Who's There? | A Doctor Who Podcast
Who's There? | A Doctor Who Podcast
Who's There? | A Doctor Who Podcast
Two RU-vidrs. One Hotline.

Welcome to Who's There - the only Doctor Who podcast that takes in YOUR calls from across time and space - hosted by Troy (Red Archer Live) and Crispy Pro! Call in and ask your questions about the latest news, episodes, theories and more from the world of Doctor Who!
EPISODE 100 | Who's There? A Doctor Who Podcast
4 месяца назад
@leach9622 2 дня назад
Does anyone know why he’s really bitter with Russell t Davis …… what happened
@Kewpie83 3 дня назад
If you haven't listened to Christopher Eccleston's book about him and his dad, listen to it! It's a beautiful read. Sad at times, but worth the listen. I personally love how authentic Chris Eccleston is in regards to his career and life, if you check out the book. I'd love for him to come back, but I doubt it will happen. This was a good reminder to find the Big Finish audio dramas!
@c0sm1c.st4rs 3 дня назад
my first episode was new earth. i decided to start with david tennant as he was the only actor i knew at the time. i watched it in a weird order. i went from 10,13,9,11,12 🤣
@gracerurka6155 3 дня назад
great podcast 👍
@PaulRichards-vz4pl 3 дня назад
I don’t blame Christopher Eccleston for not wanting much to do with the BBC and RTD. The way they blacklisted him with lies about his resignation was atrocious. RTD is clearly a snake and egotist. I hate this current version of Doctor Who and the awful Whoniverse crap.
@CalWareing 4 дня назад
I want 9 and Rose to do big finish together
@acunt 4 дня назад
@DJWhovian 4 дня назад
I feel there has been conflicting things he's said over the years. Like he praised RTD in a Big Finish interview and then he's saying he needs to be sacked. I mean if that was the issue why not come back for the 50th? At least to do a cameo would have been good. I feel like there is things on both sides that led to this conflict between him and the show. Also he has done other BBC shows since Doctor Who, despite what their press team did. i get what he said about the BBC probably being distant from the show initially but he decided to leave before the success of the show was even seen.
@DWboy14 4 дня назад
With what's happened at strictly this week I wouldn’t be surprised if it's a similar situation at dw now to what chris didn't like in 2005
@EasternStandardTim 4 дня назад
O my god, that last call, 😂😂😂 that’s some controlled chaos right there
@bobsherwood3542 4 дня назад
The Cap-Wearing community salutes you both!
I thought from the intro and thumbnail Chris would be featuring in this video
@olivercussons 4 дня назад
You guys should do an episode on the music of doctor who maybe ranking different pieces before the proms at the end of next month
@steelbarber 2 дня назад
god I didn't know Doctor Who Proms is coming back. I live in the states and always wanted to go ;(
@MrRjhyt 4 дня назад
I believe the idea was that shooting was too taxing for him, and left him too exhausted, suggesting he was too tired to work such a job. Which would make certain lines, like 'Don't you think she looks tired'. as very cruel jabs. The idea he wasn't going to be able to work with the BBC, and so not expecting much work in the UK, he went to the US. Clearly, he didn't enjoy the Hollywood style of film making, or the level of prosthetics he had to endure.
@eow4317 4 дня назад
No? He left because he hated how production was treating people deemed “unimportant” he was too much like the doctor to play the doctor
@MrRjhyt 4 дня назад
@@eow4317 Yup, I apologise, I framed my comment too vaguely, this was the excuse the BBC put out to excuse his departure. As you say, and was discussed, the objection was to how others were treated.
@DJWhovian 4 дня назад
@@MrRjhyt He also was suffering from an eating disorder at the time and that might have led him to coming across as not being able to cope because i don't think he disclosed that at the time. Also he said it was decided in the first filming block but that's so early in a new production to not give it a chance and see how things go.
@ricbaines1424 2 дня назад
"Don't you think she looks tired?" is an obvious jab at Thatcher, not Eccleston.
@MrRjhyt 4 дня назад
There's not merely the tension between Chris and Russell. Chris doesn't want to appear in any multi-doctor stories. So... just No.
@RH1812 4 дня назад
Not first. Re Acolyte…irrespective of the RU-vid vitriol, it’s objectively not a well written show. Yes, it’s has some good fight scenes, but plotting, character development etc are definitely poor. But anyway, glad some folk enjoyed it. And that Who’s future article is definitely getting way too much attention.
@CulturePhilter 4 дня назад
Just saying “bad writing” doesn’t really tell us what you think is wrong with the writing. Can you be more specific?
@RH1812 4 дня назад
@@CulturePhilter character inconsistency, dull dialogue, incoherent motivations, generally dull.
