
Women should not aspire to become Proverbs 31 wives| It’s a myth| a fiction | a poem.  

Madam Speaker | Perseverance Maremeni
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Proverbs 31 is not speaking to you as a woman, it’s speaking to men. Your views and opinions are valid but so are mine 🤗🤗.
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31:1-31‬ ‭GNT
“These are the solemn words which King Lemuel's mother said to him: “You are my own dear son, the answer to my prayers. What shall I tell you? Don't spend all your energy on sex and all your money on women; they have destroyed kings. Listen, Lemuel. Kings should not drink wine or have a craving for alcohol. When they drink, they forget the laws and ignore the rights of people in need. Alcohol is for people who are dying, for those who are in misery. Let them drink and forget their poverty and unhappiness. “Speak up for people who cannot speak for themselves. Protect the rights of all who are helpless. Speak for them and be a righteous judge. Protect the rights of the poor and needy.” How hard it is to find a capable wife! She is worth far more than jewels! Her husband puts his confidence in her, and he will never be poor. As long as she lives, she does him good and never harm. She keeps herself busy making wool and linen cloth. She brings home food from out-of-the-way places, as merchant ships do. She gets up before daylight to prepare food for her family and to tell her servant women what to do. She looks at land and buys it, and with money she has earned she plants a vineyard. She is a hard worker, strong and industrious. She knows the value of everything she makes, and works late into the night. She spins her own thread and weaves her own cloth. She is generous to the poor and needy. She doesn't worry when it snows, because her family has warm clothing. She makes bedspreads and wears clothes of fine purple linen. Her husband is well known, one of the leading citizens. She makes clothes and belts, and sells them to merchants. She is strong and respected and not afraid of the future. She speaks with a gentle wisdom. She is always busy and looks after her family's needs. Her children show their appreciation, and her husband praises her. He says, “Many women are good wives, but you are the best of them all.” Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honors the Lord should be praised. Give her credit for all she does. She deserves the respect of everyone.”‬‬
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭5:28-29, 31-33‬ ‭GNT
“Men ought to love their wives just as they love their own bodies. A man who loves his wife loves himself. ( None of us ever hate our own bodies. Instead, we feed them, and take care of them, just as Christ does the church; As the scripture says, “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one.” There is a deep secret truth revealed in this scripture, which I understand as applying to Christ and the church. But it also applies to you: every husband must love his wife as himself, and every wife must respect her husband.”



15 окт 2024




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@moshadimashangoane9308 2 года назад
I agree with you Madam Speaker. God's plan for us was never to become a proverbs 31 woman. God's plan for us was to become like Him.In the book of Genesis, When God created human beings he said "Let us create human beings in our image to become like us". This was God's plan before for humans before sin entered the world. When we become born-again , we become a new creation.Not to be like probers 31 woman ,but to become like Christ as God initially intended. As Christian we should all aspire to become Christ-like.To love as he loves,to be humble as he is etc.Our hearts are naturally sinful but God washes our hearts when we let him do it.We do not strive for perfection as Christ was because perfection is unattainable but we strive to have his character.God is able to help us recognize the parts of ourselves which we need to work on ,and also helps us to overcome.His word is sharper than double aged sword and is able to transform hearts. We must never strive to become like another human being.We can only draw inspiration from them. We can't strive to be like David because as much as he is called a man's after God's own heart,at the end of the day he is still a human being and as humans we are sinful.However,we can draw inspiration from his for his obedience and trust in God. The most important thing in Christianity is our relationship we have with God. God naturally changes us and give us new perspective as we become born-again.We need to ask God to reveal himself to us, we cannot just rely on the message from church. Let's become open minded like the people of Berea who search the scripture to see if Paul and Silas were telling the truth (Acts 17:11) If we become concerned about following things as they literally were in the Bible we are missing the point.We end up becoming self-righteous and also religious. Not everything that was described in the Bible is a prescription for us to live on. Some things were just merely describing the events at that time,but it was not a prescription for us to follow. It's merely describing what was happening at that time.I pray that God helps all of us to read his word in proper context.
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
I absolutely love this!!! You have said a mouthful. Adding to it would be spoiling it. Thank you
@janemuller2066 2 года назад
@@madams___speaker Proverbs 31 I think is a Biblical Guideline for BOTH Marital Parties to aspire to. A GOOD/SUCCESSFUL marriage is where Both forgive and forgive as Christ forgives us INDIVIDUALLY for the character areas we fall short on. 70x70 WITHOUT being taken advantage of with REPEATED DISRESPECT and no REMORSE. The BEST advice is to TAKE our TIME and PRAY for God's wisdom in CHOOSING a LIFE partner. If not you SUFFER the CONSEQUENCES of poor choices You make/made. Yes I agree it is EXTREMELY painful, energy DRAINING and HARD, GIVING YOUR BEST at the TIME with NO reciprocation. God PROMISED to PROVIDE a way of escape. Tears are a language God UNDERSTANDS. He RESTORES broken hearts and shattered dreams. The Potter CAN PUT you back together again 🙌 The Bible also WARNS us that it's EASIER as a Christian to REMAIN single, BUT if we lust after the opposite sex it's better to marry. Our Youth needs this type of Counselling. Many Ministers today are more concerned about PROSPERITY GOSPEL ignoring the HONOURING of the FULL 10 Commandments which seves as our guide towards pleasing God and man. God's grace has NOT replaced God's Law. Without the law there is no grace. The Law is our mirror and map for Christian lifestyles perfecting us for heaven 💪👌💖
@joanitaayebare2846 2 года назад
@@janemuller2066 u speak of What is real about God, thank you. I think you are a good teacher of the word and please continue doing so
@janemuller2066 2 года назад
@@joanitaayebare2846 🙏 A Student is only as good as his/her Teacher. God's Word is my Text Book and The Holy Spirit is My Teacher 🙌💪👌✌💖
@KekeMoloto 2 года назад
@lethabosiwa5861 2 года назад
Proverbs 31 woman is not for any man, she is for a king.
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Amen to that
@nyamburanjengah5797 2 года назад
She the queen who knows how to invest, recreate and multiply what an industrious man brings home...
