Every day I'm going to cover something new about comics and take a real look at your favorite characters. It's for everyone from hardcore fans to those just picking up their first comic book! So sit back, watch a few episodes, and who know, you might just learn a thing or two.

**NEW EPISODES Every Day**
Can Omni-Man Beat the Avengers?
14 дней назад
My Response to the Hate
14 дней назад
Can Hulk Defeat the Skar King?
21 день назад
Shimo VS MechaGodzilla | Who Would Win?
Месяц назад
@LosLS2 10 минут назад
You should make clear that you are comparing Marvel Odin as he is far more OP than DC Odin. I would say DC Odin < Marvel Zeus < DC Zeus < Marvel Odin.
@Wes_Bradley-Taubner 15 минут назад
SPH > WBH > Immortal And I still think that speed, agility, hacks, stamina and intelligence should be considered as well, even if it’s not as important as strength, durability, and endurance
@AmulekKempton 42 минуты назад
I love Bane! I would love to say he'd win, but beast has too much raw power and durability for Bane to win
@MonsterCenter414 53 минуты назад
If it wasnt in 1 night he could win, i might put it at a 67% chance for John
@GreenAuraYt Час назад
Because mecha g was made to counter Godzilla not shimo lol shimo fans taking this to seriously 🤓🤓🤓
@kingchas8027 Час назад
The difference between void ghidorah and ultima, Godzilla earth can’t input a code to stop ultima
@kylecollins3755 Час назад
Yoda wrecks Vader.
@Me_is_1 Час назад
If you took the comic version of mark it would be even more of a slaughtered
@inferno350z Час назад
Omniman and homelander are heroes thankyou very much
@DrewBoivie Час назад
Not only is this "close", its not at all clear who would win. Part of the uncertainty stems from the inconsistency of these characters. Character A beats character B who beats character C who beats character A. Star Wars characters are impossible to rank/rate because whether they win or lose hinges so heavily on what the plot needs at that moment.
@hendrikmoons8218 Час назад
A dozen "Bob Semple tanks" versus 1 Jagdpanther + 1 Kuggelblitz. The Bob-Semple's get the high ground... I just finaly wana see someone having the high ground loose...
@Marsbound215 Час назад
He made Kong play dead 😂😂😂
@chevin0 Час назад
Vader got overall more powerful once he was in the suit, but Yoda would have had an easier time with him. and even on Mustafar, Yoda would have bent him over almost immediately
@michealbates796 Час назад
I think that they are equal
@ferdinandgonzalez7407 2 часа назад
Older Obi let Vader win because he knew Luke was watching.
@hatchet3755 2 часа назад
Wrong. What’s more powerful, the force that destroys or the force that creates? Virtue is stronger than might.
@TheBabysitter63 2 часа назад
he only loses to wanda and/or cap marvel
@samuelleblanc4331 2 часа назад
Yoda is a better lightsaber duelist than Vader…not even the emperor himself could match him. Only force power can defeat yoda
@hermanjohnson9180 2 часа назад
Armor Man's a lightweight for the Mech
@Belardeluca47 2 часа назад
Mcu iron man loses but comic iron man wins no dif
@bjmcmahon722 2 часа назад
J, B, then a distant Din
@johnwinchesterp2963 2 часа назад
Metro man is way too fast for superman to handle. And the dceu version hasn't shown enough endurance feats to suggest metro man wouldn't be able to hurt him. Even wonder woman has shown she is strong enough to hurt superman despite being weaker than him.
@razzle1964 3 часа назад
Loki’s position bears out the same mantra Peter Parker is always being reminded of - ‘with great power comes great responsibility’. Loki had his ‘epiphany’ & got the job due to his integrity, not his ambition. Cap picked up the hammer as he was deemed ‘worthy’. ‘He Who Remains’ seems to be just a guy from the 31st century who discovered wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff, got out of his depth, created a terrible situation & did the best ‘damage limitation’ he could think of, poor chap.
