Dementia With Grace
Dementia With Grace
Dementia With Grace
Would you love to manage dementia, with grace?

Hi, I'm Vicky. I am a Certified Dementia Practitioner with a bachelor's degree in Social Work. I have worked for 25+ years with folks suffering with dementia, and their caregivers. Working with both families and facilities, I have developed and implemented useful strategies to help ease the struggles of dementia for caregivers AND their loved ones. I'd like to help you, too. || dementiawithgrace.org ||
@carolynscilley382 8 часов назад
I never remembered people's names even when I was young. I remember numbers just fine, though.
@paulhallewell9786 23 часа назад
I've been waiting for 45 minutes and counting for a response from a UK helpline in regards to my mother's dementia. Thanks for uploading this video. Much appreciated. Best wishes!❤
@katiebehrens6247 2 дня назад
Hi there! I have prayed, and prayed for help. You have no idea the gift you are to my family. I am caring for my mother-in-law. She wakes up probably 10 times a night. Every night. I give her tons and tons of sunshine all day. She is outside almost the entire day in the yard. She barely wants to be inside. So I know for SURE it’s not that she is missing sunshine in her life. At night time I turn the whole house down. I read her stories with my babies snuggled in bed with her as a family and we give her that tender time. I turn the lights off and we pray and I literally put her down for bed like one of my children. The house is totally dark. Still…it won’t be but 30 minutes and she is up. And I mean FULLY up. Changing her clothes, changing her shoes, walking around her little cottage. Then back down to sleep for 25 mins and again…up. Changing clothes, changing shoes, opening and shutting her cottage door to the outside. Then back down to sleep. Maybe an hour will go by..,,up again. It goes like this all night long. Every night. What on earth is going on? Is this okay? Should I try to stop this? I suppose she is not hurting anything so I have just watched her carefully and let her be free to do what she is comfortable with the best I can.
@anniepencil3012 4 дня назад
My lo is my husband& he still wants to drive but is in stage 4. I can't get rid of our car because I need to drive. I've told him my concerns but he doesn't agree.
@51saphire 5 дней назад
My mom is just now starting to reach the agitation stage.. She is I love you one minute, then bad mouths me and tells everyone how horrible I am the next, even calls people crying, If I am unable to fix some problem for her. It causes family discord because they all take her side. They live far away and don't se how quickly she is deteriorating.
@KathrynHeaven 5 дней назад
Does shadowing, or rather, CAN shadowing be applicable with constant telephone calls? My mum rings me (some days) upwards of 7-10 times and she also seems concerned I am in poor health.
@user-ic6xf 5 дней назад
Jesus will be their as they pass from this world into the Kingdom of Heaven.
@harryflashman4542 6 дней назад
One and a half years of caring for my mother. Recently there was an intervention by a neighbor and she was taken from out of our home. This immediately after chastising the neighbor after some rather offensive interrogation about me leaving for a holiday to try and resurrect a relationship. This intervention was apparently to remove my mother from my abusive behavior. My mother had been telling people that I was abusing her for the past half year I have been told. Neither my mother or others ever mentioned or discussed this with me, no behavior towards me ever informed me of her distress. I am still clueless about what I am supposed to have done. This has destroyed almost every relationship with family and family friends, as I have been assumed to have been abusing my mother, which was confirmed by her being removed. I cannot believe that this has happened. I even took a night laboring job so that I could care for my mother during the day. A year and a half of doing everything for her, paying her bills, going without friends or social life as all my time was taken caring for her. I have never been so selfless and never have I been so cruelly treated. I now intend to move away and have nothing more to do with either her or my relatives. I had been told that dementia can turn people nasty, but never would have believed that it could be so destructive.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 6 дней назад
I have so much trouble with patience and calm!! I am hoping THIS is a stage but I am in the angry and impatience stage!! I have to get it together but am having trouble because this has gone on so dang long!! This has been going on for some 20 years now and I have no help and ai have my own health issues and needs. He's like a 15 year old teenager and at least my teenage sons passed through the selfish/it's "all about me stage" into manhood. Interruptions, moodyness, selfishness, all needy, he spend all day on his phone and Laptop and wants me to do everything for him. UG!