@funtasiakhuhlane8717 2 года назад
@dimphobaloyi7001 2 года назад
"Once you see that being a proverbs 31 woman is painful for you, then you are not serving a king" This is so true. I will never forget these words🙏🏽
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
@kathialaguerre5647 2 года назад
Huge sign
@daughterofenoch677 2 года назад
Just accept that you married a thief and stop blaming the Bible for your poor life choices
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
@@daughterofenoch677 what if I don’t want to accept and I still want to blame the Bible? 🙁🙁yeh daughter of Enoch? You see your entitlement?
@daughterofenoch677 2 года назад
And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain, and blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds. Revelation 16:10‭-‬11
@anitamhlongo4443 2 года назад
To all women.. Respect your parents Investment in you and Maker... Don't be a Doormat to another woman's child...
@flourishing5168 2 года назад
This proverbs 31 woman,has made women to suffer under selfish narcistic,lazy, non responsible men,who just sit there and the woman becomes the head of the family...very unbiblical!!
@mutshidzimulelu2991 2 года назад
Nope that's not what the scripture. It is how people applied this scripture that is in question. We can't choose wrong and then blame the Bible for our choices.
@dgirlchild 2 года назад
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV) All Scripture was inspired by God himself. If proverbs 31 is not relevant it will not be added. After all we were informed that many miracle Jesus did were not written down as the books of in the whole world can not contain. We are not to add or remove. I am not there yet but I always as God for grace to be better and to do all that is available by His grace. God bless you.
@Queen_Esther2 2 года назад
A proverbs 31 husband was a wealthy man that's why he sat in the gates with elders of the land. He was not a clown in a suit appearing to be a king. The advice Lemuels mother was giving to her son if it was in today's age will be don't marry a slay Queen who will squander you cash on Gucci bags but a quintessential woman. A woman who knows how to generate something even though she's married to a wealthy provider.
@futuristicvibes2643 2 года назад
Clown in a suit! RC Blakes says this and it reminded me of a video he did saying it’s best to avoid these types of men 🤣
@Queen_Esther2 2 года назад
He's a blessing to me. Him and Dr Leslie Vernick corrects well on the proverbs 31 woman.
@futuristicvibes2643 2 года назад
@@Queen_Esther2 Oh wow! Yes, RC Blakes speaks like a real Black American uncle from the South. He’s so real and funny at the same time 🤣 I’ll have to check Dr. Leslie out because I’m not familiar. I also like Pastor Kingsley and his wife from Nigeria
@Queen_Esther2 2 года назад
@@futuristicvibes2643 I will also check out Pastor Kingsley. See you in comments @ RC Blakes jr.
@futuristicvibes2643 2 года назад
@@Queen_Esther2 I just discovered them and have only seen a few videos, but some things were very insightful. I appreciate different perspectives and cultures. It’s amazing how much we have in common when it comes to such issues! Take care sis ☺️
@Nokss87 2 года назад
1. Nowhere in the Bible does God say women must be Proverbs 31, it's the church or the world who dictated that. 2. You can't marry someone you're not equally yoked with and perform a character in the marriage to get favour. 3. He who finds a wife finds a good thing, women need to understand what a wife is. What is a wife in Christ? 4. The Bible also talks on testing spirits, when you're about to get married to someone, what do you look for? How do you consult with God? Do you wait for an answer or do you just go along with it? Is the man you're engaged to allowing you to be his helper? Is he fearful of God and does he submit to God? 5. I have learnt that as people we really don't read the word to understand and have a relationship with God. We just go to church and think life is a breeze. We really need to know God and his Word and apply it ALWAYS. 6. You can be a church going Christian and still have a godless marriage because you didn't consult with God about it. I agree so much that we're misleading each other about Proverbs 31, even for men. We're not all called to be the same at all so this thing of telling people how to be instead of each one of us listening to what GOD says in our consultation with Him. 🤍✝️🙏
@jaiyaalexandra144 2 года назад
If you were in my area I would buy you lunch, you understand the crux of the Word and what marriage is. You will fail at marriage if you use an ungodly mould. Well-said sis
@beeyoutiful4086 2 года назад
Not every1 who is in godless marriage did not consult with God. I really do not think so. Who would like be In prison for the rest of his/her. A godless marriage can be associated with a prison. There better be another explanation for Christian failing marriages. I know many old women who testify how God helped them accept the marriages they are in ...which I assume their marriages are godly but the heat still is unbearable. So there better be another explanation for so many failing marriages
@Nokss87 2 года назад
@@beeyoutiful4086 guys, going to church and making a wishlist to GOD doesn't make you Christian. Also, have a personal relationship with GOD, research different churches and really seek God. Read books, pray and fast and don't go to GOD just because you want something. Read and understand the Bible for yourself.
@Nokss87 2 года назад
@@jaiyaalexandra144 thank you 😊 I was also once lost but I decided to have a personal relationship with GOD, read the Bible, fast, pray, use different materials to learn about my faith, visited different churches until I found the right one for me, etc. 🙏🤍✝️
@beeyoutiful4086 2 года назад
@@Nokss87 are you trying to say that marriages fail because Christians to marry did not have a good relationship with God🙄 is that so. No guys it can not be. Mina I know women of God who are prayerful and very God fearing but are struggling with their marriages
@tammarabritt1583 2 года назад
It's nothing wrong with being or aspiring to be a Proverbs 31 woman, with or without a husband. It's describing the characteristics of a woman who handles her business. It's not trying to live up to the Proverbs 31 woman that messes us up, it's being married to the wrong man. We can't let bad experiences taint the wisdom provided to us in the Word. A proverbs 31 wife and an Ephesians 5 husband is 🔥💪🏾💃🏾🙌🏾.
@xIssaBaex 2 года назад
@nette2144 2 года назад
Hallelujah! You are right!
@savedbygrace_alone 2 года назад
@blackberry4life482 2 года назад
I thought it was just me that felt this way about this scripture and I’ve been with my husband for 32 years. Bless you for saying it out loud.
@dihnamabotja8068 2 года назад
There is nothing wrong with being a prov 31 woman. We must take note the husband was a king not a lazy and irresponsible man. He took care of his family and the nation. I cannot be a prov 31 woman and sit with a man who was supose to be the head of the family but is now the tail when it comes to his responsibilities as the head (1Tim 5:8) . We woman are sometimes so blinded by love and so kind , forgiving and we overlook what God says about the husband in the scriptures cause most of the time we see the redflags before we get married and we think he will change.
