Jokes and not jokes, living together in one you tube stew.
The Coen Brothers - Reviewed and Ranked
3 года назад
Mother 3 Commentary
3 года назад
True Detective - Smash Bros
3 года назад
Half-Life Eternal: Crossing Evolved
4 года назад
Top 12 Sonic Secrets YOU DIDN'T KNOW!
4 года назад
VR - A Boomer's Delight
5 лет назад
DELTARUNE - Review & Speculation
5 лет назад
EarthBound Commentary
6 лет назад
2016 in Video Games
7 лет назад
7 лет назад
2015 in Video Games
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
8 лет назад
Gameplay, Art and The Will
9 лет назад
9 лет назад
2014: Year In Review
9 лет назад
Game of Thrones is jank as fuck.
9 лет назад
@lolmenx4 9 часов назад
liked only bc of that amazing tanaka at the end
@zib7178 День назад
wow i hope the term edgelord doesn’t get misinterpreted years into the future
@andreceholley1 9 дней назад
I have an alter ego but he has an enemy as well which is adachi this video is explains my conception as of why
@luuc4sflp 10 дней назад
Lets hope to never be like him.
@RavenGamingOverLord 10 дней назад
You won’t be if you’re not weak
@RyoshusShitposts 13 дней назад
I have never fucking related to a character more than Adachi. That isolation and brooding? Felt.
@RavenGamingOverLord 10 дней назад
@RyoshusShitposts 10 дней назад
@@RavenGamingOverLord Nanami pfp. No place to stand on. I kid, I kid
@titaniumcranium3755 13 дней назад
I really like adachi as a character because he's a pretty realistic character, but i absolutely hate him as a character because he reminds me of my asshat older brother who all my life from childhood into early adulthood would just complain and blame other people for the problems in his life that most of which he caused. Having to grow up for pretty much all of your life with an immature manchild for an older brother who does nothing but guilt trip you into thinking you're a bad child and blame you for all of his problems just makes me despise this guy
@dc7981 19 дней назад
10 years later and nothing has changed. I was in middle school when i first saw this
@gendoruwo6322 19 дней назад
but if Adachi is your (the MC)'s shadow... then once you faced and overcame Adachi... shouldn't you... accept him? And then become one with him? "I realize now... I am you... after i had a very bad day." MC accepts Adachi... Adachi nods... then Adachi becomes MC's new persona...
@NoFace-Killah 28 дней назад
2:45:05 best ending ever
@bupgaming5150 Месяц назад
Some people don’t understand that human minds follow their own sort of algorithms and can run into their own set of logic loops, similar to human constructs such as laws. It really only takes a person so long before they eventually overstep a moral boundary, blurred and smeared by the soles of their feet, pacing around in a mental prison of their own construction.
@NoFace-Killah Месяц назад
As an aside with House, you can argue that in his case it WOULD financially benefit him to launch the nuke since Vegas had Anti Aircraft and warhead artilerry which spared them of alot of the fallout, and would put Vegas as amonopoly for every aspect of life in the wastelans in the region. He also could have changed character wise in the 200 years in between his scene in the show and the game. However, he doesn't even seem to be in agreement with Vault techs plan in the show, and one of the other board members even mocks him for not being profitable enough with his Casinos, so I'm not seeing the retcon in that example.
@NoFace-Killah Месяц назад
The Shady Sands timeline is alot more ignorable than this twist of Vault Tec setting off the first bomb. Aside from the lame "Capitalism Bad" overtones in that scene, it doesn't make sense at all for Vault tec to start the end of the world. Vault tecs whole business model is working with a select group of veterans, rich folks, etc., who can afford to house in a vault. They weren't getting any more customers and certainly not anymore government grants by starting the chain reaction of nukes themselves.
@diegobelmonte2975 Месяц назад
"Full spoilers for Persona 4 ahead" don't worry I already got spoiled by the thumbnail💀💀
@alpha_c. Месяц назад
literally ME!!!!!
@niklasw.1297 Месяц назад
@da-ne-umer-on Месяц назад
I must say, that not everyone following even these "rules". I used to watch analysis videos a lot and, sadly, 90% of them is just "i will read all story of this game for 5 hours and say my opinion in the end" I'm so pissed. Why are they calling it a "analysis", when they are not analysing?
@VanNessy97 Месяц назад
@samtepal3892 Месяц назад
GMTK really took this video as a guide instead of a parody
@FreedomFighterAsuka Месяц назад
Wait, this video is a decade old? That's some real time traveler shenanigans.
@jakeharkey0924 Месяц назад
as a huge earthbound/mother fan, i rewatch this and the mother 3 video every few months. beautiful work bro.
