
Wild wolves return to Belgium after 100 years, sparking controversy - BBC News 

BBC News
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Wolves have settled in Belgium for the first time in more than 100 years - raising concerns among livestock owners.
Wolves were once widely hunted in Europe and folklore suggests the last wolf in Belgium was shot by the nation's King Leopold II in the 1890s.
Estimates vary but around 15 to 20 wolves are currently thought to be in the country, with one pack in Flanders plus another in southern Wallonia, as well as a newly settled pair.
Dietary analysis in the area has found that the wolves mainly eat roe deer and wild boar. But around 15% of their diet is livestock - which is causing concern among farmers.
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14 мар 2023




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@Ass_of_Amalek Год назад
cutting off that guy's answer at the end before he got to explaining that apex predators have important functions in ecosystems is trashy.
@bowwak5366 Год назад
People nowadays cares more about something else than overall usefulness for ecosystem. People are too dumb to understand that, this is why media just say they have a right to exist despite the fact that predators often ignore such "rights" anyway and are sometimes responsible for the disappearances of entire species.
@polygonalmasonary Год назад
They found some of the Apex predators functions on the ground 😂😂😂
@Pedant_Patrol Год назад
What are those functions?
@SCP--ck5ip Год назад
​@@Pedant_Patrol Controlling the population and behaviour of prey, like deer, protecting the natural environment.
@lamestreammedia3154 Год назад
Wolves eat human food sources. Just another way to get us to eat insects.
@nunosantos485 Год назад
To be honest it's really cool to have wild wolves back in Europe.
@henk3202 Год назад
In Holland we have about 25 now people are feeding them sandwiches with ham. Shy wolves are an evolutionairy proces. The brave wolvens have shot the kast centuries. The coward wolvespass on their genes.and now we are feeding wolf like a touristic attraction and creating problem wolves . Witvis 10 years the first KID or granny will be eaten
@markushaahr9194 Год назад
Until they bite down on your leg.
@bosh8400 Год назад
Untill you get mulled by one
@johnrowland8713 Год назад
@@asmith9140 livestock only makes up 15% of their diet, much prefer wild food like deer
@johnrowland8713 Год назад
@@asmith9140 common misconception is that wolves are creatures that would hunt humans. They are very flighty animals, and will always avoid human contact if they can help it. I work with captive wolves who are semi habituated but even they are very flighty around humans and have never shown signs of aggression.
@Nemrai Год назад
The tragic thing is that us humans think we've more right to land and nature than the wild animals that live there. So much that people get upset when a wild species we wiped out in a place returns and start living there again.
@petrorlov2599 Год назад
No one has any rights to any land. If you can take it you just take it. That's what both people and animals do. Species that can't survive simply go extinct and there is nothing wrong with it. The only reason why humanity is concerned with animals at all is that their extinction threatens our own demise.
@SeekerofTruths Год назад
​@Petr Orlov I think the view that nature is where we came from and is the all sustaining mother is quite hard to remove from the human conscious.
@lexruptor Год назад
Cuz humanity is entitled af
@lexruptor Год назад
@@petrorlov2599 false
@lexruptor Год назад
@@SeekerofTruths You'd hope, but sometimes I'm not so sure... Some people are so far removed from their own origins, they know nothing.
@sockhal4595 Год назад
Introducing wolves, or other predators is important for ecosystems to become resilients. A example is regulating the deer ovepopulation which stop forests from growing since they destroy young saplings.
@HowP88 Год назад
100% this! The Highlands of Scotland are barren of trees from having 10x the population of deer that are meant to be there because there is no apex predator anymore. It also means in winter a lot of these deer suffer from lack of food and lack of tree cover to protect them from the wind, so they are not healthy deer.
@jeremyscott640 Год назад
I once took down a pack of wolves all by myself once! I was on the way to mcdonalds when i got jumped by 61 wolves running at me with full force. they were no match for me
@skycloud4802 Год назад
That and people should eat more deer. They have good lean meat.
@bryceburns7425 Год назад
@mudshovel 289 Wolves hardly ever attack people you fear mongering idiot.
@Stratelier Год назад
Compare the history of wolves in USA's Yellowstone Park. When the government eliminated wolves in the early 1900s, everything else fell apart ecologically.
@_ArsNova Год назад
I understand the genuine frustration of the farmers, it's a difficult situation. However, even as the son of ranchers, I would rather deal would wolf attacks than the outright, irreversible, extinction of them.
