Alan Thrall
Alan Thrall
Alan Thrall
Informative and educational videos about barbell strength training. Untamed Strength is a Powerlifting and Strongman gym located in Sacramento, CA.
10 Tips For Improving Sleep Quality
21 день назад
How I Built Big Legs
2 месяца назад
"I can't keep my BACK TIGHT on Deadlifts"
3 месяца назад
[OPEN GYM] Keg Party & Atlas Stone PRs
4 месяца назад
Why you suck on competition day.
4 месяца назад
How & Why You Should SUPERSET Your Exercises
6 месяцев назад
Rippetoe Squats & Power Cleans?! | Form Check #2
6 месяцев назад
6 Reasons Why Morning Workouts Are SUPERIOR
6 месяцев назад
This company MOGGED my old home gym
7 месяцев назад
My Bodybuilding Bulking Diet
7 месяцев назад
3 Bulking Principles I NO LONGER Follow
7 месяцев назад
My Current BodyBuilding Program Explained.
8 месяцев назад
@iChefTheImpossible 22 часа назад
For me it is my elbows. I can’t do more than single pull ups and double chin ups with a break in between.
@harfwajna3471 День назад
Damn I am gonna hear DO NOT MOVE THE BARBEL echoing for the rest of my life.
@dunno_112 День назад
what is the benefit of using knee sleeve?
@Candyapplebone День назад
I just did a 20 rep squat set today after leading up to it with 5-6 sets of 10 reps, adding weight each time. I eventually got to 160lbs; I weigh 147. I used the plate loaded pendulum squat machine. I felt great about it. Now I’m watching videos of people talking about doing 20 squats. I didn’t realize it was this commonly acknowledged as a thing.
@SD80 День назад
Iron Biby , Eddie Hall, Mark Felix, Brian Shaw , HafThor , Richard Hawthorne etc have incredible genetics for strength
@moiseslgaristo6785 День назад
Alan (POWERBOTTOM) Thrall Your knowledge on the intricacy of lifting is immense and very very observant 😊
@harfwajna3471 День назад
Also wingspan (arm length) affects your posture. Short arms results in higher hips and long arms in lower hips.
@warwickscram1656 День назад
Alan's got more crack than the San Andreas fault.
@dbakermcitp День назад
Food plays a huge roll in recovery
@zztop7000 День назад
This is my weakness i want bigger butt? You don't want a pancake right? Also great for bigger legs I'm developing my legs helps you alot as we grow old. When I look those old retired people alot of them have wheels chairs and skinny legs this scare me bro! Bodybuilding is by far is the best! It's a anti aging slow down aging process.
@patterson96392 День назад
Add lots and lots of steroids
@josegarcia6158 День назад
Do u use a weighted vest when doing dips??? Is it good for the workout??
@alexsquirrely3133 День назад
Already failed tip #1 living in a studio apartment where my bedroom is also my living room, dining room and workout room🥲
@dessertstorm7476 День назад
I have distal clavicular osteolysis any tips
@Elcanario91 День назад
Hernias in young people (under 40) are 99% caused by congenital defects at birth (you are born with a dilated deep inguinal ring, this comes from the patent processus vaginalis not being properly closed when you were a fetus. Just some info for those who think hernias are caused by lifting, even coughing produces much larger intra abdominal pressure than lifting (as proven by multiple studies). Cheers!
@CorruptDemocratsJ6 День назад
He's on roids and won the genetic lottery, combine that with him living to lift/workout, not all that impressive.
@vijayd15 2 дня назад
Brilliant one…people who have sone Oly lifting will understand this
@MrEinurt 2 дня назад
I thought u didn't use sissy handles?!
@Kitsunej0nes 2 дня назад
When I first started cooking I wish I knew this
@travissmith383 2 дня назад
The trap bar is the way to go. Prevents may back injury's that typically come from barbell deadlifts. An excellent way to get the heart pumping. Sweated more doing Trap bar deadlifts in 20 mins than 60 mins of cardio and it's a great way to boost your testosterone.
@TheBaitShopGuy 2 дня назад
I respect Alan for shaving off that huge Santa beard wtf was that cause I respect him as a lifter I say good move with the hair beard cut
@joseguardado5679 2 дня назад
lol you should have started the video with "he's on steroids" instead of putting it at the end
@noobynoob6856 2 дня назад
I thought I got super weak when I could bench 70 at school but only 50 at home
@mz4ever123 2 дня назад
Unfortunately my backs not getting better. I pulled it unracking before attempting a squat. I can still train light past 2 weeks however anything heavier pain won't allow me. I have tuned to regular foam rolling & back stretches to see if I can fix this.
