
Why the West is Wrong about Islam with Peter Oborne 

Blogging Theology
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@asadullahsaaid3794 2 года назад
*Timestamps:* 0:00 - Introduction 0:17 - Background of the Guest 1:23 - Reasons for writing the Book (Misrepresentation of Muslims in the West) 8:40 - The Cold War on Islam 17:24 - Targetting of Muslims by the PREVENT Programme 27:58 - Coercive Liberalism of the PREVENT Programme 31:07 - Muslims being the Predominant Target of the State 32:58 - Muslims Organizations & Civil Societies funded by the Govt. 35:37 - American & French Model of Citizenship 39:52 - Rise of Islamophobic Far Right Ideology 45:40 - Overview of the Book 48:37 - Closing Remarks & Wrapping Up SubhanAllah ❤️🤍💖 Brilliant Discussion 👍🏻👌🏻
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Thank you!
@FauzanAzzam 2 года назад
Thanks, this is helpful.
@ahmedomaromarahmed63 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology EX-MUSLIM,SOMALI: Primo: L'Islam Est un virus mortel. Il y a beaucoup de gens qui ne savent pas que la religion islamique est une religion brutale et immorale et une religion pleine de mythes, de contradictions et de mensonges. par conséquent, les peuples européens devraient se méfier des cheikhs de l'islam parce qu'ils mentent et disent que l'islam est une religion de tolérance et une religion de fraternité, et en fait c'est une religion barbare et inhumaine, et c'est une preuve concluante que ce n'est pas le religion de Dieu. Si vous lisez l'histoire du voile, vous vous rendrez compte que Mahomet est un menteur et que la religion islamique n'est pas la religion de Dieu Secundo: les musulmans utilisent (Taqiyya), (dissimulation),c'est-à-dire ils font preuve de gentillesse,et quand ils possèderait de la force et le nombre nécessaire de soldats , Ils commenceront à utiliser l'épée pour couper les têtes des chrétiens, des juifs et les têtes de tous ceux qui ne croient pas en l'islam maléfique et même les têtes de leurs alliés ne seront pas épargnés . Youcef El-Qardaoui a dit : Sans l'épée et la décapitation à l'époque d'Abou Bakr, l'Islam serait mort Et maintenant, s'il n'y avait pas eu la menace de mort et la peur de perdre le droit à l'héritage, les gens auraient quitté l'Islam en grand nombre. Tertio: L'Europe et les pays civilisés doivent se méfier de la propagation de la pensée islamique maléfique et criminelle qui présente un danger pour toutes les sociétés européennes et pour toutes les sociétés civilisés, Les gouvernements d'Europe et de tous les pays civilisés doivent tenir compte et se méfier des mosquées et des écoles coraniques , car en réalité ne sont que des nids du terrorisme et des écoles pour éduquer et fabriquer les futurs terroristes qui détruiront l'Europe dans future proche . Quatro: en tant Ex-musulman, et après avoir bien étudié la religion islamique et grâce à ma maîtrise de la langue arabe, j'ai conclu que la religion islamique est une religion criminelle,une religion immorale et une religion inhumaine , et la preuve est comme suit : -Il y a des versets dans le Coran , qui le prouvent, car ces versets incitent à la haine contre les non-musulmans, -et des versets qui décrivent les non-musulmans comme des cochons, des singes et des impurs -et des versets qui permettent et autorisent de tuer un non-musulman et même de tuer un musulman qui veut quitter l'Islam ou quiconque critique l'islam, -et des versets qui permettent et imposent l'imposition d'amendes aux non-musulmans qui vivent sous la domination Islamique et si refusent ils seront tués, -et des versets qui permettent et autorisent le mariage temporaire (prostitution islamique), -et des versets qui permettent autorisent le mariage d'une jeune fille qui n'a pas encore atteint la puberté, et cela est considéré comme un abus sexuel et une perversion sexuelle, -et des versets qui permettent et autorisent la traite des esclaves, -et des versets qui permettent et autorisent la captivité des femmes, et cela est considéré comme un enlèvement et un viol , -et des versets qui nuisent à la valeur des femmes, -et des versets qui décrivent les femmes en dessous du rang d'excréments , -et des Versets qui interdisent à un musulman d'épouser une femme non-musulmane, car un non-musulman n'est pour un musulman qu'un esclave et un serviteur au service du musulman -et il y a des versets qui interdisent la construction d'églises, Ils interdisent la propagation du christianisme et la vente de la Bible, tout comme ils interdisent toutes autres religions, -Contrairement aux pays occidentaux, ils permettent aux musulmans de construire des mosquées, de vendre le Coran et d'enseigner le Coran, et permettent l'ouverture d'écoles coraniques , et ils permettent aux femmes de porter (L'uniforme satanique), c'est a dire le (JILBAB et le NIQAB). Cinco: Résumé : Si les pays occidentaux et les pays civilisés continuent de fermer les yeux sur toutes ces questions et ces faits, alors bientôt l'Europe et tous les pays occidentaux Deviendront Afghanistan-Bis ou Somalie-Bis ou Syrie-Bis ,en d'autres termes, l'Europe et les pays civilisés seront ruinés et leur peuples deviendront esclaves, et surtout leurs femmes seront utilisées pour des mariages temporaires et comme servantes aux service des choyoukhs de l'islam. Alors là ,on peut dire : Adieu l'humanité, Adieu la paix, Adieu la civilisation, Adieu l'Amour Adieu la morale. -Le vrai Dieu ,n'a rien avoir avec le Dieu de l'islam le pervers le criminel.