@seanblair9686 Год назад
I don't think theyre that close to extinction
@ross335 Год назад
Why doesn't he get sheep dogs to guard his flocks at night? It worked for thousands of years but farmers have gotten lazy and complacent in wolves absence. If they put the effort in to adapt to the wolves presence they will do just fine.
@zeroheroes4081 Год назад
​@@ross335 Perhaps EU should create a fund for it. Every farmer that has a wolf problem gets financial coverage for the cost of buying 15 guard dogs, the food and the vet bills along with a change of laws so the farmer won't get heavy fines or prison if the dogs injures or kills a human in some accident. It would still be a lot of work added for farmers, but at least the financial burden would be carried by those that created the problem.
@neutronalchemist3241 Год назад
@@zeroheroes4081 15 guard dogs? How many sheep they have? One Maremma sheepdog every 100 sheep with a minimum of four (in areas with the presence of large packs of wolves, otherwise a minimum of three). That's the rate used in Italy, that's where those wolves are coming from, and sheep are usually not fenced.
@kujda22 Год назад
@@zeroheroes4081 these programs already exist. You can ask for a grand for a puppy because it's the cheapest and by far most efficient way to protect the farm animals.
@rickybuhl3176 Год назад
We've had them back in Denmark for a few years now, not big numbers but they range over the majority of the mainland. We've been farming here for 8 generations - a little more vigilance during calving but otherwise it's just incredible to know that we haven't totally destroyed the nature we live in, if they come - it's because they belong here.. They're better for the ecosystem than we are, so losing a weak calf or old sick cow (they don't take the first thing they see) does good for the genes and the herd. If we lost 5 or 10 in a season, maybe that perspective would change but 1 or 2 is worth it to see them, even just knowing they're there without seeing them.. Had a sea eagle announce its presence and sit on the barn for a bit - again, the experience is priceless and probably made me feel as connected to this place, as the 7 generations before me that I visit in the church overlooking us.
@dvrn86 Год назад
Denmark is a beautiful country. I visited last summer and absolutely loved the place.
@chip2881 Год назад
This is very positive, thanks for sharing!
@kirani111 Год назад
Have you considered livestock guardian dogs? I know a lot of people in the states who use them to keep away coyotes, wolves, bears and lynxes. They tell me even if the dogs never actually fought off anything, the peace of mind was worth it.
@rickybuhl3176 Год назад
​@@kirani111 We have, we've had working dogs in past generations, hunting dogs as well. Ultimately it's not about keeping them away, so much as learning to live with them. A working dog costs twice as much to feed a suitable diet for a year as a healthy cow can sell for. There's no point risking either the life of a perfectly good boy or reducing what tiny range the wolf has (we don't have vast swathes of forest, we have tiny spits and dots of it) over a minor inconvenience. Having a guard dog just for show is not really what farmers here go for, so one has to expect that animal to perform the task (same way buying a gun for self defence can have unintended consequences but the intention is that it be used if needed), so it wouldn't just keep a wolf or two away but also the foxes and badges, likely grab a baby hare or deer that's hiding in the grass, assuming it didn't catch something viral from fighting with them or just run away with them and join the circus.
@zeroheroes4081 Год назад
​@@kirani111 Problem with dogs vs wolves is that a wolf will only leave if it's outnumbered, so you'll need multiple dogs. If it's a pack of wolves they'll attack and kill or injure the dogs if there's less dogs than wolves. A pack of 6 wolves needs 8-10 dogs to walk away f ex. Acquisition, food, hours of training, insurance and vet bills would be astronomical (I don't know what it's like in Denmark, but insurance and vet bills are insane in Sweden.) Plus, here you're liable for any harm a dog does and those types of dogs used against wolves are more aggressive to humans than other types of dogs, so that's an added risk too with fines/prison if they ever bite/kill a vet or someone else.
@robertwhiteley-yv1sy Год назад
The introduction of 14 wolves to the yellow stone park not only increased the the abundance of life there, it changed the direction of the rivers. Wolves are dangerous, but so is not having them.
@TheDangoNinja Год назад
I think I remember hearing about this. Didn't it allow more trees to grow, reduced the over population of deer and as you said allowed natural terrain to flourish and change
@robertwhiteley-yv1sy Год назад
@@TheDangoNinja Yeah. The vegetation stabilised the banks of the river so they didn’t flood allowing animals to move in to habitats that otherwise would not exist.
@connorqb1241 Год назад
Comparing yellow stone park to the nature in belgium is so dumb. They have too little living space in belgium and the netherlands.
