PBS Idea Channel
PBS Idea Channel
PBS Idea Channel
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Here's an idea: a PBS show that examines the connections between pop culture, technology and art.
Mike Rugnetta posts new videos every Wednesday.
@lucabadini4908 18 часов назад
Now to understand if this man watches Matthew Coalville or the other way around
@nilschambon9081 5 дней назад
the thing is that humans or very smart aliens could agree that if you take 5 of something and 5 of thaat same thing we have 10 of that thing but the words "five" or "ten" comme purely from human thought.
@shoop9274 5 дней назад
this clown is still alive??
@adalineadia 6 дней назад
Anyone have this cited in APA format?
@AutumnLeaf06 9 дней назад
I was in an argument about what key elements make art objectively good, and they started accusing me of not thinking art is subjective. Funny thing is, they used the exact paragraph of me stating art is subjective as evidence that it ruins my argument (that being that colour pallets, style, and cohesion are important to art) so then it was a back and forth of them either stating I didn't think art was subjective or that something isn't objectively good or bad (my examples being into the spider verse and 06.) They then tried to say that objective means everyone has to like it which is false (objective means "not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts.") And ended off by calling me 12. (Btw, if someone has to resort to calling you young, you've most likely won)
@explorebecause 10 дней назад
Thank you for using the word simulacrum in the correct way
@Noonien96-nx6yj 10 дней назад
Conservatives use this fallacy when discussing certain aspects of gun control. Theyll agree that guns need to be kept away from deranged people, but then when a conservative gets red-flagged for deranged behavior, they argue that he became only momentarily deranged because hes a family man and hes worried about crime happening to his family. Hes not a truly deranged person so he should keep his guns.
@Noonien96-nx6yj 10 дней назад
Unfortunately the presenter employed the Dido Fallacy when he was arguing with Straw Mike. Granted, the Dido Fallacy was invented by Innuendo Stodios after this video was made. Also granted, Straw Mike used the Dido Fallscy first.
@martinfischermann6194 10 дней назад
This is the best description of hipster that I have heard so far
@mrparkerdan 11 дней назад
Pluto is a planet, just not a "true planet"
@outlierbrain 11 дней назад
Anyone else still loving this in 2024? Hope you're doing well Mike!
@julianf.wheeler3665 11 дней назад
Can you address “You suffer,” by Napalm Death? Shortest song.
@HideoV 13 дней назад
This was ten years ago??
@laravioliiii2832 13 дней назад
Here's a painfully common Example: "Being Gay isn't Natural!" "Many Species of Animals have had documented cases of homosexuality." "Well, just because animals do it doesn't mean humans should do it!"
@ownjam 15 дней назад
So this was 10 years ago have you updated a video as of yet I play pubg and I'm just wondering when I'm going to be able to make my character do whatever I want even to spit sit walk backwards or do exactly what I wanted to do how far away is this 10 years later from this video I think they're just not giving out the the good stuff player one look pretty close most people don't want to do it like that I just want to have control to a higher degree higher degree
@fathanfachri 15 дней назад
DALL-E: bonjour
@bro-q9h 15 дней назад
who still loves Dubstep in 2024? 🤓👍
@dalisllama 17 дней назад
You aren’t annunciating your words enough.
@napdogs 19 дней назад
Still coming back ❤ Idea channel feels like home
@napdogs 19 дней назад
Still coming back ❤
@spoken8657 20 дней назад
@anthonycarter2548 22 дня назад
Question If I created the item via tinkercad and own the stl but did take some inspiration from another designer if that hurting anything ?
@MetalchipCovers 27 дней назад
This was 10 years ago?!
@jamesgoff6052 27 дней назад
@5oulcrusher 28 дней назад
This video single handedly got me into both Homestuck and Ulysses.
@5oulcrusher 28 дней назад
Time to rewatch the Idea Channel back catalogue.
@dustinmorecraft8699 29 дней назад
What if someone claims you are using a strawman argument when they didn't understand you were making a hypothetical on the logic they are using as an example of bad logic and/or incorrect definitions of words? Not many people seem to really talk about the people who try to claim fallacies in other peoples arguments but don't understand the argument.
@schanulsiboi0837 29 дней назад
I think if the thought experiment were actually concieved, it would be better if the commitee would be placed at the worst position in society, that would prevent them from "gambeling" and having a super oppressed class, but makingbitbvery small, so they probably don't fall into that class
@johnholme783 Месяц назад
Einstein hated quantum mechanics because it underminded his belief in a objective reality. But quantum mechanics is undeniably true. So were does this leave us with the mathematics question? Answer: if you can't separate the external world from human consciousness then mathematics is the product of our minds and so called external reality!
