Talon Fitness
Talon Fitness
Talon Fitness
Contact me: talon@talon-fitness.com
Not currently looking for help, but likely will in the future. Just thought I'd save y'all the time because I am getting plenty of emails of people willing to help with the creative and editing processes. I appreciate it, just not yet.
The True Nutrients - Iron
День назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Condiments
Месяц назад
The True Nutrients - Magnesium
Месяц назад
The True Nutrients - Calcium
Месяц назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Mushrooms
2 месяца назад
The REAL Killers - Alcohol
3 месяца назад
The True Nutrients - Potassium
3 месяца назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Herbs & Spices
4 месяца назад
10 Foods I Started Eating in 2023
5 месяцев назад
The REAL Killers - Sodium
7 месяцев назад
The True Nutrients - Water
7 месяцев назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Cheese
8 месяцев назад
10 Foods That I Eat Every Day
9 месяцев назад
The True Nutrients - Fiber
9 месяцев назад
The True Nutrients - Omega 3 Fatty Acids
10 месяцев назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Milks
11 месяцев назад
The True Nutrients - Protein
11 месяцев назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Fruits
Год назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Dairy
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Nutrition Tier Lists: Fats & Oils
Год назад
The REAL Killers - Trans Fats
Год назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Drinks
Год назад
The REAL Killers - Added Sugars
Год назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Grains
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Nutrition Tier Lists: Seafood
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Nutrition Tier Lists: Seeds
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Nutrition Tier Lists: Vegetables
Год назад
Nutrition Tier Lists: Beans
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Nutrition Tier Lists: Nuts
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@TheFlick175 6 часов назад
Insect teir list. Ive heard they are a good source of protein
@UnStop4ble 6 часов назад
As a former kid, i dont think kids drink sports drink because they think they are healthy, they taste fucking good. And they more often than not got a super unnatural taste which kids prefer more often than adults
@Vexown 6 часов назад
The baked beans information is extremely misleading and you're deterring people from eating beans because of it. I assume that wasn't your intention but that's how people are receiving it based on the comments. Baked beans can have very little sugar if they are not drenched in sweet tomato sauce (or any other kind of sauce). Please anyone watching this, do not think baked beans are unhealthy because of this video, just look at the nutrition label when buying them and make conscious choices.
@ignacius1994 6 часов назад
I got confused on the bean part. Are canned beans bad? and if yes do i just take raw beans and prepare them myself? thank you
@Sernival 6 часов назад
The short answer for nearly all these is they have versions with added sugar because THE WEST
@viktoriab4293 6 часов назад
This video is for americans ~
@ronmka8931 7 часов назад
didnt people eat WAY more salt in the past than we do today? You'd think that the salt preserved foods that pre-industrial peoples ate would skyrocket their sodium consumption, and now It's not so necessary to heavily salt foods?
@WattoXtreme 8 часов назад
0:25 only ever heard of and had cashew milk of these, and it’s actually good
@jeremiahracer2196 8 часов назад
I have a rare case of iron overload (hemochromatosis) where my body cant regulate iron, all i have to do is donate blood or do weekly phlebotomy treatments, so not go counter anything in the video, the only concern there is for excess iron is iron supplements, ive been told multiple times that i dont have to be carefull of iron rich food
@cougar9610 8 часов назад
About "Red meat is linked to cancer", this is true, and can cause higher chance of organ failure, but only in excess. 500 grams/18 ounces (a steak the size of your hands pressed together, a good reference) of red meat per week is suggested, as it will not affect you in any negative way. Americans, who are in common possession of processed or red meats, may consume over 5000 grams of red meat in a week on average. Fish and white meats like chicken don't seem to have this effect.
@MartinDaMartian 9 часов назад
Sorry, but if someone thought Nutella (hazelnut spread) is healthy… you have a brain of a worm
@alexisquinn7968 9 часов назад
Water has hydrogen 178% and oxygen 154%
@enraikow6109 10 часов назад
as a southeast asian, i have this axiom where if it isn't sold as a local market ("Pasar"), then it's not worth it at all.
@upmost2766 10 часов назад
Surprised no one mentioned wii fit.
@upmost2766 10 часов назад
Surprised no one mentioned wii fit.
@gaylynnhorncri 11 часов назад
Dang was hoping cashew milk would be on here, maybe do a part two with all the other milks that didn't make it either
@FireyTheAlienDragon 11 часов назад
I find it reallly funny just how goood spicy food is for your body. And peppers really do show it. AN it's even funnier how the thing that peppers develop the spice factor to make animals not want to eat it turns out to be REALLY great for your body.
@Who_Does 12 часов назад
key to nutrition: eat less amount, but more variety.
@synthlunamusic 12 часов назад
Brussel Sprouts are delicious when grilled or sauteed with butter, topped with Parmesan, Onion powder and Garlic powder.
@synthlunamusic 12 часов назад
Fe = Iron!?
