Qualia Redux
Qualia Redux
Qualia Redux
An irreducible sensory phenomenon. Writer makes videos about her niche interests.
What is The World Below about? #shorts
8 месяцев назад
Is Twitter dead?
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Desire: A Horror Story
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How to Survive The Gig Economy
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Living Through The Trans Moral Panic
2 года назад
One book explains Blade Runner 2049
2 года назад
@Rucker1980 3 дня назад
Cristin Cole and Alicent both loved Rhaenyra very much and put themselves in precarious positions because of that devotion. Rhaenyra's failure to recognize and respect that devotion is what made them turn on her. They feel their lives are in the line and Rhaenyra was playing around
@brunoxavier4081 17 дней назад
you would die if you go after some mods that you have in the game, in my opinion, a game should be played as you want in ck3 for example I play as if it were a version of me in it and having the option to do what I want without limit is something that attracts me in the game, the choices are yours this is a game, If you want to break a child in half, do it and live with the consequences, I in my campaigns exactly try to defeat the villains of the game, I think your point of view is wrong
@reaganwiles_art 20 дней назад
Pale Fire yay-Bladerunner yuck-Do Androids Dream...yay. Shakespeare okay. This vessay let's partay.
@ssaberwolf 23 дня назад
I really appreciate this review, thank you. I don't think I enjoyed the game as much as you did; but it had some very interesting and well done aspects... and I've been consistently disappointed with how many "reviews" of it tend to go in with the expectation that it will deliver in the same way Bloodlines did and take a kind of shallow, adversarial stance toward the game because of it. You've done a really good and fair job here, and I think anybody watching will come away with an accurate view of what to expact and who will enjoy it. I also think it offers some new angles to appreciate (I especially enjoyed your analysis of Galeb, who I didn't even realize I wasn't giving enough of a chance). You've gained a subscriber. Thanks!
@magnuslauglo5356 Месяц назад
Terrific take on this show. I don't think House of the Dragon is going to give us many characters we can really cheer for without feeling icky - people like Sam or Brienne, or Davos. That isn't what this story is about, and we can't expect a happy ending.
@Wumaomaster1428 Месяц назад
here's your "media literacy" folks it's a goddamn video it has to balance enjoyment with accuracy
@khfan4life365 Месяц назад
What bugs me is that the writers are purposely whitewashing Rhaenyra’s actions. In the book, she does some atrocious things (Westerlands says hi), but in the show, they have tried to make her into a protagonist (example: in the book, she was raring to go to war with the Greens and Daemon held her back. In the show, it was Daemon who wanted war and she held him back). F&B was written from a purely third person perspective. There were no protagonists or antagonists. It was Targaryen vs Targaryen.
@vaultdude4871 Месяц назад
Realistic colonialism sim sounds fun tbh
@yan-amar Месяц назад
You seem so courageous. Thank you for this. Going through the worst year also. I share your preference for the TEAR plan. Kiss <3
@Liilliithh Месяц назад
You are not getting the problem. The issue is not the c-section, but the violencia involved; he is asked to decide about his "beloved" wife's life and he does so without so much as telling her; he makes a choice and she is the constrained and cut open, subject to violence and terrible fear and pain without so much as knowing whats going on. The show further contrast this when Daemon faces the same choice and he does not act the same in regards to Laena. Yeah, they baby would have died otherwise (and died anyway), but what was missing was Viserys telling this human being: "hey, i'm sorry, the maesters told me you are about to die, but you have the right to chose how". Tbh, the show is rather sexist, which is ironic since the book -at its core- is about sexism. The theme of the book is about how a regular and flawed but yet capable woman was objectified and judged due to her gender, latter on blamed for attempting to recover her inheritance and finally killed and fed to a dragon by a brother who knew from the very begining (and this is canon) that she was the true her. The show even takes on the worst portrayals of Rhenyra, that were born out of rumores which, in universe, made no sense and were obviously made out of sexism, such as her trying to seduce Sir Criston (in the books, he was in his mid 20s and she was 7 when he was made her sworn shield, the book mentions existence of the rumor, but the falsehood of the same is self evident, actually, even Alycent is recalled to have asked "who will protect Rhaenyra from sir Criston", so no, the rape never happened).
