Videos of wildlife, hikes and explorations in the UK
Abandoned Buildings Walkabout
28 дней назад
Muntjac Wood
Месяц назад
Muntjac in Bluebells
2 месяца назад
Muntjac Observation & Barking at 2-25
2 месяца назад
Spot The Fox
3 месяца назад
Old Dairy Farm Part 2
3 месяца назад
Old Dairy Farm - Part 1
3 месяца назад
Anglers Crag - Ennerdale Water
8 месяцев назад
Cumbrian Sunset
9 месяцев назад
Walk In The Dark & Owls Calling
10 месяцев назад
Canada Goose & Goslings
10 месяцев назад
Summer Foxes
11 месяцев назад
Tent Cornwall
11 месяцев назад
Barras Nose Tintagel
11 месяцев назад
Red Kite Flying & Perching + Chasing A Crow
11 месяцев назад
Evening Fox 2
11 месяцев назад
Fox with its catch
Год назад
Muntjac in Long Grass
Год назад
Things In The Wood
Год назад
Bluebell Time
Год назад
Swan Eggs
Год назад
Evening Roe Deer - Slow TV
Год назад
Deer Walker
Год назад
Muntjac & Pheasant - Slow TV
Год назад
Год назад
A Walk to Burnbank Fell
Год назад
Autumn Walk
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Walking & Watching
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Badger Meets Roe Deer
Год назад
@badgerandthewoodsman 11 часов назад
amazing to observe these, well caught! ive been trying for ages but i reach for the cam and they are gone!
@Roolooth 4 часа назад
That happens to me often, they pick up on our scent & movement very quickly, then they slip away.
@badgerandthewoodsman 11 часов назад
awesome stuff👍👍
@Roolooth 4 часа назад
Thank you! Cheers!
@WyeExplorer 14 дней назад
It's a bumper time for the deer Roo. I imagine this was dusk or something - felt like it. Some lovely country around there - it's simply the best exploring and vising into the nature. Thanks Roo-take care out there. Mark
@Roolooth 13 дней назад
Mark, the last couple of minutes of the video was at dusk. Dawn an dusk are the best times for spotting them. The problem with dusk is that light is dwindling by the minute and the camera struggles to capture a reasonably decent video, but it's fun looking out for them and trying to make the best of the situation. Yes lovely countryside hereabouts, I'm always on the lookout for a new trail or right of way to explore.
@WyeExplorer 12 дней назад
@@Roolooth I thought I saw Dusk in there somewhere Roo. Yes, a great time for wildlife but not great with the grainy footage. Good to hear of you seeking out the trails - it's simply the best life. Take care - have a great weekend.
@Buster_Piles 24 дня назад
Great video. I love the way they move: not like a dog, not like a cat, something in between. They are naughty tricksters but they are gorgeous with their big, bushy tails. 😊
@Buster_Piles 24 дня назад
Fantastic! Do you wear camo or a ghillie? I find camouflage helps but their senses are so good they'll smell or hear you far away unless you're very lucky. Rain helps or sitting very quietly and waiting. I've never seen Muntjac in real life, they seem like funny little guys. Thanks for posting your videos, they're a real thrill for me.
@Roolooth 22 дня назад
I don't wear camo or a ghillie, just green/grey bland colours. A lot of rain helps soften the forest floor and lessens the noise of our footsteps.
@Buster_Piles 21 день назад
@Roolooth I see. Well you do very well getting close. Fantastic animals and great video!
@Buster_Piles 24 дня назад
Bluebells seem like a blue mist sometimes. Bluebell wood are a national treasure. Great footage of the little foreigner. 😊 Muntjac move differently to red and roe, usually jerky movements draw attention, so you think they do it to mimic foliage moving in wind? Our own deer tend to move smoothly in my experience. Of course he knew you were close so maybe he was very nervous, i just wondered if you had any thoughts you might share?
@Roolooth 22 дня назад
When they know there's a human close by and observing them, they become very anxious, tension builds up in their body, I think this might in part cause them to have jerky movement.
@Buster_Piles 21 день назад
@Roolooth 😊 thank you for replying. Really interesting to hear. Deer are amazing aren't they? Just the other night I saw a young red chewing plants by the motorway totally nonchalant. Yet they'll run if they hear a twig snap in the woods. I suppose we'll never totally understand how they see the world. Great videos BTW!