@ericdpeerik3928 Год назад
Changed the direction of the river? Did you dump their corpses in there? 🤔
@robertwhiteley-yv1sy Год назад
@@connorqb1241 my point was not a comparison. It was that the introduction of wolves will have larger consequences than can be conceived.
@JA238979 Год назад
There are dog breeds that contain the word "shepherd" for a reason.
@poppinc8145 Год назад
Could also get some donkeys to keep watch as well. The cattle farmers in Europe could easily minimize their animal losses if they wanted to.
@Fifi-jb3yx Год назад
theres a turkish breed that can fight off wolves specifically
@robs257 Год назад
there is even a dog breed called the belgium shepherd xD
@LewisZilla Год назад
Great Pyrenees and Maremma also.
@sandraverlinden2442 Год назад
I'm from Belgium and I live on the edge of wolf territory. I have 2 horses and a pony and I'm happy the wolf is back. Lots off ppl with farm animals are looking for a way to live with wolves, but only the haters are heard in the media, because they are the agressive ones. Info sessions about how to live with wolves are canceled, because the haters say they will harm the speakers. Ppl from the wolve fencing teams get death treats. If I speak up for the wolves, I get hate on social media and ppl want me to lose my animals in an attack. Wolf fencing works, but many ppl don't do it right and blame the fence if it fails. Or you can put gard dogs among your farme animals, ppl do that all over the world when they live in wolf territory. It's sad to see how much airtime the no wolf ppl get, just because they shut up the pro wolf ppl with their agression toward us.
@djbbdfggh Год назад
Hope you meet a wolf
@sandraverlinden2442 Год назад
@@djbbdfggh, I've met wolves a year ago and it was magical. Can't wait to see them again.
I love wolves and brown bears. After the wolf we must reintroduce brown bears. they are very friendly and less aggressive than grizzly’s
@djbbdfggh Год назад
@@sandraverlinden2442 have you fattened up ready for them.
@SevCaswell Год назад
@@punishedgloyperstormtroope8098 introducing a non-native bear wouldn't be a good idea. There are European bear species that still exist though.
@johnsydjimi Год назад
It was big news in Belgium when wolves were spotted 10-15 years ago. Most people thought they were lost and didn't think wolves would actually settle in Belgium, the same thing happened in the Netherlands.
@maartenaalsmeer Год назад
Wolves have been around in the Netherlands as well, since 2019. A pack of nine wolves was spotted last month in NP De Veluwe.
@gkos2566 Год назад
that is amazing, everyone knows that nature in the netherlands is completely screwed up by a post-war mismanagement, wanting to have too much control over nature.
@Peter_Capszyk Год назад
I've visited the Netherlands a year ago and I wonder where these animals managed to find the suitable habitat for themself there. There is almost no forests in this country only farms and plantations
@evastapaard2462 Год назад
@@Peter_Capszyk that is why I dont think they have a place here. btw....I love wolves!
@riku8342 Год назад
​@@Peter_Capszyk Depends where you are in the country. The Veluwe is the biggest lowland natural area in Northwestern Europe and is roughly 1000km2. Plenty of space for multiple packs.
@ginnykeir1396 Год назад
Fantastic news! Natural predators are extremely important for our ecosystems and for far too long farmers have had the final say on whether animals like these are re-introduced into the wild or not. I hope these magnificent creatures are here to stay.
@eniolabakare6839 Год назад
Until a wolf enters your home if u have a house in the woodlands
@EternalEmperorofZakuul Год назад
​@@eniolabakare6839 better wolves than those rapefugees
@foxpro3002 Год назад
When a wolf carries off your child, you wont be praising them.
@lofty123cheese3 Год назад
@@foxpro3002 they are animals not fairy tale monsters
@theworthysoul Год назад
@@foxpro3002 wolves belong here. Humans came from Africa. We need to learn to coexist with nature rather than destroy it.
@iwonaiwona1592 Год назад
We have wolves for years in Poland, my town is surrounded by huge forests, and no one is afraid of wolves living there. They never attack first, rather run when seeing humans. I guess other people are more scary than wild animals.
@debbiehenri345 Год назад
That's what I've heard - that wolves are far from the 'Big Bad Wolf' of fairytale and legend. Watched a few programmes where people searching for them (to film their behaviour) seem to have a very hard time catching up, since they will run away rather than confront a human. Sounds like a nice environment where you live.
@jvhee Год назад
What about farmers complaining about losing their animals? A big issue in Belgium
@undefinednull5749 Год назад
@@jvhee exaggerated by hateful people
@SevCaswell Год назад
@@jvhee They just need to go back to the old ways, have animals with the flocks to protect them etc.