@seleukos1000nikator Месяц назад
pure-blooded trait is a joke trait
@ammonite0257 Месяц назад
Cristina cole felt like he lost his honor by sleeping with the princess. And let’s not forget the power dynamic of the situation. Pressure definitely plays a part
@sn-tired-croissant 2 месяца назад
*just an observation - the correct accent is NabОkov.
@hermanhale9258 2 месяца назад
You don't have to read or study any of this stuff. It is just shadows on the wall of Plato's cave. Better to study the men who concocted this stuff. Who were they? Where did they come from? What did they want? Probably all social engineers of the worst kind.
@dominicgodfrey8015 2 месяца назад
There are three words in the English language that end with -gry, how does one live on? 17th March Patricia Lasker 😉
@chundercat1130 2 месяца назад
This is a beautiful analysis between Pale Fire and Bladerunner 2049, thank you so much for this
@inescastro2780 3 месяца назад
Rhaenyra is egotistical and super spoiled, she is doing everything for herself) When she was going out in the city, the assumed she didn't have to pay for food and just took it She never talks about the wellbeing of the people, she would be a terrible ruler
@rp-2f 3 месяца назад
And this is why I absolutely hate house of the dragon and game of thrones after season 1. It's nothing but feminist propoganda gobbledygook
@Your_Eagle_One 3 месяца назад
im not getting those 20min back thx for that
@QualiaRedux 3 месяца назад
You watched all the way to the end and then spent time commenting, so sounds like a “you” problem. 😊
@Your_Eagle_One 3 месяца назад
@@QualiaRedux it very much is im just letting u know that ur problems with the games are idiotic (seems they are "you" problems). Also to comment on something i think that u have to watch everything. Also ur tital is a bit misleading...
@shlomomarkman6374 4 месяца назад
The technology component of civilization is actually accurate to how the real world functions. Nations used technology to conquer others and a significant enough gap ensured success. Civilization also simulates well enough that getting a tech is not enough by itself. If I discover the tech that unlocks tanks, it doesn't mean that I can stomp everyone immediately but if I also have the production capacity I could enjoy (or decide not to) the new capability to expand. Tech advantage in civ is also not only in weapons but a societal or economic advantage - higher production efficiency or income can win a war. In real-life history it was frequently so and the weak were trampled by the strong. The concepts of legitimacy are relatively new (they started in the Westphalian system or somewhat earlier under influence of the church) and neither Alexander, Julius Caesar or Genghis Khan had any compunction in using their superior weapons or tactics for large conquests. This is not unique to whites or Europeans. Non-white empires also used might is right.
@TdotFC 4 месяца назад
Almost all "video essays" on RU-vid are pure garbaggio. Your analysis was wonderful, well done! Because of their jarring presentation in BR2049, I didn't recognize the lines from the poem, even though they're some of the best in the whole book. I quite liked BR2049 but originally thought of it as a pale reflection of the original, and considered that to be part of the film's point as a sort of commentary on itself and a generation of trashy reboots and unnecessary sequels. This video has made me reconsider that stance, and I'm looking forward to watching the movie again.
@minotaur818 4 месяца назад
I feel like The Council never had a situation where misspeccing loses you opportunities as theres always alternative routes for your "builds". In fact, most times you'd be able to solve through problems without relying on skills at all as long as you can figure things out. Weird to see them not use the same design for Swansong, it really does feel awful being locked out of pathways because you don't have the right skills.
