
Winter Assault - My Triumph (Eldar) 

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Order Campaign Mission 4: The Eldar manage to reach the Titan first.
Music: Eureka Seven Ost 1 - 205 - Ostentatious (Sato Naoki)




19 мар 2007




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@kalmahcarl 12 лет назад
General Sturnn: Disregards the Imperium's hatred of alien races to help the Eldar out, however finding himself unable to keep them alive. Gives the Eldar a send off and probably wishes them the best of luck Farseer: Ohheywewon!
@NguyenHoang-mo7hs 6 лет назад
Considering the Guards actually show up in the next mission (and are referred to as the ultimate victor on Lorn 5), they probably won against the odds.
@Dr.AvenVon 5 лет назад
when are they refered as the Victor?
@54lolman 5 лет назад
Shows how tough they are tbh.
@TheRoflcer Год назад
@@Dr.AvenVon I think this is in reference to bits and pieces of 'Stronghold Victory' paragraphs in Dark Crusade. Though this is likely due to the Ultramarine backup that was mentioned that was about to arrive in the IG ending, and not the Imperial Guard themselves. From what likely happened, while the Eldar and Imperial guard were at the titan, fighting off the Necrons and the pockets of Chaos Marines and Orks, Gorgutz turned his attention on attacking Crull's main base, successfully blowing it up and taking Crulls skull for his stick (Referenced in D.C when you beat the Orks with Eliphas's legion) The Eldar escaped Lorn V after the victory over the necrons, but blew up the Titan in the process, getting Taldeer on the humans Most Wanted list, she actively got hunted down on Kronus. Gorgutz himself likely had too little time to recover his Ork numbers when the Ultramarine backup came guns'a'blazing and started mowing down his army like a weed-whacker to the grass, so he got a 'Rok' prepared and flew outta Lorn V, essentially allowing the human faction to retack the planet in the Emperors name.
@GeneralSturnn 15 лет назад
but Sturnn acknowledged Eldar help against the enemy, Eldar basically said:"We won because we're that good" but the Eldar don't understand, if the Imperium fell a world of hurt would be coming the Eldar and Tau's way.
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
In the beginning of the Horus Heresy, Eldar met Space Marines led by a Primarch. The Eldar saw that they were tainted by Chaos so they attacked them. The Space Marines didn't know they were tainted or what Chaos was at the time, so they thought the Eldar were declaring war on them. This of course led to the mistrust between Eldar and IoM. It would never happen, but if any 2 races were to join forces it would be the Eldar and Imperium(or Imperium and Orks, if the Orks have something else to kill)
@TheRedHavoc 10 лет назад
The Blood Ravens are a real chapter, but DoW made them famous.
@ThatBloodraven0145 3 года назад
It gave them protagonist syndrome.
@Guardsman-from-Cadia 9 месяцев назад
This kind of explains the Eldar. Surviving a battle for the Eldar is like surviving an attack by predators: you're just happy you survived. Where the Imperium has the numbers to reinforce and bolater their armies, the Eldar work with whoever they have left. I remember playing both the IG and Eldar sides. The IG is fast, rapid, and exciting because you have the people you need, including AI allies who aid you in your fight by reinforcing you and providing artillery support. If you choose the Eldar, you have no choice but to fight everyone, even if you try to avoid the Imperial Guard. You essentially have to clear out as many of the Guard as you can without disabling their ability to hold the line while also staying ahead of the Orks and Chaos who are after you and try to avoid the convoy of Space Marines, who are AI controlled and are constantly moving on the gate. You have your hands full, and it's a bit stressful.
@horrendouscauldronofsalt7111 4 месяца назад
eldar here are traitorous bastards, backstabbing ones who saved them. pure assholes.
@xxlCortez 11 лет назад
The Imperium's ignorance was the result of the corruption, which is gently went toward the primarch's heart and Horus was more of a misfortunate, he was mortally wounded and healed by chaotic powers as far as I know. The eldar however forsaw their fall, they just ignored anything indicated that, because of their pleasures. They depraved at the end and was very whimsical, a big big flaw for those who claim themselves above everything else. The Imperium however doesn't do all that shit for fun.
@BigDickCheney 17 лет назад
You last see her fighting a horde of Chaos Marines and Orks. I doubt she escaped that.