@bachabassies624 2 года назад
Victims of Taquiyya teh crooked way to convert white people to shitslaam ! Moohaammaaad was a pedophile, when I see your little children I am afraid , pdophile moohamad was there he would have already molested them, moomaaad like to suck the lips and toungue of little boys and girls, moomaaad had thigh fuckng with Aysha the little girl wife from age five years and six months, then his grand penetration mommadans gloryfy his patience .. to wait three years and six month untill she is nine years old! alhammadilluuuala brotherrrrrrr ! Mohmmmaaad was a pedophile, sex addict, his allh is a goddess of sexual immorality and fertility, moon god|! mohammad was a bandit, highway robber, mohammad was a sex addict, a pervert, mohammad lied million times, All CULT members feel good about their leaders, not outsiders, if you are in mohammadan cult you feel mohmmad was merciful kind pious and superior for you have nothing else to compare with him , your not allowed to read between the line, use your instinct, you are made ignorant, idiotic, stupid, not allowed to think or reason against the cult leader moomaaad ! Mommadan cult you are not allowed to question the morals of Moomaaad or his filthy life or stupidity of allah and Quran they fear you may leave the Pisslaam. All CULT members feel they are SPECIAL and Superior so does the mommadans , separation in the mind we are insiders, not like the outsiders infidels kuffars .dogs pigs , Fuck Prophet moomaad was a psychopath ... but glorification of this psycho is fed in to the little brains from early age. Islam is a cult of perversions and immorality.
@edwindiegomaradonasilaban8703 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology hello sir, Im sorry to tell you this why there so many missionary christian in indonesia trying so hard to converting and make the muslim to christianity and make the lie or hoax some muslim indonesia are poor and an educated and so easy to believe
@sabrassquotes430 2 года назад
Islam is my pride and i am thankful to be a believer.
@BilalAli-wp7ub 2 года назад
@user-fv5hb4iq3u 2 года назад
Islam is not for pride my friend it’s against it Islam is for practice
@Omar-kw5ui 2 года назад
It is narrated on the authority of 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) observed: None shall enter the Fire (of Hell) who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of Iman and none shall enter Paradise who has in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride. Careful what words you use. :)
@badjansait2736 2 года назад
@Aim201 2 года назад
@@user-fv5hb4iq3u i think he means proud to be muslim. (Edit) proud is the feeling of pride if you know English
@saifmaher3429 2 года назад
Thank you, Brother Paul , for this interview. Before I read Peter’s book, I can see through his words that he is a just person, searching for truth and far from racism.may Allah guide him to Islam,and become our brother inshaAllah..
@anabmohammed2746 2 года назад
Allahuma Ameen Inshallah.
@jazairiah 2 года назад
brothers dont say inshaAllah (if Allâh wills) in a dua coz the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said: “Let not any one of you say, ‘O Allaah, forgive me if You will, O Allaah, have mercy on me if You will.’ Let him be resolute in the matter, whilst knowing that no one can compel Allaah to do anything.” [Saheeh Bukhari and Muslim]
@saifmaher3429 2 года назад
@@jazairiah Yes, my brother, I am aware of what you said, but look, I did not link my prayer with saying “inshaAllah ” I put a comma between the two phrases, and when i said " inshaAllah " I linked it that Peter may become a brother to us in the future. jazakaAllah khir for the reminder.
@jazairiah 2 года назад
@@saifmaher3429 wa jazak
@Leyla_Bat_Murrah 2 года назад
Never trust western orientalists
@amirmohammed7236 2 года назад
I have read Peter's book. It merely solidifies the classical Islamic view that we should model ourselves on Muhammad (pbuh). The path of humility and contrition that he and his rightly guided companions undertook. I wish Peter was our Prime Minister.
@NayimKay 2 года назад
Unfortunately it takes a more dishonest figure to climb ranks to prime minister
@johncao5428 2 года назад
OK but Muhammad commanded his followers to attack pagans and enslave their women lol Any Christian that claims that is righteous is a fool
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@PeterSmith-go9ef 5 месяцев назад
A great suggestion Sir.
@jiqbal1uk 2 года назад
Great interview. I have a lot of respect and admiration for Peter Oborne. His historical, political knowledge, clarity and honesty and ability to decipher and cut through the anti muslim bias is highly praiseworthy and commendable. Look forward to reading his new book.
@mosesrocco6614 2 года назад
Thank you Peter Oborne! Your quest for truth is noble and appreciated!
@scottishbanjo 2 года назад
Peter Oborne is a great intellect and wonderful to see him produce something concrete by sincerely researching
@ashwayn 2 года назад
Evil is the likeness of the people who reject Our communications and are unjust to their own souls. - Koran, Surah VII: 177, "The Elevated Places." If you don't accept Islam you are unjust--period. Can't you feel the love? ...the tolerance?
