpretation. Sounds like you're a Protestant!
@johnp.6043 4 года назад
If the Catholic Church is the one true Church.... Why did John write to seven Literary Churches from Patmos Island.. John did not write to one Church of God. Six of the seven churches had things against God.. The church of Ephesus they say they are apostles but are not... The Church of Philadelphia had a good report And was on fire for the Lord.. this was not the Catholic Church.. The Philadelphia period was the great awakening period when preacher preached the word of God and was not afraid to preach on hell fire that your going there if you do not repent with a sincere heart and trust that Jesus died for your sins by grace through faith.. you must be reborn. The gospel 1 Corinthians 15:1-4..
@johnp.6043 4 года назад
Laudetur Jesus Christus Revelation Has no scriptural proof of John being a bishop of Ephesus
@laurencemcveigh432 4 года назад
Dr brant pitre is excellent stuff everything he speaks is mind blowing he is a gifted speaker could listen to him all day long
@laurencemcveigh432 4 года назад
He's a breath of fresh air for our Church may the Lord Continue to bless him on his journey
@landonweist 4 года назад
There's a difference between the Catholic Church with a capital C, and a local church with a lower case c. Just because someone goes to Mass at there parish's church (say called St. Jude's Church), doesn't mean that person isn't Catholic but instead a "St. Judean."
@johnp.6043 4 года назад
Tonito Reyes I know what your saying I was a Catholic most of my life until I started to search into scripture and Catholic Church doctrine was not lining up with the scriptures.. There is one problem with what your saying when you read the scriptures God is the only one that is omniscience.. Psalm139:4 For there is not a word in my tongue, but lo,O Lord thou knowest it altogether. Matthew 10:30, 1John 3:20 In Paul’s writings we should pray for one another so God can intercede your prayers.. I cannot find one verse anywhere in scripture where we are asked to pray to saints that have already passed into heaven. Jesus never mentioned it or asked that Moses, Abraham or Isaac will intercede for us. Actually the Bible forbids it. It’s called necromancy. Praying to the dead! I believe in ministering angels that is biblical Psalms 91:11, Hebrews 1:4 Even Satan does not have that ability to know all things he has his minions to help him with his evil plans.. When a individual believes with his whole repentant heart that Jesus is God that came into the flesh to bare our sins on the cross that he washes us clean with his blood of forgiveness then you are reborn and your called a saint.. being sealed with the Holy Spirit.. Ephesians 1:13. As in the writings of Paul.. We become members of the body of Christ. But saints are not God. For God is The alpha and the omega.. Let’s look at all the Catholics in the world let’s say 50 million of them lost something at the same time so they all prayed simultaneously to St. Anthony so he can find their lost items... St. Anthony or any saint does have the omniscience to answer them ...plus that is a sin of idolatry.. My friend could not sell his house for the longest time so he buried a St. Joseph statue upside down and sold his house in a week, he said it works!!! Satan answered him for he also has powers for lying signs and wonders. 2Thessalonians 2:9... Sin of Idolatry!!! And we should not be praying to Mary to intercede.. Read Luke 11:27 what Jesus said about his earthly Mother Mary. 1Timothy 2:5 For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; who gave himself a ransom for ALL, to be testified in due time. You can do what you want but I am just trying to obey the word of God in his Holy Bible alone..I have detoxed from all that Catholic superstition and sorcery that I was part of..
@jimcook1747 4 года назад
Another fantastic video!
@terijohnson3110 4 года назад
Excellent Dr Pitre. Thank you so much!
@ericgatera7149 4 года назад
Powerful! And it has the potential to make some heads turn. 😼
@themobbit9061 4 года назад
That passage about where 2 or 3 gathered explains how the successors of the apostles can make decisions that become ex-cathedra. I recently heard a Christian apologist who I respect very much say it isn’t biblical that the Pope can be “infallible”. Of course they don’t understand the process, how long the bishops and cardinals pray and discern to get to that. And how that scripture of 2 or more does support it. Nevermind all that the hierarchy and process has been in place since the apostles. I wish they could understand that.
