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Hey there Dive fans!
Superweek is upon us! Azael, Kobe & Mark chew on the stories heading into the final week of the regular split. Are Cloud9 the de facto best team in the league now? Has Flyquest been figured out? Will this STACKED 100 Thieves roster make playoffs? Is everyone just an EG hater? Tune in to find out!
Keep submitting questions and use #TheDiveLolGiveaway to qualify for the 2K RP giveaway. Tune in this Wednesday 3/15 to watch FlyQuest vs Cloud9 at 2pm PST/5pm ET to kick off the Superweek!
0:00 Intro, hello EVERYONE especially those that make the show happen
00:41 Patch 13.5 - Aram Changes! Aurelion Sol Changes!
8:07 Yuumi changes, player experience from beginner to pro, & how defensive power doesn’t always cut it
15:03 Jungle changes from new patch, misleading patch notes & how junglers will approach things differently!
23:13 ADC changes, the Azir Catch 22 & eyes on the assasination compensation buffs.
30:03 FlyQuest’s monster int games from VicLa, the pressure on Eyla, and tough final schedule before playoffs
40:26 C9 triple threat, how much Emenes has been a difference maker & are they a favorite to claim the first seed?
48:56 EG's position in things. Are the scrim bucks real? Are you all bought in that this team can "turn it on" in time?
57:37 GG are about to have a huge franchise record when they hit 10 wins. Are they a title threat? What would it take to have you 100% sold on this team?
01:07:07 The Clump: 100T, CLG, and TSM. 100 Thieves coming in with the most momentum. Is there a world where Bjerg & Doublelift don't make playoffs? Predictions for who takes the final spot with a special eye turned towards Team Liquid Honda
You can always learn more and view the full match schedule at lolesports.com/schedule?leagu...
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27 июл 2024




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@GSDGamingx Год назад
I'm glad Mark brought up a lack of visual clarity in skins. Not only in splash art, but now also in game. It's genuinely hard to tell what champ you are playing against sometimes. I personally have had to put champ name above health bars because it's just that hard sometimes. I think its a really bad thing, but it doesn't seem like it's gonna change or improve anytime soon.
@Ancient_Path Год назад
Which is crazy because the early league philosophy was easy identifiable champs. They’d even make sure with just the silhouette would be easily identified. Now I have champ names on because champs like xayah look exactly like Rakan.
@Legendary33284 Год назад
The number of times I have been jarvin E Q'd by a lux is too damn high.
@jacobgiocondo456 Год назад
Yeah. I wish there was an option to disable skins. But Riot will never do that because "money". God forbid they make the game more competitive at the cost of neckbeards in silver elo complaining about other people not seeing their skins.
@rainbowess4846 Год назад
I really do think there should be a default skins on enemies function, I randomly think an Ashe ult is flying at me when there's no Ashe in my game so often.
@brettrhyno255 Год назад
cats out of the bag with that issue
@Just_N_ Год назад
Agreed on Mark’s point about new skins warping game clarity more than anything else. Most recently, I’ve died during a high-pressure teamfight since I mistook the ulted ‘Solar Eclipse’ Sivir as a slowed Infernal Diana.
@buttstevens2758 Год назад
you die because you’re bad. Don’t blame rito.
@R_Corvos Год назад
just watched the skin spotlight for each of those. That's actual bullshit how close those are.
@Nakytzu Год назад
Yes I've seen some niche picks that lane really well against Sol, but I also see conventional picks like Ahri, Syndra work really well against him. Sol wants to to EQ every wave to ramp up stardust, so you just punish them for standing still while doing that with a Charm, stun, etc. His laning phase is glaringly weak, but his late game is ridiculous so if you want to nerf his late I can understand that.
@Snummie Год назад
I loved the happy bee from the editors
@seyiolawole5500 Год назад
Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think currently Asol is the strongest “scaling” champ in the game considering kits. Every single skill scales not just in dmg but the mechanics too. I mean Nasus scales q and bright scales dmg. Aurelian scales everything.
