Eric Weinstein
Eric Weinstein
Eric Weinstein
This is channel is constructed as a convenience to those who may have heard me speak or read something I've written and who may have become interested in my thoughts on Physics, Mathematics, Economics, Atheism, Faith and their roles in Science, Radical Approaches to Education, Risk, Longevity, Selection and Biology, Professional Wrestling and other topics.

Some thinking from work done by myself while at INETeconomics, Thiel Capital, The Sloan Foundation, Harvard University, MIT, Hebrew University, Oxford University, University of Pennsylvania and the NBER.
@dgpsmusic День назад
Fuck sakes that intro got my heart. Thank you for speaking about all of this. <3
@karenshea7877 День назад
Women may not be as good at chess because females have many more ways of being successful besides obsessing on a game.
@craighammett7031 День назад
Why does Eric always have tiny pants?
@BrianCharles-t6f День назад
If Epstein was a construct of a non American entity then I am pretty shocked how long he was allowed to operate without being investigated overtly or covertly by American assests as it seems obvious, from people that met him like yourself, it didn't take long to feel he was just 'wrong' somehow. Epstein had a vast amount of money and assests at his fingertips so there is the 'funding' to think about. Also I think we need to ponder just what was Epsteins motivations in all of this? Was he actually quite a simplistic assest to control with sex & money, or was he much more involved in the planning and end games? And if he was more than just a construct what was his 'plan'? The secret to hiding the actual truth is to layer it between lots and lots of possibilities and theories: Epstein is under a lot of layers.
@paulkeeling6442 День назад
Hi dear Eric, have You heard the Unified Theory from Nassim Haramein ?
@mr.gregorsamsa День назад
Eric you're needed. the youth are yearn for action & purpose. Be a good vector
@blogwiser 2 дня назад
I keep coming back to this. It helps me understand a bit more the absolute love/difficult relationship with my older brother. There are moments in this pod where I wanted younger bro to stand up and pop "the pompous among us" squat in the mot. Never helps; doesn't huit?!
@MaryJones-d7e 2 дня назад
Brown Lisa Garcia Carol Gonzalez Mark
@rollinronin8125 2 дня назад
I have seen a few interviews with Eric and never a noteable one with Werner. The Chris Williamson interviews with Eric are what really got me interested. Yesterday I caught this Professor Dave Guy on RU-vid. His thumbnail was about the Fraudulence of Eric and Brett Weinstein. I watched that and than caught another thumbnail short about Eric and Jordan B Peterson 6 yrs ago that was edited completely out of context. Which made Eric look like cowardly and Jordan look maniacal. I am glad to have come into the awareness of Eric in the present at his current age and level of certainty. So I could research him backwards to get a glimpse of his journey. I can see how this interview influenced Eric going forward.
@Greg-go8ep 2 дня назад
Brett unfortunately went off the rails years ago
@rollinronin8125 2 дня назад
I think reading leaves room for the imagination and inner dialogue to contribute to the experience of the material. TV and screens mottle that.
@LaurieWootten 3 дня назад
I love Eric but I found this really difficult to follow? Is he essentially saying Epstein was created so rich people could be pedophiles? Isn’t that obvious and what everyone has been saying for years? I’m not sure what the revelation is? What am I not getting?
@jackierobison6859 4 дня назад
Eric Weinstein is a very intelligent man.
@mattheusser1390 4 дня назад
Oh my gosh I'm 24 minutes in and have heard maybe 5 sentences about Epstein. I don't care for this mode of "dialectic"; he seems to be "proving" esptein was more than he appeared to be by giving examples of people behaving badly. Given there were ~200 million americans at the time and maybe 10% were employed by some form of government, yes, if you look you look far enough, you can find depravity. This is not shocking.
@DavidDeeble 4 дня назад
I'm 20 minutes in and don't want it to ever end.
@YordanYanakiev 4 дня назад
A question from a hobbyist : - If let say I have a theory which actually unify without confrontation the Newtonian physics, and Einstein physics, but not only unify them but encapsulate them as one of the possible results of the theory, and yet I have neither math, nor physics university degree - what do I do to get this theory to be talked on it, and reviewed ? A definitely no string theory for sure, but instead an unifying field theory of the multiverse.