@futuristicvibes2643 2 года назад
Some women also believe their love can change a man. Big mistake! Only God can change any human being for the better and he must desire better for himself
@malcolmmunyaza 2 года назад
@Letters7 2 года назад
Very true It has nothing to do with bible but who she picked to marry
@daughterofenoch677 2 года назад
Yeah. Never let a bitter divorcee be your guide
@savedbygrace_alone 2 года назад
You can’t be a Proverbs 31 woman to a prodigal son! Without speculating, I don’t get a sense of whether she and this man were ever even equally yoked. We can’t force the hand of God by stepping into situations God didn’t initiate then cry foul and blaspheme the word of God when the kettle come to roost. For utmost healing, she would have to honestly reflect on whether this was ever a kingdom marriage to begin with. Did she enter it in partnership and obedience to God? Was the man of noble character, a man after God’s own heart or not? Did she exalt marriage above the knowledge of God by marrying a man with whom she was unequally yoked?
@phelphel6157 2 года назад
I believe as women we should aspire to be the Proverbs 31 woman, however we need to do it for ourselves, not for someone else to marry us. I always felt uncomfortable with proverbs 31 because to me it implied that the woman must pull all the stops and a man doesn't have to do anything.
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Absolutely 💯💯💯
@dalidzucheredi2495 2 года назад
@Glm8 2 года назад
You have nailed it👌
@tshiamondlhovu1243 2 года назад
I concur ❤
@ade-oluwaspov206 2 года назад
Errrmmm... You do realise, that the entire book Proverbs is like an instruction manual for MEN. The last chapter was a Queen Mother advising her King son, on the ideal woman to pick as his Queen. The man who ought to get a Proverbs 31 woman is a man who is practicing the instructions of Proverbs chapter 1-30. Context ladies. Context.
@Mali-fm3rc 2 года назад
At this point I just ignore everything and everybody. We have to unlearn a lot of things that we've been conditioned to. We are doing great so far, so clap for yourselves ladies💖👏🏾👏🏾 This life is about you, no one else matters👸🏽👸🏾👸🏿💜
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Thank you my lady
@patiencesekaja6115 Год назад
The revelation and wisdom here is just far beyond this world...thank you ❤❤
@dalidzucheredi2495 2 года назад
It's a mother in law's wish list. Not a to do list for a wife. I have not been provided with the raw materials for the work. The proverbs 31 woman needs to take a nap.
@shadimodise4564 2 года назад
I resonate with this so much, I was also married to a commoner. Currently busy healing this Proverbs 31 woman I am. Thank you for this perspective 🙏
@evesecret9029 2 года назад
Hi,get help from Dr Wilson in any kind of problem you might be encountering,he can help in getting someone (Ex) back, money spell,job spell, marriage spell protection spell,love spell, court cases spell, make himself/her confess spell, cleaning spell,also breaking evils curses in your life. He really help me that why I am referring him to you.i advice you seek his help now Thanks.
@evesecret9029 2 года назад
Message him on whatsapp
@evesecret9029 2 года назад
What @ sap him I pray for the universe grant your heart desired I know of a great man called Dr Wilson who helped in resolving life issues and challenges.....
@gracelubisi7440 2 года назад
I completely understand you as a devorced Christian woman who over did proverbs 31😢. This needs to be taught to young adults before marriage ,that a man should be a Ephesians 5 man in order for him to marry a proverbs 31 women. I personally understand you and majority of the women are proverbs 31 to non Ephesians 5 men 💔
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
I love this this. Thank you sis ❤️❤️❤️
@pearljantjies2562 2 года назад
@matshidisomaponya4183 Год назад
Thank you so much for this!!!
@Ivylaismusic 2 года назад
It is a rare thing to come across a man who is willing to die for you. Which is why every woman should be praying for a man who will love them as Christ loves the church before they make legal commitments. There’s a woman for the commoner and a woman for the King. If you recognize yourself as a proverbs 31 woman then you shouldn’t be settling for nothing less than a King. The reason for most of our problems is that we made decisions from the flesh instead of seeking the spirit of God to approve the spouse or bring forth angelic help in bringing that spouse to us. I don’t agree with everything in this video but some great points mentioned. Keep it up Madam Speaker
@nette2144 2 года назад
@DeeSeturumane 2 года назад
Joweh! 'M'e oe! I dodged a bullet! There I was, a Proverbs 31 woman thinking I can take a commoner and "fix him" to be a king! Wow! Was I not delusional?!
@felicitymasiu96 2 года назад
mayb we don't have an understanding of the Bible. Trying to formulate life is a problem. some things in the Bible I think we were wishes not a way of life. So let's not normalize everything in the Bible .we must deal with reality
@felicitymasiu96 2 года назад
don't get a husband to please your family or friends or just for sake or a changed marital status!!
@allthings_araba23 2 года назад
I found your channel last night and I love you already! Keep up the good work girl! #newsubby 🤗🤗 This makes so much sense! I don’t even know what more to say. God bless you girl! #wisdom!
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
🥰🥰🥰🥰 thank you so much
@nasiwe35 2 года назад
Same here.. came across her video this afternoon and i lover her already❤❤❤
@ntshwenyego3314 2 года назад
Besides, Proverbs 31 is Lemuel's mother's standard of how a woman should be not God's. So like always, we hold ourselves to another person's standard not God's standard and as always that leads to burnout and feelings of insecurity etc. Thank you Madam Speaker for the topic.
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Amen to this 🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿❤️❤️❤️
@lesegotshegare2293 2 года назад
The sad thing is that the queen was not telling her son the character he needs to have to deserve a proverbs 31 woman. A man may be a "king" because of financial status. But he will never be a King if he does not have God's character #newsubbie❤❤
@ndumiemzamo 2 года назад
Thank you Madam Speaker ndiyabulela , will be sending the link to the church group. We need these discussions in the church space.
@celiwemalindi 2 года назад
We are the problem as Christians, the women in proverbs 31 is a very wise women not a naive women. There is nothing wrong with aspiring to be her. The bible says be humble but also be wise as a snake. We choose to be naive christians because we think the proverbs 31 women was naive, nope!! she was not. The wisest decision the women in proverbs 31 did was through her wisdom she chose herself the right husband to submit under and all else flowed.
@Queen_Esther2 2 года назад
You're right. We have cast our pearls before swine.
