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@davidmahoney3804 13 минут назад
This movie was written by AI. That's why it had a disposable director and disposable actors. It was a test run.
@metalbudsgaming8371 40 минут назад
If /r/im14andthisisdeep were a filmmaker
@cyuzuzojeanjules3800 40 минут назад
Bro This Movie Is The Shortest Writen Movie ever and Longest Movie Ever!
@laxmantc77 Час назад
The biggest problem was the lead actress giving an embarrassing performance lol
@1mihayes Час назад
I’m sorry, but I totally disagree with the commentator here. Especially about the ending of the first Dune movie. The ending fight that Paul has with the Freeman Janis hearkens back to the full fight he has with his friend the Atraties General where he tells him “you have to learn how to fight even when you don’t feel like it.” This last ending fight plays itself out almost in the same way that earlier one did, except the stakes are obviously much higher because someone has to die. This is a small step that Paul has to take to become the leader He’s about to become. Paul has to learn to put his feelings, emotions, and even philosophies aside to accomplish the goals set in front of him. This all plays itself out in the second movie. Paul must take on the role of a Messiah/hero. Whether he wants to do it or not is irrelevant. What matters is leadership has been thrust upon him and he must grab it with everything he has if he is to accomplish what he is supposed to do. This first movie might be slow, but it is a set up for the second act or second film as the case may be. I think it’s a great movie!
@AncientRylanor69 2 часа назад
Trench Crusaders
@Donninator1 2 часа назад
i liked the movie... cope.
@ICONICPARIS 2 часа назад
I like Army Of The Dead
@winterwurmel5869 2 часа назад
I actually like this movie
@flippert0 2 часа назад
Lol, Brie's problem isn't being a bad actress (she isn't). She's just so awefully insufferable.
@khangphung6116 2 часа назад
Still better then The Marvels
@TeddyOG 3 часа назад
I feel like I sit between your review the and Critical Drinker. I enjoyed what I saw but theres so many shortcuts taken. The one thing that makes me laugh the hardest is not only when the cops open fire on a van of children, but when they give the gf of Doug a grenade with the ice cream, yet intend so much on capturing the kid that the next scene they do everything to stun him as gently as possible. What if she just brought the bag immediately to the kid like many people would do? What the fuck??? Still, fun and gorgeous movie. It felt like Neil's Chappie or Elysium depending how you felt about either(Chappie grew on me a bit) but they didnt come close to District 9 in terms of writing and concepts
@janikesina7813 3 часа назад
12:53 i was scared shitless when THIS popped out of nowhere! Please warn about jumpscares
@sardonicspartan9343 4 часа назад
This was an accident. Synder had to simp to Hollywood after he DCU flops. I agreed to push the message so he could get another paycheck.
@sleeplessindefatigable6385 4 часа назад
This explains so much. I remember seeing the trailer and thinking it was either a re-release or a trailer for a film that doesn't exist. Everything about the trailer feels like it's an example of a post-2010 sci-fi action film that you'd see playing in the background of another, better film, or the image a company uses on the box for their TV to show how good the picture is.
@bezimienny_andzej6425 4 часа назад
The scream at 16:46 had me rolling. Also the haircuts in this movie should be considered a war crime.
@infectiousproduction812 5 часов назад
zack lost his mind , with his daughter death
@flippert0 5 часов назад
I have high respect for Michael Campbell (director of "Casino Royal" !), but this wasn't the right project for him.
@clusternate 6 часов назад
I feel like the book was written as a female fantasy. What if I live in a world with only men, no other woman as competition and I can understand what all the men think. But they don't see my thoughts because they are private and men have to know what I'm thinking.
@blackAngelProductions 7 часов назад
What pissed me off most about this movie was no Hugo weaving wtf unacceptable I want my hugo weaving dammit Smith is my favorite character.
@whatsmolly5741 8 часов назад
Stalin your plane to gain an advantage happened literally 80 years ago
@burning-ghostface 8 часов назад
So you are saying: "Imposible unrealistic fantasy = scary" "Realistic and possible = not scary"
@dixieflatline1189 9 часов назад
Missing one thing:- Jennifer Lawrence was a genuine star in the making, similar to say Zendaya today. Rachel Zegler simply hasn't the star power & has faced a lot of scrutiny over public comments. Can she open a movie? Not yet, that's for sure
@samchitty6897 9 часов назад
the fact that a movie series having Liam Neeson as Zeus and Ralph Fiennes as Hades is mid as hell will never not be a travesty
@waquasalam1450 10 часов назад
The worst movie ever with worst writing, worst character development, worst logic, worst screenplay etc Thank God wb fired him. I uesd to be his fan now I just hate him and his cultist followers. Take your head out of your arse Zack and then be just a DoP Fcuk, no other movie has made me angry this much
@thegalaticnegotiator5382 10 часов назад
One thing that would have been better was the ending, in a book it is somewhat similar but went more in depth and had more dialogue between the bots and the fallen, where it also explained plot holes like sams symbols disappearing. Another ending that appealing was from the game where it ends with Megatron escaping while leaving his master to begin a siege for the next film
@thegalaticnegotiator5382 10 часов назад
In the game megatron escapes through a portal with the army practically ready
@Donninator1 10 часов назад
I actually liked this movie. alot... I dunno... kiss my ass? lol
@waterslime9506 10 часов назад
i NEVER forgot this movie, saw it when i was 6-7 and loved it, never forgot bout it, and i still have the disc that i watch maybe every 2-ish years
@GustavoSilva-ny8jc 11 часов назад
1:43 Those 2 1st movies doesnt really fit tho, if they were thrillers it would make sense
@GustavoSilva-ny8jc 11 часов назад
0:32 What a bad name, jesus, must be purposeful
@admiralsquatbar127 11 часов назад
So glad that Lucasfilm rejected this piece of crap.