@dunnono00 15 лет назад
Yes, but long ago, the Eldar had a vast empire and were the dominant force in the galaxy. The Imperium and the Eldar do have some similarities, like they were nearly destroyed by Chaos, but their situations are also pretty different. Before the Emp revealed himself to mankind, humanity was getting along pretty well with aliens. Then came the catastrophic warpstorms that cut communication and travel between human worlds. Aliens took advantage of this and enslaved/killed humans, despite treaties.
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
Yeah, things could have gone differently if they explained what Chaos was. But they might have assumed that the Space Marines were agents of Chaos and that reasoning with them would have been useless. But Eldar really don't want to save everyone. They just want to save themselves. But even if that meeting went well, they would eventually become enemies for the sake of gameplay. So I'm not sure how much it really matters who shot at who first.
@Damocles178 17 лет назад
I am certain according to Dark Crusade that the forces of disorder lost canonically which explains Gorgutz needing a new clan but I don't know whether the Eldar ending or the imperial guard ending is canonical to the continued storyline.
@vampireknightvk 14 лет назад
every epic story has a fall of a powerfull race this, lord of rings,darkangels,eldar,and a lot of stuff i forgot
@EBTcraft15 15 лет назад
she says that she bested her own destiny (she survived) not the IG. And long heroic speeches (love the epicness of Sturnn) cannot abide the fact that the IG did the same. Facts over words. No one can be trusted in warhammer.
@Thongger 13 лет назад
@Scarbgunner Lexicanium or wtv. the eldar are the cannon winners of Winter Assault. That's why Farseer Taldeer is in Dark Crusade.
@mcz1945 12 лет назад
@donteros This perfectly sums up the mentality of the Eldar. +1 mate
@theundeadlich3632 10 лет назад
Yeah, they are the guardians of mankind and the universe, come on Davian Thule was succefull at Kronus in destroying the necrons.
@Dreadcomp 16 лет назад
danm you eldar commander XC
@giantrobots1122 16 лет назад
At least the IG general said 'Die well' . Thats better then just mouthing of about your own victory .
@xxlCortez 12 лет назад
@Tommonius Hard to really know. But Eldar are disappeared in every other ending so she might be killed. I read on many site that the Eldar won and since Sturnn last saw her fighting a lost war I don't know why Segmentum Command would send Alexander to arrest her. I didn't played dow2 but if the Imperium would have a weapon like that, no enemy could stand against them and they could easely conquer Kronus or Kaurava. Probably the Titan wasn't completely destroyed or who knows? Only Relic I think.
@man0204 14 лет назад
@midgetydeath i tought the tech know how...was lost in the horus herecy...where did you learn that?
@FadingShards 13 лет назад
This is one of my favorite pieces of DoW dialogue.
@Rykanable 13 лет назад
@Cocarat206 They actually didn't. But atleast Sturnn had the decency to say a goodbye to the Eldar and even somewhat apologizing. The Eldar simply ignore the humans.
@GeneralSturnn 12 лет назад
@DarkArtistKaiser "Some may question your right to destroy 10 billion lives at a whim, those who understand, know you had no right to let them live" in Exterminatus Extremis.
@donteros 11 лет назад
And while we are at the Eldar subject I do belive Tzeentch would be the one to dominate if he uncovers the archives the Eldar Laughing god and the Harleyquins protect. After all it contains so much information about the warp that Tzeentch hunts down them to gain entry to that library. :P
@Scarbgunner 13 лет назад
@Thongger ya but no where in game or in novel did i hear or read of sturnn dying.
@ragelion 13 лет назад
@Cocarat206 indeed people tend to forget that.
@xxlCortez 11 лет назад
They wouldn't be enemy race if the meeting goes well. Warhammer is all about war, there are no good race just bad and more bad.
@numb3rc 14 лет назад
@Cocarat206 Ah, but General Sturnn does show regret. The Eldar don't even turn around to say anything to the IG.
@Rykanable 13 лет назад
@zanderjohn1 Gothic actually. The Eldar are advanced enough to learn it in about a year or something, the orks got it in their genetic code to atleast understand and speak broken Gothic, forces of Chaos are mostly human and Warp-born, so no question why they understand it there, Nids don't speak at all and Necrons either don't speak at all or are able to talk through Pariahs (former humanoids turned into Necrons) Your point?
