your resident adaptation analyst and enemies to lovers enthusiast
@MaiaMarv 23 часа назад
Ngl I mostly enjoyed the side character plots in this season. Im not a huge bridgerton fan but I did find myself more drawn into this season (I didn't finish season 1 and watched season 2 way after it came out, but this season I watched straight away). I felt like Colin and Penelope would offer a different love story which it did in a way but it didn't feel earned like some of the other couples. I've not been a big fan of Colin anyway cos his character always felt a bit flat, but he seemed like a good person like when he exposed Jack and bought all those guys to the bar. But this season I found his character really annoying cos they tried to make him a bad boy which just didnt feel natural. The biggest let down for me was Cressida. Oh my goodness! This whole show is about how rare it is to find true love and Cressida doesn't have that option and is being forced to marry someone horrible! And it felt like show was punishing her for it, when she was in a really desperate situation with no options?! The way Eloise dropped her so quickly really pissed me off and I was so sad to see her carted off to her aunts. I really hope she has a redemption arc in Season 4 and she finds friends in the ton, cos I found her relationship with Eloise really interesting. Great video as always and loving the hair work! Hope you get all your footage back!❤
@johnettewilson6595 23 часа назад
5:30 I had the exact same reaction
@johnettewilson6595 23 часа назад
4:08 I love your reactions every time Kanthony appears😂
@johnettewilson6595 День назад
7:06 perfect quote
@stephanieweeks3489 День назад
Fully agree with the main issue with Francesca was her REACTION. Michaela was supposed to be smitten, not Francesca. So now we’re potentially delving into emotional cheating and lusting after your spouses’ cousin and that undermines the hell out of Francesca and John who in the books were VERY much in love and happy 😢
@Chocobear День назад
"Romancing Mr Featherington"! HAHAHAHA, I love this (mistake?). I burst out laughing when you said that, lol.
@bl1776 2 дня назад
To me the series talked about topics that were so rarely adressed. - Forgiving someone even though you don't like what they done, and what it takes to keep friendships. Aging with people, making mistakes, but realizing that love endures. Eloise learned so much, had interesting things to say, and i loved when she talked with Colin about wanting to forgive Penelope - Reinventing what masculinity is when you are not a support person. What does it mean to have a goal and be second to your wife ? If you've been taught that you have to protect, but your partner is perfectly well doing it on their own. I feel like it is a very current problem that men haven't solved, and I like the show runners giving their take on it, even though the end speech lacked subtlety.
@donquixotemom 2 дня назад
Gweneth Paltrow version no comp
@pinksuperstar2 2 дня назад
You laid out all the issues me and my friend voiced while we were watching it. Season 3 really exposed the massive problems with the writing and the racism that still exists and is very much activated in the fandom. And it breaks my heart. Actually what breaks my heart so much about SImone's treatment behind the scenes, how Kate is so under-used and seems to be an after thought now is the fact after Rege signed off Bridergton after season 1 and there was worries about what was gonna happen next, especially since people weren't liking how the assault scene just swept under the rug, how Marinna was treated and slut-shamed, Simone and Jonathon came and saved the series. They- along with Charithra Chandran-carried season 2 on their BACKS. Kathony/Kanthony was the best example of enemies to lovers I've seen in so long where it wasn't toxic, there wasn't a power imbalance, the bantering was so so good, and THE SEXUAL TENSION WAS THERE. Kate Sharma and her family brought so many fans into the fandom. Kathony/Kanthony brought so many fans in. If you have Anthony, you need Kate. If you have Jonathon, you need Simone. And I'm getting so tired with how production and the writers are acting like SImone/Kate are an after-thought.