@federicomiyagi8366 11 часов назад
The Issue with Snyder is that he is no writter. His best films were written by others. He needs someone to turn his ideas into a proper script.
@AnAngelineer 11 часов назад
I think there is a visual issue with this film : the farmers/village almost look like they come out of a fantasy film. The clash with the starships is just too big for people who at least know about the Empire and space travels. And then you have the Victorian planet, the whatever planet... personally, I can't shake the feeling they don't mesh together. This big contrast could have worked if it was a "Pocahontas" story like Avatar pretty much is, but as is, I can't help but think it breaks the worldbuilding. In Star Wars, Luke's farm in the middle of nowhere still looked like a sci-fi building, and lot like it was out of the Shire from LotR!
@cooper5747 12 часов назад
I loved this movie
@UltimateKikoo 12 часов назад
It’s one of my favorite movie anyway
@chasecummings1529 13 часов назад
Unpopular opinion: I really enjoyed this movie and still do, my dad and I have very little common interests but we saw this movie together and he really liked it so I might be a little biased
@budderkiller9876 13 часов назад
All I remember about this movie was that it has a pitbull song in it
@budderkiller9876 13 часов назад
I forget about this movie but I thought it was ight
@yegkingler 14 часов назад
You know why didn't they hae a J Jonah Jameson cameo in the movie with the guy with the evil spider suit? Wouldn't that be a fun easter egg and it sets up why he's so anti spider man later in life? I mean they love references and setting up future projects. Hell why not make that the movie? J Jonah Jameson vs Discount evil spiderman. I watch that.
@ZoraCatone 14 часов назад
What a terrible video.
@Cosmic.Orphan 14 часов назад
I loved ut
@cowl6867 14 часов назад
This movie was able to do something no other film was able to do for a while. And that was for ne to route for the villains, just because of how boring and uninteresting the protagonists are
@dwightstone6569 14 часов назад
He (Snyder) needs training wheels or at a bare minimum to just direct and let anyone else handle the rest
@davidrf4413 16 часов назад
I didn't like the movie, the dialogue seemed monotonous, the good guys had plenty of plot-armor and fight scenes were very unrealistic and also monotonous. While the story had epic proportions and had some very cool elements, it also lacked nuances, everything seemed superficial, characters were very basic, you had the good guys, the bad guys, the bad guys were just bad, and the good guys were just good.
@AlexandruVoiculescu 17 часов назад
An awesome movie.
@franklinjeh 17 часов назад
I’m sorry, did we saw the same movie? Seems like most of the issues you present are because you missed the dialogue and key scenes. The fact that you present the Snow and Lucy relationship as the most important of the movie further proves this. Also when I see art I don’t always want to see full action or production, sometimes seeing a more relaxed though provoking piece of media is also great and is unfair to dismiss it as Mid o cash gravy. Yet I think the movie does lack because the translation from book to cinema was really rough, the book is really long with deep philosophical dilemas that are really hard to put on screen while at the same time rebuilding an universe and setting a scene, The book is presented in first person with the thoughts of the protagonist Snow, much of the message is lost as in the movie we cannot read Snow’s mind, and even when the director tried to present the same idea the best he could while not being too on the nose, too much happens and I understand why people can get “lost” in the movie and lost interest quite fast. Yet if you will do a review of the movie I highly advise you to dig deeper, not go by assumptions, personal bias or first impressions, as even when the movie is flawed, you missed the mark and just comes up as a hater boy. But again this is my opinion and personal feedback, I personally love the books they mean a lot to me, and even I admit this prequel was a hard pill to swallow. Only logical that the movie would suffer for the same, if anything I’m impressed the director accomplished so much.
@mikesantillanmx5530 17 часов назад
Snyder should keep filming ads and music videos with little to no story. Maybe deodorant, boxing and sneakers ads, since he seem to gloat in men anathomy.
@tobysharples111 17 часов назад
I really enjoyed this film. Go in expecting a B movie, but also expect top notch monster design, a surprisingly good level of CGI and a fun story. If you suspend your disbelief and enjoy it for what it is, this is a good film. What was really important for me was the selection process. Time travel ALWAYS creates plot holes but the death certificate bit proves that the writers at least considered the issues- and that’s more than marvel ever did.
@krunalgode3391 17 часов назад
Chaos walking really took "Chaos" seriously 😂
@koenvandiepen7651 17 часов назад
A space fareing empire needing a medieval style town's food must be the dumbest plot that has ever been filmed