@joaobrito2653 Год назад
he is and out of all of the hyper scalers he has the best wave clear, which also makes him the safest.
@williamwei7567 Год назад
His wave clear is so overrated until roa stacked seraphs, he uses his entire mana bar to do so for one wave and his w is a terrible escape ability He might be the strongest late game champ but also the weakest early mid game champ, he gets online even later than kayle nasus kassadin
@longaugust Год назад
Gangplank says hello. ASol and other "linear" scalers like Nasus or Veigar scale, sure. Champs like Kayle and Gangplank are ticking timebombs that scale on power breakpoints (GP lvl 13/2-item and Kayle lvl 16 3-item). These are much more reliable scale mechanics than ASol who doesn't outscale either of these two until 45 minutes. ASol is busted in low Elo because many games can get pushed to that point because low Elo teams can't close out games. He's pretty balanced in pro-play because, like GP and Kayle, he can be punished.
@dutchdude1985 Год назад
For me personally it is still Starving Senna with the highest late game ceiling.
@joaobrito2653 Год назад
@@dutchdude1985 in absolute terms yes, but she realistically will not get to a point where she actually outscales Aurelion. I had a game where I was playing aurelion, enemy team had elder and we won anyway cuz my E execute was 20% as well, so it basically nullified their elder
@TheRoonie222 Год назад
That happy bee emote from the editors made my day
@Suge67 Год назад
The bee! I see you editors
@joshhylton4518 Год назад
i wish they remade champion spot lights for big changes like yummi
@blueleaftuber Год назад
As an electrician, props to Mark shouting out whoever built the bright, blinding light
@shadowxtremo Год назад
From the jungle changes, it's a good tug on the right direction. The main problem that is present in solo queue, is that Jungling has too much impact on the course of a game, and it does make you think that junglers have sole control of the match and in response cause toxic relations (classic "jg dif"), when in reality is the team that plays for the jungler that can make a huge difference, but is not the responsibility of the jungler alone. Giving power to counterjungling can help accentuate the 1v1 of junglers, as of now the meta usually is "the jungler that gets more help from their laners, regardless of matchup wins".
@tylersamuels4438 Год назад
Really agree with Azael on the splasharts. I can't remember which one, but I couldn't tell if a recent splash was Diana, Fiora, Irelia, or Riven
@Pizzastealingninja Год назад
Then you find out it's actually Leona 🙄
@rextoothman9833 Год назад
Not sure why if they want Yummi as a new friend champ why they won’t just make it only usable in normals and bot matches. They removed champs from URF why not make fun champs that are not for competitive?
@user-sm4fp2jo1o Год назад
Is there anyway to find out scrim results? or atleast some info?
@raiden7138 Год назад
what movie did they edit bjerg and dl's face onto? seems so familiar but I can't put finger on it...
@georgehunt292 Год назад
The Emenes All-Pro thing is interesting. Only playing half a season definitely feels bad for that sort of award, but based on his play so far, he will likely end the split with the most or second most Player of the Games of the entire league, despite only playing half the games.
@user-wj2pt1oe3i Год назад
Mark Z I love the new frames they look absolutely amazing!
@thomasmcarterful Год назад
Casual "paradigm shifting life events" drop by kobe
@dechskaison2497 Год назад
I'm gonna steal that phrase, unfortunately.
@trevzy91 Год назад
I think the big thing they didn’t address with the Yummi rework is that new players seem to just press their abilities whenever they are available. One of the difficulties in learning mobas as a genre is knowing when to use abilities, especially ults. My suggestion would be to make the abilities very clear for the situation, reactive in defense and proactive in offense. Speed is easy to understand, we are chasing this person so I press button to go faster. Shielding is hard, you have to know what to shield against. Healing is easy, health bar not full? Press heal ability! Make it so that the newbie has something to do while glued too their friend, just don’t make it very effective. Realizing they are mostly ineffective as a champion may be a sign they are ready for more challenge since that realization could be due to an increased awareness of what is happening on screen.
