Andrew van der Stock
Andrew van der Stock
Andrew van der Stock
I've been playing Elite Dangerous since 2017, and my favorite activity is manipulating BGS and more recently, PowerPlay. Let's play!
Elite Dangerous: Anaconda Graveyard
4 месяца назад
Elite Dangerous: Exterminate Criminal Faction
6 месяцев назад
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey. Extract process sample
6 месяцев назад
Mining with 1D Mining Lasers
Год назад
Unlocking 1D Mining Lasers
Год назад
@rebeccacowan449 День назад
you smack your mouth more then anything i have ever hurd edit it out its annoying!
@steve6290 День назад
A lot to get my head around Cmdr. But thanks
@vanderaj День назад
Between this and my other videos, you'll be exposed to about 90% of what BGS has to offer, but I agree, it can be a lot to take in all at once. Check out my BGS Guide if you're struggling to follow the videos.
@bokatan9642 3 дня назад
I also nominated your channel for CwolfxUK’s community spotlight series 👍🏽
@bokatan9642 3 дня назад
I love all this BGS stuff you do. Looking forward to trying what you have taught me out on my new account. Do you know if it’s still possible to get your own faction added to the game?
@vanderaj 3 дня назад
I don't think FDev are processing new squadron requests. You can try - it costs 10 mCr, so make sure you have 10 mCr to spare. The bubble is pretty full, so all the good home systems are likely taken.
@Crusina 4 дня назад
Once again, I just wanted to say I really appreciate being able to work with you on this. Not only because you know, my system, but BGS is something entirely alien to me that you're breaking down incredibly well into complex but still easy to understand examples and explanations And thats not even getting into the pvp part. I wad intrigued how bad diplomacy on their part for galactic 911 turned out so badly for them. Had they been more civil and recruited more people to their side as you said, this could have been avoided. Instead they got salty, alienated other people, and blamed everyone else. When I came to you I was pretty obviously desperate. I laid out without going into detail why my syatem was important (I didnt want to abuse specific details to generate sympathy. I just left it at theirs reasons why Im the last person left) and I also said I would do work for you to compensate and would be willing to retake control solo if needed. In short, while I didnt have anything to really bargain with. I didnt insult anyone, wasnt rude, and I offered compensation in the form of work for you. I feel like just by being open and honest and not being salty, I achieved more then galcatic 911.
@Crusina 4 дня назад
Also you can never go wrong with trusting anyone who uses the Dolphin 😂
@vanderaj 4 дня назад
@@Crusina The Dolphin is the best BGS ship in the game!
@bokatan9642 8 дней назад
Thanks for all your work and guides. I’m hoping to try some BGS on stream soon. If you would like to collaborate a little in the future that would be awesome! o7 cmdr
@vanderaj 3 дня назад
Love to. Where are you located?
@bokatan9642 3 дня назад
@@vanderaj cool, I’m based in Uk
@cmdrcyberx9735 8 дней назад
@vanderaj 8 дней назад
@CMDR_CWolfxUK 9 дней назад
Oooh, another creator for The List!
@vanderaj 9 дней назад
Oh yeah! Soon, we'll have enough ED creators to compete with the number of cat subreddits!
@CMDR_CWolfxUK 9 дней назад
@@vanderaj heh, all good. I highlight 5 every weekend, more the better.
@1heUndertaker 10 дней назад
Testing thoroughly is really valuable, the time and effort you take to check *current* facts is much appreciated. One of the challenges I have had in the past, with various aspects of exploration / engineering etc, has been the way some people advised me to do things which did not work / were outdated / had incomplete information. Thorough research is vital, valuable and rare sometimes 🙂 Thanks again for sharing your work ! o7
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
Thanks - I feel strongly that a lot of BGS "knowledge" is passed from others and is out of date. I'll be doing more experiments in the coming weeks. One of the largest experiments we need to do is to characterize trade, because the old formulas don't work any more. We know that demand is now more important than profit, but ... by how much? We don't know. Let's find out.