@eternityriley1833 2 дня назад
As a writer who's been writing since I was like 12 or so, and has had a book I was working on get deleted or disappear (not done purposely, it was a weird tech glitch on a 2006 laptop) and it was also my first book that'd I'd been working on for a while by that point, and since then having been writing books for over a decade now...if my sister permanently destroyed my work because she was upset at something I did, I know I'm too stubborn to get over it so quickly. Sure, forgiving is the right thing to do, but as someone who doesn't want kids, I view my books as my babies and legacy. A baby from my mind, imagination, and the work of my hands. And if my sister or sibling (I'm the youngest of 4 - 2 sisters/1 brother) who claims to love me did what Amy did, it'd take me years to forgive them. All the long hours of hard work, labor, and creativity forever down the drain because you were momentarily upset, would boil my blood to no end. And, yeah, I could try to rewrite it, but it will never be the same as the original. Just like if you lose a child, you can have another baby, but it will never replace the one you lost. I don't even care about the Jo and Laurie stuff, that alone always makes me side eye Amy lol And, sure, she apologized, but that won't bring back my life's work that she sought out and intentionally destroyed in an attempt to hurt me--which she definitely succeeded in doing. An apology doesn't always solve things. Saying you're sorry won't unbreak my heart, only time will. But that doesn't mean I'd wish death on her. I'd still save my sibling from drowning if a situation like the pond scene occurred.
@MayaMatseletsele 2 дня назад
oh my gosh exactlyyyyy you have perfectly articulated how I have felt about this season for so long like you took the words out of my mouth. I remember being so disappointed as days passed without the Bridgerton team saying something or standing up for their actors of color until I realized it wasn't even the first time so why would they bother now. It is so disheartening to see that from the fandom but mostly from the show for having said absolutely nothing. With Kanthony and the whole possibility of having Kate not there.... it's stupid sorry. Do you mean to tell me that the man who couldn't spend a few minutes away from Kate all through season 3 will be there without his wife please stop playing in my face. I still have hope for season 4 though because **insert heart eyes* Benedict. Anyway I absolutely enjoyed this video and your takes as always.
@Jade-3000 3 дня назад
25:30 YES. I think that’s my main issue to be honest. They took some standard spicy books and made them more modern so it would appeal to a broader audience - color blind casting, not making Penelope lose weight, and added LGBTQ+ elements - BUT it doesn’t seem like it’s genuine, it feels more like a marketing/money thing because they don’t defend their decisions or protect their actors/actresses.
@taylorsipos5371 3 дня назад
I love your point about erasing a whole season plot with love looking different. Not everyone is Love at First Sight. What about a slow burn am I right? For me I saw a neurodivergent couple finding love and it made me swoon. I struggled with Fran not being into the kiss (which I get is totally relatable to so many people) and then the meet cute with Mikeala in front of John. In the books she has two great loves and I feel like she's now uncertain if it is love or comfort which is relatable again to many but I feels so sad for John and that change. It can be a powerful storyline for so so so many viewers but its just a change I am sad to see. Mikeala was serving Michael banter vibes and I am fine with the change even though I love Michael Stirling I just don't want John to be wrapped up too quickly like they tend to do. (spoilerish) Grief is a hell of an emotion and losing the love of your life is a daily struggle minute by minute and moving on to a new love and losing a sibling and a child is so so hard I don't want that to be a small part of the story. I just hope they do all the character justice with how they write all those complex emotions.
@sewminipramodya 3 дня назад
About defending an older sibling, I have a very different kinda opinion. Cuz I am an older sibling too, with 2 younger brothers, and lost my 1st younger brother end of last year,( he is alive), but he left the family (I don't think I can elaborate more on that tho). I as an older sibling did have the burden of looking after everyone and holding things in, but many people still tend to look upon the fact that younger siblings, although most of the time seem care free, holds much more burden in them. And my brother was a JEREMIAH now that I look at it. He was the life of our family, but never did anyone know he had so many things bottled up in him. Just because someone is younger, doesn't mean everything's easier for them. And I still blame myself, cuz I couldn't see what he was going through any sooner. That is why I hate it when people misundertand what JERE is going through, just because the way they portray that CONRAD is going through stuff is way more opaque than how they do it with JERE. Guys please always look after the HAPPY people around you, 🙏 cuz they might be going through something wayyyyy more depressing and painful.
@GotLostProductions 3 дня назад
I just wanna condole with you over your hard drive woes! I wrecked a memory card halfway through my first ever overseas trip in 2007 and have zero photos of at least two months’ worth of travelling and I’m still mad about it.