@NotepadAnon 15 лет назад
exept the imperials told them to go down with honour . the eldar told them that there better than them
@Apothecary32 15 лет назад
"I did not know" is NOT an excuse, especially for one that calims to know so much as an eldar.
@Kamfrenchie 14 лет назад
@EBTcraft15 Well Sturnn said he wouldn't help them to preserve his mens's life. Implying that if he had a safe way to help them, he would, but hey, the Eldars have nearly always acted as traitor, stabbing the imperials in the back when they weren't needed anymore.
@Stalingarde 14 лет назад
@Cocarat206 if you have seen the IG video of the same mission, general sturn was reluctant on leaving the eldar to die
@Scarbgunner 13 лет назад
@Thongger where did u see or read that?
@Azarune 15 лет назад
I love the Eldar personally, but I agree they are pricks. But you have to understand what they've been through. They are arrogant as a species but I feel after time they will become more humble. But they are in a universe where everyone wants to stab people in the back. So you have to be ready to stab them before they stab you.
@donteros 11 лет назад
Exactly, Tzeentch does not care for the simple chaos that Khorne, Nurgle or Slaanesh hangs after, what he sends his servants to do is done for the right reasons, just that it involves chaos and destruction in it's path. Compared to the others he is the man With the plan you could say. :P All he need is the Library the Harleyquinns hide away and who knows what he could do?
@Meself58 14 лет назад
EBTcraft15: In 40K the Tau, although, do not feel fear or confusion in their misunderstanding of the warp, or lower perception, and their belief in the Greater Good, the Etherials, and belief in the abilities of their race because of their fast evolution, keep them united and near fearless.
@DarkArtistKaiser 12 лет назад
@donteros I would stand against the use of Exterminatus....but I will agree with you on the Eldar. Their more concerned with saving themselves than saving others, and act as if they are the sole good of this universe.
@zombie900 17 лет назад
I thought the necrons didn't come till dark crusade or was that when they where made play able
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
Whether or not Eldar would do that or not is debatable. The Eldar are so few in number that they need man and Orks as a buffer so Chaos, nid's, and crons don't focus them down. They have some respect, but they're too arrogant to show it. The Eldar are not stupid, they know that they are a dying race and that their time is over. They're just waiting for their final battle that will destroy Slaanesh. Considering that the Imperium thinks that the galaxy belongs to them, they aren't so good either.
@donteros 11 лет назад
Exactly, if Tzeentch got his hands on it he would have the universe in his very hand, but what would he do? I do belive he would not destroy it like any other Dark God, but would bring some chaos indeed. But like you said, we'll never know, only speculate. xD
@BlackTemplar43 12 лет назад
@Cocarat206 The Imperium of man has been known to trust on them in some occasions. The Eldar have always betrayed them on the first opportunity.
@BigDickCheney 17 лет назад
It has to be Eldar because Taldeer is killed in the Imperial Guard ending.
@Shinji735 16 лет назад
I lol-ed. Well done.
@Kamfrenchie 14 лет назад
@Elneco1 The land raider won't enter the gates unless sturnns is already in and use his ability to command it.
@donteros 11 лет назад
The Eldars have lost themself into their wicked cause in desperation of survival that they have become more horrible than a Ork fleet upon an orphanage. Willing to slaughter millions off innocent, so is Mankind in their wicked seek of triumph, none of the factions are perfect but none besides chaos is as destructive as the Eldar seek to be.
@outlawstar15a2 16 лет назад
In Soulstorm during one of the Eldar epilogues they make mention of Taldeer being captured by the Imperial Guard. Hm.... Sturnn's spirit has risen up to bitch slap Taldeer. "That's right baby, suck on my basilisk!!"
@GeneralSturnn 11 лет назад
I know all of that, lol, and my comment 9 months ago was making fun of their dominance they once held, also, yes I do know about the War in heaven, I'm actually writing up a story from the beginning of time all the way to the recent Tyrannic incursions, and using a combination of pictures, and video to tell it along with voice over. btw I read your deleted message, lol.
@BigDickCheney 17 лет назад
It's possible.
@TheShamanSZ 14 лет назад
I have heard this time and again, and I still don't have a clue what she means. Maybe some of those secret Farseer rites involve getting high?