@jgn Месяц назад
I started making analysis videos just because I really hated a video essayist and now I make videos when I get deeply hyperfixated on a game just talking about things
@wuuuuuuut6799 Месяц назад
People are too fucking naive nowadays to think that villain intentions like adachi's don't exists. Hell if a person gets an ability to kill at will he is dangerous and his intentions will get the best of him.
@user-id2hg6xi3b Месяц назад
Something gut wrenching I thought about during the commentary/reading of the Porky fight: if anyone here delves into politics or niche zoomer anti-modernity talk, they might know about a creator and comedian named Jreg. He's been known for a long time as a confusingly-ironic person who talks about everything from anarcho-primitivism to advocating the destruction of the political compass' "centrist" class. He's wild. He talks in this snarky "isn't this stupid" manner about everything, to the point you can't tell what his goofy grinning ass actually believes. He made a video about maximizing suffering through politics to simulate Hell, and at the end of the video he pauses and says "Wait a minute.......I'm just describing current day America!" The reason I'm mentioning this is because he made a video recently about the concept of irony poisoning. The idea of being so detached by way of irony as a cope, that being earnest or attached to feelings is almost impossible. Even in saying that he's recovering from this, he even says he still can't stop grinning while filming videos just because he developed the habit from talking about genocide and cults and political extremes of all sorts with the same detached irony. Porky's dialogue made me think so much of this. "Who knows! I might be 1000 years old, or even 10,000 years old! But despite that, I'm still the same kid at heart! Isn't that funny!? It is, isn't it? Doesn't it make you laugh? Are you laughing at me?" From what you said in your Earthbound commentary, Pokey/Porky came from a physically abusive father and a smothering mother, lacking honest friendship and unable to really understand said friendship. He's detached from consequences, from others' perspectives and emotions, and underwent a journey across all possible universes and timelines involving humanity. And in all of them, his bleak perspective on humankind is confirmed. All civilizations will fall to greed, avarice and envy. The universe will forever be wasted and rendered void by the sin of humanity, the one (known) lens by which this universe knows itself. Porky is a victim of irony poisoning. He can't truly reckon with the sad reality of human iniquity, because confronting it takes strength of spirit which he was never taught to nurture the way Ness or Lucas was. Even in his last moments on-screen, Porky only wanted absolute safety from the consequences of his actions, from his mortality, from his own degradation. I think the saddest part of it all is that I can see where he's coming from. Truly, I can. I mean shit man, look at the stats on fatherlessness children in America. 23%, a full quarter of the children of this country, will belong to a demographic which is responsible for the most teen pregnancies and abortions, the most adolescent violence and felonies, the most clear signs of mental unwellness. Even two thirds of teen...self-sunsetting. And in this generation we're reaping what we sow, thanks to this lack of family, lack of community, and unfettered access to a vast network of equally unsalvageable kids with which to spread our suffering. Porky is the avatar of modernity. Porky is the Nietzschean last man.
@oneofthecancor Месяц назад
These days, people tend to make them several hours long for the audience of people who “use it as background noise”
@ToastyCubes Месяц назад
This video is so ahead of its time that it doesn't even apply to games literally all of youtube is like this now
@whackaB Месяц назад
Shadow World paired with Shido fucking dying is hilarious
@seronymus Месяц назад
You sound a bit different from the game essay video hmmm
@seronymus Месяц назад
This was truly ahead of its time... A decade old wow...
@amandaalvis5958 2 месяца назад
Maybe the Sword of Kings is Excalibur? That's the only reason I can think of as to a connection between swords, kings, and the British Isles (or, as in Earthbound, Winters/Foggyland). After all, Stonehenge is rumored to be linked to Avalon so it goes.
@red-templar 2 месяца назад
@PC85X 2 месяца назад
Still waiting on another hours long RPG commentary video...
@humanspecieseradicationmedia 2 месяца назад
Almost 11 years later and still never get tired of this. "Dire, noxious tension" has got to be one of the cringiest phrases of all time
@hipsterelephant2660 2 месяца назад
lol he got bullied off twitter.
@leonkheric 2 месяца назад
Sometimes extreme metaphores can teach us about ourselves. As a Buddhist, I learn a lot about the importance of isolation, but also a lot the importance of a "Teacher". Not a master, or guru, or guide. A teacher, someone you learn from. Isolation, by itself, only allow you to reflect about your condition. A teacher can be a good book, a friend that helps you in hard times, the old lady you help carry her bags while she tells her story, a family that supports good values, even a videogame that allows you to feel a bond. Isolation in my religion is about preparing and transforming yourself in favor of society, not in favor of your desires. Not only Adachi, but real exemples of isolation prove that if you refuse to learn about what you are isolating from your life, only hate and superiority complex can grow.