@1heUndertaker 10 дней назад
Love the way that you bring down the complexity bar so that it is possible to reach, by explaining what you're doing and why ! BGS has so far been a high walled garden to me (like combat is currently as well 😊). You have provided an open door to enter into BGS and explore, thank you Cmdr 👍 o7
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
Thank you! Much appreciated! :)
@-ilirda8502 11 дней назад
which player group would you say is the best at BGS?
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
The game has a Political Leaderboard in the Squadron Hub which measures BGS activity. You can see it in the Right Hand Panel > Squadrons > Leaderboards > Political. I'd say any of those groups in the first page are really good at BGS.
@antwan1357 11 дней назад
I already tested this as long as a black market exists . It works but simply buying battle weapons is just as effective. Another thing to remember if you lose money on the sale it hits them double harder. You can make the station owners lose influence by losing credits on a sale. If your doing both it hits twice as hard I have over 6000 hours of bgs work for 160 S.O.A.R. Squadron.
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
o7 Cmdr! I know of your work as you're active in Pranav Antal space. Would it be possible for you to join the Antal Discord as an ambassador? discord.me/antal
@novarek9337 12 дней назад
Of course that smuggling from a FC work, you can still use the price manipulation of the FC to increase the profit with smuggling and boost up the +20% Mahon bonus alongside (yes yes, Mahon trade profit bonus do work for smuggling) AND unlike legal trading, it will still keep the full intended BGS effect, but in your test you have forget one fundamental rule which is the same rule that you have to conssider when you legal trade for influence :3
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
Thanks for the clarification! That's really interesting.
@1heUndertaker 13 дней назад
The 'very basics' is perfect level for me to learn the foundational aspects of the BGS. Excellent work sir. Looking forward to the next instalments in this video series. Hope you enjoy your time away 🚀 o7
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
I had a good if exhausting time away! $dayjob conference was the largest ever, and we had a great time.
@1heUndertaker 13 дней назад
Perfect timing with this, thank you ! I'm just starting learning about the BGS, so your work on this is really helpful, and great information to learn from 🙂
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
You're very welcome!
@1heUndertaker 13 дней назад
Wow, your commitment to discovering the 'facts' is impressive ! Checking what actually works, backed up with test results, trustworthy data indeed 🙂 You've earned a sub from me sir, thanks again - your time and work is appreciated 👍
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
Thank you!
@1heUndertaker 13 дней назад
So much understanding and testing which you are sharing with us here - for me, as a noob to BGS, your explanatory commentary is *gold* 👍 Thank you Cmdr o7
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
Glad to help!
@1heUndertaker 13 дней назад
Thank you for sharing your findings sir ! Your experiments are helping me to begin to understand some aspects of the BGS, and the what happens / how it works explanations are very interesting 👍 o7
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
Excellent! Data is the difference between opinions and facts. :) I like to make sure I'm using my time wisely :)
@wily_rites 15 дней назад
Nice work on the complete guide and this gentle introduction, much appreciated.
@cyberx4 15 дней назад
i can try it.
@vanderaj 10 дней назад
We've had a bit more information that suggests that buying a good from your own secure warehouse is "clean", but I didn't see that. Feel free to test it.
@maddogtungate6740 17 дней назад
Great video. Earned a sub!
@vanderaj 17 дней назад
Thank you! Let me know of any topics you'd like to see better covered on the channel :)
@JackTrice 23 дня назад
Sudden loud music blared out over your voice around the 23:45m mark, then stopped after a minute or two; and again around 35m mark music overpowers your voice; and again at 45:35m music overpowers your voice; Hopefully you will understand what's happening so I won't report any further instances of same...
@vanderaj 21 день назад
I was trying out music in my videos to make the boring bits less boring, but I think the best bet is to ask for trust that I'm doing what I'm saying I'm doing (i.e. filling up my carrier or delivering goods) and editing it out completely. Unfortunately, RU-vid doesn't allow you to replace the video once uploaded.
