Mike Kewley
Mike Kewley
Mike Kewley
Simplifying Mindfulness, Meditation and Non-duality.

Awakening (Part Two)
Месяц назад
Awakening (Part One)
Месяц назад
What Are You Waiting For?
2 месяца назад
The Perfect Moment
2 месяца назад
What is Spirituality?
2 месяца назад
What do you know?
2 месяца назад
Big Mind
2 месяца назад
Three Questions
3 месяца назад
Relax into Life
3 месяца назад
15 Minute Guided Meditation
8 месяцев назад
Enlightenment for Dummies
3 года назад
Conscious Contact Interview
3 года назад
The Masterpiece
3 года назад
What is Enlightenment?
3 года назад
Everybody Has Your Face
3 года назад
Who Goes There?
3 года назад
The Adventure of Unknowing
3 года назад
Every Moment A Precious Gem
4 года назад
We've Never Known What Comes Next
4 года назад
Your Body is your Practice
4 года назад
A New Relationship to the Mind
4 года назад
What are we looking for?
4 года назад
The Discovery of No-Self
4 года назад
40 Minute Guided Meditation.
4 года назад
Empty the Bag
4 года назад
@shivasarikonda1461 Месяц назад
Thankyou very much.
@shivasarikonda1461 Месяц назад
Thankyou very much.
@brianhoskins8381 Месяц назад
🙏 blessings
@rippleeffectspnw 2 месяца назад
This person says a lot without really saying much. The reference to the homeless millionaire was certainly telling.
@jasnozreni 2 месяца назад
Nicely and simply said.
@maximuslancaster5369 2 месяца назад
Now then don't get to caught up in nothingness, try taking the curriculum ;)
@chrxmeface 2 месяца назад
the whole "you're already God" is such ridiculous notion because that presupposes or includes the ability to be able to manifest instantly, stop bullets, time travel, snap my fingers and have instantaneous whatever , and that's not the case. Even with all the awakenings and realizations of Oneness and "I am That Everythingness" still leads to pain when you stub your toe or not having the ability to heal your dog puking from swallowing his snack whole right away. I still cringe when I hear it because of that, and yet I do think a person can link to the Source in a such a way that they can then do all those things, but then you wouldnt even know that such a person exists because they wouldnt flaunt their powers. At least for myself, I'd be hidden and would operate from behind the scenes
@RuandosSantosGoncalves 2 месяца назад
Understand that most masters or accomplished who say this is because they want to denote that self-realization only occurs in the present because there is only that moment. Perhaps they understand that third parties can understand as you do, but since understanding is always personal, perhaps they express themselves and let those who have the wisdom to understand understand, each in their own time, but if you think that tapping your finger and feeling pain is a minimally viable example to apply to any reasoning that involves the revelation of the divine nature, you still have a long way to go, it is something far beyond. Literally any hyperbole is little to express.
@chrxmeface 2 месяца назад
@@RuandosSantosGoncalves My original connotation still applies, if you are God then do God-Like powers and apply them for the sake of humanity. If you can't, and your only capacity is to teach self realization, then you are just playing out a Buddha-like archetype of helping humanity to awaken, and then it isn't anything "God-based" to begin or end with. As a side note, I do think a mere mortal can link up with God in a such a way that actual powers can manifest, beyond just the Self Realization of Consciousness and Beingness and the whole non-dual lot, but alas, I digress
@RuandosSantosGoncalves Месяц назад
@chrxmeface understand that these powers are realized at every moment, in the simplest things and to be able to perceive this is to be the "image and likeness of God." To be beyond the world and not limited to events is a true power, to the world, the natural order to which you yourself are but have no consciousness, it is enough for it to improve, however much it seems to worsen, everything to cooperate for evolution. His vision is limited by his limited perspective. Realize the being and perceive the reality of reality and the sense of "I am God."
@origamimouse7836 2 месяца назад
I am not sure about your take on the dial of destiny.. you said you were looking forward to it - I loved the Indiana Jones movies as a kid and it was an ok film but disappointing for the character.. maybe that is how childhood heroes disappear.. just become unnoticed background characters.. it is good to see this new posting from you here.. I watched your conversation on conscioustv a few years back and was looking for more from your viewpoint.. there wasn’t much else around then from you but you are a good communicator, so it’s so good to see you post this, many thanks
@chrxmeface 2 месяца назад
I agree, there are buddhist long life practices, diets, secret immortal channel opening techniques found in Daoism and so on. We dont have to be slaves to the aspects of cause and effect, when we can redirect it and directly interact with it in a number of ways
@miself 2 месяца назад
@georgeduncan8946 2 месяца назад
Expressing ones spiritual nature
@nugaming2498 2 месяца назад
Our moments of “enlightenment” happened for the same reason XD, I was also just focused on it so much and then I was like “wtf this is never gonna happen I give it up” and then just a thought arose of something alan watts said, there is no you who achieves it and then just my thoughts didn’t matter anymore, they were just arising just as everything else, who knows where from and who really cares
@nugaming2498 2 месяца назад
I swear you make such good enlightenment content, I wish more people tuned in for it to help them , but I guess that’s just how it is.