@Buster_Piles 24 дня назад
Our country is so very beautiful. And you are very stealthy, congratulations, most people scare these super-sensitive ghosts of the wood from far, far away. I once had a red hind walk right by me, close enough i could've reached out and touched her, it was one of the greatest moments of my life. They are almost other-worldly in their grace and beauty.
@Roolooth 20 дней назад
You had a magical moment with the red hind. Yes deer are beautiful.
@Buster_Piles 19 дней назад
@@Roolooth 👍
@Buster_Piles 24 дня назад
I've been looking for footage like this for yonks. Excellent! Thanks for posting. I only wish they'd stayed longer. I adore deer, they are so perfect.
@Roolooth 20 дней назад
Glad you enjoyed it
@micks61 25 дней назад
Some excellent 'spots' there, and some moody, atmospheric scenery too - rainbows and dark clouds, gnarly trees etc.
@Roolooth 25 дней назад
Thanks Mick, glad you enjoyed it. Yes this is in the Chilterns, lots of nice rural landscapes with patches of woodland, ideal places for the deer to retreat into when they want to avoid appearing on RU-vid.
@WyeExplorer 29 дней назад
Wow, great footage Roo - of a family even. I think you must have been as still as a lily pond. Good going. Mark
@Roolooth 28 дней назад
Thanks Mark. I was moving a little bit when trying to keep the muntjac in sight as it moved around, branches were impeding my view but at the same time giving me good cover, but otherwise, especially when it looks in my direction standing still is essential. Yes it was a nice bonus when the fawn and doe showed up, it pays to keep the camera rolling. A group of noisy walkers passed behind me and that attracted the muntjacs attention in my direction, I've dubbed their voices out here as it clashes with the natural sounds of nature that I enjoy when I'm out in the fields and woods.
@WyeExplorer 28 дней назад
@@Roolooth A pleasure Roo. It was a magic moment mate. I don't blame you for dubbing out the voices.
@WyeExplorer 29 дней назад
Well and truly had it this place Roo. Good for dumping stuff if you're the land owner. What was it used for do you think? I hope you're well. Take care. Mark
@Roolooth 28 дней назад
Yes it's had its time and it's in a sad state. There's some rubbish there abouts, I think mainly left by casual visitors who think it ok to leave a mess behind them. There was a sign there saying "industrial estate" but it must have been small scale industry, unless other buildings have been totally flattened and overgrown by nature. Other sources tell me it was a sewerage pumping station for an old hospital that closed down round about the 1980's. The hospital, about half a mile away, vanished a long time ago to be replaced my a modern housing development. It was good to be able to view, explore and record the place while it's still standing, another decade or two and I expect it will be gone.
@WyeExplorer 28 дней назад
@@Roolooth Thanks for filling me in Roo. Nothing stays the same eh? Take care.
@AlbertsDad Месяц назад
They can go on for hours, earplugs a must in muntjac territory if your camping.
@thatdramallama 3 месяца назад
Nice one 😀💪
@Roolooth 3 месяца назад
Thanks ✌ :-)
@thatdramallama 3 месяца назад
@@Roolooth :-)
@hstwodrainage.1410 3 месяца назад
Some nice old machinery there for rescue and restoration.
@WyeExplorer 3 месяца назад
Wow, I was expecting any of that Roo. My grandparents were farmers and my grandad drove tractors like that back in the 70's and we would ride on them. What a collection of old farm machinery. I love finds like this. I imagine you were fairly excited to have a look around. Thanks for sharing. Mark
@Roolooth 3 месяца назад
Hi Mark, yes what a surprise to find all the old farm machinery there, it's quite a collection. I remember some old tractors like that from my childhood, they look classic. I spent summer holidays at my grandparents place deep in a rural area, lots of cattle and old tractors, happy days.
@WyeExplorer 3 месяца назад
@@Roolooth I bet it was a surprise Roo - classics without doubt. Hey, good to hear you enjoyed something similar when young. For sure great days.
@WyeExplorer 3 месяца назад
That's interesting Roo - it looks like a fairly large operation and it's all about scale nowadays. Who is going to buy it? Well, as you say it's been left a while already. I assume the land is still there in mint condition. Thanks for the tour. Mark
@Roolooth 3 месяца назад
I'm not sure what's going to happen to the property, it closed down in part due to a major construction development near by. Green belt land is under pressure and maybe this place will end up as a new housing estate, then I'll cross this area off the list for walks as the wildlife will diminish. The pastures are still in good condition and I think the grass gets cut in the summer. Yes it looks like a large scale operation going by all those sheds, I use to pass a lot of cattle in one of the fields, probably about 50 or so, maybe more in the past.