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 6 дней назад
I love how you have hung silver platters on the walls of that room - so pretty! I had NO IDEA that the stages could vary in the way you have described here. I now see this in my 79-year-old husband depending on how how much (and well) he has slept and if he has recently gotten enough protein. I never understood his time hording his things and spending hours every day going through the, reviewing and fondling them was how he started. I had NO IDEA this was an early dementia behavior- I was so hurt by this because he would rather spend his hours in the pole barn rather than spending time with me. (I remember thinking we could have traveled places, had driving adventures with our dogs, attended music in the park or we could have gone dancing together like we did when we courted and so on.) Every day I am very grateful when I listen to your blog, that I still have my own clear mind and my own purpose for good. My friends call me a "caretaker" - I'm not sure about that but I do try to "pay it forward."
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 7 дней назад
Your blog has become my FAVORITE dementia blog - thank you so much! This is the first time I have ever heard about "working memory" but the file cabinet example really helps me because I am very visual. Yesterday I found a pile of recent mail stuffed into the store shopping bag. Thank goodness it was junk mail and was not bills that needed to be paid immediately!!
@BrendaJBarNett 7 дней назад
Thank you. My hubby of 46 years has PD with Lewy body dementia and has believed for years that i had an affair. It is so 💔
@snana9665 10 дней назад
I have Multiple Sclerosis, and was doing pretty well when we invited my parents to live with us. My father passed in 2020 (he had dementia, but my mom mostly took care of him). Now, she is starting to show early-mid signs, including extremely gullible poor judgment, and suspicious accusations. I think you call it paranoia. Dealing with her has been so stressful that I’ve been struggling with my health (MS), and am nervous about what I’ve gotten myself into. She complains and is so negative all the time that my siblings have completely cut her off. So it’s just me. What are my choices, so that I don’t destroy my own health? I’m physically too weak to be a caregiver
@elizarodriguez2876 10 дней назад
I think all these ideas are great with the exception of popcorn. I recall watching a warning in training about giving the elderly popcorn because of chocking risk. Isn't it greater for those with dementia? Thoughts?
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 11 дней назад
I am recommend you blog to my dementia support group today. Your blog has become my absolute favorite!!
@HumbleBee123 11 дней назад
Can dementia people struggle to sleep at all? Day and night. Like they try but they cant and seem fed up and cries.
@gloriajenkins5049 14 дней назад
Hi, having a most difficult time w/ my LO w ALZ early Stage 6. Items disappear by the hour, my own stuff gets moved around the house constantly. He's unable to remember from room to room, and badgers me to 'help me look' for the item. Sometimes the item is right under his feet; any insight?
@Malibusurfsup 15 дней назад
My mom does like a little stuffed fox I got her.
@Malibusurfsup 15 дней назад
Love your soothing voice and deep caring. Thank you for recognizing there is still a need for soul connection. For past 2 months my sister and I are caring for our 97 year old mother. It is getting harder by the day. The verbal is really going. In some ways she is so very aware. Anyway, I thank you so much for your tips and caring.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 15 дней назад
This is certainly an important topic! My husband and I already have a Living Trust (with a living will with all of our instructions) and I am in the process of working with his gerontologist getting his DNR activated (since he is now stage 4,) the the distribution of financial power of attorney (MAKE SURE THIS IS A MEDICAID SAVVY LAWYER) and his medical power of attorney (since he has a tendency to call and cancel his appointment for reasons of his own.) .Fortunately I know what my husbands wants (no medication) and to age at home with hospice and comfort care so I plan to do that for him as long as I can. It's been a long journey already, more than 15 years. Fortunately we discussed all of this long before his brain began to break. I have mailed his recent stage 4 diagnosis letter from his gerontologist to ALL of his doctors, dentist, financial advisor, etc.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 15 дней назад
All this information helps me to cope and to plan and that is very helpful with a disease that keeps us jumping. We still have to take it a day at a time but the more we know the better off both of us are. BTW: your hair at this length and with the soft curls is so attractive. Can you talk about the issue of safety with wondering? A friend of mine from our local dementia support group has a husband with FTL Dementia and he wanders in the streets and neighborhood for hours every day. She lets him just go and I am worried for him? I suggested that she try to go with him (like a walk) but she says she needs the private time when he goes out so she is happy he goes....Can you make any other suggestions how to keep him safe beside tracking him on her cell phone?
