Liege of Games
Liege of Games
Liege of Games
Gaming thoughts and opinions
Crowdfunding opinions and analysis
I like games.
Why You Should (NOT?) Back Grimcoven
12 часов назад
Cysmic Review: Should You Back/Own?
Месяц назад
@suzanne1018 5 часов назад
I backed Apothebakery: love the look of the game. But I agree it’s gonna be a light game. I backed it because i wanna play it with my daughter: she’s eleven. So it’s a Family game for me
@robertnoble7841 7 часов назад
110 bucks first 5 games was worth the money. About to get another board
@Linnir 8 часов назад
I must say I really understand the urge to find that campaign game that is right for you. It took a few years, but I found the right one for me: Dungeon Unversalis. Makes it much easier to be more objective about these games.
@Linnir 8 часов назад
Glad you lead with this prototype point. I want to know what I’m paying for, so I will back something else and maybe get this on a reprint once the player verdict is in.
@luenarturoho1385 11 часов назад
Oh my, berserk in a board game. If this goes well. It will be my blast
@Mike_James 12 часов назад
Deliverance and Cloudspire this summer is all i really care about. and thats only because i own both and look forward to having more of both. crowdfunding is in a very bad place. shipping is crazy, games are meh, everything is so very expensive. thats where im at at least.
@bcantui 8 часов назад
Agreed. HEXplore It is looking great though!
@jakecrowe3797 13 часов назад
Just finished my first Hexplore It game and am pumped for more! Trying to tell myself not to go ALL IN as I have WAY too many games. Their page and updates are so clear and that’s a big plus for me.
@phunkysai 18 часов назад
Really appreciate you covering upcoming non-crowdfunding games during this video. Any chance you’d do video reviews for games that are “out” or “just published” on your channel? I see most of your videos are covering crowdfunding….
@ashleyhawkins9619 18 часов назад
Such a shame Monolith are the ones trying to pioneer into the Genre. I would have thought you would have the sense to close the business and at least open under a new name to try and hide it. Nice to see they have enough money to buy the rights to a new IP after leaving so many people missing out on previous promises. This likely wont do as well as it should because of the name attached which is a shame for the chance of anime board games.
@arcaderunner2188 10 часов назад
Doubt it, Isfet, easily the least popular Pantheon, did really well. As did Conan Red Nails. Seems Monolith are still making a lot of money irrespective of their poor behaviours. Similar to Awaken Realms with their AI art, hiding the fact until discovered, and then boosting the price of all crowdfunding by way of GF changes (“follower gifts”, “gamefound stores”, “PM with pricing that hides the cheaper campaign price” etc).
@braiangularte9315 19 часов назад
A Berserk boardgame sounds great! What I would like to see is a Dragon Ball Z crawler game.
@raortiz73 19 часов назад
Kemet is also adding a solo mode.
@Flip5ide 20 часов назад
Dude! Watch Berserk!
@normstewart546 21 час назад
A rules for A Gest of Robin Hood are not hard to learn; figuring out what to do takes longer. They are consistent with the theme too.
@Faxmachine15 21 час назад
Did you check Winds of numa sera? I stumbled on that yesterday and game looks really fun.
@seansmith2650 22 часа назад
Nowhere on the odalin page does it even show what the game looks like on the table lmao another mini seller no thanks
@JasonSmithPsychedelicTherapist 22 часа назад
Rules: 5 minutes or less! 😂
@JasonSmithPsychedelicTherapist 22 часа назад
2nd half year of year video! Looking forward to it!
@distortedsteeve2980 22 часа назад
No interest in Berserk?! Man if you don’t get the board game at least do the honor of reading the manga. It’s the greatest story given to mankind.
@ewertbellingan7450 18 минут назад
Tried and gave up on it a couple chapters in...
@eriklindqvist9923 23 часа назад
Only 2-4 players on Foundations of Metropolis. It only has the core parts of Foundations of Rome, so no 5 players, no solo mode etc.
@Gamebent1 23 часа назад
I don't trust Monolith with anything since they screwed over everyone who bought Orcquest Warpath by not including any campaign guidelines and not balancing the game so you can play it through start to finish without becoming massively overpowered. They've been promising to publish these guidelines ever since they delivered the game in October 2023. Their last update was during their Conan campaign when people were complaining on the GF page, so Monolith promised the guidelines would be published the next month. That was over 3 months ago and they've been silent ever since. Monolith is also facing backlash because their delivery of Batman Season 3 is riddled with problems including: missing stretch goals, missing content, items promised as single sided end up being double sided, English rulebook is literally half French, numerous errors in reference cards, etc... Too bad, as I love the Berserk manga/anime!
