Bruce Gore
Bruce Gore
Bruce Gore
Bruce W. Gore, M.A., J.D., has offered educational materials for those interested in the Christian faith for about 50 years. He served on the adjunct faculty of Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington for over 30 years, while maintaining a private practice in trial law. His informal and relaxed style, combined with rich content, have made Bruce a popular lecturer, teacher, and preacher, for many years. Bruce offers educational materials in Bible, history, and theology from the perspective of the Reformed Tradition, but his even-handed approach to his topics have made him popular with many from a variety of other traditions as well. Bruce is now retired, but continues to develop and upload material of help to many, and it is his firm hope that you will find these presentations a blessing and encouragement! Bruce is very proud of his daughter Noelle, whose blog has been an encouragement to many. boxhilltalks.substack.com
Paul's Advice to Husbands
14 дней назад
Labor: Your Holy Vocation
21 день назад
The Heart of the Gospel (Romans 3:21-26)
Месяц назад
The Transfiguration of Christ
Месяц назад
Peter's Confession at Caesarea Philippi
Месяц назад
The Power of a Gentle Voice
Месяц назад
A Tale of a Tinker
2 месяца назад
The Strange Case of Balaam
2 месяца назад
Abraham's Supreme Act of Faith (Genesis 22)
2 месяца назад
A Brief Theology and History of Israel
3 месяца назад
49. Feed My Sheep (John 21; 6/2/2024)
3 месяца назад
48. He is Risen! (John 20:19-42, 5/26/2024)
4 месяца назад
47. An Empty Tomb (John 20:1-18, 5/19/2024)
4 месяца назад
46. It is Finished (John 19:23-42, 5/5/2024)
4 месяца назад
45. No King But Caesar!
4 месяца назад
44. Jesus on Trial (John 18:19 - 40, 4/21/2024)
5 месяцев назад
Breathing Space Astronomy   (03 30 24)
5 месяцев назад
43. Betrayal and Denial (John 18:1-18; 3/24/2024)
6 месяцев назад
41. A New Advocate (John 16:4-33, 3/3/2024)
6 месяцев назад
39. Our True Home  (14:22 - 15:10, 2/4/2024)
7 месяцев назад
38. My Father's House (John 14:1-21; 1/21/2024)
8 месяцев назад
@clifb.3521 9 часов назад
12:13 so people still think the exodus happened?
@ffda0012 17 часов назад
Amazing and Amazing, what a closing teaching to the beginning of the book of Acts. Bruce the previous 10 session are amazing dramatic and the content and context amazing. May the good lord continue to pour his grace on you and your family.
@GoreBruce 53 минуты назад
Thank you.
@ulty1472 17 часов назад
Have heard of the University named after him?
@Wilton-k6c 2 дня назад
Awe I love this😢
@juanesparza3810 2 дня назад
I’m enjoying this so much, it is very informative and well researched. I just wish you would elaborate more on Jesus taking away the lamp stand, it seems super important.
@GoreBruce 2 дня назад
It simply means that the the church loses its status as a 'church.' It could no longer be called a true church.
@juanesparza3810 День назад
Thank you so much for responding! I thank God for you so much. YOU ARE A BLESSING ❤ These teachings have been making so much sense of stuff/ eschatology that just never sat right with me. I love you brother! And may God continue to bless you and yours. If it’s not too much trouble, would you elaborate on the Eucharist, is it transubstantiation like in the Catholic Church. Thanks again.
@GoreBruce День назад
I have a Playlist on RU-vid that covers the subject of Christian worship, and in that series there are three lectures on the sacrament of the Lord's Supper (link below). Thanks for your interest! ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-XtG67cPWROE.html
@juanesparza3810 День назад
@@GoreBruce Awesome, thank you 🙏
@larrywright5891 2 дня назад
thank you.... Yes, we must love like Christ. Yes, marriage a perfect insititution from God. Traditionally how were Jewish marriages arranged? Dating is an American concept. If we are to love like Christ; how does the church love God? We as the church follow Him, we serve Him, we transform our life for Him…. God does NOT change himself for the Church. God changes not. So, the most foolish thing a Christian girl can do is marry an unbeliever. Because she should be following him. We as a Christian do not bring God to worship our idolatry. usually what happens is the wife marries the man to change him. AND this is were we get marriage issues. Most men do not change.