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history
@scottishbanjo 2 года назад
@@ashwayn hi … not sure what you’re point is ?
@MJB0110 2 года назад
Peter Orbone is a courageous and brave journalist and writer. I had a pleasure of meeting him once over 10 years ago. Good luck with the new book and thank you for sharing your thoughts. I hope some mainstream politicians and msm journalists take the time to read it.
@johncao5428 2 года назад
No lol he's actually a coward Hence why people like him ignore the preeminence of the Salafi movement
@07silvali 2 года назад
What does ETERNITY represent? IT'S FOREVER!! IT`S A LONG TIME!! The question is, where will you go after you die and enter ETERNITY? Have you ever lied? Hated someone? Did you steal something? If you have committed any of these acts, you are in God's eyes a liar, a murderer and a thief! Under these conditions, you will spend eternity in HELL!!! But this is not God's desire for you. JESUS ​​CHRIST died for you and rose again on the third day. HE did this so that you would be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with God. If you repent of your sins (turn away from them) receive and trust in JESUS ​​CHRIST, you will be forgiven by Him and you will be guaranteed ETERNAL LIFE!!! THIS IS THE TRUTH!!! Do it today, before you enter ETERNITY!!! Tomorrow may be too late!!! "Jesus answered him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history
@Addakhel 2 года назад
My only criticism of this video is that's it's not longer! A really informative and nice conversation. Keep it up Br. Paul!
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Thanks, will do!
@jared2244 2 года назад
@@BloggingTheology Why do these talking heads try tirelessly to convince to deny the things that we see.. We dont build impression base on what we read, but base on what we see.. Except you want to say our eyes are lying to us.
@NejiBHTahar 5 месяцев назад
@@jared2244 Have they not travelled in the land so that they should have hearts with which to understand, or ears with which to hear? For surely it is not the eyes that are blind, but blind are the hearts which are in the breasts. (Quran,22:46)
@ckotty 2 года назад
Thanks to Mr. Oborne for sharing his wisdom and opinions. I'm afraid I have to agree that it is worrying when policies are implemented to curtail the free practice of Islam. Great conversation, grateful for being there. 👍🏽😘
@thirstfortruth8904 2 года назад
Almost as bad as the way that Muslim countries DEFINITELY don’t curtail Christians practicing AND EVANGELIZING their faith.
@leodarksam6230 2 года назад
Great interview Paul! Very informative and much needed especially in these times.
@Frederick.J.Marshall 2 года назад
A subject that is long overdue for discussion. Thank you for this.
@matthewn2559 2 года назад
That it is true. People need to study Islam so they know that Mohammed was a 50 some year old man who had sexual intercourse with a 9 year old child which makes him a sexual predator. People also need to discuss that the Quran commands wife beating (Surah 4 34) and also prescribes temporary marriage of grown men to pre pubescent females (Surah 33). People also need to discuss the Islamic dilemma that Islam confirms Mohammed a sinner ( Surah 9 43) and the Hadith affirms that Mohammed himself said he needed to repent 70 times a day yet Muslims consider him the best moral example to humanity. This dilemma is made worse considering the fact Islam teaches Jesus Christ was sinless. Doesn't make much sense to consider a sinful man the best example to humanity when Islam teaches that someone else is sinless. Lots to discuss.
@Just_logic 2 года назад
@@matthewn2559 Your comments can not be described anything but ignorant. The issue of the marriage has been debunked a 100 times. Anyone that is stuck in amidst of his small environment is a very narrow minded person. Furthermore the age is still disputed that if it was 9 or anything between 14-17. Historically speaking. The beating is not as you hate mindset describes. How to beat and under what condition is explained in the Hadeeth, which you are either too ignorant to search to know or too much of a hater that wouldn’t want to find. There is a difference between the definition of sin in Islam and Christianity. For emotional Christian’s a mistake is a sin. On that count do you want me to list the mistakes in Christianity. This Chanel is for intellectuals. I do t think you fit the criteria. So the question is that when an intellectual such as this guest find Islam intriguing, why can’t you? Are you wiser than him. I think that is the question you need to ask yourself.
@sirusThu 2 года назад
@@matthewn2559 lol 😂, actually you are the one who should read about Islam. Marriage promise is not a consumption of marriage. Maybe next time you’ll come and say she was 2. Each time you decrease the age, 16, then 12, now 9. lol
@matthewn2559 2 года назад
@@sirusThu Narrated `Aisha: that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (i.e., till his death). Sahih al-Bukhari 5133 Narrated 'Urwa: The Prophet (ﷺ) wrote the (marriage contract) with `Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death). Sahih al-Bukhari 5148 Straight from the most trusted Islamic sources. There are numerous other Hadith that confirm Aisha's age-would you like more proof or do you want to keep denying the obvious? I don't expect intellectually honesty from anyone who thinks wife beating should be a part of their religion. "Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, as Allah has given some of them an advantage over others, and because they spend out of their wealth. The good women are obedient, guarding what Allah would have them guard. As for those from whom you fear disloyalty, admonish them, and abandon them in their beds, then strike them. But if they obey you, seek no way against them. Allah is Sublime, Great." Surah 4 34 (Yes Allah of Islam is great)
@user-sn1qe6ki4g 2 года назад
rira bien qui rira le dernier
@ali.k.zaiter1146 2 года назад
I am proud of Islam as it is the way to spiritual elevation for me 🌜♥️
@misterprogressive8730 2 года назад
Elevated to what?
