The Aztec UFO, NM - Hoax
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Alec Guinness on Star Wars fans
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Sai Baba Lady
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Neil Tyson on God Driven Evolution
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The Best of Friends 1991
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Medjugorje is FAKE!!!!
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Operation Ganymed 1977 ENG
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Lakeboat (2000)
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@edvardm4348 7 часов назад
This feels ancient, yet there are so many people who still believe in actual demons, gods etc. While using technology they have no idea how much the very existence of such technology relies on pretty flippin' good understanding of the universe, how it works and how it doesn't.
@boblebricoleur1776 7 часов назад
what an interviewer!
@shadeburst 10 часов назад
Despite some interesting props this was the weakest of the six lectures, with a lot of boring filler and a noticeable lack of enthusiasm on Sagan's part.
@shadeburst День назад
That they achieved so much with such primitive technology -- my phone has a million times more computing and imaging power! But Carl Sagan will never go out of date.
@chandrainsky День назад
The clarity of thought and presentation.. impeccable!
@shadeburst День назад
And yet Carl Sagan adamantly believed in catastrophic global warming, no matter what the evidence said.
@rotorairgroup8409 2 дня назад
I can't understand why people don't reason that those that made the Bible had zero cientific knowledge or understanding. It's hilarious that they doubt actual science.
@VincentAgostino-gy6hr 3 дня назад
The Man Who Would Be King is my favorite movie…. A classic of an old style of filmmaking.
@Cenourafnord 4 дня назад
De hoje em diante vou usar essa resposta para cretinos religiosos, se você acha que vou para o inferno, então deixa eu curtir um pouco de sossego antes do 🔥
@magosdominus4027 4 дня назад
what's more believable a natural path of evolution or some ramblings of old farts from ancient times claiming an invisible man in the sky made it all according to their magic story books.
@jazzman2516 8 дней назад
An irrefutable stream of flawless answers.
@FInalage2012 10 дней назад
Outstanding question by Hefner in challenging Asimov idea of science being what should govern humanity by noting the spread of nuclear technology in weapons. Even scientists are infected by human nature!
@claylemberis4574 11 дней назад
I was searching for this for years too lmao
@1.Nika.1 15 дней назад
Medjugorie is the place where Satan revenged on Fatima.
@sweetiepie7396 16 дней назад
Honeymoon destination for braindead trollopes who claim the sun spun for them.
@jal2550 20 дней назад
This definatley needs a remaster
@user-konicekpavel 20 дней назад
Vážení dnes 43 let od prvního zjevení je úplně jedno co se tehdy v Medugorje stalo. Důležité je že sem zavítalo několik milionů věřících z celého světa. To místo má,obrovskou sílu, neboť za tu dobu bylo silně promodleno. Je zdokumentováno obrovské množství dokázaných uzdravení lidí z celého světa. Lidé co nikdy nežili v zemích kde vládl komunismus neví o tom nic. V té době bylo nemyslitelné si něco takového vůbec vymyslet. Přeji Medugorii ať i nadále sem přijíždějí tisíce poutníků z celého světa. Svatá Panno Maria , odpusť těm co pochybují. Zdraví a pokoj všem, Pavel Koníček Czech republic.❤❤❤
@NurilGamer999 24 дня назад
This is very amazing. Isaac The Genius combined with a Great interviewer. Very nice clip thanks
@mfranssens 26 дней назад
Always liked Michael since his appearance in Zulu. He’s much older now. God bless sir.
@lozspennymoor 26 дней назад
It is really a ĺie
@jamesbarringer2737 26 дней назад
I don’t think there is a single person who does not believe in rationality. The idea that others are irrational is a delusion. Everyone who can and does make his own way through life is rational. You may disagree on the reasons of people you disagree with and you may disagree on the evidence they use, but all people are rational. Sam Harris and other “atheist evangelists” claim - I believe rightly - that the default position is non-belief. Religion, as we understand it, appears to have appeared on the scene only about 6000 ago. That’s relatively recent, but it is long enough so that it would have had to justify its existence. If religion and superstition were simply “irrational” they would logically have died out by now, because religion costs resources in time, in money, and in effort. People even give their lives to religion - living celebrate lives so that they don’t even procreate. Religion is such a costly thing that, after 6000 years, it simply has to outweigh the costs, otherwise it would have died out. To the contrary, the default atheist position of lack of belief, however you cut it, even giving the most generous definition of Atheism for the purposes of counting, just looking at the 5 largest religions, 85% belong to one of those 5 religions. The cultures and countries with the strongest growth are very religious, and the countries that are shrinking are least religious. How rational is it to live and think in a way so that you are perfectly happy with your whole familial line dying with you? That’s rational?
