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@l4zycod3r 4 часа назад
Engine test could possibly tear apart some of the moon surface, but not the substantial part of it. Deorbiting debris would require even more energy, I mean A LOT, required impulse with a given mass is somewhat astronomical. So it is not science fiction, it’s a fantasy.
@gownerjones Месяц назад
I keep coming back to this video. I think the jump sequence is my favorite cutscene. Just Guillaume David's soundtrack, mixed with super fascinating visuals suggesting complex mathematics, and by god, they didn't put any goofy whoosh brrrr sci fi noises in it at all. Silent space, pretty, interesting visuals, and a fantastic soundtrack. It's just masterful what this little indie game created.
@caltheuntitled8021 Месяц назад
34:36 Funny story that you probably know already since it’s been a year: The thargoid titan’s pulse generates heat proportional to your heat output. When silent running, your heat output is 0, so it generates no heat. It’s a useful trick, but in this instance it’s exactly what you didn’t want.
@Inception1338 Месяц назад
It just so happens that the visual effects in the 1960ths as in space odessy surpass today's graphics toys by far.
@Adrenalin844 3 месяца назад
That's a fancy speech you got there, mister totally not genocidal loonie technocrat. Always go for Palatine Hill, kids.
@deadsmile8474 5 месяцев назад
This game is making a prediction for the future Elon Musk I swear😂
@arbok1312 5 месяцев назад
I like to think it just saw your laser moving around and followed it like a cat following a laser pointer
@24framedavinci39 5 месяцев назад
I wonder if Moya could communicate with it? +100 nerd points if you know.
@-Markus- 5 месяцев назад
This scene left me speechless when I first say it, and still after dozens of views im just in such awe.
@dreacul 5 месяцев назад
The speech really got me hyped, I resonated with it, then I saw Earth DEAD. I never felt so quiet after a scene in my whole life. Made me so sad seeing Earth dead, my eyes got wet.
@Wraith470 6 месяцев назад
Just me or does everyone want them to let us in the horsehead nebula
@FBI_Agent_ 6 месяцев назад
Interdicting thargoids 😂
@maximpikalev9538 6 месяцев назад
that is beautiful. there's so many different visual effects for all kinds of warp/FTL drives in all kinds of different media, and almost every one is unique in some way. this one's definitely one of the best
@nezurrak 6 месяцев назад
steeve is one of the good ones
@Hissymaster 6 месяцев назад
Well, there was an attempt.
@yungsteezy4500 7 месяцев назад
seems like a gate way portal or possibly a space station/factory.
@olegoleg258 7 месяцев назад
When the AI talks after the jump, the musical shift, the way it's voice slowly becomes like static as it lists the hopeless situation, the creative team really did well on that part, or rather the entire game honestly in terms of presentation
@BluPotato 8 месяцев назад
This is the futer Elon would have hard and fast
@Nasham_patient 8 месяцев назад
Ілан Маск здорової людини
@cheesedanishable 8 месяцев назад
Now I Am Become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds
@mdmckea 9 месяцев назад
The regular Thargoid scanning implies that they know you are there but, with no heat signature they cannot locate you. Great demonstration of stealth!
@omslaw8258 9 месяцев назад
I remember watching this EPIC introduction and Epic failing the jump. I GIVE YOU THE STARS. I GIVE YOU THE VOHLE ENGINE... (Proceeds to epic fail jump and with proud face)
@omslaw8258 9 месяцев назад
It's so funny because they introduce this epic thing and proceed to epic failing the test jump.
@omslaw8258 9 месяцев назад
This introduction is epic.. Epic Fail
@Dr_Tripper 9 месяцев назад
I have made one attempt to test the offfenses. Yep, they are there. Building a new ship.
@elmarm.5224 9 месяцев назад
Wait. So the engine has been planned to directly face the moon???
@tygrizzly1474 10 месяцев назад
the scavengers were literally doing the same thing and werent attacking me at all when i went to a goid structure
@darksuns7384 10 месяцев назад
Thargoid has existential crisis.