@eyesofthefox Год назад
What if, Cat couldn't just infinitely stay attached? Like put a limit on how long she can sit on someone. Maybe 1 cast of each ability then she has to reset. This would force the player to learn when and when not to be attached, and create avenues to kill her. Also increase the time before she can reattach to punish poor spell management.
@vasukushalnagar4087 Год назад
@@eyesofthefox That's a bit scary for laning. My guess is beginners would just hide near turret until they can reattach, which isn't all that fun. Yuumi is really slow, so if she's unattached and a fight breaks out, there's a good chance she doesn't get away.
@gibson8686 Год назад
As an Alistar 1trick, I find Kayle/Anivia more problematic than Asol. I find the champ unbelievably easy to punish early game, and have run into less of those 'impossible to stop late game moments' than Kayle/Anivia. I think the champ is cool af tbh
@colenoir8586 Год назад
Easy fix to Yummi is that if the champion they are attached to is cc’d Yummi is knocked off the champion and cc’d as well.
@longaugust Год назад
Easy fix to Yuumi is delete her from the game and drag the designer who created that abomination out into to the street and execute them.
@nostalgiacorner1999 Год назад
@@longaugust Lol
@Mrryn Год назад
It's probably impossible to cook up that spaghetti code, but I feel like a good change would be if AoE hard CC hits the ally Yuumi is attached to also hits Yuumi, detaching her as the CC hits and applying the CC to her as well then putting You and Me on cooldown. Targeted CC vs the ally would not affect Yuumi, which makes sense because targeted hits only one enemy but Yuumi should still be vulnerable to AoE. Like an Alistar headbutt wouldn't knock Yuumi off but pulverize would, for example.
@colenoir8586 Год назад
@@Mrryn I think just general hard cc would be adequate. Like a Twisted Fate stun I feel should separate the two. I feel that is reasonable since she is un-targetable 90 percent of the time. She can't take damage while attached. Either way I think some type of separation option would be a good idea.
@BoundBMO Год назад
it was fun having the walls for a while but def needed to get rid of them !
@nielsbundgaard2693 Год назад
Is it just me or do these three gentlemen look exceptionally handsome this episode? Haven’t seen them in a while, but hot damn.
@user-wj2pt1oe3i Год назад
Mark drinking broken vines is crazy ;P
@Reaper2378 Год назад
Make one of Yumi shield abilities provide a spell shield but if the champ she is in gets a hard CC she gets knocked off of them for 2 sec or something
@tinecchi3648 Год назад
Also i really agree with bottom teams should play their own style For example omg in lpl ( not saying they are a bottom team but clearly not top 4) They just play to their strengths always ! And make it work more often then not this season I wouldn’t mind seeing Armut playing Wukong top if he has an angle
@Dewkage Год назад
I am unsure about the new jg changes I have played a few games where me and the jg had similar cs numbers within 10 cs and the same k/d/a and he was half an item up on me. Maybe my items cost more but seemed odd to me
@Astromythlete Год назад
Shutdown bounties? Rift? Plates? Last hitting cannon minions after ganks?
@Dewkage Год назад
@Sejistargazin I did think of those but I am not going back to check it out but it happened in more than just 1 game. I am not complaining by any means I just thought that it was wired
@brisca1668 Год назад
do you mean like as a laner? yeah thats easy to explain, theres more total cs in lanes (12 cspm and cannons) compared to 5 camps per 2.5 minutes so 2 per minute (8 cspm on scoreboard), so even though theres significantly more resources total in lane being even cs numbers as a laner from jungle is like jungle having quite a bit *more* farm, and in terms of xp the gap obviously grows depending on your lasthits (because the more lasthits you miss the higher your xp per cs score is)
@nccboy12944 Год назад
Question for the show: is there a reason C9 never played a match this split as the final match of the day? The match against IMT was the second to last but that was the latest one, the rest were earlier.
@dreistreifen4869 Год назад
I think the question about GG comes with scenarios like, if C9 plays them, or Fly and they chose to counter top lane with a carry can GG really stop that given Licorice pretty much giving up carry play to tank/play front line for the team. That is where they will likely suffer horribly.