@HungryEyes-sl3mu 4 дня назад
S3 really could've been this great grounding season for the Bridgerton family if the writers had've given us a handful of flashbacks showing Penn and Colin's relationship growing from start to present. It would've given Colin some much needed facets, and probably could've flashed out some of the other siblings. I'd say the addition of two more episodes and releasing a full season at once instead of the split seasons would've made a world of difference.
@m87020 4 дня назад
You dont need to appease ANYONEE. Besides its nice to get a more thought out opinion video that has had time to be analysed in your head! I personally like that more than reaction videos. Hope youre doing ok ♡
@Bakamigos 4 дня назад
This video made me feel so validated. Thank you
@gabrielacasagrande1664 4 дня назад
Esse ano a série me desanimou completamente. A primeira coisa flagrante foi como a produção de Bridgerton não protege seus atores não brancos, como a série prega diversidade e é tão pouco acolhedora na realidade. Além disso, a promoção da s3 foi insana e completamente fora da curva, mais uma amostra de como os atores são tratados e promovidos de forma completamente diferente lá dentro. Não estou nada animada pra s4.
@nakaibrown9206 4 дня назад
For anyone who doesn’t really understand Colin as a character, I would recommend you to watch Sammy Bates Colin Bridgerton Character Analysis. She does a great job of examining who Colin is, his struggles, his flaws, etc. It’s long but I think it’s worth it and helped me have a greater appreciation for Colin.
@DarthKade-vy2hc 4 дня назад
I appreciate your thoughts on this - I also lost the hyper fixation and level of interest that I had overall with Bridgerton after season 3; for all the same reasons you pointed out. Here’s hoping for a shake up in season 4 🤞🤞🤞
@bonitadesastre 4 дня назад
I feel you on the footage I really really hope they uncover it all for you! <3 Great video. Princess Weekes brought up a great point in her video regarding the genderswap and colorism in Bridgerton. I'm all for it, Michaela is GORGEOUS. But Bridgerton has the worst track record for canon dark skin male characters from the books. We finally have a very decent man in John and it will be disappointing if he just ends up being a beard. I also get the criticism that dark skin black women are often hyper masculized so I can see that disappointment too. All these valid criticisms are under a sea of horrific homophobia and racism.
@gabrielleduplessis7388 4 дня назад
A) it makes no sense that Kathany did not have a wedding. At the point of time they could have it, would have the happiest one, in my opinion. I agree with people about how cool it would be to see an Indian wedding and them going around the block thing (sorry for forgetting the name for it) seven times. I get waiting until season 3 for the baby, but we needed the wedding. B) I hated how they sidelined Polin (and yes I say that about Kate and Kathany) and over dramatized the LW plot and I also felt the book was constantly ignored. After seeing so many suggestions about what they wanted for Penelope, Colin, and Polin, those suggestions were literally in the dang book. You have a reference Jess and Netflix, use them. C) I wish they gave more emotional growth with Bendetict. I think Tilly and Paul should have been introduced together and Bendetict realizing he is intrigued by both during their conversations. I also wanted his art to take more of a stance. Have Anthony’s words play inside his head every time he picks up a paintbrush or pencil. Maybe he bumps into an art school student who tells him he should come back, but Bendetict refuses. There, you have him being aimless without using him as a sex doll. D) i feel they had the time for Polin, but they dedicated it to 3 more additional subplots that we did not need. The other ones felt like continuations to the previous seasons. And a lot of that time was used for repetitive scenes that weren’t needed at all. Use that to develop the main characters, not the side ones.
@sarahdorr1300 4 дня назад
Have you seen My Lady Jane on prime video? Highly recommend you watch and would love to see your reaction!! Has the best enemies to lovers/bantering couple I’ve seen on television and I say that as a die hard Kanthony stan. You would LOVE it!
@raylight53 4 дня назад
Couldn't agree more on every point that you said, I mean seriously the mockery they made of regency scandals and etiquette, the very thing that gave bridgerton the spice. About the Michaela thing! Even though I was upset with the change initially, the more I let it absorb and understand I was okay with it. But, the fact that the infertility side of the story seems hard to be touched on now is kinda disheartening. Initially, Frannie fell for Michela at first sight was quite upsetting to me. But, honestly now that I think about it the term 'different kind of love' still holds true for fran and john. They could have profound, true, platonic love for each other. Michaela and fran could be very passionate, but John would still remain the one Fran feels comfortable in silence it. I mean our soulmate need not be a sexual partner. Fran and John could still have true love and the one different from Michaela and fran. This is only possible if they make her lesbian through and through. Because if fran is bisexual, it would be upsetting and unfair to John.
