Dorito God
Dorito God
Dorito God
A Brief Look at Peter's Costumes in Spider-Man 2
2 месяца назад
Dorito God Spider-Man 2 Livestream Highlights
5 месяцев назад
A Brief Look at the Costumes in Spider-Man PS4
7 месяцев назад
March 2021 PRLW Tier List Update
3 года назад
PRLW Update 2.9 Tier List EXPLAINED
4 года назад
@thatsaweirdone 7 часов назад
It may be a stupid nitpick but is it just me or are Peter's shoulders not as broad as they used to be? I had been feeling that since I saw gameplay for this game, and I think the Suits section of this video helps to show that better
@tkm1875 18 часов назад
Dude, these characters live and breath chaotic, world-ending situations... They're always gonna make jokes. The situation shouldn't take away from WHO THEY ARE and create a homogeneous tone. I love every single character moment and interaction in this game. It's true to the material.
@RedHavok502 19 часов назад
Idk what people expected. I loved it. Got exactly what I was hoping for.
@tlow2116 19 часов назад
Any Thor costume with long hair, and a stubble will always remind me of Prince Charming from Shrek.
@yukikid2195 День назад
Miles morales original as in the design, not the colors. Like most people, miles doesn’t consider the small details that make the suit. Just normally the designs and color scheme, which is weird considering how artsy his character normally is.
@Pattyrick666 День назад
@wsgspidey День назад
i think it's objectively wrong to say Spider-Man in the MCU is the worst adaptation of the character when we have Tobey Maguire and Andrew's versions, you know? more so Andrew's
@ethanpena2030 2 дня назад
God this man is sooooo fucking nitpicky when it comes to these suits jesus chirst :/
@ethanpena2030 2 дня назад
I am sorry but most of your criticism just comes off as whiny or down right nitpicky, the story in generally great even it has its issue, kraven is still kraven the hunter, your whole criticism just makes no sense And venom, the amount of people who say this venom is bad is just ridiculous, yes I get the issue that is just a evil alien monster but unlike other versions like the ultimate spiderman or marvel spiderman show venoms, this one works, he is awesome, badass, threatening, and just so fun to watch on screen. Yes I think the stuff with harry and the symbiote could have worked better or changed but honestly I take this venom over any venom that disney is shitting out nowadays :/ And again most of criticism for venom (and kraven) just come off as nitpicky. The typical "oh it isn't like the comics" bullcrap :/
@DoritoGOD2811 2 дня назад
Are you going to explain why my points are nitpicky, or are you just mad that I disagreed with you?
@gabemyers4516 2 дня назад
This game is a lot like Persona 5 in the fact that I originally put it off bc of the genre but I eventually learned to just get over it and Persona 5 is now my favorite game of all time.
@edploxision9483 2 дня назад
Magik is awesome STFU
@maxinekanner5434 2 дня назад
I saw a card game so never even tried it, but heard it was actually a good game
@marcusclark1339 2 дня назад
and butchered MJ face isn't cause of a car crash just ESG meddling to ugly her on purpose, and media running a smear job saying its fans fault, it wasn't
@sonicmk8312 2 дня назад
The zipper on the shoe of the classic i think is a water shoe ? To explain why he can wear his shoes over the suit like in the brooklyn visions suit of the first game cause if he doesn't take them off its kinda weird since the boots have soles already
@reidpitoscia7152 2 дня назад
I just want a suit style for the advanced 2.0 that makes all the white parts of the suit red and the chest symbol black to give it a classic color scheme for the advanced suit
@theraymunator 2 дня назад
Will you do a video on the new suits that are coming out tomorrow? I really want to hear your opinions on them, though I'd be fine if you addressed them with a community post.
@b-don 2 дня назад
some of the worst takes i have ever heard
@marcusclark1339 2 дня назад
33:24 never coddle criticism with niceties, being blunt on the game's PROBLEMS are never a bad thing overall its a bad game, especially cause ESG is rotted all inside of it, from jowl face mary jane, weak peter to push Miles, pointless missions using the other characters and overall the agenda thrown throughout its a game to avoid, so much thrown away to push Miles or "make them more equal" its annoying, forced and really shows how bad this company is becoming by becoming "marvel game company"
@GaaMacgfx 3 дня назад
Funny thing is, I hated Iron man and loved Magick. So opinions vary!
@marcusclark1339 3 дня назад
33:42 same reason carol has her terrible butch haircut look, sexuality bad, that's why Magick wasn't allowed her obvious best outfit, same to Carol not having her Ms Marvel look Ult alliance 3 still a better option
@marcusclark1339 3 дня назад
23:22 can we stop this weird fear that critiquing female characters is some evil to do never say it male critique, don't coddle the other
@marcusclark1339 3 дня назад
the avengers shouldn't of been in this game Carol still looks terrible cause this era of games and media tried so hard to push her as a "main lead" its hilarious there's a reason everyone just gives her the longer hair game should of been the OG MIDNIGHT SONS and it shows
@marcusclark1339 3 дня назад
7:57 that doesn't matter, it ALWAYS affects the product having paywalls in it, paid skins is what they are and we need to stop saying COSMETICS overall the game is mid, "gameplay" can only do so much if u have to mash through the rest of the game THE MCU-ification of the Marvel brand has bastardized it so much
@LUMBEEPHENOM2012 3 дня назад
I love playing with Nico you just have to build her deck just right so it takes out the luck aspect.