@einzelwolf3437 2 дня назад
I am curious about a particular issue. I'm inclined to believe in election and predestination. But I don't understand how that does not logically necessitate antinomianism. There are a variety of verses that say those who sin will not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. How does that reconcile with election?
@GoreBruce 2 дня назад
If a person is elect, it means they have been 'called' by God (Rom. 8:28ff). The call is an effecting call, that is, it regenerates the heart. Part of that regeneration is that God writes his law on our hearts (cf. Hebrews 8). If the law is written on the heart, then a person will live with the deepest motivation to obey God's law and serve him with faithfulness and integrity. If I meet a person who claims to be elect, but who disregards God's law, as antinomians do, then it is quite certain that such a person is not elect, and equally certain that such a person is not a Christian believer at all.
@stevethompson804 2 дня назад
I was wondering if Bruce could leave me a text as I have a query that I was wondering if he could answer
@GoreBruce 2 дня назад
Feel free to email me at bruce@brucegore.com.
@christinemarie9693 2 дня назад
Thank you for your ministry.
@larrywright5891 3 дня назад
thank you again. How did Peter and the others write so richly being just mere fisherman?
@GoreBruce 2 дня назад
Peter had been an apostle for many years when we wrote this letter. That may have helped. Also, Peter mentions Silvanus (Silas) as an assistant in writing the letter (1 Peter 5:12). I suspect that Silas, who was apparently well-educated, may have had a hand in generating the document.
@FRodriguez_ 3 дня назад
Have you thought about posting these on Spotify and other podcast-hosting platforms? I would love to be able to listen to these while I drive or walk, and I’m sure many others would too! If you would like help for this, I would be glad to assist.
@GoreBruce 2 дня назад
I wouldn't mind talking about this further. Contact me at bruce@brucegore.com. Thanks!
@rickhall517930 3 дня назад
@J.F.331 3 дня назад
Brother Bruce, you have inspired me to write my own commentary on Revelation which I post for others to read. I utilize the your videos as well as the scholarship of Terry, Chilton, Gentry and DeMar as well as many others and try to keep each entry no longer than 20 pages. I have realized that most Christians today would never pick up a scholarly book that’s 700+ pages. So I am trying to write to fill that gap with deep insights but not too lengthy and hope God will reach others with that.
@GoreBruce 2 дня назад
I'm delighted! Keep me posted as to your progress! (bruce@brucegore.com).
@swhip897 3 дня назад
Men can't bring the end..thousands of years?
@Stupidityindex 3 дня назад
Faith creates reality trolls yammering in public. It takes outrageous gall, ultimate audacity, to express knowing something of a deity. Faith "comes not with peace, but sword." Faith comes with wolves dressed as sheep & preaching to the choir. Faith trades the last cow for a pocketful of magic beans & then expects everyone's appreciation. It is by Faith, Moses becomes the worst navigator in history. Jesus said, it is a wicked generations which seeks signs such as resurrection. Faith is as worthless as fantasyland magic, since you can't tell mountains to move. The "only sign given" in reality "is Jonah": A believer murdered by other believers because he is outnumbered. The context is Jesus seeing a gathering crowd, so it is up to us, to reject religious nonsense, nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital. Believers have no sense of responsibility, or standards. Theologians grant each other doctorates, as if, equal to a science. It is a, have it both ways world, for the believers. It is an authoritarian, fascist world which says: "My sheep hear My voice". Faith serves as a mask for insanity & authoritarians, indoctrinates children as a permissible crime.
