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Seventh day Adventist & Islam
3 месяца назад
My Journey to Christ - Sister Samra
5 месяцев назад
An Interview with Dr. Tony Costa
5 месяцев назад
What is the Qur'an? Dr. Dan Brubaker
5 месяцев назад
Jihad: According to the Qur'an & the Hadith
6 месяцев назад
Is Jesus the Only Way or One of Many?
7 месяцев назад
A Biblical Analysis of Roman Catholicism
8 месяцев назад
Our Strong Tower Conference Trailer
9 месяцев назад
Should the Quran Be Criticized
10 месяцев назад
Is Jesus the Man God?
Год назад
Salvation According of the Qur'an
2 года назад
Who is the Deceiver?
3 года назад
@MortenBendiksen 2 дня назад
The worst that can happen is if someone who hates the true, good and beautiful is a believer in the facts. That is a demon. It is better to be condemned as an unbeliever, than be a demon. 2 Thessalonians, says that delusion is sent on those who hates the truth, not on those who are simply wrong. If you are wrong, but seeking the truth, you will be sent clarity. But if you hate the truth, you'll be worse of with the facts than living in delusion that you are right. Therefore god sends you such a delusion, so you can at least have that, because there is no hope unless you start loving truth.
@MortenBendiksen 2 дня назад
Modern science is reductionistic. It is blind to so much. This guy is selling out the entirety of his soul, of his relation to heaven, yes even of the living God, for his supposed scientific view of things. He has an idolatrous view of reality itself, especially of language. He thinks language defines reality, as opposed to the other way around. We should wholeheartedly and without reserve embrace this notion that Christianity interprets, and Islam is stuck in its own frame for ever, completely unwilling to see beyond anything. Because that is the truth We know the living God breaks in and explodes any frame. He is so much greater than can be captured in so called "facts". He is Love, science cannot see love, doesn't know what it is, and never can. And that is the strength of science, in its field. As long as we don't think science can replace the true life. The only redeeming factor here, is that perhaps this guy is actually playing a sort of devil's advocate, and showing everyone what happens if you go down the reductionist path of only seeing with the physical eyes, and not with the heart/third eye/spirit/what ever you want to call it.
@enockt6218 3 дня назад
Ali dawah: Scientific miracle of Quran is DEBUNKED! AND DONE! Yes he could see all these muslims talk about miracles of quran they always adding alot to the text that never say it. Ali dawah could not use those argument in speaker corner because he knows those verses does not prove anytime of science its just other muslims who add themselves to the text. Also he notice alot of science in quran is wrong. But his argument we cannot trust on science so he just accept quran to be wrong in those parts.
@TheScentedBarber 3 дня назад
Anthony destroyed Nadir!!
@MortenBendiksen 3 дня назад
This guy showed us the true Islam, the worst scientific endeavour in history. Whereas true faith is about the state of the inner human, the heavenly human, the heart, or what you want to call it, and how it is doing, how it connects in love to others, etc. something which can only be given by God's grace.
@MortenBendiksen 3 дня назад
I saw this guy before, and though he was nice, but stupid. Now he has revealed himself to also be deceiving, playing games, and not in good faith.
@gustgoris8009 3 дня назад
Oh no, not him again. This guy don't know ANYTHING about science.
@Nahrin_Assyrian 3 дня назад
So of the European reneccanse did not happen،we would today know from Quraan that washing hands prevent GERMS? WHY ALLAH gave your Muhammad some scientific facts without explaining to him the science so that everyone would know that? Your Muhammad HAD to twach about hygiene bc his people were not goid with that part ecen today,.He was just very close in contact with jews and other civilized cultures that made him mention what they have kack off
@Nahrin_Assyrian 3 дня назад
You see Nadir we Christians women of Easter churches Don't HAVE That PROBLEM
@Nahrin_Assyrian 3 дня назад
Stupidity NOT Muslim women are less to have children with Alcohol fetal syndrome But all non western women you NEVER find this in Christian women of the East We are Christian but we don't have that problem DO not make comparisons between moslem women and western women ‼️‼️‼️‼️
@Nahrin_Assyrian 3 дня назад
We are Christians of middle East and we ALWAYS wash our hands ,you know why BC we are clean, hygiene is very important to us UNLIKE what we have seen in moslem cultures ,very dirty way of life that FORCED your Muhammad to mention that in Quraan BTW,you have ZERO understanding of that passage
@Nahrin_Assyrian 3 дня назад
So Muhammad had a revelation from God on science? Yet he God,forgot to reveal to him marrying a 9 years old is a crime against humanity ‼️‼️‼️‼️ Also, he God forgot to reveal to him killing people who refuse to believe in Muhammad is WRONG ‼️‼️‼️
@bwestbrook90 3 дня назад
It took nadir about 3 minutes to get off topic, which might be a new record for him in this debate
@Nahrin_Assyrian 3 дня назад
Scientific accuracy of Islam 😅😅😅😅 Sorry but I had to laugh
@bwestbrook90 3 дня назад
I cannot believe that nadir is continuing to use this exact same script after getting it rammed down his throat every time it comes up
@susanlaycock7078 3 дня назад
Nadir, 🤓🤡😂 will never win as the quran is not from God 😢
@AlonzoHarris235 3 дня назад
Anthony Rogers believes in three gods.