@nette2144 2 года назад
@dadziecharlotte9151 2 года назад
Great relevations! Thank you for sharing this ideas, well noted
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Thank you 🙏🏿
@beautifulnowbeautifulforev9209 2 года назад
It is not marriage or who we are married to that makes us virtuous women, it is when the goal of God is being fulfilled in us, "Christ in us the hope of glory" and we allow the Holy Spirit to lead us.
@1obedience 2 года назад
Best comment!
@boitumelomokae5299 2 года назад
Yoh thank you so much for this. Sometimes being a Christian can put us under so much pressure to be perfect and that really shouldn't be the case. If God can love us for who we are then anyone else should. No one should have to become different from who they really are just for the sake of keeping someone in their life. We need to embrace our selves for who we are because no one walking this earth can claim perfection. Life is a journey and we grow as we go, so Proverbs 31 could also be talking about different phases of life in 1 passage. Women don't have to be everything in 1. We just need to be our truest selves in spirit. That's it. How we have interpreted Proverbs 31 could also be the reason why women are so competitive with one another. All for an idealized version of a woman, that probably doesn't even exist.
@batseba800 2 года назад
I would go as far as women should focusing on becoming the Queen she knows a King is looking for.When she realizes that he's not a king,keep being a Queen but leave the commoner to be found by the commoners.Don't try make him a King bcs he's not & probably has no desire to become one.If ur already married,leave & go find ur King...they are few out there,competion for a King's heart is tight but know this... he's looking for a Queen too & when he meets her he too will know that he's arrived!!!
@adafred3172 2 года назад
You are speaking facts It is for the men, they need to become Kings to find Women in Proverbs 31.
@evesecret9029 2 года назад
Hi,get help from Dr Wilson in any kind of problem you might be encountering,he can help in getting someone (Ex) back, money spell,job spell, marriage spell protection spell,love spell, court cases spell, make himself/her confess spell, cleaning spell,also breaking evils curses in your life. He really help me that why I am referring him to you.i advice you seek his help now Thanks.
@evesecret9029 2 года назад
Message him on whatsapp
@jaymill3832 2 года назад
Why do women try so hard to avoid accountability but hold men to every standard that they dream about. Just trust and believe in God.
@kgalomichelmogowe1923 2 года назад
Amen 💯💯💯💯men need to understand tht only Kings can hv Queens .... A commoner will never hv a Queen period
@acewanjiru2336 2 года назад
I get where you are coming from. I just want to add, All scripture is God breathed which means there's nothing wrong with Prov.31. I think the problem is that we read and apply the Bible in bits and pieces instead of in totality. It's the same Bible that says that "We should not be unequally yoked, That God hates divorce but permitted it because of how cruel men were to women, that a husband should love his life as christ loved the church...etc etc. My point is, we need to apply the Bible in totality because when you apply a part of it and then mix with human or earthly wisdom, it just won't work. I learnt that God loves us women and never wants us to end up in harmful and abusive situations...We get blinded or in a hurry or desperate and downgrade the value God has placed on us and ignore red flags. We lose our minds and trade our very soul & values at the possibility of marriage~then imagine that by our own human effort we can make something that is divinely ordained (marriage in this case) work. God is love, his blessings do not come with sorrow. All this hurt is man's doing, not of God.
@phil4829 2 года назад
So true sister
@calebmutugi7191 2 года назад
Waaaa,you are spitting wisdom.under no circumstances can we despise or denude God's word.
@nette2144 2 года назад
Wisdom here! We can't read the bible like a restaurant menu! Picking what we like and discarding what makes us uncomfortable.
@dgirlchild 2 года назад
Proverbs 31 is Gods expection for the body of Christ. Its for both Man and woman. You get frustrated when you marry a man that is not ready to align to Gods word. Its frustrating to marry someone that you are not so clear is Gods will for you. Everything in Proverbs 31, teaches about, hardworking, patience, prayerfulness, faithfulness(Faith), love, wisdom, intuitiveness, Caring(kindness), self-control, making right decisions and so on. Are Proverbs 31 virtues not the fruit of the Holy Spirit as in Gal 5? What is the difference? When we study the word of God in a particular way, it will look burdensome and mythy. Proverb 31 is not a myth but the supposed lifestyle of every child of God, whether the man or the woman.
@Nokss87 2 года назад
You explained it perfectly 🥰💞👌 it's the principles that is required. I'm not sure about the king and queen part.
@CristinaMartinez-hv9xu 2 года назад
The solemnly thing. Exactly.
2 года назад
Wow. Powerfull. Much love from a fellow woman in Brazil.
@samukelisombatha2506 2 года назад
Oh my ...🙆🏽‍♂️ Are there man who say,"By marring you I did you a favour?" That's absurd. I think I understand your view and I respect it. Thank You.
@alonalove3118 2 года назад
Ahhhh..well stated I have always stated that it is the husband as the head of the family that makes or breaks a marriage not the the wife.. A man's role in a marriage is a lot such loving the wife as he loves himself,ensuring the marriage is good so that when he prays God will hear.The woman is the helpmate and is tasked in respecting the husband
@SalvationArt 2 года назад
Madam speaker has raised a very serious topic. Men are the leaders of society and they have not taken up their responsibility and it has spread through generations. This is really sad and it's because of a Lack of Godliness in our walk.
@mochaleaves 2 года назад
Your title is confusing because the word of God says in all of your seeking, seek understanding. There is nothing wrong with aspiring to be a proverbs 31 woman but our interpretation of scripture and perspective of life is where the challenge is.
@Nokss87 2 года назад
I fully agree, we as children of God don't really listen to God, we listen to each other. God says to not put your trust in man, yet we continue to follow each other like sheep. Seek first the kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you. I also realized we as women really idolize marriage and we force situations to suit ourselves, not because this is the path that God has chosen for us. We really need to seek understanding even before we blame others for our mistakes. Seek God, always. Even before speaking in front of people regarding the WORD you need to be careful that you don't interpret certain parts to suit your narrative. Again, seek understanding.
@telezib203 2 года назад
Excatly. Lack of knowledge.