@Gurpreet-sv5zg Год назад
Fudge on a carry lol.
@jc_09 Год назад
@@Gurpreet-sv5zg You don't know what you're talking about
@donutsorelsegaming Год назад
Take - If TL and 100T make playoffs that (hopefully) means they've gotten it together, and that puts us in a world where all 6 teams are hype and all title contenders. (Sorry CLG/TSM fans - not saying they're bad, I just don't see them taking it all)
@Patrick-cc3ub Год назад
What’s Ironic about MarkZ comparing the Emenes team to 2018 is that in an Ashley Kang interview, Emenes said there was Mid he admired and reviewed the most: IG Rookie, in 2018.
@Toedju Год назад
What do you mean yuumi is hard man, new players don't even know what their skills do anyways, it doesnt matter that it changes a bit if he jumps to an ally imho, its easy to play in the sense that it is literally mechanically easy to play
@pdf.hoesay410 Год назад
Sneaky mentioned on stream that when they previewed the yummi changes he didn’t think it would help, they need to get rid of the attachment ability. I agree, until riot changes this. maybe make yummi ult the only time where they can attach themselves to a ally champion.
@salvest3rr Год назад
Thats not gonna happen but what would be good is if the person shes on gets stunned or silenced she does too so she cant use abilities
@joshuabryant9845 Год назад
@@mbrown7325 just put it on a timer..
@eyesofthefox Год назад
When it comes to balance, "Phreak take the wheel~".
@sjdbsa Год назад
On markz comments on eg players being capable of turning it on for playoffs, impact is no longer on EG btw. Ssumday isnt close to as consistent at dominatimg NA in playoffs if he ints regular split.
@ExhaustinglyBored Год назад
For TL sounds like the scrim bucks are more of a scrim bond
@VGMCam Год назад
Is it not 13.6 patch? YT timeline saws 13.5
@damianpryde2777 Год назад
That happy little bee.
@shiro7801 Год назад
Anyone know what the intro song is?
@weixia5577 Год назад
They want clarity but they will not prioritize it, just whenever it's convenient. If they actually thought it was integral then there would be a "turn off skins" function
@hikergeoff9476 Год назад
Hard agree with waveclear/punish issue for asol. Something has to be changed with his E - also his E should 100% disappear if he dies.
@ixbx4669 Год назад
Dang my boy Phylaris missing his callout/credit for the JG XP information around 18 min... FeelsJgMan
@brisca1668 Год назад
Truly the jungle main experience in and out of game
@user-wj2pt1oe3i Год назад
Any good advice? I am all ears
@user-wj2pt1oe3i Год назад
Keep calm and carry on! SKT
@NickMeechoovet Год назад
Those that proclaim to be Yuumi mains must be the same as those that raise their hands when you Instructor asks if anyone has any questions just as class is supposed to end.
@cakecheese4569 Год назад
They should just make Yuumi targetable on the champion and make it so she rotates and you can change the direction you are rotating based on where you click.
@salvest3rr Год назад
They should make it so hard cc makes her detach or get ccd aswell while attached so she cant use abilities
@user-wj2pt1oe3i Год назад
Can we get a SubWays commercial lol :)
@zLUSTz Год назад
I cant stand how every new champ or rework requires me to read a novel for every skill
@blastburnz Год назад
I'm with Mark that 100T making it to playoffs would make such for great storylines. Hope they make it!
@JnxakaBeasie Год назад
and they did 7 wins a row lets GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
@BrendanZanitCoen Год назад
Gori also missed games in the beginning. I think it’s pretty much split between all these top mids
@Mrryn Год назад
That's actually a fair point in favor of EMENES, though I will say the difference between GG with and without Gori was them being winless while C9 with Diplex still finished the front 9 7-2. And Gori only missed 4 games, not 9. Though that said and to supplement your point, eye test is key. Diplex C9 felt much more 100T-esque, just chilling in early game, take minimal risks, and just get to a strong point midgame then teamfight and win. Compared to EMENES C9 where the team (outside of the first game vs GG) has largely been far more active early and the entire team showing a variety of playstyles too. How much of that is EMENES's effect vs just the team evolving, impossible to say, but it really does feel like a different team. And Gori GG had some growing pains the first week as well before they went on their big streak. So if Gori can not only be considered for All Pro but also straight up 1st team for some, on top of some strugglebus games from Vicla and Jojo, EMENES should be considered at minimum.
