Henri Schoeman
Henri Schoeman
Henri Schoeman
@luismatheus1304 12 дней назад
Great video. My son is having surgery today he is also an athlete. 13 years old. This will definitely help.
@saritchandramishra4920 14 дней назад
Hello i got posterior ankle dibrement surgery 3 week back i was walking just after 2 days of surgery and started range of motion wanted to know like i m in my mid phase of my rehab i just to know if its pain while doing the exercise what to do? And when to know that i can run @henri
@jameelkhan5277 22 дня назад
bro how tike it take yiy to run plz tell me
@Jennifer-ji1yf 22 дня назад
I broke my ankle 1.5 weeks ago and they say I'll need surgery in the next week. I'm quite nervous
@patty8758 Месяц назад
God bless!
@enen1220 Месяц назад
Hey man hope your doing good and healed. And for anyone facing their new reality know that the start is the hardest and it gets easier, for me when they removed the cast I felt free-er than Ive ever been before so have that too look forward too.
@Recovery7605 Месяц назад
The fact that this video is not even 11 minutes. Inpressive
@INPHASEaudio Месяц назад
Busted mine really bad, this video give me a lot of hope! thank you!
@xaeo 2 месяца назад
Are you guy in the viral video running past the guy helping his brother? If you are, what's the mentality in celebrating something like that? I get the hard work paying off idea, but did it bother you to win that way afterwards?
@g0lbano 2 месяца назад
Gran trabajo!! Brutal!!! 💪
@josuerodriguez1791 2 месяца назад
I got injury in February and are you still waiting for my surgery supposed I’m gonna get it June 26. I got two ligaments broke in 3 mm fracture.
@melbertquijada5697 3 месяца назад
can u give some advise how to get 3km sub 15mins??
@zakkie04 4 месяца назад
Thanks for sharing man!! Inspirational. From running 1h10 half marathon on Sunday 2 weeks ago, ready to attack other running goals (Trailrunning) following later this time, I crashed my bike 2 days after. Fibula broken in 2 places and displaced, broken medial malleolus. Shattered dreams. One week after surgery pain is finally starting to get manageable, looking forward to setting the next babysteps in recovery. Thanks a lot for sharing. May your legs bring you all the joy you wish for
@VolleKwark Месяц назад
1h10 half marathon? 21 kilometres in 1 hour and 10 minutes? Is that really what you mean? I did my first half marathon 1,5 month ago; in 2 hours and 6 minutes. I did it without preparation. I don’t normally run, i do weightlifting. Broke my ankle on 3 places 2 weeks ago during an assault. Had my surgery 3 days ago.
@zakkie04 Месяц назад
@@VolleKwark Yes that's what I mean. It was quite the recovery here, surgery to remove syndesmotic screws on the 24th of june. Doing lots of stairmaster at the gym, and did a 6km run two days ago. Listen a bit to the doctors, but listen to your own body, and keep moving!
@kirangajbhiye4753 4 месяца назад
Does it still hurt Henry? I got my ATFL reconstructed 4 months ago, I'm allowed to walk now, but while exercising, i can feel something is inside my ankle, that's anchor and it's tight. Does your surgery area still hurt? Is it like earlier or you feel the difference?
@DontTapMyDP 4 месяца назад
I broke my fibula 3 weeks ago, had to put a cast I'm in rest need to put this cast 3 more month. By God's grace didn't required a surgery as it haven't dislocated.
@j-saucy7627 4 месяца назад
Flat feet has given me every single injury you can imagine. Since 2021 I have lost many things, jobs, relationships, happiness. The human body is amazing. Anything is possible. Keep pushing. I might not be able to perform on stage like I use too. But I am a successful sales manager, with a supportive family, and an amazing girlfriend. I still want more, and hopefully I can make the recovery you have! Nice video.
@honkymonkey9568 5 месяцев назад
Do you still have the pins in your ankle? My ortho said my ankle would always be weaker if the hardware was left in. What is your experience?
@slow-mo8043 5 месяцев назад
my talus removed last December 2021 because of motorcycle accident😢 there a chance to replace ang get my talus bone back ?