@MsDiRyan 16 дней назад
Wow, Ms. Grace, I'm recently following you for help in caring for my Mom in-law, (moved in w/us feb 2024) she has dementia- its been difficult as my mom died 2 yrs ago of advance dementia.. However, for the longest I have wondered about myself. So many red flags that you mentioned made me wonder if I have it.. My dog died 7 yrs ago, there were times I was walking him, and I suddenly got startled not recognizing my own neighborhood. I wondered if I made a wrong turn, shouldn't have been a problem, as it's in MY neighborhood. as I walked telling Jackson, find home so he could guide me.. he looked at me as if saying, "Yo! Who's walking who!?" almost crying w/my fear, I wondered, will I find my way home!? At times when driving more than 15 minutes I get trancelike and when I realize where I am, I freak out thinking I passed my exit. sigh then realize I didn't. I no longer drive long periods (Thank goodness I retired, drove 1 hr both ways.I did pretty good, drove after midnight..) with appts nearby I go and try to focus, put music lil louder, keep car cool as I want to be alert.. I will be listening to this one again to take notes, it's late need to get to bed. hoping to read from you as I am freaking out n feeling horrible thinking about my amazing husband of 32 yrs. he's the most kind, loving, patient man I know. such an amazing son. (and husband) I never want to be a burden, I already am riddled w/chronic illnesses, and need several surgeries, due to terrible upper n lower back, my hip(s) and shoulder needs complete replacement. and my failed knee replacements have never really helped me, they made things worse. (each knee performed by different Dr's.) this June my knees began to burn as if someones pouring hot acid.. my restless legs is driving me craycay affecting not only my feet but my hands/arms! I am in constant pain 24/7. . I have fibromyalgia n lupusE diabetes type2 as well. born w/clubbed foot - my life has been in hospitals.. so many surgeries!! lack of sleep makes me like I am shortening my life. its so stressed out I really want to know what peaceful sleep feels like. right now its 1am, my feet are beginning to bug me, so I know I may end up in living room sofa. I do that to be considerate to my husband who wrks from home. but I'd be tossing trying to find right position to find peaceful sleep. but no. watch TV but drift off for a few moments at a time.. wish we can talk, that way I may try to find solutions to my issues. this is affecting our intimate time together as I can't do much due to my right shoulder, which I tore up as I made way for mom in law. wanted to make everything perfect for her comfort and adjustment. Im a strong cleaner, love moving things to make sure all is clean. I've tried to find someone that can help w/cleaning the house, but they do not have the same work ethics as my mom n I had. Im sorry this is long, just had to say thank you for sharing this information. very important. hoping I can get help before I kick the bucket.. thank you for your time. Diana
@janetstarnes3405 16 дней назад
You are Truly Going to HEAVEN. 🙏
@billsmith147 16 дней назад
It's Okay from whose perspective?
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 16 дней назад
My husband has recently been diagnosed at early stage 4. Listening to your podcast has been very helpful for me as I continuing to research and try to understand. My husband's main issue right now is stubbornness. Stubbornness at giving up his charge card, stubborness at completing a task he had started. Stubbornness at showering, stubborness with his chores, arguementative/defensive. I took over the checkbook and all the finances now. I make sure that I am home when he cooks or he will walk away from the stove and burn the food or the pan. He is beginning to be aware that he can no longer do certain computer tasks or brush the dogs teeth after feeding her so he avoids. And when he gets mad he takes it out on me (but I did now know why he was this way.)
@RAINMAN309 16 дней назад
So with your experience, do you believe Joe Biden has dementia?
@richardsonsmith2633 17 дней назад
you look just like my aunt rosemary, i tear up when i see you, i loved her soooo much. my entire faamily are all gone. everyone has passed and i hate how i feel, like a orphan,
@intoalivinghope 17 дней назад
Do you think Joe Biden is in stage 5 dementia? I think so.