@WyeExplorer 3 месяца назад
@@Roolooth Thanks Roo for the break down. Yeah, maybe it was a compulsory purchase. If a family farm sad for them and hey the wild life.
@mycolliesandme268 7 месяцев назад
Stunning , well worth the effort. Nice filming too. Thanks for sharing Roo. ATB😊👍
@Roolooth 7 месяцев назад
Thanks Steve, glad you enjoyed it.
@mycolliesandme268 7 месяцев назад
Lovely 😊👍
@Roolooth 7 месяцев назад
Thank you 😊
@markarcher8500 8 месяцев назад
Ive just done pitstone to Princess risborough i have to say this part looks very disappointing compared.
@grahampartridge9335 8 месяцев назад
@Traceyattrill-Essexgirlinwild 8 месяцев назад
I've not been up there as yet , j think that view might top the view on Bo'ness Knott
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
Yes very good views up on this side and it was easy enough to get to. Funny enough I've just watched your Bowness Knott video, really good from that side too. I love any spot around Ennerdale water, Crag Fell was my first ever fell walk and I was hooked after that.
@Traceyattrill-Essexgirlinwild 8 месяцев назад
@Roolooth its a shame they charge at Bo'ness Knott car park now, and st Smithy Beck they have erected a load of big information boards along the cut down trail ,I've not been since they closed it to cut rhe trees down and started charging. Its a good walk though
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
Yes, on my recent visit I parked at Bowness Knott one day and was shocked to see so many trees missing at the carpark and surrounding areas. I think there's a policy to "naturalize" the Ennerdale Water area and remove vast swathes of trees, I'd rather them thin them out and maybe plant some decidious saplings. I understand the need to cut down the larch trees if they are diseased and the fact that the forestry commission sees the evergreen trees as a crop to be harvested and managed but it would be nice if they could leave a few trees here and there. The felling of the trees at the carpark will make it easier for the council or carpark management company to have cameras that spot cars without parking tickets, if and when they decide to do that, most councils or companies do that these days. I just wonder how much longer the other carpark at Bleach Green will remain free parking or have trees. Ennerdale water is like a big magnet for me, every time I'm in Cumbria I spend a day or two walking there and exploring other trails that I've not been on before. Pick the right time and you can walk around there for hours on end and not see a soul, perfect peace and isolation, then walk to exhaustion point and return home happy.
@Traceyattrill-Essexgirlinwild 8 месяцев назад
@Roolooth I love the paths up onto Lingmell and Tewit Howe and Haycock and even the path that follows The River Liza
@Traceyattrill-Essexgirlinwild 8 месяцев назад
@Roolooth I love the paths up onto Lingmell and Tewit Howe and Haycock and even the path that follows The River Liza
@shaunscowcroft9 8 месяцев назад
I was there today, not an easy walk and that house looks like something straight out of a horror film@
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
The ground gets very boggy along there and it feels like it's never-ending. Yes that house by the tarn has an ominous and brooding mood about it, a place of nightmares and mist.
@shaunscowcroft9 8 месяцев назад
@Roolooth very true indeed. It is a long hike from Wasdale head to Burnmoor tarn. I think most people turn back after they have reached the tarn. Next time I will try from the other side ( Eskdale)
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
My intention had been to walk all the way to the Wasdale Head Inn for something to eat and a rest before the return walk, but I noticed there was no activity there and the place was closed due to lockdown I think, so it seemed pointless in pushing myself all the way. I'll try it another time, but I was happy to get within sight of the inn, I'm sure I can make that extra mile if I have the incentive of food and shelter at the other end.
@Traceyattrill-Essexgirlinwild 8 месяцев назад
Lovely is that taken just outside Maryport by any chance ? I live 5 mins from this beautiful coast and it looks like near to those 3 wooden posts that stick out of rhe sand ?
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
Hi Tracey, no it's at Parton, just to the north of Whitehaven, I often see fantastic sunsets on the west coast all along there. I've been to Maryport and further up to Silloth many times, I love the drive along the coast road. I'm down south but Cumbria is my favourite destination for holidays, usually camping in Eskdale.
