Paul is bad at stuff
Paul is bad at stuff
Paul is bad at stuff
I made this channel to make videos about hobbies that I've picked up and innevitably failed. ADHD sucks lmao. Mostly this has become about Warhammer and being bad at the game(s) and being slow at painting. Currently focused on my Screaming Ravens and stretching the limits of what can constitute a Vtuber.

Don't Be Afraid of the Chess Clock!
3 месяца назад
Warhammer is a BAD HOBBY (for me)
3 месяца назад
I CANNOT Win a Single Game of Warhammer 40k
4 месяца назад
I REGRET my Custom Space Marine Paint Scheme
5 месяцев назад
I got an Airbrush but was it really worth it?
6 месяцев назад
40k Crusade Is Great, And Here's Why
7 месяцев назад
You will NEVER finish your Pile of Shame!
10 месяцев назад
How NOT to Handle Complex Stacking Buffs
11 месяцев назад
The BIGGEST Problem with Free Wargear in 10th
11 месяцев назад
The Weirdest New Mission in 40k 10th Edition
11 месяцев назад
@Kcitz_ 15 часов назад
I sure do love imperial knights sure hope I don’t get shrugged off and placed below Chaos knights
@Bodkin_Ye_Pointy 15 часов назад
So what classifies as a component of the pile of shame? Many of the kits and soldiers I have bought have been built but not painted. Many of the constructed kits have been used in games. Many forces are works in progress with the paint jobs and some are frozen because an event stole the steam from my drive to do them. In my case I have a plethora of gaming systems, (Thank you El Guapo) with only about 15 to 20% that remain unbuilt. So these are legitimate members of the pile of shame. But anything that has been built has been gamed with, usually with my son. The latest being Team Yankee, Brits v East Germans.
@Kcitz_ 15 часов назад
I know it’s been 5 months but some of them have an obsession with led lights (not actually leds but you could do glow paints) so they look like glow sticks
@JohnBryett-wt9uj 17 часов назад
Most space marine captains will have an Halo which is a force field for their head if they're helmetless but it can be abit weird to see marines helmetless in a warzone
@The_company_archives 19 часов назад
i didnt even realise this was a live lol
@the_apotecary_from_tf2 21 час назад
Also every single eldar titan should be the best titan hunter Because i love elves
@firestorm2381 День назад
In lore the psychological effect of the titan seems far more devastating to infantry than it's physical threat. What if it effected moral instead of being better at squashing guardsmen? I also think the stomp needs a buff, but something like forcing battlshock tests in an AOE feels more thematic and easier then adding splash damage.
@veerss8586 День назад
I still like my big guys
@Cairanmac1 День назад
My only experience fielding my Titan was when me and my friends did a Titan Walk, playing Titanicus with 32mm titans. My Warhound was responsible for 2 engine kills
@jamielishbrook2384 День назад
My first real model was chars red comet zakus II
@valthanders3197 День назад
I recently build the RG zeta gundam and I have almost the same experince when you build it (it's my third gunpla and first RG). Z is my favorite gundam so for me it's a must have. I also heard the rumors of the terrifying hand granade and the thing is that I don't know if it's thaaat bad, but I enjoyed building it. Thanks for the video, now I know that I don't want to tranform this thing EVER!
@omganotherun 2 дня назад
I recall a pre-daemon Angron being stepped on by a Warhound Titan. It was about to crush Lorgar and Angron tanked it for him. Angron had a bad time but the World Eaters were actually cheering for him.
@bjscustoms 2 дня назад
Awesome video I love playing Gaslands. Building the cars is very fun as well
@user_monstermaniach 2 дня назад
Can I see a photo of both army lists plz
@jakobi-wan6500 3 дня назад
I know the point of the video is titans being a bit underwhelming (which is true but if I’m buying a titan it’s purely for the +1000 style points), but also what the actual HELL goes on in crusade mode
@PaulIsBadAtStuff 3 дня назад
Nonsense. Crusade can get very silly, which is half the fun! Unless it means I lose in which case it's unbalanced garbage
@jakobi-wan6500 День назад
@@PaulIsBadAtStuff oh of course, I never meant to imply that silly nonsense isn't the whole point of playing with friends, even if I also lose most of the time (why are enemy units allowed to hit me? so rude.)