@dewboy910 18 дней назад
After watching some of your 7 stages videos, I'm able to determine my mom is definitely somewhere in stage 6. She has already gone through all the stage five things and many of the stage 6 things. I just don't know how much more I can take. It's hard. I can tell that the progression of stages is speeding up. It took her a long time to get to stage 4, then a little less time to get to stage 5, and much less time to get to stage 6. So I am thinking it may get worse even faster now. Some may say otherwise, but IMO, my mom has no quality of life left. She frantically paces and gathers junk all day long, carrying it in her arms or packing it into bags or boxes. Much of it is trash. I wish she could relax and find peace! From my perspective, she is in a state of hell. I think death would be a vast improvement, especially if there is a heaven. As bad as it may sound, I will be glad, and happy for my mom where she makes that transition. I know I'll be a bag of mixed emotions, but I have no doubt that many of my tears will be tears will be tears of JOY! And speaking of JOY, I hope I have a few years left to experience that again! Both me and my mom have been robbed by her dementia! It has actually been much harder on me than her since stage 5.
@EmpressofChrist 18 дней назад
Im here watching these videos because my neighbor nancy who is 83 yrs old is very rude and mean to me. She has a lot of back pain and even her legs hurt . I pray that she will b healed and that God will deliver her out of her misery. I hate to see her b in pain
@EmpressofChrist 18 дней назад
My neighbor shes 83 she has dementia and shes angry and has alot of unforgiveness. I pray in Jesus name that she will have Christ like mind and that she will reconcile
@dewboy910 19 дней назад
The only time my mom is not pacing and relocating things is when she is asleep! She can't even snap out of it when I call her name or ask her to do something. She replies, "OK", but she keeps right on walking the other way like nothing happened. She is completely stuck in this mode. When I take her by the hand and walk her to the bathroom to change her diaper, she grabs at everything we walk by. Even while sitting on the toilet, she is frantically looking for things to pick up. it has become very hard to tolerate. I can't find anything anymore. I locked all the other bedroom doors a year ago, and turned the exterior door handles around after she walked out and took off down the street and fell while I was painting the shed door in the back yard! My mom is gone. I wish the doctor could medicate her so she could at least relax. For me, it is like Chinese water torture. The first couple of hundred drops don't bother you, but the umpteen hundred thousandth drop starts to become unbearable!
@edwardb7811 19 дней назад
Good points about sleep. My love one never used to take naps but seems to nod off a lot during the day.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
That green sweatshirt looks wonderful against the green in that painting!! I recently had a person in my condo community (a new friend who is a retired social worker offer me help with my husband or what ever I needed. I cried because it been ten years that I have been going it alone. I am just not used to people offering to help me.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
So true. 1) I grieve the loss of my "equal partner" and lover that I used to dance with, go everywhere with and made all our decisions with. 2) I grieve the loss of my mortgage free, very rural country home with, my chickens, my art studio and gallery business that had to be sold because we could no longer manage it and he could no longer drive. 3) I grieve the loss of our "planned retirement" as the things we planned on doing that were low cost and affordable like bicycling, hiking with our dog, bird watching, photography, day tripping with a picnic etc.as all of those things require mobility which my loved one no longer has.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
I am trying to learn more about what is coming....I just don't see much that my husband is passionate about (with the exception of playing on his phone and watching Hallmark movies on his Laptop.) The pasttimes and hobbies that he was formerly passionate about involves fishing, hunting, guns, wood working but these all require mobility in his body that, sadly, he no longer has. And the idea of him working with guns scares the pants off of me (thankfully all the guns are gone now.) I think I am going to try bringing home a puzzle from our senior center for him to try to see if that can occupy and interest him. He has always been interested in working dogs and using dogs for his hunting. I rescued a Lab/Staffy three years ago to help keep him somewhat active walking her but that is all I have come up with.... QUIESTION: Will you talk about using the stove and cooking. What stage does this (safely) end?
@DementiaWithGrace 20 дней назад
Stage 4 usually. Definitely by 5. All my love!