@yasuke4593 Год назад
@@SevCaswell Yeaah they should buy guard dogs. And charge the cost to the sheep/meet buyers.
@delph.e8580 Год назад
I have friends who live in the mountains in Iran. They got a puppy to protect their house. Turns out the dog got friendly with a lone wolf and now the wolf comes back sometimes in winter just to play with his mate 😂 They got used to that.
@RealUlrichLeland Год назад
We should bring them back to Britain, especially Scotland. Deer populations are far too high which hinders reforestation efforts.
@guff9567 Год назад
@Ass_of_Amalek Год назад
lynx, too
@pr7049 Год назад
True.😌Culling is still needed, when deer population is so unbalanced there.
@RealUlrichLeland Год назад
@@guff9567 Large parts of Spain, Italy, the Balkans, Scandinavia and eastern Europe have wild wolves and you don't hear about people getting eaten constantly. They're used to humans so they know not to provoke us. They're only a danger to livestock, and we already have far too much livestock farming in the UK for it to be profitable or sustainable.
@Misael8924 Год назад
Ever Animal contributes. On the contrary, deer are benefiting the earth. Growing populations of deer are often blamed for damaging forest habitats by overgrazing on tender plants. But new research suggests that they may be helping certain forest critters, including salamanders, snakes and invertebrates like slugs and ground-dwelling insects. Researchers found fewer numbers of crawlies in areas where deer were excluded than where they roamed. It was not what they were expecting. When killed ? You curse youe ow lands. It depends where deer population grow. They can abundant of dear. Maybe tell greedy framer's to stop grazing the lands, expanding as they own.
@shamrock141 Год назад
I'm glad they're back. They're an important part of the ecosystem, ensuring only the strongest of small wild mammals survive. Yes they're going to affect livestock but we have the ability to mitigate that, it's a lot harder balance the ecosystem if a predator goes extinct
@ydnallah1541 Год назад
Wild boars and hogs cause immense damage to land when they’re rooting for food and will eat anything they think is edible. Wolves will help keep the balance
@Misael8924 Год назад
That's one biased opinion of a one way looking at it human. Every Animal contributes. Including the Wild Boars. pigs build their birthing nests, they kill off abundant, dominant tree seedlings, but often leave rarer local species undisturbed. The disproportionate damage increases overall tree diversity. And Grazing can also revitalize stimulated soil.
@SCP--ck5ip Год назад
Yes, they root through it, exposing soil allowing seeds to settle in the ground.
@ydnallah1541 Год назад
Not when they get into farm land and eat and destroy crops
@Misael8924 Год назад
@@ydnallah1541 Just like greedy farmers expanding an grazing filleds in unatural way? Stop expanding. The isn't only for humans. They said the same thing about deer. Growing populations of deer are often blamed for damaging forest habitats by overgrazing on tender plants. But new research suggests that they may be helping certain forest critters, including salamanders, snakes and invertebrates like slugs and ground-dwelling insects. Researchers found fewer numbers of crawlies in areas where deer were excluded than where they roamed. Seems Nature knows more than your selfish ass.
@SCP--ck5ip Год назад
@@ydnallah1541 Wolves don't eat crops...
@dtsivoulidis Год назад
Welcome back!
@guff9567 Год назад
Not at all
@boxingday11 Год назад
Need these fabulous creatures in Westminster 👍🏻
@disconnected4125 Год назад
What you mean, they run Westminster ;-)
@davefish8107 Год назад
But it will kill all the hyenas that are there
@robertgoldman3685 Год назад
Excellent! I would love to see a pack of wolves eat the Tories!
@naynay8088 Год назад
Feel sorry for the farmers but this is their natural land, not farm animals.
@johndhillon99 Год назад
good wolves return to there homelands❤
@fromasialuvasia Год назад
That’s how I see it too! 😊
@scottfleming8759 Год назад
There are things such as wolf proof fences. He just doesn’t want to spend the money. However the government could do a better job of offering subsidies to farmers/ranchers to build those fences. There is a solution but someone has to pay for it.
@sandraverlinden2442 Год назад
You get subsidies from the government in Belgium if you have life stock and you can ask the help of the wolf fencing team. But most farmers don't contact the fencing team and don't look up how to build a safe fence, because the don't want the wolf in Belgium. They hope the government will stop protect the wolves so they can be killed again. You have no idea how aggressive the no wolf movement is in Belgium.
