Zullie the Witch
Zullie the Witch
Zullie the Witch
Elden Ring - Why is the sea empty?
16 часов назад
Elden Ring - There's always more
14 дней назад
The enemy of all living things
21 день назад
Every cat in the Souls series
28 дней назад
Rise of the Ronin - A tragic pairing
Месяц назад
Elden Ring - The root of the problem
Месяц назад
Elden Ring - A gruesome possibility
Месяц назад
Elden Ring - The Malenia Conspiracy
Месяц назад
Elden Ring - A confusing character
2 месяца назад
Elden Ring - A subtle influence
2 месяца назад
Elden Ring - There's more than you'd expect
2 месяца назад
Elden Ring - Weird little pests
2 месяца назад
The most hated boss in the entire series
3 месяца назад
Elden Ring - A rotten family
3 месяца назад
Elden Ring - Vicious cruelty and silly hats
3 месяца назад
Elden Ring - It's deeply disturbing
3 месяца назад
Elden Ring - Behind the Eyes
3 месяца назад
Elden Ring - The risks of Blood magic
3 месяца назад
Elden Ring - The "Friendly" Dog
4 месяца назад
Elden Ring - Lost and obscure NPCs
4 месяца назад
Elden Ring - What was this giant skull?
4 месяца назад
Elden Ring - Literally reading the bones
5 месяцев назад
Elden Ring - How does this even work?
5 месяцев назад
They never fixed this
5 месяцев назад
How big is basically everything?
5 месяцев назад
Elden Ring - It's probably fine
5 месяцев назад
Deceptively simple designs
6 месяцев назад
@eduardos4607 4 минуты назад
I cant believe theres still info on DS1 i didn't knows. i was obsessed with it back in the day. And im happy it still holds secrets
@nof9395 8 минут назад
He does this when you’re not looking
@HopeyDiamond 8 минут назад
wait wait wait... so you're telling me Force deflects projectiles?? Miracle build here we come!
@professionalloser207 20 минут назад
>small continent >3 games worth of content
@Wilveren 30 минут назад
Honestly, I'm just happy to finally see something that isn't "Here's something no player would ever find that makes the story of Elden Ring make sense." No offense to you of course, love your work.
@DoingFavors 38 минут назад
Well how about that
@TheGoodCrusader 39 минут назад
Original dark souls was built different
@patw9491 41 минуту назад
Even giants be getting laid off
@W0LF2612 54 минуты назад
Witch, I love your videos. And the King's Field music rulez. That's all <3
@Those_Weirdos Час назад
I LOVE videos that never identify the subject of the video. Absolute love it. clowns.
@marcosdheleno Час назад
"force is useless, it does no damage".
@rideroffamine Час назад
Has anyone figured out what happens if Godrick is at low health when he hits himself to activate phase 2? does he kill himself if he's low health enough?
@Tvanon Час назад
Sen's Fortress is actuallt one of my favorite area in any soulsborne game. I wish they make more area that filled with traps like this.
@MythicMagus Час назад
Wait....there's spikes at the top of one elevator shaft?! Huh...never knew that but...I'm not surprised either. The mimic in that place 100% got me though. I leave no chest un-smacked now because of that thing.
@HashPapi Час назад
Don't forget that mimics can be spotted without needing to melee!
@PalindromeAAF Час назад
Thank you for the video, Zullie!
@walkerbragg284 Час назад
Holy shit i guess I've never left the giant alive, because I didn't know he could throw bombs during the boss fight.
@Calex55KH Час назад
I feel like this either implies the idea of The Lands Between being a "shore" that points to it being a form of purgatory, or we might be seeing more water-based shenanigans with From Soft in future games
@migs284 Час назад
Here is Zullie, teaching me new things about the first Dark Souls in 2024
@Gnomable 2 часа назад
I'd assume they just didn't want the game to explode if the giant is out of bombs, but it's neat they added a little animation for it.
@Monad1c 2 часа назад
I thought I remembered the giant would continue throwing firebombs into the arena after beating iron golem and the timing to hit the gold circle was strict if you were stuck on the other side
@Powersd451 2 часа назад
I always assumed he stops throwing bombs once you defeat the boss because you need to interact with the golden ring, and they didn't want the bombs to get in the way of that.
@Luminary_Coco 2 часа назад
SENS FORTRESS (traumatic falling to doom after getting shot with a lightning spear) EVIL EVA EVAL EVALLLL EVIIIIIILLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!
@Daiyuki117 2 часа назад
Well, it's not a strategic choice, it's a moral choice.
@MortalMercury 2 часа назад
Hey Zullie, do you know anything about the glowing skulls placement through the Lands Between? Is it somehow related to multiplayer or is it truly random?