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
I am finding so much value in this series of stages-thank you! I am going through your posts one by one so you may see a lot of questions and comments all at once. My 79-year-old husband is now in stage 4 - somewhat diagnosed at four by our new gerontologist (He scored a 24 on the FAST test.).It took me more than a year just to find a gerontologist (she is an hours drive away/each way.) i have been VERY busy working with our lawyer getting his financial power of attorney and medical power attorney. Our big example to --- what you have said regarding planning. My husband's grown daughter (who lives in another state) invited him to come to NC to spend a week or so with her. Unfortunately, he neglected to tell me about this invitation until it was just 24 hours until she was to leave to drive back home. It was very obvious to me that he would not be able to plan that kind of trip for himself anyway (aside of the fact that he no longer has a passport, a suitcase, or a ride back from the airport an hour away. He could not have gone to the credit union to get the money to take with him as well. And, I'm not even sure if he could have made the plane transfer in the airport either.) His daughter was very disappointed that he did not drop everything and take advantage of this trip possibility and even though she teaches Special Education (mentally and physically hadicapt and disabled children) she seems to have no concept of his limitations anyway since she lives so far away. The planning and follow through for a trip like that would be impossible for him right now. WAS I WRONG to discourage him from this trip knowing his limitations and his memory loss? Honestly I was terrified he would get lost in the airport, miss his plane home not to mention the fact that his sons home has many, many stairs to go upstairs and I doubt he could have navigated those steps with his severe hammer toes, neuropathy and osteoarthritis etc? QUESTION: Would you have sent a stage 4 LO alone on an airplane half way across the US?
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
This series is SO HELPFUL for me. Thank you for doing this series. MY LO in currently in stage 3 now. The "excuses" are becoming more and more common (the cover up stages) now. My loved one still works part-time now, three days a week with a rest day in between. EVERYONE (including me) is stunned he can still work so having your confirmation to this is so helpful. We believe he can work because this is "route" memory that he has been doing for 12 years and requires not taking any money and the computer mixes the paint colors for him. He has admitted a couple of times that he can no longer do the thinking required by computer work. That is his FIRST time admitting that he "can no longer manage the things he used to do." The example of not going anywhere was also very helpful- this is my loved one. My husband wants to stay in bed all day long and play on his phone or his laptop. That is all he is interested in. I now understand that they phone and laptop does not demand anything of him.... I attend a monthly support group in my town through our senior center once a month and I plan to share your group with them.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
Another thing that really helped me was to hear your story about why it is hard for me to ask for help. I too have always been super independent, a mom a grandmothers and a caretaker person. I now understand this feeling better. Thank you for sharing this.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
THIS INFO ABOUT THE STAGES IS SO HELPFUL!!!! I saw the issue of no longer driving coming. I was proactive and moved us into a condo after living for 20 years of us living on a super high maintenance 5-acre RURAL property that required constant maintenance and care (a 6-acre homestead with 2 1/2 acres of native gardens, chickens, working dogs, my husband's blacksmith shop, my art gallery/business etc.) As I was searching for the right place to move to, I thought ahead to the issue like needing a walker (I sourced and bought us a ground level condo) and the issue of non-driving and chose a community where there is a Reserve-a -Bus option for age 70 plus and the disabled. This has been our saving grace for when I took away my husband's keys. This bus with its $2.30 fee gives him more independence now that he does not drive. As a result, he did not miss not driving (he had me to drive him everywhere too) and he did not care when I took away his keys (he actually WANTS me to do everything for him now.) BUT he would not allow me to take away his drivers license and I took him off of our insurance plan.) However, the physical license was THE issue for him. (He had the MCI on his record by then.) THANK YOU for telling the story of the insurance liability as that was a huge moment of recognition for me. After he almost hit a boy on his bike (thank God I was in his truck with him and I could turn the wheel quickly.) I knew we could not risk our life savings or another person life.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
Imagine being the "second wife" and trying to care for the 79-year-old father of two grown adults children who live in a different state and who do not quite believe their father has any medical issues or that you are working hard on his behalf. Zero cooperation, zero understanding of the situation and zero appreciation of what you have done these past 29 years since marrying their father. Not one thank you. ZERO recognition to the fact that if I was not in the picture he would be living with them, they would be paying for everything and they would be carrying for him 24/7. Nothing but selfishness on their part and stress. (NOTE: I had nothing to do with their fathers divorce from their mother as that happened 7 years previous to my coming into the picture.) I have his Financial Power of Attorney and his Medical Power of Attorney. I am the one dealing with the financial strain. (BTW: I am the ONLY one who brought assets to this marriage. He brought nothing but debts so this was a marriage of love NOT money.) Am I wrong to be angry here? QUESTION: PLEASE address dealing with a non-cooperative family from a first marriage regarding dementia.
@debby891 20 дней назад
Sending you much love, strength and prayers on this journey. I completely understand how you feel and you can’t help but have bitterness, resentment and hurt. We know that doesn’t help but we’re human too. I get zero help and haven’t for almost 7 years and getting worse by the day. Unless someone does this day in and day out they will NEVER understand how much we sacrifice, financially, our time, our physical, mental and emotional health. I’ve come to believe that they simply don’t care because actions speak louder than words!