@djbbdfggh Год назад
​@Sandra Verlinden not as aggressive as a wolf.
@sandraverlinden2442 Год назад
@@djbbdfggh, threatening to kill ppl because they defend wolves is normal in your eyes? A wilf only does what's needs to be done to stay alive. Human can live together with wolves without killing them. The agression from ppl is far worse
@djbbdfggh Год назад
@@sandraverlinden2442 they will be shot again 😂😂😂
@evastapaard2462 Год назад
@@sandraverlinden2442 I love wolves but thats not true. Wolves will kill complete herds if they can. fenced in sheep are perfect pray and they will kill them all if possible.
@JADE-vc3dt Год назад
This is beautiful I wish more wild animals would return to their natural habitat More wolves and bears should be in Europe 🙂🙂✌️💚💚
@hughmungus1767 Год назад
How would you feel about lions roaming about freely? They used to be indigenous to mainland Europe and the UK, too.
@maciejkrycki8976 Год назад
Farmers : Let's use chemicals and pesticides by the tonnes! Also Farmers : Wolf bad for us!
@segurosincero4057 Год назад
Over in Europe, they are a little bit more modest about using pesticides and herbicides. At least compared to the United States and Canada.
@rjjcms1 Год назад
Wolves and humans co-existed for centuries. Then humans decided they couldn;t co-exist with them and wiped them out. Wolves are only returning to land that used to be their habitat,too.
@iwonaiwona1592 Год назад
yes, exactly
@antoniocaro5315 Год назад
@lalah9481 Год назад
If they stop encroaching on wild land, strengthen their fencing (electric or taller etc), and allow for nature to bring back a missing link… There will be a return of other species and flora/fauna. In the US they even discovered that wolves adjusted other prey species migration and eating habits; ultimately changing where creeks and rivers flowed.
@Ass_of_Amalek Год назад
what works best to protect herds from wolves are livestock guardian dogs. when they're around, the wolves choose something else to hunt.
@danielwhyatt3278 Год назад
Exactly. If you can bring back even wonky species, it can open the door for many others to return as well. Britain hopes to do the same as well and we could very well have Wolves back in the UK within the decade.
@danarthur771 Год назад
myb some boy scouts made waffles while camping and those wolves smelled them🥁
@escapetarkov3838 Год назад
No friend, we live by the shoot, shovel and shut up law here. Wrong freaking wolves that were never native here, ever. They eat and kill for pleasure not just for food. We discovered the 3 sss's take care of these issues in parts where they shouldn't be. We already have more cougars per sq. mile than any where in the world by a huge margin. We used to have timber wolves, not giant canadian eating machines. There is a massive difference.
@lamestreammedia3154 Год назад
Sure bring them back. Now legalise gun ownership. Q city folk meltdown.
@Usulcardo Год назад
I love how the reporter portrays the wild boar killing as if it was a tragic thing when in reality, boars, red and roe deer are main the natural prey of wolves in europe. Boar themselves can have a strong negative impact on the ecosystem when their natural predators (wolves) aren't present to limit their numbers and scare them. Of course, boars, like every native species, also play an important role in the wild ecosystems of europe, spreading seeds, turning the soil and creating holes in the ground that other smaller species need to feed or grow but if they themselves are not food for their predators, they can become extremely damaging for native rare plants, birds that nest on the ground, some insects, etc. The irony is that boars are often accused of being destructive towards human crops and lawns so hunters say they need to kill them to keep them in check but as soon as a wolf does their job, it's painted as savage and cruel and need to be exterminated. If we want to be able to coexist with native species and have healthier wildlife around us of future generations, we need to tolerate big animals and predators such as wolves and help the people that deal with these species with strong financial and logistical support so that they can live alongside them. It's extremely easy to do, especially in rich european countries. The sad reality is that money isn't distributed where it should and the wrong people (and animals) get the blame.
@TheOtherGuys2 Год назад
I'm constantly confused by films like this where they talk like it's a tragedy when a predator catches some animal, and they show it as an amazing victory when like, a gazelle escapes from a cheetah or something. But like... that's how nature works. Yeah, a gazelle survived, the slowest, weakest one of the hundred in its herd. And now the cheetah is tried and still hungry, and her cubs are still hungry too. Victorious music playing over starving kittens. I have to disagree with the bit about money being distributed where it should though. It doesn't need to be distributed, it needs, just like nature, to be left alone. Farmers get plenty of money because they produce stuff that everyone needs. We (namely governments) need to stop taking that money away for redistribution purposes and let them use it to make their farming better. That way it distributes through the economy, helping the fence builders, the material suppliers, the manufacturers, etc, and all their families, without filtering through political pockets every time it changes hands.