@lionesspride9454 2 года назад
Honestly , if I wasn’t aiming high to be a proverbs 31 woman, I’d have nothing to live for. Being a Proverbs woman is bigger than focusing on a man. It’s about recognizing that I am priceless and a treasure from God to man & my children. It’s about knowing that outside of my charm, beauty, strength, power & excellence…I can still fear the Lord whom blessed me with all of these gifts. Aside from these important things, it has standards for being a good manager of time, finances & things . To live as a Proverbs woman is to know who you are , treat yourself well as you give to others.
@nette2144 2 года назад
@@Nokss87 Your second paragraph is FIRE!! NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH
@realtalkwithdr.ementalwell7662 2 года назад
Great insight. thank you for being so transparent. HOWEVER, we must realize that sometimes we make a Proverbs 31 woman out of our situations so we can continue in excuses. I have been there, we misrepresent the words in this book. This woman had support from her husband, had servants and resources. Holy Spirit help us not settle for less!!
@kgomotsomotso2369 2 года назад
God bless you 🙏 ❤ Madam speak God cover your wisdom
@nkolemwaba2526 2 года назад
This is deep and insightful. I've learned that I shouldn't let desperation make me think that I need to be a proverbs 31 lady for a clown. The proverbs 31 lady is the best type of woman for a king, and he must be a king. Otherwise I may just end up with a user because I've shown him that I'm useful 😂
@7akkoyeb 2 года назад
Preach ittttt… just discovered your channel and I love it 🥰
@nottypotse3225 2 года назад
There is so much wisdom in this. Not every man deserves a proverbs 31 woman. 🙏🙏
@futuristicvibes2643 2 года назад
When a man desires a Proverbs 31 woman, but isn’t fit to be with her this is an issue. Only a King is fit to be with such a woman. Some men aren’t thinking about what qualifies them to be with this kind of a woman. This was a great video. Ladies listen to Karyn White- Superwoman, describes a woman’s feelings when she’s taken advantage of
@angelicapickles_ 2 года назад
You’re so helpful and beautiful!! Keep up your content!! ❤️❤️❤️
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Thank you 😍😍
@manakomothebe7472 2 года назад
Thank you for this video..
@brendadickson9583 2 года назад
Your wisdom sesi wow I never saw proverbs 31 like this Thank you got clarify it to the max God bless you ❤️❤️
@cynthiadillard5066 2 года назад
My sister thank you for speaking the truth about proverbs 31 preach my sister preach
@sanitationEng 2 года назад
Exactly,,, the proverbs 31 woman is supposed to get married to a king. A king wakes up everyday to take care of his kingdom, he makes sure they lack nothing. Men need to wake up, they are supposed to be leaders, providers. No matter how much I have as a woman I'm only supposed to be his helper not the other way around. Women work so hard nowadays and it's easy to fall for the commoner because the men have refused to be kings.
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Danko 💯💯💯
@mojojojo8213 2 года назад
Treat kings like kings. Periodt 💅🏽💋💄
@immanje2229 2 года назад
Very eye opening view of proverbs 31. You nailed it
@elizabetholowokere4417 2 года назад
"If you are a proverb 31 woman but you not getting married to a king, do you think it going to work?" If you marry a king, the proverb 31 woman in you will show up. Thank you madam speaker for sharing. You have shifted my mindset about proverb 31 woman. Thank you.
@annetteorr8229 2 года назад
Sis no pain is wasted. God had you gone through this to open the eyes and deliver so many different women from bad marriages chosen solely from self rather God. Thanks for this video.
@germainenirereg.9074 2 года назад
True true How did we even begin thinking that this was talking to us women Thank you for bringing this proverbs and put it in its right perspective I feel like a whole bag is removed from my head
@ntombikayisetebesutfu8564 2 года назад
I can relate madam speaker.I was a proverb 31 woman and my marriage failed am so grateful that there's someone like you who is able to share her story and open up minds of many women out there.Thank you so much cc you have healed in so many ways.
@adaezeibeleche5848 2 года назад
The problem is not being a proverbs 31 woman the problem is when you choose to marry someone who isn’t compatible with you (who isn’t willing to yield to being an Ephesians 5 man of God)
@felicitymasiu96 2 года назад
Sister i salute you. We need to have wisdom above all.
@Sulanboujetpreneur 2 года назад
I have never heard this perspective. Thank you for it!
@edrisatherley2082 2 года назад
Thank you my sister from digging deep into the proverbs 31 woman .I stumbled upon your chanel and I am also Gon through some similar situation that you have been through 🙏☮️❤️, God bless you thank you my sister in Christ ☮️🙏😇 amen thank you.
@giechiclear 2 года назад
Nice one! This is revelation!
@masentlehadz8369 2 года назад
This is golden....blessed are those who don't use their perceptions to listen but their ears instead!!❤❤❤
@mso9057 2 года назад
You are on point Madam Speaker!!! I salute you! Mega Love ❤️
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
❤️❤️❤️thank you
@princesspickens7 2 года назад
Wow you just lifted a huge weight off my back. I always considered myself a wife in training and I felt like the proverbs 31 woman was the ideal wife. It makes sense that your saying don’t stress yourself to fit into an illusion. I am a good woman and that is enough. I was really loosing sleep to wake up before the sunrise. Thank you madam for sharing this.
@constancefaithful1451 2 года назад
Woooow i have never heard someone explain proverbs 31 like you, shuuu 😲😲😲
@evesecret9029 2 года назад
Hi,get help from Dr Wilson in any kind of problem you might be encountering,he can help in getting someone (Ex) back, money spell,job spell, marriage spell protection spell,love spell, court cases spell, make himself/her confess spell, cleaning spell,also breaking evils curses in your life. He really help me that why I am referring him to you.i advice you seek his help now Thanks.
@canisiakhanyisile2248 2 года назад
@@evesecret9029 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️
@mercymukuba7217 2 года назад
This is so deep madam speaker😭😭😭, i wish i knew this before i got to my marriage where i saçrificed alot owing to proverbs 31... Now separated and bringing up my sons solely... Now i know better....