@CulturePhilter 4 дня назад
@@RH1812 which characters do you consider inconsistently written? In what ways? Genuinely interested because I didn’t consider any of them written inconsistently when I wrote it. They are all new characters so it only has its own episodes to stay consistent to with characterization.
@RH1812 4 дня назад
@@CulturePhilterthis really is the medium for this. But I’m happy if you enjoyed it
@CulturePhilter 4 дня назад
@@RH1812 I don’t think the guys will kind a present discussion in their comments. Every comment is an engagement to feed the algorithm after all. 😀 But also happy to leave it there. Sorry you didn’t enjoy the Acolyte.
@CrispyPro 4 дня назад
@Sampai91 5 дней назад
Des-troyed him haha
@69hehehe 5 дней назад
@ForTheLoveOfWho 6 дней назад
His era is one of my favourites, so yes, whereas Russell tries to reinvent the show, Chris stripped the show back to it's 1960s core, gave it a 2018 lick of paint, and then built the show back up from there, and when he did do new things, they were heavily rooted in the show's history and lore from the TV show but also the books and audio dramas; it is by far the most lore-heavy era in my opinion. Besides, the Thirteenth Doctor is my favourite incarnation. Doctor Who Eras Ranked: 9. 14th /15th Doctors 5/10 8. 9th /10th Doctors 6/10 7.11th and 12th Doctors 8/10 6. 4th Doctor 9/10 5. 5/6/7/8th Doctors 9/10 4. 2nd Doctor 10/10 3. 3rd Doctor 10/10 2. 13th Doctor 10/10 1. 1st Doctor 10/10 Season 11 Ranking: 11. Arachnids in the UK 5/10 10. The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos 9/10 9. It Takes You Away 9/10 8. The Witchfinders 9/10 7. The Tsuranga Conundrum 9/10 6. The Ghost Monument 9/10 5. Resolution 10/10 4. Kerblam! 10/10 3. The Woman Who Fell to Earth 10/10 2. Rosa 10/10 1. Demons of the Punjab 10/10 Average Score 9/10 Season 12 Ranking: 11. Praxeus 6/10 10. Orphan 55 6/10 9. Can You Hear Me? 7/10 8. Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror 8/10 7. Revolution of the Daleks 10/10 6. Ascension of the Cybermen 10/10 5. The Haunting of Villa Diodati 10/10 4. Spyfall 2 10/10 3. Spyfall 1 10/10 2. Fugitive of the Judoon 10/10 1. The Timeless Children 10/10 Average Score 9/10 Season 13 Ranking: 9. Legend of the Sea Devils 7/10 8. The Halloween Apocalypse 10/10 7. The Vanquishers 10/10 6. The Power of the Doctor 10/10 5. Eve of the Daleks 10/10 4. War of the Sontarans 10/10 3. Village of the Angels 10/10 2. Once, Upon Time 10/10 1. Survivors of the Flux 10/10 Average Score 10/10 60th Specials: 3. The Star Beast 4/10 2. The Giggle 6/10 1. Wild Blue Yonder 9/10 Average Score 6/10 Season 1 (2024) Ranking: 9. Space Babies 3/10 8. Dot and Bubble 3/10 7. Boom 3/10 6. Rouge 5/10 5. 73 Yards 5/10 4. The Church on Ruby Road 7/10 3. Empire of Death 8/10 (I enjoyed it until the reveal with Ruby's Mum.) 2. The Legend of Ruby Sunday 8/10 1. The Devil's Chord 9/10 Average Score 6/10 My Pre 13th Doctor Chris Chibnall Episodes Ranked: 4. 42 7/10 3. Dinosaurs on a Spaceship 7/10 (19:46 The following episode, "A Town Called Mercy," has Amy pointing out to the Doctor that he gets more ruthless when he's been travelling alone; besides, we have seen the doctor and companions kill on many occasions over the course of the show's 40 seasons. Chris understood the character of the Doctor perfectly.) 2. The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood 9/10 1. The Power of Three 10/10 (18:00 Actor Steven Berkoff reportedly made everyone feel very uncomfortable on set and refused to act many of his scenes, so the ending had to be rewritten. That's why he disappeared at the end; they only had so much material to work with.) My 2005- 2024 Series ranking: 15.Series 6 12. Series 2 14.Season 1 (2024) 13. 