@susanlaycock7078 3 дня назад
Hello, How many times 😂 A+1 m+1 bs+1=3 😂
@MortenBendiksen 3 дня назад
So, whom ever is more scientifically accurate than Momo should be worshipped as God?
@TH3-MONK 3 дня назад
Other societies prior to Islam also banned alcohol, was that a miracle too?
@justthinkaboutit592 3 дня назад
Nadir is such a lier dog. Well done Rev.
@rebelos2581 3 дня назад
Nadir seems to confuse the words narrative and evidence or facts. He narrates, he never presents. Rough.
@SaintOtter 4 дня назад
I don't know where my comment went. Easiest answer to Nadirs question: child marriage including sex, is accepted in the Qur'an. Muhammad's marriage to Aisha and its consummation at 9 is given as an example in Sahih Al-Bukhari in aspecial chapter about CHILD MARRIAGE. It is known that sex with CHILDREN is bad. It is known that teen pregnancies are bad.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
I was ready to refute those arguments but Anthony never raised them with me, because he has seen my past debates in which those arguments got demolished. so he was scared to directly challenge the Quran in my presence. Please accept he lost.
@SaintOtter 4 дня назад
@@nadirahmed4224 You don't address the topic I raised.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
that is because I am still dealing with last night's debate. but if you understood my point, you would have less confidence in your arguments. Because Anthony did research those arguments against my refutations, and he decided not to use them against me. this is a huge evidence for Islam.
@SaintOtter 4 дня назад
@@nadirahmed4224 Again, you're not responding to my point
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
@@SaintOtter ok I dont mind addressing your argument, but I would be a lot easier if we could do it on my RU-vid channel, would that be ok?
@moodrust8590 4 дня назад
False Arguments of Koranic Exegesis
@Scullery_Denizen 4 дня назад
Honestly, Nadir comes across as being friendly enough and a normal person. That's far ahead of many other Muslims I come across on social media. They all tend to be rather extreme and eccentric.
@houstoneuler 4 дня назад
You must have a very low bar, 1:46:10 looks really friendly and normal
@Lavender-blue80 3 дня назад
Wolf in sheep’s clothing
@MrCharlesMartel 4 дня назад
I wonder if Nadir ever gets tired of losing and being the only one to pretend that he won. Lol
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
The way Nadir ranted about the one who condemns people to hell through alcohol needs to be very careful. He’s walking on thin ice since Allah supposedly sent down the Gospel and Torah. Therefore he is ranting against his own false god. The way he insults Jesus is disgraceful and if he is honest must surely recognise that he is insulting his own religion.
@SaintOtter 3 дня назад
@Lavender-blue80 He lacks self reflection, I think. I got a feeling that self reflection is less important in Islam than posturing and claiming victory in a micro battle that consists of strawman and other fallacies. I still get Muslims who forward the Hijab-Wood debate "Allah prayed fooooor Muhammad" but don't see that the posturing of Hijab doesn't mean he won.
@Lavender-blue80 3 дня назад
@@SaintOtter blustering, deflection and other tactics are the only way these dawahghandists can attempt to get their false message across. In their eyes the best form of defence is attack which is why they go for the Bible. It never enters their egotistical heads that their own sources affirm the inspiration, preservation and authority of the Bible. They shoot themselves in their feet every time they open their mouths.