@RoseSharon7777 3 дня назад
Faith is defined in the Tenak as believing in ones heart that God's promises are true. His promise of resurrection in the 3rd day as noted in Hosea 6:2-3 has nothing to do with the Jesus story. The 3rd day is talking about after 2k years in the 3rd day there will be a spiritual awakening of all who have Faith in the Fathers eternal promises. Most of what has been taught as doctrine from the NT for the last 2k years is a deception of truth. That's why Hosea says after 2 days YHWH will revive us. That day has arrived. That's why there is chaos in the world. Good vs evil on an epic scale. Life vs death. The war in heaven has begun because the evil that has controlled the world for thousands of years is coming to its final end. That includes all religions all traditions concocted by men to control the masses with false doctrines.
@ayobithedark2772 3 дня назад
Fantastic exposition of God's word
@Stupidityindex 3 дня назад
The Christ fantasy ignores Jesus saying, "This is a wicked generation seeking signs, the only sign given is Jonah," a believer murdered by a larger number of believers. The King of the Jews is mounted on a stick, because Romans made a parody of the avatar, the icon. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
@ayobithedark2772 3 дня назад
@@Stupidityindex that wicked generation did infact get the sign of Jonah; Jesus was cursed and died, and was resurrected after a few days. As soon as you refute the fact of the Resurrection of Christ I will join you in calling Christianity a fantasy.
@Stupidityindex 3 дня назад
Faith gives us pretending a Deity has Mormons so Christians will know how Jews feel about having their literature hijacked. It takes outrageous gall, ultimate audacity, to express knowing something of a deity. Faith attracts people possessing low esteem by delusions of a relationship with a deity, ultimate forgiveness & rewards. ​The root of the problem is our history was fabricated after a dark age with bible chronology, before the development of archeology & stratigraphy. The great evil of faith is it serving as a mask for insanity & authoritarians. Faith commits the crime of indoctrinating children with a fantasyland. Who had resources after the collapse of the 10th Century AD? Who could maintain a library of literature? The greatest crisis is the closest & the one we know the least about. 13 and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. 15 Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and everyone else, both slave and free, hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains. Men have always known faith as a farce, the Egyptian goodies were stolen from the tombs as fast as they were covered. Faith attracts people possessing low esteem by delusions of a relationship with a deity, ultimate forgiveness & rewards. It is best to "Render to Caesar" The Christian archeologist is confounded by two miracles: of the only cult in history failing to build temples or churches for 300 years, and then building in the same style as the pagan basilica of 300 years before. In the XII century significant events take place, as described in the Gospels: the coming of Jesus Christ, his life and crucifixion, although the existing text of the Gospels was edited and most likely dates to the XIV-XV cc. In the mid XII century, in the year 1152, Jesus Christ is born. In secular Byzantine history he is known as Emperor Andronicus and St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called in Russian history he was portrayed as the Great Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky. To be more specific, Andrey Bogolyubsky is a chronicler counterpart of Andronicus-Christ during his stay in Vladimir-Suzdal Rus’ of the XII century, where he spent most of his life. In fact, the Star of Bethlehem blazed in the middle of the XII century. This gives us an absolute astronomical dating of Christ’s Life. [ЦРС], ch.1. ‘Star of Bethlehem’ - is an explosion of a supernova, which at present is incorrectly dated to the middle of the XI century. The present-day Crab Nebula in the Taurus Constellation is the remnant of this explosion. Enigmatic timber scarcity in Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages as first recognized by dender-pioneer Ernest Hollstein (1918-1988) "No sites exist anywhere with uninterrupted timber specimen from about 1000 CE backwards to Imperial Antiquity(1st-3rd c.). which is why the dendro-chronologies for Ancient Rome and, thereby the entire first millennium are in disarray. Since the very existence of the chronology periods without wood samples was never doubted by the researchers, nobody started to question our textbook chronology. Instead, out of stratigraphic context, scholars searched for wood samples in wells or moors to fill the irritating gaps. In addition, identical reign sequences were used twice in a row to gamer more years. Therefor, "all dendrochronological datings done on West Roman time wood is wrong by some unknown number of years"(") ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-c876lPZ-UZU.html&ab_channel=PlanetAmnesia
@ayobithedark2772 3 дня назад
What a load o'baloney Edit: I'm talking about this massive comment btw
@Stupidityindex 3 дня назад
@@ayobithedark2772 Faith is shameless. Believers begin their crimes like Moses, becoming history's worst navigator, as if travel were best done with one foot in fantasyland. ​​Faith has always been a means for someone making a living from it. The Egyptian priests made off with the tomb goodies as fast as they were covered up. Believers fail to comprehend the saying of Jesus Christ which has lasted to this day. Believers are found among a gathering crowd, when Jesus Christ is alarmed by a wicked generation, those who seek the signs of resurrection. "The only sign given is Jonah" - who was a believer. He was outnumbered & murdered by other believers. Jesus Christ "hangeth on a tree" to celebrate the War of the Jews.
