The name's Eren, and I enjoy too many hobbies.
Lucksmaxxing with Johnny Guilty Gear
Месяц назад
Forza touge in the Subaru Impreza
2 месяца назад
Johnny is a master of surprise
3 месяца назад
Mist Finer? I hardly know A.B.A
3 месяца назад
My coolest mirror match up so far
3 месяца назад
How to rocket ride EASILY in ULTRAKILL
4 месяца назад
Gaming's most railcannon/railgun ever
5 месяцев назад
My favourite FPS game mechanic
5 месяцев назад
Thoughts on the ULTRAKILL “arm patch”
5 месяцев назад
Painting the snow red
6 месяцев назад
Sekiro - My magnum opus of boss-fights
6 месяцев назад
Sekiro - The most boss-fight ever
6 месяцев назад
Sekiro joined ULTRAKILL to duel V2
6 месяцев назад
The most unique way to ULTRAKILL an enemy
6 месяцев назад
This is how we Cyber Grind the ULTRAKILL
6 месяцев назад
Kannagi Usagi - Battling a Little Demon
7 месяцев назад
Kannagi Usagi - Dueling a Puppet Maiden
7 месяцев назад
A bit of mediocre VRChat drifting
9 месяцев назад
The most team-based video game ever
10 месяцев назад
Cleanly drifting an AE86 through Hakone
10 месяцев назад
Cleanly zipping an NA Miata through Hakone
10 месяцев назад
BOTW - Cinematic Waterblight Ganon battle
10 месяцев назад
ULTRAKILL - Sekiro vs Sisyphus Prime
11 месяцев назад
@Dinka_h 11 часов назад
I love seeing videos of one of my two mains. Now do one of the Black vampire samurai being stocked and forced into marriage by a SoundCloud rockstar
@rasinroleroblox5600 13 часов назад
that also works with slab piercer
@MagikalKrabical 18 часов назад
_"You had to face the mighty Johnny. Talk about a bad break."_
@leonlindkvist 19 часов назад
There is also with you do that's my name on the right side it's a diffrent animation where he does the J with the sword in a reverse grip
@victorhugogonzalezbriones4874 2 дня назад
Alt marksman my beloved.
@bloopblap-xn1oq 3 дня назад
yeah they are
@marok_kol 6 дней назад
Ahh sisiphus prime "however" 3:17
@thehousest 7 дней назад
yoo is that the splatoon character selection screen music? sweet
@TwwakianProductions 8 дней назад
I main the alt marksman it is horribly fun
@Jay_goodminton 8 дней назад
For me, it's not how better one gun is from another. It's about how you use the guns
@paulgarcia6259 9 дней назад
Yes, they are.
@soupmath 9 дней назад
@FunnyDonutGuy 9 дней назад
Today i bought ultrakill and unlocked alt pistols, i always use the alt marksman because i personally think its amazing
@IHaveYourAttention 9 дней назад
Hey EreN, just a bit of feedback, your intonation sounded a bit different on this video and felt a little more flat and dry, almost kind of boring at parts. Just thought I would mention, good video regardless!
@EreNyn3 9 дней назад
Thanks for the feedback! Might be due to the fact that I use a different microphone when recording myself in VR, but it's also been a while since doing voice overs for videos hahaha
@lauracraft180 9 дней назад
Oh I couldn’t help but mention that I find it interesting you found this to be the case. Might be a good idea to give Eren some timestamps so he’ll know exactly what came across that way!
@tabnk2 9 дней назад
I feel like when most people say “games aren’t fun anymore” they take a mental shortcut and actually mean “AAA games aren’t fun anymore”. And for the most part, yea they are not. But even then, they’re only unfun for people who played games for a long time. Take CoD for instance. It’s a run of the mill FPS, with as many generic mechanics as possible. The only reason why that wouldn’t be fun is if you’ve already played a load of FPS games previously. For the average person, CoD is dumb fun that they can play every weekend to unwind after a 9-5. And that’s perfectly fine.
@lauracraft180 10 дней назад
Completely agree with everything you said today. I've always found it weird that people will use blanket statements like "x isn't fun anymore" as if they've experienced everything there is to offer when they've probably done/played the same things over and over again. Good video as always and I'm really liking this different style you've got going on!
@Fqcked 10 дней назад
It is still quite sad seeing the game ive been playing for so long be ruined by greed
@pencilvoid 10 дней назад
I think the video game scene is currently in the best possible state it could be in, and it's almost definitely going to get better with time. Right now we're enjoying an incredible amount of variety, simply because game development is becoming so accessible that literally anyone with a computer can make and release a game. Video games as an art form are being pushed to their limits, and we're seeing some amazing products as a result. Indie developers are giving us both masterclass game design and thought-provoking art pieces that push the definition of "video game" harder and harder.