@TwoPyramid 2 года назад
@@misterprogressive8730 good question.
@ali.k.zaiter1146 2 года назад
@@misterprogressive8730 To know the purpose of my existence in life and feel the value of myself when you are a Muslim you can access your inner secrets .
@mcsusa75 2 года назад
@@misterprogressive8730 elevate and trancende above human's animal instincts and desires , towards a mind over matter , spiritual and righteous status.
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@matsuda1994 2 года назад
good man Peter has been fighting the good fight for a while now
@akirataimatsu8741 2 года назад
Mr Williams, may I suggest you to talk to Austrian academic Farid Hafez about islamophobia in Europe. He is an editor of the "Islamophobia Studies Yearbook" and author of many book and articles on this topic. He also was personally a victim of attempts of the austrian government to silence him by intimidation and discreditation!
@psam5074 2 года назад
Great discussion, definitely looking forward to get my hands on this book.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Hope you enjoy it!
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history
@mangoorange7020 2 года назад
Salam wa alakum from a PROUD MUSLIM WOMEN ❤️☪️❤️☪️❤️
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Wa alaykumu s-salam
@Adnanbin1985 2 года назад
incredible , absolutely incredible interview . Al humdulilah Peter Oborne is a real ally and freind to muslims here in Britain.
@Miriam-qh1so 2 года назад
Terrific interview! Peter's book appears to be a definite must-read as it examines negative influences in culture, politics and media - resulting in highly (undeserved) destructive outcomes for Muslims and others. Issues of civil and human rights must be addressed in a democracy. Interesting how Peter accurately states that when certain Christian denominations hold religious views contrary to the "expected British norm", they are given a pass. However, this is not extended to other religious groups, who face harsh scrutiny. The unfortunate situation in the US is neo-con policies (since GW Bush et al) have contributed directly towards the demonization of "others", namely Muslims. This perspective continues until today with many Trump supporters thinking the country should be for White Anglo Saxon Protestants. The disturbing rise in US domestic terrorism is mainly from far right, white supremacist groups. Rupert Murdoch's Fox News specializes in spreading gross misinformation about Islam, Muslims - with intent to damage perceptions. Millions of neo-con supporters (including Fox news viewers particularly) live in a fact-free universe. The thought of actually examining the validity of distorted, false statements made concerning Islam is too much effort or beyond their cognitive abilities. What is deemed to be "their truth" is reinforced in social media echo chambers - limited by self induced myopia, prejudice, bloated faux patriotism and usually orchestrated by larger, nefarious powers injecting their influence with the hope of shaping policies - such as support for aggression against Muslim nations. Peter Oborne's book is timely, his research necessary as it reflects historical and political reality for many Muslims in the west. Certain groups committed to upholding their personal interpretations of "western standards" in this context, punishing Muslims as a result, fail to see their own hypocrisy in application. It's great that Mr Oborne has discussed and identified such critical points.
@johncao5428 2 года назад
Sorry but you're speaking nonsense lol British Islam is dominated by Wahabism and Deobandi fanaticism and that's just a blatant fact. Muslims possess a collective narcissism that makes it impossible to criticise yourselves lol its really annoying
@Miriam-qh1so 2 года назад
@@johncao5428 Your blanket statement just reinforced what I wrote.
@07silvali 2 года назад
What does ETERNITY represent? IT'S FOREVER!! IT`S A LONG TIME!! The question is, where will you go after you die and enter ETERNITY? Have you ever lied? Hated someone? Did you steal something? If you have committed any of these acts, you are in God's eyes a liar, a murderer and a thief! Under these conditions, you will spend eternity in HELL!!! But this is not God's desire for you. JESUS ​​CHRIST died for you and rose again on the third day. HE did this so that you would be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with God. If you repent of your sins (turn away from them) receive and trust in JESUS ​​CHRIST, you will be forgiven by Him and you will be guaranteed ETERNAL LIFE!!! THIS IS THE TRUTH!!! Do it today, before you enter ETERNITY!!! Tomorrow may be too late!!! "Jesus answered him, I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)
@soundousamine7485 2 года назад
The enemies of Islam and humanity is a religious group mentioned in the Qur'an who used to be God's favourite people before disobeying him and then being cursed. White supremacists are victims of that religious group who has been demonizing them and want to replace them by immigrants.the remplacement of indigenous peoples by immigrants, and the minorities by the majority is a destructive Agenda set by the same cursed religious groups in order to get rid of patriotism that may stand against those who want to own the world and control it's population,or even worse than that,to kill them all.l follow many pages of the people called white supremacists and could see that they are not that evil.eventhough they hate black people but at least they expose that religious group who put White and black against each other. To see that what l am claiming is right, Google white man and black Man to see how the media is demonizing the whites and praising the black .if you know who controls the media,then you will realise that demonizing white people and Islam is an agenda not a result of certain circumstances and coincidence
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history
@Just_logic 2 года назад
Dear Brother Paul I am glad to see your subscribers count growing. That means people’s intellectuality is upgraded
@Exit213 2 года назад
I hope you are looking into the subject of the Kaaba. Because the Qur’an described Abraham, peace be upon him (and raises the foundations from the House), and it is said that the foundations were laid by Adam, peace be upon him, but they disappeared for the wisdom of God. Then Ibrahim came, and then he started building from the foundations
@Exit213 2 года назад
@@jettyharrison4377 Ibrahim who is in the Qur’an is different from Ibrahim who is in the distorted book
@amgadibnal-jabal7369 2 года назад
I just discovered your channel and I like it very much keep it up
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Welcome aboard!