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
Goodness this is brilliant! Why oh why doesn't the Catholic Church promote this concept of "binding and loosing" to confirm the notion that people can ONLY have communion and reconciliation via the Catholic Church???? Dr Brant - the Vatican should give you a medal for your work and courage. Thank you from Australia 🦘
@nelsondantas3040 4 года назад
Simply outstanding! Dr Brant Pitre is a great gift for the Catholic church That's right Only one church Holy Catholic Apostolic Church
@arnoldmaglalang5522 4 года назад
Whatever sins you forgive are forgiven and whatever you keep are kept
@josephjude1290 4 года назад
This really destroys the Orthodox church arguments against the catholic church. Really good teaching.
@josephjude1290 4 года назад
His name was changed just like Abraham. No other apostle had it changed. Peter is singularly given the keys to strengthen his brethren. Also, Christ prays for his faith to not fail. Christ's prayer is always effective.
@jacobpmathai8705 4 года назад
Another interpretation from Michael S Heiser (Naked Bible podcast): Binding and Loosing language is associated with 'binding demons' and 'loosing the victims' in 2nd Temple Literature i.e., Jesus has given the apostles the authority over all the principalities and evil forces in the universe.
@chaschk2 4 года назад
Wonderful video!
@JordonHill 4 года назад
Beautifully articulated as usual. Thank you.
@royalalpha.1377 3 года назад
God bless this young man boy does he have a lot to learn whatever school or university he went to thank God he gave me all this he didn't wisdom and knowledge my people suffer for the lack of knowledge God bless you young man I can't finish watching this video it is true we can bind and loose but you've got it twisted my man God bless you sir in Jesus name
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
Protestant! Dr Pitre is better educated and more qualified to provide an informed explanation of the Bible - the Matthew passage and others. I know who I will be listening to.
@PosenPostPhotoBooth 4 года назад
Amen praise be to God
@carissahanson9887 4 года назад
So does that mean if a person is committing I said they are excommunicated are they still able to go to church and at least receive the word example my friend got excommunicated for getting a divorce and we marrying outside of the church but since she has been excommunicated she took it to mean that she couldn’t go to church and she was no longer welcome in this case she was being abused by the other husband so I kind a got a little confused about that because to me she had no children and the only issue would be that she married outside of the churchIf somebody could explain excommunication to be more I think this would help
@carissahanson9887 4 года назад
Laudetur Jesus Christus I watched an hour long or more seminar given by a Catholic priest that explains the process is for divorce/separation and also dissolving an invalid marriage there are more points to consider I think it would be good if you could look up the seminars on divorce I believe this one was from St. Francis University. There are things that are considered now that we’re not clearly spelled out before like mental illness substance abuse in extreme cases at least that’s the best way I could word it so please forgive me coercion etc.Please forgive me I am dyslexic so if any of this comes out wrong I am sorry but it is better to understand all points so that if somebody goes through a problem they may have somewhere to goHe broke it down using canon law
@QuisutDeusmpc 4 года назад
I disagree with "Laudetur Jesus Christus" and agree with Carissa Hanson. An abusive husband is grounds for a separation and civil divorce, and is considered in the diocesan tribunal while having her marriage investigated to determine if it ever was a valid marriage. She may have grounds for a 'declaration of nullity'. However, her excommunication does NOT exclude her from participating at Mass. She CAN go and participate in the first part of the Mass: the Mass of the Catechumens [i. e. sing hymns, listen to the readings, etcetera]. She is NOT able, however, to communicate, or to receive our Lord in Communion. She is MOST HIGHLY WELCOME and SHOULD PARTICIPATE in events, small group meetings, Sunday school, etcetera. She is NOT however able to receive Communion, or receive sacramental absolution in Reconciliation until AFTER her irregular situation is resolved.
@miracles_metanoia Год назад
She just needs to get am annulment. It's not hard in cases of abuse
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
She should speak to a priest to take her through the process.