@deceiteful 12 часов назад
Still not stopping me from prepackaged oatmeal. I don't have much time in the morning. Oiko's Triple Zero Yogurt is the way to go. 90 calories, 15g protein, no fats, and only 5g sugar. SOME Sugar is still okay to eat. I've lost 20 pounds in two months with this food. I don't eat the rest (excluding sushi).
@NuggetUnit 13 часов назад
the only condiment i really enjoy is bbq sauce and im assuming it will be a C or D tier edit: nooooo :(
@zey2bme 13 часов назад
The list ignores a lot of real world factors. Carrots have a lot of sugar, no one ever eats 100g or chili peppers, pickles and cucumber on the same tier... idk man.
@robinheath3136 14 часов назад
And I love the way you get right into that
@crazyscarecrow8136 14 часов назад
My takeaway: kinks are good
@jes7899 15 часов назад
Im from europe and i drink juice with no added sugars is that also very bad? I think the juice has like 10g of sugar
@darktown7682 15 часов назад
I was going to go mad when I saw oatmeal up on the list but then I realise it's about the processed stuff added to oatmeal/quick oats. Steel cut oats/ oat groats/ rolled oats with water and cinammon are fine( I hope)
@EbNorth 15 часов назад
Canola is F.
@nomelet5441 15 часов назад
If only healthy things tasted as good as unhealthy things, other than fish. Fish is delicious.
@juhel5531 15 часов назад
"I have been loyal to one type of nut." -Talon Fitness the alpha male youtuber, probably
@janetjimenez3515 17 часов назад
My favorite vegetable is 🍠
@feelgreatandskate9798 18 часов назад
sushi and rice take is horrendous
@Talon_Fitness 18 часов назад
@feelgreatandskate9798 13 часов назад
@@Talon_Fitness I think it is disingenuous to say “sugary sauce” is something that is usually on sushi. There are certain roll combinations that usually have a sauce, but most of the sushi, at least in the United States, is served with soy sauce, ginger, and wasabi on the side. Additionally, saying that white rice is a simple carbohydrate, making it fuel and a food without a complex micronutrient profile is also just false. As of December 2023, the FDA requires that a good source food “contain 10-19% of the DRV per reference amount customarily consumed” (CFR Section C) This metric is pushed to excellent or “rich in” when a food contains 20% of more of the DRV per reference amount. The CDC defines the average male in the United States as 69 inches tall and 199.8 lbs. I used 5’9 and 200lbs for a reference point. 1 cup of white, steamed rice on Cronometer provides 205 calories, 4.3g of protein, 43.9 carbs, and 0.4g of fat. This cup of white rice, under the specifications of the FDA, would an excellent source of Thiamine (B1, 21%), Iron (24%), Manganese (32%), and Selenium (22%); a good source of Niacin (B3, 15%), Pantothenic Acid (B5, 12%), Pyridoxine (B6, 11%), Folate (17%), Copper (12%), Phosphorus (10%). It covers over 10% of 7 amino acids (Cystine, Isoleucine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Tryptophan, Tyrosine, and Valine). Digestibility was also not considered, as white rice is a stable food for those with gastrointestinal issues and is a food that is tolerated by most. CFR - Code of Federal Regulations Title 21. accessdata.fda.gov. (n.d.). www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm?fr=101.54
@mckonal 18 часов назад
talon, just check home made yoghurt
@jacktejre3389 19 часов назад
21 bananas be traping hard ngl
@berengerchristy6256 19 часов назад
Damn I gotta start adding mushroooms to my diet
@whjtedahlia 19 часов назад
are 2 eggs x day too much? im vegetarian so I really rely on them for my daily proteins
@Juxtaposed_IRL 20 часов назад
Do a video on foods that many think are unhealthy are bad, but are actually very good for you.
@TheKillingThrow 20 часов назад
Every single morning: 1 serving oats 1 serving chia seeds 1 serving flax seeds 1 serving hemp seeds 1 serving nutrional yeast 1 banana 2 servings blueberries Calories: 1003 Fat: 28g Carbs: 155g Protein: 37g
@pieceofwaterofficial330 21 час назад
I think duck sauce contains natural sugars from fruits, so it's not a big deal
@erikholder4392 22 часа назад
Are uncured meats from the Boar’s Head brand considered better than the other other meats?
@Someoneiswas 22 часа назад
Anyone else notice the double phosphorus mistake?
@Tiger_Simple 23 часа назад
I would love to see the inverse of this video, super underrated foods that are actually amazing for you
@geniuscarva 23 часа назад
Vitamin I, is the me and it activates the body
@michaelmccarty1327 23 часа назад
How about the red Pound Plus’s you can get at Trader Joe’s? What percentage is that?
@Lanaturner8041 23 часа назад
Not my sushi 😭😭😭
@StainlessPot День назад
Just read the contents of the food you buy, people. The ingredients are usually listed in order of their amount, so if it starts off with "water, sugar... " maybe you don't want it.
@elvintorres57 День назад
I don’t get it. You’re contradicting yourself in the sushi part
@ryanhackworth4483 День назад
Now mix the first 2 that’s what I do