@____uncompetative День назад
Shortly after acquiring his undergraduate degree from Cambridge University the bubonic plague spread throughout London carried by the fleas which were on rats which had left the trading ships which used to come up the Thames river to the docks. Every student at Cambridge, north of London was advised to return home and quarantine themselves from this lethal pandemic. Issac Newton was 23 years old at the time and returned to his family home of Woolsthorpe Manor sixty miles northwest of Cambridge, and did many things which were fundamental to unification whilst he was there. The first of which was some experiments he conducted with prisms. It was already known that a prism will split a ray of sunshine into a spectrum of colours. Newton thought that these colours must have already been present in the ray of sunshine, so to prove this he got another prism and positioned it so that the spectrum hit one side and was refracted through the prism to coalesce the wavelengths of the spectrum back into the ray of white sunlight. This can be considered the first example of Unification in physics. Subsequent phenomena were later incorporated into the Electromagnetic Spectrum, so that in addition to the spectrum of visible light you also have (going from where the distances between crests of adjacent waves is long down to shorter wavelengths) the following: Radio, TV, Microwaves, Infrared, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Violet, Indigo, Ultraviolet, Extreme Ultra Violet, X-rays, Cosmic Rays Luckily for us the Earth is a natural magnet and it has a magnetic field surrounding it which stops most of the damaging Cosmic Rays, and X-rays and Extreme Ultra Violet radiation coming from our Sun and other stars in our galaxy. Ultraviolet manages to get through so that is why it is worth wearing a hat or some form of sunblock as this can cause skin cancers. Plants absorb Blue and Red as part of the process of photosynthesis they use to sustain themselves and that is why the green component of white light is reflected so that plants appear to be green. Michael Faraday unified Electricity and Magnetism as aspects of one phenomenon, then James Clerk Maxwell put all these forms of light into a theory of the Electromagnetic Field, with Oliver Heaviside simplifying his work into four equations. The other insight that Issac Newton had in his quarantine of 1666 was when an apple grew too heavy to be supported by its thin stalk and broke from the apple tree in his back garden. He thought that whatever forces operated on this must also apply to the Moon and somehow keep that from falling to Earth like an apple. He developed his Universal Law of Gravitation and it has been so useful that it was used to compute the trajectory to launch the Saturn V rocket towards where the Moon was expected to be in the future as it orbits the Earth and have the Command module make a stable orbit with the Moon, detach the Lunar Lander, land, plant a flag, take some rock samples and photographs, and then take off and rendezvous with the Command module and then thrust away on a trajectory which did not miss the Earth entirely, but put it in orbit of the Earth, so that three astronauts could reenter the Earth's atmosphere and have the vehicle deploy parachutes and splash down in the Indian ocean. Albert Einstein's theory of General Relativity was available to use for these calculations, but was deemed unnecessarily complicated as the motion of the Moon relative to the Earth can be modelled faithfully with Newton's laws alone. Einstein is only needed when it comes to correctly predicting the orbit of Mercury as time is slower closer to the Sun, whereas Newton believed that time flowed at a constant rate everywhere in the Universe and measurements in space were absolute and space was flat, not curved by the presence of mass. So, it is possible to derive Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation from the Einstein Field Equations. Indeed, Einstein's equations relating the curvature of spacetime to mass include Newton's Universal constant of Gravitation, G so that calcuations made with it are in some establish units of Newtons. The Einstein Field Equations are plural and use a special notation to summarise ten equations in what looks like one equation: R ‎ ‎ - ½Rg ‎ ‎ + Λg ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎= ‎ ‎8πG · T ‎ μν ‎ ‎ ‎μν ‎ μν ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎c⁴ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ μν Here 8πG ÷ c⁴ is a scaling factor that greatly reduces the amount that any mass can make spacetime curve by. For example: E = mc² is probably familiar to you as Einstein's mass-energy equivalence. If you have a football sized quantity of refined Uranium-235 split into two separate hemispheres the natural emission of Neutrons arising from atomic decay of this