@Traceyattrill-Essexgirlinwild 8 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth I know Parton , we are spoilt for sunsets , nice capture
@Traceyattrill-Essexgirlinwild 8 месяцев назад
How adorable to have that moment. Btw I'm sorry I never replied to your comment on my arran video, I deleted the first upload in a hurry after you warned me it had not uploaded right. New sub here too 👍
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
Yes that was a special moment, what a bit of luck to be on that path right at that moment. No problem about the reply, I've only recently spotted your channel and videos and subscribed, I'm enjoying them and have a lot of catching up to do. I like the info you provide about the route and the map review at the end of the videos, it helps a lot for any future ventures on the fells. Thanks for the sub ATB Roo.
@WyeExplorer 8 месяцев назад
Ah, lovely walk there Roo. It felt so still - a little breeze/tiny but nothing really. These are the perfect days topped off by clear views. Mark
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
Yes I really enjoyed this walk Mark, a bit of effort was rewarded with great views over Ennerdale Water. The wind was much more noisy as was my breathing after walking up there, I've used a high pass filter and also turned the volume down quite a bit. ATB Roo.
@WyeExplorer 8 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth Hey, good to hear of the walk and views Roo. Question. What's a high pass filter? Sounds useful. Take care.
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
@@WyeExplorer I ran the soundtrack through an audio editing program called Audacity and used one of the filters to reduce the harshness of the wind noise and give a crisper sound, I lowered the volume levels too.
@WyeExplorer 8 месяцев назад
Ah, simply the best vision to end the day with Roo. I wonder how many sunsets that river has seen. Have a great week ahead bro. Mark
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
Thanks Mark, I hope you had a good weekend too. I've seen many sunsets on the west coast and it never fails to impress, but the river has seen so many more. Like the river I'm drawn back to this spot every time I visit Cumbria.
@WyeExplorer 8 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth A pleasure Roo. So good to hear of your inspiration there. My weekend? Got a flue virus from somewhere - knocked me sideways. Take care.
@WyeExplorer 8 месяцев назад
What a special time of the day Roo. Owls never fail to invoke that sense of wonder or magic - their sound is so ethereal almost. Nice recording. Have a great week ahead. Mark
@Roolooth 8 месяцев назад
Yes Mark, a days walk is topped off nicely with my last stretch through this wood after sunset, the owls seem quite active now as the evenings are drawing in earlier. I enjoy hearing them and if I'm lucky, I catch a fleeting glimpse of them.
@WyeExplorer 8 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth Ah, lovely Roo. This part of the day certainly does penetrate every part of us. Good to hear of your deep listening joy.
@ThailandOutdoors 9 месяцев назад
Awesome bird, nice capture.
@Roolooth 9 месяцев назад
Many thanks, glad you enjoyed this one.
@ThailandOutdoors 10 месяцев назад
On the way home with dinner.
@Roolooth 10 месяцев назад
Yes, this fox will be happy and full.
@ThailandOutdoors 10 месяцев назад
Always nice to see the babies.
@Roolooth 10 месяцев назад
Yes it certainly is, I'm glad I had the camera with me.
@micks61 10 месяцев назад
The countryside can feel a very different place at night can't it - good video!
@Roolooth 10 месяцев назад
Yes Mick, it's very noticeable and I like that time when the usual evening chorus of birds dwindles to nothing and the owls and others take over. Nature works in shifts, constantly moving, feeding and observing the lone walker who tresspasses into their domain. It's good to stand still for a while and take in the atmosphere, blinded by the dark yet our hearing sensitivity goes up a notch.
@mycolliesandme268 10 месяцев назад
Dawn and Dusk, when the day shift and night shift swap over. Magic times. Summer is creeping towards autumn already it feels. The owls starting to get more vocal again I find. With the increasing darkness. Thanks for sharing Roo 😊👍
@Roolooth 10 месяцев назад
Hi Steve, yes the wheel of time is turning towards autumn, you can sense it before you actually see it, my favourite time of year. Yes the owls have been very vocal around here too over the last few evenings, it's difficult to get a decent audio recording due to air traffic around here, but I'll keep trying.
@mycolliesandme268 10 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth I did a dawn video back last autumn on here ,with the exchange of the night time creatures over to the day time creature sounds, owls last calls and the first day time birds waking up. Called walk before dawn break along the river bank in the dark. Something like that.
