I analyse Anime, Manga, Animated Cartoons and anything that I feel passionate about.

You can expect VIDEO ESSAYS, DISCUSSIONS and REVIEWS on your favourite Anime and Manga.

- DBZimran
@reesedanielsen432 12 часов назад
I guess you missed where not only do noble families pass on their swords but also the captains of squad 2
@159tony 12 часов назад
The symbology of irazusando can be thought of as a process of individuation and circumambulation. It is the secret, hidden road to the shrine, the self, which must be taken through the darkness and the crushing weight of what one is least willing to face. There is no path or road to walk on except the remains of that which is unable to withstand the weight of the true self. The process doesn't end, it merely ever seeks to find the center and it continues into a bottomless, infinite spiral that never fully closes.
@Alfareon 14 часов назад
something that complicates revenge is how ichigo and isshin view the grand-fisher and their desire for revenge. isshin doesn't get emotional, he just cuts the hollow down.
@Alfareon 15 часов назад
so the difference between komamura and tousen is that tousen twisted the memory of his friend and desire for vengeance into seditious rebellion and killing comrades whereas komamura is fighting a war.
@kevinbrooks9074 15 часов назад
In the whimsical land of Far Far Away, Shrek and Donkey discovered a connection that transcended friendship. Amidst their adventures, a deeper bond formed, defying societal norms. Their unconventional love story unfolded quietly, a tale of acceptance and understanding. Far from the conventional fairy tales, Shrek and Donkey navigated their feelings in a world that had yet to grasp the diversity of love. In the end, it wasn't the castle or the dragon that defined their happiness, but the genuine connection they found in each other, proving that love knows no boundaries, even in a swampy fairy tale realm.
@kevinbrooks9074 15 часов назад
In the quiet of the night aboard the USS Enterprise, Commander Riker and Captain Picard found themselves in the captain's ready room, enjoying a rare moment of relaxation. The stars outside the window formed a mesmerizing backdrop, a reminder of the vastness of space they explored together. "Jean-Luc, do you ever tire of this endless journey?" Riker asked, his voice soft, almost reflective. Picard looked up from his book, a slight smile playing on his lips. "There are moments, Will, when the solitude of command can weigh heavily. But then, I think of the crew, of the friendships we've forged, and it all seems worthwhile." Riker nodded, understanding the sentiment all too well. "We've been through so much together. It's those bonds that keep us going, I think." The captain set his book aside and leaned back in his chair. "Indeed. It's not just the exploration of the unknown that drives us, but the connections we make along the way." There was a comfortable silence between them, one that spoke of years of mutual respect and camaraderie. Riker walked over to the replicator and ordered two glasses of Saurian brandy, handing one to Picard. "To friendship," Riker toasted, raising his glass. "To friendship," Picard echoed, clinking his glass against Riker's.
@kevinbrooks9074 15 часов назад
Sam and Jake stood under the warm spray of the shower, steam swirling around them. Their laughter echoed off the tiles as they washed away the grime of the day. “You know,” Sam said, lathering shampoo into his hair, “I was reading this article about the history of hand jobs. It’s fascinating.” Jake chuckled, rinsing soap off his arms. “Only you would find that interesting. What did it say?” “Well,” Sam began, “it turns out that hand jobs were a common part of male bonding rituals in some cultures. It was more about camaraderie than sex.” Jake raised an eyebrow. “Really? That’s pretty wild. Imagine explaining that at a family dinner.” They both laughed, the sound blending with the noise of the water. “Hey, knowledge is power,” Sam grinned, rinsing his hair. Jake nodded, smiling. “Just another quirky piece of trivia for the books. Only you, Sam.”
@159tony 16 часов назад
A littl correction for you about zanpakuto spirits. They aren't just reflective of their owners, they are a manifestation of the shadow of its owners. They harbor the hidden characteristics which the wielder has tried to dispense with. With Ichigo specifically, it is his killer instinct and will to power.. zangetsu is callous, sadistically playful in combat and loves to charge in and overpower the enemy with instinctual berserker combat style, whereas Ichigo himself values logic and methodical combat with focus on surgical precision and he actively denies liking the thrill of combat, when in reality he does, it is why he is drawn to conflict with powers that logic would dictate he should avoid like the plague, and the more the shinigami grows to accept their shadow and denied characteristics, the more they grow closer to their true selves and actualizing their potential. It means heavily on the eastern teachings and later even Jungian psychological dictums about individuation. The zanpakuto spirits is the shadow and in some cases even the anima/Animus personified. With byakuya, he is stern, very stoic and unemotional, he believes control and suppression of ones inner feelings to be the way to go, but his zanpakuto is not a hard and coarse thing but is reflective of a denied soft, beautiful elegance, one that acts as gracefully as a shield as it does as a blade.. and as he grew closer to his zanpakuto when his bankai was stolen, he grew to accept his own emotions and "softness" so that he may grow further in power and as an individual. Zaraki is the same. Yachiru is a reflection of the potential and strength he locked away as a result of fear of losing the perfect companion to fight.. but because he didn't form a bond with nozarashi it manifested as a child, and when he asked her name, yachiru reflexively goes for he blade of the sword, that was yachiru telling him who she is.. she is also a representation of his anima.. the eternal image of feminine in man (not psychological female tendencies but the image of woman in the psych of man), as a weaker, dependent thing needing protection.. but fundamentally incapable of being understood, which is why when yachiru gives Kenny directions, they wind up somewhere far away from their actual goal. She refuses to get in Kenny's way and won't allow anyone else to do so either, because she wants him to fight as he pleases, but Kenny, has never once allowed and encouraged yachiru, or nozarashi, to express herself in combat.. which when he finally did, when they achieved bankai, their power manifests as a nearly mindless monster with so much repressed battle lust that it literally tears apart kenpachis body when released.
@ItzNabutoedit 17 часов назад
Where is yhwach???
@sungjinwoo-_.697 18 часов назад
Thanks for telling us about komamura whereabout and i really respect komamura he was the greatest characters in bleach
@UnifiedEntity 18 часов назад
That elder needs to catch some hands
@awaisahmed9418 21 час назад
Can they not transfer his soul in to an artificial body like a mod soul?