The Cocoa Couch
The Cocoa Couch
The Cocoa Couch
My name's Oscar and I thoroughly enjoy drinking hot cocoa on my couch while watching all kinds of movies. I don't particularly have a favourite genre but any movie is way better when I am able to share the experience with someone. Get your cocoa ready, it's time to watch some movies!
@tsugambler 19 часов назад
In the book, Gandalf doesn't "hang around" after the balrog pulls him off the bridge with his whip. The balrog snags him as he's falling, and immediately pulls Gandalf down with him. Gandalf cries "Fly, you fools!" as he's falling into the abyss.
@browniewin4121 19 часов назад
I love The Iron Giant. This character was also my favorite showing up in Ready Player One (2018).
@awesome3995 19 часов назад
Superman was the perfect hero for the Iron Giant to look up to.
@faithnicoleofficial 19 часов назад
Ross and Rachel were great friends but a toxic couple.
@SunShine-qk4rb 19 часов назад
Loved your reaction to this beautiful movie ld like to recommend Catch and release.its a romance
@lunayoshi 19 часов назад
Fun fact (though I don't remember it): To promote the film, all Disney had to do was show that opening Circle of Life segment. As a kid, I don't remember any other sort of advertising of it in the theaters except the Circle of Life intro. And Disney had NO faith in the film, but it dragged in over $100 million in its time in the theaters. So inspirational.
@tomekstrand1988 20 часов назад
Just stumbled upon your site and am following. Saw your reaction to The Shining. Check out its sequel Dr Sleep!!!!!!
@rimaprima778 20 часов назад
30:33 I did the same thing 😢 that part broke me
@firephonix4007 21 час назад
This movie was one of the things that made me realize that im trans as a kid lol, also got me into history in general
@vanessapetite3861 21 час назад
This is my second video I’m watching of yours. And I just wanted to say, it’s very healing for me to get to see a man who is extremely emotionally intelligent and is able to communicate it. Very powerful. Thank you ❤
@eh1506 21 час назад
Wild horses have a shorter lifespan than domesticated horses. On average, domestic horses live for 25 to 30 years; some have been known to live to 50 and 60. However, wild horses tend to live for around 15 to 16 years. Taming wild horses has been historically documented as violent and vicious, and horses often die in the process.
@sseltrek1a2b 21 час назад
what a great movie...and for those of us who wanted to be chefs at some point in our lives, it's a love letter to the art of creating incredible food...
@shanjxde 21 час назад
the hunger games has been my favourite series for as long as i can remember, i’ve just found your channel and going through all your reactions has been so enjoyable and sparking a new found love for the series all over again 🩷
@The1stGiant 22 часа назад
Anytime you’re watching a Disney animated movie without Pixar‘s involvement it should be considered to be surprising and unusual if it’s not a musical. It has happened once a choice occasionally over the years, and it does seem somewhat like it’s becoming a little more common, but it’s still extremely rare at this point.
@The1stGiant 22 часа назад
You should take this movie with a massive clump of salt. Like a lot of Disney’s story reimagining‘s it’s strays very far from the myth it’s based on. Just as an example, and for the record, Hercules was originally also a demigod. I believe if I remember correctly, it is true, however, that he did eventually earned it godhood in the myth.
@Isaly15xoxo 22 часа назад
I’ve been waiting for you to do this movie! 😂 others I think you’d like if you haven’t seen them yet: Sky High, Zoom, The Kid Who Would be King
@jacksonkerr2095 22 часа назад
When Bilbo disappears during his birthday party, in the book it says there was a fire and a puff of smoke as he disappears. Gandalf later tells him that he had to think quickly to cover up Bilbo's disappearance. 15:05 - You're right, there was a big time gap between Gandalf leaving and coming back. In reality it was 17 years. Because of casting and the complications of having two actors or special effects used to show a young and an old Frodo, I think, the directors decided to compress that time drastically. In the movies he is younger, more unsure of himself than in the book. In the Two Towers he is authoritative while Sam is younger, less sure of himself.
@jacksonkerr2095 22 часа назад
"I only know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve." The awkward silence the hobbits and the looks they give each other is perfect for that moment.
@paulatreat2496 23 часа назад
The DreamWorks depiction of Joseph the King of Dream, may not have the same impact, but it is worth a watch
@sarasmith2908 23 часа назад
Keep the clip on screen while you talk about it 😑
@thecocoacouch 23 часа назад
Copyright doesn’t allow that.
@sarasmith2908 23 часа назад
@@thecocoacouch oh... shame
@tommilano2000 23 часа назад
do october sky
@SuperiorPosterior 23 часа назад
_The Road to El Dorado_ and _The Prince of Egypt_ are what made me think of DreamWorks as "Disney for grown ups." While certain things are changed to be more palatable for audiences (e.g. Moses having an accident rather than a murder on his hands), it's not made cutesy or childish. The Nile becoming blood becomes *_actual_* blood, which plays into the Egyptian priests(?) being charlatans for _only_ making a somewhat red-colored water.