@nostalgiacorner1999 Год назад
People underestimating the potential of Asol though. His scaling is stronger than any other champion. Ive never seen a champion this strong. Even if the other team gets dragon soul, you can still win
@TheDoctors_Handle Год назад
random idea: a tutorial mode for champs that help you understand how they work via structured scenarios. e.g. showing how to do ward kicks on lee sin . might help make the new player experience better since they can do these tutorials on champs to understand how they work on a base level and how other champs work as well when facing against them.
@AwkwardPhoenix Год назад
Bro they barely have a tutorial for the main game lmao
@TheDoctors_Handle Год назад
@@AwkwardPhoenix lol true, i expect too much
@chemicistt Год назад
I hear “knee jerk reaction” and immediately think of TSM
@Mike-eh8qo Год назад
Why don't they just make yumi auto detach when the person they are attached to gets stunned or hooked, and then put in a delay to re-attach...
@salvest3rr Год назад
Yup i agree but ide just be happy with her recieving all debuffs of the one shes attached too ie silence stun
@ViceFielder Год назад
I've read Vayne's passive tooltip recently. Then I've read Samira's. What teh actual f.
@tinecchi3648 Год назад
For me it’s 100 and tl making it, tl has to fix some errors and they are at least fine
@zachklein1667 Год назад
The aram rubble was so good RIP :[
@blarblablarblar Год назад
there've been way too many times where I thought acolyte lee sin was sett
@Spaceman5pff Год назад
I think the GAMEPLAY folks at riot care greatly about visual clarity in League. I have never doubted that. It's the skins team and the money people that I think are trying to push the limits of clarity for both artistic and profitability reasons.
@salvest3rr Год назад
If azael says the champ is bad for the game id assume the balance team will take that serious hopefully
@roostre5254 Год назад
literal world champion
@nostalgiacorner1999 Год назад
I think Azael is hating a bit much on EG. they looked shaky but are looking better and better and are starting to ramp up
@ThePonyxslaystation Год назад
ASOL is fun to play, but not fun to play against. I think this is something that Riot champ designers forget. If 5 people are hating playing against something, and 1 person is enjoying playing it, then there is a problem.
@princeofgreece9054 Год назад
I think lots of people are shitting on 100T for not much of a real reason. This is a new roster with 2 rookies and doublelift who hasn’t competed in 2 years. Give them some time to cook and they will end up being a solid team. But of course, people just jump straight to shitting on them because they hate Bjerg/doublelift for some reason
@JustBronzeThingsLoL Год назад
No fan questions this week?
@ericchiesa1057 Год назад
You should be able to turn skins off like name plates. Person playing can still have benefits of skins but opponent sees default
@VGMCam Год назад
and has Mark started a new medicine or smthn? Dude seems so zoned out lately
@user-wj2pt1oe3i Год назад
@nostalgiacorner1999 Год назад
Agree with Azael. Jojo’s inconsistency this season isn’t as bad as Vicla’s.
@Mrryn Год назад
It's a weird balancing act there. Because I think Jojo has been more consistent than Vicla in terms of average game performance but at the same time Vicla has had better individual game performances in terms of his best games compared to Jojo's best this season and Jojo's worst games (the first two in week 1 stand out) likewise are worse than Vicla's.
@nostalgiacorner1999 Год назад
@@Mrryn That's true. But to your last point I think Vicla has had some really bad games as well. Irelia and others
@pdf.hoesay410 Год назад
i feel like old asol was better kit wise even when they revealed his new abilities i didn’t interactive like the old one, but his old ultimate was so underwhelming and did little to no damage. maybe they should just changed his passive kept the old kit and give him the new ult that way people still get to have the big boom star falling from the sky. i remember what made old asol fun was max range e and q to roam in a different lane.