@garaltxabushi8214 10 месяцев назад
How do you change the color of your ship hud? I'm playing on Xbox btw :D
@ALEX_VII 10 месяцев назад
You have to manually edit user game settings file called "GraphicsConfigurationOverride.xml". Pretty sure you can't do that on Xbox.
@darksuns7384 10 месяцев назад
I see the problem. Youre playing with a mouse and keyboard
@ALEX_VII 10 месяцев назад
It took me a few tries to get in, even in VR with HOTAS: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-yCzGaVfINgc.html
@mikey5396 10 месяцев назад
I tried getting close to Indra just yesterday. It blew my MkII away like it was a child's toy.
@gazehound 10 месяцев назад
I hate to be a party pooper but hackers can pilot thargoid ships, I think you were being trolled
@ALEX_VII 10 месяцев назад
This was in Solo mode. It's just a bug in their behavior programming, like the one where they just sit 450m in front of the ship after a hyperdiction.
@djwave28 11 месяцев назад
Love at first sight 💗
@velkhanaoverlord5854 11 месяцев назад
Two theories 1. It is following a anomaly it sees but cant make out wether or not its a human vessel 2. The devs added it in for thargoids to occasionally just observe.
@DimSum9685 11 месяцев назад
My friend begged me to come back and help him since hes a new player. He even got me to transfer my account to PC, drastically improving my gaming experience. After a few weeks of catching up on everything elite i learned about this. I thrn say "Wanna do something stupid today?" He obliged me. "I then said ill most likely die and its terrifying. He joins my ship and we set out. Hes never seen a Thargoid let alone know what they are. He didnt even know they were a part of the game. So i fount the nearest titan, flew my corvette and went in. I never reached the Titan. After fighting off interdiction after interdiction i reached it and the second pulse killed me. Half the time he was screaming. It was epic. 😂😂😂😂😂
@randyblackwell5016 11 месяцев назад
i only want one reason why thargoids attack me first without doing anything! they didn't even scan me and go like what i see in every YT video😂😂❤
@nogitsunegaming 11 месяцев назад
I recorded an encounter like this from a hyperdiction on PS elite years ago, only saved a video the one time, but they treated me like that pretty routinely. But I'm also one of those people who went out of their way to give thargoids things they seem to want, imperial slaves, thargoid probes etc. I wonder if it's possible they have some kinda faction system under the hood related to thargoid aggression. Edit: I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords
@ALEX_VII 11 месяцев назад
When the Thargoids were first added into the game, they were considered a 4th superpower by the game's logic. So dropping them stuff like Meta-alloys (a LOT of them) would eventually make the Thargoid faction Cordial -> Friendly -> Allied with you (and all the Thargoids you would encounter would be friendly on radar). This however was removed at some point - probably as soon as it was discovered by players.
@nogitsunegaming 11 месяцев назад
​@@ALEX_VIIif it narrows it down, the thargoids had been in the game a bit by that point, it was only 4 years ago. Humans had been killing em for a bit now by that point. I'd post the video too but I'm not trying to self promote on someone else's channel, it's uncouth lol
@ALEX_VII 11 месяцев назад
@@nogitsunegaming Your video has a known bug - when the scripting of ship scanning fails and the Thargoid just stays at ~500m distance to the ship.
@nogitsunegaming 11 месяцев назад
@@ALEX_VII aah ok, I didn't find anything about it at the time, hence why I posted it back then lol Never had a reason to look back into it because thargoids seem to keep doing the same crap. Confirmation bias I suppose.
@mobiuscoreindustries 10 месяцев назад
There used to be one, back when frontier was playing out a potential divide between those that wanted war upon the goids and those that didn't. It was an interesting time for sure, and it was indeed letting potential for complex interactions with alien life play out... And then frontier dropped the "oops, all evil" and slammed down the door on anyone that was even thinking of anything other than mindlessly killing them. They did the same with the megaship jump to one of the permit locked sections of the Galaxy. Literally no one was expecting much appart form empty systems but tons and tons of exploration ships went to the station in anticipation. Frontier let that grow into a big event. And then once again they went "oops, all goids" and dropped the single strongest thargoid variants on hundreds of unarmed ships all the while anyone even attempting to defend the megaship was being shot at by it because they were fighting in a no-fire zone.