@keienn7259 4 дня назад
I admit that I was one of those who was disappointed at first that we weren't getting Michael. But my feelings were rooted more on my reader self already traumatized by terrible adaptations (looking at you PJO movies). But after a while, the storm has passed, I learned to accept Michaela (RIP Michael Sterling) and am excited with how they'll go about her love story with Fran in the show. And you mentioning how Michaela is basically a female rake blew my mind. Never really thought of that before. It would be refreshing to see a woman of the ton who is confident in her sexuality in the Bridgerton universe where almost all the women there hide it up until they meet their partner. (I do not count Lady Tilly here because she tended to act more like a man to assert her power). Hoping Michaela is a feminine boss who just knows she's hot and is not willing to hide it. My disappointment now lies simply in how they tackled Fran's love story with John, by basically forgetting all the talk of a "Quiet Love" that Fran was fighting for all season. Also, Benedict is my fave (show and book) and I know the show will likely have many sideplots. But I hope the show still focuses on his story with Sophie.
@Applebliss99 4 дня назад
I was also so disheartened by the level of homophobia and racism I saw post season 3. It was honestly so upsetting.
@KLoveDawgs 4 дня назад
I could have used 80% less Mondrich side quest, 20% less Cressida, 20% less Benedict aimlessness, and 60% less Lord Anderson (who won't even be in S4 WTF?). That time should have gone to developing a Pen and Colin attraction and the relationship with Colin and his siblings. How did they get to that house so fast?! Why was the money was still hidden under the floor in her old bedroom?! Repeating outfits in Ep 8 was so distracting. Continuity completely abandoned.
@triviaswan4387 4 дня назад
So, I agree with you about Kate & Anthony's characters being better in the show than the book. I don't agree about the thunderstorm fear, because I feel like that would've shown more of Kate's backstory, something severely lacking in the show. The wedding, I feel like it never should've happened, precisely because of what you said about Edwina, that her character is so confusing. I was looking forward to Edwina being a subplot, and having her own love story play out. And I would've loved that maybe Kate sees, and asks Anthony to avoid Edwina so she can be with the man she loves. In the process, maybe they agree to marry so he can provide a dowry for her, and Kate can still help her sister out. That's my opinion
@janebloomington 4 дня назад
The writing for this show has been getting worse post-S1, unfortunately. I love Kate and Anthony, as well, but their season was so horribly written and I don't get it. I wasn't and never will be a Polin fan, so I wasn't as invested in their story but they fell victim to the issues that will continue to permeate within this show as long as they keep the same writers room that has been around for years. Yes, we know they changed showrunners but it actually made everything way worse than it already was. You can put lipstick on a pig but it's still a pig! Stop giving these writers credit for this nonsense, I beg you! I have no grace or faith that S4 will be any better; we know Benedict is a dynamic character when he's on-screen but it's still the same group of writers and that doesn't bode well for this show. Either way, I'm definitely over this show. It started out semi-decent and it's funny that people are starting to notice just how awful this show's writing is. It doesn't need to be a heavy drama with some sort of complexity but it still needs to make some sort of logical and rational sense, yet it doesn't. Re: Michaela I love the fact that Michael was genderbent, but I'm very very uncomfortable with this show making the only Black female love interest in this show promiscuous like that. I understand why people want it because Book!Michael was that way, but it just rubs me the wrong way and I don't trust these writers to do it justice. Just because this show lives in a "post-racial alternate reality" doesn't mean this audience/fandom is free of homophobia and racism because this fandom is filled with bigots.
