Michael P
Michael P
Michael P
Ha! I'm finally changing this description after like 10 years. It'll probably be another 10 years before I change it again :) I just do this for hobby and enjoy making simple videos about whatever I feel like, which usually ends up being about how 2 of the North American Mound-builder cultures are very similar to the people of The Book of Mormon.
3 года назад
Trump Terrorists Attack U.S. Capitol
3 года назад
One Last Beatles Album
4 года назад
@user-hi8rf7dh4e 5 дней назад
@GuidoMosquito 5 дней назад
Perhaps the great tempest(s) are describing hurricanes that come in from the Gulf of Mexico?
@nsbd90now 8 дней назад
It's amazing people actually believe this.
@JSandLDS 10 дней назад
The only reason they say Cumorah is in South America, is that it gives it a bit more plausibility. Cumorah and the surrounding area in NY is quite clearly not the place of a big battle, due to the fact it would have to the be the only battle ever taken place that left no archaeological evidence whatsoever.
@tysonlittlefield3200 11 дней назад
This would make more sense genetically speaking. Because the Native Americans in the heartland and Great Lakes area have a significant genetic resemblance with peoples of the Middle East, whereas Central and South Americans have almost no resemblance with them, and are more genetically tied to Mongolian and Siberian peoples.
@donnettevanwagoner7097 15 дней назад
I'm wondering if this earthwork might represent another, later group to come out of Jerusalem as the 9 candle menorah did not come into use until after the Maccabean revolt - 167-164 BC.
@robertleinbach6016 15 дней назад
The last battle in the BofM was not fought in NY!
@antoniocorleone3986 16 дней назад
You haven’t shown any evidence of the things you claim, yet you accused other theories lack evidence. Your so call evidence is all here say.
@user-vz1sl9jh4y 17 дней назад
Five yrs ago I dreamed the only staes left where Utah , Dakota.
@user-vz1sl9jh4y 17 дней назад
II think the tornado in Ky back in Dec10 2022, shows where crake gonna happen.
@stephenkollenborn4986 17 дней назад
It doesnt matter cause mankind evolved 6000 years ago
@helenlehman2939 18 дней назад
I believe you are completely correct!!!
@pingebri 20 дней назад
The "narrow neck" is one of the most important geographical point of references for the meso-model. The heartland model requires that Lake Erie extend beyond what it does today, to create a 'narrow neck' from 600bc to 400ad. Is there a source someone could point me to that supports this or even suggests it? For the record I'm not here to be combative I personally don't care which model however, I tend to believe Joseph Smith's references to Nephite artifacts and locations, fwiw.
@MichaelP_IsMe 18 дней назад
Hello! Research the Great Black Swamp and the Grand Kankakee Marsh, how deep those areas were during the Hopewell time period, and how they were drained in the 1800s. Also, I believe the Western Interior Seaway, Hudson Seaway, and ancient Lake Nipissing and ice age are all much more recent than popular science says. I believe they existed shortly after the Flood and continental split (which The Bible says are also much more recent than popular science says), slowly draining during Jaredite/Nephite times, and were probably gone during the great destruction at the time of Jesus Christ's death.
@richarner3856 21 день назад
Adieu..Bountiful could be the French Riviera
@davidcastle7212 21 день назад
Joseph Smith = Stephen King Storyteller
@EduardoLopez-j4c 22 дня назад
Where are the materials archeological evidence from that alleged wars??? Where did they found them????? Where are the skeletons of million warriors who died written in the book of Mormon????
@richarner3856 16 дней назад
They are on Fantasy Island 😂😂😂
@stevo271 22 дня назад
He's a moronai.