@magnetmountain33 3 дня назад
Turns out Jesus was fond of children look it up septuagint 14-51/52 Arrested in a parking get some at 4 am in the morning saying I’m not a child trafficker while caught with a naked child with a medical bandage on his penis, which fell off when he ran away! It would appear that Jesus is milking the child for an antidote or theriac to counteract the snake venom that he had taken earlier in the evening while partying with 12 underage boys he left two of them guarding the entrance to the garden one of which was Peter……… I have to admit I’m pretty shocked didn’t realise Jesus was an admitted pedogog
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
Loved Anthony’s closing.
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
Every time Nadir criticises Jesus and the Bible he is criticising the Quran. Alcohol usage, the size of a mustard seed and hand washing are pathetic examples of science in the Quran. He hasn’t had the courage to address the big ones which everyone knows have been thoroughly debunked. Time to retire to the muddy pool where the sun sets.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
The big issues you are talking about were never mentioned in the debate. Anthony was too scared. That’s how good I am because he have watched past debate and knows all those error claims will be destroyed
@MrCharlesMartel 4 дня назад
@@nadirahmed4224Anthony thrashed you. THAT is how good you are. Lol
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
@@MrCharlesMartel you can "trash me" that is fine. but he was not able to present scientific references for his claims., rendering to his defeat.
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
Nadir is off topic at the outset. He’s already attacking the Bible and has yet to address the actual topic. In fact by attacking the Bible he’s attacking his own sources.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
Well, no, it is on topic because I’m showing how Islam is correcting the errors of the Bible. It is more scientific.
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
@@nadirahmed4224 really? You are doing your best to attack Anthony and the Bible. Why are you focussing on alcohol and running from the moon splitting, sun setting in a muddy pool, the whole issue of embryology and so on. Where are the scientific facts affirming those statements. Talking about alcohol and the size of a mustard seed is totally irrelevant in the light of these big topics. Why are you talking about the Bible when the topic is the scientific accuracy of the Quran. You’ll have to try harder. You can’t win and you know it. The Quran is anything but fact based. Why are you criticising the Bible when the Quran affirms the inspiration, preservation and authority of the Gospel and Torah. It’s all or nothing.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
@@Lavender-blue80 I was ready for those topics, but Anthony did not raise these issues because he has washed past debates and knows not to attack the text of the Quran. That’s a big win for me.
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
@@nadirahmed4224 no it isn’t. Why should he raise them? You should have in order to substantiate your case. Anthony doesn’t have to prove anything, you do. The truth is that you have nothing other than “Allah knows best “ to provide some sort of answer. You failed miserably. When you can produce journals to verify moon splitting, the Islamic version of embryology and where the sun sets, then you might have a case. Hand washing and alcohol don’t cut it. You’re arguing against your better judgment. Heck, you couldn’t even provide assurance of your destiny after you die.
@SaintOtter 4 дня назад
Muhammad had sx with a child. The Qur'an allows child marriage including sx. How is that scientific okay Nadir?
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
Nadir has beaten this topic to death and has yet to make any headway. He’s so opinionated that he never sees that this subject has been completely debunked. All he’s doing is making a fool of himself. Does the Bible claim to prove scientific “miracles?” Science is verifying the Bible not the other way around.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
The Bible is a scientific catastrophe, and that is why all Christian apologist runaway from debating the Bible and science go ahead and take a look for yourself. You will never see Christian de topic because they know they cannot win.
@MrCharlesMartel 4 дня назад
Nadir got thrashed. He’s the only one who thinks otherwise. Lol
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
@@MrCharlesMartel if you recall, I finished his career when I challenged him to show me a scientific journal which contradicted the Quran. he was not able to do so.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
Anthony was finished in his debate when he could not provide any references for his claims
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
What a joke, you didn’t even get out of the starting block.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
@@Lavender-blue80 well I stated that I would end Anthony’s career by pointing out that he cannot find a single scientific journal which contradicts the text as a QURAN and that’s exactly what happened
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
@@nadirahmed4224 if you think you can ruin Anthony’s career you are giving yourself more credit than you are due. You have done nothing to prove the scientific accuracy of the Quran. If you are so sure of your case you should be providing scientific evidence for the splitting of the moon, embryology, the setting of the sun and so on. Why on earth are you waffling about hand washing and refusing to address the big issues. You have done nothing but waffle, deflect and avoid the big issues. You won’t defeat Anthony if you live to be a hundred.