@Stupidityindex 3 дня назад
@@ayobithedark2772 The great evil of faith is it serving as a mask for insanity & authoritarians. Faith commits the crime of indoctrinating children with a fantasyland.
@stfnknbb 3 дня назад
Very exciting! I love these letters!
@Stupidityindex 3 дня назад
The Christ fantasy ignores Jesus saying, "This is a wicked generation seeking signs, the only sign given is Jonah," a believer murdered by a larger number of believers. The King of the Jews is mounted on a stick, because Romans made a parody of the avatar, the icon. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13
@theresalaux5655 3 дня назад
Thank you Mr Gore! ❤
@peaceful263 3 дня назад
I love Jesus. His way of putting people in their proper place... With perfect finesse! Thanks teach for the Greek interpretations. Much love brother.
@itsintheword230 4 дня назад
29:08 ..that statement was spot on for today. The church is to be counter culture. 31:14 religious views accommodates the world's values....spot on sir
@GoreBruce 3 дня назад
Yeah, and things aren't getting any better at the moment!
@hillsrus4 4 дня назад
To fellow Christians, we need to share series over and over. It’s a shame this video doesn’t have over a million views. Bruce has a great mix of knowledge, humility and grace in bringing the important topic of church history that needs heard. That’s not flattery Bruce, just truth, Press On (Phil 3:14)
@GoreBruce 4 дня назад
I am very grateful for your kind encouragement. God's richest blessings to you and yours.
@Dyduhjhbnj 4 дня назад
Wilson Brenda Thomas Patricia Lopez Carol
@SoundChristianMusic 4 дня назад
These lectures are so amazing. So easy to understand. Thank You for these good works.
@ivanskovoroda1741 4 дня назад
Super teaching!
@dorothygustman7519 5 дней назад
Johnson Richard Lee Linda Moore George
@edbraunn7720 6 дней назад
I agree Jesus was talking about 70 ad but what about events that didn't happen yet, the Euphrates drying so 100 million soldired cross, the bowl judgements which describe 2/3 of earth getting burned, etc> this is what I don't understand, the last part of the olivet discourse seems to describe apocalyptic events like the great earthquake that affects the entire planet, the 666, etc, can someone explain this or point me to were I can learn about these seemingly and obvious future events? there was no army with 100 mil soldiers except for today, and other events!
@GoreBruce 6 дней назад
You might be interested in my treatment of the Book of Revelation which is a PlayList at my channel on RU-vid. I treat all these matters in some detail. Thanks!