@BobbyNFC 22 дня назад
Doctrine and Covenants the Stick of the Gentiles? “The word of the LORD came again unto me, saying, Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions: And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.” (Ezekiel 37:15-17) The Lord commanded saying to take a stick and write upon it for Judah, and they did. The Jews and Gentiles still have it. It’s referred to as the Bible. Then the Lord said to take another stick and write upon it for Joseph, and the Lord called it the Stick of Ephraim, and they did. That stick, which we call the Book of Mormon, is referred to by the Lord as the Stick of Ephraim. It is an abridgement of the records kept by the prophets the Lord had chosen to do the writings. In it (the Book of Mormon), is written what the Lord said to Joseph, the son of Jacob saying: “Wherefore, the fruit of thy loins shall write; and the fruit of the loins of Judah shall write; and that which shall be written by the fruit of thy loins, and also that which shall be written by the fruit of the loins of Judah, shall grow together, unto the confounding of false doctrines and laying down of contentions, and establishing peace among the fruit of thy loins, and bringing them to the knowledge of their fathers in the latter days, and also to the knowledge of my covenants” (2 Nephi 3:12) The Book of Mormon was written specifically to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel, and also to Jew and Gentile. But, the Jew and Gentile were not referred to as a remnant of the house of Israel. “Wherefore, it is an abridgment of the record of the people of Nephi, and also of the Lamanites-Written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the house of Israel; and also to Jew and Gentile” (Title Page to the Book of Mormon, written by Moroni, son of Mormon) The followers of Joseph Smith want to consider themselves as a remnant of Ephraim, through the lineage of those Ephraimites (of the ten tribes of Israel) that were assimilated by the Assyrians, and lost into the north countries of Europe. Supposedly, those would have been the now Scandinavian countries, from which they then migrated from England to the United States. But those Ephraimites were warned, by the Lord, to repent, but because they were worshipping idols and had broken their covenant with Heavenly Father, they were cut off from the covenant. And where is their stick, if they are the remnant of Ephraim? Not the stick that was written to the Lamanites, who are a remnant of the House of Israel, and also to Jew and Gentile! Joseph Smith was given the gift to translate the Book of Mormon and told, by the Lord, to not pretend to any other gift, for he will not be given any other gift. (Period!) Those precious words revealed to Joseph Smith were changed (altered) to now read contrary, in a book called the Doctrine and Covenants. The Lord told Joseph Smith, that Satan would do this, in a plan, which the Lord said was a Cunning Plan to destroy this work. Not just the translating of the Book of Mormon, but also, the reason for which it was preserved. Joseph Smith repented of what he and Martin Harris had done, in losing the first 116 pages they translated from the Book of Mormon, and was allowed to continue on with the work until it was completed. But then Joseph Smith mistook the reason for the Book of Mormon and began to pretend to many other gifts and altered those revelations given to him, and added more which are now recorded in the book they call the Doctrine and Covenants. Is this book the stick of the Gentiles? Along with their other book called the Pearl of Great Price, which supposedly contains the translations of the Book of Abraham, and the Book of Moses? They certainly are not the Stick of Ephraim, which is written to the Lamanites, a remnant of the House of Israel, as Moroni tells us! Although being righteous men, Moses and Abraham were neither of the fruit of Judah's loins nor of the fruit of Joseph's loins! So, tell me, where is the stick of those wannabe Ephraimites of Joseph Smith's followers? They lost it! Back, when they were worshiping idols and breaking their covenant with Heavenly Father, and Heavenly Father sent the Assyrians to conquer them and scatter them to where they are now lost, with the others of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel! And now we Lamanites have to come to the knowledge about who we really are! We are the Remnant of the Seed of Joseph! (through Ephraim, not Manasseh! I will explain why later, but first): There is a distinction between the Seed of Joseph, and the Remnant of the Seed of Joseph. "For as Joseph brought his father down into the land of Egypt, even so he died there; wherefore, the Lord brought a remnant of the seed of Joseph out of the land of Jerusalem, that he might be merciful unto the seed of Joseph that they should perish not, even as he was merciful unto the father of Joseph that he should perish not." (Ether 13:7) It is we Lamanites, who are the Remnant of the Seed of Joseph, whose fathers were brought out of the land of Jerusalem and given a new name, because of all those of the house of Israel, that were brought out of the land of Jerusalem, they were the only ones that were diligent in keeping the commandments of the Lord. It is we Lamanites, because of our father Lehi's blessing, who are not cut off, who must help the rest of the seed of Joseph, and the others of the House of Israel, to understand who they really are! So that they do not perish. This is the Work of the Father that Jesus spoke about to the Nephites, in the Book of Mormon. And it is up to us Lamanites, in these latter days, to do this work, to fulfill the covenant God made with Abraham, that through his seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed! Please share, as many times as possible, so that this Work of the Father can help as many as possible to not perish! Please go to our Community home page at the Facebook group: The Nephite Project, and scroll on down to view other subject matters we Latter Day Lamanites are talked about! Thank you! facebook.com/groups/216417728719502 BCR 7-1-2024
@Flintlock1776 24 дня назад
Absurd. The Book of Mormon is a complete fabrication.
@richarner3856 24 дня назад
They also believed in Sasquatch
@richarner3856 24 дня назад
Lots of native American legends about Bigfoot too
@jamesault7832 24 дня назад
Shalom Michael! I have listened to this video several times and I am always impressed with the material that you have covered. Today I focused on the way you delt with academia's denial of artifacts that don't fit their paradigm. Can you imagine the tightrope that a professional archeologist has to walk in order to keep their balance. If you had to interpret everything through the restrictions of: No one before Columbus. The B.S. Bering Strait theory and Clovis first nonsense, it is no wonder they can't see the evidence that is right in front of them.