60th Anniversary 11. Series 1 10. Series 8 9. Series 4 8. Series 3 7. Series 5 6. Series 7 5. Series 9 4. Series 12 3. Series 10 2. Series 11 1. Series 13 Top 50 Stories Serials Ranking: 1. Flux 2. Ascension of the Cybermen /The Timeless Children 3. Frontier in Space 4. Heaven Sent 5. Logopolis 6. Eve of the Daleks 7. Fugitive of the Judoon 8. The Invasion of Time 9. The Power of the Doctor 10. The Evil of the Daleks 11. Blink 12. The Five Doctors 13. The Unicorn and the Wasp 14. Demons of the Punjab 15. Vincent and the Doctor 16. Spyfall 17. The Chase 18. Earthshock 19. Battlefield 20. The T.V Movie 21. The War Games 22. Remembrance of the Daleks 23. The Ambassadors of Death 24. Rosa 25. Castrovalva 26. The Carnival of Monsters 27. Tomb of the Cybermen 28. Invasion of the Dinosaurs 29. The Deadly Assassin 30. The Haunting of Villa Diodati 31. Genesis of the Daleks 32. Revolution of the Daleks 33. The Keeper of Traken 34. The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang 35. The Invasion 36. World Enough and Time/ The Doctor Falls 37. The Time of the Doctor 38. The Zygon Invasion/ Zygon Inversion 39. The Woman Who Fell to Earth 40. Kerblam 41. The City of Death 42. The Sea Devils 43. The Magicians Apprentice/ Witches Familiar 44. The Day of the Doctor 45. A Christmas Carol 46. The Trial of a Timelord 47. The Three Doctors 48. The Eleventh Hour 49. The Reign of Terror 50. The Edge of Destruction Finales Ranking: 15. The Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday 6/10 14. The Giggle 6/10 13. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways 7/10 12. The Legend of Ruby Sunday/ Empire of Death 8/10 11. The Stolen Earth/ Journey's End 8/10 10. The Name of the Doctor 8/10 9. The Wedding of River Song 8/10 8. The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos 9/10 7. Dark Water/ Death in Heaven 9/10 6. Utopia/The Sound of Drums/ The Last of the Time Lords 9/10 5. Hell Bent 9/10 4. World Enough and Time/ The Doctor Falls 9/10 3. The Vanquishers 10/10 2. The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang 10/10 1. Ascension of the Cybermen/ The Timeless Children 10/10
@ForTheLoveOfWho 7 дней назад
15. The Army of Ghosts/ Doomsday 6/10 14. The Giggle 6/10 13. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways 7/10 12. The Legend of Ruby Sunday/ Empire of Death 8/10 11. The Stolen Earth/ Journey's End 8/10 10. The Name of the Doctor 8/10 9. The Wedding of River Song 8/10 8. Dark Water/ Death in Heaven 9/10 7. The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos 9/10 6. Utopia/The Sound of Drums/ The Last of the Time Lords 9/10 5. Hell Bent 9/10 4. World Enough and Time/ The Doctor Falls 9/10 3. The Vanquishers 10/10 2. The Pandorica Opens/ The Big Bang 10/10 1. Ascension of the Cybermen/ The Timeless Children 10/10
@UomodAltriTempi 8 дней назад
Yes, absolutely. Say what you want about Chibnall, but he was capable on maintaining a narrative coherence with the resolution of his stories; unlike Davies, who appears to be unable to write an ending for his stories that isn't totally bonkers (and not in a good sense). Something from which to be honest, Moffat suffered too (only with the resolution of series arcs, though, not standalone episode). After _"Empire of Death"_ broadcasted, which basically retroactively dismantle every implication of almost every episode of series 1/14/40 (especially the Christmas special, _"The Church of Ruby Road"_ ), I miss his era much, much more.
@mayotango1317 8 дней назад
No. No. NO. NOO!!!
@chrisduck1702 9 дней назад
He'll no
@SeanS102 9 дней назад
No, not even remotely
@MightyMatti 9 дней назад
“I’m expecting very little news” famous last words for the Whitaker big finish announcement
@Latriise 10 дней назад
I much preferred the Chibnall Doctor Who over RTD2. And I wasn't expecting that to happen. Though I always said that Chibnall got too much hate.
@steelbarber 10 дней назад
I am 100% not nostalgic for Chibnal lol
@ForTheLoveOfWho 6 дней назад
I am personally.
@guygrist4436 10 дней назад
I definitely preferred his era over what we are getting now.
@PaulRichards-vz4pl 10 дней назад
Get Charlie Brooker & Toby Whithouse working on Doctor Who. RTD’s writing is abysmal. I agree with you Crispy that I don’t look forward to listening to what RTD says. He’s become egotistical and delusional. Chibnall’s era wasn’t the best but visually it was great. The Doctor wasn’t interested in romance and didn’t even know Yaz had a crush on her up until the last minute. His aliens looked better than RTD2. RTD2’s aliens look like digital graphics and are too goofy. Chibnall has a lot of faults but I feel RTD is backtracking and making it feel stale instead of moving it forward. It needs new people working on it and decent science fiction writers taking it seriously.
