
Why FOCUS is essential for learning Miniature Painting 

Roman Lappat Miniature Art
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6 сен 2024




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@TobiasAasvang Год назад
A toilet flush, yelling for attention! That is a strong image and a very good description of the many possible disturbances. 😅👌
Hehe! I like to speak in pictures, you know!
@thepiratepenguin4465 Год назад
That wet pallet is massive. Sabaton's music inspired most of my creations. "a lifetime of war" got me into painting Renaissance-era models set during the 30 years' war, while "Screaming Eagles" got me into building a Bolt Action US airborne army. It sets the atmosphere for what I'm painting at that given time & helps me focus on the task at hand.
Yes, I do not like small wet palettes at all. They limit me in painting freedom. Your way of focus makes a lot of sense!
@sniperbuddyfabi Год назад
For me Music is quite an important part and it helps a lot to zone out - Also it's quite interesting how your brain conects things - Even years after I painted something I can still remember when I hear a specific song what it was - But maybe it's just my brain xD
I agree. I know exactly what you mean!
@CaptainSpalding23 18 дней назад
Thanks for sharing. Completely agree. ❤ we are all hunting for the flow state
Yes, we do ... usually it never appears when we hunt for it :D
@SeppukoGaming Год назад
As always, real inspirational, Roman. Keep up the great work. Bumbachaka out!
Thanks! 😁
@Theplasticbench Год назад
Thank you very much on having a view in your rituals (it's very personal). My ritual... Coffee at 6.00am on the balcony (then it is still relatively quiet), jogging 10 km, cozy clothes on, mate tea and "Alexa..... Play WDR4 (Radio station☺️) ...Let's go
Sounds lovely! Keep on happy painting!
@dirigoallagash3464 Год назад
Podcasts or Actual Plays let me zone out enough while painting. Can't watch TV/streamed shows because you have to 'watch' them. This is a great topic, really glad I found your channel!
Glad you are joining this channel/journey. Yes, it is different for everyone. People are different and zone out on different things. Keep on happy painting!
@jamessharman9247 Год назад
This might have been one of the most impactful RU-vid mini painting videos I've watched. I've got into the habit of watching mini painting videos as entertainment but not really taking much in, but I actually paid attention to this and immediately tried implementing some of it and have had a couple of back to back incredibly productive and enjoyable painting sessions as a result. Normally I will put on RU-vid or a podcast, but just switching these off and sticking to a calm music playlist and having my phone face down and out of reach, not having anything on my computer screen I found it so much easier to get into the painting zone and enjoy it, which is something I've been struggling with a bit lately. I will have to try and incorporate some more of the suggestions, but just wanted to say a big thank you for the advice here.
THIS is the feedback this video wants to create. Thank you for your detailed thoughts and how this video helped you! Makes me superhappy and proud! Keep on happy painting! (with focus) - Roman
@alexwilliams4503 Год назад
You had me at 00:42 Roman
Happy you like what is going on in the jungle ;)
@alexwilliams4503 Год назад
@@ROMANLAPPATMINIATUREART I'm a slow painter and require a lot of focus. Rituals and balance are essential; to me. I've definitely conquered my anxiety about not painting enough, by reminding myself that it takes time to prep and clear my mind. In essence, as you make it wonderfully clear in this video, that (for me at least) it is not happy painting if I don't do the necessary prep first. It is reassuring and brings me joy, that you're sharing examples of this, as well as much more of the jungle experience. #happypainting
@edwindaughenbaugh2939 Год назад
Thank you for these videos, I haven't made time to paint much in the past year. I found your channel a few months ago, since then I have been paint after work almost everyday. I feel inspired to try new things and to be creative and practice happy painting. Thank you for sharing not only your painting knowledge but your wisdom of life with the world.
Roman: You are very much welcome! Thank you for the wonderful feedback. Happy Painting to you!
@shawnross120 Год назад
Roman these videos are so good, you're one of my idols as a painter and you're also creating content that is almost aimed at an even more narrow audience of competition painters or people who are trying to paint as an artist than some of your peers. and for that I thank you so much. I don't paint to get an army on the table, I paint to create a story, to create something beautiful for someone else or with someone else's ideas to help them come to life! Your video's just really speak to me, I thank you for that as someone I idolize as a painter.
