From NEET To Elite
From NEET To Elite
From NEET To Elite
@dreamff8748 7 дней назад
Não se trata de motivação se trata de disciplina
@Piscesluna 9 дней назад
You've got a new sub right here. So proud of you for giving this a go! You've got this. I like your sense of humor, and your speech has really improved, and so has your confidence. (I grew up with a speech impediment myself, it took me years of daily speech therapy to fix it, so I think you are doing very well.) I'm looking forward to seeing more of your videos in the future. 😊
@dawg204 14 дней назад
yooo no way my boy came back
@minonamai 14 дней назад
Hy! I don't know if the world is being harder on you right now or being kinder, but I just wanna say that I hope you're doing alright.
@kaynasdiary 19 дней назад
I just hope you're doing better than ever<3
@Idle_NEET 21 день назад
Hope you're doing ok NEETO. Great progress so far!
@oatmeal7563 Месяц назад
saw this and knew it was gonna be some real shit. this is important for other people going through the same thing to see and get motivation
@noot-noot-pingu-noot-noot Месяц назад
i hope you're doing well, it's incredibly difficult to completely change your life but you've made so much progress with these videos, don't feel pressured to make videos but i hope you keep going with your transformation. it won't be a linear path, there will be ups and downs, but we're all here to support you so remember that if you're feeling demoralised or that you're not progressing as much as you hope, we're here for the long ride so please don't give up!
@J.DanielsThe3rd Месяц назад
The fact that you put it online is a sign youre ngmi. Go outside. Stay outside.
@MadMan-tq2ts Месяц назад
Hey man! was just checking in I hope you're doing well. You haven't uploaded in a while, I hope you give us an update soon. Stay safe!
@Zagadoo607 Месяц назад
u can do it!
@aosevenvultures5368 Месяц назад
im just joining in man. im a hikikomori too, just a short timer tho. ive been a shutin on and off my whole life, homeschooling, going back to school to reintegrate, fail and get humiliated, come back and repeat. last time sort of set it in stone but im trying too.
@rickjr426 Месяц назад
Hope you're doing well brother.
@jinedutoit7602 Месяц назад
Not the telytubbies sun and spaceship sounds, lol. Loved the dramatic background sound-effects! May your first step be a successful one though.
@GurmmyWormy Месяц назад
dude i just gotta say you as a whole have completely changed your making a huge comeback
@jacob6187 Месяц назад
brother all it takes is eating semi-healthy, I wouldn't worry as much about eating 100% clean everything just cut out processed shit and just eat whole foods like burgers and steak with rice and salads even if it's with some high calorie sauce and lift and run like a mad man, and lift heavy too 5-8 rep range for almost every set, for us naturals strength=size people way overcomplicate this shit and i was 230 at 13 and now i am 180lbs jacked and under 20% bodyfat at 5'5 been there done that you got this dude trust me
@hamsters4ever Месяц назад
Hey, man! Just checking in on my favorite Elite journeyman! I hope you are well. I just wanted to assure you that you do not owe us anything. I understand that the process of making, editing, and uploading videos by itself is extra busywork on an already difficult journey. I just hope that you are continuing to focus on yourself in private. There is no need to show people what you are doing. Even though we are supporting you, you should not feel like you have to appease us with constant updates. I know you already struggle with communication. It is okay to give up on making videos if you feel it is making things more difficult. You also don't have to give up entirely. Take your time and go at your own pace. You can upload whenever you feel you are ready. I believe in you, bro!
@alstewart3540 2 месяца назад
You better not have quit. You must keep going. If you have fallen, get back up brother. you can, and you will do it
@llamaboy1991 2 месяца назад
Hey dude. Checking in. I still think about you nearly every day. You have been doing such an incredible job. Most people can’t do what you have been doing. You’re a badass. I really don’t want to see you give up again. You’re looking better, and your speech has improved exponentially. Love you, dog.