@1heUndertaker 13 дней назад
@@vanderaj music could be a good thing for some people, and not for others. For me, I like the idea - with a little less volume on the music, I think it works. Your commentary is the important thing though, so as JackTrice mentions, not being able to hear what you say is the challenge 🙂 By the way, do you know what the music track is called, I'd like to have a listen - found it to be interesting music ! 😃
@edvordo 28 дней назад
"It is thought, but untested, that space CZs are more impactful than their equivalent ground CZs" I actually kind of tested this just last week, although not intentionally, just through playing as I would normally. First day of the war I completed around 7 ground low CZs, seems loke it hardly mattered as that day was lost for said faction. Second day I completed around 10 space low CZs and that day was won. Is it conclusive proof? No, far from it actually! But it adds a little bit of support for that line of thought. :)
@vanderaj 26 дней назад
There are folks have tested it, but I really need to interview 'em :)
@arvelh 29 дней назад
Thank you very much for this!
@vanderaj 29 дней назад
You're very welcome!
@stephengillett9771 29 дней назад
your BGS guide is wonderful
@vanderaj 29 дней назад
Thank you! It was a lot of work, and I bet it will continue to be a lot of work, but I'm getting pretty good feedback on it.
@christopherdaffron8115 Месяц назад
Great Video! I was looking for a good way to surface prospect raw materials using only my DBX and SRV. Also, the HR 3230 system is only about 400 LYs away from my current home base which is a very reasonable distance using my DBX. Thanks!
@vanderaj Месяц назад
Don't worry folks - the allergic reaction was to the booze, which I stopped drinking, and I had some allergy medicine off-camera. I'm fine.
@Pynoxim1 Месяц назад
Hey, nice name you have there. Also, your video was randomly recommended to me which is great, I've always wanted to know what Elite Dangerous was like.
@vanderaj Месяц назад
Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. If you want to get into Elite Dangerous, let me know. I can recommend some really good starter resources for you.
@maydaygoingdown5602 Месяц назад
Hi mate, I'm thinking of buying the Python Mk2 myself I believe you can buy one already engineered, I think it's the red looking one. Can you only unlock it at a certain star port or will it appear at any? I don't have elite status so can't dock at James or wherever you are.
@vanderaj Месяц назад
You can buy the Python Mk 2 at any large starport or planetary port with a shipyard. Click on the "Prebuilt Ships" button (which I didn't see during this stream), and buy your ARX and then the ship. The one you mentioned is the fully built one. Fully engineered, it's a great PvE ship, but it will require engineering, so spend some time getting the materials and engineering opened. I have another live stream where I engineer mine.
@maydaygoingdown5602 Месяц назад
@vanderaj So, I purchased it, unlocked it no problem, put a fuel scoop in, but to my disappointment it won't let me change the Fuel tank or the storage crait. I'm gutted about that, fuel is going down real fast, I'm constantly looking for a sun to fuel scoop!!. I'm used to my Diamond back explorer which I engineered which goes much further before needing fuel. Gutted because it's a lovely ship but I'm not going to able to get far in it without constantly fuel scooping. I'm now wondering if I sell it I might have enough to buy the Krait or Krait mk2?? I've heard they can go long distances and have good storage space. I can't even fit a landing buggy or landing in this. Might buy the new Diamond back explorer mk 2 also, hopefully it will allow me to travel further.
@arvelh Месяц назад
Sorry you’re sick brother! Get well soon.
@johnbooth8883 2 месяца назад
Do you have a discord? Id like to help boost anarchy in a coordinated manner.
@vanderaj Месяц назад
Hi @johnbooth8883 - yes, we do: discord.gg/8GeUSpvWsa
@arvelh 2 месяца назад
Very happy to hear this. We need updated bgs info badly.
@AtlasGaming4k 2 месяца назад
Using SCO drive would have shaved several minutes off each round trip. I’m really liking that drive for ships that just haul to carrier
@rony9225 2 месяца назад
Very nice, thank you for all the info!❤
@LarryHester 2 месяца назад
Love the in-depth look into this! You've confirmed how I've felt since FD's announcement. There's no "winning" in the game to begin with so a few ships with price tags won't make a difference anyway.