@Flintlock1776 25 дней назад
It happened only in Joseph Smith's imagination.
@Flintlock1776 26 дней назад
Always conjecture, assumptions, and allowances. Never a shard of pottery, DNA evidence, linguistics trace, oral tradition, and not a thing written about it outside of Mormonism. It's 100 percent bullshit. Never happened.
@mandeepeterson2297 26 дней назад
My grandfather's breath grandfather had a scary experience with the spirits of the Gaddianton Robbers in Utah while on assignment to mill wood for building in SLC.
@user-wk8ui6fz6v Месяц назад
This is bs
@MichaelMiller-xo9fl Месяц назад
Religions, especially Mormonism, needn’t strain themselves on providing evidence of their ridiculous beliefs, for religions are in the business of outrageous nonsensical claims and take pride on standing on ‘faith.’ When one stands on the cloud of faith, that same one discards the rocks of reason, rationale, and logic. There is no purpose for the religious to invoke evidence for their beliefs in a veiled effort to avoid ridicule. The religious have made a choice to abandon reason in exchange to believe and say whatever makes them feel better about themselves, and consequently, should not be taken seriously.
@nokingbutChrist94 Месяц назад
Heres some more pieces to a larger picture. In the Nahuahtl language (of the ancient Aztec/Mexicatl), the word for gods or spirits is "teteoh" from the singular word "Teotl". Anybody else notice how it is very close to the Greek "Theos"? Also, long before they ever established an empire called Mexico-Tenochtitlan, the Aztecs called themselves in mexicatl (pronounced "een meh-shee-kah" and meaning "the people"). This sounds a whole lot like "Ha'Meshiak" which is the Messiah in Hebrew. Could Mexicatl have originally meant people of the Messiah? The Aztecs are known for having bloody sacrifice to many gods. However, they always maintained reverance for one mysterious ultimate Creator God known as In Teotl (the God), Ometeotl (Male/Female God, like in Genesis 1, in His image: male and female), Ipalnemoani (The One who gives life), and Cenhuelitini (All Powerful One). Quetzalcoatl-Ehecatl is said to be one of the Creator manifestations of the one Teotl. Ehecatl is the Wind and also controls fire (Holy Spirit?). Quetzalcoatl is Teotl having come in human form, tho represented as a feathered serpent, kinda like the serpent Moses strung up on a pole to bring the people healing. The feathers are supposed to represent the Ehecatl Wind aspect of His being. His archnemisis Tezcatlipoca is said to have poisoned Him with pulque making Him drunk and embaressed. Ashamed Quetzalcoatl went away to return again another day. Interestingly enough, when a white man with a big beard approached the Aztec on a horse, they were convinced it was Quetzalcoatl returning for them. Its not an exact picture of Christ, but very similar. The fact they were expecting a bearded white man on a horse makes me think maybe they migrated to the Americas sometime after they would have seen pictures of Jesus as a white bearded man? That would also explain why they would have retained the Greek word for God in their language.
@nokingbutChrist94 Месяц назад
Around 70ad all Jews were kicked out of Israel, known as the diaspora. That we know of, they went to Ethiopia, N Europe, SW Europe, and various non-Israel parts of the Middle East. Over 2000 years, those people have retained their Jewish heritage, despite having moxed some over the years and looking more or less like the rest of the people of the respective region. As it relates to Natives, I wonder, are all Natives completely descendant of Israel? Or did 1 or more lost tribes of Israel end up here and spreaded out among the Native tribes over the millenias?
@evabrownlee2704 Месяц назад
The cross has always been over here it's on the ancient ruins down in Mexico and somebody knew something in the South cuz they put the cross on the rebel flag
@evabrownlee2704 Месяц назад
Pretty good research but you do know that this is the real old world and that Jesus walked over here quexulcoat 😊😊😊😊😊i love Jesus
@insanehyperexe101 Месяц назад
ever heard of a dna test? it says native americans are more closely related to asians, not middle eastern
@carlicordingley8538 Месяц назад
And looking at the photos, the opinion of the artist how many photos depicting the book of Mormon have palm trees, and the prophet Nephi said white as a driven snow. He never saw snow in Jerusalem and doesn’t snow much where they have palm trees.
@AndrewMHahn Месяц назад
The Hill Comorah in New York was called that because the early saints gave it that as a nickname and it stuck-there's scant evidence that this is the same hill. Mormon buried the plates (save it were these, meaning the gold plates) in the Hill Comorah.