unstable isotope of Uranium would lead to the whole thing eventually turning into Lead-205. However, to weaponise this atomic element a conventional explosive is used to force one of the hemispheres onto the other so that it is compressed into a focused implosion, and that greatly increases the quantity and likelihood of natural emissions of Neutrons hitting other atoms, and not passing harmlessly through the substantial gaps which exist at that scale. This then precipitates a chain reaction where those atomic nuclei which were not yet unstable get an unwanted extra Neutron and then seek to shed it through radioactive decay. This happens enough in all directions within this imploded sphere to go critical, and then mass is converted into Energy and as E = mc² the amount of Energy one gets is equal to the amount of mass multiplied by the speed of light in a vacuum multiplied by the speed of light in a vacuum. This is a very large number. There is an enormous amount of Energy trapped in mass, but it is very hard to liberate it. This is what produces the enormous energy of a nuke. Consequently, looking at the Einstein Field Equations with that in mind everything is expressed in terms of Energy, not mass. So that the T with the greek subscripts is called the Stress-Energy-Momentum tensor, rather than the Stress-Mass-Momentum tensor. Therefore, it will mean that the mass of the Earth will equate to an absolutely enormous amount of Energy and that needs to be reduced by a lot as spacetime is hard to bend. Were this not the case then we would all be flat as pancakes on the surface of the Earth. The fact that we are able to jump away from that large of a mass, even temporarily, demonstrates how weak gravity is. This is where 8πG ÷ c⁴ comes it as this greatly reduces how much spacetime is curved by the Energy which is trapped in mass. G is Newton's Universal Constant of Gravitation and it is a very small number, but it then gets divided by c⁴ which is the speed of light in a vacuum multiplied by the speed of light in a vacuum multiplied by the speed of light in a vacuum multiplied by the speed of light in a vacuum. Obviously, this can be cancelled with the c² in E = mc² however it is still ÷ c² However, Einstein does not need to be unified with Newton as it Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation can be recovered by simplifying the Einstein Field Equations by adopting a simple context in which predictions are not expected to be made with high accuracy in the vicinity of a very large mass such as the Sun. The GPS satellites have to take account of Einstein's General Relativity to be able to give accurate locations for where people are on maps, due to time flowing very slightly slower on the surface of the Earth than in the orbits where the GPS satellites are. However, you can pretend that spacetime is flat and space and time aren't coupled and absolute rather than relativistic and the velocities involved are quite slow and with all of these simplifying assumptions Newton's Universal Laws of Gravitation are recovered. This was demonstrated by Albert Einstein to show that his work was a generalisation of established physics which applied to more circumstances. A mathematical article exists on physics . stackexchange entitled if you want more details: _How can we recover the Newtonian gravitational potential from the metric of general relativity?_ Hopefully, that is of some help.
@mrgrimm25 4 дня назад
the first 40 minutes is illegal in some states
@РодионЧаускин 5 дней назад
Robinson Robert Wilson Anthony Jackson Ronald
@joepierecipes5432 5 дней назад
This guy did school of rock but went to biology instead of rock 101
@jeffjones3040 5 дней назад
Eric is misunderstanding that Brett is a grown man and can make his own decisions. You do not HAVE to get him to do ANYTHING.
@peterkiedron8949 6 дней назад
Poor zionist Eric is trying to dissassociate himself from Mossad operation without disapproving it.
@lleonard2779 6 дней назад
The latest from Kirk Sorensen at Flibe Energy in Knoxville…Endless Energy For The World ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-KfWB4CsQwyw.htmlfeature=shared
@mikeballard8404 6 дней назад
Oh to be at Thanksgiving with you two !
@tensevo 7 дней назад
i think we are at that point eluded to of malthusian situation with regard to human mating and dating, a dude with two houses, is going to get outcompeted by the guy with three houses. But, the guy with three, gets outdone by the guy who owns 10. But, even now the guy with 10, does not qualify because, it seems like there must be a guy out there with 20 houses.
@mrgrimm25 7 дней назад
Amazing work Eric, please do more episodes
@mrgrimm25 7 дней назад
its actually a crime that you stopped doing this show :(
@apollomann9540 8 дней назад
Wait til January 2025,when RFK Jr is in charge of the county’s healthcare. Then you can make some progress.