@elcapitan24 26 дней назад
the beauty of star wars is that it was both historic and futuristic. villains like darth vader might materialise in the future, villains like darth sideous of course have. and the jedi themselves represent a knightly order that did used to exist, and who were destroyed in a way that might be similar to how the jedi were destroyed by the sith. so ultimately it was wrong to upset that child and not join his imaginary world. there is nothing wrong with loving a good story, and nothing wrong with wanting to live in an imarginary world, especially when this real world of ours can be so harsh and unforgiving...or even just a little too dull
@greyhoundmama2062 27 дней назад
The original experience might have been sincere on their part. But it became a performance, each making a good living over the decades. Stay away from it, and also stay away from the Charismatic Renewal. It's all baloney.
@Jeff-tt7wj 27 дней назад
Amazes me that there’s people that readily accept the fact that we inherit physical and behavioral traits from our parents yet don’t believe in evolution. That’s literally evolution in a nutshell. It’s just the word Evolution has a lot of stigma associated with it in certain religious circles. I’m not personally religious, but I really don’t see any conflict. One can easily look at evolution as the study of how gods intelligent design works over time. I think it really comes down to people being offended at the idea we descended from apes, and are, in fact apes.
@freehugs8670 28 дней назад
is that all you have? come on...
@peterstubbs5934 28 дней назад
What a load of arty farty BULLSHIT from an established lovey dovey who thinks his film presence goes far beyond what it actually does.
@PhilMoskowitz Месяц назад
I guess Alec didn't get a percentage of the "refurbished" editions.
@kabc359 Месяц назад
Is there a seguel to that Asimov book ?
@user-by3ks9bp5d Месяц назад
A scientific worldview must be tempered with something…or else you get Josef Mengele
@julin8597 Месяц назад
Oh Asimov you have no idea how big astrology is now, i have engaged in it for fun but i would never let it determine my path. I was surprised that people took it seriously.
@Miryam-yg2lw Месяц назад
Shame on you just making yourselves feel better. If you don't believe it, then don't! Some day everyone will know, until then nobody is forcing you! May St. Mary help you all !
@ctsirkass Месяц назад
This man uses language so perfectly that he speaks as if he is reading from a book.
@florenvictoria5248 Месяц назад
Where to my Watch it
@AlexanderWeurding Месяц назад
This is so strong!
@pippipster6767 Месяц назад
He made something like $80 million from his percentage absolutely dwarfing earnings from any other film and making him a multimillionaire. But apparently he wouldn’t do even one day filming in one of the later versions. He may not like it much. But it absolutely transformed his life.
@VisionYpensamiento Месяц назад
It's such a shame the loop is so short and transition so bad...
@rfernandezlorain Месяц назад
15:54 decades later, and this obvious statement has yet to be acted upon. “What stands in the way of us attacking things in a global sense?”… sitting here in 2024, it’s painful to hear and ponder upon our lack of rationality.
@lucsev Месяц назад
Calling "nonsense" things that he can't comprehend is truly ignorant, no matter how great he was as a writer and a thinker. I'm sure he never tried meditation.
@Packer1290 Месяц назад
Funny. First time i've hear him speak. I always expected a Russian accent. The New York accent was unexpected.
@sarasarah1810 Месяц назад
wish they would do this again today, just give it higher quality and clean it up. nothing else though.
@dustinmalpass Месяц назад
Who's here after the Dan Povenmire video.
@694PDPX6R4 Месяц назад
end of story brilliant
@davidgray347 Месяц назад
I've often thought of this movie through the years. We used to watch this in grade school. I always felt bad for the little guy. This movie and the one with the magical pancakes stuck with.
@shredder9536 Месяц назад
Its an anti catholic cult
@rockys201 Месяц назад
Turns out he was right after all. Star Wars fans are the most childish people who never really grew up
@clivewhalley4008 Месяц назад
They are films, nothing else. To base your life on them is rediculous.
@michaeldoef198 Месяц назад
I own a ton of those old books
@rezagatchpazian977 2 месяца назад
Amazing insights❤
@alicevioleta3184 2 месяца назад
it's worth noting that Sir Alec has always portrayed himself as harsh in his stories, but EVERYONE around him has stated that he was nothing but kind. this kid in this video has (allegedly) said that the real conversation was much less harsh; Guinness asked him kindly to watch less star wars.
@ethanwinters7829 2 месяца назад
I don't blame him. I'm glad he doesn't have to see today's s*** world!