Superhappy you like them, especially as they are aimed at a not so broad audience as it seems, those who seek for storytelling in miniature painting and painting wisdom will find them. Your feedback is truely appreciated! Thanks a lot!
@shawnross120 Год назад
@@ROMANLAPPATMINIATUREART My only sadness by seeing your content, is that I am on the other side of the planet. You've built such an amazing community and creative space. I just get so inspired by you sharing it with us. I want nothing more than to tell stories with my art, and you've unlocked so many ideas already I can't thank you enough!
@NorasHobbyverse Год назад
its cool to see other people's workflow. as someone with ADD, it's hard to focus on just one thing, and makes me feel almost ill if nothing else is also happening. I need something else or I don't feel focused or zen. That plus the fact that the only counter I have that I can paint on is my computer desk, there's no way around having a computer near me. with those two combined things, my paint time doubles as my video watching time, and i get a lot more done when I can jump back and forth rather than forcing myself to try and focus on one thing and essentially irritating myself and making my stomach feel ill.
I see and understand your perspective. Thank you for sharing it. We are all different indeed and do these things differently. Important is to know which way is yours :)
@mikaelfabian143 Год назад
Wise thoughts I agree with many of these….boombachaka boombachaka 😂
Arrigato! Keep on happy painting!
@mattjohnson2981 Год назад
Work space organization is very important
Yes it is. It always empties the mind and let's one focus on new projects.
@vegaskatus Год назад
I've definitely found that I avoid my hobby room because its still pretty chaotic and a mess. I want to paint, but to paint I have to clean up and I don't clean up, therefore I don't paint. I was thinking about this a lot over the weekend and decided to at least clean one area each night this week to see if I can get my hobby room ready to paint in this weekend. I also like the rituals you do to help you get focused. Speaking of which, part of the reason I want to get my hobby room organized is to set up my (old school, I know) Cd player so I can listen to music instead of watching streamers while I paint. I think this will help with my focus.
I am happy that this video inspired you to do so! You will benefit from it, believe me! The start will take discipline, then you will grow from it!
@sevencoloredmage8726 Год назад
When I put on a podcast in the background, I often found myself having to look for the timestamp afterwards where I didn't really pay attention to it anymore. Now I prefer to listen to podcasts on a commute for when I have to take the car.
Makes sense, and like always: People are different, what works for you and me, must not work for your painting friend. Keep on happy painting!
@hageng.6149 Год назад
I really enjoy your personal views on so many aspects of our hobby. That makes your RU-vid channel that different and awesome - like many of the miniatures you paint. =)) Keep on going!
Thank you very much for such kind words!
@MBersee Год назад
Very interesting topic. This video helps me realize that I need to go back to happy painting without distractions like my phone or tablet, like I did years back when I just started the hobby. Back then it was all new and exiting and focus came more easy somehow. Nowadays some bad habits found their way in my painting proces. Time to reset! 💪🏻 Thanks for sharing your knowledge and insights, much appreciated 👍🏻
So happy to read this!
@Grimloch_painting Год назад
Your videos always very inspirational for me. I consider you as a painter Yogi, I learned from you a lot. Thank you!
Glad you find inspiration in these videos! Enjoy and keep on happy painting! Thank you!
@AgostinoManea Год назад
Thanks... this is one of the best video seen in a while
Many thanks for your kind words!
@PinkyIvan12 Год назад
The most difficult part for me is getting to sit down and paint. But once I do, I can keep at it for as long as the day will allow me and I'll listen to audiobooks generally. My brain can do the painting part on reflex, I just need to decide on the paint I'll be using and that's enough.
Happy to hear! Sounds good. Happy Painting to you!
@NYIKAZENO Год назад
This is a great Tutorial/ Video Essay/ Life Lesson on the importance of Focas and Mindfulness. Thank you very much, Sir!
@bobongler Год назад
Really nice video. Thank you for your efforts in making it.
You are welcome!
@aaronhoes Год назад
Great stuff. Thank you for sharing!
You are welcome! Keep on happy painting!
@stepan.tichyy Год назад
Inspirational and well-structured video! The only thing that took me out of it was that spider friend! Those are a no go for me :D But it doesn't matter, happy painting!