@bensmagic 8 дней назад
@____uncompetative 3 дня назад
That is impossible. No experiments have yet refuted its prediction of Spin 3/2 Rarita Schwinger fermionic fields for Dark Matter as can be seen in the diagram shown on the slide at 2:08:38 as the _Q_ with -ve spin below the dashed line bottom left. Timothy Nguyen misrepresents, misconstrues, misunderstands, mischaracterises, and maligns Eric Weinstein's work in progress whilst also being demonstrably misinformed about all its basic details. Every single concern he raised in his paper is invalid. It is actually a strawman where he misrepresents Eric's work as shown in this lecture so that he can malign it and call Eric a "crackpot". For example, the 64s either side of the dashed line in this slide of the Fermionic Field Content demonstrate that Eric decomposed a complexification of the gauge group U(128) to obtain U(64, 64) Weyl spinors. This fact is clarified in the draft paper he published. The invalid isomorphism that Timothy Nguyen makes so much noise about was an oversight which ought to have been complexified, so that it looked like this: ‎ ‎ᵥₑ꜀ₜ ad(P ‎ ‎ ‎ ) = 𝐶ℓ* = Λ*(C) ⊗ ℂ ᵁ⁽¹²⁸·ᶜ⁾ ᶜ Both sides would then have had the same form. Timothy Nguyen then maintains that doing this complexification step would lead to "pathological physics", but at this point in the lecture Eric clarifies that "We're just doing math." No physics is being asserted as he has yet to recover spacetime and its field contents from the Chimeric Fiber Bundle, C. This can't happen whilst he is still using U(128, ℂ) topological Dirac spinors, so he decomposes these to U(64, 64) metric Weyl spinors to describe the finite dimensional gauge group which characterises the Chimeric Fiber Bundle which wraps the Ehresmannian Fiber Bundle which is the Observed that is observed by the engine of observation that is gravitation which is due to the curvature of spacetime which is the Observer, where the observation of the Observed by the Observer is what constitutes the Observerse. Timothy Nguyen thinks Eric defined U to be the Observerse. He did not. Eric defined U to be the Ehresmannian Fiber Bundle. U is the Observed and not the Observed and the Observer and the means by which observation takes place between those separate coupled spaces. Timothy Nguyen unpacks C as T*U which is not how Eric defined it. Eric defined C to be TU. This is the Tangent to U and Tim has this as the Cotangent to U. This is entirely the wrong geometric construction and another misrepresentation of Eric's work. All the other concerns raised in his response paper are based on the wrong gauge group. They make legitimate criticisms of U(128) but Eric isn't using U(128) he is using U(64, 64) as evidenced by the slide of the Fermionic Field Content shown at 2:08:38 Timothy was aware that Eric was about to publish his paper in five weeks time and could have waited, read all 69 pages, and made some worthwhile constructive criticism of something Eric actually asserted. He didn't as he is an opportunistic grifter. His subsequent paper didn't wait for the final form of Eric and his wife's work on Economics, he then misrepresented the multidimensional utility of her innovation by gaslighting the reader that for their benefit he would show the same ideas using only two prices in comparison and then complained that her claim that it had utility was vacuous and that simpler methods of calculating two prices were available without utilisation of _Gauge Theory_ when the whole point is to use _Gauge Theory_ to compare multiple items in various baskets of goods not just a pair. Timothy Nguyen also pulled off the same trick of misrepresenting her work as there is not a single bit of mathematics in his response paper that was in her provisional draft paper. At no point does he quote her math and then pick it apart, saying why it has no utility. He openly admits in the paper to not having been trained in Economics. The overconfidence he got from getting away with gaslighting all those who were too lazy to work through Eric Weinstein's 2013 Oxford University lecture with the excellent transcript produced by The Portal Community, which clarifies a lot of what is actually being written on these blackboards, and the spelling of the surnames of the mathematicians and physicists this work is based upon, and also the 2021 draft paper which clarifies and builds upon these ideas, but which is also a work in progress, and which (as with all prior material I have mentioned) never claims to be a _Theory of Everything_ is needed to make sense of what Eric proposes. Timothy Nguyen doesn't understand _Geometric Unity_ however, he got ahead of Eric's publication of his own draft paper with a much shorter one which declared Eric's work dead on arrival, and then he did this frantic set of appearances on any podcast that would have him, to ensure the lie got told that _Geometric Unity_ was junk and Eric a "crackpot". This tactic leveraged the neurological phenomenon of Anchoring bias whereby the first thing people learn about something new tends to make us hold onto that even when we are subsequently presented with evidence that contradicts that first impression. Confirmation bias then takes over, actively filtering out anything which does not fit with our established beliefs, even if the basis of those beliefs is wrong, and we have been gaslit into a cult which derives enjoyment from hating on a prominent public intellection we don't like as we can't understand a lecture he gave at Oxford University to an audience of theoretical physicists, and are under the mistaken belief that Einstein or Feynman said that if you can't explain your idea to a five year old you don't understand it yourself - which neither ever said. "It should be possible to explain the laws of physics to a barmaid." ~ Ernest Rutherford
@____uncompetative 3 дня назад
Continued... "All physical theories, their mathematical expressions apart, ought to lend themselves to so simple a description that even a child could understand them." ~ Albert Einstein People forget the exception in that sentence. If you carve out the mathematical expressions then you could say _Geometric Unity_ is a theory which replaces _General Relativity_ with something less restrictive which allows for a more elaborate and symmetrical _Quantum Field Theory_ which incorporates all phenomena that are observed or inferred to exist within our Universe. Furthermore, our spacetime and its field contents which describes all forces and all forms of matter originate from a mathematical structure which is under observation by gravity, and gravity arises from the curvature of spacetime which is recovered from the mathematical structure along with the field contents as its dimensional remainder. The combination of the two yields the Observed which is a structure which is called a "Fiber Bundle" within which our spacetime is but a section of the whole. Other sections of this "Fiber Bundle" would yield alternative setups. So this is a generalisation of _General Relativity_ and _Quantum Field Theory_ which allows multiple