@carissahanson9887 8 месяцев назад
@@QuisutDeusmpc hopefully she can get the excommunication reversed. She would be able to receive communion as long as she promises never to commit any form of adultery or sexual acts only way to really fix this would be to appeal to her bishops, and maybe to Rome, but according to a video I watched on divorce. And remarriage there may be some cases where the situation could be corrected. She may have to if she has a husband now promise not to have relations with him in that way anymore until her husband actually tries to get his divorce Hanold should he try to remarry. both parties must be present for a proper annulment case, they need to be able to hear both sides of the story. Sometimes this is very difficult, because one party will not cooperate, so yes, the sacrifice would be to remain single for either the rest of the persons life. in this case, the female that we are talking about, or to wait until the husband who was divorced, civilly dies. but yes, you explained this much better than me. She is able to go to church she just can’t participate in the communion. In that case I guess she can pray for spiritual communion, and at least go up to the priest with hands crossed and ask for a blessing.. The only problem I could see is that if somebody told her that there would be no valid annulment, and she could not ask for an annulment or civil divorce, and or remarried, but I would take that chance in going to speak to a bishop or a cardinal, because we don’t know all of the circumstances and some of the people that made these decisions could’ve made them without knowing meaning, possibly the woman. and even Church officials may also make mistakes. I pray that this can be resolved. Just don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater get as much of Church and it’s reading and treasures as you can, despite limitations as long as there is Full respect and follow instructions to the best of the persons ability. I hope somebody can help this lady. God bless.
@armancardines4144 4 года назад
I really thank Jesus that I born a Catholic a true church instituted by the Blessed Lord. God bless Dr Brant
@luistamayo639 4 года назад
This also helps explain why "THERE IS NO SALVATION OUTSIDE OF THE TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST, THE CATHOLIC CHURCH" no one else has the KEYS TO HEAVEN and the others do not recognize the POPE and his position which was created by JESUS CHRIST. I am so sorry that other religions just don't get it, pray for them.
@petrabanjarnahor229 4 года назад
I dunno m8, after reading the passage it could be interpreted as believing Jesus is the 'Messiah, son of God' is the key to heaven. In which Jesus refers on how He was going to give salvation to human sins and believing in Him is the key to heaven.
@paulmiller3469 4 года назад
@@petrabanjarnahor229 The Church, with authority to interpret, interprets the keys to the kingdom in accordance to how the phrase was more typically used from the time of Isaiah (and before) through the time of Christ (and after). The guy with the keys was what we call the prime minister of the kingdom (or Kingdom), with authority to speak for the king (or King) when he (or He) was away.
@rebelsguide9770 4 года назад
@ Paul Miller You say: “The church, with authority to interpret, INTERPRETS, THE GUY with THE KEYS or, the prime minister, has the authority to speak for the king when he was away” Wait... WHAT?! This is just WRONG if not BIZARRE! YOU ARE SO FAR OFF BASE. You and this dr.p refer to “the Keys” as though they were ACTUAL “Keys”... Is that what you think they are? Yes?! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The “Keys” DO NOT symbolize “Authority” given to Peter WHAT ARE THE KEYS TO THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN? The Bible is VERY CLEAR about what they are. TRULY!!! The “KEYS” are: TRUTH, WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE, Belief and Faith in God, the Divinely Revealed Truth of Salvation that ONLY COMES through Christ our Lord. AMEN! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIST, IN WHOM are hidden ALL the treasures of WISDOM and KNOWLEDGE. Colossians 2:3 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give you the Spirit of WISDOM and of REVELATION in the KNOWLEDGE OF HIM, Ephesians 1:17 And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the KNOWLEDGE of His will in all spiritual WISDOM and understanding, Colossians 1:9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The “Church” is NOT built on Peter. It’s built BY CHRIST, founded in THE TRUTH, belief and faith in the Salvation He ALONE provides. Matthew 5:3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs IS the kingdom of heaven. (NO KEYS MENTIONED) Matthew 5:10 “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs IS the kingdom of heaven. (NO KEYS MENTIONED) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Jesus DID NOT hand Peter “keys” to heaven as if He were handing him keys to a lock! WHY DON’T YOU GET IT? And He answered them, “To you it has been GIVEN to KNOW the SECRETS of the kingdom of heaven, BUT to them it has NOT been given. This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do NOT see, and hearing they do NOT hear, NOR do they understand. Matthew 13:11-13