@PlankofWood1 16 лет назад
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
Tzeentch becoming dominate makes a lot of sense. Knowledge is power after all. Also, his Lords of Change are hard to defeat, since they can see the future and are impossible to surprise.
@finnheisenheim8274 5 лет назад
Isn't that kairos fateweaver only?
@princesstinklepanties2720 4 года назад
@@finnheisenheim8274 technically all can see the future, but it can change, just see that necron chronomancer who goes into the future to change things then go back to the present and predict his chnages.
@phocjame 13 лет назад
@SentinelConvergence What solutions? This is 40k we're talking about here.
@The_Midnight_Bear 13 лет назад
@zanderjohn1 orks speak orkish which is what you hear,humans speak gothic and variations of it(kinda like latin) and the eldar speak:Da gceilfi an fhirinne, b'flieidir go neosfai breagI(If the truth were hidden, perhaps a lie would be told).i dont really get how they understand each other,altought some human leaders have learned(yorrick knows orkish).still...
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
Yeah, kinda depressing when you think about it.
@EBTcraft15 15 лет назад
How should i put it.....Eldar claim to know more and hell they do. If something of important scale happens in the 40k universe a sorceror, Tzeentch or an eldar farseer will say "just as i planned". However no one expected the birth of Slaanesh. They never witnessed or experienced the birth of a chaos god before so they didn't see the signs. Also thanks to Slaanesh being born and calming down the warp everyone has warp travel (the Imperium would not have existed without this happening)
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
Read my other comments, I'm not reposting it.
@Scarbgunner 13 лет назад
@Thongger yes yes i know they won im just saying no where in game they said that he died
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
That is because the loss of Eldar lives is more crippling than the loss of other races' lives. The Eldar are also the first to respond to awakening Tomb Worlds. Without them (and the Warp) the Necrons would destroy Mankind. Deeming them beasts for being efficient is both arrogant and stupid.
@BigDickCheney 16 лет назад
That's never shown.
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
True lol. It's more interesting and realistic than stereotypical good vs. evil stuff anyway.
@EBTcraft15 14 лет назад
@Kamfrenchie Imperials helping a xeno? Right!
@mcz1945 11 лет назад
oh yeah, then enlighten me. I have been playing the 40k since 1992, so I think I know the Eldar pretty well.
@EBTcraft15 14 лет назад
"... the lightlings inflict it through their betrayals and manipulations. " Well that is out of need since they can't match the prowress of some factions they have to trick them into doing their job. Also this is war. Inflicting pain and causing death are the objectives here.
@GearShotgun 13 лет назад
Now if if this game had the DARK Eldar in it, i imagine they would have come in and tried to crash the Eldar's party
@EBTcraft15 15 лет назад
They made Slaanesh out of acident! They didn't know! And they believe themselves great because they are actually more evolved than the normal human and they had a galactic empire before the Fall. As for being high and mighty there is Space Marine chapter (i think the Ultramarines) who are a hell more arrogant and annoying than the Eldar.
@man0204 14 лет назад
@ardesnudo i would like to paly the imperium...the nids and necrons are fighting on a planet...and here i come with 100 ships and do exterminatus on the plannet and fire a couple of hundred nukes XD
@Peptuck 17 лет назад
She kinda had to, considering she shows up in Dark Crusade, though I think WA's canon ending is an Eldar victory, considering how pissed the Guard is at Taldeer.
@caiptnxawesome 15 лет назад
didnt necrons almost kill the eldar...............i belive thats what it says in the fluff about my necron codex plz correct me if im wrong
@Cocarat206 14 лет назад
Its not like the Imperials would have treated the Eldar any better.
@britboyal 17 лет назад
not necessarily, she could have used the webways to escape the planet
@kappow4 14 лет назад
I dont know why eldar were supposed to win winter assult since the Imperial Guard were the main team used in winter assult how do I know that I looked it up
@RockNow91 17 лет назад
Well, Stern managed somehow escape the chaos horde(He is still alive in the last eldar mission) so I don't see why Taldeer shouldn't succeed with that :P
@eldrad9999 16 лет назад
@Colluctor 13 лет назад
@7399Fya The Guard aknowledged them as tools of their victory.
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
I can understand why they don't add to the story, but I still wish they would.