variants to compete to define a stable reality. Despite the many combinations of dimensions possible for the signature of the Arena and its field contents only one of these yields a sensible result, which happens to be the one life evolved within. So the reason why we have one dimension of time and three dimensions of space is that leaves a remainder which has the same form as a _Grand Unified Theory_ that incorporates the elusive and mysterious phenomena of Dark Energy and Dark Matter. This means the theory of _Geometric Unity_ is falsifiable, whereas _String Theory_ is not as the latter predicted Gravitons and Gravitinos would occur at certain energy scales at the Large Hadron Collider and when they failed to appear they changed their math to then move the goalposts to higher energy predictions without accepting that their "theory" had been falsified. Their concept of Supersymmetry was touted as explaining where Dark Matter came from as it was thought that the Photons which constitute light had supersymmetric superpartner fields called Photinos which were responsible for Dark Matter. These Photinos haven't been found either, and Supersymmetry is waning in credibility after 40 years of being taken seriously and promoted as "the only game in town". Eric is using an alternative long established symmetry that is called P-symmetry, where every type of field with left handed spin properties also has a corresponding type of field with right handed spin properties. This is like doing a "thumbs up" with your right hand and looking from above at the curl of your fingers in the mirror. Your hand will be curling in an anti-clockwise direction denoting a left handed spin direction, and the reflection will be curling in a clockwise direction denoting a right handed spin direction. This "looking glass" matter is discussed in Eric Weinstein's draft paper as being where we should expect to find the elusive Dark Matter that holds galaxies together as they rotate. Essentially, this theory of _Geometric Unity_ alleges that our Universe isn't sinister in the sense that scientists have thought it was since the 1950s when experiments suggested that this P-symmetry was violated as there was a left handed bias which meant that not every type of matter had a mirrored version. This would be fine and the end of the story if there weren't these significant outstanding loose ends whereby most of all the matter in our Universe wasn't luminous stars, but Dark Matter. This Dark Matter is missing from _The Standard Model_ and yet its influence can be inferred by observing the motion of stars within distant galaxies. Galaxies break the laws of physics unless this extra nonluminous matter is spread through them so that they gravitationally cohere whilst they rotate, so that either Albert Einstein is wrong (which isn't very likely as his theory of _General Relativity_ hasn't changed in 100 years and describes multiple phenomena accurately), or _The Standard Model_ (which has been growing in complexity over the past 70 years) remains incomplete and needs to grow more to incorporate all observed and inferred phenomena within our spacetime. _Geometric Unity_ proposes a replacement model which incorporates all phenomena and explains their origins from within an abstract purely mathematical structure. _Geometric Unity_ also explains where spacetime came from, as unlike Albert Einstein it doesn't cheat by assuming it as a given at the outset, but recovers it from the mathematics of its _Gauge Theory._ This makes it a candidate for a _Unified Field Theory_ which is what Albert Einstein was trying to complete at the end of his career whilst at Princeton University. What was holding him back from completing it was that he lacked sufficient degrees of freedom (dimensional variables) with which to both describe 4 dimensional spacetime as well as its 10 dimensional field contents. By having 14 dimensions there is just enough freedom to describe the internal dimensions of the pair of "Spin groups" for spacetime and its field contents, which combine geometrically to form a Spin group which is a set with operations defined upon it which promote symmetries which imply basic laws of physics such as conservation of energy and conservation of momentum. This all naturally arises from the math, and the "Fiber Bundle" which contains our spacetime as a section is turned inside out when it comes to viewing the situation as physics, rather than as mathematics, and selecting a single choice of section whereupon the fibers coil up into tiny 10 dimensional hyperspheres which exist at every adjacent infinitesimal point of spacetime and act as hosts for the fields which are pervasive to our reality, somewhat in the manner of the crowd at a sporting event standing up from their seats and raising their hands above their heads to be part of a field of individual heights which act in aggregate to convey a Mexican wave. Spacetime contains within its fabric these tiny hyperspheres which carry waves as the changing values of a field which is rooted to one location within the fabric of spacetime. Another way to think of it is a detailed weather map where every point has information as to its local temperate, this then leads to a change of pressure in the atmosphere at its location, the need to equalise pressure leads to winds and this can have a direction denoted by arrows which are all tethered to a base which is the source of the temperature value which is responsible along with others around it for the direction and length of that arrow. So, whether it you prefer to think of fields as being a weather forecast or a Mexican wave, our spacetime provides this extra hidden structure of hyperspheres for free as it is an aspect of the particular variety of mathematical surface which spacetime is derived from. _String Theory_ also hides extra dimensions from view but it crumples them up, whereas _Geometric Unity_ coils them up. _Geometric Unity_ also has no confusion about how it coils them, whereas those working on _String Theory_ have no clue as to how they should best crumple them up to obtain the right crumpling to obtain our specific Universe. They have 10⁵⁰⁰ solutions under consideration and no guarantee that any of them resemble our Universe, whereas _Geometric Unity_ has only 3 instantiations under consideration, where the initial instantiation covered by the draft paper is likely the correct one as it is the only choice which can be described without additional parameterisation which would then indicate it wasn't the final fundamental theory, but that there was a more fundamental theory that would explain why it had to be parameterised in that particular way. Consequently, I have some confidence that these other instantiations of _Geometric Unity_ are superfluous and can be disregarded. It can still be the case that _Geometric Unity_ is falsified in its predictions and invalidated as a theory, and Eric accepts that and if that happens he is happy to go on with his life having tried his best to explain how our Universe originated and why it is the way we find it to be.