@backbencher4781 Месяц назад
I am also suffering from this how are u know?
@doitbeforeyoudieful 5 месяцев назад
Whoever is watching it, I wanna share my experience (read all, its positive): What happened: I have dislocated my right ankle by 90*, broken all deltoid ligaments, and a few other ones that I will not dare to mention due to their weird naming. The fibula was fractured like 7 cm from the end (completely) and the tibia ending as well. Also, something happened to the soft tissue. Webber B type fracture. My background for reference: - im in mid 30ties, ex ultra-marathon runner, doing all sorts of sports, but all mostly revolve around climbing and hiking, but far away from my prime times. Timeline: 0 days - 6 hours after the injury I had the 1st surgery late at night and was placed in external fixation to wait for the swelling to go down. 7 days - 2nd surgery, 1h47 min duration, they removed that positioning apparatus and fixed all that they found. 7 days to 21 days - horrible experience, morphine for pain, super hard to sleep without taking strong drugs, overall going to the toilet and taking a shower was a mission to Mars 23 days - started walking on crutches, got discharged to home, overall getting stronger (using that ski shoe) 30 days - started walking better on crutches, as arms got stronger 37 days - started placing little weight on my feet (started physio, 25 min / 3 times per week) 47 days - still in that shoe, but removed it a few times and attempted to put some more weight 57 days - got that ski shoe returned to the hospital, got surgery to remove some screws connecting tibia and fibula (one-day operation) 60 days - started putting 100% of my weight, but my brain was super hesitant to do it, started driving my car (automatic) 60 - 90 days - started walking with one crutch, after without, going to the swimming pool, attempted to ride a bicycle 90 - 120 days - keep up physio very aggressive at home, 1h per day, plus 3x per week with a professional 100 days +: - walking without limping, no one can see from outside that anything had happened to my leg - able to ski (however still have 12 metal screws and 2 plates), feeling pressure in my ankle, but the pain is manageable - I was able to run to my car, super slow jogging but possible, - was able to sled (quite an aggressive hill while wearing crampoons on both feet) - started doing some climbing (top rope) and bouldering (max 1m above the ground), using climbing shoes - I can jump 20cm while standing, but landing is prioritizing my healthy leg - when I do not move for a while, my ankle is getting stiff - still feeling some pressure, a little bit of swelling (when comparing circumference, the injured leg is 2cm bigger) - of course all of the activities are done with 30% of the previous max effort, but I am super happy that I can do it! Regardless of level! So a word of hope: - after 3 months you will see logarithmic improvement, and I was told that this fracture was very advanced and one of the worst that they operate. - keep up a hardcore physio regime, no pain no gain, so u need to shift to working hard and being persistent - just try to not push too hard because your ligaments will be fully strong after 8 months + - buy that pillow to stand on and practice your ankle stability, and do that religiously, because your healthy leg is next on the list to be injured as your brain will try to prioritize landings - you will probably watch other videos from people who are still crying after 2 years or so, but I doubt that they really tried hard to recover, so don't be one of them! Work harder and you will get it! Good luck!
@artrozkopenka3380 6 месяцев назад
Держитесь 😢
@mat12A99 7 месяцев назад
cant wait until i can walk again. got a money safe dropped on my foot and everything was just fully destroyed. exited to walk again
@jeniposternack5796 7 месяцев назад
Amazing recovery. Congratulations
@anantmb 7 месяцев назад
Do check out bioregulating Peptide for recovery..it should help
@anantmb 7 месяцев назад
Do check out bioregulating Peptide for recovery..it should help
@cantu4 7 месяцев назад
i just started after my 2nd foot/ankle fracture in the past 6 months with one requiring surgery
@ajaytech27 8 месяцев назад
U are great bro, u have all these facility. I was not having sufficient amount for my leg surgery. It cost 2 Lakhs for the surgery. Can you help me out in fast recovery.
@Crazyclipsforyouu 8 месяцев назад
Did you need plates and screws?