@eidiyaya 4 дня назад
Please watch My Lady Jane!!! You will love it❤
@berryzem 4 дня назад
I'm not sure if you watch anime but there is a genre geared typically for younger boys where the main character is usually a young boy-teenager. A common writing complaint many fans of this genre have is where a love interest is introduced but she has next to no actual characterization unless it somehow pertains to the protagonist. Bridgerton season 3 like you mentioned before with Colin not really being able to stand on his own really strongly reminded me of that phenomenon where the only difference is the genders are swapped. This wasn't Colin's season. It was Penelope's...which honestly isn't saying much either because the ensemble cast started encroaching on their season because Netflix doesn't prioritize the show enough to give it more episodes so the characters can actually breathe. It definitely is a big problem writing wise because a romance is supposed to allow both characters development. It's just astounding how they messed things up this badly. I'm almost impressed.
@katherinealvarez9216 4 дня назад
Yeah, this season wasn't great. Oh well. Onto to Season 4 and Sophie!!!
@strawbsbloobs 4 дня назад
The thing that honestly ruined season 3 for me is that their relationship was like, 8% cute and 92% crying. They are cute characters who started out friends! (admittedly, I didn't read the book so had no notion what was going to happen, but Netflix likes to change stuff so *shrug*) I really wanted to see them build things up from friend to more, be sweet and tentative together testing the boundaries of their relationship, which is a different flavor of romantic buildup that I thought would be fun after the sexy-smouldering first 2 seasons. I know Bridgerton has to have drama, and I was expecting it, but build them up happy first! ... like, their first kiss was Penelope crying and sniffling "will you please kiss me just so I can have one kiss in my life" like GIRL and he's all, "ooh she's hot, she was just crysniffling through our makeout, that's hot" excuse me NO SIR and then it was like 2 seconds of cute flirt-coaching scenes, which was such an underused trope if they were going to do it, and then back to sad crying for basically the rest of the season (also the Polin development was not helped by having too many couples and splitting focus too much this season)
@raymay7712 4 дня назад
so this is my take on the whole francesca situation, particurlalry: i feel like francesca has to be bi, not because i dont want her to be a lesbian, but so her story makes sense. the point of francesca arch is all about leaning to love again and allowing yourself to do so even if you already had a great love story, so she has to love john, it is part of her as character. i know they could change it for the show and all, but i feel like it would disrespect her character and the beautiful writting they did for them as a couple. i am also a book lover and have no problem with michaela as long as they dont forget that francesca loved jonh as well.
@jcgardenia 4 дня назад
Sis, the face you made over the lack of a Kanthony wedding was the same face I made. The villainy and the audacity.
@aggelikisss8949 4 дня назад
Personally, I don’t like Polin (neither as a ship nor as individual characters) but I still wanted to see if they could make me root for them like they did with Anthony. Yet 3 seasons in and we still don’t know Colin. 3 seasons in and Penelope has not been held accountable. Colin is rake all of a sudden and Penelope is a girlboss who has talked shit about everyone including the queen and yet everything is resolved by the magic power of love and friendship in one scene. Not a single flashback to show them actually being friends instead of pen having an unrequited crush. Colin just coming to the realization that he’s in love with her out of nowhere??? What? Eloise and Cressida being handled so poorly despite how interesting their dynamic was and Eloise dropping her in 5 seconds. Francesca finally having a storyline but getting overshadowed by this whole debate on her sexuality, essentially making John seem useless after spending the entire season making us root for them. Kanthony’s storyline being about having a baby and we don’t even get to see the baby because they ship them to India without a farewell, without being at Francesca’s wedding, without even knowing that pen is lady whistledown. Benedict just vibing and doing whatever for the 3rd season in a row completely forgetting his story last season. The worst thing is ,though , that as long as people in this fandom police your opinion and the very valid criticisms that a lot of people have I don’t thing they’ll change their approach and in typical shondaland fashion they’ll continue to fumble. Another thing! If they make the mistake of not bringing Simone back the backlash will be huge. Not only because of how popular and loved Kate and Kanthony are but also because HOW does a production fumble the first 2 very fan favorite poc leads so bad? AND still pride themselves on the show’s diversity, while simultaneously not providing any protection to any of the poc actors ESPECIALLY Masali. The racial and homophobic abuse she has been receiving FOR MONTHS and the production not saying a word? Only Hannah, Simone and Jonny standing up for her? Honesty if they keep this up is there even a reason to continue with the rest of the seasons? They don’t know how to