@____uncompetative 3 дня назад
Continued... The super simple analogy to give is that _Geometric Unity_ is like pasta. Take a packet of dry spaghetti. Boil this until it is _al dente._ then let it cool enough so that you can handle it safely. Lay out each strand next to each other in parallel so that they are all the same length. Pick a point which is three fifths along all strands. Lift each up and tie a knot in the spaghetti strand so it has 60% of its length to the left and 40% of its length to the right. This represents the remainder combination of temporal and spatial dimensions which characterise the Spin group Spin(6, 4) after Spin(1, 3) has been allocated for spacetime from the whole Spin(7, 7). This would be a mathematical representation of the finite dimensions of the Observerse where the knot you tied between the temporal dimensions on the left of the strand and the spatial dimensions on the right of the strand was analogous to the mixed dimensions that constitute our own (1, 3) spacetime. This allocation is equivalent to the subtraction: (7, 7) - (1, 3) = (6, 4) Where it is presupposed that every strand of pasta is 14 inches long and we pretend that the knot we tie uses up 4 inches leaving 6 on the left and 4 on the right. The 6 inches on the left represent additional temporal dimensions within the "Fiber Bundle" and because we now want to see things from the perspective of physics, we have to turn this model of the Observerse inside out having selected our choice of (1, 3) as the Observer that is spacetime. The issue that arises here is that our knot won't use up 4 inches if we make it tight, so we knot it loosely and then we take advantage of the hole this then forms within the knot representing spacetime later. We coil up the 6 inches of pasta on the left so that it can squeeze inside the hole of spacetime. We then take advantage of the fact that we can thread the 4 inches of pasta on the right in amongst the strands forming the 6 inches coiled within the hole of spacetime to form the structure of an infinitesimal point within the Lorentzian Spin(1, 3) split-signature spacetime manifold which is host to Spin(6, 4) spinor which collectively represents one possible section of the "Ehresmannian Fiber Bundle" Spin(7, 7) representing the 14 finite dimensions of the Observerse they are both a part of. By doing this for all strands of pasta and then collecting these knots together so that they are adjacent, you are describing the structure of our fabric of spacetime as one dimension of time and three dimensions of space where it has a maximum speed limit built in which prohibits faster than light travel. There is however, no obvious way in which we can explore the internal dimensions of the hypersphere, formed by threading the remainder six dimensions of time with four dimensions of space, as a structure inside what would in actuality be an infinitesimal point in spacetime in order to traverse. There is also no way to get back to the Ehresmannian Fiber Bundle in order to have the dimensional freedom to avoid the maximum speed limit imposed by being stuck within spacetime, as that would be analogous to us unravelling each strand of pasta which constituted ourselves and when knotted up carried the phenomena which define us. Doing so runs into an insurmountable problem of "quantum decoherence" as there is a single unified field named omega which is dancing upon the Ehresmannian Fiber Bundle which is the whole length of these pasta strands when they are unknotted. It is the choice of section to a Lorentzian Spin(1, 3) split-signature spacetime manifold which selects the definition of the Observer and automatically implies the Spin(6, 4) field theory as its remainder. So, to do an Einsteinian Prison Break is to undo the process of observation which makes definite the indefinite nature of omega as it exists in Spin(7, 7) in a confusing state of probabilistic superposition. Were we to find a way out of our reality we would lose our identity which relies on the relative spatial (and temporal) relationships which makes the event which is our being have some sense of stable organisation and familiarity as being us from one moment to the next. Put another way, right now we all all part of omega. The chair I am sitting on is part of omega. A bird in the sky flying by is part of omega. However, what makes the bird not be me and me not be the chair is that spacetime organises the unified field so that some of it represents force mediating fields and other parts of it represents matter manifesting fields and the rest represents the spacetime these fields exist within and their relative locations and individual momentum. Sacrificing all of that clarity is what is required if I become part of omega in order to circumvent the maximum speed limit imposed by being stuck in spacetime. Recovering Lorentzian Spin(1, 3) spacetime whilst preserving Ehresmannian gauge covariance for Spin(6, 4) field content from the Chimeric Fiber Bundle which wraps the Spin(7, 7) Lie group upon which the single unified field omega dances in fourteen dimensions governed by the