@pandavikingguy6193 3 дня назад
@josephvaccariello4181 3 дня назад
The amount of janky rules titans need to feel like titans is redic. Realistically they should be able to just crush underfoot most if not all terrain replacing it with rubble. it should be able to physically push models away when it moves with a chance to just do mortals wounds to them per model ie a sorta you werent able to get out of the way so you got stepped on sorta thing. If this thing charges it should realistically be more like you auto tank shock them because its a titan. Realistically if a baneblade gets charged by this titan it dies it cant withstand being stepped on and its not living it. Outside of like invulns given by just being really fast or lucky the foot hitting you should just slay the model unless its like a daemon primarch
@spartastic4 3 дня назад
As someone who loves 9 hours behind you, would you as to post a short video, or reply to this in day of if you remember, on what the theme is?
@PaulIsBadAtStuff 3 дня назад
I'll post an announcement video of the theme when the paint jam starts
@spartastic4 2 дня назад
@@PaulIsBadAtStuff i shall endeavor to fully paint my mini
@SuperDuperHappyTime 3 дня назад
I think Paul should review each submission, so he has plenty of procrastination excuses, uh I mean, livestream content, until sometime in February of next year.
@SemperFidelisss 3 дня назад
Also that’s why I’ll always play with a pair of 2 warlord titans.
@SemperFidelisss 3 дня назад
A quote from my last apocalypse game to highlight how underpowered titans are in melee: “did your mega gargant just fucking suplex my warlord titan and kill it?”
@acerpilotddo8686 3 дня назад
Additionally, in the iron warriors codex, a single chaos veteran takes out a warhound titan
@The_Mini_Creative 3 дня назад
@lawdpleasehelpmeno 3 дня назад
My view on titans is: the concept of balance is idiotic. It should be as powerful as you'd expect, especially since the points are as high as you'd expect. The solution to balance is: Titans are not allowed in competitive/tournament games. Easy.
@atomic_yt55 3 дня назад
@warp-smith 3 дня назад
Ayyy paint jam woooo!!
@anno-fw7xn 3 дня назад
Yeah and i habe a free weekend! So i will try to join!
@faroffshores2216 3 дня назад
@kennetheisenbraun5217 3 дня назад
I think I'm one of two, maybe the only person at my local store that counts down in 40k.
@matte-93 3 дня назад
why are you making paintjam that nasty
@Jessforprez 3 дня назад
Having helmets as battle trophies, but half of them are friendly helmets instead of enemy helmets
@KamenRiderGreed 3 дня назад
Paint Jam is BACK! Let's *GOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!*
Awesome, I got the whole month free
@Cannonhead 3 дня назад
I love AoS4, but counting up makes no sense. I should not have to be constantly asking my opponent how much health their guys have left. In the few games of 4th I've played so far, I've counted down as a courtesy to my opponents and they haven't had a problem with it.
@enderkid2388 4 дня назад
Titans are completely useless in game. UNLESS the other person has one of their own. In that situation, it's good to be able to blast half their army off the board in one turn
@thesupremecheese 5 дней назад
the only time ive seen a titan on the bord was my last game of 9th and it was a 7v7 bord lots of drinking and rules bending both sids had 2 titans and some wear in the midle of the game they joined forces and just started killing ther way down the long way of the bord wild game
@Yoakemirai-Hikari2508 5 дней назад
i guess that him will trying to buy the unicorn , and that be more horrible
@ShepherdOfFire936 5 дней назад
I’d keep it the same but include anti-infantry 3+ and Dev wounds
@kojithearachnidguy 5 дней назад
Try the RG Sinanju. If this one fell apart thanks to the transformation, then don’t worry, that one spontaneously detonates even without it 😃(looks beautiful tho)
@aonbrogan8266 6 дней назад
Fuck that "It shouldn't be good" if I pay a grand for a piece of plastic I should be paying to win.
@Azakamak2401 6 дней назад
A Warhound is probably better paired up with Guard or AdMech so that you can use the increased number of bodies to score points around the board and keep things out of melee with the Warhound. Closest I've come to facing a titan is going against Knights, and my Orks did not fare well. Half of my anti-tank got annihilated before they could get into melee, and I was whiffing way too many wound rolls on the units that did get into melee to take anything down in a timely manner. I think by end of round three or four I only had my units of backline gretchin left.