@weaksauce1124 3 часа назад
Please never say anakin is more powerful than yoda😂
@Smug177 3 часа назад
Guys let’s be real here if it was baby yoda destroys darth Vader.
@Karma-dy8xc 3 часа назад
stop coping videos
@kimbelsimpson7535 3 часа назад
Yoda also has 900 years experience training Jedi and is also a Jedi Grandmaster.
@BourbonondaBayou 3 часа назад
They did fight once, in an alternate universe comic. It was a reimagining of Empire Strikes Back. Vader kills Yoda in a duel. Not easily, but does win
@fhtmbdh 3 часа назад
Good wins !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@themightofgeburah5882 4 часа назад
Wait… people are still repping the idea that Yoda beats Darth Vader? The Novels confirm that if Luke didn’t stop Vader and Sidious then the Jedi would have been finished. Lego Star Wars confirms that Suit Vader is stronger than Dooku who stalemates Yoda. Star Wars Comics and Shows confirm that Darth Vader and Sidious are the most powerful individuals in the Galaxy. Sidious toyed with Yoda and Yoda exiled himself when he realized this. Suit Vader nearly CRUSHED Sidious when he got put in the suit and found out Padmé died. The fact that Luke is the last hope of the Galaxy should tell you that Yoda was not on Vader’s Tier. Obi Wan in the New Hope Movie is stronger than Yoda and has a precise mastery over the usage of The Force. Sam Witwer had said that Obi Wan’s narrative was to be the strongest defense in the Galaxy. Look at how that worked out against Vader? Exactly. Sidious heavily implied that he held back against Yoda in Order 66 saying he only uses the Lightsaber to spite and insult Jedi. I can only potentially see Yoda beating Suited Vader in Pre-ANH Era before Vader’s powers begin reawakening where’s he’s stated stronger in Empire Strikes Back and stronger in Return Of The Jedi.
@user-sp6cc2zf9w 4 часа назад
Viltrimites are better and because kryptoniams are just to over powered and have like none weakness besides kryptonite
@LeonardoTyrone-sr4qz 4 часа назад
12:36 I knew Yoda wins
@QRzTallmidget 4 часа назад
Sorry, but I have to disagree with you. It's definitely Darth Vader, tho I would argue the battle is closer than most. Yoda is a powerful duelest but doesn't have the endurance to continuously fight, especially with Vader being even more skilled in both lightsaber duels and the force. Anakin lost to Obi Wan due to him being all tunnel vision and addicted to the darkside that it blinded him.
@ghosti79 4 часа назад
It's like those Invincible fanboys saying that Invincible can solo Superman and everyone in DC lol
@brads2433 4 часа назад
“Help me, Master Yoda, you’re my only hope.” Oh yeah, she didn’t say that line. Also, the most powerful Jedi ever hid on an uninhabited planet in the furthest reaches of the universe from someone he could easily beat. I don’t think so. Vader wins.
@Wes_Bradley-Taubner 4 часа назад
A. Leia knew of Ben Kenobi, but she didn’t know of Yoda. Your argument suggests that Ben > Yoda, which makes no sense. B. Yoda hid on a dark side nexus for over 2 decades and still managed to strengthen his connection to the light side. That’s an insane feat of power. How does that prove he’s weaker than Vader? Yoda hid so he could eventually train Luke or Leia. Obviously he can’t beat Sidious, Vader and a whole empire all at once
@halhenderson9020 4 часа назад
Just because most powerful potential or it is given , doesnt mean will always be the victor.