@irenepi9583 2 года назад
Well said madam speaker. Spot on💫✨
@Supermom18 2 года назад
God bless you.....it's a privilege to be educated from your story about proverb 31.... This is often shared in my church always for the women I myself lived according to proverb 31, trusting my church teaching I never gave myself a chance to fully understand proverb 31. Watching you I now realise how wrong the teaching I accepted of myself as a woman. Today you've educated me to be me and not try my all to be the woman as explain in proverb 31. I had been living a fantasy trying to be another woman instead of the woman God has made me to be....now I understand why my marriage failed and many failed relationships I had after my marriage... Much much love to you....we press on, keep the faith and keep educating each other about our God's true intention of us his daughters....stay blessed and beautiful my dear sister in Christ💚
@agneskgasoe2426 Год назад
Preach Girl! ❤
@sandrachildofGod1816 2 года назад
Shoo my sister, may God strengthen you and be your present help always, I subscribed today after watching the video of you explaining why you still need to sell the house after your divorce and this is the second video I am watching, I just want to agree with your teachings. May all who are getting into marriage marry right, Do not just marry for the sake of being married, marry wisely Amen
@mitchkay9898 2 года назад
I have learned that Proverbs 31 is actually a Mother teaching her son v1. She is shaping him for life. His Mother is a big influence in shaping and teaching him. I think that it's more meant to inspire and support those who wish to marry, alongside other scriptures. Poem or not. Which isn't a bad thing at all. After all, throughout scripture God has clearly used others to teach and inspire us through their experiences and God didn't actually say it, they did. In all accounts pray and seek God. We don't just need to know how to be a Christian but also how to be a Christian husband/wife too. Too many times I have heard it preached at women solely. God has called us to be like Him but also those who want to marry, men or women can also use biblical scripture to know how to grow into a godly man/woman but also who they should be joined with in marriage. Choose without emotion but rather with godly advice and wisdom, prayer and biblical scriptures. And speak to people in great marriages and learn from their experiences too 🙏🏽
@hermanwilkins5204 2 года назад
God's word changes?!
@eagleswings7834 2 года назад
Sis I love u 💗 wisdom is a principal thing and that u have👏👏👏👏
@b.t-q792 2 года назад
With the proverbs 31 woman, the verse 30 is the epitome of her habits. Knowing God through your personal relationship with him is the ultimate. Not the stuff she does but rather her source of strength. 💖
@pamsunshine9233 2 года назад
The problem is not proverb 31 woman, but how black women have interpreted it. For bw, a proverb 31 woman is a woman that endures abuse from her husband with the hope that one day god or her husband will praise and love her. For black Christian women a virtue woman is a good woman with high acceptance and tolerance for abuse, toxic behaviour, cheatings and much more
@Nokss87 2 года назад
So true, bw need to seek God not to impress others.
@alonalove3118 2 года назад
Pam U need help if u think being a proverb 31 woman endures abuse like physical beatings speaks volumes abt u not having any self worth or self esteem..it is advice like yours that has kills, steals,and destroys woman that are in war likein marriages
@pamsunshine9233 2 года назад
@@alonalove3118 Love maybe u didn't understand my comments? I said the problem is how many of us bw interpret/understand the proverb 31. The truth is many black women tolerates and take in, accept abuse, cheatings, betrayals from their spouse and view it as a test from God and a act of virtue. Many women are suffering in their marriage but they will never leave that place because they think they just need to pray, fast and being a proverb 31woman whatever that's mean to them.
@maye7865 2 года назад
Thank you for this message. Now I understand what Proverbs 31 mean.
@miss_pearl 2 года назад
I don't know why a proverb is even taught in the literal sense in the first place.
@vickymolete2306 2 года назад
Huuuuuuu! You said it all Madam Speaker, you really are opening women and men's eyes my dear, A King, yeah neh, we need this am telling you Thank you mma,
@Manga_audrey 2 года назад
i am glad i stumbbled upon your channel
@EA-xd1jr 2 года назад
You can pray, read Bible and go to church. It does not mean you are walking in the will of God. You could have done all the above and yet failed to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. Lets be careful when we categorize. You can not apply Gods word and fail. You can misunderstand and misapply or simply be someone with head knowledge who does not practice. By the interpretations you are offering, I can see how you failed and yet lay claim to the fact that you followed everything in the Bible or Proverb and yet failed. Folks before you listen to someone, do yourself a favor and look at thier results
@nette2144 2 года назад
Amen. Well said!!!!
@astariamengeu 2 года назад
We always forget to ask God, if the man we want to get marry to it's his will. We focus on what we want from him and how we can change him. Please ladies don't ignore the red flags God is showing you about the man, only God can change someone. Proverbs 31 woman is for a king not for a commoner God bless you all🙏✌❤
@chicwithchrist5117 2 года назад
Thank you. I'm a single woman and this is insightful
@mulwelimachidze446 2 года назад
When you touched on there proverbs 31 woman who makes linen garments. I just thought of you Madam speaker. Thank you sharing your revelation. Stay blessed 🙌
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Thank you so much 🙏🏿🙏🏿
@joyceknursecanada 2 года назад
Try to place your phone horizontally so that you occupy the entire screen. Good job
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Thank you. I’m fairly new on RU-vid and I appreciate the tips I’m getting daily 🙏🏿🤍
@joyceknursecanada 2 года назад
@@madams___speaker you’re doing so well. Keep soaring!
@springnsunshine 2 года назад
Interesting video and insightful. So we've got a Proverb 31 woman and an Ephesians 5 guy....and from what I'm getting, it's a situation like that of Galatians 3. Galatians 3 talks of Galatians starting their christian journey in the Spirit and then a long the way these Christians struggle for perfection by the flesh. So it is with marriage starting off in the Spirit and veering off to the direction of the flesh. Purely dead works. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God." 2 Tim 3:16.
@buntuz8971 2 года назад
Sis keep speaking the TRUTH okay, we are listening. You are saving many of us already!!! God bless you for starting this channel!
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
Thank you so much ❤️❤️❤️🙏🏿🙏🏿🙏🏿
@nanaamatiwaahagyapong536 2 года назад
God bless you my dear❤️❤️❤️
@janemwangi6932 2 года назад
Waau my dear, you're the best. By the way trying to mee the qualifications of a virtual woman, is like daring to fulfil the law of which is impossible. They quote this proverb bt avoid what Jesus taught about marriage. Be yourself, do your best to your husband bt never try to prove yourself to be a proverb 31 woman otherwise you're not a slave bt queen to a king fresh of his fresh, bone of his bones. Thanks my sister you're an eye opener. Let's renew our minds, discover our freedom in christ and enter His rest. Only the principles of Jesus Christ, in His holy scriptures, will make the marriages work. Expectations many times abort marriages since rarely we get what we expected. Where there is no law there is no sin. Let's embrace our freedom in christ. Forced submission is an abuse. Submission is by-product of love 🙏
@vuyooglebethunana 2 года назад
Oh guys, please aspire to be a proverbs 31 woman. It is scripture meant to be practiced and in all of proverbs 31 there is not one verse that says you must give a man your hard earned money. At most the suggestion is to buy good groceries and clothing, land, and it doesn't specify with whose money you should pay. Therefore use your husbands money to be a proverbs 31 woman.