@LUMBEEPHENOM2012 3 дня назад
The gameplay and strategy can be so fun! But man they talk so damn much!!!
@Dill-pickle_ 3 дня назад
Fortnite did a better job than a triple a game like this
@callumchalkley3995 3 дня назад
The main reason for the stealth name in the big time suit is due to its two modes/variations. The stealth is the much more known however there is a combat mode to the suit that has orange lighting instead of the green. This is not the first time its been named like this as this is how it was named in spider man unlimited. Maybe has been named like this before however i am unaware if this is the case or not
@normalplayer7377 4 дня назад
The fact that TT Games did a better job with Lego, good on them. I really love playing it.
@thedrifter5531 4 дня назад
personally i think it fucking sucks that spiderman was a ps exclusive especially now that well the game is no longer purchasable
@tjreed7797 4 дня назад
I tried to play Midnight Suns recently on EGS but it wouldn't start even with changing the launch options and manifest
@GreaserMan 4 дня назад
AW MAN, I wish Electro was the playable character instead of Storm
@simonmann4922 4 дня назад
While the complaint about magiks default suit is warranted, she has on several occasions worn a similar looking costume that was chosen as the default skin (I’m assuming it’s a nod to when she was apart of the new mutants group who all wore the standard X-men outfit initially) Also yeah the Abby isn’t the best, honestly it would a much better hub if you were only required to use the mission select station
@frazermcmultan7506 4 дня назад
I would like to point out because Sony decided to rush insomniac games for this game to come out but if they didn’t get rushed we would have most likely got a few missions with Symbiotic miles like we did with Peter personally i think it would’ve been carnage because if you ask a ai search engine like Alexa Siri or google it tells you carnage links to miles like venom done to Peter we ven have a symbiot suit for him for once you defeat the hive minds side mission and it’s red like carnage and named absolute carnage so if insomniac didn’t get rushed we would’ve gotten similar symbiotic missions for miles like Peter and did anyone else notice how the second half of the game went so quick but it would’ve been so cool to have a carnage version of miles and a venom version of Peter fighting alongside each other
@just_an_elli 4 дня назад
6:45 "Sonic Frontiers-y" is literally the perfect term for an abundance of unnecessary references
@zed-uw3ug 5 дней назад
i agree with the part about the spider punk suit
@Raelyn 5 дней назад
It's interesting how you perceived Magik. I loved getting to know her and didn't find her grating at all. For me Nico was that character that I actively avoided and maxed friendship with last. She completely rubbed me the wrong way in every conversation and felt very entitled and over-the-top naive about everything. I hated how she straight up ignores you and Magik when it came to the birthday surprise. Plus her gameplay felt the worst to me.
@user-ri2qf5wg8w 5 дней назад
You are a jerk
@methanesulfonic 5 дней назад
Love the gameplay, dont care much abt the graphics or story though. Game could've been better with minimalistic graphic and focus more on the gameplay for more content and variety.
@marveler8994 5 дней назад
Just got the game for free on the Epic Games store and I absolutely loved it and want to do a second playthrough eventually, my biggest problem though was also the story itself. Like you said it's not bad but it feels a bit repetitive and anti climactic (still havent played the DLC yet so maybe that fixes things a bit). Honestly though the characters more than make up for it so it doesnt bother me all that much.
@Metsu_Nero 5 дней назад
Spider-Man is great in this game. Better than most people give him credit for. His very environment focused skills are awesome.
@tindekappa9047 5 дней назад
There is a section in this video where you say ''turn based card game'' and ''turn based card games'' 27 times in 2 minutes. In the future use ''it'' and ''them'' instead of repeating the same thing over and over. This is genuine advice, I don't know how to say this without sounding rude.
@DoritoGOD2811 5 дней назад
Turn based card game Can I get the time stamps though?
@cheswyneyman5480 5 дней назад
Star wars gameplay footage in this?
@feargayrats 5 дней назад
I bought this game a while back when it was on sale and started actually playing it a couple weeks ago and have really been loving it despite knowing nothing about the marvel universe, which I think speaks to how great its gameplay is. I hope more people can experience it but the game was always fated to fail financially due to its ludicrous retail price unfortunately
@cheswyneyman5480 5 дней назад
Most of the suits look fine.
@Literallymychannelformusic 5 дней назад
This guy has some of the worst takes ever
@flamma1114 5 дней назад
It’s crazy how the two suits you said are loses are coming back. Really great coincidence for you honestly.
@flamma1114 5 дней назад
Kumo black and red suit looks so fucking fire
@CenturionOfficial 6 дней назад
Also, i think that a big reason so many people dislike the card aspect for Midnight Sons is due to it being a $70 game at launch with multiple deluxe editions. Whereas in SNAP its a ftp mobile game with a monrtization scheme that isnt actually awful. But overall i gotta say Midnight Sons is my favorite Marvel game to date.
@lewisgrant7622 6 дней назад
Insomniac does A WAY BETTER JOB