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
I don't play Eldar. I'm just tired of all these ignorant people that don't understand them. During the War in Heaven, Eldar were fighting along side the Old Ones against the Necrons. They had no other races to do it for them, and there were enough Eldar that they could fight there own battles. The Imperium's ignorance of Chaos led to the Horus Heresy, and nearly broke them. Holding the Eldar's flaws against them and ignoring all the flaws of other races is just bias when every race does evil.
@G0ldbl4e 16 лет назад
The Eldar are pricks. They could have easily brought the IG in through the webway and closed it before the orks got in.
@wayton 16 лет назад
I hate Eldar, at least Sturn saluted the Eldar's bravery and acknowledged their help when he left the filty xenos to die. Obviously he praise was far more than they deserved.
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
You don't understand the Eldar mentality at all.
@ilovemonkays 16 лет назад
lol, that made me laugh
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
It is said that the Library contains complete knowledge of the Warp and the Eldar Book of prophecy. What he would do with it is the question. But that would probably ruin 40k and GW doesn't really want to advance the story line, so we'll never know.
@NotepadAnon 15 лет назад
because IG kick ASS !!!!!
@xxlCortez 12 лет назад
@Tommonius This is the canon ending since the eldar's soulstone wrecked the Titan and because of Taldeer's manipulating actions Segmentum Command sent Alexander to Kronus to... arrest her. And as I know the Blood Ravens defeated the necron, the eldar and (because of some opposition of the superiors orders) the imperials. So I hope they really buried this arrogant and spineless bitch.
@fletch0307 13 лет назад
@Cocarat206 They don't lol, if you let the IG win then they leave the Eldar too.
@xxlCortez 11 лет назад
It is the eldar nature, not their lack of manpower. Eldar are made for stealthing and sneaking. Yeah, Eldar learnt from their mistake, after nearly extincting out of their own ignorance. The Imperium had treason which almost tore apart everything, they only learnt that heresy is everywhere. I guess you're an eldar player, that's why you defend them so fiercefully, despite they'd butcher your whole town to recover a single spirit stone.
@Trentonater47 13 лет назад
@NicholasGeschke HUH?
@britboyal 17 лет назад
still possible
@man0204 14 лет назад
i hope they will i wanna immagine if the entire imperiums army massed lol...we have seen until now only a small smalll verry small fraction lol... i just hate the horus heresy...because most of our tech was forgotten and we dont advance :( in tech eny more
@felabugg1 12 лет назад
According to Relic and GW, the Eldar ending is legit, but Sturnn survived. The reason Lukas in Dark Crusade is sent to Kronus, other than to take it back for the EMPRAH, is to kill Taldeer for destroying the Titan. Interesting stuff, this internetz.
@Scarbgunner 13 лет назад
@Thongger uh he survived that >,> she didnt
@eldrad9999 16 лет назад
Ha! Research an army that can phase out! No wonder why the Imperial guard are going nowhere! Also...Victor takes the spoils of war...Just cause guard got owned....again...
@TheRedHavoc 11 лет назад
Like I said, the Eldar learned from their mistakes, yet you still hold it against them. The amount of self control the Eldar have now, to resist all those temptations, should be reason enough to forgive them. The Imperium, however, are willing to kill all other sentient life because they think the galaxy belongs to Man. Having a bad experience with Xenos in the past doesn't condone the extermination of everyone you come across.
@Pertinaziuos 13 лет назад
@SentinelConvergence but humans have someting that the elder will never know.. Faith, Bravery, Pride, Strength (since the humans are the weakest race off all...) and many others.
@somniworld8104 5 лет назад
This is the cannon ending by the way, else the Imperial Guard would've never pursued Taldeer on Kronus.
@mayhem380 14 лет назад
Stop making a bloody speech when Sturnn is out there dieing!
@TheProjectblah 14 лет назад
@requiemaura Calm down gee. I understood the dialogue its pretty complex. gee you don't know me , I am doing things. I just found out about DOW and got a bit interested. And you uses the word noob just because I commented on the dialogue!
@Thongger 13 лет назад
@Scarbgunner the games dont mention it. the novel by CS. Goto is crap and he makes up his own facts. Anyway just look at Dark Crusade. Taldeer survives. just ask on teh forums. Eldar are the cannon winnners in WA
@Thongger 13 лет назад
@Scarbgunner sturnn died
@Ariboi 15 лет назад
pfff , The imperials did the same to them xD
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