Sacred Soul Rising
Sacred Soul Rising
Sacred Soul Rising
Soul Purpose, Twin Flames, Ascensions, Awakenings and Kundalini, Soul-Led Business
@Gustavo-gf4ew 8 часов назад
Clear... Great podcast! Thank you. However, I'm at the stage of not knowing what to do in this separation and it's frustrating because she told me she has a boyfriend. Now I feel that I have to say something to her, but at the same time, all the people talking about twin flames say that I have to let go and work in myself... So, what does this feeling of talking to her doesn't go away? Could you please clarify it for me?
@Ayla72873 9 часов назад
Cat, you came in my life at a critical point on my journey: I was lost and you were God sent to guide me. Now, I came to a point where I am totally peaceful, I hardly ever think of my DM but he is there always. It’s a peculiar feeling. I also understand the journey, and made through the blissful bubble, the crazy, the insane chase, the dark night, the death, the rebirth.. the killer depression.. now I came full circle.. and live from awareness and gratitude. All of a sudden here I am caring less if he ever returns, barely ever think of him, and there are these quality men lined up for me out of the blue but I have no desire. Although I do want someone to share my life with, and I am solicited and courted from these great men, but I just can’t. I try to use my mind and talk myself into giving it a try but then there is a blockage. No desire whatsoever. I just can’t bring myself to even try. I don’t think I will ever be able to be with any man after my love for my DM. Would you please, Cate, give me your input? Thank you
@ladovicagordon48 9 часов назад
Cat, I have a question and I am asking this in order to have complete clarity around this journey. Question: I get that we are 1 soul split into 2 bodies. However, does the DM feel EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING I am going through, like the emotions when I'm tearful and longing for him etc. Does he feel every single ounce of what I am feeling, too? And I must add this. I stumbled across your channel on 2022. At that time, I could not listen to you at all. It sounded as if you were speaking gibberish. Literally. Come May 2024, I "accidentally" opened one of your videos and for the first time I found someone who was feeding my soul by making sense of what I've been through and at times still go through. It was like I have a new bestie who really gets me. I don't speak with anyone here about this because spirituality is a foreign concept to my family and friends. They are all very religious and I'm literally the only one in the group that doesn't attend church, but I'm more spiritually inclined that them. I'm sorry if I'm rambling but it feels so good to actually be able to share these things with someone. I appreciate you, Cat. Thank you for all that you do for me and the collective. We need your sober voice to guide us, and hold us steady.
@ClareWilliamson 9 часов назад
This gives me chills😊
@layliesmaeilian7909 10 часов назад
Thank you so much💐💐💐
@paulinevalentyn2809 11 часов назад
Im so happy to announce that im no longer inlove with my twinflame🎉 but with his double😊❤
@mirjavaananen7550 12 часов назад
Thank you ❤❤❤
@mirjavaananen7550 12 часов назад
Thank you ❤❤❤
@c.kainoabugado7935 12 часов назад
Ty for your knowledge and sharing it out. So helpful. The water demonstration made it clear. I'm glad we work together in the physical. Much resistance on the Spiritual and being in unity because he has stuff to clear. His heart is good and kept closed for now, things will change for the better.
@TheAnimeMiMi 13 часов назад
What about not caring for their existence and enjoying my own life?
@c.kainoabugado7935 13 часов назад
I appreciate your videos to help me remember to focus on me. This information totally describes our relationship. Now i believe he got spiritual messages about me but was ignoring them because I was in deep depression when we met. He wants to help me but is hesitant and then i relieved him of that type of help. I'm getting better swiftly now and I think he's frozen atm. Our situation is that he needs me in this physical world and don't want to do anything that will run me off & I hinted I felt like it when clearing some childhood trauma. But I made a commitment not to leave our work and need to show or communicate I intend keep it because it is aligned with living in harmony with the Earth & living out what both our ancestors call Aloha in modern time. We have ancestral trauma to heal and future order from our own culture developed by our people before the advent of Western contact🫶🏾
@Flufero23 13 часов назад
Shifting into Oneness. ( I call it Christ Consciousness). Satori. Starting my Soul's Purpose tomorrow! I was really into darkness for several weeks, but refused to stay there. I guess it was " the darkness before the dawn). I kept meditating, affirming, praying. I am out of the darkness. I see the light. No thoughts of DM anymore. Seeing 11:11. You are so helpful, Cat.. (I only watch you and another coach with many years in different aspects of spirituality.) So much nonsense on twin flames out there. Sending love.💕🙏
@joyulareign-himbert5218 14 часов назад
Thank you and much love
@kindredspirit6654 14 часов назад
At times it can seem parasitic.. This is something that I picked up on.. When I hold the vibration with them, they stay to absorb the energy (I've noticed). I'm directing them energy to draw them closer in the aim of forming a relationship that I sense would potentially be progressive for both of us.. If they are there drawing on my energy plainly as some parasitic Human, then I need to shut them out. Parasitic sounds harsh - but if they are there feeding off me in that way - then what other way would there be to describe it. Am considering contacting her telling her that if she is not going to be with me, then I'm going to have to leave her behind.. The bubble love phase when we first discovered our vibrational match back in 2021 was powerful - yet now it feels like they are checking in on me to feed off my knowledge, wisdom, energy (it would seem). Yet I know what is likely going to be said in response to this, is that how can I leave them behind when they are me.. But need to be moving forward. Not one for inertia and stagnation.