@JasonSmithPsychedelicTherapist 22 часа назад
It stuns me how stupid companies are and the people who run them are. Stunning. I won't be backing anything from Monolith.
@hanslamal5632 23 часа назад
Second! 🎉
@vantuantran5160 23 часа назад
First! 😊
@EarthenGames День назад
Tales from Red Dragon Inn 2nd print is so tantalizing. I heard a lot of good things about that game and I love dungeon crawlers. Might bite the bullet there. I’ve only recently backed Cysmic all-in, so there may be room for one more pledge this summer. Otherwise I’m just waiting for the fall to see what Story of Many has to offer when that launches (hopefully on GF)
@Achill2105 2 дня назад
I'm so proud of CMON.
@mrsteve4569 2 дня назад
I’m right there with you on Oath. My copy has hit the table…twice. It’s hard to justify getting g an expansion.
@uropygial 2 дня назад
Odalin has an anthropomorphic elephant hero named TUSKhan.... that's just painful
@marcnno6323 2 дня назад
Hexplore it after the first 2 excellent parts. Part 3 and 4 skipped. Now there comes part 5 which is a must have. Tales from the Red Dragon lnn comes as a surprise will have to have a look if any of the updates are needed to what is a great game already.
@Taker597 2 дня назад
Hexplore win this week for me
@krzysiekkowal209 2 дня назад
@CheddahSlammer 2 дня назад
For Hexplore IT, their rule book is really small compared to other rulebooks, so I would say the rulebook would be half as many pages if it was the size of most rulebooks. To give an example, its usually the size of those pamphlets that show other games people sell.
@CheddahSlammer 2 дня назад
Problem with Odalin for me is in the game play everyone uses a health draining mechanic to power themselves up, and personally I hate that type of mechanic even if its thematic in the game. I was actually going to back it before I watched game play vids showing that.
@toddcontino7271 2 дня назад
I’m actually pretty excited about the Dante/Odalin crossover too. Just seems cool. But I don’t know if the gameplay will be so different. I’ll probably just play it as a one shot dungeon crawler unless that ends up being super fun then I’d consider the campaign. Blood looks soooo much better than Grimcoven. I backed both lol
@CheddahSlammer 2 дня назад
I would argue your grips with 7 Citidal being primary solo, is more for 7th Continent. After playing it it really is better with at least 1 other person, so for me its a 2 person game.
@luisecmf 2 дня назад
Odalin - The main campaign boss (Abbadon) is actually not in the core box, its being sold as an Add-on. Their "solution" is to either buy the addon with extra shipping or use another mini as an stand-in. Extremely predatory decision that no one should ever reward them for it.
@timcastle5441 2 дня назад
That’s an easy no back for me.
@raceofrobots9152 2 дня назад
It was included for 1st day backers. Snooze you lose! Predatory marketing... maybe.. but it is discounted during crowdfund period.
@siposbalint2000 2 дня назад
They advertised the $40 addon with the two new demons as 'use them as your allies or enemies', and then added a stretch goal to use them as enemies. This shitty behavior is an easy blacklist for me. And the typos on the project page, don't even get me started...
@marcnno6323 2 дня назад
That's sadly true. But it's been advertised as 2200% funded so it must be an incredibly hot offer offer
@nimblegoat 2 дня назад
this and Blood are easy non-backs for me . Shipping to NZ prices are crazy. I could get grim coven standee core + shipping for only 10-20 dollars more than just paying their shipping. People complain about AR, but the std version + shipping is a bargain for many places in the World . Plus tend to refine game a lot post PM. If I'm paying crazy shipping I'll save it for Cmon United DC , least you feel shipping gives you 101 extra chibis you probably may or may not need
@HandSoloZ 2 дня назад
almost pull the trigger on backing Odalin, that first day exclusive miniature is fire, but the wait stops me from backing. 1year wait for a game is too much for me. so much interest will be lost while waiting that long.