@marklorenzana7359 8 месяцев назад
Must be nice to have insurance. How about a video for those who don't...? Maybe I should do a video on how to do it naturally? get back to me I'm glad you're well...
@ivy1818u 8 месяцев назад
Well said. A video of healing naturally would be great!
@nova6357 7 месяцев назад
Yeah, I don’t worry I have a shattered ankle, broken, fibula and shattered knee no Insurance I think I actually just got a blood clot to Day 😢
@Chaos-king985 9 месяцев назад
17 months after shattered ankle here still swollen and pain when walking can kindof run but ankle lost alot of ROM thinking of trying stem cell therapy wish u all the best on your journeys
@henri_schoeman 8 месяцев назад
Thanks for sharing. I hope your ankle will slowly get better after some more time. ROM is so important to work on
@doitbeforeyoudieful 9 месяцев назад
injurd athletes, we meet again
@nimishabarot1391 9 месяцев назад
You seriously motivated that we can live normal life
@robs1714 10 месяцев назад
Tri mal fracture from dislocation here - 5 mo. In and I’m close to being off my cane … incredible how long this takes
@doitbeforeyoudieful 9 месяцев назад
u had any ligaments broken?
@robs1714 9 месяцев назад
@@doitbeforeyoudieful I don’t think so, they only repaired the breaks surgically from what I can tell, I had some damage to ligaments for sure as I can feel them when I do circles with my foot, especially the one that runs under the arch of my foot
@bukowskifamily141 10 месяцев назад
Really appreciate you sharing this video! My son is currently undergoing PT for an ankle fracture before returning to sports. He's definitely experiencing all of the emotional challenges and "what-ifs." Can't wait to show him this!
@henri_schoeman 8 месяцев назад
It will be hard and challenging at times, but if you persist and support him, he will get there! I wish all the best for your son
@bukowskifamily141 8 месяцев назад
@@henri_schoeman Thanks! Happy to report he's back to playing baseball. It was a tough road as you described! Appreciate the support!
@malikontwo7812 11 месяцев назад
I’ve had 3 surgeries since I broke my fibula tibia still cannot run and my range of motion is still impinged or limited by something did physical therapy for a year was not progressing, I was an avid gym goer and runner, still seeking professional opinions and solutions I’m 22
@7nilotpalsarkar Год назад
your ankle cartilage damaged or not during surgery? if yes then how could you re generate ankle cartilage and increase ankle joint space please tell me
@JeffCrumbaughTX Год назад
As a triathlete myself I was dismayed when my ladder collapsed dropping me 8 feet fracturing my ankle and completely tearing the CFL and ATFL. 2 weeks post surgery that included an Artelon graft and the ankle is healing well. Unfortunately diagnosed with two DVT’s in my calf the other day so slight setback in recovery. Obviously Ironman races not realistic remainder of 2023 but hope to run a 1/2 marathon with my daughter this fall. All my best to everyone in their recovery. JC
@urltima Год назад
I am 4 1/2 months past an ankle fracture, and I literally dream of being able to run easily again, or to walk for long periods without feeling immense and unbearable pain and swelling. My whole job is on my feet and it's my FAVORITE type of job, I couldn't imagine being at a desk or sitting down anywhere. I need to stay active, and this injury has put me down so much depression wise - this really gave me hope for healing, so thank you Henri.
@jozi94 Год назад
You will heal. Im 29 i been two months on cast I had bad ankle broken 3 places . Now after 28 days of cast I’m walking again after doctor told me you may not walk again.
@robs1714 10 месяцев назад
Tri mal fracture here, 5 mo. Ago …. Wild how long this takes eh? Tried some deadlifts at the gym the other day. Felt rough at the bottom but I got them done
@henri_schoeman 8 месяцев назад
Some days will be incredibly difficult. But if you persist and stay strong it will be getter and it will get stronger. All the best
@kishu8750 8 месяцев назад
How are you noww?
@doitbeforeyoudieful 5 месяцев назад
should be good now, no? i had the same
@gokulsajeev4382 Год назад
Inspirational brother. I had my surgery 3 days back and this is really needed
@habbofutgogo Год назад
Got my PB yesterday on a track event, 9'27'' (pace 3:09) ending the last km at 3:03, nice work!