@BrianTerrill Месяц назад
The problem with Wayne May's archeological evidence is he's been known to use archeological artifacts that have been proven fake by actual archeologist. He lies.
@Flintlock1776 Месяц назад
One hundred percent, industrial-scale, bullshit.
@richardazhocar676 Месяц назад
Bullshit. Not true at all.
@Vizzy_T Месяц назад
Says you sitting behind your computer 🤦‍♂️
@Flintlock1776 Месяц назад
Absurdity on parade. The Book of Mormon is a complete fabrication.
@kingimatthews4481 Месяц назад
Zelph, theres a name, even the story behind it, theres so much that LDS folks know especially the stars and Moon where the quakers are, or the PLANET KOLOB, we have evidence for all of this. We have stories , just mainly stories, of a church in crises always finding ways to give accounts of a people who spoke Hebrew, but wrote Reformed Egyptian, ended up not knowing how to write at all . The Angel Nephi was first seen by Joseph, does it sound like MORONI , short answer is NO , but that was changed to the ANGEL MORONI in the Book Of Mormon,.
@kingimatthews4481 Месяц назад
A corrected Hill Cumorah well, well hows that to fit the correction of the BOM, with 5,000 word corrections
@Flintlock1776 Месяц назад
Please produce one legitimate scholar outside the fake ones in the LDS church that accepts any of this nonsense. It's laughable. Just one.
@skylerreddy5436 Месяц назад
I really feel sorry for the Lamanites,because they froze during the time of the Book of Mormon. 0:50 This is not a book of Geography!! Why don’t you get it? As a member of the church we have been told, to leave this topic alone.
@jamesault7832 Месяц назад
Wow! Great video Michael. Your graphic demonstration of the size really helps to give a proper appreciation of the ditches and mounds of the Newark Earthworks. I call them New Ark because of the Holy stones found there. Great work please give us more. Shalom.
@iantepuke2445 Месяц назад
Bro. Stop saying, we don't know what the Hopewell called themselves.....Nephites bro.❤
@Hgm1757 Месяц назад
10:35 is an error. Jesus would never have used his Latinised name when introducing himself to people. Jesus's actual name was "yeshua."
@DeannaWalsh Месяц назад
There’s only a Venmo link. Do you have the go fund me link in the description? That would help.
@MichaelP_IsMe Месяц назад
Thank you Deanna. She ended the GoFundMe link, but if you'd still like to donate, then the Venmo link is now the way to do it. If you can't, that's fine :)
@AlbertJLouie Месяц назад
I see you have piled together a whole bunch of photos together and provided a narrative with NO ACADEMIC REFERENCE from major universities like USC, UCLA, Yale, Harvard, Brown University, Smithsonian, National Geographic, professors in their fields of Archeology, Genetics, Anthropology, scientific papers written on the various subjects you are talking about. Sorry, but you are just not believable.
@robertjensen4525 Месяц назад
I am not sure where you got your information from Wayne May can give you the information you are trying to find
@aerosmith7569 Месяц назад
ZERO evidence found to support the claims made in the Book of Mormon, which makes since, considering that the premise of the Book of Mormon is based on Ethan Smith's 1823 book "View of the Hebrews". One man's speculation, is another man's religious discovery.... The "Mystery of God" in the New Testament is God bringing in the gentiles into God's family. It had nothing to do with whether the gentiles would repent. It was God's plan to do it so that ALL who trust in Yeshua are grafted into / adopted into God's family. Romans 5:10 - For if, while God's enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of his son..." The Book of Mormon is fan-fiction and repeatedly demonstrates that it doesnt understand the Bible, YHWH, Yeshua or History. It is so ignorant on these matters that it cant understand WHY its existence is impossible according to Daniel 9 Daniel 9:24 "Seventy ‘sevens’ are decreed for your people and your holy city to finish transgression, to put an end to sin, to atone for wickedness, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the Most Holy Place." 490 years after Daniel was written, all prophecies, the office of prophet and visions would come to an end. that all passed in the first century. therefore any man claiming to be a prophet of God is a liar. Any man claiming to see visions, is mistaken.Any man claiming that biblical prophecy is not fulfilled is uninformed. the LDS church entire religion is based on all of the above and is therefore full of ignorant, uninformed and misinformed members and is run by liars.
@curtistolman5830 Месяц назад
In the Book of Mormon, it says they did not build their ship after the then known technology. They got the blue print from the Lord. Joseph said they landed at the 30th parallel. It was assumed south, but north was the latitude of both Jerusalem and Tallahassee Florida. Ancient Graves from Florida have Israeli DNA. It also says they were propelled by the wind and waves. The pacific route is going against the wind and waves. Very good story. Thx