@drewrites4613 10 часов назад
@@kindredspirit6654 This comment resonates with me so much. It’s frustrating to be tethered to someone who is not someone I’d usually attach myself to. Nothing against her, obviously I have an overwhelmingly immense attraction and connection to this person but there is nothing logical about it. And I feel like her level of spiritual awareness isn’t something I can connect with either. It leaves me thinking what is the benefit for me?
@drewrites4613 15 часов назад
If it's more intense early on, what keeps the DM coming back later on in the journey? I have to be honest, my TF is absolutely not my comfort blanket. She makes me feel so imbalanced and generally out of sorts and I just don’t trust her behavior so I prefer us to be apart. I’ve learned to live with the emotional waves that come with being connected to her. I’ve been at peace lately and I don’t want that to be disrupted.
@drewrites4613 15 часов назад
I struggle with this concept because I always said there’s no way more than one person could share the same soul.
@kaylabrown7045 15 часов назад
Omg I’m so fed up of him,on and off all the time🙄🤦🏻‍♀️
@nadia.koppa. 15 часов назад
Chasing..and enormous jealously dont help at all
@miramijic 16 часов назад
It's hard, it' s true? He comes back every time I pull.🌹
@iamaliciaann 16 часов назад
@ladovicagordon48 16 часов назад
Strange enough since Wednesday evening my DM has been almost inside my being. I'm feeling, smelling and sensing him all around,even as I type this message. I had this "urge" earlier to get in touch with him, however, I made a commitment to myself a year ago to not reach our first, but for him to make contact. I must say that I'm not having a great week, emotionally. Since Sunday it felt as if I was going through a DNoS again. I couldn't even pray nor meditate. However, I'm gaining traction again. Not too sure if the planetary alignment is to be blamed for this. I found that the lunar cycles are really wreaking havoc with me. And the new moon cycle is the worst. I could never have thought that I would go through something so intensely beautiful and equally frustrating. I sometimes wish I could get hold of the Divine and just ask "hey buddy, wtfudge is going on here" 😂. Sending you all lots of love and hugs from a stormy Cape Town, South Africa.
@winterwonderland1154 17 часов назад
When you say the DM “anchors” the energy can you give a practical example of that?
@FuchsiaFire444 17 часов назад
You cant anchor in energy you arent aware of. You cant anchor in divine masculine when you arent being divine masculine. 🤪 DIvine masculine requires awareness of divine SELF, not anchoring in small 3D programmed male self. The journey is energy, everything is energy, and the journey into awareness of the importance of what kinds of energy you are allowing is what allows transformation and the anchoring in and grounding of higher consciousness that you already are in higher dimensions. Being blind to your 3D programming is not ok and it certainly does not define you as something you arent being.
@joanthomas6012 17 часов назад
Its a powerful journey I can tell you miss cathy this spiritual oneness of my soul thank you and Bless you 💫💖
@QueenRobyn211 17 часов назад
I agree with this video ❤
@joanthomas6012 17 часов назад
@lonnieegtvednissen9550 18 часов назад
@mirjavaananen7550 18 часов назад
Thank you ❤❤❤
@michellewara3646 19 часов назад
I felt a sense of urgency to make contact today, thank god I didn’t 😅 I’m not chasing Him anymore it’s been over a year we last spoke.
@reneedurussel6922 19 часов назад
This journey is so hardddddd 😢
@kaylabrown7045 15 часов назад
Tell me about it🙄i don’t want it
@CrystalDiaz613 20 часов назад
Thank you Cat❤ So the divine masculine does come back in from the heart space and not just the lower chakaras?
@Rachel-i2q 22 часа назад
Absolutely nothing and nobody else will complete us outside of ourselves, and you are very right about feeling them pull away energetically, we do feel and know it before it happens. The problem is they dont have a right to control and domiate us everytime we pull ourselves back up . He do we escape a dominator that has us hacked, stalked, and monitored!! I just want my privacy so i can fully focus on my own life and move forward.