@ohno837 2 дня назад
Benching is ridiculous…touching bar to chest is for powerlifting. Short arms and fat barrel chests only lower bar to chest with arms at a 90 degrees. People with longer arms and narrow torsos have to arch so much to actually then do a decline. Guys you don’t need to have your arms bend more than 90 degrees…you lose tension in the muscle and hurt your shoulder if you go lower
@pretty_flaco 2 дня назад
this is NOT untamed…🤔
@VivaRevolucionDGS 2 дня назад
Haven't done dips in quite a long time. Used to feel persistent elbow/shoulder discomfort and pain. Didn't want that affecting progress in other areas. This gives me the confidence that I can safely and gradually bring the dip back into my routine.
@craigc4409 2 дня назад
That is the face of a man who looks sick and tired of making and consuming food 😂 @AlanThrall I remember following this advice about 7 years ago of yours when I left the Royal Marines and focused purely on lifting and gaining size on strength. I was beyond fed up of eating and being bloated constantly 😂 Glad to see you are following a healthier life now and enjoying your family 😃
@davidk6269 2 дня назад
Thanks for the advice. I'm going to try out your advice during my next workout.
@alexanderchernoshtan9898 2 дня назад
Трэээээээээйн ааааантэээээээйммммд 🤪
@mrtomboo 2 дня назад
This man is what Japanese people think Americans look like
@jacobthetree-man2620 2 дня назад
Hi I want to know what you think of my form? Im i but wink? I have a short-video on my littel Chanel 😊 Thank you
@escapegulag4317 3 дня назад
fresh cut looking slick bro
@mikevhoekk 3 дня назад
After 1,5 years of following you and transforming myself into you, I've discovered the first thing I just can not do and that is 6.5 hours of sleep because then I would completely fall apart. But I guess we'll have to if we want to train people and own a gym. Thank you for sharing.
@kellanaplin7845 3 дня назад
Just Dip the Tip.
@bumenjoyer 3 дня назад
The basics of this apply to most movements you'd be iffy about. I did something similar ramping up for good mornings and upright rows
@sananton2821 3 дня назад
Not sure why this is so infrequently mentioned, since I don't think it's impossibly rare, but I cannot DL off the floor. My hamstring tightness and arm length simply will not allow this to happen safely. Sure, I can do the movement, but with a slightly rounded back and lots of pain.
@jesperpetersen636 3 дня назад
I agree with you. My recoverydays include walking, garden work, cykling, cleaning work an so on. 🙏🏻💪
@redgreenbeambih 3 дня назад
Yea with roids!
@ryandeffley7652 3 дня назад
I think the main culprit for guys with dip issues is lack of shoulder mobility. Doing regular dead hangs and shoulder dislocates help a lot.
The one true Alan PBUH
@IsaacMorgan98 3 дня назад
You know what's funny about this video. Tom Haviland does all his training off of roughly 5 hours a night sleep.
@Jake-vu9mu День назад
yeah. that shit is rly not sustainable for someone not on gear
@SPRTAFSTR 3 дня назад
Nice tee buds
@wurstcrewchief2798 3 дня назад
This guy should have played master chief in the Halo tv show. Not master cheeks
@DJ-he1zc 3 дня назад
i used curtsy lunges in my leg workout a long time ago but they seemed to cause more stress on my knee ligaments than any other leg exercise I had every performed . Incredible stretch in the glutes and hips but the stress on the knee wasn't worth the risk for me .
@jeremiahleasure4301 3 дня назад
I hear Allan's outro like James Bond. Train, Untamed..
@jeremiahleasure4301 3 дня назад
Legit tidbit dip tip.
@maksymbozhko5896 3 дня назад
Very informative video, hovewer one thing is still not clear: is it ok If I move the barbell when setting up?
@zakazan8561 3 дня назад
My pain was caused by my tight pec minor pulling on my coracoid process, which was also causing biceps tendonitis, likely from the bicep tendon impinging upon my acromion due to my scapula being pulled forward. Massaging pec minor and the biceps tendon fixed it
@chrisbarney1609 3 дня назад
Great video. Alex Leonidas just put up a dip video as well so cool timing. You tip #2 was my favorite. Thanks!