write happy couples or resolve drama in a non rushed way, the pacing is off, everyone is acting out of character, they keep contradicting themselves, they can’t treat their actors right and at this point why waste time on getting invested in the leads each season if they write them off anyways? How will I get invested in Benophie knowing that they don’t even know what to do with the literal heads of the household who still have a big amount of book material unused? If they can’t give Kanthony a story after getting married what could they give to Polin and Benophie? They have proved time and time again that they can’t or don’t want to fix the issues fans point out, choose to antagonize their audience instead and treat their actors like shit. How long will this be viable? Personally, I hope Benophie gets an incredible season ( people have been fighting for their lives for the production to FINALLY give Benedict his season) but I became a fan because of Simone and if she leaves it won’t be the same for me…
@emmabiuk3753 4 дня назад
I'm a straight person but I'm so glad lesbians are getting a part in this show. They deserve it ❤
@brinagotsued 4 дня назад
I really agree that Bridgerton needs to take more time with the endings, specially in the last season it felt like I had missed parts of the episode, so I rewatched and things were just missing. I like Michaela, I just think that Francesca shouldn't have really noticed her in this season. It should have kept focus on that every love is different, and I think it would be more impactful when down the line in Francesca's season she does notice her. I would really like if she's bi, since there is so much bi-erasure and I think it would be nice to show a very passionate relationship between two women.
@kellylee2559 4 дня назад
Yas 👏👏👏👏 Everything you said. But particularly about how LW is a girl boss instead of a bully. Just because Pen was bullied doesn't negate the very real pain she caused others and I hate how the show didn't address this. Hurt people hurt people, but it doesn't make it okay, and I hate that the show just gaslighted us and said it's fine.
@anawelterr 5 дней назад
You are so right about the Whistledown thing, the way they handled all that was just... As someone that was looking foward to these season I was so desapointed when the second part came out, everything seemed so rush and they wasted so much time on other characters rather than the main couple too. I wish they had followed the book order so we could build on the angst and the pining.
@catbalteanu2214 5 дней назад
I agree 100%, I really liked the season, no matter its problems, but all the hate for the season really ruined it for me.
@Eden_Rivers 5 дней назад
This is my take on the Francesca/Michael/Michaela story. I haven't read the books, so all of my knowledge of Francesca's character comes from the show. Although I do believe I watched a video here that mentioned the character of Michael, his name is not one that would have registered for me. So during the scene when Francesca and Michaela meet, the entire "twist" went completely over my head. I did clock two things: 1. I found it strange that John brought his cousin over to meet his new bride and his cousin immediately looks her up and down and asks who she is. They didn't have a quick conversation where John mentioned he just got MARRIED? 2. Francesca's reaction to Michaela made NO SENSE to me. I remembering thinking we knew she was shy, but why is she freaking out? Again, totally over my head. After a bit, I did the Professor Google and found out about the Michael/Michaela twist. Once I had that information, the plot twist still didn't make sense to me, and I blame this on the popular offense of Netflix rushing through their resolutions. The whole scene was too fast. We needed more time for this. Girl just got married five minutes ago, we have had zero inclination that she had any attraction to women, and she's taken aback by this character? Even if this character was Michael, I still find it strange. John was standing right there. She's not even started her honeymoon phase, and her head was turned that fast? I think the entire introduction would have been better if it had been at the beginning of the next season, and given the newlyweds some time to be married and in love. Getting to know each other. Maybe she finds out married life isn't what she thought it would be? Then I feel that the payoff of Fran being attracted to someone else may be slightly more believable. I think some of the negative reaction of this comes from the chatter before this season dropped, after the Charlotte season had aired. The compliant being that the show was able to rewrite history and give us black characters in the Ton, but the gay characters were still hiding in the shadows. Fair arguments. So there is something that makes me wonder if the team was responding to these complaints by giving us this plot change, and I think fans are also wondering if they can make this work because it's not authentic to the character. Again, I haven't read the books, so maybe it is. But there is something about it that feels like this is result of a meeting where they're asking, "Who can we swap for a gay character?" Maybe they didn't and more thought went into it, but I think that the Brimsely/Reynolds felt organic from the beginning. And seriously, if they don't tell us what happened to Reynolds in a second Charlotte season I'm going to cry.