symmetries of its representation within the gauge group of U(64, 64) Weyl spinors within finite dimensions is what constitutes the core idea _Geometric Unity_ although it also has infinite dimensional aspects that wrap this mathematical structure with the infinite Inhomogenous Gauge Group: 𝒢 So, mathematically it reduces to that single letter. Every possible reality. Every configuration and symmetry of every field theory. The complete generalisation within which our familiar choices of combinations of dimensions is one amongst many options. It also has these fourteen dimensions because that is the cardinality of the unrestricted set of dimensional measures required to chart length, angles and location within spacetime. Normally in _General Relativity_ you only need length and angles, but with _Geometric Unity_ you do not select this restrictive metric, but allow spacetime the freedom to have every available measure and then use these dimensions to specify the Spin group from which is derived U(64, 64) and Spin(7, 7).
@____uncompetative 3 дня назад
Continued... In terms of a spiritual analogy this is rather like Buddhism where it is believed that the world is an illusion, called Maya, and to escape this and achieve what they call Nirvana one must develop a Buddha nature, for in doing so one will finally escape the endless cycle of reincarnation in which you are stuck having to suffer and die only to be reborn to suffer again in another being, but through wisdom and meditation it is advocated that anyone can free themselves from this fate and become one with the Godhead that is Buddha. In terms of this analogy, the Einstein Prison Break advocated by Eric Weinstein is akin to developing a Buddha nature to become one with the Godhead (we are all part of Buddha, we are just alienated from realising it as the world of illusions is so persuasive that it is real), and then having achieved Nirvana wanting to get back to Maya. You won't want to because you will cease to exist as an individual with independent thoughts and motives as you developed a Buddha nature and are now part of Buddha. You are Buddha. You won't want to leave. To steelman Eric's idea in terms of this analogy, would be akin to Buddha creating our Universe by sacrificing himself as our Free Will was splinters of his being which had undergone a catastrophic Disassociative Identity Disorder. This would then explain why those on DMT have the sense that they are becoming one with things and other people, as they are overcoming their individual perspective and adopting the unified wisdom of an eternal being which holds all knowledge and which not only created the Universe, but pervades all of creation. The Einsteinian Prison Break would then be like dropping DMT to go on a trip and then come out of it somewhere else. Remote Viewing has been alleged to be a thing, but it is more likely that was a PsyOp concocted to rattle the paranoid Russians during the Cold War and provide cover for any agents doing regular spying within their ranks. If the insights gained from spies could become falsely attributed to Remote Viewing the spies might remain undiscovered for longer. There is no evidence of teleportation occuring as a result of taking drugs, so perhaps the closest equivalent would be some near death out of body experience, or possession of another person's being as a "walk in" (neither of which have much credibility). So, maybe there are structures in the brain which connect to the spaghetti and there may be more fields elaborating beyond the dimensions under consideration which convey consciousness within this metaphysical omniverse, then it might be possible to mentally traverse the Universe by taking over the mind of a host somewhere distant. However, this is really, really, stretching things and I think to do this you would need Spin(27, 27) and actual T-symmetry with a parallel universe in which time flowed in the opposite direction for there to be a comprehensive solution that would facilitate the desire to colonise exoplanets through rapid interstellar travel. Assuming this is possible, then it would already be happening and therefore it would account for the phenomenon of daemonic possession which is not from literal hellspawn as there is no inferno, but from alien tourists who want to experience our civilisation through a host whose consciousness they suppress as they leverage their nightmares. This is highly speculative and I personally can't support at all as being in any way viable as I am an atheist. I am merely presenting the only way I can see that the colonisation of exoplanets could occur which would involve literally invading the minds of aliens elsewhere which would be highly unethical and make us be the daemons. I think the best way to mitigate the risks posed by nuclear weapons is to reelect President Donald John Trump. Perhaps Eric Weinstein would seriously consider advocating for that choice rather than the current administration which funds a proxy war with Russia and risks a nuclear conflagration in order to please those who back it in the Military-Industrial Complex.