@rebelsguide9770 4 года назад
@ Luis Tamayo You believe THERE IS NO SALVATION OUTSIDE OF the catholic church because they tell you that is true. BUT THAT IS NOT TRUE. IT IS A LIE. IT IS HERESY. Why do you believe lies from the lips of sinful men? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SALVATION IS FROM THE LORD. HE IS SALVATION! HIS WORD CLEARLY PROCLAIMS THIS 180+ TIMES! “TURN TO ME AND BE SAVED, all the ends of the earth! For I AM GOD, and THERE IS NO OTHER. Isaiah 45:22 Psalm 3:8 SALVATION BELONGS TO THE LORD Psalm 37:39 The salvation of the righteous is from the Lord Psalm 62:2 HE ALONE is my Rock and my SALVATION Isaiah 12:2 “Behold, GOD IS MY SALVATION” And there is salvation in NO ONE ELSE, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given among men by which we MUST BE SAVED.” Acts 4:12 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Think about it this way: If salvation ONLY comes from God, as His Word clearly states, Only satan would lead, teach, and have you believe otherwise. Honestly, Truly, Sincerely... ASK GOD FOR GUIDANCE!
@paulmiller3469 4 года назад
@@rebelsguide9770 All I can say is take a look at Isaiah 22 sometime. Well, that, and I will add one of the purposes of the books of the Old Covenant is to give us temporal world and thus imperfect models for things that would later be perfected by Christ in the New Covenant.
@mikepoulin3020 4 года назад
Here’s a bone to chew on: So in this passage it says the Holy Spirit “will teach you everything” John 14:25-27 25 “I have said these things to you while I am still with you. 26 But the Advocate,[a] the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you of all that I have said to you. 27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid. So I could conclude that after the Apostles received the Holy Spirit and were taught everything, then logically it could be assumed they were subsequently in possession of everything they needed to know.. Likewise, in the Great Commission, Jesus says to teach them (the new future disciples) : Matthew 28:18-20 18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” So, again, if Jesus told them everything that He commanded, then obviously He must have transmitted everything necessary that he wanted passed down… So why is it that the Church can claim “doctrine can develop” when God the Son and the Holy Spirit transmitted everything? What right do they have to add-on and embellish and (worse) extrapolate far beyond what the Apostles were told??? Did the Holy Spirit and Jesus hold back??? The Apostles were told everything weren’t they? So why do we need “development” at all??? Take the novel doctrine of the “just wage” for example…has “developed’ far beyond anything such that it now stands practically in opposition to Scripture….Did Jesus tell the Apostles “ Guys, keep this part secret until about 1981 then Pope John Paul II can write it up as LABOREM EXERCENS”?? The problem arises because there is a built-in moral hazard to all this. It is far too easy to read something we would like to be true into the original deposit of faith; we want to say "It was always implicit " when it fact it wasn't. The zombie Vatican II Church has reached the point in development where they are flatly contradicting the very words of Jesus, and expecting the assent of faith towards the contradiction.
@ferrywijaya2557 3 года назад
So... Then babies can interpret God's words immediately? Illiterate people cna suddenly receive revelation from God? People who studied scriptures has no difference in wisdom of God than those who don't? What is meant here is NOT as extreme as you think. People need an ekklesia or council to enact a correct teaching. So does your own church as its own council. Just because someone can read bible he can suddenly blurt what it means without lengthly knowledge and experience.
@LoudandClearChastity 8 месяцев назад
What do you really know Mike? Goodness, lots of words that demonstrate your ignorance. If you listen to Dr Pitre without your "agenda" and have some respect for his knowledge and academic credentials, you might actually learn something.
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