@Usulcardo Год назад
@@TheOtherGuys2 Yeah that's essentially what I meant by better distribution of money. Farmers who have to deal with the presence of predators need monetary help from the government in order to coexist with wild predators. Right now, they complain because the subsidies they receive when one of their animals is killed by a wolf or bear doesn't cover the entirety of the costs of raising and profiting from the animal that just got eliminated from their livestock.
@TheOtherGuys2 Год назад
@@Usulcardo Fair enough. I admit I get a little wary around the term "redistributing money" and things like that. :P
@louis-philippearnhem6959 Год назад
@@TheOtherGuys2 Indeed, we watch this and shed a tear for the little prey (while eating tender lamb chops or veal).
@davidkenyon4533 Год назад
That’s such good news that the wolves are back!
@wintersoldier2006 Год назад
I loved the researcher's answer at the end.
@embreis2257 Год назад
1:53 maybe these farmers complaining about insufficient compensation need to actually protect their lifestock a bit. if fences are not working on wolves or too expensive then perhaps a large herding/shepherd dog like a *kangal* might prove useful
@papamurrth1 Год назад
Bring back more of the earth's wild creatures!
@SevCaswell Год назад
The farmers just need to go back to the old methods of flock protection. Donkeys are very good as guard dogs for sheep, as are llama/alpaca. Then there is a the good old fashioned method of keeping a shepherd with the flock.
@dorothygiselsson1345 Год назад
That's wonderful, they're such a vital part of our European ecosystem.
@stephanieyee9784 Год назад
Wolves were an important part of their ecosystems in the past and their reintroduction into their traditional habitats will even up the balance. I understand the problems faced by farmers, and pet owners, but humans have encroached on wild animal habitats to the detriment of our environment.
@sukhdevjohal9053 Год назад
This is fantastic news
@traian2041 Год назад
There are so many wild rabbits (it's practically an invasion) here in Belgium that food won't be a problem. As for farmers, YES build a better fence and keep a couple of guard dogs! It's that easy!
@dondiddy7529 Год назад
Dude had no answer when she said build a better fence lol
@markkilley2683 Год назад
It's great. We have to realise that we need to share this planet with other life. Can't have everything our own way.
@Jarod-te2bi Год назад
Wolves 🐺 taking back their lands i believe is beautiful.
@beatricecallan Год назад
„These evasive creatures“? What the heck? The wolves were long here before the humans!! Humans are the actual evasive species!!
@joelroose2830 Год назад
Get a dictionary
@PandaTheGreen Год назад
Screw the controversy, these things are cool as hell
@treering8228 Год назад
If my Siberian Husky can hop an 8 foot fence then so can a hungry wolf
@HitmanSmithuk Год назад
As a zoologist, it's so refreshing and positive to see in the comments how many people know of the benefits of wolves within the wider landscape, for biodiversity and carbon sequestration! I hope one day to see wild wolves back in the UK in my lifetime. In terms of the farmer and recompansation, this requires further research. I believe that in healthy ecosystems with sufficient prey pools, livestock predation should remain relatively low. Farmers could mitigate losses further through adopting several anti-predation techniques that are used globally, some are novel innovations and some are ancient. One of which includes livestock guardians (such as dogs or donkeys). The fact of the matter is, we need apex predators, so we must learn to co-exist with them.
@foxpro3002 Год назад
There isn't enught space for wolves in the uk, they should be put in national parks were people arent allowed to wander so the risk of attack is decreased.
@monetum1392 Год назад
​@@foxpro3002 Risk of attack is basically zero even upon encounter. It's much more dangerous to stumble upon a wild boar or even wild dog.
@startheangel9760 Год назад
Unfortunately UK wildlife is more farmland than woodland/forest, they wouldn't be able to survive
@foxpro3002 Год назад
@JimBob exactly, then there should be enough space to build a national park for them without the risk of attacks.
@foxpro3002 Год назад
@@startheangel9760 that's what I tried to say, but environmentalists don't listen to experts
@mrhatman675 Год назад
Welcome back buddies I hope you enjoy your stay
@fromasialuvasia Год назад
It’s great news to have them back! What’s important is to organise ways to connect with farmers and to understand and help each other instead of splitting us up. We need more videos of both sides together instead of them split up.
@pythondre Год назад
Yup same story in the everglades with the panther.