@Roolooth 10 месяцев назад
I just watched it Steve and left a comment, you captured the changing of darkness to light and mood of a new day and all that it promises. Dusk and Dawn, my favourite times of the day. I tend to see more dusks than dawns these days.
@mycolliesandme268 10 месяцев назад
Ha Ha. Me too, I usually roll over for a bit more dream time to. Cheers M8👍
@ThailandOutdoors 10 месяцев назад
Very nice, thanks for the video.
@Roolooth 10 месяцев назад
Thanks for watching and your comment.
@WyeExplorer 10 месяцев назад
Ah, Roo who doesn't love to see a load of ducklings? They're gorgeous. Peace all week. Mark
@Roolooth 10 месяцев назад
Yes Mark, I just had to video them while I had a chance, ATB Roo.
@WyeExplorer 10 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth Good you did Roo - they're so so beautiful.
@LearningPointsDD 10 месяцев назад
Wow, they are so cute.
@Roolooth 10 месяцев назад
Yes they are, no doubt about it.
@mycolliesandme268 11 месяцев назад
That bloke is filming us ,lets waddle off behind the barge, come on children.😊👍
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Yes they're very protective Steve, come to think of it the adult geese were giving me funny looks.
@micks61 11 месяцев назад
Cuteness overload! 😍🤣
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Yep, I beat Walt Disney to the scene.
@micks61 11 месяцев назад
@LearningPointsDD 11 месяцев назад
The view is beautiful. Enjoy nature walk, friend.
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Thank you, I will.
@ThailandOutdoors 11 месяцев назад
They are beautiful animals, and very misunderstood by most people.
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Yes they're certainly beautiful. Attitudes vary a lot between people. I'm always gald to see one and I've been lucky enough to get quite close to them.
@mycolliesandme268 11 месяцев назад
What a place Roo, rugged,wild, beautiful, and bloody dangerous looking. I was wondering how close to the edge you were going to go before you decided to stop. I love the coast but I'm an inland bloke. Thanks for sharing,a thumb from me 😊👍
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
In that wind I daren't go any further Steve, so I was happy to stop just short of that final ledge. I enjoyed getting the views down to that rocky bit below with the sea crashing over it. I love the coast too, and like you I'm well inland, so the few days a year I can get to any coastline is a bit of a treat.Thanks for the likes and comments.
@LearningPointsDD 11 месяцев назад
Wow, nice video, friend.
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Thank you, glad you liked it.
@mycolliesandme268 11 месяцев назад
So cool,i bet you were well chuffed to get those Foxes on film, just to see them and watch them,with out them knowing is a buzz i bet. The one at the end appears to have a crooked tail. Thanks for sharing Roo 😊👍
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Yes Steve I'm happy to see them let alone get a few video clips of them, it's always touch and go as to them seeing me and making a run for it. If you look at the first fox it's joined by a second one at 38 seconds into the video, it caught a glimpse of me and ran back back to the woods. It was a simple click noise from my camera that made it turn my way and then it spotted me, it happens often. Yes that second one with the crooked tail makes it stand out a bit, I'd like to know what happened to it but only the fox knows the tale.
@WyeExplorer 11 месяцев назад
Lovely Roo - no doubt the Vixen has been gathering food like crazy for the cubs. Wow, what's happened to the weather. I trust you're well bro. Mark
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
I expect vixens have had a busy time of it Mark but theres plenty for them to eat around here, lots of birds and I'm sure a good supply of mice and smaller things. The weather has been a bit wild recently and changing from day to day, it can't make its mind up, we've certainly had enough rain, hopefully a few warm and sunny days are still ahead of us. I'm well thanks, had a break in Cornwall and the fresh air and scenery was brilliant. I trust you're doing well too and getting out and about.
@WyeExplorer 11 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth That's good to hear of the plentiful food supply Roo- big litters then I reckon. Yeah, grey and wet - I've enjoyed it in all truth. Nice one on the break - sounds cracking. Me? Getting on thanks. Peace
@micks61 11 месяцев назад
Great captures!