@nadirahmed4224 4 дня назад
@@Lavender-blue80 you are trying to win the debate after the debate none of the issues you are mentioning, were raised in the debate, but I was ready to address them, but you should accept. Anthony was not able to provide documented scientific references to support his case.
@Lavender-blue80 4 дня назад
@@nadirahmed4224 why didn’t you bring them up to substantiate your case? The truth is that you can’t make a case for any of the so-called scientific miracles in the Quran. Anthony responded to your case which was conspicuously lacking in anything solid. Quoting scientific journals does not prove the Quran’s statements about the setting sun, embryology and moon splitting etc. Why didn’t you raise those issues. The burden was on you to prove the accuracy of your book. You failed miserably. You kept saying Anthony should get back to science. Why didn’t you use science to prove the Quran? You didn’t get close. Show us a journal that affirms the splitting of the moon. The only thing you’re good at is deflection and sleight of hand.
@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 7 дней назад
Great points Samuel!
@Womb_to_Tomb_Apologetics 11 дней назад
5:08 Worship 11:50 Samuel Green - Understanding Islam and Starting a Conversation
@roohatheema4704 11 дней назад
I left islam 2010 because it is not respect me as womsn
@Ex-MuslimTestimonies 11 дней назад
Thanks for the live-stream !
@George-nv1ri 11 дней назад
I can't understand what the guy on the right is saying. Pointless having him on.
@izharulhaqtruthrevealed1185 12 дней назад
😂they believe at a point in time their god jesus the so called peace maker do commanded a genocide 😂 But but it's only for that time 😂😂 ok ok. If it's for a period of time and it's your god then it's ok and morally justified. Good
@izharulhaqtruthrevealed1185 12 дней назад
😂 Imagine. I guess this people never read a book called bible
@Mariam-mn7xe 12 дней назад
I will never even try to understand any of this Koran and not any words of this sexuall extrem adicted mister Mohamed. I will tell you why: First, because I have lived in India and Bangladesh in moslem areas and could experience with my own eyes the extrem poverty, the corruption and the dust every where you go. No development at all. Second: I found out, that this Mohamed could never be in contact to the living GOD. WHY? Because our living GOD created sins the beginning of menkind on earth the SAME number of women as men. Every man can get the chance, to marry one woman. Not more. This is also, what JESUS told to HIS followers. How could it be, that Mohamed thought, that the same living God told him, that his followers could marry VOUR WOMEN ??? Sins GOD never created 4 times more women then men, but only 1 to 1, according to Mohamed advise 3 men never gets tge chance to marry, because one man already has taken 4 women. That is a very simple Arithmetik task. Every one can count, and can find out very easy, that Mohamed could never had become such an instruction from the Creator of human beeings. If this Mohamed was telling such a big lie in such a basic subject, then what shall we think then about all other nonsense, he was telling. It was in fact not just nonsense but most dangerours and death bringing bloody violence to the hole world. Thats why I feel we have no time left for long Diskussions wirh Moslems. We must confront them with the big difference between JESUS and Mohameds advise for getting married. 1 to 1 or 1 to 4... Who was connected with the living CREATOR ??? Who was telling the TRUTH ??? JESUS or Mohamed. EVERY CHILD CAN FIND OUT !!! LET JS TELL THIS GOOD NEWS TO THE HOLE WORLD. Then Moslems will understand, that JESUS LOVES THEM MUCH MORE, then this Mohamed ever did lr will do. Then they will start reading the BIBLE AND WILL FEEL, HOW MJCH ONLY JESUS CARES FOR THEM.
@ibrahimsd8995 17 дней назад
We know who Jesus is even though his name was not Jesus We know he was the greatest of prophets and had a miraculous birth and performed great miracles through gods permission But he was never God or the son of God not will he be God as he will tell u himself
@Lavender-blue80 14 дней назад
Jesus is God.
@ibrahimsd8995 13 дней назад
@@Lavender-blue80 your belief not a reality he was made God by the council of nicaea you all deny and argue against it but history proves it
@Lavender-blue80 13 дней назад
@@ibrahimsd8995 show me where history proves what. Your asset is nonsense.
@Lavender-blue80 13 дней назад
@@ibrahimsd8995 are you saying that the council of Nicea decided that Jesus is God? That’s the laugh of the year.
@JesusIsraelhallelujah 17 дней назад
I don't know if I'm spelling it right but Mutawafika is the same as tawaffa? I heard different people speak on this very thing?