@cgsai2008 Год назад
How long did it take him to start running after the fracture?
@henri_schoeman 8 месяцев назад
I waited 6 months on a conservative route to heal and it became non union. After two pins to compress the fracture + PRP in the bone it took another 4/5 months building up to full weight running
@CallumHowardFitness Год назад
Thank you so much for sharing. I suffered an ankle discolation and also broke my fibula. I had my first surgery one week after the injury, but later found out (two weeks later) I needed a second surgery as the first one didn't go as well as it could. It's now been just over three weeks since the second surgery, and I'm feeling optimistic and believing that God will take care of me. It has been difficult, I'd be lying if I said it hasn't been, as I've been in a cast for coming up to seven weeks, non weight bearing, with around another three weeks still left in a cast. I will always keep believing in God, and try to do the right things to get back up and running! For those who are struggling with an injury, believe in God, commit your situation to him, and trust in his plan!
@everydaygaming1117 Год назад
How are you now? Me, After 3 weeks, my doctor said to remove my cast and start moving my ankle a little bit of exercise
@henri_schoeman 8 месяцев назад
Have faith in God. Thank you for sharing. I wish you all the best in your recovery. Keep strong
@alana_dileo Год назад
wow this is so inspiring, I had ankle surgery 4 months ago and right now it scares me to run again but seeing this video has given me hope! Good for you, this is truly so amazing!!!
@henri_schoeman 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for sharing. Never give up, eventually we get there!
@jyotijoshi8952 4 месяца назад
Hi - after how many weeks could you brisk walk with no pain
@bleroniblini5846 Год назад
He’s running is my sprinting
@ondineteschen901 Год назад
Just fractured my fibula this morning on a run and have already started looking at how to keep working and get better. You video was inspirational in that. Thank you.
@sadikali6527 10 месяцев назад
How are you doing brother, 7mos later? I also fractured my fibula a fortnight ago and it's very painful and annoying that I'm just seated at home doing nothing. 😢
@spectacularangular637 Год назад
non-union surgery
@krishnachaitanya7674 Год назад
I’m a passionate gym person and I underwent broken ankle surgery 3 weeks ago. I am surprised to see you carrying your broken leg with the cast so well and easily. For me if I don’t put it elevated it feels very uncomfortable with the blood flow feels like it’s burning inside reason why I avoid unnecessary walking as well and here you are even sitting properly with your leg down, doing workouts being able to lie down on your stomach 👌🙌
@krishnachaitanya7674 Год назад
Description is so inspiring. I underwent broken ankle surgery 3 weeks ago right now taking bed rest with a cast.
@AryanKumar-yw1jj Год назад
Get well soon bro
@n0wsky538 Год назад
Get well soon bruv
@JVEGA999 7 месяцев назад
How are you doing these days?
@nickb6138 Год назад
Amazing, Henri. Inspirational stuff. All the best with your comeback 👏👏👏
@bensmith2731 Год назад
Were you able to walk in the cast ?
@henri_schoeman 8 месяцев назад
No. I could only put weight onto my foot after 8 weeks
@oldchev2850 5 месяцев назад
@@henri_schoeman Good job by the way. I’m only 3 weeks after my surgery and at that low point and needed your video for confidence. I had a flat foot which involved cutting off my heel bone, shifting it and rescrewing it on. I also had two wedges put in two other bones to align my foot. Also had calf lengthening op and tendon reattachment so six incisions. My question is, how much did your calf muscles deteriorate? Even after on,y 3 weeks I can see the muscle going. I can’t wait to do some sort of exercise to help with that but like you, I can’t even start to weight bare for another 5 weeks. One wedge was 8mm thick so that’s going to take some time to join again, especially me being over 60. I just hope I get my muscle back and be able to walk ok. I don’t expect to be able to run again. You did so well getting back to that.
@missy72 Год назад
You’re such a great athlete Henri, praying for a speedy recovery❤️
@henri_schoeman Год назад
Thanks so much