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@truthmatter9972 2 года назад
Thank you for both of you gentlemen for this presentation. May God bless you both.
@hamzahabdullah2879 Год назад
Went from non denominational Christianity to agnostic to Muslim. So happy and proud. Live in Dallas TX. People are attracted towards the falsehoods, knowingly.
@shefayetchowdhury6316 2 года назад
One of my favourite journalists who tries to be real and honest at least... thanks for having this interview. Please bring him back again 👍🏼
@UTICAMASJID 2 года назад
A very important conversation!
@aliataie101 2 года назад
Masha'Allah. Excellent discussion. Thank you Brother Paul.
@jawaad99d39 2 года назад
Hey Doc :)
@merlinx8703 2 года назад
any plans on appearing on mythvision Dr Ali?
@aliataie101 2 года назад
@@merlinx8703 I am conflicted about that. What are your thoughts?
@merlinx8703 2 года назад
@@aliataie101 I am conflicted as well I dont like that he hosts Apuss, Robert Spencer and bill Warner as all 3 are islamophobic bigots But I also believe derek is sincere Also I remember Shaykh Hamza Yusuf saying that an empty chair is no policy ..... so you should go to present your case and be a separate voice from the Islamophobes as long as the host is sincere You can always do istikhara Or Ask Shaykh hamza and Shykh abdul hakim murad what to do.... in my opinion they would say to talk to the person ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-eYO3XQdiwCM.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-zkiUXCvClr0.html ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-_uTXbAXVwHc.html
@aliataie101 2 года назад
@Undefined Space Late June insha'Allah!
@ZakirKhan-fo7nq 2 года назад
May Allah guide him to Islam. Alhamdolillah I am so happy I am a Muslim.
@aal-e-ahmadhussain3123 2 года назад
You need to try get Wael Hallaq on too. He’s in England atm. He’s one of the most astute minds reflecting on Modernity.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Yes I would love to!
@umaima.zaynab1413 2 года назад
Incredible talk. I appreciate both of you for what you are doing!! جزاكم الله أحسن الجزاء Edit: special thanks to you Sir Paul for bringing amazing people on your channel for us
@ashwayn 2 года назад
O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst O you who believe! Do not take for intimate friends among others than your own people; they [unbelievers you takes for them a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people. - Koran, Surah V: 51
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@unitedwespeaksmith1981 2 года назад
Thank you Paul!!! This is a truly amazing work that you do.
@CHROMALE01 2 года назад
Thank you so much for your work and for linking us to good books, authors and other creatives. Hello from Algeria, take care. As salam Aleykoum ✌️
@kalijasin 2 года назад
Genocides against Muslims: Rohingya Genocide, Rakhine State in Myanmar 2016- Bosniak Genocide, Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1992-1995 Uyghur Genocide, Xinjiang China 2014- Jammu & Kashmir Genocide, India 1947 Palestinian Genocide, Palestine (West Bank, Gaza, Al-Quds, etc.) 1918- Anfal Genocide, Iraq 1986-1989 Crusades, Middle east (Holy Land) 1096-1099 Spanish Inquisition, Spain 1478-1834 Crimean Tatar Genocide, Crimean Peninsula 1944 Azerbaijan Genocide, Azerbaijan 1905 & 1908; 1990s. Bulgarian Genocide, Bulgaria 1876 - 1878 French conquest of Algeria, Algeria 1830-1903 Arakan massacres (mostly Rohingya), Rakhine State now in Myanmar 1942 Sabra and Shatila massacre, Lebanon 1982 Iraq Genocide, Iraq 1990s & 2003-2017
@andrewphillips6853 2 года назад
What of genocide of non Muslims by Muslims
@beth1979 2 года назад
@@andrewphillips6853 that would be everywhere mainstream. Genocide of Muslims is usually hidden away in the basement of human knowledge.
@andrewphillips6853 2 года назад
@Turkish Salafi I wasn't going to mention Armenia but what do u mean by haters of Islam are they not Muslims also 😒😒😒 What do u mean by Turkish secularists
@user-sn1qe6ki4g 2 года назад
My country becMe Muslim and we happy it did proof I’m here to say it wasn’t genocide like Americans or Spanish done a genocide is when you try to kill all people from a race or belief in order to take over .That’s why there is no Muslims in Spain and very few Indians in America now .what u talking about is colonialism which he didn’t talk about otherwise he would have thousands examples there .