@sasudesuyo 10 дней назад
fax my brother! recently, i've noticed that a lot of my own friends have been complaining about the rising number of low-effort cash grabs that have come out recently. i agree that it sucks to see, but for every flop to avoid there's a masterpiece to play. getting hung up on the unstoppable increase of aaa trash is tiring, so i'll just enjoy the good stuff without a second thought instead!
@royalfoxy 10 дней назад
Awwe I missed the live premiere D: Very great video regardless!
@EreNyn3 10 дней назад
Hiya there! I know this topic has been done to death already, but hopefully you managed to find today's video interesting one way or another. If you'd like more casual vids where I chat like this with you, feel free to support me by becoming a channel member through my link in the description. Perhaps you'd like to join the Discord server to talk with me there as well? Anyhow, I'll catch you in the next video. For now, have a lovely rest of your day, and take care!
@Th4t0neBlueberry 10 дней назад
Bro what is this version of ultrakill
@SomeRandomPerson_IDK 11 дней назад
Bro I saw this game before I saw and played Ultrakill and then genuinely thought Ultrakill was a reaver ripoff lmao even tho Ultrakill came out first. They're not ripoffs off of any game, they're both their own beautiful crack fuelled first person shooters.
@Envixian-f2h 11 дней назад
I agree that the alt marksman is good. I like it and use it however if you have the regular marksman and have a different alt revolver is better because then you get the splitshot whilst also having the option for that sweet damage buff too.
@oxygenenjoyer8440 11 дней назад
@EMan-xj5cz 11 дней назад
GOPRO (nikon) GOT MOVES!!!
@carrotgamer7787 12 дней назад
"creativity shouldn't be rushed, but enjoyed..." - some doctor from the discord.
@Akaminosprime 12 дней назад
9:13 what the hell is that?
@BunZen 12 дней назад
its absolutelly impossible how you all easilly do that??? i can only do whisplash method
@BunZen 12 дней назад
its hard daumn
@GManCircuitz 13 дней назад
wha WHAA bro I gotta skill up I havent even reached p-1 yet ;-;
@bigdued7039 13 дней назад
I forgot this game takes place in hell
@bigdued7039 13 дней назад
The Drill™ can shred in the right situation
@NameNotAvailable-pq7vf 13 дней назад
I know this may sound a bit odd, but I prefer using slab sharpshooter over slab piercer for a variety of reasons such as being able to stop projectiles which comes in handy more times than I can count (You can also do some sick high damage tech with that's easy to do btw).
@Leonardo-nm4zc 13 дней назад
That's incredibly stylish, but just a quick reminder to NEVER slam a blade back into the saya
@flamingpizzareuploads4724 14 дней назад
I had no issues P ranking the game using the Alt instead of Default before the buff in Full Arsenal.
@Fqcked 14 дней назад
The way you delivered the message with clean edits and the overall vibe just makes it an amazing and solid video.
@bigdued7039 15 дней назад
I legit feel like people who hate stuff like the slab marksman and the screwdriver only hate it because of the jokes
@irritatingcanine3514 15 дней назад
ULTRAKILL without blood or gore just don’t feel right
@lashamusic853 17 дней назад
Bro with normal marksman you can divide a bullet but with slab version you can’t. Just equip slab piercer and normal marksman
@PsychoGeneticFGC 17 дней назад
i 100% agree with you, and i wish i found this video sooner. i'm primarily a speedrunner and theorycrafter, and while its significantly less common of a sentiment in that scene, its still definitely there. The main issue i've always had with this argument against certain weapons, or whatever it happens to be at the time, is that literally EVERY weapon has a place where its optimal. not good, not great, not second best, 100%, fully optimal. slab marksman? many top swordsmachine kills use it, same with default piercer. blue and green nails? been seen used in a variety of 0-5, 6-2, and 4-4 instakills. default sawed on? 5-1 any%, its used in wave 2. screwdriver? top flesh prison kills use it, and i believe some panopticon ones do too. are these options more niche than their counterparts? yeah, they are. But devaluing that niche, and especially ignoring the fact that people can intentionally play around that niche to get more value out of it more often, is completely ridiculous. Even if you actively ignore having fun, actively ignore personal preference, saying that certain weapons are unusable is objectively incorrect. let people enjoy things.
@Earthmover1000 18 дней назад
Okay.. V1 PARRY A FUCKING LIGHTNING okay, that’s not surprising, he’s already parried shotgun bullets...