@chaddude2 Год назад
I would rather have a player not play multiple games, than int one game and hurt their team. The "He didn't play" card should apply to MVP, but not to All-Pro if you play half the split and are clearly the best player in your role.
@ramsrinivasmurthy8843 Год назад
I love how hyped Markz was this episode but he's gotta let other people finish their thoughts/sentences before hopping in lol. Made it awk in a few spots, esp with Azael.
@MrMertakhai Год назад
Just starting the episode, but Azael tends to finish a thought, but then immediately expand on the thought he just finished, then enumerate examples; meanwhile, Kobe's sitting there with his hand up waiting to jump in ever since Azael was wrapping up the original thought. So I imagine MarkZ might just be jumping in before the reiteration of the original point, to keep the conversation flowing. But again, haven't listened yet, I'll watch out for it.
@biinju Год назад
markz average league player "i like the champ its fun to play" doesn't give a single reason why
@rotcoke652 Год назад
The Fnatic J4 skin is literally pay to win, there is no visual confirmation he's throwing his flag so he can just dash at you with no pre-emptive warning.
@DeRang3rMan Год назад
Why does Riot care of Yummi is a weak champ. They didn’t care about Lucian Nami/Zeri Lulu bot. Or the control mages mid that have been around for months or years. You very rarely see Yas, Zed, Kat anymore.
@benjaminphilips7506 Год назад
I miss Dash :(
@kallistax Год назад
Another negative to a Sol is as a mid you feel like you have to play it when it's up and it's super boring to play for the first 20 minutes. Very uninteractive champ.
@jcola2296 Год назад
No man, play early game champion, Annie or lissandra, shove and roam, type in chat to JG to stack dragons on spawn, roam with jg force fights
@roostre5254 Год назад
Just play Fizz and kill him over and over, he cant punish you the first few levels and then from 3 on you just roll him. If you land the shark on him he cant even fly away because the knockup will get him out of it.
@Gokkee Год назад
Maybe just play something you like?🤷‍♂️ I play xerath and sol now as mains because they look super cool, and I don't care that the first 10-20min can be hard.
@TimboCanada Год назад
I like asol. I’m low elo and I just stack up and live for late game. I try to roam where I can, even early game.
@11DaltonB Год назад
People say this but there’s still things like split push Sion that are actually just single player, like you don’t even care about dying. It’s not quite as strong, but some split push strats are arguably less interactive than a scaling control mage whose entire kit is about teamfighting. At least you know they will leave their lane.
@kale_bhai Год назад
Pro players don't read patch notes. So, it doesn't matter!
@Luckypants2113 Год назад
Kobe interrupts at least twice an episode then just trails off.
@glo30507 Год назад
The only reasonable change to yuumi I could think of is how her shield works. Instead of it just being a normal shield, the damage the shield receives should damage yuumi. You'd need to make it a % of the damage to balance it. That's the only way I could think to add risk to yuumi's kit without gutting the core concept of the champ.
@Ian7herd Год назад
Kobe talks about visual clarity with Asol at the start BUT WHY IS THERE NO MENTION OF KSANTE WHO LITERALLY LOCKS THE CAMERA TO HIM WHILE HE DISPLACES YOU, it's so jarring and I hate it as a player.
@DinoDisguised Год назад
One thing that I've have thought about Yuumi for years now is that they should make it: "If the target you are attached to gets hard CC'd you detach from them." This then allows the other team to CC her or kill her quickly. This would improve both counterplay AND the issue of keeping it simple enough for newer players imo.
@J040PL7 Год назад
So you want every cc to be double cc?
@dbjungle Год назад
I don't understand complaining about broken stuff in the game anymore. Riot has consistently churned out broken champions with way too much of one thing and often too much of multiple things. It is always ok as long as it's not an ADC. They nerfed Samira into the ground with a 50% winrate and then leave all of this other junk in. It's pointless especially as an ADC main to even think about it. Now solo laners can experience getting stat checked just as much as I do. Cheers!