@nugaming2498 2 месяца назад
Good video 🙏🏻🙏🏻
@nagozualdean 2 месяца назад
hello to you beautiful conscious being from another consciousness that inhabits a different rare experience
@bootbite 2 месяца назад
@Bit_1980 2 месяца назад
Indeed. Good morning my friend. 🙏💜☕️
@rainbowizzard 2 месяца назад
@Fr333man 2 месяца назад
We go to sleep but we don’t disconnect, sleep talking is the proof where still connected to our avatar, I am my mind, my soul, it gives me intuition, imagination and empathy, the conscious me is not the ego, deprogramming the association with all the constructs that doesn’t define who I am could leave you quiet undefined but liberating, I am not my language, I am not my nation, I am not my religion, I am not anything I have no control of, only a ego thinks he can claim the victory of his sport team off his couch 🤣✌️👍
@jukefast4279 2 месяца назад
Why tho
@mikehev222 2 месяца назад
Who is Mike ?
@mikekewley3186 2 месяца назад
I think we should both ask ourselves that question 🙂
@miself 2 месяца назад
mum used to say we were dead to the world. wondered about this all mi life i am 56 now.
@FormsInSpace 2 месяца назад
as the buddhist khandas (5 aggregates) prove : there is no self, there is only impermanent sense stimulus and the brain/body processing and reacting to this stimulus.
@justsubok 2 месяца назад
nice that interesting
@nugaming2498 2 месяца назад
10/10 explanation gave me many ideas on how to practically explain this
@mahen108 3 месяца назад
Great video Mike. Thank you.
@kevinctb9243 6 месяцев назад
Thanks for this Mike, I come back to this around 2/3 times a day alongside your other meditation videos. If possible could you please upload more, i’d be grateful as your guided meditation videos help me a lot. Many thanks
@mikekewley3186 6 месяцев назад
Thanks Kevin, I'm glad you're finding it useful. I'm not very active here at the moment, but will aim to upload a few more videos in the coming months. Let me know what would be useful. I also have over 20 free talks you can listen to on my website which you might enjoy. You can find them here: mikekewley.com/talks/ Take care, Mike.
@kevinctb9243 8 месяцев назад
Thank you for this Mike, will be returning to this and tuning in to your other videos. many thanks.
@coobird1ify 11 месяцев назад
This is the best explanation of the" no self " or non duality to be found on internet. So simple to understand. Thank you!!
@shinrinyokumusic1808 Год назад
Hey, you *attained enlightenment* when reading a specific quote by rupert spira . Yet instead of talking about non duality in contemplative way you teach mindfulness. I see this pattern alot with other teachers as well. Getting enlightenment reading a non fiality book yet they teach something else which perhaps might not get one towards enlightenment. I was curious your thought on it
@mikekewley3186 Год назад
Hi, thanks for your comment and observation. Non-duality leaves nothing out, it is the direct recognition that everything is empty awareness expressing as the tree, the bird, the thought and emotion. This means that there is nothing extra to “do” to gain what you are. But it doesn’t mean that we then discount or deny the practices, methods or techniques designed to help people recognise their enlightened state. I can tell you that you are God, you are silent still awareness and that therefore there is nothing else to seek. You understand it as an idea, you like the idea, it makes sense. But are you now enlightened? This is why the teachers of reality often use methods and investigations to help others deconstruct their own identity and attachments to thoughts, feelings and emotions. For example both the Buddha and Ramana Maharshi has a silent realisation which seemed impossible to communicate with others, and yet they both developed ways of guiding people back into their original freedom. It is said that the Buddha taught thousands of methods. Why? Because words rarely hit the target. But ultimately upon recognition we see that because there is only ultimate reality, our practices and methods are none other than that too. This is non-duality. Not two. Nothing left out but also nothing to gain. All we gain is an understanding. This is why Zen Master Dogen said that the practice of meditation is the expression of enlightenment, not the seeking for it. I teach Mindfulness which includes guiding people back into their own original freedom through many methods. Everyone is different. Sometimes I point back people back into their own silent awareness, sometimes we focus on breath until the mind dissolves, sometimes we sit with the body until the body becomes space. These are all useful, weening us off the constant identity with the mind and the apparent self. Whatever we imagine enlightenment to be, it certainly involves a radically freeing relationship to our thoughts, emotions and circumstances, and a direct experience of who and what we are as a fact, not as an idea. Non-duality will rob you of all ideas. You will see that there is nothing more to say, there is no argument or comparison to make. Everything is as it is. Those are my thoughts, I hope you find them helpful, Mike.