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Thanks Mick
@mycolliesandme268 11 месяцев назад
On holiday in Cornwall? Hope it's a good weather proof tent, water proof at the moment. Maybe get some wildlife shots! 😊👍
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Hi Steve, I'm back home now, I just had 6 days down there and the weather was very windy and wet, we had 2 decent days. Unfortunately the tent let some rain in just in the porch area some times during very heavy rain. I will spray or paint some sort of sealent on that area when we have a fine dry day. No I didn't video or spot much in the way of wildlife and I had my grandsons with me most of the time anyway so it would have been awkward expecting them to be quite and still, but I did hear plenty of owls late at night, I love the sound of them.
@ThailandOutdoors 11 месяцев назад
Interesting place, thanks for the look around.
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it.
@micks61 11 месяцев назад
You can't beat the north coast down here for a bit of drama. The south coast is more sheltered, and a bit 'prettier' perhaps, but less rugged. If you're down here at the moment, I hope you've brought your wet weather gear - there's a load of rain and wind in the forecast 😕
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Mick that’s the beauty of Cornwall, the contrast between the north & south coasts, all types of terrain & lots of places to visit, little rocky coves and wide sandy beaches. I returned home Sunday night after 6 nights in my tent in the Rock area, had 2 nice days & 4 with on-off rain, 2 nights with high winds & the tent was taking a hammering, all good fun. I’d not been down there for many years so it was good to go back again. The fresh air, good views & some peace & quite was a welcomed change from my busy part of Hertfordshire.
@micks61 11 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth Yep, often if there's manky weather on the north coast (mizzle usually) then on the south coast the sun will be out, or vice versa, which is great. You did the right thing going home just as the schools broke up! I feel sorry for all the holiday makers down here at the moment, it is miserable weather still. Glad you still enjoyed your stay though - done many a night in a windswept tent and it can all get a bit noisy and flappy I seem to recall 🤣 I count myself very luck to live down here and wouldn't go back to Reading (where I was born and lived there for two separate periods) for anything - far too busy!
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
You made a wise choice in moving to Cornwall Mick, maybe autumn is the best time there once the tourist season slows down a bit.
@micks61 11 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth Spring and Autumn are great, my favourite seasons and the county is still quiet tourist and traffic wise. But, the county has changed so much in my lifetime, with a lot of building going on, a lot more people living here and so on. It still has all the attractions of the beaches and cliffs, seaside towns and so on of course, but it has changed a lot inland as it were, but that's progress I guess!
@mycolliesandme268 11 месяцев назад
Well done Roo, stealth and patience. Can only imagine what it felt like, trying not to make a sound or a false move. Looked like a dog fox, did you know that it could be around like, or did you come across it by accident . Thanks for sharing 😊👍
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Hi Steve, I knew there was a fair chance of seeing a fox in that area, I walk that way from time to time and have spotted them patrolling the fields in the past, they emerge from an adjacent wood where they likely have a den. On this particular evening it had been raining most of the day, then when it stopped this fox appeared, maybe it stands a better chance of catching mice at that time as they too would break cover, it was also the last hour before full darkness so they are usually active then. I was peeking through a couple of gaps in the hedge, doing my best to remain still and quiet, not at all easy. I think it got my scent at one point but it was confident enough to carry on with the hunt for food.
@mycolliesandme268 11 месяцев назад
@@Roolooth Thanks for that info. I thought you was familiar with that area and was ready for a Fox. A kind of possible accident. You obviously really know your area and craft. Thanks again 🙂👍
@micks61 11 месяцев назад
Excellent captures - especially the close up. I've seen a few raptors (no idea what birds they actually were!) having tussles with crows, usually the crows mobbing the bird and seeing it off. One on one obviously swings things in the Kite's favour!
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Thanks Mick. I think the crows enjoy a bit of confrontation and excitement, they are full of themselves, even more so when there's a gang of them.
@mycolliesandme268 11 месяцев назад
Great footage Roo, especially the close up of the perching. Lucky for the crow he wasn't being chased by a peregrine. Funny how the crow started it and ended up being the one being chased. Where are you filming all these great films? A pleasure to watch 😊👍
@Roolooth 11 месяцев назад
Thanks Steve. This was on the outskirts of Chesham in Buckinghamshire. Most of my wildlife videos are from the Hertfordshire and Buckinghamshire areas. Yes the crow started it but I've seen crows chase off Red Kites too. No doubt about the peregrine as it's can move at quite a pace. The red kite is more of a glider, usually riding on the wind, with little or no effort, but a bit slow and akward in the chase, hence the name "kite".