@Peter-kk6rg Год назад
You are so lucky to see wolf's in the wild
@Lita1 Год назад
Awah yeas...I was wondering what that Belgium howling sound was 😂🤣 I liked this video yes!!!!👍😅
@bartoszbrown1322 Год назад
We've had wild wolves in Poland since forever and they have not attacked a single person in 100 years, we also have a record number of wild European bison's
@danidejaneiro8378 Год назад
How many Polish sheep have been attacked in the last 100 years?
@monetum1392 Год назад
​@@danidejaneiro8378 as if that'd be a crucial argument.
@danidejaneiro8378 Год назад
@@monetum1392 - it’s literally what the whole video was about derp lol
@ArendJanV 11 месяцев назад
I saw one yesterday in a bush near my house in the Netherlands. It scared the crap out of me.
@Hello-hz7gj 11 месяцев назад
They're harmless unless maybe if you show weakness by running away.
@nyebe6598 Год назад
Surely there must be a means for both humans and wolves to coexist. The wolves have the right to return, after all they were there long before humans started reducing their numbers.
@kencur9690 Год назад
Over here we have the close relative of the wolf, the Politicus Lupus, who preys on the hard working honest citizen. They’re mostly a pest, and almost nobody wants them, but they are very resilient.
@AlessandroZir Год назад
@calikiwi Год назад
There is a film that covers this exact topic. It’s called “How Wolves change Rivers”. It’s one done by Richard Attenborough. It answers perfectly why this happening should be celebrated as a huge success!!
@Nancy-nn2tc Год назад
If farmers can find away to protect livestock, then wolves will drive down the invasive wild boar population, which would be very beneficial. Canada and US have huge wolf and coy-wolf populations and manage to have successful agriculture too. In fact, we reintroduce wolves wherever they are missing in the ecosystem. It’s all about balance.
@YouCanCallMeReTro Год назад
Feel like its about balance and time since extinction. If the wolves provide some ecological benefit then its worth to have them back, but if its been long enough that their role is no longer needed, then you'll just have them hunting livestock to survive.
@ramiyazje Год назад
It doesn't have to revolve around us selfish humans, so true ❤
@stevewiles7132 Год назад
Good playmates for your kids on country jaunts.
@JOHNBOYC2 Год назад
People are more important than the environment for some
@rozkaz661 Год назад
As other have pointed out europe has a big problem with hard to controll wild boar populations that destroy milions worth of farmer crops, even relatively small wolf populations help keep them in check and bring some much needed balance
@gawaingodwin1601 Год назад
I wish we had them in Britain
@slayhouse6111 Год назад
What episode of wolf pack is this?
@jboustead13 Год назад
Very cool!
The Yellowstone National Park is an interesting example of how Wolves positively affect their environment. For sure politics will come into it in more populated areas. But wolves are a needed part of the ecosystem. Here’s an interesting video on it- ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-ysa5OBhXz-Q.html
@mauriciolizarbe4835 5 месяцев назад
A heartwarming news
@carlihkkerup4587 Год назад
The farmer is wrong when it comes to wolf protective fences, in Denmark vi have so far had NO wolf attacks on life stock that has been behind wolf protective fences, so long as they were monitored and kept the way they should. Facts and education is needed instead of ignorance.
@dazzaMusic Год назад
At the end of the day, nature always wins.
@dirkchester8247 6 месяцев назад
Brilliant. We need them back in the UK. They will keep the deer numbers down.
@owensquelch449 Год назад
I read a lot of the comments here. But people seem to be unreasonably ignoring the farmers plights. Keeping sheep does not make a lot of money, having even a small portion of sheep lost to wolves can be detrimental to some farmers. The regulators should be doing more. Increasing compensation to a reasonable amount, or better, setting up a fund that will help pay for sheep protection methods (such as electrified hard fencing or flock guard animals) should be done.
@kuchojoe500 Год назад
I love Belgium
@louis-philippearnhem6959 Год назад
Love you too Kucho Joe
@johnjohnson3370 Год назад
There are parts of b.c. canada wolf's have been seen which haven't been seen in 50 years crazy
@SAQI454 Год назад
My Spirit Animal Wolf 🐺😍
@alexanderantonov8586 Год назад
Your spirit animal is some Gey bird
@sumdude4281 Год назад
In the U.S. it has led to healthier ecosystems. Wild Boars are more dangerous than wolves.
@AnyoneCanSee Год назад
We need to get planting trees in Scotland and get wolves back here. There is plenty of space for them and there are wild deer packs for them to hunt. I'm sure money can be raised to partly refund farmers for any losses. But farming is frankly a tiny part of our economy and eco-tourism can be far higher and the need to protect our nation into the future from global warming also matters.