@victoriabryer4710 23 часа назад
some where in the lines of "you can kiss my hairy A$$" is probably what Stitch said
@notsjae 23 часа назад
You should deffinitely react to Everything Everywehre all at Once
@kylem519 23 часа назад
such a classic! my family and i loved this movie
@laurakhancreations3845 День назад
I don’t know why people say this is the favorite movie- it was my favorite BOOK. The movie changed a lot of stuff- so things that confused you were explained better in the book. Harry was using a flashlight in the book at the beginning because the Dursley’s locked up his magical things plus yeah he wouldn’t be able to use magic so this movie annoyed me so much with all the changes they tried doing to make it more interesting. The whomping willow was supposed to be able to freeze when a certain branch was touched- they planted it there because Lupin went to Hogwarts growing up and he went into the shack when he transformed- the school nurse would check on him after his transformation… yeah a lot left out and changed
@Ilove2teach52 День назад
Your reaction is like seeing this movie for the first time😢🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
@preciousonejewel День назад
holy moly i havent seen this movie since i was really little and that music box song always made me cry and i had completely forgotten about it lol now me sitting here bawling one minute into the video
@Shashu_the_little_Voidling День назад
I just took those tests myself: I'm a Slytherin (though last time I got Ravenclaw, I kinda go back and forth between the two), Magpie patronus, and an Elder wand with phoenix core, 12.5 inch
@tinaharris13 День назад
Aragon has a huge difference from the book. While it works well in the movie one big difference for Aragon's character is that in the book he planned to go with the fellowship until Boromir split off to go to Minas Tirith then he was planned from the beginning to go with him to help the city. He was already planning on taking his place as king and already had the repaired Narsil with him. He wasn't questioning it like in the book. The other is that Galadriel gift to him is the necklace. A
@TheMarionetteKitty День назад
The first 15 minutes upset me so much, I had to turn the movie off. I waited a week to watch it again and had to skip the beginning.
@greenliter1 День назад
@thecocoacouch when Brooke Shields finished that scene, her boyfriend at the time became really angry and jealous. He was a famous tennis player I think (I could be wrong, and I can’t remember his name).
@shilohasmr7442 День назад
Does anybody else hear the thunder in the background? I’ve heard it in the last three videos I saw. It’s soothing.
@user-if2ct9jd6g День назад
Off topic- Day 2 of asking you to watch "Shera" (if you have time) it has kinda a similar vibe to Avatar but his very different it's also set in a magic non- fiction type word and has amazing character arcs
@blazcraz6992 День назад
It only gets more nuts when you realize The Library is like the size of the Taj Mahal or bigger. And Toph still held the building up while it was exiting into The Spirit World. By that alone, she is so powerful as a Bender.
@pjirp День назад
The street vendor at the start of the movie was reportedly done by placing a series of items under a sheet and telling Robin Williams to pull them out and describe them in character
@vapoet День назад
I'm happy that "Margot" found a use for a Pacojet.
@theblackcelt День назад
Underrated masterpiece
@nomiscoopplays7921 День назад
This is my favourite Superman film
@StephenRansom47 День назад
9:38 🤔 Frodo is shielded by the value of the shire. Well, isn’t that a pregnant metaphor? … his mission and the salvation of the world. A shirt of rings. 👏
@user-qj2fz2yk4l День назад
Man this beginning is sick cool and funny
@Alice_Haukea День назад
The original story this movie is based on is VERY different, but no less interesting. In the original story, the Iron Giant saves Earth from a continent sized dragon.
@beardlessdragon День назад
"I want to hug her and tell her it will be ok, but she'd just kill me" is a perfect encapsulation of Azula lmaoo
@user-qj2fz2yk4l День назад
I love your videos some videos I get to see for the first time thank you but please if you haven't do frozen and this one is fun the Lion king 2 scar is not in it
@theblackcelt День назад
How have you not seen this movie before
@DiemitdemLicht День назад
Ahh, I just love how nearly everybody seems to be as touched through these movies as I am.
@Shae29 День назад
11:38 ugh this fight got me to tear up. I feel for both Joey and Chandler😭
@T.Florenz День назад
The balrog is so beautifully done!
@Shae29 День назад
My freshman roomate was similar to Ross’ date, and I’ve never been with someone as messy as her. I was so close to moving out, but I stuck with it and pulled through until the end of the year😅 (we were also pretty good friends, so it would’ve been hard to find another roomate)
@beardlessdragon День назад
One of the most emotional moments for me in this show that doesn't immediately come off as a super emotional moment is Zuko looking at the dragon's flame around them and saying "I understand." Literally crying over that line rewatching this. To see his whole journey and all the anguish he's been through and the way he has always viewed fire as just hate and destruction....it moves me so much for him to have this moment. He has come so far to finally see fire as something more than suffering