@FunForEvery11 2 дня назад
So if you pledge 129 on the first day, you get the boss of the add-on which you can't use and if you back the game plus add-on from day 2 forward you have to buy the boss mini extra. Smells like bs and from that fact alone I refuse to back
@Gamebent1 2 дня назад
According to the people at Dragori Games, there is a boss fight with Abbadon in the core game, and he is also the final boss fight in the expansion.
@amagrude 2 дня назад
Hexploreit isn’t that rough to learn or stay current with. It’s no Death May Die-like dice chucker, but the rule are internally consistent and just make sense. I’m probably going to pass on this one. Still getting fun out of my Vol 1 and 2. That said. Wow is this game fun because of its modularity (United/DMD…) I do think their campaign pages are fantastic. You can tell that they’ve done this before and believe in communication.
@CheddahSlammer 2 дня назад
Its funny because I am getting this one, and have all the others, but, I have only played Vol 1 so far, but people love using choices from the other volumes for volume 1.
@kanarekato9069 2 дня назад
Thanks for picking up our games again 😀
@dankone1289 2 дня назад
I'm not pledging for any of these! Hooray! This is the first Hexplore It game I am passing on. I have the other 4, it's just too much. The SGs are added into the base games.
@brewbush 2 дня назад
Did you ever cover Hunt for Blackbeard on KS? Not sure I noticed it in your videos, if so, disregard! Looks like a fun 2 player game.
@michaelalves8900 2 дня назад
Well, I can't say that I don't watch your channel, so you can count that as we hearing you. xD (confusing double negatives ftw) This game has been developing for a while, and we are working tirelessly to polish it. Our goal was to make an immersive dungeon crawl that we would want to play and that we felt could cater to a wide variety of playstyles, as our team also has different tastes. Thank you for covering our game! [I am the Lead Game Designer of Dragori, just to be clear to everyone reading]
@arturch 2 дня назад
Regarding saturation in titles which see 3 (or more) campaigns: I totally get your point. I would like to add another thought avenue. In case of some publishers (game brewer, gray fox games, ludos magnum studio, etc) they might have issues with capitalising their client base due issues with campaigns. One thing to note on LMS, they put out good games. However their campaigns don't go very high in funding. Why is that? My opinion is due poor backer satisfaction. My example, I would never back any LMS game again despite my love with BRW. How many campaigns are needed for Gray Fox games to deliver a Tsukuyumi game without issues? These examples pile on.
@Drmanperson 3 дня назад
On trick takers. I really enjoyed rebel princess, looking forward to the release of the deluxe edition. I’m sure you’ve already played it, but good to put on the radar!
@witchedwiz 3 дня назад
I pledged 8 out of these campaigns.. What can I say, more.money than common sense 😅
@Bandibo87 3 дня назад
Listening your videos, we should not support anything, w8 for retail version and second hand market. Just keep in mind, we are supporting ideas and we get something unique, some extra content for it. If you dont want to wait or dont take any risk at all, go to a shop and pick something from the self. PS: guy with hundreds of board games telling us do not support anything. Pathetic.
@warpaint9385 3 дня назад
I’ve actually changed my opinion of Dune War for Arrakis. Was totally not sold on it first time round, was happy to just have War of the Ring. Been watching gameplay and thinking yeah ok this is interesting and different from WotR, probably preorder now. Skipping all the rest.
@73powder 3 дня назад
well for this one you won(grimcoven) lol i cancel 3h before it was over but i still have all-in for hexplore it so i’m waiting for a reason not to jump on that wagon…😂
@jakecrowe3797 3 дня назад
Got the base game set up in my basement right now. Fun game!
@marcnno6323 3 дня назад
Nothing there of interest but...new Hexplore it is out there for backing. Not always available outside of Gamefound.
@jedisparky 3 дня назад
I love and trust Awaken Realms.
@arcaderunner2188 3 дня назад
Media Matters is that you?
@jedisparky 3 дня назад
@@arcaderunner2188 Media Matters? Nope, I'm just JediSparky.
@user-tj1og5dd7l 3 дня назад
This video could also be named "Why You Should (NOT?) Back *any Awaken Realms' game*". Thanks Chris, you put into words my feelings about AR. I cancelled my Dragon Eclipse's pledge a few weeks ago because I'm tired of their aggressive marketing strategy: they are selling hollow shell. And in the end, like every AR's games I know it will be a "Meh" and bloated game (but a beautiful game like every AR's game).