@charleslucas2657 Год назад
C'est positif parce que ça nous enrichit. Quand on se promène en forêt et qu'on croise une faune variée, c'est formidable.
@douniamaisha79 Год назад
I agree.
@paulgibbons2320 Год назад
Fabulous love it. Nature is immense.
@viktoremilov3202 Год назад
We always had wild wolves in Bulgaria.
@KingFinnch Год назад
every farmer seems to have forgotten that shepards and guard dogs were created for this exact purpose
@debbiehenri345 Год назад
For goodness sake don't suggest this farmer 'buy' a dog or 'pay' someone a living wage to look after his flocks. That man needs his EU subsidy money to keep his kids in the newest smartphones!
@kitkat5596 Год назад
This Earth doesnt belong to us, we have to learn to share it with other creatures or suffer the repercussions from it.
sounds like wolves can take care of the wild boar issues. nice!
@eoanmo6259 Год назад
Let them be! Just make sure the insurance companies pay the real amount of compensations for eaten animals by wolfs.
@PedroConejo1939 Год назад
Frankly, I'd rather have wolves sniffing around my house than some of the humans that live in this rural area. Won't happen in the UK, even in the wilds of Scotland, because we have the Landowners having the final say. They won't even let us have lynx, and large raptors seem to die in mysterious circumstances.
@anuradhainamdar8967 Год назад
Great news.
@chaosdweller Год назад
@ShaytarnOffical Год назад
That’s amazing
@user-xg2pd3ek9u Год назад
Oh poor human cant live beside nature. So sad.
@wrightvcx2249 Год назад
They returned probably because they ran out of food.
@PortmanRd 6 месяцев назад
I seem to remember that there was a big to-do from ranchers when they reintroduced the wolf back to Yellowstone.
@katesebastian431 Год назад
Over here in canada the government provides you subsidies if your farm or livestock is affected by wild animals and we got wolves, fox , coyotes, wolverines , moose etc that do affect farmers Maybe introduce something like that
@mvl6827 Год назад
They returned to the Netherlands too. Much to the delight 😅 of sheep farmers and other animal lovers…
@Alainke Месяц назад
There are a lot of wild boars in that region, also rabbits, etc, so wolves are likely to find the proper quantities of food. The sheep can be protected, for example with those turkish dogs
@mirandahotspring4019 Год назад
I want the Aurochs back. The T bone steaks on those critters were awesome!
@declanmark2809 Год назад
Holy shit we complain we don't have them we complain when we do, this world is fucked man.
@Trund27 Год назад
Wolves are incredible.
@barneymagee3285 Год назад
Little chance of this happening in the uk , with half a million homes needing to be built every year...
@nsgnsg4108 Год назад
How did they get to Belgium?
@neutronalchemist3241 Год назад
From France, and in France from Italy. Italian protection scheme, since mid '70s had been very successful and the expanding wolves population begun migrating from Italy to France in early '90s.
@louis-philippearnhem6959 Год назад
@@neutronalchemist3241 Germany and Poland mainly.
@Tsukonin Год назад
Animal agriculture is nearing its end anyway, most of it at least, due to it being a high emitter of green house gases and being ressource and water intensive. As for coexistence, those French and Belgian farmers complaining are a bit too spoiled, because Italian farmers for instance have been living with wolves fine for the most part. In areas where wolves disappeared, livestock owners have become used to being no threat to their animals, so they became lazy.
@Eusantdac Год назад
That farmer at min 2:03 can get some fences and some dogs and he'd be fine. I see no dogs around his sheep and not even a fence.
@theworthysoul Год назад
Hopefully the UK next. Farmers simply need to get better fences for their livestock. If a fence can stop a dog it can stop a wolf. Also, other countries have managed to coexist with wolves and even bears just fine, so people complaining here are just lazy.
@neutronalchemist3241 Год назад
livestock guardian dogs. One Maremma sheepdog every 100 sheep with a minimum of four (in areas with the presence of large packs of wolves, otherwise a minimum of three). That's the rate used in Italy, that's where those wolves are coming from, and sheep are usually not fenced.
@AmazinglyAwkward Год назад
To be perfectly blunt these majestic beasts were here before us humans so they deserve to be here more than us
@alexbowman7582 Год назад
Wolves and other large carnivores cool the climate. When there’s wolves in a forest then saplings can become trees and forests grow.
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