@nanygajardo 20 часов назад
When I feel his energy, I push his energy out because I need my peace, and I always bring my energy back to me, we are in no contact since November 2023... I just want to reorganize my life...but sometimes he makes me crazy because he come to me energetic so intense, and I don't want him back, I am with a soul mate so happy
@Rachel-i2q 19 часов назад
@nanygajardo its called wearing a false mask in front of others, so people are pleasing to others and putting a show on to the world!!! Actually, we have been in contact in fact in December, and he even followed me to Egypt, lol!!! I actually believe he peacocks gmhis energy in an attempt to make me jealous when I say no to him, which is only going to push me further away because it's an insecurity within him. Personally I know I can do much better!!
@nanygajardo 17 часов назад
@@Rachel-i2q so if they are using this mask, means that we also do ... because they are we!?
@nanygajardo 17 часов назад
@@Rachel-i2q and you know for me was so calm and happy when we meet, but he was overwhelmed, sent me a video telling I am with the most beautiful woman but I can't be with her, and he was crying, I saw the energy that is going to explode in his body and he got anxiety every time more and more and I started to get this wired attitude like needy person ...too much for us ...he was all the time nice to me, even when he got away...I almost died, for 3 months barely open my eyes to the day ...after 6 months I start to live slowly again, now after 8 months I am really great, younger and beautiful, I am another person, I left everything, I mean my hole life changed...and came to me a beautiful man, soulmate, we both talked about that we know each other from life's time before, he is helping me to heal...but my twin, he is the most important one I know but we have to heal separated....but I live him with all the cells of my body, I dont know if i am going to see him again in the 3 D but I dont care any more, in the 5 D I dont allow his energy over me because i need my space, I mean, he blocked me in the 3D, I blocked him in the 5D....is fare, does it? When he comes to me I push him away and say, come back to your woman and you life, I love you but if you don't come back 100%, don't come at all, and I am not ready yet, so go away, I say those words with love and sweet voice ...but I know is hard
@Rachel-i2q 16 часов назад
@nanygajardo no, not at all!!
@shagnassey 22 часа назад
Why does dm ghost you? because to them you have died! As one part of a two part soul the trigger caused the DM to run away and ghost you and DF really feel like she has died making DF destroy their own existence. this is the intricate dance of soul . This is a play in divine energy. After Df rebuilds her life from the destruction and grabs back the energy that the DM ran away with DF become more powerful than the DM and the DM feels dead from the lose of the stolen energy. DF has to become alive again and get out of soul to cause DM to die and go into soul. Dark night of the soul or suicide is a deadly remedy for the lose of soul energy if either part of soul is not aware that this is a calling to divinity and a better world.
@joannaevans8247 23 часа назад
Spot on ❤ 🙏
@IrisRainbowMagick День назад
I've been choosing myself for years I've been working on myself for years I distance myself years ago and this person still pulls on my energy and then as soon as I respond energetically they disappear again and I'm sick of it
@IrisRainbowMagick День назад
I can't stand it I have separated myself from this person 2 years ago I've been choosing myself and they still want to come back in my energy and bother me then disappear and I can't stand it I'm just trying to cut this connection out of my life and work on my own life i hate this stupid journey
@anastasiaantonia7504 День назад
lol I feel the same
@LibraLove1717-us8qp День назад
Well that throws out the old idea that the Masculines "must to do the work." That's all I could read, and hear about earlier on my journey during the time when I thought a catalyst was my TF in which I never heard of TF until I met this person.
@LibraLove1717-us8qp День назад
I love your content. I've learnt a whole lot from your messages. Everything you've said I have experienced. I love that you don't sugarcoat everything about the connection and I can say that now because I've healed a lot however; I do realize fhat there are feminines out there who's simply not ready to hear the cold hard truths of this journey.
@Rachel-i2q День назад
I never ever want him to return, i honestly believe he was just a catalyst and nothing more. I wish hed just get out of my life for good now
@Angela-vr4uj День назад
Thank you for another terrific video, Cat. This makes sense, but I don’t understand why you say In other videos that the body starts to resemble your twins when the soul merges. Could you please explain why that would happen if it’s just the soul merging? Thanks!
@TheRobdock День назад
Thank you Cat for this validation ❤❤❤
@Rachel-qn8hy День назад
Unfortunately, we live in a 3d world, and we are still human, so no matter the soul and 5d . There is still good and bad and im not going to entertain anything bad that would cause me harm.
@zion367 День назад
Are twins a polarity as in one is persuing good amd the other one rhe same extend of evil?
@lonnieegtvednissen9550 День назад