@ssaberwolf 23 дня назад
It felt to me like the game was intentionally forcing players to become comfortable with failure, through this and a few other methods that were touched on by this reviewer (a single save file/mandatory honour mode, punishing puzzles that turn out to be the wrong move, placing you into situations where it's virtually impossible to specc correctly on the first pass, etc.). It can feel frustrating when you're so acclimated to being rewarded for specific sorts of actions in a specific way, but it makes for a much richer and more authentic role-playing experience if you can defeat your own inner drooling Pavlovian dog and enjoy the disequilibration. To me, this is the biggest thing that separates a ttrpg experience from a video game experience, and I've been thrilled to see video games start really playing with the notion of rewarding you for "failure" and punishing you for "success". Pathologic was a great example. It begs the question: does a game experience have to be fun for it to be good, or good art? We don't hold film to this standard.
@riquipoo5578 4 месяца назад
Deckard being a replicant is ridiculous because wouldn’t the miracle then be his ability to impregnate someone?
@coachbiff09 4 месяца назад
Kimbote is not his real name. It is an anagram of his real name. This is given to us in the index. I won't say anymore about this. Also, he did not kill John.
@Billdow00 4 месяца назад
This video came out the same day I needed it. I couldn't take about it at the time but its getting better and this video helped more than you know. They dont need me. I need them. Thank you.
@nexor7809 4 месяца назад
12:54 about time woke people like you realise the world aint just rainbows and traits like ugly, stupid, fat or albino are indeed bad traits and inferior ones
@outlander47 5 месяцев назад
Oh man, I'm cringing every time you feel bad for cultures being the losing culture for having different goals or for ck3 stats. Do we really have to feel bad for some stats in a video-game? I'm a romanian and therefore you may call my culture, a loser of the history. Welp at first I thought romania is a victim of European/ Islamic colonialism. Now after I got wiser I'm sure that if my people had the necessary means, they would have taken advantage of the neighboring nations the same way we have been and still are taken advantage of.
@h_lga84 5 месяцев назад
Thank you so much. I can not express, how i feel, but thank you. It's like I can think again.
@jwb_666 5 месяцев назад
-_- jesus fing christ
@user-uk5qm5fm8g 5 месяцев назад
I've played a lot of ck3 and murdered lots of children and babies as demented and questionable as that sounds.. but I only learn today that you can split a baby in two or cannibalize the pope. Also it's super interesting about the "wink" with the 'possessed' trait. It's ingenious how you can believe it is supernatural or not and it works either way
@AlexS-oj8qf 5 месяцев назад
What I hate about the show is that the need to make "a Hero" and "a Villain" because the way it was portrayed in the book, neither sides are Villain nor Heroes. They both have claims and is rightful within their own justifications. It was always between Rhaenyra and Alicent. I hate how they downplayed Alicent's influence in this whole catastrophe. She's the brain behind the whole operations, not her father or larys strong or whoever they make controlling her. She's a green whore usurping the throne from the black brat Rhaenyra is. I was really rooting that they will make both so despicable as they were portrayed in the books, that the only character people could without doubt support is Helaena. And having female doing evil doesn't means it's anti woman. It shows how people despite gender, age, or background could do despicable things for power. That should be the core of the messages, not "magical prophecy" or "woman rules" or whatever virtue signalling they try to make Dance is.