@tonycostatorontoapologetic5307 17 дней назад
@Juzi3311 18 дней назад
I think that you need to educate your self dude. Christ the Son of Mary was just but a man and a messenger sent to the people of Israel. He himself did not claim divinity and his miraculous acts were not any more different than for lets say Prophet Moses splitting the sea or Prophet Solomon who was given the permission to Control Demons. Moreover, the death of a man cannot atone for the sins of whole humanity. This logically does not make sense and makes me conclude that this belief has pagan origins.
@tonycostatorontoapologetic5307 17 дней назад
Learn what Christians actually believe instead of reading from the same old dawah script.
@gusolsthoorn1002 17 дней назад
The death of a simple man cannot pay for the sins of all humanity, but a sinless, holy, man could. The sinless, holy man, Jesus Christ paid for your sin. You need to accept this, that Jesus died for you, so that you can have eternal life. Trust in Christ today.
@mariamsaleh6521 18 дней назад
God killing himself on the cross for our sins just doesn’t make any sense . You get judged and rewarded according to your own god deeds and bad deeds makes complete sense .
@gusolsthoorn1002 17 дней назад
God did not die on a cross. Christians do not believe this. While we agree the justice demands a person pays for their own sins, the problem is that God has decreed death the penalty for sin. The first sin committed by Adam resulted in death. God had warned Adam that this would happen. Obviously this is not the same in Islam, but according to the Bible, the "Wages of sin is death..." Romans 6:23 but "the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." How can this be? Sins death is what we earn by sin, and the only way for sins to be paid for is in blood (that is why the Jews sacrificed animals on Passover) God's justice demands payment for sin. Since no man could pay for their own sin except through death, God send his Son to die for the sins of mankind, because he loves us. The death of Jesus Christ is the substitute for our sins. This is the gospel, Jesus Christ dies for your sins, so that you can be forgiven, and be in right standing with God.
@ProfYaffle 18 дней назад
23:08 tears to my eye
@ProfYaffle 18 дней назад
So good to be able to share conference with our brothers and sisters across the world. Thanks to Samuel and Tony for your knowledge snd wisdom, for all in chat and Pastor George ... you are such a blessing
@craigmatchett6953 18 дней назад
Thanks Tony. Great teaching... I'm taking lots of notes.
@Anu.N 18 дней назад
Praise God! Great conference and teaching! May Jesus our Lord bless all brothers and sisters there❤
@dotero1817 19 дней назад
@dotero1817 19 дней назад
No audio
@fil9574 25 дней назад
Thanks a million for this recitation. God Bless you and all how hear the WORD OF GOD
@IslamicMotivation-gy8wp 25 дней назад
Christian Logic Q: Who is God? A: Jesus O: ls Jesus the son of Mary? A: Yes, Q: Who is God? A: Jesus *God Jesus was born from the mother he created (Mary) Q: ls Jesus a born son? A: Yes, Q: Who is his father? A: God Q: Who is God? A: Jesus *God Jesus is the father of God Jesus and the creator of the mother he was born from her the son of his wife Q: Is Jesus the servant of God? A: Yes, Q: Did Jesus die on the cross? A: Yes, Q: And for whom did he go up? A: To God *God Jesus was crucified & ascended to God Jesus Q: Is Jesus a Messenger? A: Yes, Q: Who sent him? A: God Q: Who is God? A: Jesus *God Jesus was the messenger of God Jesus. God sends himself as a Messenger of himself Q: Did Jesus pray when he was alive? A:yes, Q: Whom was he praying for? A: For God Q: Who is God? A: Jesus *God Jesus worships God Jesus himself Q: Does God have a beginning? A: No Q: So who was born on December 25th? A: Jesus Q: Who is God? A: Jesus *God Jesus is eternal before everything but he was born in 25th Dec Q: ls Jesus a God? A: Yes Q: So who many seated gods are there? A: Only one God? Q: Where is Jesus? A: He is sitting next to the god Q: How many gods are in heaven? A: Only one. Q: Are they sitting on the same chair? A: These words are understood only by the one who has the holy spirit. *so.. God sacrificed God to God in order to save God's creation from God. God prayed to God for help but God didn't help God, and God killed God with help from humans. And that God is a father of himself and the mother of himself and the son of mother he created at the same time. He is also eternal but his birthday is...?