@mrj3nk044 8 дней назад
Bye bye Eric.from beyond.
@pauperdiamond8733 8 дней назад
We need exactly this kind of thing in every field and discipline. Come on, Internet, we can do this!
@JasonWhitman-i9j 9 дней назад
1:08:03 task
@leejacobus5305 9 дней назад
This fly on the wall is fascinatingly baffled. Another world of explorers of another world …
@kenzeier2943 9 дней назад
Government scam
@UncheckTheBox 10 дней назад
Peer review sounds like gate keepers in the world of science. Good that Eric dug in on them.👏🏽
@UncheckTheBox 10 дней назад
Older and younger sibling dynamics are on display from the jump. Older brother needs to be more of an active listener. You all may have grown up together but you are different people with opposite opinions and personalities. Eric,your younger brother is comprehending your points, but you are not returning the same courtesy because you would love for him to be more like you. Totally get your need in wanting to protect him, but his life path is his to walk. So sorry for his experience. Any person or group of people can practice racism. It happens everywhere across the globe.
@RainierVerschuren 10 дней назад
Thanks Eric, you're a brave man. Your theory deserves more attention and needs further development. Keep up the good work.
@terrylovesenegal 10 дней назад
Four years later all you say is more relevant than ever. Extremely grateful for 'stumbling' across you on many podcast I follow. Each time I listen to what you share my mind opens wider - not always a comfortable feeling as I discover more each day. Thank you Mr. Weinstein, I rather hurt to learn the truths than continue to being a blind idiot. On some professional traumas - and I've know a few - I worked briefly in the late 80s for Therry Roussel, Athina Onassis Roussel's father, in Geneva, Switzerland and than later at Christina Onassis' mansion in Ginging, in the Canton of Vaud 30 km awa,y as a personal assistant/asset inventory facilitator after Christina died. At meetings he regularly had attractive women sitting on his knees during supposedly 'serious' meetings. It was uncomfortable, something I was new to. He used his daughters monitored funds to rent yachts (his spending was monitored by a Swiss/Greek governing board) for supposed family outings in Ibiza, Spain, to instead host all his friends to sex parties with minor models. These were not as degraded as Cumbs/PDiddy's - attended by Parisian and Monegasques not far from the royalty and the French jet-set. It took quite some time to recover from what I saw and knew and the feeling of sadness for Athina and what she would become.
@ron3930 10 дней назад
Seems to me that Bret has taken up the yoke, and is currently ahead of the pack.
@kiki51669 10 дней назад
~*~Consciousness(Intelligent thought)=1... Quantize that, and you will have your tangible unified theory.~*~
@No_OneV 10 дней назад
That's a nice interview room, woah.
@ezbody 10 дней назад
I wish I was as brave as Eric, who, despite being constantly afraid, for no reason whatsoever, despite being in an imaginary, non-existent danger, he still continues to bravely and boldly share his ideas. Thank you Eric Weinstein, you are my hero!!!
@sergio12desantiago 11 дней назад
Egomanic that is what i see
@JosefinaLarry-m1f 11 дней назад
Mariane Brooks
@ssidji7197 11 дней назад
Mumbo jumbo
@Chadhogan111 7 дней назад
Is that an African language?
@milztempelrowski9281 11 дней назад
No scientific theory achieves public acceptance until it has been thoroughly discredited. - Douglas Yates
@shawncole180 12 дней назад
i grew up in puyallup washington The Ever Green state and then next to PLU colledge in Parkland I-5 I left all that mess and pollitics in 2018 to Red Ohio i was in my 8th month of a 9 month prognosis and was evac from tacoma to osu for a SCT for termial Pll luekemia and im due for the uncurable definite relapse at anytime im 1 of the few who has made it this far 6yrs i hope you reach out to me for the info to possibly prove 1/2 of howards theory might be right before i pass away pls n thanks
@shawncole180 12 дней назад
hey Eric I watched you tear apart Terrance Howards math theories and your a nice pollite guy as is he. Im sure you have the connections for Rogan and Howard so I have a location in Lybia on Google Earth all of you should take a look at Howard may be 1/2 on to something that is visible proof/evidence to his planet birth theory and the unrecognize connection of my findings to this location and the ohio snake mound swallowing the egg.
@shankarbalakrishnan2360 12 дней назад
Could we have more portals the internet portals have failed❤❤🎉🎉
don't rewrite you book because it serves as reference point from how far and how long the world has departed from that reference reality...
@joshhall1345 15 дней назад
Have you thought about the connection between this and Carlo reville’s white whole theory ?