@ncz7 3 дня назад
This is so true. You cannot erase the fact that there are rude and homophobic people, however it's not the case with brimsley and reynolds they are very much celebrated because it felt organic and not forced and its an original character. Unlike in francesca's story that's been established for years and loved for years. Why would yoi changed such a popular favorite character then expect people to just accept it. This is what Jenna Ortega said weeks ago she dont like genderswapping characters like James Bond and make him to "Jamie Bond", she wants to have original stories for women thats empowering rather than stealing or changing an IP (intellectual property). Hollywood keeps on doing this shit for i think a decade now. And look now we dont have much original stories everything is adaptation. Going back to francesca no matter changing gender will never be the same to the story of her book. Especially the main plot point of second chance in love, Two great loves, infertility and wanting to be a mother plot will be changed completely.
@Eden_Rivers 3 дня назад
@@ncz7 Oooh, see again, I didn't read the books so I didn't even know about the infertility thing. Interesting. Huh.
@ncz7 3 дня назад
@@Eden_Rivers yes, that's why people have strong emotions for this change. The gender is pivotal to their story as well. For me francesca is not the best choice to carry the sapphic storyline because it doesnt make sense to her story at all. Thats why many people want eloise be one cuz her book really sucks and least favorite.
@burnt-croissants 3 дня назад
@@ncz7 you shouldn’t equate the fondness for brimsley and reynolds to the francesca and michaela relationship, especially for shows with a primarily female audience. straight men love the fetishize lesbian women and straight women love to fetishize gay men (because they can just self-insert themselves into these fantasies). that is why so many people who watch bridgerton immediately was against michaela, but are fine with brimsley x reynolds. if you want further proof of this sentiment, you have to look no further than the sales and success metrics of mlm romance books compared to f/f romance books, or even m/m movies produced and made compared to f/f romance movies produced and made.
@sophiejuravle4959 5 дней назад
I won't lie. I love how season 3 ended, I thought it was very sweet. But I spent *the majority* of season 3 so mad and over everyone. I hate ALL of the camera angles with Pen where they only showed her b**bs. I'm so over it, even though I do support that she looks amazing after her weight loss journey. There were too many speeches as well. While I am excited for Season 4, I just want to go back to the times/excitement of Season 2. I feel the same way you do for Season 4. But anyways, great video as always, Daria!
@DariaElGrellPozina 5 дней назад
I feel a lot of it. I think season 3 REALLY fucked up with the resolution and as we've seen with legendary fumbles like Game of Thrones that is really all that matters in the end. I loved part 1, the romance and the pining and the tension were all great, romcom was swoony and cute. Part 2 was just a plane crush, made worse by the wait. Pacing? Horrid. Dismissal of the quiet love between Fran and John? Baffling. Polin spending 60% of it fighting? Hated it, one of the reasons I'm not rewatching season 1. Eloise being the worst friend to everyone? Blackmailing Pen after she already agreed to her demands, not even giving her full 48 hours to confess with months until the wedding and then going "oh, I shouldn't intrude" as soon as shit hits the fan? Being friends with Cressida and understanding her situation, witnessing how cruel her family is- only to do a full 180 the second Cressida is inconvenient? I fkn hate Eloise, she's entitled, selfish, always thinks she's better than everyone else and never suffers consequences of any of her actions. Even Whistledown's "reveal" about her last season did literally nothing, she didn't like to be in the ton anyway and her family's too reputable to suffer because of her. Benedict's whole arc being shoved into part 2 doesn't help anything. Colin surely looked like he was struggling with inner conflict (and I'd disagree that he's a blank character, I think they did successfully showed his hero complex for 3 seasons, but it can also be argued that they did not since so many ppl didn't notice it), and it would be neat if he had any screentime or friends to express it to before the final 15 minutes. I especially agree that the 8 episode format is killing the show, along with conflict resolution in the last 20 minutes (they did that IN ALL THREE SEASONS), especially since someone from the production said they don't understand why would anyone want to just see the characters