@ILWeatherguy87 11 месяцев назад
I could see this being narrated like a nature documentary... "And here at the center of the Maelstrom we see Thargoid ships in their natural habitat, jumping in and out as well as the natural procreation of the vessels from the central mothership. The thargoid interceptors practice scanning one another and surveying their environment in order to tune their sensors before migrating out of the area to spread forth the Thargoid menace amongst humanity."
@Atrumoris 11 месяцев назад
''Oh, that thing's a lot smaller than i anticipated.'' **Switches to external camera** ''Holy Mother of God, you crazy motherfucker get the hell out of there!!!''
@jedrzejkoszewski4342 11 месяцев назад
That catastrophe at the begining makes a lot of sense. Scientists probably focused on VOHLE engine working and not killing the crew and forgot about vincinity of the ship. For safety they didn't launch it from Earth but from the Moon. Lastly the Moon was probably a great background for such launch so pr team and maybe even CEO were probably vocal about using it as one.
@reidsb78 11 месяцев назад
Spoilers for later in the game, but they knew it would happen. They were also convinced that there was no way for humanity to get to the stars without someone doing it. So they did it first.
@velkhanaoverlord5854 11 месяцев назад
Theres two types of ED players 1. The ones who would panic in this situation 2. The ones who get giddy with excitement realizing someone hyperdicted them and immediately deploys hardpoints
@ALEX_VII 11 месяцев назад
In THIS situation you could only sit and watch the cutscene. There was no way to damage the Thargoids and they didn't attack you back then. (This video is from 2017)
@velkhanaoverlord5854 11 месяцев назад
@@ALEX_VII good point, but you know full well that after the cutscene was over someone who was either arrogant or someone who was running a ungodly amount of shard cannons immediately ripped it apart or got ripped apart
@ALEX_VII 11 месяцев назад
@@velkhanaoverlord5854 No, there was no Shard Cannons back then. Or any Guardian weapons. Or AX weapons. There was no way to kill Thargoids for half a year after they were added to the game.
@ALEX_VII 11 месяцев назад
To reiterate further - the first weapon able to damage the Thargoids was a fixed AX Missile Rack, released in September 2017 (while this video is from January 2017). And fight with a SINGLE Cyclops was a long boss battle, and only the most skilled PVP players could pull it off solo.
@velkhanaoverlord5854 11 месяцев назад
@@ALEX_VII ah, sorry didnt know.
@ultimatecorgi3392 Год назад
POV: Elon Musk solves climate change with a Tesla-brand FTL drive.
@christophersmith1558 Год назад
Think like the advanced insect colony it is. The thargoids aren't returning home to visit relatives. They are returning home with what they have collected and you are being expelled because it doesn't recognize you as a member of the colony, plus trying to return home empty-handed. Find what they are bringing home.
@mapelianbutton4954 Год назад
Ah, humanity. Must we destroy everything we touch lol
@LycanTroop3 Год назад
This is cool, but it's kinda late especially for all the people falling out of this game. It's a shame.
@Nightraver2 Год назад
Steeve was paid minimum wage to guard the titan. Steeve didn't like being paid minimum wage. Steeve didn't care when someone came to rob the titan.
@FurryEskimo Год назад
Wow, I thought this just couldn’t be seen..
@captc0ck5lap60 Год назад
If I'm ever asked what Elite gets right that Star Citizen gets wrong, in terms of lore, the answer is always aliens. SC aliens are very... Start Trekky if that makes sense. And yes, also not actually in the game yet but that isn't the point. The Thargoids seem genuinely enigmatic and alien in their motivations, planning and how they execute whatever plan they have. They're kept mysterious and if you don't specifically set your ship up for anti-xeno ops, you'll basically be helpless against them. It makes Thargoids interesting and threatening. Terrifying, even. What a shame such amazing concepts are wasted on a game that feels like it's been slowly dying for about 3 years now.
@Corn-Pop. Год назад
wow, so big
@gwapokotheman8495 Год назад
This would easily be destroyed by Saitama 💀