@tebogomodiba1994 2 года назад
Yes because if he was the building type he would have taken your money and multiplied it after paying his debt and paying for the bond, etc etc. You thought that you were pouring out so the both of you can grow. Ncese sisi. You get to tell your story and help other women. I hope that you are doing well now. You deserve a King! Everything that you said about mother in law is true.
@tovhowanimunzhedzi5319 2 года назад
You have nailed it like never before.... wow 👌 👏 😍
@enochntsiful9659 2 года назад
I've learnt some wonderful gists from this message. God bless you, Madam Speaker. I only have some observations. Other versions of the Bible says "the prophecy house mother taught him". That means it's not just a mother's wish for her son. Secondly, Rev 1:6 and 1 Pet 2:9 clearly talk of us (all believers) as being made kings (meaning kings as men and queens as women, probably). So I don't understand the perspective of saying "a commoner". Do you mean someone who is not a king physically in a certain town or position or what? Because per the scripture irrespective of what you do, as long as you are a believer, you qualify as a king (Queen). Again, I was wowed by the message that the mum was perhaps not a good example and thus was ambitious and wanted to the "supernatural woman" for her son. Whichever way it is, the only lesson I picked from that line is that the mum was talking to a son not a lady. But the idea that women are not to be "Prov 31" is what I may need a little clarification. It's true "many women doeth well but thou surpasseth all" so you can feel free to be on the lower standard. But you know, God never allowed and prescribed something in scripture which was not doable. And women are usually taught to be Prov 31 because the man is going to look for someone like that. How do you get found if you don't look like what the man is looking for. (I don't mean men should just go to sleep and wake up looking for Prov 31 woman. Men have even a bigger task (Ephesians 5 and Job 31). Lastly, I believe the greater revelation from prov 31 is talking about Christ(King and husband) and the church (noble woman and wife). Reading the chapter in this light settle all the 1,000 scores that comes with restricting this verse to earthly marriage between males and females. Each believer is a church and wife to Christ (perhaps bride at the moment). And we ought to behave individually (whether male or female) in the same manner as prov 31 outlines. By doing so we bring praise to Christ our husband in the gate (place of authority) and he trusts as all time. "Many women doeth well" means many believers or churches are putting in efforts and are actually doing well but the believer or church which acts like Prov 31 towards Christ surpasses all. That's why the whole chapter starts with "the prophecy his mother taught him" (KJV). I stand to learn and be corrected. What a blessing!
@emmanuelhanson9177 2 года назад
I like your submission, sir.
@bathilda9988 2 года назад
If it is not a good thing to aspire to be proverbs 31 woman, it will not be written in the bible. i think you should advise women not to marry Ungodly men rather than tell them to be evil because some men are evil. why should a sensible woman marry an evil man and expect him to know about proverbs 31. and turn good. No man can have salvation except God approves it and sanctifies him. you cannot use good works to turn anyone from evil to good, because the evil man will think he is a genuis in ploting evil and reaping his rewards
@MalaikaLele 2 года назад
What a sensible and wise comment!!! Bravo!!!
@GS-fd4go 2 года назад
It is NOT a MYTH or fantasy. What is wrong here is how YOU interpreted that scripture. The Bible says there is one thing He cannot do; lie. If you found your marriage uneven after trying so hard to be a capable wife, or perhaps you might have heard other views, seriously consider what is written. The “capable wife” in Proverbs is the “ideal” wife. She stands as an inspiration, but if a man goes out there looking for his wife to do all the things mentioned, he will find it difficult or he tries to make her confirm. That kind of “ideal” can lead to disapproval from God. The quotation “Who can find her?” is apt. That’s why it’s good that you find out about a man or woman first before ever approaching them, and leave the sex out if it. Same for a woman. But sadly, many only think of lust, and when that’s over , what’s left? That’s when they really see what they have gotten. The question is rectorial, not to be taken literally. The man also plays a role. The Bible says that a man who abuses his wife, physically, mentally, or physically is worse than off than when he began and there will be recompense due. This scripture is a mother’s conversation with her daughter. That why she said “who can find her” because is difficult to find a good mate. I read further biblical instructions that explained more; how she should have say in financial concerns, he shares housework, she works because she’s found work that suits her while her husband’s at work. But the husband is not to place the burden on his wife for what he should be doing. People respect her because she respects herself. She gives good counsel, women seek her advice. She makes good deals and is creative. You do that every-time you go to grocery shopping, looking for the best and freshest. You are creative like her when she spins threads, which is equivalent to you working today. If you want to work or have a career, do so like the capable wife. If you see a good deal, grab it because your husband already knows you don’t waste money. As I said, when the mother answered that question about different actions that make a capable wife, she knew a wife has an mind and an opinion and a husband should respect that. After all, when Sarah told Abraham to send Hagar away because her son was taunting her child, Abraham refused because Ishmael was his son by Hagar and he was attached to him. God spoke to Abraham and told him to “ listen to your wife”. So men don’t always make the best choice. After Abraham died, Ismael didn’t suffer because he became the father of a mighty nation and was wealthy, but he was not the one through whom the Messiah would come. That was Isaac, Sarah’s son. . I found that the most valuable thing in a relationship is COMMUNICATION. I can’t stress it enough. My husband and I had gone through painful divorces and was determined to try not to repeat our mistake. We decided that we would take a few hours once a week or month and sit down to talk.To avoid arguments, rules were set up. Whoever won the toss of the coin went first. That person will then talk about anything that made him/her upset, whether they did it or someone else. They can talk about needs and wants. I told my husband I hate the way be brushed his teeth. Oddly, after I got that out, I didn’t care any more. Mundane? Yes. But a little thing like that can cause a person to draw back. The next rule is YOU CANNOT RESPOND TO ANYTHING THEY SAID. That’s going to take some power. When it’s your turn, DO NOT RETALIATE! Instead, do the same thing as the other mate. Afterwards NOTHING THAT WAS SAID WAS TO BE DISCUSSED, and no attitudes. Just carry on. What this does is give you time to THINK before you go into a tense conversation. Then next time, do it all over again, and keep doing it until both of you understand each other better, your likes and dislikes. I promise you that your relationship will thrive. It will bring you closer and there will be no need to bring an outsider into your marriage because you need to vent. I hope this helps.