@vanderbiltalexsingleton2041 4 часа назад
Saitama eventually scales to everyone and has never been hurt where as Sentry can be hurt. Saitama wins
@Mimic-45 4 часа назад
Xenomorph (Alien) VS Runner (Alien 3) VS Newborn (Alien: Resurrection) VS Grid (Aliens vs. Predator) VS Predalien (Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem) VS Neomorph (Alien Covenant)
@Jetmakers 4 часа назад
I meant shimo but it said shrimp
@Jetmakers 4 часа назад
Yes I agree shrimp could freeze ghidora but shimo has to stand on land ghidora can fly and have high ground and ghidora can create category 6 hurricanes I mean like come on the dude is overpowered so he would win and what if ghidora absorbed all the electricity in the world
@disruptedfear4909 5 часов назад
Zod solos invincible whole verse easily 😂😂😂 anyone that says otherwise literally has a Neanderthal brain
@willdickens7712 5 часов назад
Vader is only a master as a star fighter
@thewolvesden7098 5 часов назад
Homelander is Superman ordered from wish
@anthonyewing457 5 часов назад
I don’t think that any force user has even been more powerful than Yoda. He’s the only Jedi that stopped force lightning with his hands. Young Anakin was super powerful especially after he first turned but he lost to Obi Wan. Yoda said that Obi Wan wasn’t powerful enough to beat Sidious. Yoda losing to Sidious was plot armor. Sidious tried to exit rather than fight Yoda.
@Justice2421 5 часов назад
Agreed, MechaGodzilla wipes Iron man's lights out. I have a couple of ideas of Not Even Close videos that you could do. 1: Captain America vs. Master Chief, (which Master Chief would win) 2: Optimus Primal ( Transformers Rise of the Beasts) vs. Kong (Monster-verse) (which Kong wins) 3: Ironman vs. Green Lantern (which Green Lantern wins) 4: Spider-man (Peter Parker) vs. Flash (Barry Allen) (which Flash wins easy) 5: Katniss Everdeen vs. Legolas, (which Legolas wins easy) Anyway, I'd think it be cool if you made videos about these one-sided match-ups. And once again agree with this video. Iron man doesn't stand a chance against MechaGodzilla.
@Wes_Bradley-Taubner 5 часов назад
In Disney Canon, Darth Vader wins. He didn’t lose any force power after Mustafar, so he just continued growing in power. I’d say Yoda still has more skill in lightsaber duelling, but Canon Vader is so much more powerful in the force that he likely beats Yoda, especially when we consider his advantages in strength and durability. However, in Legends, Yoda absolutely gigastomps Vader. ROTS Senate Yoda is already fast enough to speed blitz tf out of Vader, his advantage in duelling skill is even bigger than it is in Canon, and Yoda is easily more powerful in the force. In legends, Vader did become less powerful after ROTS, which forced him to adapt and change his fighting style a lot. Vader did become a better duellist and was way smarter than he is in ROTS, but he still had a lot of catching up to do after Mustafar. Still, yoda is more powerful by feats, is a much better duellist, and the speed gap is insane. ROTS Senate Yoda is fast enough to match (and arguably outpace) ROTS Post Order 66 Darth Sidious, who’s faster and more agile than ROTS Pre Order 66 Darth Sidious, who was fast enough to duel mace Windu at such insane speeds that ROTS Anakin Skywalker couldn’t even perceive him and mace (they appeared to be flickering in and out of existence from his PoV), and Anakin is faster and more agile than ROTJ Vader due to not having the heavy suit weighing him down. So Yoda blitzes tf out of him. And keep in mind that this is just ROTS Senate Yoda. Yoda continues to grow in power, skill, versatility, and knowledge after ROTS, till reaching his absolute peak in TESB. TESB Yoda handwaves Vader easily.
@jaredrobinson4571 5 часов назад
Remember he retreated to that swamp Planet because he lost
@anthonyewing457 5 часов назад
ploy armor. He had to lose other the story would have been over.
@jaredrobinson4571 5 часов назад
Is cybernetic body will Aid him in the fight against Yoda remember Yoda lost to Darth Sidious AKA Palpatine
@connerwhite2770 6 часов назад
Why tf does he say young sky walker is better then prime vadar he obviously doesnt know lore and comics darth vadar slain over hundreds of jedi just on a quest for 1 his old master accomplishing feats to make him in this topic at all because i would bever put yound anikan vs yoda any day he lost to obi wan who is not the best dueling jedis not even in the top five i would put asoka over obi wan
@callumebbrell9488 6 часов назад
Anakin fully potential solos yoda