@angryyoungman66 5 месяцев назад
Greens fans think the Show is too feminist , and Blacks fans think its not feminist enough , and I don't know why do we have to export real life conflicts and debates to a fantasy world that is supposed to entertain the viewers , you can't enjoy the show If you a giga chad redpill guy who don't like feminists , neither you're if a lib wokey blue haired strong independent women who don't want split the bill 50/50 😂😂😂😂 , so the same trash in real life you have to rewatch it in fantasy shows
@thickac7579 5 месяцев назад
I think this show reveals how morally bankrupt this society has become. Do you guys want to know the one character that probably deserved to be king, Tommen Baratheon, yep that is pretty much the one decent and kind person in this whole series that actually deserves it. The rest are a bunch of egomaniacs, running around, messing everything up while the common people are stuck in a perpetual state of starvation because of them. In my opinion, the best 'king/queen' from House of the Dragon was on screen for about a second and it is old Jacaerys. People forgot that being good at leading a country does not mean looking cool, it never meant that. George is a very smart and patient writer and he is very honest, just because he might make a certain character cool does not mean he saves us the bad consequences of their actions, but HOD show somehow wants to make obviously bad people into these moral standards that honestly make me cringe. Every time I see the fans of the blacks try to justify their preferences it makes me think that we need a nuclear war. Not one female from this show cares about feminism, not really. They care about power and being in control, and doing whatever they want, that is all. Rhaenyra and Rhaenys are the prime examples of that.
@NathanXYX. 5 месяцев назад
12 yr old Rhaenyra fans really be justifying her raping Criston
@Septimus-037 3 месяца назад
A grown man can’t be raped by a woman let alone a teenage girl.
@saf_saffy 5 месяцев назад
we need more media that follows the devastation of a friendship breakup. I'm off to relisten to James Blake's Famous Last words to pick at my own fresh wound. You are witnessed, thank you for testifying and bearing your guts like this for us all to face our own.
@eyvahehyeh8927 5 месяцев назад
Thank you. All of us need miracles; there are no miracles; we need miracles precisely because there are no miracles. It feels true. Sinilar to how we need forgiveness because it cannot be given, I *feel*. The Leftovers might be the most excruciatingly painful and human thing I've ever watched. Brings to mind Nip/Tuck, which I watched as a teenager, and back then I had not seen ANYTHING like that before, and it was a gift to be reflected in that piece of media, to see my own pain and anger and misery and pettyness in the actions of th characters of that show. I do remember soneone saying that they thought the series seemed dark just BECAUSE, or to be sensational, and in the last seasons MAYBE, but ad a blanket statement? Made me feel more alone, but I did feel thwt the show was true, and through that, *I* became more real.
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
If it helps you, I can personally vouch I have forgiven and been forgiven many times. Repair is hard, but it does exist.
@faenattack1564 5 месяцев назад
you continue to make some of the poignant pieces of work, reflection, and criticism. Thank you, and may things ever progress to where grief is tolerable and healthy distance can be had~
@Braindouchedotnet 5 месяцев назад
This video made me start a Leftovers rewatch, and oh boy does this show hit different in Covid Season 4. I keep coming back to my fundamental lesson from this show: there's no meaning to this, it just hurts.
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
It DOES hit different after COVID, although I sort of envy them the undeniable aspect that it happened. It seems like people deny COVID in a way the departure can't be denied.
@Braindouchedotnet 5 месяцев назад
@@QualiaRedux turns out, it didn't make much of a difference to have the bodies.
@jirris 5 месяцев назад
Thank you and I'm sorry that you have to carry so much all at once. I lost my partner this year suddenly and was around to see it happen. I think a lot about the potential that was lost and how we both put so much on hold the last few years because of the pandemic and for personal growth; so much was starting to open up for her the last year alone, like the world waking up for the spring after a seemingly years long winter. Grief is so difficult to navigate and watch and yet I keep finding myself drawn to seeing the ways other people live with it, if only because it's a confirmation for both parties that they aren't navigating that space alone. You have my condolences and my best wishes. Thank you for this video.
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
I am so sorry about your loss. I absolutely agree that seeing others grieve is important, and I am glad we can all witness one another a little bit.
@deercliff 5 месяцев назад
Over the past couple years I've been recovering from a long period of interpersonal abuse and the resulting PTSD, and one of the strangest and sometimes hardest things about is the grief I feel for the relationship,a relationship I am so glad to be rid of, with a person I wish had never met, at times hate more than I thought possible, but I still feel so much grief and absent of anything like love or longing, it's just a pain that sits with me. While the discussion of grief in this video is very different from my experience, I think, but something about it touched that wound in me and made me feel a little more understood. beautiful work. thanks.