@DQSpider 2 часа назад
Side note: listen to this track with a subwoofer or anything with really low bass response. I'd never heard the standup bass going completely apeshit before now
@billyshaw1996 2 часа назад
So it's Way of the Warrior from Raven.
@xKanaGaming 2 часа назад
just theoretically imagine how hard fighting Malenia would be if she had vision 😰
@aK1baby 2 часа назад
So many hours into ds1, i even know SF by Heart with all the objects by now - never ever have u tried to force spell those bombs nor did i've only destroyed the bombs leaving the poor giant alive. Acutally those fellas have place in my Heart and i Always spare them.
@alessiolisci5654 2 часа назад
My theory on why the giant stops throwing bombs after killing the golem is that since sen's fortress should be like a "trial" for the people that want to reach anor Londo, after killing the last obstacle (the golem) the giant simply doesn't have any reason to attack you anymore since you earned the access to the city.
@TheUnseenGate 2 часа назад
Learning new things about dark souls 1 after almost 13 years
@bogdanlaban1906 2 часа назад
if && if && if lol even fromsoft devs are trash
@bananadoppiotm1088 2 часа назад
Andre went so fast that he… The fallen leaves tell a story…
@shutityoudumb 2 часа назад
Narrative is pretty dull. I can't find anything to describe my claim because there is no instance when the game's narrative feel good or important. It's all just... meeeeh. Like... I've heard it all before but now it's said with other words.
@SullySadface 2 часа назад
Poor guy, he's just doin his best
@chrisxl5152 2 часа назад
Unemployed giants.. theyre just hanging around blocking the sidewalk. Smoking and intimidating the elderly as they shuffle by nervously. Something has to change.. those bums.
@drabulusdael9329 3 часа назад
don’t hit every chest guys, you just gotta tell the chains on the chests apart. (i definitely remember which chain is the good one trust me!)
@zaelheimricht4978 3 часа назад
Tldr: kill the giant.
@kennethmelo6336 3 часа назад
Holy shit I didn't know you could use Force on the firebombs 😂
@30thCenturyFish 3 часа назад
I love this little guy :)
@MISTAWULFY 3 часа назад
isn't the same concept also in Evergrace in some way? I haven't played it in years but something about trees in the distance in the first area keeps coming to mind
@MrBjanders 3 часа назад
I think I always sniped the ball-throwing giant long before I got to the Iron Golem's arena, so I never even considered that he could be an extra challenging element to that fight. I love learning details like these!
@jamescanjuggle 3 часа назад
Thanks Zullie for teaching us the responsibilities of being a good employer to our firebomb squad giants and how best to protect them from redundancy
@AymenDZA 3 часа назад
So we laid off Giants? are we the baddies?
@daltonmiller3869 3 часа назад
The giant hurling firebombs is for sure iji from elden ring
@MrHeorhe 3 часа назад
Destructible objects do not respawn when you do, so breaking all the fire bombs will mean that you don't need to worry about dodging the throws for all future attempts at the boss until you quit out of the game
@shutityoudumb 3 часа назад
It's my mother.
@mostlyharmfulll2103 3 часа назад
With the balls respawning, I imagine him being like "Crap, now I have to wait for the next shipment tomorrow."
@Integritys_Sum 3 часа назад
Makes me think of Asherah poles and the "Children of the whore" who recognize both the Father _and_ the Mother in Christianity, there's a lot of parallels in miyazakis stuff, like the locust he named after that messenger from hell in DS3, "Abbadon" ? During the rise of Monotheism among the jews, their beloved Yahweh apparently told them to uproot or burn the Tree's of his then "Queen Of Heaven" Asherah, Asherah was said by the priest "Jeremiah" to "lay out under every tree" I wonder if Marika being crucified under/in the ErdTree has something to do with it? 🤔 Also, the mourning and crying? Didn't some middle eastern goddess have a thing where people mourned the death of her lover to bring them back to life? Atticus? Attis? I think marika, being Numen, is like the Tarnished coming from outside the lands between, maybe she and everyone accepts the "seed" of the tree in the shape of those tiny glowing bits of gold that float down from on high🤔 Kinda like the epithet "Gold Giver" for Freyja's earlier forms in norse mythology, another "Divine Queen" with a "Dying-And-Coming-Back" Lord in the form of Odin, when he speared himself to the world tree for nine days and nights. Godwyn seems like a similie of Baldr, a "Golden prince" of the gods, who gets killed and then ragnarok happens and the world goes up in flame 🙄
@alacer8878 3 часа назад
Huh. I never knew you could get him to just stop. Gotta love learning new things about my favorite game.