@andrewphillips6853 2 года назад
@@user-sn1qe6ki4g Wishful thinker Keep deceiving urself drunkard
@Abdullah-mt9ns 2 года назад
Very informative, just as always.
@AbooLayth 2 года назад
As-Salām 'alaikum my brother Paul.. that was excellent, mā shā Allāh. You should definitely have more fair, temperate minded, and seasoned journalists on, in shā Allāh.
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Wa alaykumu s-salam
@Monothiest247 2 года назад
God willing Peter is guided to Islam
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@shamselnahar45 2 года назад
Another great interview. Thanks Paul and Peter. It is scary though.
@zak992 2 года назад
respect to both of you, an amazing conversation
@doosra95 2 года назад
Such a great discussion with Peter oborne . Jazzakhallah khair for this Brother Paul.
@ApolloDeRothschild 2 года назад
I like this channel/podcast way more than the Joe rogan podcast
@ishakkunduvayil2737 2 года назад
This is an intriguing interview. Certainly revealing and informative. 👍
@marwand.a.z9840 2 года назад
Despite the depth of Mr. Peter's research, he still swims at the shore .... The West faced almost all the world and colonized most of its lands, but they did not fight the cultures of those peoples as it does with Muslims, .. For example, Buddhist and Hindu Under European colonialism were strengthened to confront Islam in those countries... Today in the Islamic world we are observing not the suppression of (extremism), but the support for the suppression of moderate voices and they blocked from the media and the presentation of atheists and also haters of Arab Islamic history to take control of TV shows... Dr. Peter should have seen the reality of the eternal struggle between Islam and the west Christianity with its three branches.. Today there is no one in the world Whoever has an urgent desire to spread his culture and history put Europe , with its Greco-Roman past with a Christian culture industry and wealth vs Islam with its Arab-Turkish past, which owns the perfect geographical location, history, culture based on the Qur’an in one strong language .... We know that Western schools teach their children an honorable European military history in their wars with The peoples of the world since Alexander to the surrender of Japan, and there are no decisive defeats except in the Levant , Spain, the fall of Constantinople and the defeat of the Crusades, all of which were in the hands of Muslims. .... Therefore, the conflicting and contradictory history between Muslims and the West is based on who owns the history and who has the right to spread his culture to the rest of the world. .. I do not think that China or India or Japan etc.. have the tools to spread their culture and they will not be able to even if they wanted to .... It is a case that has never occurred in human history at this level and clarity. Like the lion's desire to spread its genes struggle of life or death . With regards and respect
@johncao5428 2 года назад
I don't think the Ummah has proven itself capable of leading in anyway lol look how backwards they are Only Europe could have produced the abolition of slavery and human rights. There is such thing as equality or religious freedom in Islamic fiqh
@marwand.a.z9840 2 года назад
@@johncao5428 This is true John .... But it is only in Europe ... Look at the peoples under the influence of France, for example in Africa, you will see slavery, apartheid, forced labor and extrajudicial executions ... The peoples of Europe have rights only within their borders. So They failed to lead the world towards justice and freedom .
@bybbah 2 года назад
Hi I wish I could just hug you .Truly many thanks, i much appreciate this ,because it is so true.From a west African traditional Muslimah.
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
@@bybbah Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@doosra95 2 года назад
Extremely good point,couldn’t agree more.
@irfanahmed6411 2 года назад
Dear brother Paul Allah bless you you are doing great work on this planet and we love you 😍 ❤ 💙 💜
@kafi1190 2 года назад
Keep up the good work Paul.
@HK00088 2 года назад
Please remember me in your dua (prayer). I have Covid brother for the first time. I don’t feel well, salaamlakum to you
@mkly9968 2 года назад
Feel better soon inshaAllah
@AdrianMuslim 2 года назад
May Allah heal you brother! ✨💗✨
@Moussa430 2 года назад
Brilliant as usual thank you brother paul may Allah reward your good work ....
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@mishahul 2 года назад
May Allah guide you to Islam Peter
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@whyibelieve786 2 года назад
I have not watched it yet, but liked 👍 it to support. As you are always well read and knowledgeable in your observations. Keep it up (Now to start watching ...)
@MonkeyChops82 2 года назад
As always, excellent work!
@hammadakhtar7345 2 года назад
Mashallah, Keep up the Good work Paul
@catem3102 2 года назад
My next audible book. Thank you both. 🤲
@abdulrahman1308 2 года назад
Assalam Mualaikum Paul. When you said you (Peter Oborne) should head Prevent and review the cases, a thought came to my mind. I am retired academician at Universiti Sains Malaysia. A colleague who is a UK trained PhD specializing in Political Science especially Political Islam has been engaged by the Royal Malaysian Police Special Branch to look into the radicalization of Malaysian members of the regional (SE Asian) extremist group known as the Jemaah Islamiyah. He has full access to those who are under detention and also to documents that led to the radicalization. Would you like to have a chat with him?
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@gulOriOusss 16 дней назад
I like Peter's journalism because it's the real definition of the word. He doesn't just write what would make him look good to higher ups or what would fill his pocket! Thank you Paul for inviting Peter and sharing his knowledge and book with us. I'm off to buy his books! I would recommend everyone buy any of the books Paul recommends because they're not biased and based on facts, another reason why i love Blogging theoly! 💜
@LailaAhmed-re5co Месяц назад
I just discovered Petee Oborne in his documentary “Dispatches”. Excellent journalist.