@renstimpy9313 Месяц назад
I dearly miss this channel
@awatf8244 Месяц назад
"That wasn't real socialism"
@fl8281 Месяц назад
When the "fallacy" itself is also a fallacy
@ytsejam58 Месяц назад
Still a brony :3
@youtubeisevil Месяц назад
The aforementioned Infinite Jest is more Homestuck-like than Ulysses
@liamwilson12345 Месяц назад
@MysticMylesZ Месяц назад
2:00 no some just want to win, come on now 😅 Also thankyou for the explanation. I came here via RU-vid search after watching a vidoe essay that used this term, and I needed a refresher. A moment of "wait what does that mean again"
@mathology5710 Месяц назад
Ubisoft needs to watch this video.
@nikospantos1603 Месяц назад
You speak very fast and the switching of images is also very fast . Something which is cute for a casual watching eating a sandwich but it is not good if you are watching a sci video. Also it is hard to watch if english is not your mother language. Regarding the content is interesting. Good job.
@shadestemple Месяц назад
And there is now another Dune Remake…
@fasttwitchmedia149 Месяц назад
New sub. You’re smart. Great delivery.
@puppymolly123 Месяц назад
So it’s been 6 years…
@jonathanperez1212 19 дней назад
Seriously I miss this channel
@Lickylongtym Месяц назад
The word WRONG IN THIS IS "FALACY" SO START THE WHOLE ARGUMENT WITHOUT THE WORD FALACY modern world!!! Using modern tech! Using freedom! A person! Human rights and not being a slave to hierarchy! One person! One mind, one voice, one thought! A name of...from the dependent of....belonging to NO ONE other yourself belonging to the name of! Not religious, governmental, over tlruled by! ONE PERSON, A FREE NONE CONSENTING PERSON! TO BE FREE ON THIS PLANET!! STRAW, FROM THE GROUND, ONLY MADE A SHEEP BY MAN!
@kickstand8974 Месяц назад
By your definition, if this video had any impact on my world view then it is an act of violence. This feels like an attempt to take a word that is universally accepted as negative and alter its definition enough that it can be applied to what you choose thereby making whatever you choose universally accepted as negative. Our language is distinctive for a reason. Calling something violent simply to cause a more visceral reaction when discussing it detracts from open discussion.
@Tyler_W Месяц назад
We barely understand human consciousness and what it truly means to be fully human, and people seriously think they can transcend it? Not to be overdramatic, but I think transhumanism is a dangerously delusional pipe dream, and the people of wealth, power, and influence who want to make it a reality are just going to make the world worse for similar reasons socialists did. The philosophy fails to comprehend human nature and take it into account in the formulation of their worldview. Any worldview that denies human nature and doesn't take both its virtues and vices into proper account will only produce unnecessary suffering and dysfunction when they try to faithfully implement their ideas like trying to fit a square peg in a round hole. Social engineering and playing God basically never ends well.
@supermolerrr2689 22 дня назад
They will fail miserably, trust me lol. Either some biological entity, wild and unknown, will blow us apart or a Carrington Event will blow us apart. We don't even understand the oceans or even the Amazon Rainforest, even ourselves. How can we possibly begin to question all of it lol? Elites be Elites and we are just commoners doing what they tell us. No worries lol the Gods over and under will deal with them sooner than we might think 😉 We almost had a Carrington Event back in 2013 from what I recall reading about. It missed earth and we humans dodged a big, massive bullet. If that solar storm would have slammed into earth, you and I would have likely never been communicating all this right now as society would have had to change its plan (they will come to this realization one day, they are unaware of this, trying to fix it with our power grid but to no avail.) We must use what we know wisely and sparingly I think, otherwise we will have no plan and that will just make our future problems far greater than what they already should be. Think about this, technology is awesome ngl but we cannot ever rely on it. It is a goal, a progress and relying on it is dangerous and is just going to create problems one day, in our lifetimes maybe...
@Ophiotaurus_AKA_Bessie Месяц назад
0:09 seconds in and he’s clearly a mind reader😂
@Boomboom-vk5kt Месяц назад
You speak very fast
@popokiobake Месяц назад
But lkea makes stuff out of paper, cardboard, glue and tape.
@popokiobake Месяц назад
hilarious ..
@somniumlucidus969 Месяц назад
Ah.... to be the center of culture again as a millenial. Lmao
@lusttravel1247 Месяц назад
Hahha…should be shared with our Intellectual nouveau riche college students who believe they argue from some sort of educational high ground..laughable at best