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
My relationship with my mother was not uncomplicated, let’s say, but I am fortunate that we reconciled. Grief does not always care about whether the relationship was fully a good one.
@anedaneran5666 5 месяцев назад
Philoctetes AND Simone Weil...? I could only be sniped more by this video if I knew more of Carr of Tennyson. But to put aside all these intellectual defence mechanisms, thank you for making this. The least I could do is to listen to you talking about something that is important to you. (Also, it feels like I had a dozen video essayists reference Kübler-Ross, and this is the first time I'm hearing about the 5 Stages being about one's acceptance of their own death - which makes a lot of sense, based on the author's occupation. Anyway, I've been meaning to read that book for a good while, this might just moved it upwards on the priority list.)
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
When I was making this, I definitely went “Some of these might be deep cuts” hahha
@ShadowofWednesday 5 месяцев назад
In 2022, a friend cut me out of his life unexpectedly and for a reason I didn’t understand. For a while, the way that I dealt with this was by pretending he was dead. It was too painful for me to think about him choosing to remove me from his life while it continued to go on. A few months ago, a mutual friend mentioned that he and my ex friend had met up for lunch. This launched me back into a small grief spiral because my coping mechanism was shattered - I faced irrefutable evidence that his life was going on. Recently, I went for a run in an area I knew my ex friend frequented, hoping both that I would see him and that I wouldn’t. After the run, I felt sad that I didn’t see him. But I realized I’d spent the run remembering the good times he and I had had in that place, and that was in a way like sharing it again. I think that’s as close to some kind of acceptance as I’ve come yet.
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
Yeah. I wouldn't say I'm pretending this person is dead, but there just isn't a lot of media or other examples of a sudden, hard break that don't involve death--especially if you don't want to feel acrimony. Like, I'm not mad at a corpse!
@profKDF 5 месяцев назад
Listened all the way through, appreciate your work.
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for listening!
@b1g_m00n 5 месяцев назад
The Leftovers is my favorite show and I don't see it getting dethroned any time soon. I don't think anything else on TV has ever come closer to eloquently expressing the human condition as The Leftovers has. It's a true gift to the world.
@Mnemonforempress 5 месяцев назад
The new year has barely begun and you bring us this beautiful gift. Thank you for it. Listened through it all and will read the book to get even more context. Also loved that you quoted Caitlin Doughty, her books have helped me process so much. You are both a treasure.
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
I am so flattered by being mentioned in the same breath! Thank you!
@poparena 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for this <3
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
@fabbygarza9863 5 месяцев назад
fuck you, im crying, thank you
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
I need to make happier essays! I'm trying haha
@peeperthedivine4434 5 месяцев назад
The Leftovers is one of my favorite shows of all time, but I don't think I'll ever bring myself to rewatch it. Videos like this are as close as I'm gonna get. Great look at the series and what makes it so special
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
It was tough to rewatch a bunch to make the video.
@xingcat 5 месяцев назад
I keep trying (and failing) to get into The Leftovers, mostly because I find it so brutal. This is an excellent overview of the show, and of our approaches to grief.
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
Thank you very much. I really appreciate it.
@ana-anatomiadolivro-2244 5 месяцев назад
I gave up because of the dog
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
Yeah, the dog about 5 minutes in is really an announcement that this show isn't going to fuck around.
@bluevalentineproductions 5 месяцев назад
keep trying mate, its unrivalled!
@WordTweak 5 месяцев назад
There's a brother-sister conversation between Matt Jamison (Christopher Eccleston) and Nora Durst (Carrie Coon) that indulges in nostalgia and also confronts mortality in a way that is relatable and real. Gripping, compelling drama that will haunt for years to come. Thanks for keeping the conversation going. :)
@QualiaRedux 5 месяцев назад
I appreciate you watching (the show and the video!).