@israelcrafts25 2 месяца назад
Hey man, I thought about you yesterday as you would always update us every Sunday and I'd look forward to it. We haven't heard from you in a month, I hope you're doing good and I hope a little update is not much to ask, even if its just 1 minute long.
@aprilmartian5837 2 месяца назад
You did a great job. Hope your feeling better. 💙
@ennix4985 2 месяца назад
Hey, man, just checking up on you. I ended up deleting my youtube app on my phone since I was doom scrolling too much so I haven't been able to check to see if you had any uploads. I just got on my computer and saw you haven't uploaded in a few weeks. I hope you're doing well. This being the most recent video is not very reassuring. I am just worried that you've lost your drive. I know that sometimes it gets really hard to want to better yourself. It's easy to feel that the only thing it's going to do is change what you see in the mirror. If all you're doing is searching for a way to rebound, it's hard to find a path that takes you right to your goal. Tomorrow won't always be different than today and sometimes it's just worse. What I'm trying to say is enjoy each day that you have. If you want to get better, then keep pushing. We will be here to root for you. Much love
@Porstile 2 месяца назад
2:48 belife me the jungle of Vietnam is more danced than your log of silky hair 😉
@Porstile 2 месяца назад
Slow and Steady win the race. My man! 😀
@Riropollo 2 месяца назад
Not everyone whos worked hard gets to the top, HOWEVER those who got to the top can’t say they havent worked hard! Keep going
@kn3390 2 месяца назад
I love a good cleaning video, but I love to see people overcome their biggest challenges even more...well done! Please continue to take the steps to improve your mental health, no matter how big or small. Wishing you all the best!
@baulcartoonhd 2 месяца назад
Estimable amigo, creo que no lee los comentarios, o al menos no responde a ellos, pongo este comentario en Español porque segùn entiendo quiere aprender el lenguaje y pues que le sirva de pràctica. Yo soy de Mèxico y me ha inspirado ver sus videos, tambièn me interesa la ediciòn de video, pero prefiero aprender desarrollo de software para buscar un empleo. Actualmente estoy en una situaciòn similiar de ser un NEET, aunque aquì no se usa ese tèrmino, sino el tèrmino "NiNi" haciendo referencia a "Ni estudia, Ni trabaja". Sin màs por el momento me despido hasta su pròximo video.
@israelcrafts25 2 месяца назад
Has videos igual que este wey
@baulcartoonhd 2 месяца назад
Dejo aquì un comentario para apoyarlo, mi amigo.
@baulcartoonhd 2 месяца назад
I LoL at the MIB animated series song.
@togiewogie-ui1vg 2 месяца назад
Hey, i just found your account and finished watching your cleaning videos, you are doing so great! Im so proud of you, doing this change for yourself and getting out of a rut is so hard, and i am so happy that you are attempting to do this. Losing weight is hard as well, you can do anything you set your mind to, ensure that you’re drinking lots of water, planning your meals, and getting nutrients! I would recommend getting vegetable supplements those always help me get my vitamins in!
@adridaydry 2 месяца назад
You got this, and I firmly believe that persisting through the bad things will be worth it!
@scorpiosin 3 месяца назад
hey brother just want to let you know that me- a random stranger on the internet- is proud that you're still going and making content to better your life.
@alstewart3540 3 месяца назад
youre shredding it bro
@soshisushi7421 3 месяца назад
hey brother. im on a weight loss journey too and last week was such a struggle and can resonate with 100% of what youre saying. lost some weight but im not feeling different nor seeing much changes, feeling like ill never get where I want to be etc. but you said it all, we just gotta push through no matter what and it will click eventually. not giving up in those moments is going to make all the difference in the end. good luck !
@ennix4985 3 месяца назад
There will be lows and highs to learning and living. Change takes time and commitment, not many people even start and here you are, months into a strict regime and you have done so well at keeping with it! Your videos give me hope that people can do what you are doing. It’s not easy, it never is. And some day, it will click. It will be just a simple moment when you look around you and fully appreciate the effort and time you’ve put in. It’s a great feeling. I had a moment just two days ago and it’s not often that I feel that way. It will come, but only if you don’t stop. Much love!