@jawaadshahid 2 года назад
fantastic interview. I'm definitely getting the book inshaAllah
@garethwatkins6347 Год назад
Given the choice of living in an Islamic world or a woke world I know which one I want - Allah u akbah ! ( by the way I'm not a muslim either )
@alhdafe 2 года назад
You will be loved to every Muslim, because of the truthful speech always. The humble man at these days is unique.
@PeterSmith-go9ef 5 месяцев назад
Such an informative and illuminating book, a cure for Islamophobia, and far more importantly a mirror into the vile prejudice faced by the Muslim community. The biggest problem is a combination of biased media coverage, or no coverage at all, when it comes to reporting on the Muslim world and community. Truly eye opening and thought provoking.
@sixpoint3130 2 года назад
Very informative 👏 👌 👍. I will watch it again and another time if I didn't get the whole interesting points delivered by Peter Oborne
@mustafatokhi8161 2 года назад
Thank you so much this amazing interview.
@sulemanmalik8228 2 года назад
Something that always bothered me a lot, is the fact that while this genocide of the rohingya muslims took place, you had powerful muslim nations in Asia like Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, but also countries with large muslim populations like Thailand, India, Philippines, Singapore(city-state) and not a single one lifted a finger to defend the people while they were being massacred. I never understood this. Pakistan, which has more nukes than India and one of the best air forces in Asia, went so far to sell weapons to Myanmar. My guess why they didn´t carpet bomb Myanmar is that they are being pressured by China just like European countries are pressured by USA, but I am not 100% sure.
@elamine9094 2 года назад
Malaysia wasnt declared as a muslim country. While it have a high number of muslims and used a part of islamic laws, it never declared itself as a muslim country. Also there are many corruption such as buying expired military weapon and such so its actually weak.
@virtualbeast3936 2 года назад
Did you lift a finger ? Brother dont judge others when we ourselves are full of faults, the solution has already been given to this Ummah over a 1400 years ago , turn to our creator, connect our hearts to him , we must stop looking around outside the fold of islam and remove the dependance on various powers and nations of this world from our hearts and replace it with the dependence on Allah and we shall find he will be sufficient for us
@Sheen023 2 года назад
Politics is complicated. Btw, carpet bomb whom? Innocent women and children?
@f.50 2 года назад
Because the fairytale of ummah isn't real.
@virtualbeast3936 2 года назад
@@f.50 and your opinion doesnt matter , the non muslim is so disunited you guys have to make an appointment to have dinner with your own parents , if yall lucky enough to even know who they are in the 1st place.
@hasansaib7793 2 года назад
Love your work Paul.
@sadiqdelil5189 2 года назад
Asalamu alleikum brother Paul. You would look amazing with a beard MashAllah.
@SamiaB2009 2 года назад
Prevent lists a few books which warrant referral to prevent by teachers or doctors if they find a young person in possession of. These are books or pamphlets considered to be illegal to possess and the young person will be charged. Although they state that they target any terrorism the list of ‘banned books’ are only related to Islam. Far right books including nazi stuff is not illegal and will not lead to a charge or arrest! We had a spokesperson give us a lecture in our ‘ safeguarding training’.
@AdrianMuslim 2 года назад
Enjoyed the discussion. Excellent.
@evilmelez 2 года назад
definitely need to buy this one
@samna789 6 месяцев назад
Peter Oborne is a good man. May god bless him. Loved this book and 'The rise of political lying', just brilliant, highly recommend ❤
@ashwayn 2 года назад
In the end, Islam/ SUBMIT will not tolerate opposition.
@zaidhernandez4601 2 года назад
Thank you, it's so good to see this
@flattieconvert4684 2 года назад
Does the book include how it was impossible to have a building collapse in free fall? Proving that it had to be controlled demolition on 911.
@kevinbolton9315 2 года назад
Interesting interview and clearly missing some obvious points such as the fact that the Muslim community does not mix and mingle with host communities other than in commercial activity, with very rare exceptions. Peter sand that Muslims are fellow citizens with the same rights as we have? What about the Muslims claim for sharia law which, incidentally, operates in dozens of areas in Britain - why do Muslims need additional access to another agency of law? Perhaps because they do not recognise the legitimacy of the law in Britain. Ed. Hussain recently toured mosques in Britain and produced a book which provides very sombre reading in terms of how influential Muslim leaders view their host society and are preaching and preparing young men for a way of living in the west that challenges and disregards the laws inherent in the west and particularly in Britain. For the sake of open and honest debate there are many serious issues that need to be uncovered, as I understand what I read from various sources.
@cobraTate21921 2 года назад
This is amazing. I don't know this information. I agree with you, but the sake of clarification, shariah law is 3% law of State, while 97% is relationship between Man and God. So, what type of shariah they do in Britain? I think some Muslims have sick mentality. They need to understand their religion deeply. 1 year ago, I have the same ideology of extremism, but today I learned so much of love and respect of my religion, and I understand much better way in this world. I think people need more knowledge.