Happy Painting to you! Yeah, this fella came outta nowwhere.
@sovietbear1917 Год назад
I like to take an unpainted or WIP mini to work with me and leave it on my desk so I can think about painting it while I trudge about my day. When I get home, I already have a pretty detailed gameplan in my head that I can sit down and start on. Really sucks when I'm in a hurry and leave it in my office on accident though :-(
Makes sense, this is also a very important part of the process. I know what you mean. Keep on happy painting!
@3reshKigal Год назад
I take quite a bit too to enter the zone and I can’t do anything else when I paint. I thought I was weird before watching your video. Next Monte more of my liquor for you if you come 😊
You are very normal. I mean, people are different and always need different things to get in the zone. Thanks a lot for the feedback!
@ForgottenStreams Год назад
Never thought about Rituals. Makes sense, though. Will try integrating some into my workflow, thanks for bringing this up!
Happy that this came up to your mind! If you come up with one ritual for yourself I am a big winner with this video! Thanks for the feedback!
@dennisweidling9417 Год назад
Focus, my definition : you asked me at private coaching during the session: "what do you want for lunch?" I said:"... Nothing, I just wanna paint!" Your answer was:"ok...then let's eat some nuts and beans." :)
I remember :D
@danielcrandell7533 Год назад
Awesome advice
@anthgreen Год назад
I like to have videos of the techniques I am trying to master, but finding it spills over into a need for other noise. Will try to onboard some of these ideas. Thank you.
In the last 2 years of my painting development I learned one thing: Less noise, more focus, more painting, more learning. Will speak about the learning experience in this channel soon with a great guest. Stay tuned!
@Berig22 Год назад
It may be hard to follow. But there are people, like me, for whom it is only possible through the background noise of an audio book or a series, to calm their thought storm in the head so far, to get quiet to be able to focus on painting at all.
Yes, I agree. People are different and zone out differently. Whatever ritual works! Go for it! Keep on happy painting!
@lactatinglobstr Год назад
Love this! It's so true I used to paint a lot while watching movies and I started to become very frustrated while painting. I was in hindsight 100% losing focus while painting and didn't know it at the time. It wasn't till the pandemic when I really went to painting for somewhere to be calm that I started to do what you talk about here in this video and switched to listening only to music or audio books/stories in the same vein of creativity I was painting. It was such a massive help to not only my focus but also my enjoyment of painting and I would say it has grown my passion for painting more in the last 2 years than the 25 years prior of hobbying
Sounds wonderful. We got the answers in us when we listen. Well done, really beautiful comment! Keep on happy painting!
@SteveForteGMR Год назад
And in classic Roman fashion... you've highlighted a huge reason why I've struggled the past few years to paint and enjoy it. The only space I can paint in is often filled with two kids playing online, two cats that often squabble, too much noise and stuff going on. If I wait until it's calm and quiet it's usually after 10pm. Otherwise I'll get disturbed which rips me out of getting into that painting zone. It's nice to see others creations though, so all isn't lost 😁
Well, my example is perfect luxury here. I know, but also I wanted to show that it is possible maybe in the smallest steps to focus more and enjoy more!
@SteveForteGMR Год назад
@MASSIVEVOODOOTV need to use my earphones more perhaps. Block out noise where I can.
@Melanies_Miniatures Год назад
Nice toughts :) I really enjoy the content of your channel as you've been a big part of my painting journey from the very beginning. Painting is my meditation. It washes away the dust of life. Sadly I don't paint that much as I would love too. Audiobooks and Metalmusic is my way to go. Movies are too distracting for me. Well pushups... lets change the topic
Really happy to hear. I am really happy about also drawing the right audience in. Welcome and thank you for joining and enjoying!
@leaschuller3834 Год назад
Oh god the spider 😵 When do we get Oger Yoga Sessions? 😁
Well, I was so calm in the painting zone. I realised it when it was crawling over the table close to my wet palette. He is my friend now, called him Pietro! Watch out, next time you ae in the studio! Yoga? Ogres? Triceratops? Elephants? Patience! All good things come to those who wait ;)
I have to stop listening to MASSIVEVOODOOTV while painting. What a disaster.
No worries. It'll be there when you are done. Still. Keep on happy painting!
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