being peacefully happy? What? And then there's the fact that the first season their female love interest is not runway model sized they put everyone in heavy makeup? That instead of just lowering her bustline to the correct position, they made almost all of her dresses sinched at the waist too? Sure, it can be argued that it just immitates the anachronistic silhouette of Portia, but does it? Yes, I agree, Nicola looks great, but that's also because thinner waist has almost always been in style, SAVE FOR THE EMPIRE PERIOD (and later the 1920s). Yeah, they added Miss Kenworthy (the only other young lady of a bigger size in the ton, let's see if season 4 is gonna keep up the diversity or just drop the pretense they care) to seemingly argue that it wasn't her figure that repelled the suitors but her attitude. And her being the only female lead clothed in the post-conflict bed scene? I hope it's just for her comfort, and we saw her fully in the mirror scene, but like, no sexy back like Phoebe and Simone? I know none of it might've been explicitly fatphobic, but sure seems like at the very least internalised fatphobia. And I'm not saying any of it out of weird voyeristic fascination with Nicola or to police how she can look or be on camera. She looked gorgeous the whole time, even before the "glowup". But if Pen's look wasn't the problem, why did it have to be changed SO MUCH? Like a plus sized girlie who never sees her own body type appreciated in the romantic shows, that was still a breath of fresh air, even with a few farts added. I just wish the show would stop getting in it's own way and adjust according to the show's growth, ESPECIALLY when it comes to growing fandom where they seemingly want the progressives AND the conservatives.
@stefaniaurrieta7463 5 дней назад
I am on the fence about the Michaela thing just because I really identified with the infertility plot in Francesca’s book, and honestly I feel like there is no way to keep that plot with a female love interest, just because the setting is in the regency era and there is no way for 2 women to conceive or try to conceive naturally. But the show is so far removed from the plot points of the book that I guess they’ll change that too, I was just looking forward to the representation of infertility that we have gotten zero of in media. I always imagined that Benedict would be the one with a queer love story, and yes they confirmed he is queer last season but I thought they were going to play with his want to be out of society and maybe end up with a man in the country side. Or even Eloise maybe introduced Phillip’s sister? As it would be too weird for it to be Marina but let her be a lesbian? I just found it really weird that they chose Francesca for the gender swap love interest instead of the other 2 That being said I really liked the actress for Michaela’s one line, it was very sassy😅
@blushingsarah 5 дней назад
as a 92-kid I 100% remember W.I.T.C.H!!! I still have all the original comic books (not paperback, the comicomic) up till "after Nerissa". Remember I kinda lost interest after when I noticed something was off with the new "drawings". Today I'm prob more Corn, but as a child I was one with Will all the way - same birthday, hello. 🤭apologies for my bad english btw
@najwacarew6557 5 дней назад
Girl I’m trying to join your patreon but it won’t let me 😭
@RealTalkWithSSG 5 дней назад
I want to add that if I think of the technical and costume design of this season, I know it is a fantasy series and it's not that deep, but it didn't feel like a period drama atmosphere like it did in the first two seasons. The makeup was too modern and bold for the 1800s, just compare Daphne or Edwina to Fran or Pen, the surroundings of the town at night, and even the homes, looked they were lit by electric lamps instead of oil ones. It felt so uncanny valley sometimes. There was a zooming out shot that was used multiple times, it looked ridiculous. And finally, during the mirror scene, why were the actors blurred out like a filter, and shown at these extremely awkward angles? Is it to compensate because Pen is not as slim as Daphne or Kate? If so, that is ridiculous too, as Nicola is a gorgeous woman who deserved better. So many things went wrong with this season.
@Rememberme2305 5 дней назад
Not so gentle reminder since everyone apparently forgot that Marina almost DIED attempting to abort her pregnancy after Penelope outed and ridiculed her on her gossip papers for DAYS. Penelope never apologised to her for it. And then in season 3 the best Pen could own up to that fumble was 'I was misguided' "Misguided" does not even BEGIN to cover that Pen. It's giving Kendall Roy at the end of Succession about his caterer boy "That never happened."
@Ssloage2 2 дня назад
Oh my god☹️