@thatomst2094 2 года назад
An intimate relationship with God and discernment are key. He made us different so that we can have unique experiences with Him. That is why Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit shall guide you in all truth (John 16:13), He can/will teach you on how to be A WIFE OF A NOBLE CHARACTER to your Husband and teach husbands how to love their spouses as Christ loved the church. If anyone lacks wisdom e.g. on how to do marriage, they can ask God and he will come through ( James 1:5). All you have to do is ask.. Adding and taking away from the Word of God, leaning on our own understanding and depending on our own strength to do or to be (not in God's faithful love and grace) - that's treading on dangerous territory. Our main aim should be to be more like Christ. It's a journey/process, we learn with God as we go along. He is the best teacher after all. And Christ didn't die for the church, he died for the whole world so that those who believe can be saved (John 3:16, 17).
@adafred3172 2 года назад
For me I believe she was like that, that was why she knew what to look out for, and she knew how to advice her son because it is the kind of woman a King needs
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
I feel like if she was like that her son would know without having to be told what to look for. He would in his own accord find a woman like his mother.
@adafred3172 2 года назад
@@madams___speaker I Agree on that
@dgirlchild 2 года назад
@@madams___speaker I reaffirm what I am daily to my children. They see me do it all the time and yet I always instruct them to stay on the path. Why because the bible said do. It said while eating, lying down, going out, in the field instruct them. Remind them of His(God's commandment and statues)
@janemuller2066 2 года назад
@@dgirlchild Yes the Holy Bible says in Proverbs "Train up a child in the way he/she would go and in the end they will not stray/depart from it" Sometimes kids turn their backs on God/Hus Word lean on their Own understanding, but by God's grace & mercy find themselves back at His feet worshipping Him in Spirit and in Truth. What an awesome God. He hears the prayers and desires of Faithful mothers of Israel. May All Who come behind us find Us Faithful 🙏🙌
@blessingakata7696 2 года назад
Proverb 31 is the wish of a mother in-law for her son!
@estherbrown4447 2 года назад
What about the emotionally side of the marriage? The connection and maybe just the small things that goes unnoticed.
@Queen-qf2bn 2 года назад
Preach sister.📢📢📢📢
@autumnjanee 2 года назад
This video is EVERYTHING!!!!!!! Love it!!!!!!!!!!
@vickies.3701 2 года назад
You are absolutely correct on every point that you are making! I am in your same shoes as to the "after the fact (divorce) revelation" regarding Proverbs 31. I feel that my story is very similar to yours. God bless you!!
@MalaikaLele 2 года назад
We must learn to be humble enough to acknowledge our mistakes instead of putting the blame on the Word of God. This encourages those who do not interpret the Scriptures in context to console their wounded ego, while what they need is to admit that they were wrong from the very beginning, turn to God for repentance and move on, without attacking the Bible. I really believe that the real problem in Africa is our culture: the pressure for women to get married at all costs and remain married in order to be respected is too much, and we interpret the Bible through the lens of our culture. And when there is a problem, we blame the Bible, not out mentality. How come Proverbs 31 is not understood the same way as most African women do in other cultures? please my sisters let us be humble.
@madams___speaker 2 года назад
No one is attacking the Bible ma’am. If speaking about what Is written in the Bible Is attacking the Bible then the Bible Is attacking itself
@amiyahjones9701 2 года назад
I'm from the United States 🇺🇸and I unequivocally tell you that proverbs 31 is understood the same way here and yes that understanding is based on primarily culture
@MalaikaLele 2 года назад
@@madams___speaker We can misinterpret what the Bible says, and that can happen to anyone of us, we learn everyday. However, in this particular case, most of us women have made this same mistake, I included, but fortunately for me, I was much younger, naive, not yet born again and it didn't end up in marriage thankfully. On the contrary I learned one of the biggest lessons of my life: even as an unconverted lady, I learned that a woman should not make certain sacrifices for men, they CANNOT APPRECIATE THEM, (except for very few men), on the contrary, they interpret them as if we were throwing ourselves at them and were desperate! It's true there are desperate women out there, but for what I have seen of you, you have nothing which can make someone think you are, ( I mean you are young, pretty, industrious!) but unfortunately that is what their mind tells them! Now as a born again lady, what I see in the Bible CONFIRMS that: We are to be wise and have discernment: as usual, the Old Testament, must be interpreted in light of the New Testament: Proverbs 31 is to be interpreted by the New Testament: 1- a Christian should not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever 2- even among Christians we do not have the same spiritual maturity 3- There are false converts too, so discernement is crucial 4- Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast your pearls before the swine, lest haply they trample them under their feet, and turn and rend you.(Matt 7:6) Meaning we must not waste our energy and ressources to someone who is completely corrupt and incapable of understanding the type of sacrifice we are making. 5- Proverbs 23:9 Speak not in the hearing of a fool; for he will despise the wisdom of thy words. with Matthew 7:6 also 6- If we get married to a man who does not fear God, we can expect ANYTHING from him. If a woman is like a Proverbs 31 woman and marries a man who fears and loves the Lord above all, it will be heaven on earth. But if she gets married to an unconverted man or a false convert, it will be hell on earth. He will think he is the wise one and she the foolish one.
@MalaikaLele 2 года назад
@@amiyahjones9701 please are you African-American? I'm asking because the mindset concerning marriage is not very different between Africans and African-Americans, but I may be wrong, this is just what I have observed . In Africa, or in African diasporas, even in churches , the way they treat you when you are not married is as if you were cursed! and a lot of women get married to the wrong man just because of that pressure, from the family, friends, church, pastors etc... if you are choosy they will tell you nobody is perfect and that YOU CAN CHANGE THE MAN! The BIGGEST mistake a woman can do, especially now that good husbands are scarse, and men KNOW that most women are quite desperate to get married...
@amiyahjones9701 2 года назад
@@MalaikaLele yes, I'm African American
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