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
In my husband's case it was what he called "not thinking." Meaning making multiple mistakes through brain not functioning properly. I thought it was his ADHD, his poor judgement and his rushing about and not thinking about/planning ahead about what he was going to be doing before he did it (he had a lot of spontaneous action/reactions going on.) Now, ten years later I realize it was his early cognitive decline. Our Functional Medicine Physician also discovered insulin resistance. Hindsight is so much easier seeing in hindsight than seeing then at the time they occur.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
I've seen intense frustration and possiveness in my 79-year-old husband. He REFUSED to give up his charge card (I tried to take it away because he has been making MANY financial mistakes that have really hurt our finances) I had to go to the bank and have the the card put "on hold" so that he cannot use it. And if he does try to us e it in the future it will come up "frozen" and he can (hopefully) be angry at the bank and not at me. My therapist believes that my husband is also depressed because he spends so much time isolating in his bed. Your tips are SO HELPFUL! Your way of describing this disease is so helpful to me and I appreciate these videos so much. MY QUESTION: Can you do a video about how to manage our own anger at the situation.... at the person....? I try to deal with my anger (I've been in therapy for a year now) but I don't seem to manage myself very well in that capacity. I feel like I am fighting fires every single day (A) getting a diagnosis B) Getting two diagnosis letters to give to the lawyer to get my husband off of our trust and fighting our Credit Union over and over on issues. C) Paying a $1,900 fine to the IRA when he made major mistakes on our 2018 taxes (before his actual diagnosis and my understanding that he can no longer handle ANY finances) D) Taking away his car keys and being the only driver now which is exhausting for me and so on....E) Being the only person to handle EVERY single repair, every maintenance of our home, handling ALL decisions now... everyday there is some kind of emergency I have to handle. I never get to just rest or just turn off and not be responsible. I fall into bed at 4:30 p.m. both totally mentally and physically exhausted. No, I do not have any help with him and in fact his adult children (from his first marriage) do not believe that he has any issues at all....as well as live in a different state - a 13 hour drive away... So far the only way I have been able to handle my anger and frustration is to write him a note which gets the feeling out of myself in a non-confrontational way and partially releases my feelings.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
This has been a question I have been wondering about. My 79-year-old husbands dementia DOES indeed seem to come and go based on the amount of (quality) of sleep he gets as well as the amount of protein get eats (or eating at all.) I has come to this conclusion through observation but did not really understand why. He has been showing symptoms for about 10-12 years (we were able to slow it down quite a bit by using the Dr. Dale Bredesen protocol/ and his book Revering Alz. My husband is is currently at stage 4 (FAST test and neurological tested) so perhaps this is what you are talking about. This program has helped me a LOT looking more about the overall picture.... He DOES have ADHD and pain from osterarthritis. so your information on that issue and your videos have helped me a lot as well. Thank you.
@donnaallgaier-lamberti3933 20 дней назад
I just discovered your channel this a.m. I am happy to have a place to ask my questions in between doctors appointments. My 79-year-old husband has been diagnosed with major neuro disease stage 4. He scored 24 on the FAST test. He is still up and around and active at this stage just super forgetfull. I had wondered about his loss of appetite and willingness to eat so any additional information on that would be helpful. ( I just cannot feed him Ensure because it tis filled with chemicals and soy.) MY QUESTION: My husband also has ADHD and this is getting MUCH MUCH worse as the years progress. How does dementia effect/influence ADHD? Do they work hand in hand? Does dementia effect the area of the brain that is effected by ADHD? Thank you.
@Paulohlsson7 19 дней назад
Hi Donna, how's your day going with you?
@verniciateure 21 день назад
Thank you!
@verniciateure 21 день назад
Thank you so much. I tell everyone about you. You’re a blessing!
@MrsCluffRN 22 дня назад
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Especially tonight. YES ITS SUPER HELPFUL!! ❤ Bless you & yours!!
@pch2230 22 дня назад
I try to make a conscious decision not to get drawn into it when my mother gets angry. So long as I keep calm and remind myself it's the illness and not her, it seems to work. The key is not to go down the rabbit hole in the first place.
@anniepencil3012 24 дня назад
So helpful!