@fereshtaakhlaqi2119 Год назад
Thank you, it’s really good.
@widipermono854 Год назад
@philippevermeiren7081 Год назад
The master was extremely to the point!!!!!!!!!!!Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ericaglesk3254 2 года назад
That was great. Thank you!
@kathyashby6019 2 года назад
Excellent work. Just found your teaching channel today, after watching your interview on Conscious Contact. Subscribed. Thank you!
@kathyashby6019 2 года назад
Thank You!! This information is so important.
@Nonduality 2 года назад
Good video. The word "nonduality" is important because, in my view, it is a key that opens many kinds of doors. One door is to your own experience. For example, maybe you had an experience of nonduality but never understood it. Suddenly you stumble on the word "nonduality," you look it up and soon your experience now has context, community, and support in ancient writings and art. The world is now seen for what it is: A nonduality experience.
@strawberry10261026 2 года назад
Wow ..
@davidstrickland1127 3 года назад
Great talk
@batmeacoffee5543 3 года назад
There is an outside world but no living human has every experience it all we every experience is electrical signals we are brains trapped in a bone box called a scull every thing we ever did or ever will is generated by our minds so in reality every thing is one. One mind
@vimprashad 3 года назад
Thank you. I'm in awe of your spiritual realization of consciousness. Wish someday I can see the same as I understand its right here with me but somehow I'm yet to have any spiritual experience.
@mattshepherd4861 3 года назад
After last night's meeting I thought I'd go back in. Thanks again Mike. 💎
@johnnyreidy1977 3 года назад
There for the grace of God go I ., we are I think all one and the same capable of anything if the right circumstances arise but it’s a question that you can delve very deep in to . I like your stuff brother .
@davidstrickland1127 3 года назад
Great talk.would love an interview with alan chapman ,daniel ingram and mike.
@madanmohansharma1703 3 года назад
SO good👍👍
@davidstrickland1127 3 года назад
Hi mike would you consider writing a book on your aproach to meditation.cheers.D
@mikekewley3186 3 года назад
Hi David, thanks for your comment, I'm currently writing a short book which explores mindfulness, the present moment, non-duality and enlightenment. It's been an ongoing project for some time, but I hope it sees the light of day soon. Best wishes, Mike.
@mofoshrimp 3 года назад
Awesome video!! I have the subtitles on and I noticed something hilarious.... when Mike says 'Steve's talking later, he's very good friends with Eckhart Tolle' it gives the subtitle 'Steve's talking later, he's very good friends with The Cartel' LOL!
@christophermaguire5511 3 года назад
Say, "Yes" to THAT. The Oneness state. Dont make yourself into a thing. Dont make yourself the character in the Dream. You are...You exist...In all of THIS vastness of Being. So Beautiful!!!! Thank you, For sharing 🙏💚 Abide in the I AM!!!!! 😊
@bhardwaj9mayank9 3 года назад
@Klakkr 3 года назад
Thank you Mike, this was really insightful.
@bhardwaj9mayank9 3 года назад
It's Great.
@dorianshaffer7120 3 года назад
What this is really mean tho, so I should do nothing then
@mikekewley3186 3 года назад
Hi Dorian, thank you for your comment. Recognising that you are a movement of the whole, like a wave is a movement of the ocean, doesn't mean you should then do nothing. You cannot do "nothing'" as you are movement. Thought, sensations, perceptions, emotions, all of this intelligent activity continues. There's just no-one inside controlling any of this activity. You continue to live your ordinary life with the recognition that there's only the ocean, arising as Dorian.
@dorianshaffer7120 3 года назад
@@mikekewley3186 Hey thanks for the brief yet pithy explanation but my one true grip with these teachings is that how does it help in anyones daily life with the worries and concerns that everyone faces? How's it doing anything for my worries of getting old or gaining weight, finding my ideal job or life partner etc.
@dorianshaffer7120 3 года назад
So what knows the mind can't know itself? And what if that knowing, that knows the mind is itself the mind? Also, what does all this do for me in the real world. I can't go around not caring about worldly things like career, relationship and family. To drop them all would be a kind of vanquishing ones self from society