@B.R-3 3 месяца назад
@baulcartoonhd 3 месяца назад
Your production quality improved a lot, props, man.
@Luke-wc2bb 3 месяца назад
you're doing great dude, the only thing that's pointless is going back. just hang in there.
@ronno3314 3 месяца назад
You're doing great. Small steps brother. Focus on the process. Incremental wins is the key
@hamsters4ever 3 месяца назад
Remember: the reason you started doing all this in the first place is because you WANTED to get out. You ask yourself what the point is because you don't value your life as it is right now. Even though you are making great progress as far as I am concerned, you are forgetting that if you keep pursuing your long-term goal of actually being able to go outside, socialize, and learn many new skills and take on different hobbies then you will naturally find plenty of things in your life to value. Not to mention that it is possible to find value and meaning in your life as it is right now and for its own sake. Just like how you mentioned in this video and how others have mentioned here. You got this. We all believe in you. Your story is an inspiration and you may be able to help and give insight to others going through the same feelings that you are now if you keep it up and succeed! If not for yourself, do it for those who are going through or have gone through your experience. If you have more doubts or questions, don't be afraid to voice them or respond just as you did in this video. You're not alone!
@MadMan-tq2ts 3 месяца назад
I think the best approach right now is to take it one day at a time. You are still being consistent which is more than most people are doing
@thecommentator6694 3 месяца назад
You're doing great
@katetucker1452 3 месяца назад
One day at a time. Slow and steady progress is more likely to be LASTING and sustainable progress. Trust the process.
@KirinFire96 3 месяца назад
Have you tried doing a refeed day? Example: Once a week you get to indulge in your guilty pleasure food like pizza, snacks etc. I've read that by temporarily increasing calories over your TDEE for a day, you will boost and reset your metabolism. Everytime you cut calories, your metabolism adapts to that. The point is to prevent adaption, which you can do by increasing your caloric intake for a bit.
@Noful-o_o 3 месяца назад
A bit of light exercise can help with brain fog, cognition and learning. You've got this man, keep it up!
@contrl31 3 месяца назад
And to avoid your injury, there are low impact ways to exercise like yoga or even just stretching
@israelcrafts25 3 месяца назад
It's always great to hear back from you. I'm sorry to hear that you feel that way. I don't know if you've mentioned it before and if you did sorry for my ignorance but have you ever seen a mental health professional? I feel like what you're struggling with is more complex than we as your audience realized and maybe you need to dive deep into your psyche to figure yourself out. It's just a suggestion, as always much love.
@DrewbehHD 3 месяца назад
my friends and i are always waiting in anticipation for a new upload to watch, keep it up!!! your progress is very inspiring.
@muddabuwshi6510 3 месяца назад
What's the point if you don't even value your own life. Man that hits.
@contrl31 3 месяца назад
Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts in this video, it didn't feel easy to make. You've already improved so much in cooking and video making! If you can stomach it, revisit your first videos and see how far you've come already. It's always hard to see incremental progress, and sometimes you hit plateaus, sometimes you might even regress. Keep looking forward, setting short term and long term goals for yourself, and take each day as it comes. Try new experiences little by little and see what else you might enjoy in the open world game we call life. We value your life and your journey!
@Heatnigh 3 месяца назад
I know how you are feeling I want to wake up and be healthy and happy and successful and I go through periods where I feel discontent at my situation not changing fast enough but we are changing little by little so I try not to get too discouraged like with the skills part I recently started community college and i am studying cybersecurity and it feels like everybody knows so much more than I do but I try not to get discouraged because not only did I just start but also I have the same problem you have on not being able to learn quickly and i have learned to show myself compassion and that understanding really helps and on getting better physically but not mentally what has helped me is sleeping at least 8 hours a day, setting smaller more realistic goals so that I am able to sustain more long term motivation, spending time with my family and friends, and identify what negative thoughts you are having and challenging those thoughts help I mean you did it in the video where you were able to rationalize