@edbraunn7720 6 дней назад
@@GoreBruce ok
@cycribbs 6 дней назад
I like how you do your history lessons though, you're reading mostly from the book war of the Jews, but you put that predatorist swing in the mix and that's not accurate. Praterism is a Jesuit doctrine it was created by Luis d Alcazar, a Spanish Jesuit, and Robert bellamine and Francisco Ribera came up with the counterpart, Zionist futurism dispensationalism. Both of these are exactly opposite from one another and both with a created to take the spotlight off of the Roman Catholic churches being the Antichrist by the Protestants during the Protestant Reformation. You change the times and the laws, and has killed the saints of God throughout the entire tribulation or the book of Revelation the tribulation persecution that's what John is writing to these churches about, the tribulations that are coming for the next 2,000 years The persecution that they're going to endure the martyrdom, Jesus did not return in 70 AD, if he did that would have been the end of the 6,000th year, there's 120 jubilees throughout history, we're at the end of the 119th now
@cycribbs 6 дней назад
The parables in Matthew 13, the tears in the wheat, where he sends his angels at the end of the world to harvest the earth, here they will gather both and separate and throw the chaff in the fire and collect his wheat in the barn. Judgment day is coming it has not already happened. Judgment day is against all men who have ever lived not just the Jews in 70 AD
@cycribbs 6 дней назад
Also the word tribulation in Greek is persecution, he wasn't just talking to his disciples, he was talking to all of his children, who read his word. Do you not think that Jesus knew that there was going to be a Bible and people were going to read his word, he had preserved his word for all generations and forever. When Jesus comes back, his brightness alone is going to destroy the earth, there's not going to be wars after he comes he ends all wars, so the writer of the white horse is not Jesus Christ, these are the four horsemen, and the seals Rome at its height, during Trajan this is when they went forth conquering and to conquer, and he would ride a white horse during their victory parades wearing a Laurel reef crown, and he was a Crete, and cretes were known for their archery. Then the Roman empire started going through civil war, you had the antonine plague that hit, now you're at the fort seal the famines and the economic hardship had taken place, then Diocletian comes and slaughters all these Christians for 10 years, then the governing bodies so diocletian and his three other emperors he shared power with, all died, the silence in heaven for about a half an hour was after Constantine signed the edict of Milan, giving Christianity a legal religion in Rome. Thus ending the persecutions for a time.
@cycribbs 6 дней назад
There were no nations rising against nations nor kingdoms against kingdoms during the time of Jesus even to 70 AD, there were rebellions from groups of people such as the zealots, but during the Pax Ramana, there was relative peace among all the nations. Jesus was not just talking about 70 AD. Matthew 24 is not just talking about 70 AD. Three questions the disciples came to Jesus with when will these things be when will be the sign of your coming and the end of the world or age, which at during that time they were still in the age of Pisces, so neither the end of the age nor the end of the world has happened yet. Didn't say when will these things be what will be the sign of your coming and when will be the end of Jerusalem, didn't say that, not to mention where it says that then there shall be such great tribulation as has never been nor will ever be, 70 AD was not the worst war, and persecution, in 70 AD, the Holocaust killed more Jews so Jesus was not talking about 70 AD, he's telling us that these things will happen in the last days at the end of the 6000th year, as Irenaeus, Barnabas, Victorinis, Eusibius, and many others had wrote about, 6,000 years or 6 days as God declared the end from the beginning, 6 days of creation or 6,000 years 2 Peter 3:8 a thousand years is a day of God the day of God is a thousand years, he told Adam that if he ate at the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that this day he shall surely died, Adam lived to be 930 he didn't die in that one day of man he died in side of a thousand years.
@NewTube-z3h 6 дней назад
John Huss' portrait looks suspect. Was he a Hapsburg? I have it on good authority that images of these people aren't at all accurate, and that in fact, the real individuals were kind of on the darker side in terms of complexion, as in, they were blacks.
@ad70preterist 6 дней назад
15:30. Correction- The first Mormon Temple is in Kirtland OHIO not Missouri in 1833. 17:55. Joseph Smith was killed in a shootout at Carthage Illinois Jail, not the streets of Nauvoo.
@Luapnampahc 6 дней назад
Where’s the BC?
@ffda0012 7 дней назад
Thank you Lord for this amazing teaching through Bruce. May your name continue to be glorified as you continue to build us as living stones through this great cornerstone in your son our Lord and saviour. Continue to also bless Bruce and his family as we continue to be blessed through them. Thank you for your love and mercy. Amen
@GoreBruce 7 дней назад
Many thanks, and God's richest blessing to you as well, dear friend.
@ffda0012 6 дней назад
@tinaward1023 7 дней назад
@kevinkall8547 7 дней назад
sorry, but I have to say this. You hated to go to sunday school but once there, you liked being taught. BUT then you give emphasis that parents need to teach their children. You also stated you had wonderful christian parents. You just gave contradictory statement. If your parents were so wonderful WHY DIDN'T THEY TEACH YOU THEMSELVES! you are so caught up with worldly concept that others teach your children and not use homeschooling. just a guess. you are perpetuating this worldly standard. it hurts to hear this from a pastor reverend person and is sad.