@kevin10001 10 дней назад
I overall enjoyed the chibnall era but it’s not perfect but no era is perfect has been perfect and we can say the timeless child is a classic era callback cause of it being a fully executed version of the cartmel masterplan and I feel we got the best looking out of casing dalek we have ever gotten in resolution of the dalek and the best modern historical is Rosa in my opinion also Jodie became my 3rd favorite doctor
@CalWareing 11 дней назад
Crispy Chibnall
@RockyMcGruff 11 дней назад
I miss how good the historical episodes were with chibnal. Nicola Tesla’s night of terror, Rosa, and Demons of the Punjab, were excellent. I also like the bottle episodes, like with Eve of of the daleks, I really loved Flux. All the great chibnal stories had limitations, whether by having to keep to historical events or Covid restrictions led to great stories. Thanks Team 😊
@lukeman4264 11 дней назад
@CulturePhilter 11 дней назад
I don’t miss the Chibnell era. While there was some good stuff in his era it was mostly written by other people. But then I was never massively keen on his episodes from the previous eras either. I do admire his ambition with the show, actually love the idea of the Timeless child it just wasn’t delivered in a very good epiosde.
@CulturePhilter 11 дней назад
Was your first caller stoned? 😄😄😄
@booradley8895 11 дней назад
If the specials and series 14 stayed exactly the same but Chibnall was show runner people would lose their minds. RTD gets away with a lot because he is RTD.
@steelbarber 10 дней назад
Well RTD became what he is on his own merit.
@MrRjhyt 11 дней назад
I'd be curious to see a Chris penned episode, under Russell's tenure, just to see how his writing can be guided and his focus sharpened, to hopefully elevate it.
@CulturePhilter 11 дней назад
We’ve had that before. It was the epiosde ‘42’ in series 3
@MrRjhyt 11 дней назад
I know all three showrunners are friends. They all met to celebrate the 60th. I can't help but wonder if they discussed their acheivements of their tenure, where they fell short of what they wanted to achieve and so forth. I believe this is why we're seeing expansion (and improvements to) the timeless children arc. I suspect this might flavour the work, to revisit and tweak familiar stories.
@MrRjhyt 11 дней назад
I felt Chris' best work, was against a very Meh villian. 'The Witchfinders' had some of Jodie's best work, the scene with the King dismissing her for being a woman was incredible. The doctor couldn't challenge that, but the restrained fury on her face, as she bit back an angry retort were the first time I saw The Doctor in Jodie's portrayal. The jeopardy in being a woman who stands her ground, leading to accusations of witchcraft, from the more ignorant. There was so much untapped potential in that whole era. Just by recognising the source of the accusations coming from those embarrassed by a person who embarassed them. It could've had a real 'Countryside' twist, instead of bloody aliens .... again! I just wish we had more with such interesting conflict. Another sadly unfilmed scene was 'P.S.', that gave me hope that Chris could be a great show-runner, at least he could craft tight emotional scenes...
@DJWhovian 11 дней назад
Only you guys could pre-record a Chibnall episode and we get the Big Finish news.
@bainhastie6050 11 дней назад
Wheeeeeeeeeeeoooooooweeeeeeoooo FAVORITE CHIBNALL ERA EPISODE: *drumroll* The Woman Who Fell To Earth *firecracker* *explosion* *fire siren* *ambulance siren* *funeral music* *fake-out* *livin it up on the islands* *celebration* :-)
@RH1812 11 дней назад
Donut Bot…
@cjscrubs 11 дней назад
When I heard that Chibnall was going to be helming Doctor Who, I was really excited because he had created Broadchurch and written episodes of Life on Mars (the greatest show ever created). But having this much time pass since his run, I just feel that a lot of his episodes were forgettable, with characters who didn't get fleshed out as much as ones during RTD and Moffat's era. He did have good season openers like Woman Who Fell to Earth and Spyfall Pts 1 & 2. That's just me though.
@CrispyPro 11 дней назад
@redfieldblair 12 дней назад
1. The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang 2. World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls 3. Dark Water/Death in Heaven 4. Hell Bent 5. The Name of the Doctor 6. The Wedding of River Song 7. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday 8. The Vanquishers 9. Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways 10. Ascension of the Cybermen/The Timeless Children 11. The Battle of Rankoor Av Kolos 12. The Stolen Earth/Journey’s End 13. The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords 14. The Legend of Ruby Sunday/Empire of Death
@MrRjhyt 15 дней назад
I must confess, I was caught off guard, when Sutekh started appearing in the fan speculation. Though on rewatching Pyramids of Mars, there were a few directorial nods. The trip forward to see the devastation, cemented it for me.
@MrRjhyt 15 дней назад
I suspect Russell could squeeze an extra episode from the budget. Hopefully two, I do recall the first seasons having an effect lite version, so there was more budget for the finale. Some of the CGI, just feels a little superfluous, I'm just imagining how they'd have done it in earlier years.
@venomz7682 17 дней назад
Hellbent and heaven sent to me are top notch. Close 2nd to doctor falls for best finale. I love it.