@ryanabernathy7821 6 дней назад
Only time I went up against a titan of any caliber, it was with my Necrons and my opponent brought it saying he wanted to use it at least once (which is valid and fair honestly, they're so damned cool). I did feel horrendous however when two squads of heavy destroyers and some lucky shots from a doomsday ark later, it toppled over and exploded all over his units on turn 1 (I went second). Was a real 60 to 0 moment where I felt great for taking down that behemoth until I saw the disappointed look on his face. We did another game with it after he called it by turn 3 (hard to just casually lose 1100 points and not have it affect your army) where we just tested its unadulterated firepower. It was blast. Could never buy one though, too expensive and for such a high risk/high reward unit.
@ursinecanine9657 6 дней назад
How dare you!
@leonemaledetto1500 6 дней назад
Warhound is better for guard than it is for anything else
@hiush1 6 дней назад
I played in an apocalypse game for the first time recently, we had an warhound titan on our side, it fired both of his plasma blastgun and turbo laser at a imperial knight.... And did like 14 wounds. After that people just ignored him, as every other titanic unit was more of a threat and easier to kill. It was extremely disapointing to see such weak rules for a model that by all rights should have been the highlight of that game.
@countjondi9672 6 дней назад
Just keep the same same attack, make the WS 5+ in melee, but give it +1 to hit monsters/vehicles. Put the Ap at 2 and the damage at 4 and it feels about right.
@LordOffal 7 дней назад
The problem with knights & titans and why most are very meh is because they are the ultimate stat check army. I hate to say, if a titan is balanced fairly then I’m fairly certain a lot of armies would struggle to beat them unless they had a very optimised list. Even if that isn’t the case it feels bad when you lose because your guys just can’t do anything. It’s why they are often over nerfed. I’d also put warlord titans in the not really designed for standard play game. I think, honestly, GW wants you to only use units where each model is around 200 point mark. After that they tend towards I not be good value for the points. The effect increases a lot more after 300 points and anything over 400 points for a model is really unlikely to be good value. There are exceptions to this but I tend to find that the value for points of more expensive models does decrease at those break points.
@PaulIsBadAtStuff 7 дней назад
Yeah agreed. The main issue when I play against knights is that my non-anti tank weaponry has no target, and if my anti tank units get destroyed I cannot punch back anymore, so it becomes a race of can I do enough with my anti-tank before they die so that my other units can score points. Titans are just that problem to the extreme. I wonder if there's a way to make knights and titans (and other expensive armour) feel impactful without being a pure stat check. Lower damage output but more interactions so they don't feel like a "you win if you brought enough lascannons"
@LordOffal 7 дней назад
@@PaulIsBadAtStuff it probably needs a specialised game mode designed for super-heavies. In sure some people have like the idea of almost a guerrilla warfare against titans but I think most of the time the imperium would deploy them in massive battles against overwhelming forces. So either each person needs a gentlemen’s agreement to bring super-heavies or we have a, say, 4k point mode where taking a super heavy titan is a requirement and they are buffed. I think that would be the best way to balance it but if you are just looking for fun things to do with them I think you could come up with some silly rules like Titans can overload their void shield and shred anything in melee below a toughness of 6. Or maybe you create a fake secondary objective that either the titan has to get too and is buffed upon reaching or the titan has to defend and upon losing becomes weaker. The idea being maybes it’s some anti-titan weapon / the support crew and it means the titan can have a bit more of a variable power scale so people without mega anti-tank can have a route to take it down. You’d also need to invest in either attacking or defending the point
@PaulIsBadAtStuff 6 дней назад
A shadow of the Colossus game mode might be quite interesting where you have to scale a titan. Maybe a Kill Team map that takes place on one. There's a lot of possibilities using the Titan as a the core mechanic rather than just a unit in a game potentially
@Krasser_Crusader 7 дней назад
You know Ive Never played a Single Game of 40K but I definetly plan too. Hearing that my favorite unit, the centurions which im currently building 18 of are apparently pretty strong warms my heart :3
@PaulIsBadAtStuff 6 дней назад
You are clearly a person of exquisite taste. You have more centurions than I do!
@connorshaw-case6030 7 дней назад
when the ork player picks nurgle XD id recomend drukhari or slaanesh you have to learn positioning or you will get blown away, nurgle makes you think you can survive, either that or necrons, if you lose guys eh theyll be back maybe
@pathonnn 7 дней назад
When I first glanced at the title I thought I seen “is this plastic a worth the money”