@nostalgiacorner1999 Год назад
Asol’s late game is extremely op, but his early game is weak
@Kaarataka Год назад
Riot needs to stop changing the Jungle every season. It is bad enough you get blamed for laners losing their lanes but also having to change your entire way of jungling every season, and now every few patches, has made me quit jungle. You get far more benefit from focusing on being a better laner. Those skills change far less frequently meaning your skillset doesn't need to be relearned all the time. STOP MESSING WITH JUNGLE PLEASE
@bradpenstone515 Год назад
First champion in forever that forces players to play outside of the same eight meta champions: OMG NERF INTO OBLIVION RITO PLEASE!
@trey3905 Год назад
i want to see 100t go on a run and win it all... or at least see them make playoffs lol. LETS GOOO BOYS!
@johnsu1rz3wright85 Год назад
I liked the walls in aarm 😭
@cubandarknez Год назад
why are they even trying to get yuumi even remotely close to balanced??? just make the scaling absolutely trash, make it okay for the first 5 levels, and then that's a decent champ for a completely new person to OBSERVE the game, while still getting to press some buttons.
@moarfunxd Год назад
Im a yuumi main. I love playing yuumi the same reason i love playing runescape. And the fact that i can do both at the same time is bliss to me.
@moonfish817 Год назад
THANK GOD ARAM RUBBLE IS GONE. I haven't played a normal 5v5 since ARAM que has been out, too much toxicity in the main mode.
@redoublement4607 Год назад
Short answer: no, long answer: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
@Johnny-ds6pz Год назад
So ignoring the Danny EG situation? Typical.
@JnxakaBeasie Год назад
there was no situation danny left because it was to much pressure for his mental health he said it himself. If your not in the LCS everyone forget about you what more do you want?
@user-wj2pt1oe3i Год назад
Judas not allowed
@SquidGains Год назад
I'm not a yuumi player outside of aram, I do get where people are coming from when playing against yuumi. I do though think that yuumi is a lot of fun to play as and with. I do like the design but I get where people are coming from.
@cyandude8583 Год назад
@TekkatV2 Год назад
The problem with Yuumi is that she's untargetable. We know that's her identity. But her identity sucks.
@user-wj2pt1oe3i Год назад
Holy Bible
@aura7117 Год назад
CLG and TL for Playoffs 🙏
@vascogamero530 Год назад
DOpe content
@MylesTheDoctorMahajan Год назад
nerf asol w. Taliyah r is disabled when she is recently in combat, and shes knocked off the wall if she gets damaged. Asol has a get out of jail free card in w. literally presses w and flies away unless you have guaranteed hard cc. disable w cast if he enters combat, knock him off of flight if he takes damage. the fact he can fly despite damage means he can cast his wq combo and be only stopped by death or hard cc. with items like rylais he becomes impossible to reach let alone stop or escape.
@david191cm Год назад
Hey LCS RU-vid team, why not recharge her friendship mechanic to just instead be based on time attached. Like “if Yuumi stays attached for 30/27/24/21/18/15 seconds her abilities become empowered. Detaching resets this timer”
@stevenarvizu3602 Год назад
This would just bring her back to her old state where she just sticks on whoever is most fed and makes them unkillable. The best friend mechanic is clearly meant to incentivize Yummi to stick to her carry, rather than jumping on a volibear, giving him an insane engage with heals and shields, then hopping to the adc and protecting them for the rest of the fight. The best friend idea while not the best does make sure that yummi isn’t just jumping from champion to champion or simply just going onto whoever’s fed, since she will lane with the AD all the kills she gets will be with the ADC ensuring that they become her best friend
@stevenarvizu3602 Год назад
@@mbrown7325 I like that idea, it’s a great risk/reward system. You’re betting that the champion you stick to will get fed, and if they don’t then you are at a disadvantage. The only problem with it on Yummi would be that if your carry doesn’t get fed, you essentially lose 2 champions rather than just 1 since now yummi will be useless along with her underfed carry. Perhaps playing with that much risk my make her overtuned kit a little more balanced, even though if her carry does get fed they will be just as annoying as before
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