@GoreBruce 7 дней назад
Yeah, having grown up in the 50s, no one had heard of home schooling, so my folks did the only thing they knew how to do...take me to church. They''ve been with the Lord now for 20 years. I won't hold their failings against them.
@teemorris5757 7 дней назад
Amazing study thanks for everything you do Bruce .....Glory belongs to our Lord Jesus Christ Forevermore in Jesus name we pray . Amen
@kevinkall8547 7 дней назад
Riddle me this: how can telescopes see far out to the realms of space yet cannot spot the moon landing sights from earth?
@davidrobinson8949 8 дней назад
That was simply brilliant, loved every second !! Thank you
@dessiewatkins1565 8 дней назад
Any human being put in charge of rewriting history is tasked with editing it until everyone is pleased with his work ...or he gets it right-which ever happens first.
@johananswedlund7149 8 дней назад
Dispensationalism is what happens whe after hundreds of years common people gain access to the scripture free from the tyranny of the traditional church and they open up to the law and orophet and find hundreds of instances of Future promises for israel that don't fit the church.
@aaliyahpadilla8497 8 дней назад
I really enjoyed your lecture 🫶🏼
@kevinteichroeb6997 8 дней назад
Dear brother, I think the synoptic writers purposely left out the Lazarus story because Lazarus was still living at the time of their writing, and they were protecting his identity from those Jewish leaders who wanted him killed. By the time John came along and wrote his Gospel, Lazarus was fled (or dead... AD64 in Cyprus) and was free to tell his story and give it its prominent place in the great events of the Passion.
@GoreBruce 8 дней назад
@@kevinteichroeb6997 Plausible!
@thechristianworldviewpodcast 9 дней назад
Hello Dr. Bruce Gore, do you have an article regarding all of your lectures? Thank you!
@GoreBruce 9 дней назад
Sorry, I'm just a 'talking head.'
@scotthourigan9992 9 дней назад
great teaching Mr. Bruce Gore, You tackled a profound theological subject in the first two verses, very touchy to new believers and rejected by nominal believers (rightly so, their salvation is their ego). I am humbled and comforted to be a vessel of mercy. Keep up your great work for YHWH's glory. Amen, Amen
@darylsparks-sparksautomoti6066 9 дней назад
so, you can read Revelation in 15 minutes? I guess when you read it that fast, you can come away with such a whack view & be a preterist 😂
@dgatsf 9 дней назад
IMO, by the time John wrote Revelations, all who looked on him were dead or nearly so. Jesus was talking about His 2nd Coming, written for believers.
@1607JT 9 дней назад
Why are you lying about the self-identification of 900,000 colonialists? No such thing occurred and there absolutely was nowhere near 900k Scots-Irish as no one even considered themselves that as it was always a mixed group of people. In 1850 the of only a few religious surveys were done and there were under 1.2 million Presbyterians out of 23 million, that is after a century of the population doubling from high birth rates every 25 years. And by the way, 40% of Scots-Irish were English. Your numbers are absolute garbage, and you're way over-stating the Presbyterian role in the American revolution. It is a minor part. The colonial period was 80% English btw...no one ever considered colonial America to be British, it was distinctly English with a vast English majority. Also your surname is English. It barely exists in Scotland. It is more English than McDonald is Scottish.
@GoreBruce 9 дней назад
Thank you for your kind review. For the resources upon which I based my 'lies' please consult: Bancroft, George: History of the United States of America, Vol. 2 (15th ed., ed. Boston: Little Brown, 1854); Boettner, Loraine: Calvinism in History; Breed, W.P.: Presbyterians and the Revolution (Powder Springs, GA: American Vision, 2008); Heimert, Alan: Religion and the American Mind (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1966); McFetridge, Nathanial S.: Calvinism in History (Edmonton, Can., Still Water Revival, 1989).
@bradanderson2312 9 дней назад
@jcgsovereign 10 дней назад