@noisehero4409 2 месяца назад
The fact that Adachi isn’t realistic to regular people is what makes him so realistic, like how is a guy who could care less about life or people unrealistic? Are persona fans Serial Killers or something and feel like Adachi is an insult to the psychopath and sociopaths around the world?
@noisehero4409 2 месяца назад
The fact that Adachi isn’t realistic to regular people is what makes him so realistic, like how is a guy who could care less about life or people unrealistic? Are persona fans Serial Killers or something and feel like Adachi is an insult to the psychopath and sociopaths around the world?
@silverman1601 2 месяца назад
Actually, after thinking about it more, it is very clear that bombing and the fall of shady sands are not the same thing. The show takes place in 2296, and Maximus, who appears to be about 19-20 at the time of the show, was there during the bombing of Shady Sands. In flashbacks he appears to be about 9 or so, so that means the bombs would've dropped on shady sands sometime around 2084-2086.
@Vivec 2 месяца назад
Couldn't agree more. I'm glad I'm not the only one with these thoughts.
@Robomooed 2 месяца назад
I thought this guy died in an illegal street race in Sweden
@johnny-smith 2 месяца назад
I don’t see why people can’t just admit that it’s a possible lore conflict. It feels like they’ve pre-decided it can’t be because they like the show
@coastlineam 2 месяца назад
I would like to say more in this comment. But I don't want to spend too long on this topic. I 100% agree that Bethesda has done a terrible handling on the fallout in recent years, especially Lore. But to say Todd Howard is trying to reckon in some spiteful plot to destroy everything that obsidian builds. Now that sounds like copium to me. In case you didn't know, 2277 was the first battle of Hoover dam that crippled the NCR and the legion military on both sides, which is the start of their decline. So no, it's not so out of left field and silly, You're just biased. I can agree with you on 2 accounts. Information given In the show, the fall of shady sands was poorly explained, and their handling of Mr. House was pretty dumb. But you can't say they're not trying. I say it's still a good show with like 2 or 3 crippling flaws.
@FistShowEnjoyer 2 месяца назад
I was generally accepting of Bethesda's fallout as its own thing even if it's not what I wanted. It's just goofy to me that they even went with this, but I guess they really needed Los Angeles for the setting.
@maximumFLYINGcowbell 2 месяца назад
I think best way to deal with fallout at this point is view them as two separate continuities. Bethesda continuity which is nonsense fanfiction, and Obsidian with 1, 2 and nv as the actual story of fallout. They may own it, but bethesda didn't make the lore and clearly doesn't care about consistency.
@an2qzavok 2 месяца назад
video games would be in a better place if pressing lore reset button for every new installment was a cultural norm
@RedStar441 2 месяца назад
The calk board is almost certainly stating that Shady was nuked on that date. Oxhorn did a whole video about it because the cold truth is that if Shady was nuked just before the second battle of Hoover Dam, it makes all events of Fallout New Vegas a nonsensical joke. Give me strength Joshua.
@Aname550 2 месяца назад
Just take it as non-canon/alt universe and move on?
@RedStar441 2 месяца назад
Hard to with thousands of bethesda bros screaming that it is canon and to just accept it sweaty.
@pucktoad 2 месяца назад
All the wikis say otherwise
@thenorthowl2033 2 месяца назад
When a man is standing on the top of a building, you listen
@jayko4703 2 месяца назад
U’ve got a Nathan Fillion thing goin on.
@hsapin 2 месяца назад
The show is still pretty entertaining. I treat it as a alternate universe in the same setting... that helps me sleep at night.
@wisemage0 2 месяца назад
Today Hiroshima is a thriving, modern, 1st world city that anyone could visit or live in today. Those bombs fell less than 100 years ago.
@slimeprivilege 2 месяца назад
not a good comparison
@TheFalloutHole 2 месяца назад
The whole world was still un-nuked and full of resources to help re-build Hiroshima.
@wisemage0 2 месяца назад
@@TheFalloutHole Yeah, that's true. But if the people in fallout have the technology to maintain and operate power armour with jetpack functionality, then they probably shouldn't have to live in a figurative dump. Or they could at least get rid of the skeletons littered in every subway tunnel.
@TheFalloutHole 2 месяца назад
@@wisemage0 agreed
@BrokenSmokinSpokes 2 месяца назад
@@wisemage0 Grabbing prewar power armor and slapping a fusion core in them doesn't sound the hardest...