@NsShadid 2 года назад
Really good points by Kevin. Thank you for your civility. I grew up on the West. And I yet have to meet a leader who is outspoken about division and alienation from the outer western society or demanding shariah law (not to deny their existace. I just dont recall hearing such claims). I disagree that Muslims only interact with outer societies only through financial interactions. I do believe that the fear, hate and disgust by westerners towards Islam and sharia law is a manufactured one that is based on a gross misunderstanding of Islam and its laws and fueled by think tanks that have other agenda. We do have dirty laundry but it's as dirty as marketed.
@36uabi46 2 года назад
Always creative my brother
@abdulelahkhunji6871 2 года назад
Hope there is an Arabic translation for this book, it looks amazing as it has taken him 20 years to write it . Thanks to Bro, Paul to bring such brilliant personality .. 🌷👍🏻
@wwk17 2 года назад
Really enjoyed this!
@blackstar9456 2 года назад
"I think the ultimate British value is sticking out for the underdog" This corresponds with the Hadith in Sahih Muslim 2898 a Mustaurid al-Qurashi reported: I heard Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The Last Hour would come (when) the Romans would form a majority amongst people. 'Amr said to him (Mustaurid Qurashi): See what you are saying? He said: I say what I heard from Allah's Messenger (ﷺ). Thereupon he said: If you say that, it is a fact for they have four qualities. They have the patience to undergo a trial and immediately restore themselves to sanity after trouble and attack again after flight. They (have the quality) of being good to the destitute and the orphans, to the weak and, fifthly, the good quality in them is that they put resistance against the oppression of kings.
@mansooraqureshi2696 11 месяцев назад
Amongst you will rise people in all faiths who will be righteous.....Mr Peter Oborne....
@kadirmammond444 2 года назад
Salam everyone Respect always. Great analysis.
@mnoorbhai 2 года назад
May the Lord grant you a long life prosperity health , wisdom and of course enough wealth
@tiffyfarooq 2 года назад
Fantastic interview Paul. Peter is a blessing. Maybe next time you could invite Peter back to talk about the decline of Christian values in modern Britain and the readons for the moral failures of our leaders.
@x007xo55y 2 года назад
Bless this man with many years....
@richardbradley1532 2 года назад
Interesting conversation.
@yuraina430 2 года назад
Bless this two humble person
@haroonb8416 2 года назад
Hello, this was a good talk. On another note, one of the scholars, in another talk, mentioned a book learning quranic root words. Does anyone remember the book or the talk, so I can lookup the book.
@amana7358 2 года назад
hats off to you sir for exposing this well done
@0miy0 2 года назад
Amazing Man
@iswallbanoo9843 2 года назад
Salaam only one God and it's Allah SWT love here from South Africa Johannesburg pray 5 times a day
@lionheart4552 2 года назад
Muhammad was the most obvious false prophet In history .
@birahimkane6428 2 года назад
Hey Paul a muslim PSG player is being bashed for refusing to wear a lgbtq flag patch on the jersey.The player name is Gana Gueye.
@drmodestoesq Год назад
Interestingly enough, if a player in a lot of Muslim countries was wearing the Lgbtq flag patch......
@mattaikay925 2 года назад
Promoting a faith that espouses Taqqiya - Muda'rat, Kitman, Tawriya, Taysir, Darura - Murana, Hiyal is a damnable before Adonai
@seekingauthenticdepth4456 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing.
@najmamohammed1437 Год назад
. Thank for book and information that you have provided. If these countries are so against Islam, why did they encourage people to come here as they encouraged people to come over to Britain , Americal ectr. come and do the work that there own people were not willing to do. My dad came here with his family and hearing all this information makes me feel really betrayed by the government. My dad worked all his life putting tar on the roads, delivering papers working in factories. He eventually bought his own shop and worked really hard. He ended up with asthma , chest problems and arthritis.. How are we supposed to get over these problems the state has against us, because we have got on well with the rest of British society.. Its pretty scary because all of western countries have so much hate being expressed.
@jawaad99d39 2 года назад
Good discussion, but the end was a bit depressing :(
@khamnei 2 года назад
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Many thanks khamnei!
@poordadrichson6115 2 года назад
@Who.R. 2 года назад
Hallo Herr Paul, ich freue mich, dass Sie ein gläubiger Muslim sind, möge Allah Sie belohnen Ameen.
@RA-tc8tr 2 года назад
جزاک الله خيرًا
@MrAshrahman Год назад
Love you Paul
@kayakkayak9568 2 года назад
Assalamualaikum Salam from Indonesia 🇮🇩
@SignsBehindScience 2 года назад
Wa'alaikum-Assalam! 🇵🇰
@ahmedazam6379 2 года назад
@BloggingTheology 2 года назад
Thank you Ahmed!
@takecare1y 2 года назад
Peter Oborne a ray of light from darkness prevailing in the west for such a long time Islam was targeted out of grudges people have since crusade days Finally things start clearing up somehow
@CC-uq7cv 2 года назад
If anyone has a link to the video that they mention (the one where the Muslim woman is being questioned by a Prevent officer), please share it.
@CC-uq7cv 2 года назад
Also, what is the name of the fake Muslim organization that they were referring to?
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