@JackTrice 2 месяца назад
Well presented , in total agreement with all raised points, good work :)
@johnstopford9633 3 месяца назад
Good video thank u
@vanderaj 2 месяца назад
Glad you liked it
@DjTasteless 3 месяца назад
Hello! I tried the route planner but it did not give me the special stars, just the calculated route based on normal jump distance. I even tried a different browser (Edge) but same result. It should not matter if I have Guardian FSD Boost or engineered stuff - plz help! - Greeez CMDR Dirty Bastard
@vanderaj 3 месяца назад
Did you make sure "Use Supercharge" is ticked? That's the thing that gives you a neutron-heavy route. The other thing that can stop a neutron-heavy route is the lack of neutron stars near you. That happens a bit at the edges of the galaxy where stars are sparse. Also, there's precisely one neutron star in the bubble - Jackson's Lighthouse. You need to get around 1.5 kly away from the bubble before you start to get the occasional neutron star. Spansh will only route you through Jackson's Lighthouse if it's faster to do so than going direct.
@DjTasteless 3 месяца назад
@@vanderaj Hey, ist like yours but inbetween a lot of planets I cant get rid of - pity I can`t post a screenshot... thx!
@wstavis3135 3 месяца назад
That's about all an Anaconda is good for.....
@vanderaj Месяц назад
lol :)
@Fazius-GPL 3 месяца назад
fine, you saw the security (deamonx and me) ;)
@vanderaj Месяц назад
And thank you for the security - was very welcome. Who knows who might have been there!
@CmdrAtomika13 3 месяца назад
Interesting method of collecting materials. I had no idea that it was possible on the surface of the planet. It is very efficient.
@osoanasteciado 3 месяца назад
amazing video! but in Odyssey DLC mission affect to bgs too?
@vanderaj 3 месяца назад
They sure do. It's one of my preferred ways to play the game.
@Siaynoq8 4 месяца назад
@orderoftwelve 4 месяца назад
looks like it leaked LSD into the MilkyWay upon death
@fascistphilosophy5649 4 месяца назад
anaconda graveyard ... reminds me of my ex-wife for some reason....
@furrball 4 месяца назад
They should've left out the 6 in the countdown.
@madskater5 4 месяца назад
Either I didn't know about this or it's been so long I forgot. Now I want to go.
@vanderaj 4 месяца назад
It's part of the early Elite lore, with the Distant Stars expedition setting out in 3302. The mass self-destruct led FDev to make this a special POI. You need a ship with at least 55 ly range to get there, but you need a fleet carrier to get back.
@madskater5 4 месяца назад
@@vanderaj Ah. Yeah I was just minding my own business back then. Been playing since around launch but didn’t do those things at the time. I wish I did. I did the full Distant Worlds 2 and it was a bit of an eye opener for me.
@vaulttraveler 4 месяца назад
But hey atleast you are still alive!
@vanderaj 4 месяца назад
Also, my carrier was nearby, so I didn't have a one way trip back to the bubble :) I did lose a bit of exploration data, though, that I had forgotten to hand in. Just a few million, but still, some first discoveries are gone.
@richvandervecken3954 4 месяца назад
Good job explaining things. Your landings were a bit rough but if your goal is to be as quick as possible I get it. I always land as if I can fell every jolt myself. :) I have found that Fungoida Setisis prefers the Mountains, Fungoida Stabilis prefers flater open area's. I have not found enough of the Fungoida Gelata or Fungoida Bullarum to know what they prefer yet. Frutexa in all variants prefers hilly or mountainous areas. All variants of Tusock seem to prefer open and mostly flat terrain. All variants of Osseus have a preference for the edges of rocky outcrops from what I have seen. The most difficult plant to find from my experience has been the Bacterium on an Ice Planet with a dim star. To find these I use my SRV to drive around with an external view high above it, and at a angle to see the stars reflected light off of the surface. With this view the icy surface looks shiny and the Bacterium colonies look dull.
@vanderaj 4 месяца назад
o7 Cmdr. Yes, landing for me is generally more of a hit than miss affair. I tend to plonk down for speed's sake. I prefer having a decent shield even on my exploration ships for this purpose, plus in case I bump into the planet, like you saw in the start of the video.
@proto-skunk9548 6 месяцев назад
Thank you, I thank you very much for your video, I was wandering around the same planet for hours looking for the glass needles, I didn't know how to use the surface scanner correctly, if it weren't for you I would be playing blind, thank you and good video!
@vanderaj 6 месяцев назад
You're welcome! Thanks for a great comment, I really appreciate it.